If VOLUME 1. KEYNOLIWVlUiK, PKNN'.J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1892. NUJIKEB 12. Ittlarrllitttroua. Q MITCHELL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Offloe on WpI Mnln street, nnpiwlte tho Commercial Hotel, HeynoUlMvlllc, Pa. "pR. B. E. HOOVER REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Hi-I.lrnt riVmlM. !n hnlldlnR m'lir Metlio dlat church, nppimlte Arnold hlork. Uenlle new In operating. Qotrls. JOTEL McCONNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FNAXKJ. BLACK, Pmprwtnr. Tho lrndlnR hotel of the town. Ileiiditliir-U-tn for comnierelal men. Htenm hent, free 'bun, linth roomit and flowtN on every floor, Mimnle roomM, htllliinl Mini, telephone con nection, Ac. JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. GNEEX& COX&EN, Proprietor. Flmt .claim In every particular. Located In the very -entn of the IiukIiiiwi part of town. Free 'hus to and from train and cnmniodloux wimple roonw for commercial travclerM. MEItK'AN HOTEL. BROOKVILLE, PA. M'FFlXiiTOX & I.OXd. Prop'. Onintlins to mill from all tinltin. EiintiH-nn reMaiircint. Ilonwe hctitcd and lighted liy gin. Hot and cold water. Western Titlon Telcimiiili otllce In hiillillnii. Tlic liotel In tltteu with all the miMlern coiivciiIciiikh. QO.UMEHCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., J AH. II. CLOVEN, Proprktm: ftt-mnle roonit on the arrounrl lloor. lloue heated hy tmlurul kiij. Onitilliiitt to and from all tralim. UFFALO, RO( 'HIPSTER & PITTS BURG RAILWAY. The Hhort line between Pullols Hldnway, Bradford, Htihimiinca, HiitTiilo, llochcitcr, Niagara FallH and M)ltita In the upiier ll rnfflon. (In and after May 22d, 1MB, piihkcb gvrtnitiiH will arrive and depart from Falln t'piiek atatlon, dally, except Humlay, mm fol low: TiJO A. M. Brndfiaxl Accommodation for FNilntH North U'tween Fallft t'reek tuul Iradford. 7:1.1 aw m. mlwd train for I'unXHiitawney. 1):0&A.M. HulfaloKiid Rix'heoti'r mall For Brock wnyvllle, l(liliiway..lolwonbiim.Mt. Jcwett, Bradford, Hiiltiimiiica, Hiiftiilo and KochCHtcr; conarctlnK at JohnwuiUui-ir with I. A E. train a, for lYIIcox, Kane, Warren, t'orry arid Erie. 10:5& A. M. Accommodation For IIiiUoIm, Hykett, Ills Hun and I'unXHiitawney. l.:UO 1'. M. llrndford Accommodation l-'or Bnechtre', lirockway vllle, Ellmont, t-ar-' mon, lttdtcway, JoliUHOiilmru, All. Jewctt and Bradford. 4;S0 1'. M.-Mall For ImiIIoI, Hykea, ItiK Kiln, Vunxxiitawiicv and Walxton. Ti5 I'.M. AcconinKKratlon For IhiBola.lllit ! Hun and l'unxMilawiiey. Txalna Arrive 7:10 A. M., Accommodation I'unXHiitawney: HI:iR A.M., Mall from Wiil aton and Punxtaitiiwuey Hull A. M.. Ac conimodatlon from Bradfonl: 1:20 P. M., Accommodation from I'linxwutawney t 4:iW P. M., Mall from Buffalo aud Itochenterj 7:iW 1. M., AecoaBmodiitlon from Bradford. Vhounand mile tlckcta at li cent jair mile, irood for pamnue lietwoen all Htatloim. J. 11. McIntvhk, Aiceut, Fall" creek, I 'a. 0). W. Bahti.kii'. E. t'.IAPKV, General Hupt. Uen. i'liM. Atfent Bradford, I'a. llochmtcr, N. Y. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY commenelnjr Munday July 10, 18H2. Low Grado DIvImUiii. KAarwAHn. No.LlNo.S.No.9. 101 Km A. P. M . lied Hank... LawMinham to m 4 no 4 44 5 1H 5 2A 5 20 a xi iv 14 :n 10 (M 11 2H New Bethlehem Oak Kldue Mlllvllle Mayavllle Hunimervllle .. Hnaikvllle Fuller Hi ynoldnvllle . Pancoant FalU t:reek.... PuBola Halmla Wlntemburn . . u : 11 Wi u i 12 m 12 U 1 no 1 011 1 17 l.v a m 1 03 a no AH 7 07 7 10 10 IW 11 m 1 :n 1 4ft l :io 1 4:1 1 Ki 7 i:t 7 7 at 7 411 7 4J : h (n 22 IVnneld 01 2 II ABimVlHher.'.V" .1 Benewttu IPrant i vrlftwood t.y P X tiTATinNH. S 22 t 811 t no a 20 no p. u. A. U A. M.P. M. WKHTWAHD, ? TATIOWi. No.2 No.dlNo.10 108 110 .. . A. . A. H. P. M. P. II. P. H Prlftwood 10 10 6 m Grant.: 10 40 7 OH Benetetto 10 M 7 21 Glen Flnlier II Oh 7 41 Tyler 11 III 7 M Penneld 11 2D 8 07 Wlntorburn .... 11 Bft 1:1 Hahiila 11 47 8 27 TlullolH 12 00 7 00 :l 12 On 5 SO Fully Creek 117 7 10 H Al 12 15 S 40 PancoftHt. 184 7 20 8A KeynoldbVllle.. 1 42 7 HO 9 ON Fuller 1 AM 7 411 2A Brookvllle (21 all 9 4. Humnmrvlllu.... SDH 8 HU MayHVllle 2 AN 8 Al Mlllvllle a It! 8 AA OakHldKO 8 OH 8 At) New Bethlehem 3 1A 9 10 I.awHonham.... 9 47 V 4A Red Bank 4 00 10 00 A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Tralna dully excent Sunday. j DAN10McCAKaO,aiN i..Hi!PT JAti. P. ANDERSON, Clrt. PaiSIau't.!'.11' I'ltUlmrK, Pa DO YOU NEED . A NEW ATTIRE? If bo, and you want a good fitting and well made suit at a reasonable figure you will re ceive isame by placing your order with J. C. Froehlich, TIIE ARTISTIC TAILOR, Noxt door to Hotel MoConnoll, KEYNOUNSV1LLE, PA. CONCERNING tlYNAMITE. Millions of Dollar Invented In It Mil u far tar In tha I'nlted State. Very few people have a correct Idea of what dynamite ia, of what it in made and the tides to which it in put. To the French belongm the honor of its dlacor ery and it practical tine. Nitroglycerin ia the force of all high explosive.. Dynamite is the name most Mtially given to these explosives, though other names are sometimes lined. Dynamite is simply nitroglycerin mixed with various ingredients. Nitro glycerin is made by mixing snlphnrio and nitric acid with sweet glycerin, the same that is used by the ladies to prevent chapped hands. Mixing the acids and glycerin is where the great danger lies in the making of nitro glycerin. The mixing tank, or agita tor, as it is called by dynamite makers, is a large steel tank, filled inside with many coils of lead pipe, throngh which, while the mixing is in progress, a con stant flow of ice water is maintained. This flow of ice water is used to keep the temperature of the mix below 89 degs., as above that point it wonld explode, and a hole in the ground would mark where the factory had been. The nitroglycerin is stored in large earthenware tanks, which are usually sunk in the ground to guard agninat blows or severe concussion. The other ingredients for making dynamite are, nitrate of soda (which is found only in Chili), carbonate of mag nesia and wood pnlp. Dynamite is put in paper shells usually 1 inches in diameter and 8 inches in length, and weighs about one-half pound to each shell or cartridge. It has largely taken tho place of black powder for blunting, as it is many hundreds of times stronger, and consequently more eco nomical. It is used chiefly in mining all kinds of ores, coal and rock, and sub marine blasting and railroad building. Without its aid many railroads, espe cially those crossing the Rocky moun tains, could not have been constructed; without it Hell Gate, in New York har bor, could not have been destroyed, and without it the miner, at prices now paid for mining ores, could not earn his bread. Dynamite will not explode from any ordinary fall or jar. It will burn with out explosion and freezes nt 43 degs., 10 uegs. above ordinary freezing point. The bomb is made of metal or glass and filled with pure nitroglycerin arranged so as to explode by severe contact with any hard object These bombs are of course never made by a reputable dyna mite factory. Five or six millions of dollars are in vested in the, manufacture of dynamite in the United States, and its nse is con stantly on the increase. The fumes of nitroglycerin produce intense headache, which can be cured by taking a very small dose of it internally. Detroit Free Press. A Logician Oat of Flaea. A gentleman who stood a few mo ments at a corner where a large build ing was in process of erection overheard some 'remarks made by an Irish work man who evidently fancied himself a logician of no mean order. He was a sturdy, good natured look ing man, but evidently enjoyed leaning on his hod and commenting on what passed around him much better than he did active work. The cry of "mort mort" usually rang out several time before he heeded it. -"Pat," said the foreman severely, coming upon the man at one of the momenta when he was "rentin a bit," "why don't you attend to your work and keep that man going?" "Shure, now," said Pat, shifting his feet and turning a broad smile upon the foreman, "if I was to kape him goin he wouldn't have aorra a thing to say at all; an if he didn't say annything, how would I know he was there? An If he wasn't there f what would he be wanttn of morther, sorrP' And Pat marched off with his hod, leaving the foreman not convinced, bat certainly coufused by this remarkable exhibition of the working of a logical mind. Youth's Companion. A Lightning Calculator. Professor Truman Henry Safford, of Williams college, ia one of the most re markable lightning calculators now liv ing. A gentleman who had heard of his power and wished to test it said to him one day: "I have a little problem for yon, Professor Safford. I was born Aug. 15, 18S3, at 8 o'clock in the after noon. This is Jnne 20, 1888, and it is just 8 o'clock. Now, can you tell me my age in seconds?" The great man frowned, bent his head, and began to walk rapidly up and down, twisting his mustache and clasping and unclasping his hands in his nervous way. After a moment or so he returned the answer, which was somewhere in the billions. The gentleman produced a paper con taining the problem worked out, and said, with a superior smile, "Well, pro fessor, I'll give you credit for great ge nius, but you're several thousand out." The professor stretched oat his hand for the paper, and runniug over the calcu lation, said contemptuously: "Humph! You've left out the leap years." Boston Traveller. Had to B Introduced. "Bridget," said Mrs. A., "have you ipoken to the milkman about the wretched milk he has been leavjng na lately?" "No, ma'am," said Bridget, who bad reoently "come over." "I niver hpake wid strangers till I'm acquainted wid 'em." Youth's Companion. ORGANIZATION. THE PROBLEM THAT HA3 AGITATED WOMEN FOR MANY YEARS. Wht O aalxatlon Ha Dona for Fa analen Oni Writer flay That It I a Mlataka for Women to Regard Men a Knemlen Men Have Helped Them The problem of organization is one which has agitated women who work ever since the sex has been regarded as a factor in industrial competition, and it is apparent, from the almost daily dis cussions of the subject, that it is no nearer solution than it was at its incep tion. The relative sides of the contro versy, whether organization assists in the amelioration of the sex from the evil effects of prejudice, have many cham pions who argue the question of princi ple with much wisdom and enthusiasm. To a casual observer, or even one who la interested in the outcome tif the agita tion without taking part in it, the affirmative side of the proposition wonld seem to be the most logical and popular, and there are many evidences to sub stantiate this view. It is scarcely ten years since organiza tion was tried by industrial women, and an observer epitomizes the result in these words: "Organization has in the first place compelled the recognition of female workers as competitors by the" males, who previously usurped the fields into which women have since ventnred and succeeded; organization has demon strated the capabilities of woman more than individual merit could have ever done) it has rendered woyen independ ent of the influences of men in the ad justment of labor and social difficulties and in the matter of compensation." Taking this view of the matter, which, it tuay be explained, is advanced by a Wisconsin lady who Is much interested in the subject, it would seem that or ganization has not only done much to promote the advancement of women, but has in addition opened np a broad field for discussion as to the claims of women for lecognition in other than an industrial sense. Our correspondent argues that "a woman who, in the face of the strong opposition of men engaged in similar industrial pursuits, sncoeeds in elevating herself by her own efforts to an equal plane with them, is certain ly entitled to consideration as a factor in both the social and official spheres of life." The argument ia so logical and patent to the student of the social and indus trial status of women that it needs no comment. The assumption, however, that men oppose the progress of women and in any way seek to retard their ad vancement and restrict their capacity as competitors is ungenerous and, in a large measure, will do much to inspire prejudice in men against women. The facts all ten the other way. Men are not only not opposed to wom en as fellow workers, but would, if en couraged, do more to assist women in their struggle for supremacy than any other influence could possibly do. The developments of tho agitation in the past few years have shown this. Work ing women have appealed to the national congress and to the legislative bodies of several states for recognition and have obtained it, pu)ly through the assist ance of men who realized the justice of the demands. Without the assistance of these men the recognition could never have been secured. Further than this, women have found. when seeking to obtain the questionable benefits of organization achieved by men, that they had only to be sincere to secure the same. If men are once satis fied that female workers are Bincere in their efforts to secure independence, and are willing to render all social proposi tions subservient to the purpose, women will have no cause for accrediting an tipathy to men, but on the other hand will precipitate the millennium of their Ambitions much sooner than by working alone. The natural conclusion to be deducted from these conditions is. That women shall combine their own (as yet disor ganized and incomplete) interests with those of men. Organization nnder such circumstances will obtain for a woman what she wants. Men are to be made friends, not enemies. To obtain recog nition from their admirably organized systems of industrial pursuits is as mucn 01 a triumph for working women as they will ever secure. This can be done by working with them, not against them. A Club Woman in Jenness Mil ler Illustrated. Tb Colored Light In Soman Candle. In making Roman candles a cylin drical cute is taken and packed with a lot of stars. At the bottom of the case they put some of the composition they put in rockets, and on top of each star is some more of it. By mixing certain chemicals green and red lights are produced, ttreeu lights like those used in death scenes ou the utuge at the the ater are made by mixing a great quan tity of nitrate of barytes with small quantities of sulphur, chlorate of pet ash, charcoal pulverized and arsenic New York Evening Sun. Natural Paint. Twenty miles from Newcastle, North umberland county, New Brunswick, a deposit of natural puint (06 per cent. Oxide of iron) has been discovered, and 10 pure that it does not require refining or even manufacture, since it is readv for mixing with oil in tho proportion of two pounds of paint to a gallon of oil. Exchange. THE AGE OF PAPER. Tha Time I Coming When Paper Will lie the Only lefnl Thing. The world has seen its iron age and its brazen age, but this is the age of paper. We are making so many things of paper that it will soon be true that without paper there is nothing made. We live in paper houses, wear paper clothing, and sit on paper cushions in paper cars rolling on paper wheels. If we lived in Bergen, Norway, we could go on Sun days to a paper church. We do a paper business over paper counters, buying paper goods, paying for them with paper money, and deal in paper stocks on paper margins. We row races in paper boats for paper prizes. We go to paper theaters where paper actors play to paper audiences. As tbe age develops the coming man will become more deeply enmeshed in the paper net. He will awake in the morning and creep from nnder the pa per clothing of his paper bed and pnt on his paper dressing gown and his pa per slippers. He will walk over paper carpets, down paper stairs, and seating himself in a paper chair will rea'l the paper news in the morning paper. A paper bell will call fcltn to bis breakfast, cooked in a paper oven, served on paper dishes, laid on a paper cloth on a pajier table. He will wipe his lips with a pa per napkin, and having put on his paper shoes, paper hat and paper coat, and then taking his paper stick (he has the choice of two dencriptions already), ho will walk on a paper pavement or ride in a paper carriage to his paper office. He will organize paper enterprises and make paper profits. He will sail the ocean on paper steam ships and navigate the air in paper bal loons. He will mioke a paper cigar or paper tobacco in a paper pipe, lighted with a paper match. He will write with a paper pencil, whittle paper sticks with a paper knife, go fishing with a paper fishing rod, a paper line and a paper hook, and put his catch in a paper basket. He will go shooting with ! paper gun, loaded with paper cartridges, and will defend his country in paper forts with paper cannon and aper bombs. Having lived his paper life and achieved a paper fame and paper wealth, he will retire to paper leisure and die in paper peace. There will be a paper funeral, at which the mourners, dressed in paper crape, will wipe their eyes with paper handkerchiefs, and the preacher will preach in a paper pulpit. He will lie in a paper coffin; he has a chance of doing so already if he is a paper we mean pauper. He will lie wrapped in a paper shroud, his name will be engraved on a paper plute, and a paper hearse, adorned with paper plumes, will carry him to a paper lined grave, over which will be raised a paper monument. Paper Rec ord. About What to Kat. If asked what I would place of high est importance in family diet I would answer without hesitation abundance of fruit The apple is far more invaluable than we have yet estimated. It should be eaten before meals, and not after. Not a member of my family, myself in cluded, but eats one, two or more before breakfast so long as they are obtainable, and as many before dinner about half an hour before the meal. As soon as the fruit is begun we stop all study or work, and spend the half hour in sport or walking or conversation. After meals we rest in the same man ner for one hour. No child is allowed to study during this time. Nothing Is lost, for the head is thus kept out of conflict with the stomach. Cereals, next to fruit, are of prime importance. I recommend highly such preparations as parched farinose any food where the cooking is done before the' grinding. Oofla and granules are of this sort. As for meat, it must be at each one's option. to be sure, but let ns be sparing in our carnivorous tastes. St Louis Globe- Democrat. Fraudulent Jewel. Since solutions of aniline dyes possess the property of imparting to genuine jewels as Well as glass paste a deep. rich color if left long enough immersed in them, and since they possess also the property of imparting precisely the char acteristic color of a genuine jewel, the swindler has it not only in his power to dye cut glass paste, but also Inferior cat gemsi f tb color of a ruby, an emerald or a nire, since f nchsine is the hand' somest ruby red shade, while blen de Paris imitates absolutely that of the sapphire, and aniline green that of the emerald. Such a fraud, however, can be made still more complicated by using genuine off colored rubies, sapphires or emeralds and dyeing them with the correspond ingly aniline dyes, thereby raising their value tenfold. It is exceedingly diffi cult to recognize this fraud, because the color of such a well corroded jewel can no longer be washed off, even with hot water. Only the bleaching power of sunlight might after a time assist in re vealing the swindle. Jewelers' Circu lar. The Cook Wu All Blgni. "Do you like the dinuer, John?" anx iously iuquired his wife. "I cooked it all by myself." "Ye-es," said John, trying to be kind aud truthful at once, "but I'm afraid, dear, that there must be some misprints in the cookbook you use." Free Baptist Lake Erie, it is said, produces, more fish to the square mile than any body of water in the world. This is because of the result of the good work done by tie fish commissioners. DEATH IN THF PPJFT. HEROIC DROWNING OF A CONVICT WHO DIVED FOR HIS GUARD. Hernlnm of Texa Convlet to Sure tha Lira of Their Keeper A Thrilling Btory of an Kseapa and an Attempt at Capture The Lneky Negro Return. The bodies of William H. Camp and Andy Ward have been recovered. They drifted ashore on the west bank of the Brazos river, at the Steiner farm, twelve miles below Waco. Wiiliam Camp was a guard on the rounty convict farm. Sam Johnson, a negro convict, suddenly made a dash from the cotton patch, where he, with other convicts, was chopping cotton. and, running to the river, plunged in and struck out for the other shore. Oeorge Oglesby, one of the lessees, and William Camp, one of the guards. mounted and gave chase, taking the river and swimming their horses in the wake of the negro. Camp led and car ried his six shooter in his hand, while the lessee followed closely, both horses swimming gracefully. The river was up and the drift was going down in lnrge quantities. This flotsam and jetsam of the ruddy current connints of a little of everything floods find njion invaded shores. There wan lii-re a fencepont with a bit of barbed wire trailing, the wire dragging some thing else. Next a dead cow, a treetop. an old boat upturned and frequently a panel or two of fence, all moving like a platoon bristling with the barb wire in vented to turn cattle. Throngh this labyrinth the swimming negro, with wonderful dexterity, took his way. But the horsemen, after reaching the chan nel, found that they could not proceed, and reluctantly turned back. Oglesby's horse, punched by rails, tan gled in the lighter drift and wonnded with wire, ceased swimming, turned over and went floating on his side. Oglesby swam beside him, and holding nis mane gently guided him toward the shore, which he safely reached, ntterly exhausted, Camp's horse ceased swim ming and commenced churning with his hind feet. "Let go his head, and when he starts catch his tail," cried Oglesby from the shore. Camp still held his re volver in his hand. His face was by this time white with horror. The other con victs and guards now lined the shore. Oglesby arose to his feet and shouted: "Men, I am hurt and strangled. I am past swimming. 8ave Will Camp and I will pay what yon charge." It was an awful place to attempt a rescne. The drowning man still held his pistol and struggled in the drift. One hand was rigidly clasped on the ivory handle and the other was lifted up. Those on shore followed him along as he slowly floated, and Andy Ward was observed to be stripping himself. Lessee George Oglesby also began to pull off his boots. He found that his ankle was sprained and he could not go on with the task. He sat down in de spair. "Save him, Andy," Oglesby cried, and Andy said, "I will if I can, Mr. George. By this time Camp was nearly under his face could be seen now and then, and one hand still held up the pistol. The other appeared again and again above the eddies in mute appeal. Andy plunged in and swam with powerful strokes, but when he reached ont to save Camp the latter went down and arose no more. Andy dived at the point where Camp sank and came up again. His arm and face were observed to be bleeding; he had been touched by the drift. "Come backr was shouted to him from the Bhore, but the brave negro wonld not hear it He was bent on the work in hand, and under he went again and again. Presently he came up and gave a wild cry. Then he sank again and came up no more alive. It was nearly 4 o'clock in the after noon two days later when a boy on the bank saw Will Camp's body moving in the current Two hundred yards behind the dead guard floated Andy, whom he bad lately guarded. The prisoner had died to save the officer, and was still floating after him, a ghastly travesty of a neroto attempt. Both were taken ont and placed side by side. At last the guard had given up his weapon, and the poor convict Andy was forever free. While the drowning scene was going on beyond the river on the other side another incident occurred. A crowd stood together watching the struggle. From that side rescue was impossible. The river was 200 yards wide and the drift was thicker that way. Presently a ragged negro, dripping with water, ap peared and stood with the others. After gazing awhile he plunged in and swam back. As he regained his companions on the Steiner shore, one of the guards asked, "What did you come back for?" "To help," was the laconio reply. This was Sam Johnson, the fugitive, whose escape had caused the death of two men. Before Sam reached the bank he had left half an hour before, William Camp and Andy Wash had dis appeared, and the dancing eddies and floating drift were fifteen feet above them. "You came too late," the guard added, and when the others started back for the convict farm Sam Johnson marched with them. Waco Cor. Gal veston News. t : Prof. Thomas will return noxt wek in time to ulst ut tho Summer Term of the Normal. :- IN OUK Shoe Department e carry only reliable r makes, and we could fill the one side of this ipsue with testimonials in re gard to the wearing qual ities of our shoes. What is termed among shoe dealers as cheap shoes, ' 'for instance, " shoes that sell for one dollar a pair, we do not handle, for the simple reason that goods of that kind will not build up our shoe de partment. We buy no shoes from what is called "Jobbers," but place our orders three and four months in advance, with the best shoe manufac turers in the country. C 3ur dry goods depart ment is full of spring fabrics, at prices lower than the lowest, and all we ask is that you give us a call and Compare Prices and Quality, don't forget the quality, as that goes a long ways as regards price. Quality first, price second, J. B. AllNOLIX "GAaio, I want to close out my sum mer goods to make room for fall stock, and will sel r AT COST! Outing Cloth, 61 cents, Sold before for 8 cents. Outing Cloth, 8 cents, Sold before for 10 cents. Outing Cloth 12 cents, Sold before for 124 cents. Challie, 10 cents, Sold before for 121 cents. Challie, 10 cents, Sold before for 15 cents. Sateen, 10 cents, Sold before for 15 cents. Indigo Blue prints 6 cents per yard. Men's Seersucker Coat and Vest at 65 cents, Sold before for $1.00. Men's and Boys' Outing Shirts At 19 cents apiece. Men's suits at $3.60, Sold before for $5.00. All Men's suits reduced From $2.00 to $3.00 per suit. Children's Suits $i.oo. Now is your time to save money. ' JThese goods are all new. !N Hanau. Slime Coils
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers