PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. SCIENCE GRAFTS MUSCULARTISSUE Diseased Organs of Animals Also Replaced by Hoalthy Ones. NATURAL DEATH IS PAINLESS These Are Some of the Interesting Statements of Experts Which Are Announced In Year's Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Removal of living organs, their pres ervation In "cold storago" find their final rcfunctlo'ning lu the bodies of oth er animals of the same species are do ficrlbeil In the report of ho Smithso nian Institution for 1912. It. Legondre of the Museum of Nat ural History In furls Is tlio author who deals with grafting organs, and ho de scribes many operations which, proving successful, have established his theory. Muscular tissue may also bo trans ferred, ho declares. Thus sound mus cles or organs can bo used to replace diseased ones. This Is only one feature of the re port, which takes a broad survey of science. Another paper, that by Dr. E. A. Schaffer, declares that the prob lems of "life and matter are strikingly similar." General results Jcnd to show, ho assorts, that living bel'rigs ,are gov erned by laws identical 'witty, those that govern inanimate matter- Natural death, not due to disease, should be quiet and painless, heisayst "Holes In the Air." From such problems as these the re port shifts to "holes, In the air," which ore declared by the writer to affect the aviator much as holes or vacuities would elsewhere, though they are not real holes, of course, but changes in ulr currents. The author, W. J. Humphreys, pro fessor of meteorological physics in the weather bureau, describes air currents as like "breakers," "eddies," "torrents" and "billows." All these, he declares, are less effective as the speed of the aeroplane is increased, "but this does not mean that the fastest machine nec essarily is the safest" Safeguarding of ships against ice bergs is discussed by f rofessor How ard T. Barnes of McGM university, Montreal, who describes a micro-thermometer, which automatically records one-thousandth of n degree's change In temperature. Thus the approach of Icebergs enn bo gauged. The mysteries of oriental music, the sounds of which are usually torture to , Americans or Europeans, or at least seem "funny." are explained by Willy fastor. Ho declares that the oriental Is chiefly concerned with the quality of each tone and with very small inter vals, while the occidental wants a suc cession of tones and the use of largo Intervals. Captain Roald Amundsen, the Nor wegian explorer, describes the discov ery of the south polo and the exploit of the Fram's crew in reaching the "farthest south." Another scientist describes penguins, antarctic birds, as being like funny old men. Explosive Soap Bubbles. Still another tolls of the scientific value of soap bubbles and how a bub ble within n bubble can bo made. This author, 0. V. Boys, tells of various laws of physics which can bo demon strated and how explosivo soap bub bles can be made. There is a eulogy by Charles Xord man of the lato Ilenrl f olncare, noted French physicist and relative of the present French president. The state ment is made that tlio French scientist was great in literature as well as in his chosen specialty. lie is described ns "a great Inventor, a great philoso pher and a great writer." An article by Sir William Ramsay relates to the measurement of infinites imal quantities of substance, in which he details somo of the recent efforts of scientists "to see the invisible, to touch the intangible and to weigh the Im ponderable." WOMEN BREAK EGG MARKET. Orange (N. J.) League Makes Dealers Offer Fresh Laid at 31 Cents. In an effort to break tho prevailing high price fifty crates of high grade storage eggs wero offered for sale by tho Housewives' leaguo of Orange. N. J. Tho eggs wero sold at 33 cents a dozen against 38 to GO cents charged by tho local retailers. Wealthy women bought largo quan tities. Such largo crowds gathered about tho store that grocers in the neighborhood advertised fresh eggs at 31 cents a dozen, which was less than tho prlco paid by tho league, but didn't get tho business. Mrs. Julian Heath, national president of tho Housewives' league, says that tho work accomplished by tho women of tho Oranges in breaking tho Orange egg market will undoubtedly causo other branches of tho leaguo to follow their example. Motner, Lawyer and Charity Worker. Mrs. Flora Groden of Brooklyn, who has Just been admitted to tho bar, will perform her homo duties as heretofore, practice her profession and contlnuo her charity work. She says she will mako use of her knowledgo rf law to enable poor persons to receive justlco In the courts TO OPEN TOWER OF LONDON DUNGEONS TO THE PUBLIC Visitors Soon to Be Allowed Where Kings Were Murdered. With nearly a thousand years of graven hlsto'rj' around them, the au