VOLUME 1. KKYXOLDSVILLE, PEXX'A., WKDXKMAY, AtTSl'ST 3, 1892. NUMI5ER 13. tMiorrllmtrou. Q MITCHELL, ATTORN K Y-AT-L A V. Office on West Mnln rtni't. opposite the I'ommeivliil Hotel, Keynnlilsvllle, Pn. -pu. n. k. hoover. HEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In biilldlnff near Methn llt rhiirch, opposite Arnold mix'k. (lent If m'sn In operating. otrl. JJOTEL McCONNKLL, HEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Vmprittm: The lending hotel of the town, llenriqiuir ters for rnmmerrliil men. Hteum hent, free 'bin, hmh room" Rnd I'liM'tn on every floor, sample rooms, lilllhml room, telephone con nections, Ac. JJOTEL BELNAP, HEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. OREEXd- COXSER, rmprktom. First eliew In every iirtli'iilnr. Locoted In tlio very centre of tlif niisliiewnpurt of town. Kree 'bus to itnri from tntlim nnd comrmHllous sample rooms forconmierclnl travelers. MERICAN HOTEL, BROOK VILLE, PA. MFFJXUTOX rf- WXU, thnnlhiiH to nnd from nil trains. Kiimpenii rest tiu rn nt. House heated riml llirlit'fi hy tfils. Hot linri nolil water. Western I'nlmi TeleBniph oltlce in millilliiu. The liotW Is fitted wflh nil tlie nuHlern conveniences. r- COMMERCIAL HOTEL. BROOKVILLE, PA., JAS. 11. CLOVER, J'rojm'iw-. Humple rooms on the irrnunri floor. House heated hy nntiirnl (imnlhiis ttw from nil trains. . BUFFALO, ROC'HESTFJt A J'lTTS BURG RAILWAY. The short line between PiiBoKHIduwny, Bradford, Hulnrnimeii, HutTiilo, Altylicstcr. NliiKitrn Fulls nnd polntN In the upiier oil region. On nnd uifter Mny 22d, IMS, passen ger trains will arrive and depart from fulls ('reek station, dully, except Hiinduy, us fol lows: 7tl0 A. M. .Hrndford Accommodation For P)lntN North between KhIIm i'reek nnd rnlfonl. 7:15 n. m. mixed train for I'unxsiitjiwney. 10:OftA.M.-HiilTiilonnd Rnchwh'r mnll For Bniekwavvllle, KldKwuy.JoliiiHonlMirK.Mt. .lewett, Hmdford, Htiluiniiiicii, Hiittalo nnd Knchesteri cnnnectlnjr at .TohiHonlmnr with 1. 4 E. train , for Wllne. Kane, Warren, Horry nnd F.rlu. 10:5ft A. M. Accommodation Kr OTiiRoIh, Nykes, Hltf Kun snd I'linxsutawnev. 1:20 1. M, Wlriidford AccnmiumUiitoti For Heeehtnee, Hrotkwny vllle. Klhnoiit, Tur moil, KldKwny, Johnson liurK, Mt. Jewel t nnd Itruiiford. 4:50 P. M.-Mnll-For PuHnU, Hylic, HIr Kun, PiuiKMiituwiiey mid Wnlston. 7t55 P.M. Aeeommoifut Ion For i.)ullols,lllu Run nnd PiiiixKiituwiiey. Trains Arrive T:in A. M., Aiwimmndutloii I'liiiXHiitHivney; 10:0(1 A.M.,Miil.fnm Wul Hton nnd Pnnxsutnwney; I0.-AA A. M., Ac commodation from Hriidford; 1:3(1 P. M., Accommodation from 1'iiiixsiit.it.uiiiey; 4:ft0 P.M.. Mull from Huffiilo mid Uoehesteri 7:WI P. M., Accommodation fwm -BriMlford. Thousand ndlo tleketH ut two umitrt per mile, good for piiKHUKe let ween a 11 Htutloim. J. 11. MfilNTVRH, Agent, Kail ciwiek, Pn. 45 no. W. BAHTtKTT. K. U. Lapisv, Oenerul Hupt. Uen. Pax. Aiimt. Hrndford, Pu. KK-heil. r, N. V. A LLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY commonnlnf tSuoday July 10, 182. 1w Grado Divwion. KARTWAHD, UTATIONS. No. 1. N'O.5. No. U. Itll KIU A. M. P. M. A. M. P. U. P. M Ked Bunk 10 40 4 HIP LmwHonhnm.... JO M 4 44 New Bethlehem II ix A IN k KIiIko JJ M ft V Mlllvllle IJ m ft 211 Muysvllle IJ 4; l A Hummervlllo... 12 on ft M Btwikvllle ti V, 14 Pi Fuller a 4:1 II K! IM KeynoldHVllIe.. 1 HI S Ml K I'Hiii'oust 1 All A AN 7 02 Fulls Ureek Hi 7 07 7 10 10 IB 1 as DiiHiIh 1 at 7 13 7 17 11 OA Hi Hnlxiln 1 4J 7 211 Wlnknriiburn... lii 7 40 PenHeld tin 7 4A Tyler 2 11 7 AA file Fisher 2 22 H OA Bcnemetto 2 mi N 22 (iniTit.. 2 All H SI Driftwood.,.... S 20 BOO WK8TWAJ1D. itatiomh. No J N'o.9 No.10 106 110 A. H A. M. P. M. P. M.p, M Driftwood 10 10 6 HA Clrunt 10 40 7 ON Heneiette 10 Al 7 21 Glen Kiidier 11 ON 7 41 Tyler 11 10 7 AA PenUeld 11 2 07 Wlnterburn .... 11 DA 8 111 Hubulu 11 47 H 27 DuBoln 12 00 7 00 4H 12 OA Rao t ullu Creek 1 17 7 10 81 12 16 5 40 PnneouMt 1 H4 7 2(1 8 Ml KeyuoldHVllle.. 1 42 7 HO 9 OH Fuller 1 59 7 411 II 2A Brookvllle 2 21 8 11 V 4A Huinniervllle.... 