To New Subscribers: Tlio Citl Paper Next Week. Get Your News Items in Early. X XX Hi Kj J. X. X a Ha JlS juhI Dr. Frederick A. Cook's B . for Only $1.50. f s 71st YEAR. NO. 102 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913. PRICE 2 CEJ 5 To Our Correspondents: Only Ono ORTICULTURAL SOCIETY PLANNING CONVENTION AND FRUIT DISPLAY EAST HONESDALE RESIDENT NEARLY RUN DOWN BY AUTO . . 4-V V ill Be Held borne lime in January at tourt nouse MEETING OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DISCUSSED SPEAKERS AND DATE IN GHAND JURY ROOM ON WEDNESDAY TO MAKE "WAYNE COUNTY FRUIT RAISING CENTER W. J. IjEWIS, OF TITTSTON, OFFERED TO HELP. There will be a convention and rillL HAI11U1L lltiiU. U11UC1 IUG UUDUtWO i - I .1 t .1 ,1 Vilr I I I I M r Af .1.11 t.l C , LUUllUlllbU eanesaay ununiuuu m wie ury ruum ui me uuuii uuuac. i uuoo i T-v ItT TT..11 P 1 1-; pit; ii l. vYiiic jaii - x i , u .ii riii m;iti lv . j . i . uai tv luiv aiui 1 . .l 1 .1 A. T-XT T71 Ti.. ti .i iinHi. .m t ' i n r ir Hnnpmi i m. vh hiii hmiiiiiiil. linn i?o i Unhon r ir Minacnn o con. It is the pian and purpose of the nrtifiuimrai society to maKo wayne t, ii.. e it i "NT i x in i nit hi nil it ill i;u nil Lii:r 1 11 nuim- nnn iirltlmnt m ti 11 h (HlllniilfV riWITlfr . . n a. 11 i. il 11 l I 1 1 ... ri i iih i iicl LiiiiL, Lilts huh la caucuaii v nniiTPf Tn rnismir inn hh. iieuiM. 1 .1 T.. Kill IIKH illlll UL11C1 llUlLOi -L V 171 UU 1 1 111 1 il 11. inir. snrnvinir iinu rHrLiiiziiLiuii liik i nhiiiL Liuua i j i tv aviiu luuuu ui" 11 u mi iiiui o aim yi viiui uista ui ayno cuuiuy uru uwukciiuik tu uio iLI'.l. 1 HILL Lllti! M IS UUliailltll illJlt? 111 Ull- v iviim, uiiueveiuucu uii mo iiuia ui p,ir oin wavne. Tim vvavne norti- nn iiriilnn iin r r to rvi rvo ortrl oil r county. There lias been several hnnrirpn new t.rpps Kpr nut. nnrlni? t in etna win uu ucauiiK lusuuua it uiii Peach nnrl annlo trees are the fav- these trees have been planted. W. J. Lewis, of Pittston, who is i -i i . i a n. i . prnivlni. l rippnlv IntprpRtpri in thp nir limn in n nil rhiiii m iiisr vh; r. iriivH 1 1 - 1 Il .l i 1 , I 1 L111U &U11 was UUUDIUU LU ruimiiK nnlps plnlminp tlmt thpso vnrlpHpQ were best adapted to our soil and cli- II11LIK. JII111T1LT I.I1H HXI1I111T.H. W111P.I1 me wayne norucuiiurai aocieiy nas -1 1 T ...111 1 auuutiuu lur ill juiiuurt win uu uiiu by Mr. L.ewis. The Citizen s columns are always UUUll 1U1 111C UUUllLaUUU UI UUlltllUUL" ea arucies on uie ueveionment oi Wayne county, especially along the Wayne County Horticultural Society has work to perform and The Citizen will stand 'back of the society and give it all the publicity it can. Now for a lively and Interested campaign for new members for the Horticul tural Society that it may put Wayne county on the map as being the best place in the United States for raising apples. By that time it will be hop ed that Wayne county farmers will have a produce exchange in Hones- dale to which they can bring their fruits and vegetables and receive the highest market values for the same. ERIE R. R. COMMISSIONER JACKSON IN HONESDALE HAD PHEASANT INTERVIEW WITH A CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE. Tells About Erie Company Improve ments The Development of Rail roads Relates Tilings Seen In Land of Midnight Sun, From Wliich Ho Has Just Returned. HONESDALE MOST BEAUTIFUL TOWN, SAYSJH. R. DANIELS H. R. Daniels, of Boston, who is spending the week in Honesdale re marked to a Citizen representative that he was very much Impressed wiin iionesuaie. no conunueu: -wo pride ourselves on the suburbs out side of Boston but I can truthfully say that there is no placo that can equal Honesdale In beauty." Mr, Daniels was told that this was quite a broad assertion to make, but ho assured us nevertheless that It was trup. Honesdalo is an ideal place in which to live and locate factories, Its climate is unexcelled, the air is pure and water the best obtainable. If you are contemplating a change, come to Honesdale. The Board of Trade will assist you. rOCONO DISTILLING COMPANY IN BANKRUPTCY Luis Jackson, of Now York City, Erie railroad Industrial commission er, was a visitor in Honesdale on Wednesday. While in the Maple City Commissioner Jackson called at The Citizen office and we had a very pleasant interview with him. Refer ring to business conditions at large Mr. Jackson stated that one of the things that would help business would be the increase of five per cent, freight rates. Quoting Mr. Jackson, he says, "I find that the entire man ufacturing community of the country is in favor of the increase as it is ex pected to give an immense impetous power of the railroad and will en able them to secure more necessary capital for rails and equipment. "Little or no money is now being invested in railroad securities and as money, like water, flows to Its level, investors will seek a field for American capital abroad. Any busi ness man can tell by instinct that the high cost of living effects railroads in their purchases and in their la bor costs. The trouble is that we have too many lawyers in congress, and they are too slow In grasping the business end of matters. "The Erie railroad has its line double tracked from Buffalo to Chi cago. This road has always had a double track to Buffalo, but from that city to Chicago has been a sin gle track. During the past two years the single track has been abandoned and the double track is now within 40 miles from Chicago. As soon as this track is completed to Chicago the Erie will take rank as one of the great freight carriers .in the United States, and with this main line doubled it will be able to take care of every detailed improvement on the lines of the whole system. I be lieve that the antagonism against the railroads has about ended and that the public is discriminating against charging the faults of the few to the many. I believe that the railroads will push ahead with the development of their lines. The railroad's busi ness is too big an interest to be scar ed or disheartened by temporary feeling." Commissioner Jackson has just re turned from the Land of the Mid night Sun, and among other Interest ing things related, he said: "Between Boden and Narvik is the great Swedish Iron ore district. The principal mines are at Gelllvare and Klruna. The Gelllvare mines ship to Lulea on the east coast of Sweden, where there are ore docks. Prom Lulea the ore goes chiefly to Germany. The mines at Kiruna ship to Narvik on the west coast of Nor way. Much ore from this district is shipped by rail and water to furnaces in Sweden. The total production of Swedish iron ore this year (1913), is estimated at 5,500,000 tons. Amout 3,500,000 tons of this will bo handled by the ore docks at Narvik, Norway. (These figures are not au thoritative). From Narvik most of the ore is shipped to Emden in Ger many, and Is thence taken to the steel works in the Ruhr district Es sen (Krupps) , Dusseldorf, etc. Ships alsd load at Narvik for the United States. Nearly all such ships run di rect from Narvik to Philadelphia, in 1012 Philadelphia received 338, 8C3 tons of iron ore from Sweden. Phil adelphia is, practically, the only port that receives Swedish iron ore. It Is shipped from there to different American furnaces, to enrich other ores, being a very high grade ore. In many cases it contains as much as CO per cent, of iron, and in some cases as high as G9 per cent.' DIM LIGHTS AND LOSS OF CON TROL HAS UEEN GIVEN AS THE REASON. Accident Occurred on Old Glass Factory Slto Bridge Tuesday Eve ning -Car Grnzcd C. M. Coulter Who Cnmo Near Being Rilled. C. M. Coulter, a resident of East Honesdale, narrowly escaped injur ies last Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock by being nearly run down by a southbound automobile. The ac cident occurred near the old glass factory bridge at the outlet of Car ley Brook. Mr. Coulter was coming to Honesdale and was walking along the side of the road. A short dis tance ahead of him he saw a dimly lighted automobile. It was coming directly toward him. He stepped close to the fence along the road, thinking that the car would turn out and pass him safely. The car crowd ed the fence and then Mr. Coulter called to the operator. The man driving the car evidently did not hear Mr. Coulter's outcry as he con tinued on the same side of the road as was Mr. Coulter. In passing him the mud guards struck the pedes trian, and the car struck the bridge, causing the machine to stop. The force turned the car across the road. An effort was made upon the part of the driver who was from Narrows burg way, to continue his journey, but he was unable to owing to a broken axle. iHad the automobile been six in ches nearer Mr. Coulter it might have killed him instantly or disabled him for life. It is estimated that the car was running 25 miles per hour. COURT HOUSE PSEWS Items of Interest Transpiring in the Hall of Justice and Record ed "in Wayne County's Different Offices Reported by a Representative of The Citizen. NEW OFFICE OPENED The Business Men's Association and Wayne County Automobile Asso ciation opened an office in the Foster building on Tuesday morning for the transaction of business pertaining to these respective organizations. N. B. Spencer, who is secretary of both as sociations, is in charge. The need of an office to represent these societies is an absolute neces sity, there being many occasions for its use. It is centrally located, and is near the business part of the town for the merchants' convenience and also near a hotel where several tourists stop during the period of a year. The office is equipped with a large com bination desk, filing cabinet, type writer and chairs. The Citizen 'phone has been installed. Officers and directors of the Business Men's Association and Wayne County Au tomobile Association will be furnish ed with keys.' SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Dr. Sclineffcr Says They Are to bo Elected in .May of Next Year. An official opinion on the dates when elections of county school su perintendents shall be held has been given to Dr. Schaeffer, the State Su perintendent of Public Instruction, by Deputy Attorney General Cun ningham, as a result of questions which had been raised as to the in tent of the Legislature in drafting the school code. In a number of counties there were doubts express ed, but it is now held that the state superintendent should order the election of county superintendents in the year 1914 to bo held on the first Tuesday o.f May, 1914, the superin tendents to be elected on that date to servo from tho first Monday of Juno, 1914, to the first Monday of May, 1918, and their successors to be elected on the second Tuesday of April, 1918." Library Committee Appointed. Special court was held on Dec. 1G at 10 a. m., before the Honorable A. T. Searle, Judge of Wayne county court. The first matter brought to the at tention of tho Court was a petition presented by W. H. Lee, Esq., for the appointment of a committee com prising five members of tho Wayne county bar for the purpose of direct ing the Honesdale Law Literary As sociation under the act of May 11, 1901. The following attorneys were appointed: W. H. Lee, E. C. Mum ford, Homer Greene, C. A. McCarty, and F. P. Kimble. The members of the committee shall hold office for one year and shall have power to adopt rules for the regulation of the law library. It shall account annual ly to the -Court the financial condi tion of the library accounts. Rule Granted. Rule on Wright Schoonover and others to show cause why they should not contribute to the support of their mother, Charlotte Schoonover. Those contributing to her support in ac cordance with a prior order made in this case are permitted to visit her and converse with her at her domicile at all reasonable times. Sale of Real Estato Ordered. A petition was presented by Geo. O. Gillett, executor of the last will and testament of Eugene Mitchell, to sell the real estate of the deceased. Tho petitioner, George O. Gillett, is ordered to sell said real estate at nubile sale and to give bond in the amount of $1,800 with sureties to be approved by Court or the Judge in vocation. Returnable to January term of court next. Asks for Guardian. A petition was presented by Eliza beth Hardier, minor child of Henry Hardier, deceased, asking for the ap pointment of a guardian. The said Elizabeth Hardier not being of full legal age, and desiring to convey her interest in a certain piece of real estate, which had descended to her mother through the will of her fath er, with certain conditions, giving her an interest which amounts to a cloud upon the title. John Mains was appointed guardian upon giving bond. Mnry N. Gray Files Answer. In the matter of the appointment of a guardian for Mary N. Gray, an alleged feeble minded person, the folhwinir answer was filed by Searle .& Salmon, the same being the an- swers.of Mary N. Gray: To the Honorable, the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne County: Mary N. Gray, the person alleged to be feeble minded In applicant's netition filed in tho above case, made the following answer to the said pe tition: That on December 8th, 1913, a pe tition was filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Wayne County, sworn to by her nephew, Robert H. Gray, setting forth among other things as follows: "The said Mary N. Gray is so weak In mind as to be utterly un able to take care of her property and is, therefore, liable to lose or dissi pate the same and become the victim of designing persons. Tho said Mary N. Gray has considerable personal property without any person to care for the same. Mary N. Gray has no other near relatives, wherefore your petitioner prays that your Honor will appoint some suitable person as guardian of her estato, etc." Three creditors of tho Pocono Dis tilling, company, with headquarters In Scranton, the first of the week filed a petition in the United States court asking that the company bo declared bankrupt. The petitioners are Lach man & Jacobs and the, American Dis tilling company, of New York, and Fred C. White, of Hawley. They al lege that they are owed over $3,000 and that several acts of bankruptcy hayo been committed by the' allegeu 'insolvent company. J. S. Brown of this place holds eighteen shares of this stock. Tho first named creditors set forth that they have provable claims .of $272 against the Pocono Distilling company, the next named alleged they are owed $2,702, while tho third names $272 as the amount of his debt. In the statement filed it is said that the company committed acts of bankruptcy In paying some creditors in full and allowing a Judg ment to 'bo entered against them in the Lackawanna county court in fa vor of E. G. Lyons. A hearing will be held December 30. A. V. Bower represents the petitioners. BARTENDERS DECLINE NEW JOBS MINISTER OFFERS. Bartenders of Scranton have re jected tho proposition of Rev. George Wood Anderson, pastor of the fash ionable Elm Park M. E. church, to secure good jobs for all those engag ed in the liquor tramc who wish to quit the business. (Dr. Anderson In a recent sermon against intemperanco declared that tho bartenders who served the drinks were worse than the thief that stole his watch while he was on a recent Yisit to New York. The bartenders on a resolution voted that tho offer was not worthy of their consideration. A number had previously expressed an inten tion of making the minister make good his offer. MEDICAL SOCnSTY AT ILVWLEY. Tho Wayne County Medical so ciety met Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Kohinjan House, Haw- ley, Dr. J. Norman "White, of Spran ton, read an interesting paper beford the society, which was well repre sented. A dinner was served at 5:30. MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRY WE'VE COT THE COME IN; COME IN THE CHOICEST GIFT ARTICLES IN THE WORLD ARE HERE FOR YOUR SELECTION, CHARMING PRESENTS FOR EVERYONE FROM GRANDMA AND GRANDPA RIGHT DOWN TO THE BABY. ' THE BEST WORK OF THE GOLD WORKERS AND SILVERSMITHS OF MANY LANDS IN UNIQUE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS AWAIT YOUR SELECTIONS. COME IN. REMEMBER; YOU DO NOT NEED TO OWN A GOLD MINE TO BUY IN OUR STORE. OUR PRICES ARE EASI LY WITHIN YOUR REACH. COME IN. ROWLAND, HONESDALE'S JEWELER, Oppoiite the New Pitt Offleet "THE DAYLIGHT STORE" Respondent states that she never has been and is not, at the present time, weak in mind or unable to take care of her property or liable to lose or dissipate tho same or to 'be come the victim of designing per sons. Mary N. Gray further states that she has for her life time an assured income of $150.00 per month which she wishes for her support and main tenance and that she uses all of the $150.00 per month to maintain her self in the style and manner of living to which she has been accustomed to live. Further respondent states that In her opinion tho petition of her neph ew, Robert H. Gray, has solely for Its motivo the restriction of her use of this $1'50.00 per month, as afore said, In order that at respondent's de cease, there might be something com ing to liim from her estate. Your respondent further states that she would have no objection to the appointment of a guardian, pro viding such a guardian were appoint ed as would see that her monthly in come was used to maintain her in the manner and style in which she has been accustomed to live. She is will ing that Edgar W. Ross, at whose home she is now residing should be appointed guardian. Edgar W. Ross was appointed guardian in accordance therewith with the understanding that his bond should be increased as the amount of money coming into his hand is in creased. McGinty Case Settled. Attorney M. J. Hanlan stated to the Court that the case of John Mc Ginty against Rudolph Roegner and others had been settled, and there for would not be argued Tuesday as heretofore ordered. Lozicr vs. Clinton Cut Glass Co. Tho case of C. C. Lozier against the Clinton Cut Glass Company was then called for argument. This case is founded in equity. The bill of the plaintiff alleges fraud, conspiracy and collusion on the part of C. H. Wilmarth, with R. M. Terrell and J. H. Storman, three of the directors of the defendant company. On March 1, 1913, capital stock was Issued to C. H. Wilmarth 'by the board of di rectors to the amount of $3,500 without consideration being paid in to the treasury for the same and without notice to any stockholders whatever of the Intention of the board of directors to sell stock of the Clinton Cut Glass Company. -The plaintiffs allege that the stock was worth vastly more than par value of $100, namely $193.93, and upwards. Tho opening argument was made 'by C. A. Garratt, Esq. He contend ed that a director occupies a produc ing relation toward the corporation, and that he shall manage the busi ness of the company in such a man ner as to promote not his own inter est but tho common interest of all the stockholders and where a director procures an issue of stock to himself over a protest of a minority of the board of directors and where the vote to sell was procured by his own vote that is if he had not voted or had voted on the other side the vote would have been otherwise, such sale of stock is illegal and tainted with fraud and the action is double and collusive in that such a purchaser of stock would be Interested in buy ing the stock for the lowest possible price for himself, and at the same time as President Leander and direc tor of the corporation he should be Interested in getting the highest pos sible price for the stock for the bene fit of tho corporation. In this case tho sale of stock was procured by C. H. Wilmarth, by his own controlling vote in tho corporation. The plain tiffs ask that the stock be delivered up and cancelled. The case was ably argued by counsel for the plaintiff and defendant. Iloff and Garratt represented the plaintiffs and Mum- ford & Mumford the defendants. Briefs of law were submitted to tho Court by the attorneys on both sides and tho case now awaits decision. Special court was hold Wednesday at 10 a. m. before Judge Alonzo T. Searle and the following business was transacted: Petition for the appointment of overseers of the poor for Dyborry township presented. J. I. Bates and W. J. Hacker appointed. In tho case of Grace M. French, libellant, against Frank T. French, respondent, dlvqrco was granted. Hn tho matter of tho application of Claro Yale for determination of election for supervisor in Lebanon township, the case was submitted to tho Court. 'Court adjourned to meet tho 29th day of December, 1913, at 10 a. m. Register and Recorder. Business was quiet at this office this week, there being not many land transfers made. The following deeds were recorded: Heirs of John Donnolly, of Tioga and McKean county, to George Don nolly, of Damascus township; $800. Deed dated April 4, 1905. George B. Knapp and wife of Da mascus, to Carrie A. Ellison, of the same place, land In said township. $1 and other valuable consideration. Deed dated Dec. 15, 1913. Ellery Potter and wife of Oraf ton county, to Norman and Mamlo Lester of Manchester, containing 4G acres. Consideration, $600. Dated Nov. 17, 1913. Rockwell Brigjiam and wife, of Damascus, to James Dolson, of that township, consisting of 18 acres. Consideration $350. Deed dated De cember 9, 1913, Pennsylvania Coal ( ., any to Alexander Barrett, of l'& iy, $75, 1 I- i i t , 'Off i. 1JU1UU1 UI 1UUU 111 'g - UUI UUU. Deed dated October 15f '5. Treasurer's Olllce. Treasurer W. W. Wood and deputy treasurer, Miss Louise Fowler aTo busily engaged in getting tho differ ent bills in readiness for Auditors Bodle, Avery and Gilpin January 1st next. Hunting licenses numbering 1,859 have been issued by Treasurer Wood this season, netting $1,859. Clerk of Courts. Second naturalization papers have been applied for by Frank An'tonlan. Honesdale; Ulrich Keller of Braman; Gottleib Matterer, HaWley. A marriage license was granted to Edgar Spangenbefg and Dessio Swingle of the same place on Wed nesday. In the absence of Miss Marcia Barnes, deputy prothonotary, Mrs. W. J. Van Keuren, is serving in Miss Barnes' steadl. The latter has been a guest of her brother, Earl Barnes, in Milanville the. past few days. Sheriffs Office. The sale of property of Deborah L. Eade, of Mt. Pleasant, at the suit of Mary L. Silsby, was filed in this office Wednesday afternoon. Judg ment, $232.70. Sale of personal property of Fred Eldred, of Oregon, Friday, Decem ber 19, 1913. Sale of personal property of Alva Goodrich, of Canaan, Saturday, Dec. 20, 1913. Sheriff F. C. Kimble was in Ariel on Wednesday- where he served a writ of sclra facias to retire judg ment on a property in that place. The next term- of court will con vene on the third Monday of Janu ary, the 19th. Grand jury will meet the 12th of next month. Commissioners' Olllce. The next regular meeting of the Wayne county commissioners will be held on Tuesday, December 30, being the last meeting of tho year. Commissioners Clerk T. Y. Boyd and assistant, Miss Mabel Jones, aro getting the accounts of the office In readiness for tho county auditors January 1, 1914. Deputy Boyd attended the Pomona at Gravity on Wednesday. Justice of Peace Oflicc. iRobert A. Smith, Honesdale's nonagenarian justice of tho peace, commenced tho present week by making people happy, as is character istic of Uncle Bob. The contracting parties wore Joseph W. Early and Llllie W. Weisser, both, of Scranton. After congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Early left on the Delaware and Hudson train for a brief honeymoon. Eberly Skinner waived a hearing before Justice Smith Wednesday af ternoon on charges preferred against him by Mrs. (Comfort) Skinner, who alleges that Mr., Skinner, from -whom, she has applied lor a uivorce, -Drone Into .her apartments during her ab sence. Assault and battery Is also mentioned in the bill of complaint. Upon the advice of his attorney, M. J. Hanlan, he gave bail in the amount of $100 to appear before tho Janu ary term of court. The arrest was made by County Detective N. B. Spencer. Condemnation Proceedings Heard in. Grand Jury Room. Witnesses were heard on Wednes day in the condemnation proceedings of Joseph P. Page of Poyntello against tho Ontario & Western rail road. Tho hearing was before W. H. Lee, M. J. Hanlan and W. L. Gay lord, viewers appointed by tho court to determine the value of the land taken by tho railroad company in its double track operations in 1911. The plaintiff had 8 or 9 witnesses who testified as to the value of tho land as affected by the double track operations of the company. Tho plaintiff alleged the only spring on tho farm had been destroyed in this operation. The witnesses estimated the damages at from $2,000 to $2, 500. , " The company had two witnesses, both of whom were disqualified as to tho value of land as not being fa miliar with it. James E. Burr, of Scranton, ap peared for the railroad and Searlo & Salmon for tho plaintiff. The hearing adjourned at noon. Wednesday, until December 31, at 10 o'clock for further taking of ovi-dence. LOOK OUT FOR HEU. It has been learned that a woman has been going nbout the boroughs and selling subscriptions for tho Mc Call Magazine with a free pattern for 35 cents and then telling those who naid her the money that tho magazlno and tho pattern could bo had by calling at the Wallaco Do- partment store. There has been no arrangement ot this kind made with the Wallaco storo and of course those who have contributed their 35 cents must look elsewhere for the magazine and pattern. It looks as though some one was being "hooked' and It would be well to bo a bit careful before giving subscriptions for magazines. There are plenty of local accredited agents for about all tho magazines that aro published and there will 'bo no chance of being caught. Monroe Record. IN BANKRUPTCY COURT. There will bo a hearing on Satur day of the creditors in the bank ruptcy case of Levin A. Waltz by Trustee Charles J. Waltz to take action on leave to sell personal prop erty of said bankruptcy. The hear ing will be before Referee in Bank ruptcy W. H. Lee. There was a hearing for the ex amination of Peter J. Schmidt, ot White Mills, bankrupt, Thursday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. The 18 credi tors were represented by Mumford & Mumford and Searle & Salmon. Mr. Schmltt and his council, Kimble & Hanlan, were also present. The lia bilities are set forth at $4,172 and assets at $1,870. J
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