THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, I9i2. PAGE SEVEN "Glory to Ood In the highest, and on earth pcaco, Rood will toward men." Nineteen hundred years have passed, and the Child has become the leader of the nations. Only three Important countries are now outside of Chris tian rule. Of these Turkey Is being dismembered, Japan is seriously con sidering the Inclusion of n large part of Christianity in her state religion, nnd China has gone through a revolu tion many of the leaders of which were Christian converts and which resulted In establishing a republic aft er the model of our own, Not only Is the whole earth being brought under Christian domination, but the Christian nations themselves are Hading new depths of meaning In the Master's utterances, and new Cults nre springing Into life to enrry Into effect some of his neglected teachings. Never in history has there been found n word so vital that Important new movements for humanity were found- The Star of j Bethlehem ALL READY FOR XMA UK story or tne stnr or Bet 1 e- hem has over been n fnvorltc 0110 with painters nnd poets nnd hns been a subject of scrl- AT THE to arilflt HI f linn nrtlntin nnl onlniif lata Inny astronomers have asserted that II' Ilt'II VI'II ll VIMIIIIIll WIIM II r'llllll'l llllll ave oven sought to identify it with 1 II ill 1 ill i'iiiiii'ih iiiiw i:nnwii nureunicn, on tnc oincr nana, navu iiim.i ii-u iiu-st, 11 1 1 mill H 111 11NIT11111 n aturnl cause to the phenomenon and ave contended that the gospel text tiows the star to have been went by a ilraele to guide the wise men to the nnsi v. iiuu, Line in ine uivurue uieo- I lt Jmr Mi.7 . , r. - - gmmm 1 I 'IHHHHBWHiUHHM V' f WW? Mil I J1 1 ! " E. ,iR tiWWIHHMWHHBHI HCHodt I ill is 1 ur w I 1 1 l 1 ''i.sry VvTQr J 111 (II HfH I II INUH rMN I I Nu KYI .it' , iW1 -rZZTr' fcc. I Dl n HHt to the early days of the church flint a luminous angel shining like led the magi on their way. An- explanation was that the Holy took the form of a star, as he Fward did that of a dove at the lof the baptism of Jesus by John. beautiful talc of the star of Beth- is contained in the second chap- ! Matthew: Ivr, when Jesus was born In Beth- b, In Judea, in the days of Herod, Ing, behold, there came wise men the east to Jerusalem, lying, AVhero Is he that is born fof the Jews? for we have seen rtar in the east and arc come to kilp him." rod Is troubled on hearing this Icalls In his chief priests nnd Is to learn where Christ should rn. They told him in Bethlehem. Iiccount goes on: ten Herod, when he had privily the wise men, inquired of them Intly what time the star appeared, id he sent them into Bethlehem laid, Go and search diligently for foung child, nnd when ye have II hltn bring me word again, that y come and worship him also. wen they had heard tho kiDg they ted, and, lo, tho star which they ion in the cast went before them came nnd stood over where the child was. leu they saw tho star they re- ' with exceeding great joy." did not return to Herod, how- iclng warned in a dream. her story of the Nativity that Lde an equal appeal to artists is tho shepherds. ThlB occurs in Knd chapter of Luke: there were In the same coun rpherds abiding In the Held, watch over their flock by lo, the angel of tho Lord kpon them, und tho glory of the uone round about them, and re sore afraid. ue angel said unto them, Fear Dehold, I bring you good tld- reat Joy, which shall be to all Ito you is born this day, In the IDavld, n Saviour, which is Lord. bis shall be a sign unto you: d on It so long after its first promul gation. Now for the first time in history is there a real and tangible hope that universal peace may come, thus fulfill ing the nngellc prophecy made to the shepherds. Still the star shines ncross the ages, and still is heard the heavenly voice of "Peace on earth, good will toward men." I The Madonna j - - a l Dy WALTON WILLIAMS I Copyright. 191!. hy American Press J Association. WITH tho painters of the mid die ages the Madonnn wai tho most popular subject This was especially trnc ol that supremely great school that Hour Ished during the ltnllnn renaissance period. In earlier Christian art tho Vir gin did not so largely figure. It was only with the council of Kphesus nnd Its gloilllcatlon of Mary as the "moth' or of God" and the development of the doctrine of the immaculate conception not only as to the birth of Jesus, bul as to that of Mary herself that the ascendancy of the Virgin both in tho church nnd In church nrt was estab lished. It was not till the wonderful rennls wince eifi In Itnly, the golden age ot art, however, that the Madonna be came the favorite theme of painters The vrgue started with Fra Angellco, Fra Itartolommeo and others of the first painters of thq ra and reached Its height tinder Itnpiinel. The three great figures of the rennissance period in art were ltaplmol himself, Michel angelo nnd Leonardo da Vinci. Augelo painted n few Madonnas, some of them unfinished, but they do not rank with mot of his work. Da Vinci has one or two Madonnas that nre up to his other great paintings. But It was Raphael of nngellc face and character; Raphael, the prince of painters of all ages, whose Madonnas, both In number and quality, outrank those of any other painter, an cient or modern. Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" Is not only his own masterpiece, hut by uni versal consent ranks as the greatest painting In the world. Only less fa mous than this is his "Madonna of the Chair," while his "I.a Jardiniere," "Madonna of the Finger" and many more aro celebrated. Raphael Sanzlo or Santl was born in 14S3 and died of a fever at Rome when thirty-seven. He was the son of a painter and studied at one time under I'eruglno. Ills first work to become famous was "The Coronation of the Virgin," which appeared in 1503. "The Marriage of the Virgin" was painted the next year, shortly after which Raphael went to live in Flor ence, where most of his Mndonnas were finished. Ills fame had now be come so great that he was called to Rome to decorate the Vatican. It was not till toward tho end of his life that Raphael developed his own style nnd did his greatest work, the "Sistlne Madonna" being his last great paint ing. He was also an nrchltect and was appointed tho chief architect of St. Peter's in Rome. Another Madonna, a reproduction of which Is here shown, Is n detail of the painting by Hans Holbein the young er, known us tho "Madonna of the Meyer Family." It represents the Vir gin nnd the child Jesus being worship ed by Burgomaster Meyer, his two wives (one deceased) and some of his children. Just why Burgomaster Mey er, his two wives and children should be immortnlized In this holy company Is not apparent The burgomaster paid for the picture. Members of the family aro omitted In tho reproduction. There were two Hnns nolbelns, fa ther and son, both pointers. The younger was practically a contempo rary of Raphael, being born In Bavaria In WOT. One of his best known por traits is that of Erasmus. Several of his religious pictures aro also cele brated. Tho painting of tho "Madonna and Child" by C. von Bodenhnusen, hero shown, Is more modern. MADONNA OF THE MEYER FAMILY. STORE OUR SECOND FLOOR ; etc. A large assortment of Games ranging in price from 5c to SI.OO each. All our Toys will be sold at BARGAIN PRICES, Come in anytime before Christmas and see for yourself. OUR FIRST FLOORjfhf.iirLr.lsSXS of Household Furnishings too numerous to mention. Everyone, both young and old, are cordially invited to inspect our large and complete stock of Christmas goods at the RIGHT PRICES. F. G. TERWILLIGER. Pro! HONESDALE'S OLDEST INDUSTRY DURLAND-WESTON SHOE CO. ESTABLISHED 1868 Makers of the Original Honesdale Boots Shoes Do You Wear Shoes Manufactured in Honesdale ? If not, Why Not ? I tho babo wrapped in swad- ls lying In a manger. Jdenly there was with tho Itltude of tho heavenly host Ld and saylnsr:
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