thority at the Tower of London aro not disposed to mako Important chnnges quickly. The fall Mall Ga zette states, however, that within tho next few months the dungconsf tho White Tower and tho Bloody jjiwer, two Intensely Interesting historical parts of the tower, will bo thrown open to the public for tho first time. Tho dungeons Ho deep beneath tho White Tower, eerie, gloomy, mys terious. In tho wall dividing two of them is a narrow, black cagellko re cess, in which Guy Fawkes was im mured between tho periods of torture on tho rack. All around aro instru ments of torture rack and thumb screw, temple bands and searing irons now hanging msty and forgot ten, 'the grim relics of bygone ages. Only a few yards away a small, tomblike recess marks the place where, according to tho well established tradi tion, Sir Walter Raleigh spent ten years of his life, and, as If by tho Irony of fate, almost overlooking the spot stands an equestrian model of Queen Elizabeth, displaying tho gor geous state robes In which she went to St. rnul's to celebrate the triumph of her fleet over tho Armada. J The Bloody Tower is situated nearly opposite Traitors' Gate, and entrance to the Inner ward is gained by passing underneath. This tower dates from the reigns of Edwnrd III.' and Itlchnrd II. and was called by its present name as early as 1G07, being popularly be lieved to be tho scene of tho murder of Edward V. and his brother, the Duke of York, as well as nenry VI. The grooves for working the mas sive portcullis, which was raised by chains and a windlass, aro still to be scon, and the chains and windlass aro preserved in an upper floor. TELLS OF ARTIFICIAL LIFE. Dr. Loeb Explains Process of Devel oping Larvae. Methods by which ho has artificially originated nnlmal life In tho scientific laboratory were described by Dr. Jacques Loeb of the Rockefeller In stitute For Medical Research In an ad dress on "Recent Experiments In Ar tificial f arthenogenesis" before tho Sigma Xi society of tho University 'of Chicago. Dr. Loeb, who has developed normal living creatures through the action of chemical and physical agencies, dis cussed the experiments made since the first announcement of his success in developing tho eggs of sea urchins by artificial means. Ho emphasized his recent assertion that parthenogenetlc animals would exist in large numbers were it not that the raising of tho lar vae Is a long and tedious process. Dr. Loeb declared that the state ments reflecting on the success of tho scientific production of animals from fertilized eggs wero partly tho result of ignorance of tlio literature on the subject. HERE'S RADIUM FOR ALL. Reported Discovery of Cheap Method of Getting Metal. A London nowspaper ascribes to the German professor, Rudolf Sommer, the discovery of an Important new process of extracting radium quickly from un expected sources. It says the discov ery is now well on the way to a prac tical working basis, and before many months tho world's hospitals will bo able to get supplies of the precious metal, for which they now cry In vnln. Professor Sommer has been experi menting for five years at Neulengbach, near Vienna, whero he devised a proc ess of extracting the precious metal from the rough oro In from three to four mouths as compared with the processes previously known which take from- ten to eighteen months. The source of radium heretofore, as Is well known, has been mainly pitch blonde, thq supply of which is compar atively small, frofessor Sommer efts it from poor ore, such as carnotlte, of which big supplies are available. Ho has already produced three-quarters of a gram, which is worth at the current prico $100,000. Tho ordinary processes of extraction Involve' Inevitable loss. Professor Som men's process Is so economical and the loss s.o small that ho Is able to treat -"containing inlnuto quantities of radium and extract from them an amount less than tho amount lost by other processes. WOMEN'S LOWEST PAY FIXED. Oregon Welfare Commission Says De cent Living Requires $8.25 a Week. A ruling by tho Oregon stato wel fare commission prescribes a mini mum scale of $8.25 a week for all wo men employed in industrial occupa tions in the stato of Oregon and fixes fifty-four hours as tho maximum they may bo employed In any ono week. Tho time of employment beforo a wo man shall be considered an experienc ed worker and entitled to the mini mum wage is fixed at ono year, and the wage for tho apprentice period is fixed at$0 a week. f'Wo deem that tho minimum Bum required to sustain a self supporting woman in frugal but decent condi tions of living is $8.25 a week," says tho report of tho conference on which tho commission's ruling was based. Tho conference was composed of threo representatives each of the em ployees, employers and the general nubile. NATIONAL FIGHT AGAINSUANCER Campaign of Education Under Way to Check Its Spread. HOPE IN EARLY TREATMENT Surgery the Only Presr-nt Safety In Combating) Disease, Which Is In creasing, Although Claim Is Mado For Radium as a Cure. Death by cancer claims 75,000 people over1 year In tho United States. Tho scourge Is steadily increasing, says Graham R. Taylor in the Survey. But hope for its control is growing, for we are coming more widely to understand that tho disease is curable if treated in early stages. This knowledge with reference to tuberculosis started tho great campaign against the white plague. Similarly a nation wide fight against cancer is being organized by tho recently formed American Society For the Control of Cancer. In spite of premature enthusiasm over radium and the conscienceless statements of quacks the surgeon's knife is the only known cure, f rompt diagnosis and an Immediate thorough operation ofi?r a high probability of saving the patient's life, while delay and neglect mean certain and. terrible death. To spread this simple gospel to every comer of tlio land the society is beginning an active campaign of publicity and education. Only tuberculosis and pneumonia claim a greater number of victims an nually than cancer. For tho decade ending with 1011 the cancer death rate has Increased from C5.8 per 100,000 of the population In 1001 to 83.0 in 1011. A Destroyer of Homes. From the social standpoint it is of peculiar Interest to note that cancer is distinctly a disease of adult life. Deaths from cancer make up one-sixteenth of tho mortality from all causes at the ages of forty-five and over. This means that cancer directs its terrific onslaught largely against mothers and fathers of families. Cancer Is not at first a general dis ease of the blood, and despair and sur render In face of the disease Is not warranted. Wo now known that can cer is always at first a local disease which can often bo completely removed by adequate surgery. The knife is the only known sure remedy, and tho ter rible scourgo gives Its victim only one chance. Delay means not simply dan ger, but inevitable death. And again the result of a delayed or incomplete operation Is almost always fatal. Radium is considered by enthusiasts to promise a curative agency of un matched beneficence to mankind, but we must know much more than wo do now of Its effects beforo wo can abate In tho slightest tho urgent emphasis on surgical treatment. We have not yet been able In this country to make an authorltlve determination of its value. Few American surgeons have sufficient radium available to give a thorough trial, especially as it appears that ex tensive doses sometimes cure when smaller amounts have but little effect. Only time will tell what percentage of cases can be cured with radium, and In the meantime the Society For the Control of Cancer warns tho pub lic that early surgical treatment af fords tho best chance for euro of can cor. Methods to Be Employed. To meet tho need of a definite spe cial agency to fight the battle of soci ety against this disease the American Society For the Control of Cancer has been formed, fatterned somewhat after tho National Association For the Study and rreventlon of Tuberculosis, yet recognizing an entirely different problem and planning different meth ods, the organization aims to establish a clearing house of Information on cancer and to become tho channel through which authoritative state ments will bo mado to the public. Ono of tho first objects will be lo obtain tho keeping of systematic and uniform records of cancer cases in hospitals and dispensaries to provide tho basis for more detailed and posi tlve deductions as to tho value of surgical treatment in different mani festations and stages of the disease. When by this method and by the col lection nnd study of statistics from all avallablo sources now light is thrown on tho cancer question tho .findings will bo spread abroad through all avail able channels. "RAILROADS ARE STARVING." Seeking Higher Rates, Say Earnings Are Less Despite Increased Revenues. While their revenues have Increased earnings have been less, declare the forty-nlno railroads east of tho Missis sippi, which uso this argument in ask Ing an increase of 5 per cent In freight rates. Testimony to this effect was giv en beforo tho lntcfstato commerce commission In Washington beforo that lody adjourned to meet Dec. 10. Tho burden of tho evidence tendered is that whllo tho roads generally aro enjoying an increased business the re turns from operations aro continuously decreasing until, as General Traffic Manager Maxwell of tho Wabash Bald: "Tho situation Is becoming dally more serious, Wo aro suffering from Blow starvAtion." When tho commission meets on De 10 shippers protesting ngainst tho high er frates vU be represented by couusr THE CITIZEN OFFERS YO THIS ILLUSTRATED