THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912. PAGE SEVEN 1IAHTUH Notlco la heroby given that an - 11 1 1 ...til l. ... .1 v. .. r I n. Allnn. Edmund Hardonberch. unlit,.... t iirna..i iwi ixr Dni.tni William Sell. Charles II. Dor- fit. ni T Cniminl UiAnn T nnnnlfl niumenthal. Frederick W. Kreltnor. Horaco T. Manner. Charles P. SIgmund Katz, to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1913, nt 10 o'clock a. in., under the nrndnfnnft of nn Art of Aflflomhlv lucorporuuuu auu &vvi uuifui ui 11 v 11 1 iii 11 jv. u. 1. o o u 11 buc 1 1 it. 1, WAYNE COUNTY RAILWAY COMPANY, lin r.linrncter nnrt route or which rn iiir run 11 11 rnnsn 01 ci iiMLrui:Li 11 iz. . ninr.umnir ana nnprm u biret'L Li 1 at 1U1 UUUlIb UDU 11 W1V VJ (111,U Ul WHOCLiihi a vi in wi'va j 11 nit 01 I'niiRii uv uii niULivu uu Yt ui 11. illlJU II 11 1111 11 1IUI1 A Ul IV aLlLL'L 1U i 11 1 n siri'i l: liiiiii:u utti. uiuii; tiuu II 11 Ml II Lllt:i 1 t U11CLL1UU LU bUV hnnro also from the intersection of 11 1 11 J LllbkllV MIHIVI WWU4'.UJ eaid Borough, over, along and up 11 x J 1 tt.n nH4..1 T)nnniinl ine 01 lionesaaie in saia uouniy .1114 ill 111 M'LLlUIl Ul All ill 11 kJ L 111 IUU "!nmmnntt'Pnlth with Rlnvpnth nnt nlrvn tr ntifl ii nnn on 11 .1 11 t TlA.Mnit.nV. n.9 lonesdale: thence also from the in nrsoction of Main street in the i t T il i.l -t.. v jinn L,umuiuu KiLu niLii r uui lu miin.ii RirL'BL lu luu uumuri t uuuuu iionnn over, aionz ana unon sam riuut! i ii luc sain i u uouiu ui rexas, vjommonweaiui, in an uasiun . . i. i nt. i i il. ii.i mi aid public road known as the Old miin. ivuuu in ouiu iuii uouiij 'fixas in a soutneriv airecuon id a Ion with said bridee over the Lack- IWJiAI'Il LU LJ1 i ULU 1(111 11 r UUU T-.. 1 I A 1 1 .1 anrts formeriv ot tno Delaware ana iiidfion (jomnanv. now or tne jc-ne lilroad Company and over, along ina upon saia private riKiit 01 way. ' iimm ii fin ii iiui iiiini niiu auiu viu , t II . 1 UL I 1 1 -1 hpnno over. alone and UO- . i t .1 m 1 11.. )l tno riTie auu v uiuiuk v uiicj iniiroad Homnanv In the Townshina 1 I I . A il illlll 1 UllUIia 11111 LUU UU1 ind Commonwealth, to the County lne of Pike county in tne uonimon- .vealth of Pennsylvania; thenco also 'mm n nnlnf. in said Canal lands In ho said Borouch of Hawley 0DD0- li- il. . 1 . I .1 i. n T nnlrn iiuicu ancuia 111 onm uuiuut,u vi lawiev. over, alone ana unon xne iaid bridge to said Church street; niiiiuu uvur. uiuuk uuu u wuu duiu Ion to Main Avenue In said Bor- Maln Avenue In said Borough of lawiev in a nortneriy aireciion xo ho Tiasspntror station of the Erie Railway Company; thence also from I1K I1I1II1L ui uuursuuLiuu Ul .tl.llil viniio wnn itivor aireeL u t.iiu Borough of Hawley, over, along and limn 9.:lmi iiivi'r r.Lri?L ill i wuaLCi- v direction to cnestnut. Avenue in said Borough of Hawley; thence Avonno In a Konthorlv riirMrtion to pvsrnnn Rirnnt: iiifiucu ovur. uiuiik inU UDUIl hill Q 1VU V2SLU 11 U DL1 CUL 1U uu 1 1 1 ...til. . . 1 . nns. urmiciieH uiiu lULiurui cilcu- eomeil exnedlent for nuollc neces- riVUHEHB 11V Hillll AUL Ul AQBL'mUjy nd tho fiiinnlomnntB thereto con- errea HENRY W. DUNNING, Solicitor. Honesdale, Dec. 11, 1912. 99w3. VOTICR TO HOXDirOIJJEltS OF TIH3 MIIiANVIWiE BRIDGE CO. The bondholders of the Mllanvlllo rldgo Company will take notlco iil in ii ii rtiuuucM ui ii re&uiuLiun i . . i . . .i . i .... t. .. n .. .. . 11 .LI 1 111 U II 1 1 I II tl I L 11 LUU I1U11DIUUD J I the mortgage dated January 2, 1905, given by tho Mllanville Bridge Company to Homer Greene, lUblcUt U11U uiuunauu uuutiio ui iiiu bonds secured by said mortgage havo been drawn for redemption. On presentation of said bonds to Homer Greene, Trustee, at his office In Honesdale, Pa., on or after January I. 1913. they -will bo paid at their par value, together with Interest thereon to January 1, 1913, on and iror w nnm lninrnHi Liiureuuoii will cease. The numbers of the bonds bo drawn are as follows: 5 0 7 13 14 1G 19 22 29 31 45 4G 53 8094 99 113 140 150 158 167 170 175 184 185 195 197 214 231 244249257 259 265 207 2C9 270 282 289 294. CHAS. E. BEACH. ecretary of the Mllanvlllo Bridge Company. 95w4. ciiOTi rmr nniinu I mioiLuuiL Duuun r T was an old legend now, a hun dred years old at leant. Gunera ttons hud come and gone, and tho weird of Barhuiu Hall hnd never once given a sign of coming luto ful fillment, bo what need wbb there for fear? It wns true that mistletoe was at Inst growing on the bough of tho old hawthorn In the Yotu sward. But I It was Christinas eve, and the bells of Barlmm church were ringing Christ mas chimes. More than 100 years ago Roger Iyn dale had done that which perhaps was not an honorable tiling. Roger had wood a fanner's daughter, but had not married her, and she had died at his gates. Across tho grans levels, now covered with snow, the old farm house could still bo necn, mute vlUi Its history. Not a soul of Druscllla Ives' time wns alive In the old homestead. Strangers were under Ita roof paying tribute to Rttrhnm Hall, as Druscilla's father had done. But the descendants of Roger Lyn dale were still at tho hall, with a link between them and the Rtory of the old Vote farm. For, strangely enough, Druscllla had died on Chrlstmrts eve, and the legend of Barham nail had come from her lips: When mistlotoo grows on the old Toto thorn No child to a Lyndalo will o'er bo born. So she had prophesied, and the pre diction meant that when the white berry could be plucked from tho old hawthorn standing alone on tho green sweep of tho Yote sward of Barham park the race of Lyndale would be come extinct. And now at last mistletoe was grow ing on the old thorn! Yet there were laughter nnd gayety In tho hall. The great open fireplace In the wainscot room was heaped up with glowing, crackling Yule logs, nnd all was a bright sparkle of merriment and good cheer. Yet there was some little awe after all, although It had been cast oft like a cloak thrown Into a corner, for the legend at Its worst was not without qualification. It had a second couplet, which ran: But ho that would nobly this curso. undo Must lowly maid wed and to her b' truo. When that saving grace was' atta,c!i' ed to the legend and when tho weitd had been worn out by the passing of a century what was there to fear? "Good gracious! What is that?" ex claimed Lady Lyndale suddenly. "Not the choir again surely! They've been and gone." A voice was singing: "When mistlotoo etowh on the old Tote thorn No child to a Lyndale will e'er bo born. But ho that would nobly this curse undo Must lowly maid wed and to her be true." It was the weird, and it was being sung by a woman's voice to the re frain of "The Mistletoe Bough." What could It mean? "It must be somebody," said Roland Lyndale when it became certain that the voice had finished. "I'll see who it Is." With tho words he crossed the room, drew aside tho curtains of one of the windows and looked out upon the snow. "It's strange," murmured Roland, turning to his father, who Btlll sat be side the hearth. "There's no one hero, sir." "No," replied Sir Geoffrey; "I did not expect there would be. It was pome Impertinent person from the vil lage, that is evident." "Leo and Dorothy should be almost here now," said Lady Lyndalo pres ently. "I wonder whether It is the snow that's made them late." Tho butler appeared and handed Lyn dalo a telegram. "Is It bad news, Geoffrey?" asked Lady Lyndalo. "Yes, Milllcent," he replied In a dry tone. "Leo has been taken ill with pneumonia, a fearful thing at any time, and he's not strong. You can see," he added, handing tho message to his wife. "Dorothy says she'll wlro at once If It becomes critical." The children still laughed and play ed, but the elders became grave. "Poor old Lionel! I hope he will pull through It," Lyndale murmured In an uneasy voice. Not many Lyndales were left. Tho stricken Lionel was Sir Geoffrey's only brother, and Roland was his only son. Roland Lyndale had parted from his airy spirits. Ever since the Incident of the voice he had been in a changed, subdued mood. And when dinner was over ho found n opportunity to steal out Into the snowy night. There were footprints there. Only the shrubs had prevented his seeing the strango visitor when he opened the window. Which way had tho singer gone? For somo moments Roland stood glancing from spot to spot. Over the face of tho moon the snow clouds had now flitted, but Rolnnd could see the old hawthorn standing alono on the white expanse of the Yote sward. Fancy had not deceived him. Some body was under the tree, and the some body was a womanl A strange trembling came to Roland as he stooped ovor tho dark, drooped ind almost sinking form leaning tgalnst the trunk. Was she dead? Just then a kindly break in the clou da lt through a gleam of moon light, and Roland laid his hand gently on the woman's shoulder. Then slio moved, rose to her feet and turned up to him vnguc eyes nnd a face so beautiful that he started. And tho start set his strange trembling going afresh. But this time there vis pity in tho tromor, Tor ho saw that the beautiful face wns as white as death, sad, weary worn and so fragile that his Instinctive thought of her wan as of n white Illy enst out in the snow. "My dear young lady," Roland asked, wondering, "whntever brings you here like this? For you nre off tho road, and I see you nre n stranger." "My name," she answered faintly, "Is Phyllis Kgerton. My tnothrr was tho grcat-grent-grniiddaughtcr of Druscllln Ives." For a moment Roland wns dumb. "Druscllla IvesI" he said presently. "Yes," she replied agnln. "We have always kept llo legend of her fate and her prophecy against Barham Hall In our family. And when I wns quite a .little thing I promised myself thnt some day, one Christians eve, I would come nnd see Yote farm, whpre she lived, and the tree nnd perhaps slug the prophecy outside the hall where she should have lived." Roland felt strangely uncomfortable and yet gently pitiful. It was curious that after the long passing of r cen tury he should be the first to come into contact with n descendant of tho fate ful Itcb. "But why?" he asked again. Impress ed by the hand of fate In it all. "I don't know," die returned weak ly, her head leaning against tho trunk of the tree, "unless It was because I felt I must Druscllla died on Christ mas eve. I wondered where she might have been burled under the snow as I passed the church. I looked at tho farm first. Then I went up to the house and sang, and then I came here. But I did not think I should see the mistletoe." "But, my dear young lndy, what will you do?" Roland asked her. pained by her helplessness nnd by tho mystery. "And, oh," she went on brokenly, When I came here I nlmost wished I could die too! I am the last of the race from Amos Ives, with nothing left to live for nothing! My father I lost eighteen mouths ago, and my mother died in .Tune. So I've nothing. Six months I've struggled to live." A-s she spoke she slipped from the trunk of the thorn nnd would have fallen backward In the snow, but with n quick step Roland caught nnd support- ed her with his arm round her waist. As she lay ngainst him rather than Btood, with her face fallen on his shoul der, "Roland felt her hands. They were icy cold. "Poor girl," ho said, feeling her mis ery in himself, "you must not stay here! I must take you to the hall." Then quickly he lifted her in his nrma and' carried her into the hnll, the first of the race of IV06, man or wom an, to pass Its threshold, for a hundred years. Sir Geoffrey was sitting In tho wain scot room nlone when Roland entered "rATnilB, TUB SINOSB," llOLAND SAID. with his burden, for tho ladies und the children had gone to the nursery, and be looked up blankly. "Father, tho singer," Roland said gravely, "the last of tho race of Dm Bcllla Ives. I found her under the tree, a wandorer and friendless. You your self can see how sho la." "Ketch your mother, and I'll ring for Mrs. Cox and Parkins," said Sir Geof frey huskily. Phyllis Egerton was carried to the bedroom In which a hundred years ago Roger Lyndale had slept, and a kindly Christmas was made for her, but four days passed before she could leave the chamber. On New Year's day wondering eyes watched Phyllis and Roland going up through tho villago to old Barham church, Phyllis and Roland went to u weath er crumbled gravestone which, tradi tion said, marked tho grave in which Druscllla Ives had been burled, und, with hands clasped across the now flat grass, they kissed. "A happy Now Year, my lady. A happy New Year, sir," the village folks greeted as Phyllis and Roland return ed to the hall. It was the happiest yar that Roland had known, and as b and Phyllis passed up the drivo they looked and tmlled at the thorn and tha mistletoe bongh. ARE YOU MODEL APPLE ORCHARD AND FARM OF 40 ACRES VOK SALE . . . .Located In Lako Township. . . . Orchard Itoro 1)00 Bushels This Fall nnd HOI) Bushels of Apples Iast Season When Other Orchards in Vi cinity Had Apparently No Fruit. Orchard is Overseen by Stnto Or chnrdlst.s. Farm is Located on High Ground and commands Bountiful View of Mooslc Mountains. Is One-Half Mile From Gravity Station on Krlc Railroad. District School and Church Adjoins Farm. High School nt Ariel, Ono Mile Dis tant. Tho dwelling 'house and other buildings aro in excellent condition. Tho house, which contains seven rooms, is equipped with steam and has telephone connections. It is lo cated on Gravity R. D. Route No. 2 and in tho village of Gravity. Situ ate upon said premises is a barn 32x42 feet in excellent condition; Three Smart Bargains Cash Bakery For Sale Cheap. Placo enjoys an excellent trade. Well established lunch rooms in con nection with business. Books open to prospective purchaser. One of best paying stands In Honesdale. If sold now, a 'big bargain awaits hust ling young man. Beautiful Irving Cliff and farm consisting of 23 acres of good, till able soil, has been placed in our agency. Irving Cliff stands 300 feet above Honesdale, Just east of the town proper. Two rivers, the Lack awaxen and Dyberry, flow at its base. Tho view from tho summit of tho cliff Is beyond description. In tho distance the Mooslc mountains paint the picture on tho western sky, while to the north Is Lake Bun nell and historic Bethany. Tho south portrays nature's hills dotted with pretty homes and In tho Immediate foreground Honesdale, with its arch ed maple streets, beautiful parks, ar tistic homes and wido thoroughfares. Can tho prospective buyer picture a prettier or more restful placo to erect a largo summer and winter boarding houso? If you anticipate going into tho summer boarding business, why not enter upon a largo scale? Now is tho time to de cide and also buy. Consult us and get additional lnformationconcernlng this valuable and ueautnui piece oi property. We will mako It worth your while. Two Good Lots Located on Fair avenue, 15 minutes' walk from Honesdale. Will be sold together or separately. On R. D. route. Fer tile ground. Lots havo a frontage of about COO feet and run from Dy berry rivor. Ideal place for party who desires small farm near town. Powell Three-Story Brick build ing, located 033 Main street, is one of tho recent properties listed with us. Building in first-class condition. Rare bargain for bo valuable a property. Situated In business cen ter of Honesdale. Building now oc cupied. Sixty-Acro Farm Located with in two miles of Honesdale. Will sell whole or a few acres of same to party wanting small farm. Very proauctlve. Houso and barn and well watered. Another good bar Rain. Modern Houso in nonesdale Brick, contains steam heating plant, gas and other modern appointments. Lot 50x125 feet. Good garden, barn, and chicken houso on prem ises. Property In first-claBs condi tion. Was recently improved, une of Honesdalo'a best properties. Modern dwelling in Honesdale contains nlno rooms and is equipped with all appointments of an up-to-dato houso. Located on Main street In ono of tho nicest sections of tho residential sections. Houso has gis. New furnaco recently installed. Lot 50x125 feot. Property in good condition. A bargain for a homo seeker. Excellent farm, consisting of 184 acres, 44 of which Is water, 50 acres under cultivation and tho balanco pasturo land. On farm is a good dwelling, barn, wagon, spring, chick on and lco houses. Good elto for summer boarding houso. Bargain awaits purchaser. Desirable Farm Located at Mllanvlllo 110 acres, 75 cleared, balanco well covered with timber. Two-story dwelling, barn, and other buildings. Living spring on farm, brook flows through premises. Ele vation 1,200 feot. One of healthiest places In Wayno county. Ideal place for summer boarding houso. Excel lent view ovor picturesque Delaware river. Threo quarters of a mile from Erlo station and milk depot. Eleven roads center at placo. Easy terms to purchaser. Buy-U-A-HOME Realty Co. NEW YORK AND SCRANTON AGENCIES Jadwin Building Honesdale, Pa. LOOKING FOR A PROPERTY chicken houso 12x32 feet sided and, plastered; wagon houso 20x30 feet, now roof and lco houso 14x10 feet 12 feet high; wood 'houso 1Gx14 feet. Threo living springs aro upon tho farm and an excellent well near tho house. Tho model orchard, con sisting of 100 applo trees Is also In close proximity to tho farm house. Thero Is another orchard of four acres consisting of peach, pear, applo and other trees. All trees aro prun ed and sprayed every year and aro In first-class bearing condition. Tho owner harvested 900 bushels of se lect apples from his model orchard this year. Tho farm, which Is near ly 40 acres, Is mostly level and Tor tile, being ihardwood land. There aro about four acres of woodland and a small sugar bush. Tho tim ber Is first and second growth and is chiefly ash. Other woods are maple, bass wood, hemlock, and a few beech. The place would mako an excellent dairy farm. Owner could mako a comfortable living from fruit alone. Tho BUY-U-A-HOME Realty company considers It one of tho best farms It has listed. Being under the supervision of the State, prospective farm seekers will reallzo Its value. Property in Henrt of Summer Boarding District Located in Sulli Poultry Farm One mllo from Beach Lake and 4 miles from Narrowsburg, near tho Erie railroad. Plant equipped with modern and complete contrivances for conduct ing farm on large scale. Rare bar gain. Easy terms. Training Track for High Bred Horses located on farm about one mllo from Honesdale. Place would mako an Ideal stock farm. Contains 90 acres. Tho land Is also very pro ductive and has an elegant southern exposure which would grow luclous strawberries. Well watered; barns in good condition. Six-room house. Will sell stock, machinery and farm Implements. Buyer gets a big bar gain. Property In A-l condition. Viilunblo HI uo Stono Qunrries, lo cated on main lino of Erie railroad, for sale. Best building stone on market. Can bo easily quarried. On same place Is a dandy growth of timber. Thero Is enough on proper ty, that In a few years would pay for the farm, which Is an estate of 520 acres. Eighty acres cleared. Water power also on premises. An eigh-teen-room summer boarding house on place. Property borders tho beau tiful Delaware river for a mile. A good investment for a hustler. Very Protty Cottage Eight acres of land, large lawns and plenty ot fruit. Would mako an Ideal summer home. Will sell furnished or un furnished. Newly papered and paint ed. Outside In excellent repair. Located at Calllcoon, N. Y. Building Lot in Honesdalo Locat ed on Court street In one of prettiest residential sections of Honesdale. Size 03x125 feet. Story and a half house on property. Property In good condition. WAYNE COUNTY RAISES THE BEST APPLES FOUND ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES THEREFORE ITS SOIL IS VALUABLE Honesdale Ten-room houso on Main street. Lot 50x200 feet. Ono of nicest locations for residence. Will bo sold cheap. Farm at Ariel In flrst-clasa con dition containing 50 acres, 30 of which aro under cultivation and tho balanco in pasture and wood land. Fruits ot all kinds, orchard and cultivated berries. Seven-room dwelling, basemont barn, good poul try houso and outbuildings. Novor falling spring near houso and several springs in pasture. Located 1i miles from Ariel station on Erlo railroad. Graded school and churches In vicinity. Rural Deliv ery, telophono connection and first class road. Tho farm Is located in a valley and is warm In winter. Road does not drift. A bargain for fall purchaser. Must bo sold before winter. A No. 1 Farm Contains 104 acres, 70 cleared. No stones and ground very productive. Ideal placo for truck farm. Located at Indian Orchard on Main road be tween Honesdalo and Hawloy. Well built farm houso and barns. Young and old applo orchards; Mso quan tlty of butternut trees on promises. Well watered, brook runs through farm. Most of land on flats. Will sell stock if purchaser desires. One halt cash, balanco on easy terms. van county, Now York, ono ratio north of Eldred and between Eld red and Ulan. Contains 130 acres, 30 of which aro cleared and balanco in timber. Elevation 1,500 feet. On proposed Stato road. Eight-room houso, good barn and chicken houso. Water near house. Good fruit on. liremlscB. Placo occupied, but In case of sale immediate possession will be given. Raro bargain. Ono 'half down, balanco terms to suit purchaser. Farm In Texas Township Lies between Sandercock and Murray roads. Contains 180 acres, 125 of which aro llrst and second growth timber. Part of farm extends Into Cajaw Lake. Forty acres In pasture, balanco well cultivated. Six-room house and barn 30x40 feet on prom ises. All kinds of fruit, berries, etc. Good water. Good dairy farm. Lo cated within a mile of Honesdale. One half down, balanco on easy terms. Double House In White Mills Located In village. Twelve rooms and arranged for two families. In good condition. Acre of ground, fruit, and small barn. Terms easy. Would mako good Investment for young man. Good Building Lot Located in Texas No. 4, Green street, within 15 minutes' walk from Honesdale post ofllce. Ground practically level. Size of lot 00x75 feet. Property commands beautiful view of land scape. Will be sold cheap. Raro bargain. Sixty Acres of Beautiful Beach Lako is for sale. That portion the owner wishes to dispose of extends north and south from what is known as tho "Point," near tho center of the lake; thence in an easterly direc tion to the shore line. If purchaser desires, owner will sell 20 acres boarderlng along 6ald lake shore, which can be cut Into five deslrablo lots for summer cottages. Owner desires to sell his farm, which con sists of 100 acres, 50 being improv ed, balanco second growth timber, In connection with the lake. Purchaser will enjoy all lake privileges, Includ ing Ice, boating, bathing and fishing If lake and farm are purchased to gether. Tho lake is stocked with rock, white and black bass, lako trout, wall-eyed pike, pickerel, perch and other fish. Elevation, 1,350 feet. Upon said property Is a good eight-room houso with excellent basement. All walls are cement. Frontage of house 8C feet. On main road. Porperty in Beach Lake vill age. Two churches, school, postof flce, stores and best paying summer boarding resort In Wayne county. Six miles to Narrowsburg on main line Erie railroad. Only one-fourth down, balance will bo made easy. Honesdalo Two building lots and house on Sixteenth street. Size of property 100 x 100 feet. Situated in finest residential section of town. Forty-Acro Farm Will sell or ex change for property In Honesdale. Large ten-room house in good re pair. Barn and outbuildings; good orchard. Located three miles from Calllcoon and as many miles from Cochecton, N. Y one-half mile from Delaware rVver. Rare bargain for fall seeker. Apply Buy-U-A-Home Realty company ofllce, Jadwin build ing, Honesdale. Hotel at Milford Licensed. En Joys good summer and transient trade. Ideal place. Produce for table raised on property. Good wa ter and excellent roads. Popular house. Easy terms. Raro bargain. Small Farm in Prompton Good property. Houso contains 12 rooms. Barn Is 20x30 feet. Aero and one half of ground. Ideal place for small chicken farm. Close to D. & H. station. Bargain for fall buyer. Five Lots Bordering Beach Lako with boating, bathing and Ice privi leges. Elegant chance for summer cottage sites. Eiglit-Acro Form In Berlin town ship for sale cheap. Threo acres cleared, balanco In woodland. House and barn on premises. Good spring and fruit on farm. On main road between Bunnelltown and Boach Lako. Farm about threo miles from Honesdalo. Owner, poor woman that needs tho money. Bargain for fall purchaser. Ideal Dairy Farm Located In Cherry Rldgo township about one mllo from the Hoadleys station on tho Erlo road on tho Wyoming di vision. Two separate parcels of land with only public highway as a division. First known as Isaac R. Scheuck farm, contains 123 acres, 50 of which aro improved and tho balanco second growth ot timber. Brook runs through property, which is also well watered. Good farm house and barns, Tho second tract or what Is known as tho Apollas D. Schcnck farm contains 101 acres, 51 improved and balanco In flno young growth of hickory. This is a valuable asset to the farm. This farm corners in tho Bonear farm lake. It Is well watered. Good fruit orchards on both farms. Terms easy. Bargain for fall buyer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers