PACxE FOUR THE-CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1913. THE CITIZEN SemMVcckly Founded 10 08; Weekly Founded 1814. Published Tuesdays and Fridays by B. B. HARDENBERGII E. B. CALLAWAY FRANK P. WOODWARD AND FEAT DIEECTOB8: t. , DOBFLIKGKB, M. B. ALLEN, E. B. HAKDEKBEBOn ONE TEAR SIX MONTHS Remit by Express Money Order. Draft, Postofflce Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdalo, Pa. ah nndfiAn nf uhnwq nr nthnr Antertalnmnntn held for the DurDose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo admitted to this RDtr on payment oi rBsuiar uviy uiig iica. uv wi . .- --n t nhiiM.hM it fnr ria HtnVilA nurnnapst vhArn ft fAn In charced. will ba DUD- Uflhtu at nail raies. iaru oi ui'iims, uv of respect will bo charged for at the rate application. THURSDAY, THOUGHT FOB TO-DAY. Come To Us All. Come, thou, dear Prince, 'oh, come to us, this holy Christmas-time. Come to tho busy marts of earth, the quiet homes, the noisy streets, the humble lanes. Como to us all, and with thy love touch every human heart, That we may know that love and in its blessed .peace Bear charity to all mankind. Eugene Field. MOORE IS THE MAX. Oh, say! Turn right over to the 10 th page of to-day's Citizen and take a look at Dr. Clement Clarke Moore, who is described as "The Man Who Knew Santa Claus Best." Isn't that a ilne, friendly old-time face? It was the man whose picture we gladly publish to-day who wrote that Christmas classic, "A Visit from St. Nicholas." You --will be glad if you save that picture for your scrap book. Tho writer has heard that the Doctor wrote his matchless poem with no thought of publishing it, much less that the sun would never set on its popularity. He has also heard that for a time the poem's au thor was unknown, as it was pub lished anonymously. This may not be strictly correct, and is not pub lished as a fact, but as a hear-say. Dr Clement Clarke Moore was an American author. He was born iu New York city on July 15, 1779. The Declaration of Independence was only threo years old when he first saw God's sunlight. He died in New port, R. I., on July 10, 18C3, in his 85 th year. Now, listen! You would most naturally suppose that the mind that detailed the pleasing fancies of "the night before Christmas" would be writing stories for boys and girls, in short that ho would bo a writer of juvenile literature; but not so. He was tho compiler of the first Hebrew and Greek lexicon published in America. He wrote other poems, but the world only seems to remember his Santa Claus musing. It is well to remember, also, that the extensive grounds of tho General Theological Seminary, of Now York city, were a gift from Dr. Moore. Perhaps, nov that you know more about the author of "A Visit from St. Nicholas" you will read it once again with a new and more ap preciative degree of interest. THE CHRISTMAS CITIZEN. Although we publish but one pa per this week, that number Is com posed of 12 pages, four more than compose the regular issue. x To-day's Citizen is a real Christ mas paper, intended to bo read on Christmas day. It is quite different from tho cut-and-drled Christmas numbers. 'It is not composed of many pages. Its good features are not smothered with big advertise ments, nor are its advertisements lost in the maze of many pages and tho picture business over done. Honesdale, Hawley, Ariel and the big city, "Over the Mountain" are featured by llttlo write-ups of busi ness enterprises. These notices are so written, displayed and grouped that they attract attention of read ers in a natural and pleasing man ner. W found the time that could be devoted to this work entirely too short to make a regular canvass of any of these places. Wo regret that we could not find the time to' see every business man and present to them ail an opportunity to go along with us in this happy holiday num ber Nobody was Intentionally over looked or neglected. Wo do not play the game of favorites. Tho valuo of theso pages of write ups consists in presenting glimpses of the towns represented in