PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912. Saturday, HM l .1 4 wionaay ana Tuesday. Trade Days At Brown's Furniture Store. Q96 Discount FOR CASH, on all kinds FURNITURE ! t t t TRADE DAY AT 1 0 Per Cent. Discount Come in and Look around Why9 at around! ere? Frank Epter's New Coat and Suit House In the Giebrer building, next to Rowland's jewelry Store Open to the Public Saturday, December 21st. We want every Christmas Shopper to feel at hume In this etore. Wo want you to eeo that we have many very useful and beautiful gifts, but we don't want you to feel as if you are compelled to buy. Look our goods over and if you And something that suits we'll be mighty glad to sell you a nice Suit or Coat or Suit Dress, Waists and Raincoats, Suit Petticoats, Silk and Messallne Petticoats, Marabou Sets and Kimonas. All these goods are first-class merchandise In advanced and latest styles at very reasonable prices. FRANK EPTER 1127 North Main Street On MEN'S CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. !fi Hi a Si Ifi Xmas Shoppers Should Visit BREGSTEINi BROS. Glotlies of Poise and Distinction are Bregstein Clothes Men's, Youths' and Children's Suits andlOvercoats Bath Holies, Collars, Dress Suit Case, Pajamas, Umbrellas, Hand Hags, Night Shirts, Sweaters, Trunks, Gloves, Smoking Jackets, Suspenders, Dress Shirts, Hats, Underwear, Fur Gloves, Caps, Men's Fancy Vests Fancy Socks, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Full Line of Gent's Furnishings BREGSTEIN BROS. Up-to-date Clothiers Honesdale, Pa. ifi !fi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi m m ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi tfi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi ifi Ifi ifi !fi Remember the Place,825 Main St USEFUL Christmas Gifts Never Grow Old. They were the best last year they will be the best this year, and for all years to come. Something to wear makes the Ideal Christmas Gift for every member of the family, no matter what their age or position in life. Especially do ladies appreciate something to wear and at this store, with our immense stock and pleasing selections, you are sure to choose just what he would like to wear, such as FINE DRESS SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, MUFFLERS, KID GLOVES, FUR GLOVES, SWEATER JACKETS, HATS, CAPS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, INI TIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPEND ERS, ARM BANDS, BATH ROBES, SMOKING JACKETS, FANCY SOCKS, TIE PINS, CUFF BUTTONS. The most complete line of Suits and Over coats in town at very small pricss. ENTERPRISE CLOTHING HOUSE, Honesdale, Pa, A. W. ABRAMS, Prop. FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Come to our store, the store that offers you a largo nnd varied assortment of gift that ore useful as well as practical. Wo have gifts that will please the ladies, tlio men and tlio children. Gifts that will please, gifts that will bring memories of Christmas during tlio years to come. A look nt our tsock will convince you tliat we are right. Art Bath Room Ware ! SOLID BRASS WITH SILVER NICKEL FINISH. A PIECE OF THIS BATH ROOM WARE MAKES AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT. OUR STOCK IS AS LARGE IF NOT LARGER THAN THOSE FOUND IN THE CITIES It will be well worth your while to look it over. PLSSSLVES: Royal Rochester Elecirical Specialties i 2 in $1 o 36 in.' !$i!75 quickest working and most economical Electrical Tooth Brush Holders 25c up. Devices on the market. Quickest, because heating de Towel Bars either stationary or swing, 50c up. vice is in d'rect contact and entirely surrounded by water. Glass Bars, $2.00 up. Most economical, because they heat quickly, thereby Wash Cloth Bars, 90c. using a minimum amount of current. Combination Soap and Sponge Holders, $1.50 up. Let us demonstrate these specialties for you. Combination Soap and Tumbler Holders, $1.75. Electrical Coffee Machines: Cold water starts percolat Combination Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holders, 65c up jng 30 seConds after current is turned on. In Polished Tumbler Holders, 25c up. Copper and Copper Nickel Plated $9.50 and $11.50. Robe Hooks, 15c up. Electric Toasters, $4.75. Soap Dishes, 65c up. Electric Table Grills with Trays, $7.75. Tooth Brush Holders 25c up. Electrical Tea Machines with adjustable Tea Ball. In Bath Soap Dishes, 85c up. J Paper Holders, 50c up. Copper Nickel Plated, $9.50 and $11.50. Sponge Holders, $1.50. Electrical Chafing Dishes in Polished Copper, $18.00. Bath Seats, $1.25. Electric Irons with rest, $4.00. Sink and Laundry Soap Dishes, 75c up. Electric Stoves, $6.00. 0 M SPETTIIiUE. HONESDALE.
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