BOOK this great book which contains stantially bound in cloth. Now, then it is up to you. It is your move. WA11 Citizen subscribers who pay all arrearages and one year iti advance get a FREE copy of tills won derful book that is as entertaining us any romance ever written. The Citizen Publishing Co. SCEXE FROM AMERICA'S GREATEST RURAL DRAMA "WAV DAWN EAST," IiYRIC THEATRE, TUESDAY, DEC. iJOTH, MATINEE AND NIGHT. The over popular drama "Way Down' East," will bo the attraction at the Lyric Wednesday, Dec. 30. "Way Down East" is a play of tho homely, wholesome lcind which ap peals to the heart. It is a play with a story that touches tho heart, but which is told in a charming manner. Briefly the tale may be sketched. A girl who has been deceived by a vil lain, through a mock marriage, goes to a New England village to begin life anew, that has been all hut shat tered. She becomes sort of a com panion and assistant In tho household of a farmer where son is engaged to a cousin. The young man falls in love with the new comer, he and his betrothed not over caring over much for each other. Just as the love making of the son and the companion is reaching a climax, the village busy 'body learns something of the girl's story and tells the farmer. He in vestigates enough to learn that there is some truth in the story, and hen over 650 finely illustrated pages Honesdale, Pa, orders the girl from tho house. It Is night, and there is shown ono of the most realistic bits of stagecraft over given. A blizzard Is blowing and the storm is seen as she opens the door. As she leaves she de nounces her betrayer who, by a strange coincidence is visiting tho farmer. Tho son defies his parent and follows the girl. He finds her in a snow drift and takes her to. a de serted sugar shed for shelter. Of course tho farmer relents and goes to look for his son and tho girl and everything ends happily. A new production Is announced this season wun a cast of exception al merit. Mr. William Lawrence, who for the past ten years has been Identified with "The Old Homestead" in the part made famous by the lato Denman Thompson will be Been In the role of "Squire Bartlett." A bar gain matinee will be given, prices 25 and 50c. Night prices always 25c to ?1.00, FRE Dr. Cook's Boo is just out, spic and span new. In it he tells the complete story f i- ; - i ti , T?-4-i. tj. : :ti i TM. i i r i i. . i. iul ui luc uuuua aic uu me Wei Il !" - ..! Ill f T 1 1 mtUllfilinwi. A 1 though the book sells for a dol lar, and is as large and fine as i- i ai . ii r i - i i sura, The Citizen will present a copy to every new subscriber who niirC Cl "I w1.rn-.nn Tam i year's subscription. Don't wait for a Citizen representa tive to call on you, but call at the office, or send in your sub scription at once so that you will begin right away to receive the brightest, newsiest and ninst nri-tn-rlntp Inrnl npwsnn- r - - - -I- per in Wayne county in your home twice a week, and at the same time get a FREE copy of and is handsomely and sub ELECTION NOTICE. Aioptincr nf thn ftrnnlrhnlrlpra nf t Honesdalo National Bank will l 1 . m r t n t-v - i t i lit t i t -wr - o I llt.l.Wt.HIl I 1 1 M IllllllM 111 JLI1 p. m., for tho purpose of electing 1 n 1 . n t. 1 11 . 1 .nil 11 1'ri 11 1 11 ir rl 11 1 1 n . UUB1I1USU UlilL lllttv uu uiuukui ueiu the stockholders. L. A. HOWELL, Secretary. Honesdale, Fa., Dec. 17, 1913. 102w4. REGISTER'S JSOHCE. Not ce i-s . i ., . .. . I .1 I Hn- IV 1'IVI.Il I.I III r. II1H IlITI'.llll III HI ponntv for rnnfirmntinn. nt. thn Onnrt Hni in iionesanie, on tue mini juonuuy jnn. nexi viz: First and final account of G. Curtis, Laura M. Rude and A. of Louisa Curtis, Clinton. Philander W. Collins, Lake. First and final account of F. Roney, administrator of tho mm nr i.nrRnzn in oris, ruinci ham. First and final account of H. Megargel, admlnstlrator of tho i.u hJ UI. I . ' .rl v. i .11 O l 1,1.1 1 1 1 1 n an, Preston. r UBl UUU U11U1 UUUUUlll Ul JUUU of John S. Dexter, Damascus. First and final account of J. Mandoville, executor of tho estato Azuba Mandevillo, Honesdale. i' irsi aim inu ucuuuni. ui l-u 111(1 .11. llfll-KL. HXHIUL11X (J I LUU US of Frederick Horst, Texas. First and final account of B. X'JIDI UUU 1I11U1 Ul..UUIIb Ut JJ. 1 Raymond, executor of the estato John B. Leonard, Scott I'll Hi. UI1U UUU1 UCCUUI1I, Ul iUl estate of Ralph R. Haling, Lake. estate of Emma Beecher, Dreher. First and final account of Clara Borchers, executrix of tho estato Nathan Grlswold, Clinton. tato of Kern Ward, Palmyra. W. B. IiESHER, Recorder. E li Estate of ANNA A. COLE, Late of Clinton, deceased. All persons indebted to said es tato are notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested 'or settlement. JOLINE H. STEPHENSON, Executor. Waymart, Dec. 22, 1913. (I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers