THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. ED El B B B B B ALL CHRISTMAS ARE READY ! G Never so complete, and never so attractively priced. No store is better situated to supply your holiday needs, s erve you promptly and save you a handsome sum in the low prices we quote in every instance. SHOP HERE HOP EARLY PAGE TWO STOCKS El E3 El E3 a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B HOMDAV HAXDKICHCHIKFS. Varieties and Values positively matchless. Initial Embroidered Lace and Hemstitched Handker chiefs for men, women and children. CHKISTMAS GLOVKS. Kid. Silk and Woolen Gloves from the best known makers of gloves in America. LKATHKIt GOODS. Suit Cases and Leather Hand Hags in the newest shapes at special prices for Christmas. CHKISTMAS VMHKNLLAS. Ladles' and Gent's Umbrellas with natural and fancy handles always a pleasing Christinas gift. LADIKS' XECKWKAK. Entirely new selection of novelties, especially appro priate for Christmas gifts. G E XT' S K UK X I SH IX G S. Underwear In any style and colors. Percale and Madras Dress Shirts, Neck Ties, Suspenders and Socks in holiday boxes. LI XEX DEPA KTM EXT. Irish Damask, Table Linen, Napkins and Genuine Towels. Renaissance and drawn work in scarfs and squares, Center Pieces and Doilies. Indeed, any nice piece of linen will make a charming gift. DKESS GOODS AXD SILKS. The Style, the Quality and the assortment you will find at our dress goods counter. m i Tjgrf J jfff WHITE SPKEADS. Honey-comb and Marseille Spreads at popular prices for Christmas gifts. HLAXKETS AXD COMI'OKTAHLES. The most useful and sensible gift for any house. SHIKT WAIST KOXES. New selection Just arrived. Prices lower than ever known. KISSEL CAKPET SWEEPEK. A sensible holiday gift to any 'housekeeper. CHKISTMAS HUGS. Rugs in all sizes and all styles, specially low priced for the holidays. HANDSOME FURS. Owing to the mild weather we had, our furs were all marked down; a most unusual opportunity for Christ mas gifts. LADIES' SUITS AXD COATS (SPECIAL OKFEKIXG) For Christmas Gift buyers, to purchase Ladies' or Misses' Coats and Suits at exceptionally low prices. SHIKT WAISTS AXD SEPARATE SKIRTS. Many styles are shown here and the variety of color is Immense. B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 765 804 753 0ESEHHE10EIHO3 0HHEIHHEIDEIEI DCDECDHHEiaElED D0B0EEEHEED PETTICOATS. Ladies' Petticoats In Cotton, Wool and Silk. LADIES' .MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. We are showing the most handsome assortment of underwear ever seen in town. Every garment made in Honesdale. What more pleasing gift could you send as a remembrance from home? KATZ BROTHERS, Inc. Honesdale, Penn'a Useful Gifts Are Always Appreciated We Have the Useful Kind Rogers Silverware at Hardware Prices Knives nnd Forks per set $-1.00 Teaspoons per set 1.00 Tablespoons per set . 1.50 Gravy Lndlo 1.00 Kerry Spoon . 1.50 Child's Set 1.00 Kutter Knifo nJiil Sugar Shell 1.00 Other pieces in proportion. See our big line of Pocket Knives One like this for 50c. A dandy for 50c. Presents for Horse Owners Light Harnesses make Blankets and Robes all good kinds dandy gifts at special holiday prices, fWOM Mitt. DIRtCT. TO RETAILER. We are selling a nice light single harness for $12, better ones $14. $16. and $18. Dig lino of special 'Whips for Xmas gifts. A driving lamp makes a very nlco gift for any horseman. Stable Blankets.. . $1 to $3 Uoad Dlankets 91 to $0 Plush nobes $3 to 915 Breast Blankets ....1 Pair Come In and seo our big assortment. A Safety Razor Pleases This style only $1.00 Guaranteed to please or money refunded Washing machines $6.50. Wringers of all kinds. Asbestos sad irons. Presents that Help the Housewife See our Sewing Machines A good one af $15.00 Better ones $25, $30, and $35. flnn nf thnon LJ UIIG Ul IIIC0C UJ will make Mother happy Try It Don't Shiver and Freeze on Cold Days when you ride in automobile or any oth Get one of these genuine vehicle. comfort makers A Clark Heater Bread Makers, Roasters and all kinds of kitchen helps, You can surely make Mother happy at our store, No. 7D, tbowtnc SUU and End VcntlUtors ,... r . It fits right in at your feet, throws out as good, strong heat you can regulate perfectly and makes the finest kind of a foot rest B B B B B B MURRAY CO.. Honesdale. Pa.
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