2 HO 8 HO Miiysvllle 2 AM 8 Al Mlllvllle 8 OS 8 AA 1 HukKlilue 8 00 8 AO New Bethleheni 8 1A 8 10 l.uWHOiihum.... 8 47 9 4A ldxl Bunk 4 00 10 00 1a. m "a. m.p. u. a. m, p. m. Tntlim dully except Hunduv. DANID MOOAUOO. Oen'l. Hupt., JAB. P. ANDEKHON. Okn'L. p'ahbAw.J'"' PlttxhurK, Pa DO YOU NEED A NEW ATTIKE? If no, and you want a good fitting and well made suit at a ruanonable figure you will re ceive game by planing your order with J. C. Froehlich, TUE AUTISTIC TAILOR, Next door lo Hotol McConnoll, UEVNOLDHVlliLE, PA. Whnt Hm Beeome of the Phonoiraphf Whnt Yim become of Edison's phono graph? This it on of the moat myaterl-. on illsnppeHrnnce of modern time. A few yearn ngo It wns nntionr.ced thnt the fnmonn Americr.u Inventor had perfected thin instrument, nnd some public experi ment that were given seemed to sup port thin view. A simple little appa ratus, c' ting probnbly not more than a sovereign to r.mke, was made to repro duce indefinitely any sound, even to a grand instrumental performance that had taken place in another hemisphere. Varions were the speculations as to the manifold nse of the new contrivance. Friends at a distance were to hear each other's voices, messages conld be left at people's houses which could not possibly be distorted in the process of passing through the mind of an un tutored servant, business men conld quietly talk into a little trumpetlike aperture and their clerks could hear their actual instructions at any subse quent period. Up to now, however, we have been doomed to disappointment. Where Is a phonograph to be bought? I do not know, nnd none of my acquaint ances seems better informed. In France an article can be patented only on condition that it is bona fide and on salo to th publio within a brief period I believe twelve months. The time has surely come to consider the ex pediency of tmch a condition being ex acted in England. London Letter. A l.lmlt to Ills ratlrnen. Saturday afternoon, when vehicles were very thick on Washington street, an old gentleman in a yellow varnished straw hnt with a wide curving brim nnd clothes thnt had a rustic flavor, and carrying nn old black leather valise, sat on an electric car from South Boston, bound to the northern depots. As the car passed Jordan & Marsh's the con ductor called out, "Next stop Summer and Winter!" The old gentleman turned around, looking very much urprised. "Yon don't say sol" he murmured tim idly. The car went about two rods farther and came to a dead stop. There was a jam of teams .ahead that didn't neorn likely to be broken for some time. People began to getwut and go on afoot. The old gentleman sat still, but presently he grew uneasy. In a minute he grew uneasier still and con sulted a large, open faced silver watch. He waited about a minute longer, and then he got np and began to climb down off the car. "Look here!" he called out to the con ductor, "I'm willin to stay -with ye all summer tnebby, bnt I'll be curoed if Til set here all winter!" And he went on down ihe street. Boston Transcript. Th Yorkshire Penny Stank. "Take care of the pennies and the pound will take care of themselves" is an old maxim of great truth. Exempli fication is afforded in the ease of the Yorkshire Penny bank, whose trustees have trust laid the foundation stone of magnificent new premises in ILeeds. This Institution has now in its custody 1,440, 000,00 of pence that is, just 6,000,000 of the savings of the people. In 1872 it had nly 830,000. Meanwhile, that the managers have found the busi ness of "taking care of the pence," a profitable one appears evident from the fact that their reserve fond lias risen from 0,706 to 160,000. The greater part of the money in trusted to the bank by its depositor la of course invested, and it is stated that the bank has now 1,250,000 out on mortgage and over 4,600400t in ne gotiable securities, including 300,000 in consols. London Tit-Bita. A Cartons InqueaC There m to be Been just nowt the South African general agency, atCock spur street. Charing Cross, enriona collection of dried np or mummified bab oons, taken from a cave near Cron atadt, in the Orange Free State. They have the skin on them still, and in two Instances the female baa a young bab oon clasped la its "arms," a if at tempting to save it from some sudden catastrophe. la the cave were also found two human skulls, a dog's head, a bird and tha head of an antelope, all imbedded in tha wall of the cave and all having the same appearance of great agony or fright Several experts have examined the re mains with a view of ascertaining, if possible, the cause of death, the moat probable theory being a sudden flood. Cor. Birmingham (Eng.) Post Buddhist Ceremonies. Some Buddhist ceremonies present a striking analogy to certain Christian rites. Dr. Medhurst aays: "The very titles of their intercessions, snob as 'god dess of mercy,' 'holy mother,' 'queen of heaven,' with an image of the virgin having a child in her arms holding a crescent, are all such striking coinci dences that the Catholio missionaries were greatly stumbled at the resem blances between Chinese worship and their own when they came over to con vert the natives to Christianity." Lon don Standard. Turpentine (or Corn. The cheapest and surest remedy for either hard or soft corns is turpentine. If a little of this is rubbed on a corn every evening for about two weeks the corn and root will both come entirely out and will not reappear in any form. If the turpentine runs onto the adjoin ing skin it will cause a little soreness, but otherwise the remedy is as painless as it is efficient. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. LEFT FOR DEAD. f, Bravo Thong-h. Beekleet Hunter's Bo mnrkable Kieapa from a Bear. 3ome years ago, writes Henry Howe, ! 1 110 historian of the western pioneers, a 1'iirty of trappers were on their way to i the mountains, led, we believe, by old t'liiblette, a well known captain of such expeditions. Among them was John Glass, who had been all his life among the mountains, and had seen numberless exciting adventures nnd hairbreadth escapes. On the present expedition he and a companion were one day passing through a cherry thicket in the Black Hills when Glass descried a large gris tly feeding on pignuts. He at once gave the alarm and both men crept cautiously to the skirt of the thicket They took careful aim and fired their guns at the same moment. Both balls took effect, but not fatally. The bear, growling with pain and fury, charged upon his foe. linn for it, Bill," shouted Glass, "or we'll be made meat of sure as shootinl" Both men bolted through the thicket, bnt the heavy brush obstructed their progress, while the weight nnd strength of the grizzly bore him on, and h was soon close upon the men. They man aged to get through the thicket, how ever, and were hurrying across a little opening toward a bluff when Glass tripped and fell. Before he could rise the bear was upon uiml Glass did not lose his presence of mind, hnt discharged his pistol in the brute's fuce. The next moment the bear, blood streaming from his nose and mouth, struck the pistol from his ene my's hand and, fixing his claws deep into the poor man's flesh, rolled with him to the ground. The hunter struggled man fully and drew his knife and plunged it several times into the body of the furious animal, which was tearing his face and body, liaring the bone in many places. Glass, weak from the Ions of blood, at length dropped his knife and fell over in a faint. Bill, who had watched the conflict up to this moment too badly dazed and ter ror stricken to do anything, now thought Gloss was dead, and ran to the camp with the awful tale. The captain sent a man back to the spot with Bill. They found the bear dead and stiff, lying on the body of the nnfor.tunate hunter, whom they likewise called dead. His body was torn and lacerated in a shock ing manner, and the bear, besides the three bullets in his body, bore the marks of twenty knife stalls, showing how des perately Glass had fonght. The two men collected their late com rade's arms, removed his hnnting shirt and moccasins, and left him beside the carcass of the grizzly. They reported at the camp that they had buried him. In a few days the hunters moved on, and soon the fate of poor Glass was in a measure forgotten. Mouths elapsed, the hunt was over and the trappers were re turning with their pelts to the trailing fort. On toir last evening out, just as they were"1 making ready to camp, a horseman was discerned coming toward them, and when he drew near the bant ers saw lank, cadaverous form, with a face se scarred and disfigured that scarcely at feature was normal. "Bill, my boy," called .the stranger, as he rode np, "yon thought I was gone under that time, did you? Hand over my horse and gun. I aintt dead yet by a long shot!" What was the astonishment of Ihe L party to hear the well known voice of John Glass, whom they had supposed dead and buried. The two men who had left him for dead, and thus made their reptsrt, were horrified. Glass, it appeared, after the lapse of he knew not how long time, gradual ly recovered conscionsnesa, He lived upon the carcass of the bear for several days, until he had regained sufficient strength to crawl, when, tearing off aa much of tha) meat as he could carry, he crept down the river toward the fort He had suffered much, but had reached the fort, eighty miles distant, alive, and concluded his story by declaring, "I'm as slick aa a peeled onion." Short LiTOd Crasoa, This is a great country for crazes. They sweep over the conn try like cy clones. Whence they come and whither they go man knoweth not A few years ago the entire country was in the throes of the pedestrian craze. In every city, town and village athletes were wearily tramping around and around a sawdust circle, while thousands of spectators ap planded the dreary exhibition. Nobody walks now that can ride. Next we had the roller skating craze, which affected both men and women. It, too, has gone glimmering, leaving a trail of broken bones in its wake. The bicycle craze is now upon us, and bids fair to become a chronic disease. The man have bad the red necktie erase and recovered from it in time to laugh at the suspender craze of their big sisters. America soon loves her fads to death. Exchange. - Driving- Out the Babbit. When the rabbit, which seems to be a great mischief maker in the folklore of most races, is identified by the ab original Cherokee physician bb the cause of a disease the "rabbit hawk" is sum moned to drive the wicked animal out of the patient. Sometimog after the in truder has been thus expelled "a small portion still remains," in the words of the formula, and accordingly the whirl wind is summoned from the tree tops to carry the remnant to tho uplands, and there scatter it so that it shall never re appear. Washington Star. "nangVonr Clothe on a Hickory T.fmb." After the rather nnsatisfurtory ex perience of last season the district com missioners have decided to experiment further with the free bathing bench. This time, however, there is to lie no risk of life, provided the plans of the commissioners are successful. Last sea son the bench was open to all comers, but in the future none bnt experienced swimmers will be allowed to enjoy the privilege. With this end in view the commissioners have, through their sec retary, Dr. Tindall, addressed the fol lowing communication to the superin tendent of the beach: "The commissioners direct me to no tify yon to permit persons who can swim to use the publio bathing bench till otherwise notified. Yon will not permit any one to use the beach unless satisfied 1 by personal observation that he can 8W11H, I A perusal of this order will show that the commissioners have imposed a rather complicated nnd important duty on 8u perintondont Stevens. By a strict com pliance with the order no candidate for cleanliness will be nllowed to enter the water unless ho can swim, and the su perintendent is first to determine one's ability in thnt direction by "personal observation." Just how Superintendent Stevens ia to separate the experts from I the raw recruits by mere "jiersonal ob servation" is rather diillcult to under stand, unless he should subject appli cants to nn exhibition of their natatory agility on dry laud. Washington Post Klinrk anil Hwlmmer. Henry Jacobson, who is employed at the North Mnnuknn Heads as beacon light keeper, was out in his boat six uiiirn now 11 me iinruur wneii u was track by a squall nnd swamped and the occupant left in the wnter. Jacobson dived and endeavored to relieve the bnl- last, bnt without success. He then grasped an oar, and being a good swim- mer sh uck uuuor innu, uui as a strong tide was rnuning he was swept down the harbor a distance of three miles. At that point he was attacked by a large shark, which grabbed at his hand. He protected himself, however, with the oar, which he tried to rnm down the shark's throat. The fish then made a circle around him and renewed the at tempt By this time, however, Jacob son hail his sheath knife drawn nnd des erately stnbtied the shark, ripping its ide open so thnt the water became red with blood. A further attack was mnde, when Jacobson again stabbed the tnonste near the tail and it swain away. At that time a boat came in wight. Jncolison, too much exhausted to speak, was hauled into the boat, having been in the wnter two hours nnd thirty minutes. New Zealand Herald. Dight Thousand Flowers on Uto Table. It must take nearly half an acre of glass to cover the flowers of tho White House conservatory. It keeps two men busy all the time to take care of it, and the finest of all kinds of flowers from orchids to roses are in bloom here. There are broad indin rubber plants which are worth from .10 to $100 apiece, and there are some flowers which are abso lutely worth their weight in gold. On the night of a White House dinner or reception the whole mansion is deco rated with flowers, and at one state dinner not long ago there was a floral piece on the table which used 8,000 flow ers in its making. At a dinner to the supreme court 3,000 flowers were need to make temple of justice, and at the last diplomatic recep tion the mantels of the parlors were banked up with flowers, and at another time they were covered np with im mense double tulips rising out of banks at green Cor. Philadelphia Record. A Mixed Up Affair. Recently on the Marietta and North Georgia railroad a train ran over and lulled a cow near Thompson, Tenn. A day or two afterward, when the train passed through, an officer arrested the engineer and took him before a justice of the peace, where he was tried for croelty to animals. The passenger train was held four hours, during which time the mails were delayed. It seems that the prosecutors have gotten themselves in a bad fix. Warrants have been issued by a judge for the arrest of the justice of the peace, the officer who made the arrest, the sheriff and the lawyer for contempt of court, as the road is in the hands of a receiver and permission must be secured to sue the road. The superintendent of the mail service is alBO after them. Atlanta Letter. A Japaneto Anniversary. This year being the 1,100th anniver sary of the Emperor Kwammu's estab lishing bis capital at Kioto, Japan, the people are busy preparing for a suitable celebration of the occasion. Kioto city was founded by the Emperor Kwammu, who took np his abode in Yamoshiro province, which was then unbuilt, and gradually the city arose around his pal ace, so that the emperor'a memory is especially honored. There will proba bly be an exhibition opened In Kioto for the occasion. San Francisco Call, A Daaf Woman on an Klectrle Car. An elderly lady who lives near At lanta, Is deaf, A few weeks ago she rode on an electric- car for the first time in ber life, and when she returned home she declared that she oould hear perfectly while on an electrio car. One of the family went with her, boarded an electrio car and found that the elderly lady could bear perfectly. JOY FOR BALDHEAtJS. Aa Invention That Promisee to Make Life Worth Living for Many. The win! has long been tempered to the shorn lamb, bnt the baldhead has had to take the blasts as they came. No special dispensations in the matter of weather have been made on his account Ho has had to look out for himself, and the fact that he survives so numerously is perhaps better evidence of his hustling ability than of his innate goodness. Why, no one appears able to tell, bnt certain it is that from time immemorial there has been none to do the baldhead reverence. It will be remembered that when the original baldhead was making his way inmarti TAftial tlitt lit1ilron litf tlio urev. ,de reque(!ted him to "go up." ThU expreMion has no place in modern slang, bnt com,,iiance with the order doubtless IntrnitrAil niivnav Trt aSiHritlsi mnfc dnorfl on 0r iigt of desirable habitations. Be that as it may, the fact remains that the caput destitue of hairy adornment has all along been the butt for universal ridicule. Bnt it is a long lane which has no turning, and the bald head's turn bos come at last. Some enterprising philan thropist has invented a polish for the imlri0ss crown which is warranted to turn u lnto 0 thing of nty ond joy forever. This blessing comes in the shape of a polish, which is easily ap plied by a barber and imparts to the al ready shining crown a shine so brilliant that it dazzles tho eyes and so smooth that upon It no fly can gain a foothold. Those who hae never experienced the joys and sorrows of baldness may not be able to appreciate the value of this discovery. The value is there just the same. With a little care the polish cou be made windtight and mosquito 1 proof, Bd the baldheaded man will no j longer fall an easy prey to the inlhienza ; ijen breezes, while he con lie down to 1 dreams unbroken by the assaults of ringed things. 8urely the baldhead j millennium is at hand. 1 The direct moral influence of this dis- . covery cannot be overrated. With his sparsely thntched crown priected from 1 the attacks of envious Cascas the bald ; head will recover from his tendency to ' ward the use of unauthorized expletives, ' and he may even rise to the point of taking a front seat in the sanctuary in I fly time. Relieved of the necessity for : turning his skull into a block upon 1 which to butcher the liiusca domestica, ; etc., he will be able to turn his whole 1 thought to the sermon, thus setting a 1 worthy example to the congregation ; while absorbing truths of which he has ; long stood in need. If there is justice in all things, the I liiK i who makes two blades of grass giw whero one has grown before will ' have to take a buck seat when the in ventor of the polish for baldhoads comes in for his reward. Verily, these bo glorious times, and the baldhead is one of the chief partici pators in them. Troy Times. Three Humomna Titles. Among the whimsical titles which ap pear on the pages of national history, few are more apparently frivolous than the Duke of Marmalade, the Count of Lemonade and the Earl of Brandy. They are, or were, however, real titles, bestowed by a genuine monarch on three of the favorites, and that, too, during the present century. In 1811 a revolution occurred in Hayti, and Chris tophe, a negro, declared himself em peror. Through conspiracy and plot, his life often attempted, he retained power till 1820, preserving to the last the appearance of a royal court and cre ating a numerous ability. Among them were the three already mentioned, and the oddity of the titles has suggested to many writers the friv olonsness of the African character. In fact, however, all three names were those of places, the first two being origi nally plantations, but latterly towns of some importance. This fact not being generally known, a misapprehension hat arisen with regard to the titles them selves, which, however absurd, are scarcely morogtn than some which were bestowed in France and Germany dur ing the Middle Ages. Boston Tran script. KoglWh Rulers and tha Language. Unlike most other countries England has repeatedly been governed by for eigners, who thought so little of their people that they did not even take the trouble to learn the language of their subjects. Most of the Danish kings knew no English, and if William the Conqueror, William Rufus and others knew tho language they kept the fact to themselves. The early French kings, in fact, re garded England as a conquest and France as their home. Richard I, for instance, spent but a few months of the ten years of his reign on English soil. In modern times Utoorge I neither knew nor cared to learn English, and George II spoke it very imperfectly, St, Louis Globe-Democrat. Burns In Bohemian. Burns in Bohemian has a enriona sound, but no less an enterprise has been undertaken by Professor J. D. Sladek, the editor of the Prague newspaper Lumir, then a translation of some ISO of the songs and ballads of Burns into Czech. This version is shortly to be pub lished by the Royal Academy of Science and Letters in Prague. In every in stance the Bohoinian translator has pro served the metrical form of the original, an extraordinary feat of skill and pa tience, Loudon Atheownm. . New York Branch Bargain Store, Tla liiHj 5oeifT T B0L0E8 BROS. ! Main St., Jteyiioldsville, Pa. No old shelf-worn goods, but all new, clean, salable stock and more of them for tho same money than you can buy at any other store In the town. If you nre looking for something you cannot find at any other store, come to The Racket Store' and you will most likely get it, and you will be surprised how cheap. People wonder how I can pay rent and other exiHinses, sell so cheap and live. Easily explained, my friends, just like this: Buy for cash, sell for cash; I sell for not sjKit cawh and I get bargains by paying net spot canh for what I buy, consequently I am enabled to give you bargains for your cash. Come in nnd look over my stock; no trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. . Goods bought from me nnd not satisfactory, and returned In good order, and reas onable timo, money will bo cheerfully refunded if desired. Remember.I posits ivcly state that I have no old shelf worn goods, no shoddy goods, but as clean cut a line of every day goods as you will find in any store in Jefferson county, and oh, how cheap. Come In Ladies and take a look nt my line of bountiful Laces, Wr rappers. Waists, Aprons, Gloves. Mitts, Night Robes, Stockings, Baby Carriage nobes,C'alico, Robes, Khlrtlng, bleached and unbleach ed Muslin. I might go on mentioning the lots of bargains but would take too long, step In nnd take a look for your selves. Gentlemen, come in nnd buy one of our beautiful painting, 30x30. gilt frame, only $l.(Ml, are going like hot cakes; If you want one come quick. I also have men's Hose, Shirts, Hand kerchiefs, Drawers, Under Shirts,Whlte Shirts, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Gloves and an endless number of other things for gentlomon. omo in nnd look for yourselves. I will only be to glad to show you my stock. I have in stock hundreds of articles for Ladies, Gentle men ond Children. Boys, Girls and Baby's that would fill our town paper to mention thorn all. This advertisement is written in the plain American A.B.C. lunguago no everylxxly that can read can understand every word of It. M. J. C0YLE, The Racket Store. v ; IN OUR ; Shoe Department e carry only reliable makt'H, and we could fill the one Bide of this issue with testimonials in re gard to the wearing qual ities of our shoeB. What is termed among shoe dealers as cheap shoes, ' 'for instance, " shoes that sell for one dollar a pair, we do not handle, for the simple reason that goods of that kind will not build up our Bhoe de partment. We buy no Bhoes from what is called "Jobbers," but place our orders three and four months in advance, with the best Bhoe manufac turers in the country. C 3ur dry goods depart ment is fnH of spring fabrics, at prices lower . than the lowest, and all we ask is that you crive us a call and Compare Prices and Quality, don't forget the quality, as that goes a long ways as regards price. Quality first, price second. J. B. ARNOLD. . i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers