T H E E K From tkt Eric Daily Dispatch. Aocidont on the 2?ultimore & Philadelphia Railroad, Failing of the Steamer Etna for Liver, jool With Muller, the English Railway Murderer, oo Board. Arrival of Gen. Butlor at New York. FItOM ThE ARMY OFTUtl'O mute. ALL QUIET ON THE LINES. From West Virginia FROM WASHINGTON. OSoial From Searetary Stanton. The Condition of our Prisoners in the Hands of the Rebels to be Materially Ameliorated. Baltimore, Sept. 3d. A train from N. T. ran off the track last evening near Perrymansville. It is reported five passengers wcro killed and 26 wounded. Particulars not received. New York, Sept 3d. The steamer Etna sailed for Liver pool to-day, taking Muller, accused of the London railway murder. Herald editorials condemns the Chi cago platform, and advices McClellau to kick it to pieces. The city presents a gala appearance, being dressed in flags in honor of the victory at Atlanta New York, Sept. 3. Gold opened at 2,40 and subsequently touched 2,42i at neon. The Commercial says Mr. Barney has tendered his resignation as collector of this port. Postmaster Wakemen nud Simeon Draper, are named as probable successors. Post Washington special says ; The capture of Atlanta is frilly con firmed by offioial despatches just reeeiv. cd. New York, Sept. 3. Butler arrived hero yesterday. His business here is not publicly known though it is understood to relate partly at least to his personal affairs. Washington, Sept. 3. Latest information from tho Army of the Potomao states nothing of noto has transpired for some days. Picket firing is indulged in on parts of the lino at night, but it almost entirely ceases du ring day. The following ofJicial dispatch was received last night : Tho enemy are on the move down tho Valley, falling back towards Win chester. Aveftf! attaeked and drove Vaugn's cavalry from some point north of Buuker Hill to within six miles of Winchester, when his advance was stopped by a division of infantry. Aveiill captured twenty wagons, two battlo flags, a number of prisoners and a herd of cattlo. Ho then moved towards Pcrryvillo. Gen. Sheridan moved last night with iis whole army in pursuit. San Francisco, Sept. 2. A draft for 823,000, part of tho pro. cccds of tho Chrislaiu Commission Fair was remitted eist to.dsy. Baltimoro, Seyt. 3d. It is now ascertained thet no one was frilled by the accident on tho Philadel phia RR. Three cars wore thrown from the track, capsized and badly shattered. The locomotive and forward cars did not go off the track. The accident was caused by an open switch. Five officers and soldiers and two civilians were more or less injured, five of them seriously. Names not as. certaincd. New York, Sept. 3. The Post's Washington special says it is bolieved in official circles that the importance ot Sherman's success is not jot iully developed, and that he not only occupies Atlanta, but has inflicted a crushing defeat upon Hood's army, und iiow occupies East Point, the stronghold in the rear of Atlanta to which it was eupposed Hood would retreat if com gelled to evacuate the city. The Commercial's Washington special says advices from tho front s'tate that an attack upon Grant's position on the Weldon RR. is momentarily expected with all Lee's available force. Thero are indications that the rebels are pinch. d for supplies. The offioial recognition of a Mexican consul in Philadelphia for tho Juarez government is published this morning, but Maximilian's Minister Plenipoten tiary and suite arrived last night, and he question which government is to bo recognized will soon bo settled. War Dep't, Washington, Sept. 3, 8 r. m. j No intelligence from Atlanta later than my telegram of last night has been received. Tho telegraph lin&s between Nashville and Chattanooga wero brokon last night by Wheeler, and we have had nothing south of Nashville to day Thio accounts fortheabsence of later intima tion from Atlanta. No doubt is outer gained of the correctness of the report -received last oighi which came from two independent sources boside Uie cfficial dispatch of Gen. Sloeum. Uooffioial reports this evening from i;hTin state that the domace don? hv una vr.jfM"'-F'9! Wheeler to tho RR. will bo speedily re paired, and that Wheeler had retreated sod Gen. Rosseau is in pursuit, and that in on engagement between Row-can's and Whcolci's forccs.thc rebel Gen. Kelly was mortally wounded aud is in our baudB. A telegram from Gen. Sheridan states that Early has retreated up the Shon. nandoah Valley and is pursued by Sheri dan with his wholo army. Averill had attacked Vaughn's cavalry and captured twenty wagons, two bsttlo flags, a num ber of prisoners and a herd of cattle. (Signed) L M. Stanton, Sec'y of War. Washington, Sept. 3. There is authoiitv for stating that an arrangement has been entered into be tween our own and the rebel government whereby the condition of our prisouers in rebel bands will be materially benent ted. Colonel Ould. the rebol commissioner of exchange, submitted a proposition to our Government, agreeing to release all prisoners 'of war iu their hands iu close confinement and iu cells, and those in irons, and put them upou the footing of other prisoners of war, provided our government would do the same towards rebel prisoners similarly held by ns. Our government has accepted the pro position, and Col. Ould has been noti. ficd of tho fact. 1'rom the Erie Daily Dispatch. From the Armv of the Poto mac- EXECUTION OF DESERTERS BURNING OF TFlE U. S. FRIO ATE BRANDYWI.N'E. OfBeiul from Secretary Stanton. NEWS FROM HE DEL PAPERS. llebels Inform our Pickets of tho Fall of Atlanta With a Loss of 40,000 Men ! Our Communication with Atlanta Inter, rupted by a Storm South. From West Virginia. Gen. Averill Defeats th3 Ene my near Martmsbw . FROM HARPER'S FERRY. Enlistments in New York. HEAVY RAINS WEST. Headquarters Army of Potomac, ) Sept. 36 A. M. f Frivato Sclden S. Chandler, of Bat tery K, 4th U. S. artillery, suffered the extreme penalty of the law for having deserted from his command during ac tivo operations. He leaves a wifo and two aughters to mourn his fate. not for mo to tell and thus inform tho enemy. tfunkcr inn, cept. z p- m. Gen. Averill's division of cavalry tit tacked the enemy this morning a short distanco south of Martinsburg, rapidly following him no. We captured two battle flags, m.my M'isonors. nearly all of one train of wag-1 ons, a herd of cattle and by 4 p. m. came upon Rhodes division of rebel miantry and outraged it. Our lots so far is liirht. We went to within six miles of Win chester. The engagement is not ended. Charlestown, Va., Sept. 3. The position ot Shrridan's army at this place remains uneliangea. it is encamped in line of battle in a semi, circle, with both flanks protected from incursions of the enemy. Our cavalry, under Torbctt, Custer, Averill, Merritt and Wilion keep strict watch of the ene my ,s movements, and when he moves ho wiP have to meet our army on a Held not ol his own choosing. New York, Sept. 4. The Herald's City Point Correspnn. dent, datina 2ud, fays : Our troops on the Weldon road have been constantly strengthening their position, until in the opinion of military authorities it is now minreirnable to the assault ot t.ny torccl the rebels can bring against it. r-inail irarrisons have been postcu on the left bank of tho James to guard asiainst rjorambulatiusf rebel batteries who fire on our transports. The Richmond Examiner has a dis. patch from M"bi!o 80th uk., which Fays there are six Union vessels off Dog river bar. The Petersburg Express says a large body Yankee cavalry moved on the 30th around to wards tho rchel right in tho direction of tho Weldon road, probably on another raid. Geu. Maury says the non-combatants of Mobile give him more concern than all else. They will not leave the city, i because, as they say, they have no where ' to go ; and Gen. Maury appeals to the i planters to afford them shelter. I New York, Sept. 4. j Tho Herald's Harper's Ferry corres- pondent says farmers have been permit ted to bung their produce to that place and dispose of it. Fresh butter at 35o per lb. ; eggs 25c per dozen ; meats 25c per lb. ; and oth er articles in proportion. It is ascertained that the Florida was off tho Brazilian coast the latter part of July .ind burned a New York vessel which had $72,000 in specie on board. Tho name is reported Nicholas Mills, but it was more probably Nicholas Bid dlc, as she was duo in Brazilhan waters about that time. Albany, Sept. 4. Col. Townsend and Col. Stonehouse, I of this city, commissioners to ascertain tho credit due this State for naval cnlist J ments prior to February 24, 1SG 4, have maae a report, which was approveu ny ! tne reeretary ot H ur ;aturuay. J. tic report gives New York, 18,448, Brook Another culprit named Almiiieter was to have suffered tho tamo fate but man- ' lyn 0,04(5, Buffalo 1,328, and other por- aged to escape throush our lines to the tionsof tho .State l,80i. Previously credited, 1117. Total, 27.740 In answer to a dispatch from Ass't i'rovost Marshal ueu. lowusond, ueu enemy two days ago. Dr. Job u D. Heritage, of the 11th N. Y. Vol., has been missing sinco the fight of tho 25th of Aug. ou the Weldon road. Washington Sept. 4. j The Navy Department received a dis- i patch anuouueiug the burning ot tho ! U. S. frigate Brandywinc, tho store . ship at Norfolk, with all her stores. j The cause of tho fire is not yet known nor any of tho particular. j War Department, ! Washington, Sept. 4. ) , To M,ij..Gen. Dix : j Tho following telegram from Gen. ; Grant has been just received : "City Point, Sept. 3. 1 To lion. E. M. Stanton : I have Richmond papers of to-day. They contain rumors ofn battle at Atlan-1 ta but say that tho War Department having no offioial information declines .' to form an opinion from the rumors. I j have no doubt however that Sherman i has pained a great success. j Before the dispatch of last niht was ' received announcing tho occupation of J Atlanta by our troops the fact was known to our pickets. Tho rebels halloed over to our men that Sherman had whipped I Hood ; that tho latter had lost 40,UO'J Fry announces that tho government j bounties will be continued until further : orders. i Cincinnati, Sept. 4 ! Heavy lain Saturday night and Sun . day morning caused an unprecedented rise in the Licking river, ihllei s and Hiiuloiigh's bridges on the Kentucky j Central RR., near Cynthiana, were , swept awav. A lar-je number ot coal i barges lying near the mouth of tho river i were carried off, anu one or two sunk. A ; log struck the steamer Henry Fitzhugh i sinking her immediately. Her cabin ' floated off und was carried into Ohio. It j is supposed other damage has been don in this neighborhood. LATEST FROM WAR DEPART ME NT. Washington, Sept. 209 p. m. To Mnj Gen. Dix : Tho following is the latest ii telligen j. received from Gen. Sheridan : Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept. 209 p. m II n. E. M. Set; : The body ot Gen. Russell has uri ivn.l aniplltr; in goo1 uieu and that our trocps were in Atlanta. 1 As soon as it is embalmed it will bo for warucl to .New lorfc. Gen. M'intosh, with his leg teJ, has just come iu and is snirits. Several officers from tho front rcpor tho number of prisoners iu excess o 3,000. Tho number of battlo flags capture was 15 instead of 9. All concur that it was a compleb rout. Our cavalry started in pursuit at day light this a. m. Sheridan when htt heard from was a Reamston n. I seut torward this morning arapL medical supplies. i uii bunsistance lor tue eutiro armv goes forward. It you don't hear from mo often it i uccauoo oi mo uisianoo nom tlio seem oi aeuon ana Because l only sen t you such iu formation as I estjciu reliable. Signed, Jno. D. Steward, Brig. Gen. Thj President has appointed General Sheridan a Brigadier in tho regular ar my and sssigned him to the prominent Command &f the niiduio military division. Geu-Graut has ordered the army un der his command to fire a salute of 100 guniikt seven o'clock to-morrow morning iu honor of Sheridan's grei t victory. A di."patch j3t received from Geu. Sherman nt Atlanta, says everything continues well with us. r-foiu M. Stouten. All quiet here. (Signed,) U. S. Grant, Lieut. General." Our southern telegraph lino continues down and this with a heavy storm that commenced in this p. m., and is still prevailing beyond Louisville may dam ago tho lines so as to hinder tho arri val of details from Atlanta for a day or two. (SigLod,) E. M. Staxtox, See'y, of War. New York, Sept. 4. The Herald's correspondent with Sheridan, dating Sept. 1st says Wed nesday's fight uoar Martinsburg that we attacked the enemy's outposts to make him show his hand, which ho did much to our satisfaction. We then put our trains in motion and deployed iu hue of battlo, opening from high ground with four pieces of artillery which planted their shells with much precision among the "Johnnies." The enemy expecting an engagement opeued with two sectiyus of artillery but with little effect. Heavy skirmishing ensued, tlio cucmy pushing forward in heavy columns and our for ces gradually giving ground. They mada several efforts to flank us but failed each time. Our forces thus fell back cr rather draw on tho rebs some 3 miles from Martinsburg towards Hinesvillo and Falling when there was a lull. This fulling back vh in accordance wtfh f'-rt. ShrriJ:i!)" crtf-'rn'l w!iv n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers