u!ttc?foucc ef iiK fiJhcciilt. "LETTLUTiTiiu i V IS. KIIMOER TWO. .Vy Jrar Sir Ii. Yonr first letter jou quote several pasrsjie of criptuie that yon tlni.k favnr the doctrine of the "invocation of suiuL." And Grot jou quote Join 19 clnip. 25 .and 27 verses, to justify the special lumor giv ra to tlic Virgin Miry. You fay, the church '-believe that our Lord Jmts . Christ, when djirjr rpon the eros pave Lrr to ub, through the person of St. Juhn. m our Mother, and that she will le our most powerful intercessor at the tlitnr.c d flute." 1 hie interpretation return to be er.t irely prntuitmts. II it were Peter instead of John to whom Jesus raid "Heboid thy niotlier," then wha vou say would have Rome show of rea- sn. Hut Mnee it waB "that disciple whv.ni 1U loved," I cm only see io this pawgc nn example of filial piety. When a child Jesus set an example of obedience to parents; whun about to ilie tiioujrn oppressed niiii tU iu.j.. ot human tuiit he took care to pro. vide a hoiuc for his mother; commend, hi,; her to the Glial love and cur1 of his wwt intiina;e friend, fc'o John under ftood it, u is evident from tho follow irp statement: "And from that hour tie disciple toik her to his cwn home.'' that we imitate the exumple oi our dj.iug Savior wl.en wc observe the fifth commandment, and honor, not Mary, l-jt vur "father r.;vl mother." In proot that di-p.irtcJ saints can i.ear us you quote 1 John 3, and '2 v. jiut ob.'ct ve the parage doe not tea 1 'when tec die we lia!l be like Ilim," ,Ut "j(7(?i lie shall aj nr, we .-hull be ,iie Ilim." It dees not follow that Lc fort the "e.niiin of our Lord Jesus I Cliiist, and our jjatln'iiiii. tncllicr hum him," the saints will b "equal to the nngeh." Oilier scvipturcs indeed teneii that between death and I lie resurrec tion the saints are "with Christ" that they tint and are Wwi, Kut that does not warrant ub io saying that their state is precisely tht amc that It will be tifter their bodies are ra'-sed and trans figured "like unto His glorious body." And it it did ; if the Faints are at death al! th&t we knrw they will be in the re--urection ; it does not by any means fol low that ''being like to Ilim who knows all things, thig thull be. cognizant of till things concerning us." For that would make them omniscient, which is absurd. You might as well argue that Adam pos sessed every attribute of deity, because he was created "in the likeness of God.'.' So this text prove3 nothing to your pur pose. The saints can know onli what God is pleased to communicate to them, and we know not what his pleasure might be. You next quote from the book of Tobias '-direct proof of t ngelic intercession." The text, even if inspir ed which I do not believe would be nothing to your purpose, until you have proved thut tho saiut's re m-reel ion are " equal to the angels in this respect. 0( the angels Paul says "Are they not all niinieterin,!', spirit, sent forth to min ister for them who hhall be heirs of sal. ration ?" ( llebn w, I, and 14.) Do we aoywliere read the lite of departed 6aint ''. You quote Matt. 22, and 80. v. butoiuitlho words "in the resurrection.' Passing (for tho present) to your lat quotation, 1 Cor. 12, and 13, verges, 1 must say that your interpretation is quite new to me ; and hik less strange than new. 1 fi id nothing iu the tex or context to toigiiest your explanation ; ' 'Hereafter I ha!i kno oiiiors even a I am known n'ir by tie sair.ts iu 11 eav. 'fir" Paul in cut! astiug love with thoseglfu which the Corinthians esteem so highly. "Love never laiL'th ;" but, prophesies shall fail, imguer shall ccahe, and even knowledge "shall vwuish away.'' Why knowledge ? Because we ''kuow in part." Know whatf -'All mysteries and all knowledge" v. 2. This orfW V now lodge ot' gospel doetrincs aud inys. terie6 will be ol no aecnunt 'h-n the rufect is CL-mc j" Jor men "I sh ill I i.uow as am kntwu"i Cod ; my Luowl- tliD-1" Hi it ij'ret will be like Cod's coiLulele, uiiu.iitd vkh inur eoce and erri r. I cannot tee iu these texts ouo parti cle of proof of j'.ur doeti iue. Hut 01 h ers remain to be noiisiiiered at auuthtr time' ut trnlv, EVAN'.'i ELIST. Five Mjiii'iK wcie aricstcu cn .cat ordsy at Fori i ss Jrn roe lor niurdei infj Thomae Woden, a storekeeper, cn the jcad frcni Yuik'-i-wn to Williamsburg. They confessed tl e'r yuilt lud iulplica. ted four other cproes in the deed. The Fredaita' Bureau took charge of them. Gen. r-hfiu-so aud ilutLuiUid Stales litiibter, 0 M(ieo left Sum ,To'k on Fjiturday in t.e ir'gtte tsiw-rj-uohar-ua for Vera Cmi. -BSJflfW eu rr , jotm o. bail, imtok raoraiiToa. j. r. hooks, rini.nura. THL'iSDA y Xo.,lh!h, 180't. THE JIEirS. Lospon, Nov. 12. The London Timet of this morning says that, cousid eiinj; the difficult position of the i'rew dent of the United States and his efforts to prevent tho invasion of British terri tory in North America, it wculd sec with satisfaction some compliance with his request in behalf of the Feoiana who have been convicted of treason, and sentenced to death : but still it would eoncedc up immunity in case of another invasion. Montreal, Nov. 12. The discount of American invoices for the current week is placed by the government at 3 J per cent l.iirao quantities of war material con tinue. :o arrWe, andare being discuarg ed from the ships. The whole military force here, inclu ding several regiments of infantry, eav. ahyand artillery, were reviewed this morning. Toronto, Nov. 12. William Dug gan, the ouly Feniau prisoner tried to day, was acquitted. The Fenian trial at Toronto contin ued on Suiurduy. John Conly and Pat rick Resting were put to plead and cas es postponed uot being ready for trial. Win. Ilayden was tried convicted aud sentenced to bo hun Dec 13. li. Dev lin, an eminent lawyer of Montreal, re-" tiiincd as connsc' for the Fenians being tried has been refused by Judge WHsou the privilege of acting in the court, on the ground that lie was not a member of the Upper Canada liar. The Judge expressed regret, but there was no al ternative. Mr. Devlin has been lot some days watehiug the trials going on, and will return to Montreal to defend the Fenians to be tried there io Decem ber. A yovtng lady of Quincj, 111., who has beu ill tor some time, died, as was supposed, a few days ago, was confined, and the body placed iu the family vault. Yesterday ono of the attendants heard, as lie thought, aubdued moans proceed ing from the vault, and immedii.tcly. broke open the door of the tomb. The lid of the ccffiu was removed, and to tho as!oiii:meiit and gratification of all the young lady was found alivu. 1'iop. or means were taken to restore her and she will undoubtedly recover. Two very Rerioua fires ac;urted in CVicago on Saturday which destroyed property to the amount of a quarter of a million of dollar. The first occuried in a lart-e drvina house attached to Hus- ,,. ,.,,:: ,:m .. curri,) ,t,.rf. j Wkg c07,, j,lct'eI- demolished. The other took place in a block of buildings on C-iual street, including several large iron manufacturing concerns, which sus. tained serious damage. A few days ogo David Harrington of Lowell, Massachusetts, a workman at the Iloosao Tunnel, while seated on load cf wtod, attempted to diivc under a shed, and he was literally doubled up. The spinal column wad broken, aud the lower paitof his body and limbs are paralyzed. On Friday morning last five burg. leri aud one murderer escaped from the St. Louis Jail by picking awaj the ce. mint from a none in the wall, and re. moving jt, leaving an orific.i ten cr twelve iueheg squaie. ISm-im, through the hole thus tiiai, they lowered them, selves to the ground, a distance of thir ty fiiet, aud were o(T. The stone remov. ed wuiLtied some seveu huojred pounds. A Mr. Shepherd of"Cerro Gordo, Iowa, rcuionstruted wkh a boy ten years old v ho had called iii-iu a liw, and in answer to tho rcnionstranees, the boy shot him, iufliei'ui!! a wroTid, from the efl'eets of which ho died two day after. Tho vote in Chicago on Tuesday week was very litilo more than one. half of the vote in 1S(J4. Iu New Haven, Rev. Chuuneey Mu' iuy has brought a suit for slander npiiiit Rev. Wiliiain T. Eustis, of Xew Haven, lor eharin; thut Murray had beeu outlined in fpcculution iu New V ik, in the course of nhie'u he had committed loiirery, and had bec-u arres ted and tlirvwn ii tojdil. Ou the 5th inst. tha mills of the Moosio Powder Company at Randville, Pennsylvania, exploded. The aboeW was distiocily ielt at Carbondale, tvt niiies uff- No person was injured. Th damage will probably amouot to 125,000. The Superior Court in New Haven hue divciced bitty a'x unhappy couples ioce the drat of January. The tad comtueotary cn the frailties of buiian nature. f i'roclnmatlon. PENNSYLVANIA Si : JFArraia, It hath been the good and worthy custom of the Commonwealth to set apart, annually, day for the special acknowledgment of the goodness of the Almighty, and for exprcsMng, by the whole people, ot one time, and with a cotnmou voicit, the Th.inks and Praise which thionghout the year are springing from thj heads of men ; therefore, I, Andrew 0. Curtin, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do, by this Proclamation, recommend that the good people of the Commonwealth ob serve . . r Thursday, Xovwh r 2DfA, 1803, As a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, aud do then assemble in their rcHpc-tive churches, and piaces of wr-t.-.p, and make their humble than iMluiiii'' to Almighty God for all His biesiogs dm iug the past year. For the abundant gathered Iruits of the earth ; For the thus fur jontiuued activity id Industry ; For toe geucral preservation of Health ; And especially for that in His Divine Mercy, He hath stayed the tLrcatuiiel I'esti'cnce. . , And, moreover, that they do beseech Him to continue unto us all if is Pres sings, and to confirm the hearts of the people of these United Stales, that by thj luful loiee of their will, Deeds of good Justice, Wudom snd Mercy may be done. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at HaiPbburg, this third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and of the Commonwealth the ninety Gist. By the Governor : i. s ELI SLIFER, tSrrrnt'ir1 of hi: L' mr'omicn'th MAIlltl F.LI (Hi the 3.1 insuiit. bo the Itev. E. M. Tavlor, Mr. Levis, of this pUce, to Miss Jennie Griffith, ot'Corry. tjarTfae happy couple have our bout withes for their future prosperity. T.'elji BSijertipeinJoi?. M Airs. M A Crandall tnKes pleas-ure in nn Bouncing to the ladies that i-ha is now pre pared to do all wort in the unuve lino iu neat amt sniisfactory manr.e . All nor . euti'UEtpU with ver will be guar antccd Iu give ml infliction, norlo ly. nTn a v tT f t rrrr" c ij ...ftr' d y Irom the premises of the si.ii- scriber about tl.e tirst of lust June, a Kit IN DL! HKIFFEK, baa two largo white pits on outside of each hind leg, small I iu-ds one crooked, a few white spots on belly, and a white star on forehead, and is two years old. Any person giving information of SAid bciRcr, will Delibeialiy rewaruea. MAItTIA' FRITZ, Nov. 8. 18PC. !tt. Bcuiinger, l. 0. TARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth j and unequalled speed, simplicity snd cojipleieness of operation, are quuliiies pe. culinr 10 1 lie Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezini; umchine consirucied on st'-imly ineclinnic:i principles, and tiio ex perience derived from fivu yeurs extensive imc in frmiiiss, hotels and puhlic institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur cliiser The manner of operating the Xoiipnrcil, by roiary motion ucling on a crunk shaft wiih balance wheel,) which moves the filuners alternately, is the simplest, least aboriour sad most powerful that can be do vised for the purpose, and accomplishes t lie work with the greatest rapidity aifit the least possible labor. The great speed with which this nine!. .;; performs work will be understood from i,v statement that it is geared lo give six si-vkes of Ihe plungers for 0110 turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four l.uu dred strikes a minute Safely to the fabric washed is insured by the cniire absence of rubbing. A girl orboy of fifteen can work the ma chine, and do a week's washing for a fumily of six or eight persuns iu 1 wo to lliree hour' time ; and ii may be relied on to cicaiise ihe clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing Send for tree Descriptive Cireirar nnd terniB to dealers, to whom exclusive righi of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING. 1K4, Water St., N. V. : July Sft.'fili ly . ,. ItEMlNGTON & SONS, MASCFACTUKnRS OF I? Revolvers, Bitles, Muskets and Cai-fciucs, for the I'niied Stales Kervce. AH10 POCKET AND TllXT Bf.VOt.VrR8. Repeating Pifiols. Kiflesnes, Revolving Kiflcs, Hide and Snot fuu biirrcl.. hihI pin mneriuls sold by gtiu dcaltis and I lie Ua.lf general! . In ihee days of Iicmselireuking and ir,b bdry, every house, store, bsuk. and ofiUe, sboulil be supplied wiih one of REMINGTON'S KEVOLVEKS. Parlies desiring to avail ll-emsolves of Hie late improvemeats in 1'istoln, and superiu workmanship and form, will find all combing in ihe New Remington Bevolvers. , Circulars containing euls and description of eur Mine will be fuiuiaeed upon at plico- SINGLE BARREL RHOT-GUN. New Pattern. Lt);ht, -onveoieut and Cheap. Manufaoturcd by the undersized, and sold, whoWale and retail. A liberal discount to dealers. . . E. REMINGTON A SONS, Ilion. N. V. pril 5th I8H.-ly MKK10AN ARTISTS' UNION ! The AMERICAN ARTISTS' UN ON established 1854 announce that in order to extend the sale of tho fol. lowing well known and highly popular STEEE 'LATE tiXGRA VWC, Departure of the Pilgrim Fnthers for America, Zi x ou in Landing ot (he Pilgrim Fath crs, 2i xu FulslufT Mustering his Be- crtins, 25 t 6J Sliukespear and his Friends, 27 x 31 Colter's Saturday Night, 23 x 28 Village Blacksmith, 27 X 32 Mauifest Destiny, (fortune TellffliKy 21 x 28 The Massacre at Wyoming in 1770, 28 x 30 Mount Vernon in the olden time, or, Washington at 30 cars of age, 2G x 34 The escape of Alaster Mac- Don a; il Irotn the Massacre of Ulencoe, 2t x 34 . The Madonua, 2G x 34 lliey have deemed expedient to ohVr to their 'friends and the public at otic dollar and fifty cents each, the price heretofore having beeu twodoilais each and tor the purpose of stimulating the setting up ot t.lubs, ihey have dtster mined to award premiums to the getters up of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to aistribute amongst the subscribers the sum of S50.000 in aioney and paint iugs. as soon as the sale shall have reach ed 100,000 engravings, as it is our intention to advertise very extensively and as the ensriavines are well ktnwn throughout the whole couuuy, we have no doubt that with the low price we charge for them, and with the exmion which we put forth by our numerous friends, the number will be reached in fhort time. As soon us it is reached, the subscribers, through their Club Agent", will be notified by n circular h-tter from us, uaminf the time aud method of distribution. . CLUB KATES. Single Engravings I ,o0 each, by mail free. For SI 5 we will send 23 the Club Agent. Eng. and 2 to "' 20 " " 15 " " 4 '' " " 25 " " 20 " 5 " " 30 " " 25 " " G ' " 85 ' 30 " " 7 " " 50 50 " a S. Watch. " 75 " " 80 "a S. Lver. " l'lO " " 110 " " a H. Lever. The Club packages will be very se curely packed and forwarded by ExpressJ Any person may get up Clubs aud forward the amount either by Express, Might Dialt, Post Office Order or iu a reg stercd letter, aud in all cases tie Lnurnvings will be immediately sent, ami tor finch ctigiaviug a tiumtitttd t ir- j tijieate and leceipt will be enclosed in a pal kai;e C. O. D OUDEKS. Persons wish ing to send for ErgraviiiK aud pay tho Express Co. wheu they are received, will be -erjuired to send with their order i'2 to $5, according to its amount, and this will be credited on their bill. M.tt f Premium a To be distributed One of $10,000 in money, 10.C00 ft.OCO 5,000 6,001 5, 00 " Five of 1,W0 " Ten of 5t.O " Fifty of 100 One hundred elegant Oil Paint, ings, richly fjamed, Lands capes, at ilUU each, Two hundred elegant Oil Paint, ius, richly I mined, Interior Views, at $50 each, 5,000 10,000 10,000 f50,000 L-Tli. AMRRlfiAX AtlSTS' V.X - - - - 'ON would add that these premiums i-e to be considered only iu the liht uf u free tiift to their patiuos, us the Kuutainu are lutuiuhed them Oelvw their market value, and as the coat of- engravings, alter the plates are procur ed, is very trifliuj:, they can .aily afford to muko tiie distnbutiuu us lare :is it is. We trust, that uur uuuicious Ji'.endj throughout the country and Cauadas will use their utmost exertions, so that il poscible, the distribution may ba made soon, aud it can be doue it they are at all active. Ladies have often made excelieut Club Agents, tor us. and we solicit their kiud efforts, which Mill uot go uurewai'dcd' Let one or more energetic pvrsous in ertry town or village iu the country commence as soon as they see this, aud get up as large a (. tub as possible, by so doin they will be the UiLUiia id introducing ele. gaut engravings into families, and thus a'd iu cultivating taste ior the beauti ful and refined. Address Orders bee. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, Nov. 8, lS6t5-8w. 25 Piue St.N. Y. SOMETHING NEW I A H0U8, SIGH &. O&HAimTAL PAINT IKO. iir. SUUSCI.II1 11 WOULD K K specifully inform the ciiizens of Klk coumy that he has just alaried in the nbuve business iu Uidgsy. and feel uenS dciit I hut he ean please all who may favor him with their custom. GR AINING, I'U'l.U HANGING AND CALOl.MININO DUNK ON SHOUT NOllt'E AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Otfiee or at the Uanking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly ailsndrd io. , W. P. WILLIAMS, My-17 6t5-ly. 17HEKLER& WILSON'S SEW. VV INO MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for tha sale of Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Machines for jSlk eounty. He keeps an aorlmeot constantly on band. Machines sold at I'hiladelphlaaad New Ter prioes. Auy parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WHITMORE, March 9t '66 ly. at Ridgway, Pa, j Matehtnaktr, St. Mary's Klk county. Fa,, takes this method to inform the public thai ha is prepare.! Io do all tin work tlicy may favor h;m with in a nest nnd suhsisu tiil niMiner. lie is nrcpined lo converse with l.is cuilcn.rrs in 'jctninn. Ficiicli or tnglitli. His simp is lu iilu.Hifccii's hui:0.. iog on Centra tticet, Ijot. b'CO.il. HYDK HOUSE, Rii'Rwsy.rcnna. Mis K. O. Clemk.nts, I'ropiielreES. Not 1.8m STRAY COV.-CM.-e.to the premises .f il.e n.b.-ci :ber in H dpivny. nsou; theSlh of October, a Iglit I'.l.lNDl E '.;, about V or lo years eld. The owner is requested to come for wind, prove proi er- ty, pay charge and take her nwny, oi e!.e will be disposed of astl.a law direcis. Kidgway, not ur 4. .1. U. l'Allt).?. JJOBBINS" Electric Soap ! Saves Time, Saves Money. Saves Labor. Saves Clothes, avcs Wrmen. AND ALL CROCK US SELL IT. It la used by culling into small shsvincs and dissolving iu hot wrier, then souk iIik clothes fire to ten minutes, and s !inl hand rubbing will mitke ilioni ns cl -nn as hours of hard nmchiuc ruhhins would do. with or dinary son p. nml llm most drlicuie fiiln-ic rsceive no injury. We can refer to ihmis. nndl of families who are using it. and who could not be persuaded lodo without DOBBINS' electric soap: bold by ail Leading Grocers Throughout the iS!ute. WHOLESALE OFFICE: 107 SOUTH FIFIIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. novISm r.tt- TO CONSUMPTIVES. riIIii Advertiser, having been restored I to lien'tli inn few wi-eks. by ti very simple remedy, after hnvine suffered sever al veins wiih n severe lung affeciion, an. I j thai oread disease, t onsumptiou is anx ious t o mnke known to his fellow sufferer the nieniiB of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of chtTge), with the directiot.s for preparing the samo, which they will find a Bine Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronch'ts. Ac. The i n ly object ef the advertiser in sending the Presoription, is to benefit the afflicted, and spieitd iaforuiktinn which he cobceives lo lie invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blesring. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address Riv. EDWARD A- WILSON. Williamsburg. Kings Couuty, New York. Oct. 25th llt.O-ly. .fJft Iff !, ft HO. If CO. Extensive Manuftcnirers and im porters of GCLD, PLATED U 0 EE IDE JIWXL3T, SOIIIU ASO NICKRt. SI1.VKH WAUE, Amcuican, Knomsh and Swiss Watch eh, Cajett by Ournelrta, i d every description of Fsc:t Goops and YANKrx Notions, Fspecially adapted axii designed fur South ern and Western Trade. Circulars and lull descriptive Price Lists sent free, Arnts wanted evorvwhure. M. dre s SAI.ISIU KV. UUD.'fc Co. it Dorruncc street, oct.S.VCO ly. l'.ov.dnoe, K. I. PU BT.TC S MA- On Tuesday. November 13iii, ISM, thorc will be exposed to sn!c the following : 1 sett of Blaeksiaiih Tools, co-npictc ; 1 sett ef t.'srpenter Tools; hsitis, (Miles. Hafting Tools of all kinds; Bedsteads and Bedding; Two Barrels Molasses, Groceries, Bob. Sleds, I.rg Sleds, 8t.w! ; 1 yoke uf tlx. en, andrfurrbus other articles too numeraut . in iiirtiii'tii. iu ttpimoence ai. i j i ciock ! a. m. of said day. Five mouths credit will to mention. Sale to commence at. 10 o'clock be given for all sums over ten dollars. Ap proved aeauriiy required. It. 8. HL'N'T, C. RHINE. Oct. lih. 1 CC! 4t. Adm'is. IofiTied Oil. Good Quality, by the , barrel, at 00 oenn par gilioti. by octll tf J. l'OW'El.fi. r: VOU want l'r- Ji ov Or. Ayir's erlfbratrd Mrdicines, rure. call upr-u 1 lie only authoriied agent in Hi.ig way. oct. 11 tf I 1'OWKl.I.. Tf VOX want a loul of Salt. FIoir. X or jee.l. j 011 cuu save uioncv by.biijine of ot II tf. J. 1'OttT.M,. G.roceritf of all KinH. eheaper limn ran be bought at Eiie, at wholesale or retail, by oci. 11 -ir. J. 1'OWELI.. INSURANCE AGAINST low or DA31AG E by IT HE fTMIE .'y coming Couuty Mutual Insur nce company al .Aluccey. fa., eon nnuee te Insure against Loss or Dnmapa by Fire oa all kinds ef Merchandise. Public sod private buildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills. Tanneries. Barns, stocks of Oraln, ic , at the lowest possible rates, consistent wilb aafoty to the Insurer albd Insured. The Lycoming Counly. Mu tual Insurance Company Inv.ies an invsstii (ration as to ita stability. lis cayiul amounts to 89 800,000! Thus assuring to erery one of its patrons that their losses will bejpromptly and satis factorily paid. In management has always bean prudent, as ita existence of lwnly sii years fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY. Agant for Elk eounty.t St. Mary's. GOOD JVKWSt nniis subscriber begs leave to innounee to I the cltliens ef Elk aad adj siting eoun. ties that bs has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by Jobn'ticutt, and that he is prepared te do all kinds of work in a suit- s2bhLES. BRiDLES, II A RXESS kept constantly on hand at pries to suit the times. Give me a call shop in tbe sso opd etory ef Houk's building. ocll ly. C LEVIS. tiikmai:ii-;tm. Bircv.-AY. Nov S. IPCf FLOtH, pst 111 rotiK Uo W1IKAT. (,er bnsl.e!. uyj: IOKN OATS bt'CKn MEAT Sll t:0;. ..i ...1 ...1 Kir:U AI'lJLl.n 1SKANS i;i T'i'KU piT p.ii.iio.. i:i 4 (.,. 3 W. A: , - ..tV at r ... 10 . . : : v ii-. r:, Ov -:;t i i 2i ?V 1 HO ". 1 2 i;c i- 2 :s I to - -(i J3t 1'.. 'a to ir Hi to 17 t'8 to 515 CillUlSr. ma (;:;: uk i WHITE KISII ECiH per iloti En; I A FI.OLR per l.bl.... I'tUlK p.Er y ; W'.MT'. KHll i l.t.i MM KI.I'.KI ..." WHEAT 1 er I lm.u BEANS KllflS per d. rei,.... l.AHU p-r pound .. fllKE.-E , BUTTEK WANTED, A'! KNTS S7'i toSO I'ER MON'I II b r jje-ntltii'i-u and to Slo lor I..." it ry here, to introiliiei" il i Cidi bialni ('ortim'in Sense Family f-'i .'ii ; ) ' fr, iniinv e I and perlteitd. ii 1 !it:n, fi-ll, st'll ll. IJII.lt, bind, '-l i d I. o' l l);bi ''l.i T i.enn'iluily. I lie- mtly Si J lual. the elastic lock El itolt . m.ii luily ;ir. runted for three je.iM pay the iibove Wi!j;es, ur a onti M i- 11, Irnrii which twiee tha". tin-tti 0 li: i-!c. Address wilh rtun.t- 1 011 ,. LOWEKS it CO.. :-i No. .'.5 Souih I'lE'lU Mini, i (bin. i'u. All letters unsvnul ii-i-ily. 'itli ciiculurs and turns. M j I "ti'l 1 y. rpilE SILVEU SK1KT. .1 MOl;V. DCBABI.E, MOKE FLA TIC. M0UE (iliACl.1 VI. ! And will keep its shape an I renin its place In iter iliau any ollerr-kni This new and bcRtilul sty le of Skirt (Pat ee'ed Mn 'oh 7. IWi.) w.is nwardid by ihe Great American lnsliuito l air, liKl in New York, Octol.n, 1 805, a SILVER MEDAL. being f lie Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Slerl Springs are worn d 'vilh fine plated wire in place of a cotton vo ' 'ng which will not wcr oil 1 r In r -..ni'.i I, and ihe whole, skirt may be ! aiIj.i iiI injury or tear of rusting, a.iJ ,v.,i i.e as IjuuJ as new. The Combination Silver S art This inventiou combines with iho or.l!u ry iikiit the advnnuigi-s or our Silvir Si;iit the bottom hoops are 1 lie stnic us Kiosc us ed in tho Silver Skirt, tho covering of w.iieh cannot ne.ir off, wnile ihe upper ouch ar covereil Willi eoltou. No Is ly hav ng n.ice worn 0110 of our Skirts, will be w.iu..g ! wear any other, as the lower i..)o; :i u. uli oilier kinds arc soon injure'l inpl soi'e d. The best mnteeiaU are uscJ in t!ui- con. struction, uud, lrom their dimili.liiy and ueaiucss they arc dejiiucd to btcoma a Favorite 5S.kivt. Manufactured solely by tue Silver Skirt and Wire Kanu factuiing Company. 0 and 8. UAK.LAV ST. NEW YOKK. T. S. Sperbt, Sup't. Auj Dili ly PH OTOO II A PI I IC. I. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Mangfactuiers of Photographic liatcrials, Whuli-sale ami . until, 60, BliUADWAV, N. V. In addition to our mam liin.s of I'HOTOGIIAIMIIC MATl.ll.i-? ,e aI9 Headquarters for the loilow.i g v: 8TEKESCOPE3 & Sttl'.LSft.l'iL. A iHVg Of American and Foreigu Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, elc. STEBESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made iu the various cim puigus and lormiiif; a complete I'iioiogreph' ic history of 1 lie gieat contest. STEltESCOl'IC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Laniern or tho Stcrescope. Uur Cur.loguc will b sent 10 any address on rtceiptcf dtaiup. 1'UOTOaU.VPilIC ALBUMS. AVe uiauufaciuro in jre largely ihan any other houe. about i'UO v irief.is t'niLo 60 cems to goOeauh. Our A LUUMS l.av the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photofrajtt of Consrals, Ststoimen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue emhracrs over FIA'K THUCS.AND ditferent subjects, ine'uding riprodiiofinns of the must celebrated t.u gravmgs, l'amliugs, bia'ues, eie. Cata logues sent on receipt of stump. rnoiograpncrs anu others ordering goods C. O. D., will please retn'.t 25 per ceni of the amount with their order. SifThe prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to sv.fy. (june M'tid-ly. 1 PER YE All! wo 1 ).JJJ w,l"t ig'J"t evc.yw.nsre to (til ouriMPiiovin S.'O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. I'mler and upper facd. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large cjnimijsions paid. The only machines sold in the United Slates for less than $10. which are .tjlli licnsnl by Jou-t, Whteler $ Wilson, Osovtr $ Uukei . finger $ Co., nd Bachtl'ltr. All niherohesp ma chines are iHfTin3tmi1.il und tha itlltr or uter are ris' to arrt't, line and vnpr lonmtnt. Illustrated o-roulars stntree. Addrea. nr call upon Snaw A Clark, at Bid.leford, Maine,' or Chioogo, 111, may-17'6-ly ??OR SALE 1 1 " ; TW3 Ft-am Engines inch bore and 1 A-inch stroke, witu aaitt shafts and 'in shafts, 0. Also. FOUR cylinder boilers Iblty feet Ling and of sufficient power to drive the two engines. Any one desirous of purchas ing Steam Machinery will find it totbeir ad. vantage to call upoD the subscriber at Portt land Mills. HIRAM CASVAK, Bl Igway, Ta. oet. 4th-3m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers