THE CITIZEN To Our Correspondents: Only One To New Subscrll J? Tho Citizen nml Dr. Fredcrlcr book's Itoolc for Only $1.50. 'AIWP X , f Volr. fjf. A nut Vmvu Items in Earl v. 71st YEAB.--NO. 101 HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. PRF 2 CENTS DR. F. A. COOK PETITIONS CONGRESS FOR JUSTICE A dispatch from Washington, D. C, states that Dr. Frederick A. Cook of the North Pole fame, asks Con gress for an Investigation during the December session. Dr. Cook says a resolution will be Introduced In the lower house soon providing for an Investigation, and that he will be glad to submit his claims to a com mittee of either house. "I am ready to submit my proofs at any time 'to a committee of con gress and let them judge between any DR. FREDERICK A. COOK. proofs and those of , Admiral Peary," said Dr. Cook. "I am even willing that the naval affairs committee of either house be the judges, notwith standing their natural leaning to ward a naval officer. "I have never attacked Admiral Peary's claim that he reached the North Pole, but I have criticised the method in which he laid claim to the honor. I want no money from con gress, 'but I do feel as though I had wrong righted." Dr. Cook says he will sail for Europe in December. COUNCIL TO APPOINT NEW MEMBER. Borough Fathers Empowered to Fill Vacancy of S. T. Ham on the Board After Reorganization. The death of S. T. Ham has created a vacancy upon the borough council board. The present body of the town's representatives will re main the same until after reorgani zation, which will be on Monday, January 4, 1914, At that time the council will be empowered to select a citizen of Honesdale In place of S. T. Ham, deceased. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE AT LAKE COMO. Saturday morning, December 9, the local institute of the townships of Preston, Buckingham and Man chester was held in tho high school uuiming at iaije uomo. The .meeting was called to order by the chairman, Prof. Winfield W. Menhennett, prin cipal or tne i-reston higli school. Roll call showed that there were 19 teachers representing the three nam ed townships and one teacher from Scott township. A short but interest Inn and instructive nrncrrnm wns Hv. en. Mr. Bauorsox, a representative oi umn ana uo., was there and en tered into some of the" discussions. Several visitors from Mm t nwn Tirana In attendance at the meeting. The luuuwing teachers were present: Prof. Stephens, Prof. Brotzman, Mayme K. Carey, Loretta B. Carey, Sabra Holbort, Loretta Spatt, Clayton iDecker, Agnes Chapman, Mildred Woodmansee, C. R. Gillow, Mao Flynn, Hilary Osborne, Prof. W. W. Menhennett, Prof. S. B. Downs, Re becca Fltzslmmons, Guy Bennett, Ralph Reynolds, Edna Bortree, El mer Hine, Felix Menhennett. Pro gram: "Punishment," C. R. Gillow; "Tho Function of the School in Edu cation," S. B. Downs,' "The Blood," Elmer Hine; "Spelling," Edna Bor tree; "Writing," Everett Stephens. JUDGE SEARLE SENTENCES MURDERER TO 10 YEARS. The Tribune-Republican of Mon day savs: Eseaninir tlm nlntrln .i,,u .because of the scruples of two Jurors 'who later caused the others to com promise their views, Alphonso Gior- umiu, uio siayer or .pasquale Val vano, was sentenced to. not more "thnn K'nntv vn-i.. i . i . . ........v.? j itui icoa iuuu six teen years in the Eastern Peniten tiary by Judge Searlo Saturday. He -was Immediately taken back to the county jail and will be removed to tho penitentiary by Sheriff Connor some day this week. Judge Searle stated to the jury In his charge that they could - legally find the defendant guilty of murder In the first degree. Ho reiterated that Just previous to Imposing sen tence. But it was evident to the dis trict attorney and others when the Jury was being selected that if there were no men with scruples on the list It would be strange In viow of the fact that nearly all of the men ex amined in the case were dismissed by Judge Newcomb because of their scruples against capital punishment and it became necessary to call a new list of jurors before the Giordano Jury was half selected. District Attorney Reedy was asked by Judge Searle if he wanted to make any remarks before sentence would be Imposed. He said ho had no comments to make. ' Attorney John P. Qulnan plead for clemency. Patronize Citizen advertisers when buying your Christmas gifts. Every house represented In this pa per has a largo and varied selection. Stourbridge lion for industrial, school. Over the Mooslc Rnlhvny Employees Chooso First Locomotive for Nnnio of Their Organization. The fourth meeting of the D. & H. Instruction school was held last eve ning and It was decided that It would thereafter be held every Wednesday night and would be known as "The Stourbridge Lion School of Employ es Instruction of the D. & H. Co." As the Stourbridge Lion was tho first steam engine run in America and on the D. & H. road, the school being the result of the first endeavor of Its kind ever started for employes' instruction, it was likewise decided that the above name would be used. After the regular class study the school was addressed by Thomas Champion on the Instruction Depart ment; W. J. Sullivan, on Mechanical Department; L. F. Loree, on Train Rules, and J. J. Reid, on General In struction. ALLEGES THAT LIFE AVAS EN- DANGERED. An assault and battery case in which William Bassney, of Swamp Brook, was prosecutor and Charles Mezyler was the defendant, was set tled before Justice Robert A. Smith on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Bassney claimed that on Sunday, December 7th, Mezyler . assaulted him on tho public road and threatened to do him bodily harm. The prosecution called the follow ing witnesses, who testified: Herman Bassney, George Hessler, William Woist and Eddie Mezyler. Kimble & Honlan represented the defendant and C. A. Garratt was counsel for the prosecution. The case was settled (by Mr. Mezy ler paying the costs in the case which amounted to $11.35. BASKET BALL. What's the matter with Honesdale and all of her basket ball teams this winter? Plttston, Taylor, WIlkes-Barre and Scranton all fhave teams and are playing regularly. Our old friends from Taylor are playing again with the same team that they have had for the past twelve years. Plttston and Wilkes-Barro have started a series of games to determine the champion ship of Luzerne. Both of these teams havo the saime line-up as in previous years. It will Indeed seem odd not to see some of these familiar faces here on one of our 'basket ball floors this season. White Mills, too, under the man agement of "Eddie" Murphy, is or ganized, and it is rumored is plan ning a week's trip, taking in towns from Wilkes-Barre to Freeland. The only rumor of basket ball in Honesdale thus far is from the camp of the Junior Order of American Me chanics, who .irfi nmntlplnir Mrnirlnv nights In the High school gymnasium. we unuerstana mat they have chal lenged the White Mills team to a gamo or a series of games, but as yet have received no reply. What Is the reason Co. E don't get busy? With the advantages they have In their lino new armory, suc cess In the basket ball field ought to bo assured. G. A. R. OFFICIOUS ELECTED IN HAWLEV. The following officers of the James M. Thorp Post, No. 195, were elected Friday evening, December 5th: J. A. Collum, commander; Jas. Baschon, senior vice commander; Horace Hazen, junior vice command er; D. James Colgate, quarter-mas-er; William Cruse, sergeant; Edwin A. Marshall, chaplain; Randall Kel ley, officer of the day; David Cooper, officer of tho hour. The officers will be installed at a meeting of the Post on Friday afternoon, January 2nd, at 2 p. m. F. & A. 7 eLECT OFFICERS. Election ui officers of Honesdale Lodge, No. 218, Free and Accepted Masons, occurred last Thursday eve ning when the following were elected to their respective chairs: Worship ful Master, Edward A. Lindsay; Sen ior Warden, Charles H. Fletcher; Junior Warden, James Mumford. Treasurer, J. D. Weston; secretary, Irving B. Brown. Dr. L. B. Nielsen was elected delegate to Grand Lodge. WAYNE COUNTY FISH HATCHERY ENLARGED. ,Th Wayne county fish hatchery, WlllCh IS Titular tlm gilnni.vl.lnn C .!. State, is being enlarged. A fish run ou leut long, feet high and seven feet wide has Just been completed at tho Pleasant Mount hatchery. The new adrllMnn la ii,,m mii..i.. . croto at a cost of $8,000. Tho con tract was awarded to a Scranton con cern, which just completed tho Job. GOULDSBORO RESIDENT DIES IN HOSPITAL. Fred Stephens, of Gouldsboro, died in tllfi ATnaoa Tnvlrt.. Iinnul t-.i Uay. following nn lllnaaa weeks. Mr. Stophens was for a num ber of years a railroad conductor on the Lackawnnnn. rnllrnnrl Tin well known and very popular. Mr, miiiucuo wua ui youra oiu. iio leaves a sister and three brothers. The funeral was .held on Sunday. ORSON. Orson. Den 13 TCilivln w ttc, Orson, and Miss Mary E. Hughes, of C18 Adams avenun. Rrrnntm. ,,,n.-n married last Wednesday at noon at tho homo of Mrs. Dora Simons, of 018 Adams avenuo, Scranton. Rev. Joseph Stephons, of Plttston, per formed the ceremony. The cere mony was witnessed by the closest friends and rolatlves. The bride was attired in a gown of champagne silk cpvered with lace and fur. Fol lowing the ceremony a reception was held, after which the newly wedded couplo left on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, Share Yur fortune E)VUD all the happiness and Joys of the merry Christmas season think of those less fortunate--of those on whom the sun of plenty has failed to shine during the past twelve months. Chlnh of the heart aches that will be theirs on Christmas morn ing ; thlnh of the tear stained eyes of the little children weeping because Santa Claus could not call at their homes. Ralf of your pleasure at Christmas will be derived from mahlng others happy, from sharing your good fortune and sowing seeds of kindness wherever you happen to be on Christmas day. Give something, be it ever so trifling, to the little child to whom Christmas otherwise would mean nothing. ou can keep tears of sorrow from those eyes and brighten the day a hun dredfold for yourself. Cry It. 5& r& DEBATE AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Question Resolved That The Secre tary of State, W. J. Brynn, Was Justified in Lecturing Ably Handled by Seniors. An interesting debate was con ducted in tho High school auditorium last Friday by members of the sen ior class. The question "Resolved that the Secretary of State, William J. Bryan, Was justified in lecturing," was ably argued by both sides. The affirmative was represented by Earl Herbert, Florence Rose and Jeannette Reif; negative, Quintln Murray, Agnes Smith and Eliza Burke. Professor H. A. Oday acted as chairman of the debate and W. H. Dimmick, Mrs. Alma J. G. Dlx and Grace Hanlan were judges. They unanimously rendered their decision In favor of the affirmative. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Professor Russell T. Davles, vice principal of the Honesdale High school, broke out with a rash on Friday, but it disappeared on Satur day. The professor did not return to school on Monday for fear of com municating the rash to someone else. Miss Marie Freund is substitute teacher at tho High school. The Christmas vacation will com mence on Friday. School will be closed for two weeks. On Friday afternoon of this week a Christmas program will be render ed in the High school at 3 o'clock. Friday evening, December 19, from 7:30 until 8:30, the pupils of the different grades In the schools LEDGEDALE MAN SEVERELY IN JURED. While assisting in razinK a laree smoke stack In a lumber camp at ueugeuaio, wayne county, Friday, Aden Conklln, forty, of Ledgedale, received severe injuries when the stack fell on him. He is now at the State hospital, Scranton, in a critical condition suffering from Injuries that may prove fatal. Conklln received severe contusions of the back, chest and lacerations of the scalp. It Is thought that he is also suffering from internal Injuries. THIRTY YEARS AGO. IN HONES DALE. The Scranton Tribune-Republican of Saturday reproduced from the files of Scranton papers of thirty veara ncrn til o fnllnwlnr nmvo Itnmo which are of interest to Wayne county people: "Hay is selling In Honesdale for $9 a ton. "Tho Wayne County Development company has quit boring for oil. Tho last well hole is down 2037 feet" Hay Is now bringing $18 and $20 per ton and our faith in Wayne county oil is Just as strong as It was in 1883. WALKED FROM PHILADELPHIA TO CARBONDALE. Thomas F. Gallagher, an inspector of the Consolidated Telephone com pany, and assistant, completed a tour of Inspection on Friday last which covered a trunk lino of that com pany's line from Philadelphia to' Car bondale. Inspector Gallagher and employe started their overland walk November C and on Friday, the 12 th, of December had finished their work, Everv nolo. TI1V wlrn rmaa nrnVa anrl service wires were examined. Place Red Cross Seal's on Yoiu1 Hull, day Gift. Tho pub- Program for use of Honesdale school building outside of regular school work. Monday. Boys, 9-10 or 11 in gymnasium, 4 to 5:30. 4-5, Library. 4-5 Hight School Girls' Glee Club rehearsal. 7-10 J. O. A. M. in Gymnasium. Tuesday. 3 p. m., First Tuesday in each month; Ladies' Improvement So ciety, 3-5 Library. 4-5, Seven and Eighth Grade Boys' Glee Club Rehearsal. 4-G Boys' Band Rehearsal. 7-9 Civics Club. 7-9 Cadets in Gymnasium. Wednesday. 4-5 High school Orchestra Rehearsal. 4-5 Library. 4-5:30 Boys 12, 13 and 14 years of age in Gymnasium. 7-9 G. C. C. in Gymnasium. Thursday. , 4 -5, Library. ?,:30 boyo 1C IT over in Gymnas ium. 7-9 High school girls in Gymnasium. Friday. 3- 5 Library. 4- 5:30, reception in Gymnasium. 7-9, Gymnasium class for all boys 12 or over who do not belong to some other class. 7-9, library. Saturday. 9-12 a. m Boys under 12 years of age in gymnasium. 1-5 p. m., boys 12, 13, 14 in Gymnas ium. 7-10, boys 15 or over in Gymnasium. 3:15 p. m nearly every other Sat urday reading by Mrs. Friedowald. MOTOR ROLLER SKATES. One of the interesting novelties to be seen at the recent electrical show at the Grand Central Palace, New York, was a pair of motor roller skates, adapted to be driven by elec tricity obtained from a battery car ried by the wearer of tho skates. Tho inventor of this machine dem onstrated the practicability of the skates by making exhibition runs. Don't Go Up In the Air! And Then You Will Be Suited DOWN TO THE GROUND SO WILL THE POOR. TIRE0 SHOPGIRLS I will sing Christmas carols, lie is invited to attend. fPliiP' FUNERAL OF COUNCILMAN S. T. HAM. The funeral of the late Samuel T. Ham was largely attended from his late home on West street Saturday afternoon. One feature particularly noticeable was the large attendance of men present. Tho town council, of which the deceased Avas ono of the I most active, attended In a body. The services were conducted by Rev. A. L. Whittaker, rector of Grace Episco pal church. Rev. Mr. Whlttaker's remarks about the departed were very impressive, giving consolation and comfort to the bereft relatives and friends. Tho floral pieces were many and beautiful, giving evidence of the high esteem In which the deceased was held by his many admiring friends. Mr. Ham's remains were tenderly laid .to rest In a slate vault in Glen Dyberry cemetery. The following relatives and friends to attend the obsequies from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pethlck, of Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Seaman, of Carbondale; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Knapp, of Passaic, N. J.; Conductor George W. Knapp of Elmira, N. Y. HYMENEAL. Bunting Gamble. Miss Gertrude A. Gumble, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gumble, of Gumblo's, Pa., and Clarence E. Bunting, of Cambridge, Wis., were united in imarriage on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Baumann, uncle and aunt of the bride, of Milford, with whom the lat ter has made her home for many years, by Rev. L. B. McMickle, pas tor of the Methodist church. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Bunting came in an auto to Port Jer vls, where they took a train 'for the west. Their home address is "Cam bridge, Wis., Route 4." Port Jer vis Union. NEW BOOKS IN HONESDALE LI BRARY. Mrs. William J. Van Keuren pre sented the Honesdale Free Library with the following books of Action on Friday last: "Anne of Avonlea," L. M. Mon tomery. "Raffles," E. W. Hornung. "A Modern Chronicle," Winton Churchill. "Marietta," Crawford. "Old Rose and Silver," Myrtle Reed. "Caleb West Master Diver," F. Hopkinson Smith. "The Powers of Maxlne," C. N. and A. M. Williamson. "Sharrow," Von Hutten. "She That Hesitates," Harris Dickson. "The Woodcarver of Lympus," M. E. Waller. , . "Tho Sign of the Fox," Barbara. "Lady Betty Across the Water," Williamson. "The Testing of Diana Mallory," Mrs. Humphry Ward. "The Woman Haters," Joseph C. Lincoln. "Lit Kennedy Country Boy," S. R. Crocket. ' "The Tides of Barmgat," F. H. Smith. "The Heart of Hyacinth," Wat anna. "Pennsylvania at Antietam." PENNSYLVANIA DINNER IN NEW YORK. The fifteenth annual dinner of the Pennsylvania society was held in the Waldorf Astoria, New York city, on Saturday evening, in commemoration of the one hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary of the ratification of tho Constitution of the United States, by tho Pennsylvania Convention. Tho principal guests of honor were former President William Howard Taft who made an able response to the following toast, "The United States"; tho Honorable George Southland, Senator of the United States from Utah, who replied to tho toast, "The Law and the People"; and the Honorable Robert O. Smith, who responded to the toast, "Our Kindred: At Home and Abroad." President Henry P. Davison, the president of the society, sounded a note of warning, and in his speech called attention to the changes that are taking place In this country. "It Is certain," he said, "that tho results of this evolution have poten tialities for good or for evil of im measurable Importance. Is it true, can it be true, that we are living at a time when plain, straightforward facts and imerit are to be disregarded when right and honor go at a dis count and prejudice and misrenre. sentation command a premium? On all sides, almost every day, we see new committees, of inquiry and in vestigation. In tho imldst of the festivities 1G0 splendidly gowned women, the So ciety of Pennsylvania Women in New York, marched into the grand ballroom of the hotel, preceded by four buglers and all the flags that Pennsylvania ever made, owned or captured, and accompanied by tho uest errorts or an the iiorists of this vicinity. It pleased the male Penn sylvanians so much that thev rose to the occasion and from tho tops of tneir cnairs cheered most vigorously. The noise was easily audible in tho Adirondacks, and completely drown ed out tho sound of Pittsburg's steel mills. VIRE IN WATER TANK. Strango though It .may seem fire partially destroyed tho water tank of Dwight Dorfllnger at White Mills about 11 o'clock Saturday night. Plumbers wero called on Saturday to thaw out frozen pipes and It is pre sumed that the torch ignited some of tho paw dust that surrounded tho pipes in' a Wooddtf encasement. The tank is located a short dis tance from tho ihouse, but it was far enough away bo as to not do any damage" to Mr,. Dorfllnger's home. WHITE ML RESIDENT FRACTURES TWO RIBS DotiKlns-Lockwood Nuptial West ern Visitors Here Other Newsy Items. White Mills, Dec. 15. On Wednes day afternoon, December 3, at 4 o'clock, a pretty wedding wns sol emnized by the Rev. Walter Walker, when he joined in holy wedlock Mrs. Lena Lockwood and Gilbert E. Douglas, of Uniondale, at tho home of tho bride's sister, Mrs. Joseph Stephens, of this place. Mrs. Charles Burger met with qulto a painful and serious accident on Wednesday evening. While stepping; from her back porch her feet slipped and she fell, striking the edge of 'tho porch on .her side, fracturing two ribs. Mrs. Keiser, formerly Miss Flor ence Suydam, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and her friend, Miss Sappin'gton, of tho same city, .were tho guests of tho Misses Dorflinger. They left for Paterson, N. J., and New York city, by way of Scranton, on Thursday. Misses Nellie and Kathryn Dor fllnger spent Thursday in Scranton. Mrs. Dwight Dorfllnger spent Fri day and Saturday In Scranton. Mrs. John Boyle and nephew, Rob ert Bellman, spent Wednesday In Honesdale. DYBERRY LOSES ESTEEMED CITIZEN. William Paynter, aged 77, for many years a respected resident of Dyberry, died at his home on Dec. 12, at 9:30 a. m. His death was duo to palsy. He had been troubled with this ailment for several years and lately it so affected him that he was unable to speak. William Paynter was born on March 7th, 183C, In North Pather wln, Devonshire, England.- He came to this country in 1861 at the age of twenty-five and settled at Beachlako. Ho was employed by William Tam blyn and held this position for three years. After residing at Beachlako two years, he married Melissa Olver, the eldest daughter of John Olver, on November 14, 18G3. After mar riage Mr. and Mrs. Paynter lived at Beachlako for one year. They then came to Dyberry and settled on John Olver's farm where they have since resided. Mr. Paynter was a farmer by occupation and also a sincere and faithful church worker. He was con verted in England and upon his ar rival here joined the M. E. church of Beachlake. He was also a Sun day school teacher for many years. The funeral services were held on Sunday, Dec. 14-, at 1:30 o'clock, tho Rev. J. E, Prltchard of the Bethany Presbyterian church officiating. In terment was made In the Bethany cemetery. !The decnased .Is survived by his wife, Melissa (Olver) Paynter, and the following sons and daughters: Otis Paynter, of Binghamton, N. Y.; John Wesley Paynter, Ernest Payn ter and Mrs. Robert Miller of Car bondale; Leo Paynter, of Bethany; Albert Paynter of Tanners Falls, and Mrs. Ira Bryant, at home. In a recent conversation with his brother-in-law, tho Rev. A. C. Olver, of the M. E. church, he asked him if ho remembered an old hymn that they used to sing very often to gether. It was the following: When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrow like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say It is well, It is well, with my soul. He told him that this would be tho spirit in which ho would pass away. The following relatives of the late William Paynter of Dyberry at tended his funeral on Sunday: Otis W. Paynter, of Hooper, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. John W. Payntdr and daughter Isabel, Ernest Paynter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and daugh ter, Mildred, Ernest Paynter, all of Carbondale; Mark N, Robinson of Scranton, BURNETT FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF MIDDLE DISTRICT Among the nominations sent to the United States Senate on Saturday by President Wilson was that of Hon. Uogers L. Burnett, of Stroudsburg, to bo United Ktntns nictrlot Attnmn,. for the Middle Pennsylvania District, viue iv. a. uunsmore. a report from Washington states that his confirm ation will not bo opposed. Mr. Burnett owes his appointment to Congressman A. M. Palmer, and thereby Mr. Palmer is paying a politi cal debt, ono that was expected. It is claimed that Mr. Burnett became a candidate for State Senator and for President Judgo of the 43rd Judicial District to please Mr. Palmer and was defeated in both instances. It cannot bo taken then, that the ap pointment came 'because of any poli tical strength of tho gentleman, but as a reward made personally by Mr. Palmer for support given him. DEEDS RECORDED. IRockwoll Brlgham et ux. of Da mascus, to James Dolson, of same, 18 acres in Damascus township; $350, Jennie Dolson of Damascus, to Rockwell Brighrfm, same, land In Da mascus; consideration $550. Pennsvlvanl.1 Pnitingnv tn Alexander Barrett of Hawley, land in rairayra townsnip; consideration, $75. John Stahl of Bronx. M V tr, Tno Liccronl of Mt. Vernon, 21 vacant lots in uronx; II. W. Brown et ux. of Forest City, tO A. f! SHIPS nf CnTriO lnn.l I.. " ... , .MUU lU Browntown; consideration $200. u. a. weisn et ux. of Hawley, to Peter J. Bower of same; land in Palmyra, townshin; $1500. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Benj. F. Sampson HonfiHiini Olive B. Leo. Carbondalo Daniel O. Vail ,..,New York City Elizabeth A. Thlelke .Hawley
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers