rit assembled .t i CDSres3IOQa! ds. flie convent on beiD- cilb.fl . " j James II. Eddv ' w ' 01 JeD, President f arreu' Wa fleeted On motion ol Mr i ,. Coo! v of T,V,r . ,r' , Ji' 0ok- J uliua Klk.Wel ed "L -, r'B of Geo. U Gondii, 'l. "d r(.,.. " Ui -ioa!tieM' Rw, JTA the Alphabetical ovI; Lefonnf-Ca'I'!d ia KM-.cc! an.i V w ier0n JoUn- A. lJM; KAl., Geo. B. Good. jJJnI?JJa Robert , Jjk ; Oeo. Wei.M J P ni. Isaac ri,t 'J- C- CnPn and ffiflnrsnii Ur... t t . iir " " i tienta. On mndnn i.f T T..,t Congressional Conferences were requited in man! nl llt. rrty of August 1SGG. Tho convention was ably at!dre&3ocl bv wan of Erie, and Messrs. Hall & Chapiu of Elk and 15rook of Warren. fx . i . . iiuiuuh, me voevenuon adjourned sin," !!, with theo rousing ehcers for -M'C'ielian, Pendleton, Bigler r.nd tho Soldier J AS. II. EDDY, ri csiaont, GEO. T. GOODLANDER, ftecretary. CONVENTION'. Pursuant to call tho Ttpnt-ocnntai; Conferees (A the district composed c f ('lea; Gold. Elk nml Euros! pnnniiiu TV Viet at tho Court llou.so in Ridgway, V.Ik county, on Thursday September 8, y i, ana organized by ca'lmg Chris. id appointing Laurie J. IJlakeW of '.ik, secretary. Present (mm P?rcrf!,l pnnnto P krntzer, Frank Short and Alfred W. . alters E.-:qr s; from Eife, .). MeLauley, ' W I lavs and Laurie J Blakoly Esqr's om roiesr, J i uunt, Lr.iuruigo ana ames Pointer Ksqr n. 1 The object of the meeting having been fifn:?' M r Pnintt"1!' ef Enrnst. nnminfilPft k. T. J Hover, of Clearfield, and .Mr. ilays, J.ir. u li r.ariey, oi r.is. llie Couiurces having balloted, th ;sult was announced as follows: of thy otes cast on first ballot, Dr IJoyer k .ived six, Dr Earley, three. Oo mo. Ion of Mr. McCauley of Elk, the nooi. at'wi of Dr. Doyet, was mado uoant. ,ious. laco of holding tho next Couforducc, c Ui'ookvillo, Jcuersun county !', Mr uent, "Marion Eorest couuty P-i."" viiicb wm !ot. Tho question reanfrJj, l-)Q tho original motion ; a vote Df a, con, t'lo moticn 'a: car; tod. ;l
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