a way that makes this number of The Citl zen especially deslrablo to send to out-of-town friends. Rest assured they will appreciate such thoughtful ness on your part. Wo have printed a certain number of extra copies, and you may get them while they last at this office. It is our intention to make this sort of Christmas number an annual the Citizen Publishing Company. , PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR. ADVERTISING MANAGER URE WRITER. W. W. WOOD TERMS: ,..1-TIIREE MONTHS .33 ... .76 ONE MONTH ISO cuma, uiguiuimi i'wn uu imuiuuuu. of a cent a word. Advertising rates on DECEMBER SI.T, 101.1. feature of The Citizen, and we shall endeavor next year to make the word-picturo sketches more com plete and comprehensive than we have found our limited time posslule to do this year. , And now, dear reader, have a good time. This Is tho children's holiday. Get down from your dig nified perch and join the kiddies in their games. Keep them smlllsg, make them not only glad that Christ mas has come, but glad that YOU are home and enjoying it with them. You will never regret "unbending" a little at Christmas time. And so, A 'merry, merry Christmas to all! "A SAXTA CLAUS RHYME." There is really no necessity in ad vising the youngsters to read the jingle on the 12th page of to-day's Citizen that describes the Pack, the Sleigh, the Reindeer, tho House, the Chimney, the Hearth and tho Stock ing that Santa Claus found. If San ta put in his time last night with all of these things, they certainly know all about it to-day; and the chances are the"y are too full of mince pie, candy, dough-nuts, turkey and stuff from tho drug store that tho doctor said should be taken every half hour until the ache disappeared, to do much reading, anyway. "THE SELFISHNESS OF MRS. WATERBY." Wo urge all Citizen readers not to let the day pass without reading the beautiful feature story that occupies all of the 9 th page. It is one of George Ade's best, and it Is as force ful as it is attractive. When you get through, after you have read it aloud to' the family cir cle, it will 'be in order to hold a little debate over the query as to whether Alfred Waterby was justified in lying to his wife. Tho story gives you something to think about; and any man with a heart so hard that it isn't touched, and who Is so far gone astray that he doesn't feel ashamed of himself for mean suspicions he may have harbored against his own kindred, his neighbors or his friend3, deserves to have Santa Claus cut his acquaintance forthwith. The Citizen regards this story as far-and-away tho best short Christ mas sketch that has been published In years; and that is why It wants every one of its thousands of readers to give it a careful perusal. CEXSORSIflP. Running a newspaper Is a great business. Those In charge always try ,to please their subscribers and at the same time give the news when it hap pens and offer suggestions. We have heard j. said that newspaper men are poor critics, and it may be true. In our last Issue we reproduc ed an article concerning the moving picture business, speaking of it from a national standpoint, incidently sug gesting that possibly it might be well to have a censorship committee to pass upon reels of pictures bofore be ing shown to the children. The Citi zen by no means intended to do In jury to anybody or any concern when it reproduced tho editorial, but rather spoke of the picture business from a national standpoint. It is heartily sorry if it offended tho management of the local theatre. The pictures re ceived by Mr. Dittrich, wo have been informed, are strictly first-class and need no censorship,. He is presenting as fine a bill as can be reproduced by any moving picture house on any New York City circuit. BIRTHDAY AND FAREWELL PARTY. In honor 'of her birthday tho fol lowing friends pleasantly surprised Miss Mlllicent Brown at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. M. Stocker, last Thursday evening: Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. W. C. Genung, Mrs. Emma Se cor, Mrs. Chauncey Bates, Mrs. R. B. Brenneman, Mrs. T. Baker, Mrs. R. M. Stocker, Misses Christine Gucken berger, Emma Patterson, Emma Kreitner Mame Igo, Milllcient Brown, Ella Long. A Joyous time was experienced by all present". Dainty refreshments wore served. Miss Brown, who leaves after New Year's for Port Richmond, Cal., for an indefinite stay, was presented with a camera. "Red Slmdow." Xeino's, Price $1.25. BIHTHDAY GREETINGS. JOHN E. ItlCIIMOXD. The Citizen extends heartiest birthday greetings to our townsman, John E. Richmond, who upon Satur day, November 20, 1913, passed the 77th milestone in the walk of life. It is the Citizen's hope that both Mr. and Mrs. Richmond will live long to enjoy earth's blessings. Mr. Richmond is an ardent ad mirer of Dr. Frederick A. Cook and was instrumental in getting the doc tor to give his lecture in Honesdalo last year. By the way, Mr. Rich mond, although having in his pos session two books containing the original autograph of Dr. Cook, visit ed The Citizen office one day re cently and secured Dr. Cook's hand somely illustrated book, entitled "My Attainment of the Pole," by Daying $1.50 for one year in advance far Tho Citizen, The citizen rua HshlnK Company is giving Dr. Cook's book free to all new subscribers, and also to old subscribers paying one year In advance. COXGRESSMAX AIXEY FOR RE ELECTIOX. The citizen endorses the name of Congressman W. D. B. Ainey as a candidate for the nomination for the re-election of Congressman on the Republican ticket. In our opinion Hon. W. D. B. Ainey is the man for that exalted office. 'Truly our con gressman of the Fourteenth district has made a splendid record and is deserving of being sent back to serve his constituents in Washington for another term. We, as a people, do not realize what we owe Congressman Ainey, He has not only served the people in a National way, but in an inter national manner, being one of the celebrated and dignified peace com mission who was sent by the United States to represent this great na tion at the peace conference at tho Hague. In what better way could a district in this .commonwealth serve one of its sons than by nomi nating and electing him to another term as Congressman of this dls trict? FIRE AT RIG POX1). Firo destroyed the cafe of Mrs. Jennio Brink at Big Pond or Fair- view lake a few days ago. The build ing burned during the day and it is a mystery how the fire started. It is claimed that tramps were around tho premises a day or so previous and removed several gallons of whis key. As far as known there was no Insurance carried upon the building. A HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY. About twenty-five girl friends of Dorothy Rodman gathored at her home at 'No. 5 Durland brick block, Monday afternoon from 3 to G to help celebrate her eleventh birthday, The hours merrily sped away, there being 'many games that were indulg ed in. Among those that afforded greatest amusement were the crock, peanut and donkey games. Janette Burns proved to be the most adept in placing the tail on the donkey. She was awarded tho first prize, which consisted of a beautiful cupld picture. Lea Kimble was awarded the consolation prize, being success ful in placing the tail fartheVest away from its proper place. In playing both the peanut and crock games there was more fun con tained in them than one could "shake a stick at." Alice Dibble pos sessed the best nerve, in that she carried ten peanuts upon a knife across tho room. She was awarded first prize -whjch was a dainty Santa Claus calendar. Anita Krantz was given the consolation prize. Sitting on a crock with the feet off tho floor and writing one's name without touching tho feet to the floor was a game that caused considerable fun. It is a game that requires great skill in keeping one's equilibrium and was unsuccessfully tried by the little guests, except one, Virginia Brotfn, who captured the prize after many attempts. It consisted of a handsomely -hand-painted china tray. After the afternoon's amusements the little folks repaired to the dining room, -where appetizing refreshments were served by Mrs. Leon Ross and Mildred Rodman. Tho guests were seated at the table which was artisti cally decorated with red and green crepe paper festooned from the chan dallers to the corners of the table. The birthday cako was the center of attraction. Eleven flickering can dles, each ono representing a year In the little, hostess' llfo and It, too, reflected many happy hours. On the outer circle of the cake was a wreath of holly, symbolic of this glad Christmas time. The bright and merry faces of the little ones, -beaming with an almost superhuman light, reminded one of Him who said, "Suffer the little ones to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.". Tho Invited guests "were: Janotto Burns, ' Lillian -Babbitt, Virginia Brown, Ruth Bodle, Margaret Bader, Janetto Buerhart, Camilla Connolly, Irene Dillemuth, Alice Dibble, Ger trude Fryer, Holen Hessler, Helen Jackson, Anita Krantz, Margaret Kreltner, Selma and Bertha Lelno, Alma. Miller, Betsy Ross, Helen Stocker, Mildred and Robert Sharp- steen, Harriet Wilder. Iioncsrinlo'Bnptist Church, Rev. G. S. Wendell, Pastor. Regular preaching services morn ing at 10:30 and evening at 7:30, Sunday, Dec. 28. Sunday school at 11:45. Everybody welcome. Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Hov. Will II. Hiller, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. by the pastor, subject, "Retrospect"; eve ning subject on "Prospect." Tho choir will render special music at both services. At tho mid-week prayer meeting, Wednesday, December 24, the hour between 7:30 and 8:30 will bo de voted to praise and prayer. The Sunday School Christmas en tertainment will be held Thursday evening, Dec. 25, commencing at 7 o'clock sharp. Last Sunday, December 21, was a great day in Methodism. The ser vices In the morning were given over to the interests of the Wyoming Sem inary Endowment fund. Addresses were made by District Superintend ent L. C. Murdock, D. D., of the Wyoming conference of the Metho dist cnurcn, and liov. u. L. sprague, D. D., president of the Wyoming Seminary. They were of the first order. The singing by the Glee Club and recitations by Miss Faulkner, teacher. of elocution at the Seminary, who gave a concert in the church, Saturday evening, were well received and listened to with considerable in terest by the large congregation present. The members of the con gregation subscribed something over $1,500 to the Endowment fund. In the evening the church choir render ed a delightful Christmas program. Pastor Hiller preached a sermon from the subject "Trying to Find the Baby." The amount raised in this vicinity by tho Wyoming Seminary Glee Club and through the work of Rvs. Mur dock and Dr. Sprague was $3,500, or about one-tenth of the amount pro portioned for the Scranton district of the Wyoming conference. The $3,500 represents the following dis tricts: Honesdale, Hawley, Way mart, Bethany and Carley Brook. Christmas Day iu St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church. The Christmas spirit will be mani fest at every service. The day will begin at 7 a. m. with the impressive Matin service. Prelude. Processional, "Come Hither Ye Faithful." The Verslcle. Invitatory. "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing." Psalter. Lessons for the Day. Meditation: Wonder of Wonders. Benedictus. Special Music. Recessional. Chief service at 10:30 a. m. Brief German Service. Sermon: Das Christkind und unsere Kinder. , The height of the day's interest will culminate in the Children's ser vico at 7 p. m., when tho Sunday school renders Geibel's Carol Ser vice: Prelude, with orchestra accompani ment. Going Forth to Meet Him. International Messengers. "Hark! From tho Heights." "The Angel's Song." "Judah Join the Song." "Sleep! Sleep! Holy Babe." "The Wise Men." "Where is the King?" "O, Lowly Town. Recitations Exercises Addresses German and English. An illuminated Christmas tree will enhance the other decorations in the church. An interesting feature will be tho distribution of gifts at the 'close of the service. A cordial Invitation Is extended to the public. Prcsbjterlun Church, Rev. Dr. Swift, Pastor. Preaching services for Sunday, December 28, both morning and evening will be appropriate for Now Year's. Special -music. The public is cordially invited to be present. Grnco Episcopal Chinch, Rev. A. Tj. Whlttnkcr, Rector. Christmas festival services at Grace Enlsconal chumli. n.liHHtmnn morning at 10:30 o'clock. Miss aiauei uroaa, organist and musical directress, has arranged an excel lent nrocram as fnllmvs? Te Deum in C, arranged from 'Hay- aen's "Creation," Dudley Buck. Jubilate in D, Warren. Anthem, "Glory to God in the High est," E. J. Decevee. "Gloria in Excelsis," Schilling. JWilllam J. Reif, violinist, will as sist. Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold a service In the White Mills church Christmas morning consisting of iioiy communion and Sermon at 8:30 o'clock. Christmas service at nhrlst nlmrrOi in Indian Orchard, Sunday, Dec. 28, ai j:ju p. m,; Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 1:30. The Christmas muslo will be re peated at Grace Episcopal church on Sunday, Dec. 28, at 10:30 o'clock. Christmas carol service of Grace church Sunday school, Sunday, Dec. 28. at 7 n. m. narnln liv thn Hrlinrl offertory anthem by the Junior choir of Graco church and solo by Miss uorotny Howell. St. Mnry Mugdnlon's German Catholic Church. On Christmas Day masses will be celebrated at 5 a. m,, 8:30 a. m. and 10:30 a. m, Visiting priests will be in attendance and assist in'celebrat- MONDAY SPECIALS "Ring Out Ring In to make our store so successful, OUS NEW NEAR." We hope esteem of those who have taken weekly Monday Sales will continue. MONDAY, DEC. 29 Grocery Departments: - Columbian or Snow White Flour, per bag $J Pure White Rose Lard, io-pound pail Si' 4' -ure wnite Kose iard, 5-pound pail 75 C Pure White Rose Lard, 3-pound pail 45 C Fel's Naphtha Soap, 6 bars for --25c Uood yuahty Coffee in bulk, 25c value, per pound. 22 C Creso Crackers, the family favorite, 2 packages for 15c Marble Brand Tomatoes, special, per can.. ,pc Oranges, selected fruit, per dozen 29 C Dry "Goods Department Ladies' Stylish Trimmed Hats, $4.00 and $5.00 val.,. .$2.49 Clean up lot, extra width Dress Goods,' $1.00 value, per yd 75c New Cloth Ratine, the fashionable Dress Material, spec ial, per yard 22 C Heavy Kimono Flannelette, 15c value, per yard f2c Cotton Challies, good assortment, 6c value, per yard "5c Niagara Cotton Batts,' unroll in one sheet, each gc Children's all wool Sweaters, $1.00 value, each 89 C Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, 25c value, each 22 C Ladies' Extra Size Fleeced Underwear, 29c value, each. -24c Men's Heavy Ribbed Fleeced Underwear, 50c value, each 42 c Men's Gloves and Mitts, best 50c value, per pair 42 C Ladies' Fleeced Hose, slightly seconds, 15c value, per pair. 9 c Fine Unbleached Muslin, 10c value, per yard fiAr- .Men's Home-Made Socks, 60c Second Floor Department Black Sateen Petticoat, fine $1.00 value, each 89 C Ladies' Outing Gowns, $1.00 value, each 89c Clean up lot Ladies' House Dresses, special, each ggc Ladies' Knit Petticoats, 50c value, each 43 c Large Size Heavy Cotton Blankets, $1.00 value, per pair. -89 C x-ine omiortaDies, pure Wttite Uotton Filled, $2.00 val., each j Best Table Oil Cloth, 20 and 22c value, per yard 17 C ypaque vvinaow onaaes, 25c Katz Bros. Inc. NOTICE-Monday Specials are sold for Cash. Ing the masses. Special music will bo rendered. Program of Christinas Music at St. John's Church, Honesdale, Pa. Six O'clock Mass: Celebrant, Rev. John O'Toole. Old English Carol: Sanctuary Choir. Peters' Choral Mass in E Flat, Boys' Choir. Offertory Anthem, Adeste Fldeles, Boys' Choir. Organ Postlude, Mendelssohn. 10 O'clock Mass: Celebrant, Rev. James Walsh, of Catholic Univer sity, Washington, D. C. Old English Carol: Sanctuary Choir. Millard's Festival Mass in G, Mixed Choir. Offertory Anthem, Adeste Fedeles, Mixed Choir. Organ Postlude, Selected. The Carol will bo sung immediate ly before tho masses by the follow ing boys: Master Leo Connelly, solo ist, assisted by Masters Wm. Shan ley, John Dowd, Alviron Van Drlesen, Robert Canlvan, Ambrose Kilgallen and Leo Mullaney. Tho soloists at tho 10 o'clock mass are as follows: Miss Mary Kelly, Miss Helen Caufleld, 'and Messrs. Adam Van Drlesen, William Kalllhan, and Vincent Carroll. Organists: Miss Elizabeth Cau fleld and Miss Dorothy Shanley. Director: Mr. W. H. Bradbury. Eight o'clock mass, Father Walsh, celebrant. Tho hymn service by the Girls' Choir under the direction of Miss Anna Roilley, with Miss Cres centla O'Connell, organist. For the flrst time in St. John's church, "Sweet Saviour, Bless Us Ere We Go," will be rendered by John Dowd and William Shanley, LAKE ARIEL TIMBER BOUGHT BY SPRUKS BROS. Spruks Brothers, lumber dealers of Scranton, have closed a deal for the purchase of several hundred acres of timber and at Lake Ariel, from Mrs. Charles H. Schadt. Tile price is said to be about $12,000. When tho Spruks secure the land they will go ahead and cut out the timber that has long made the lake one of tho most pleasant summer re sorts In this part of the state. EVERGREEN TREES IN BAD CON DITION. Specimens of twigs Wd bark of evergreen trees, supposed to have been damagod by scale insects, were the Old, the New'1 "A HAPPY AND PROSPER in the future to further win the advantage of our efforts. Our value, per pair 45 C value, each 22 C received from Washington county, Pa., at tho Division of Zoology of tho Department of Agriculture, Har risburg, with a requst for informa tion as to tho cause of their Impair ed condition. One of tho specimens was from a tree that appeared to bo diseased when it was planted some twenty years ago, according to the correspondent, who states that "it has never done any good." Prof. H. A. Surface, the Economic Zoologist of tho State, in reporting upon the specimens, wrote as fol lows: '"I havo received tho twigs and bark of your evergreen trees, which you sent to mo, and must confess that 1 vuu nui nnu any insects present, and the subject of plant diseases be longs to tho specialist known as a plant pathologist. For that reason I would adviso you to send twigs to Professor N. B. Waito, U. S. Plant Pathologist, Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C. Also, if you wish, you might send some twigs to Professor Hugh Baker, Forester, State College, Pa. "It appears to mo that the tops of your trees are too dense, of, per haps they are too much shaded. I would advise cultivating the ground about them, and opening out tho tops, by a little pruning. Some fertilizer containing phosphoric acid and pot ash, such as would be obtained, Ih phosphate rock and wood ashes, should be mixed with the soil around the roots," CO! 1 RT PROCLAMATION. -Whereas ,. the Judge of the several Courts of the County of Wayno has Issued his precept for holdlnp a Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery In and tor said County, nt the Court House, to besin on MONDAY. JANUARY 19. 19H. to qontinue one week: And directln? that a Grand Jury for the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday. January 12. 1911. at 2 p. m, Notlco la therefore hereby elven to the Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the County of Wayne, that they be then nnd there In their proper persons, at said Court House, at 2 o'clock In the after noon of said 12th day of Jan., 1911. with their records, lnqulsltlons.ezamlnatlons and other remembrances, to, do thoso thlnss which to their olllces appertain to be done, and those who are bound by recocnlzance or otherwise to prosecute tho prisoners who are or shall boln the Jail of Wayne County, be then and there to prosecute aealnst them as shall ba Just. Glten under my hand, at Honesdale. this 22d day of Dec. 1913, and in the 136th year of tho Independence of the United States- FRANK C. KIMBLE Sheriff. Sheriff's Otllce enD' Honesdale. Dec. tt, 1913. 103wl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers