PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. "THE OLD RELIABLE" MESDALE NATIONAL HONESDALE, PA, WAYNE COUNTY'S LEADING FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ORGANIZED 1836 Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 This bank considers the interests of its customers as a matter of the greatest importance; at all times we endeavor to give every patron of this bank courteous and prompt treatment, and to pay particular atten- n nun n tion to an matters in wnicn ne is interested. Come in and ooen an account with us and we will aid vou anv way we can; and should you require an accommodation you will find us ever ready to serve you. -- - I 3 per cent, interest paid on all savings accounts. We issue J travelers' checks and foreign drafts, available in all parts of the world, Open Saturday Evenings from 7:30 to 8:30. - - - - --- OFFICERS H. Z. RUSSELL, President, ANDREW THOMPSON, Vice-President, L. A. HOWELL, Cashier, A. G. LINDSAY, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: Henry Z. Russell Homer Greene Horace T. Menner James C. Birdsall Louis J. Dorflinger E. B. Hardenbergh Andrew Thompson Philip R. Murray THE ROYAL SCARLET "ROYAL SCARLET" Suggestions for CHRISTMAS : CIjUSTKU ItAISIXS In one pound pack ages, packed In Malaga, Spain. Per packago !JOc. I'IjUM PUDDING A rich and delicious old English Plum Pudding, made from care fully selected hand-picked raisins, choice spices and other high Ingredients. In one and two pound cans at ....!!." and COc CKYSTALM.KD GIXGKK Tho highest grade of Canton Ginger, crystallized. Put up in ' and pound tins at 15 and -5c FIGS Finest selected Fresh Figs stuffed with Walnuts, Pecans or Cherries In 14 oz Jars at !50c DATF.S Those aro tho finest quality of Ford dates, hand selected, filled with as sorted nuts, 11 oz. jars at ilOe Pitted, in packages at 15c GIjACK FKl'ITS in V- pound packages. Pineapplo fingers at 25 cents. Large, sweot cherries at 30 cents. OMVHS Only tho finest Queen Olives grown In Seville, Spain, aro packed un der this hrand In all sizes from 10c to ? 1.50 per bottle. Stuffed and Plain. STOR 55 "Tlio Itojal Scarlet ltrand" of goods today enjoys tho distinction of being lliu finest food products la tlio world. For years wo tried different brands of goods, so as to ho sure wo ould get a brand which wo could gunrnnteo as good, If not better than any other brand. After careful consideration wo decided ( liandlo "The 1 loyal .Scarlet ltrand." Wo have only tills to add, that people who have tried anything under this brand agree that wo mado no mistake. May wo btiggcst a trial order? With very best wishes for a Merry Christmas, wo aro In order to make you Christmas as gree! as possible we offei Head I.ettuco from Florida. Curly I.ettuco from Maryland. Celery from California. Caulillower from California. Sweet Potatoes from South Carolina. Spinach from Virginia. Kadishes from lloston. Cut'uiuhers from lloston. Green Onions from lloston. Win lteans from Florida. French Fndivo from Holland. OYSTERS The only store in town that opens Its ( oysters. Fresh from Hockaway, opj whllo you wait at COc per quart Sta" Oysters In sealed cans received dally il cents a quart. Special prices to Church and Grango pors. Ask tho Oyster Man. Wo boast of our telephone service, you cannot shop personally. Just call. Wei will treat you right. J. H. STEGNER & SONS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers