THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. PAGE THREE BEFORE DECIDING ON YOUR HRISTMA THE NATIVITY By JAMES A. EDGERTON Copyright, 1012, by American Press Association T HE time and clime arc both afar Wherein the wise men saw the star Whose mystic light Across the night Has rendered all the ages bright, And yet the story Is as young As when it first was said and sung With bated breath In Nazareth To charm the sorrow out of death. The shepherd band in Bethlehem Heard angel voices call to them Of him whose name Will ever claim The freshest laurels plucked by Fame. Their tale, through countless ages told, Is yet forever new and old. And now, as then, We hear again Of "Peace on earth, good will toward men.' T HE things of Beauty and of Truth Are dowered with eternal youth. Are ever new The ages through And fresh with heaven's morning dew. The story of the Christ Child's birth Stirs something in us not of earth, That lifts and heals, Life's book unseals, A man unto himself reveals. Forevermore the Christ is born In each new era's shining morn. When men grow free His star we see The guiding light of liberty. In each advance of truth and good, Of helpfulness and brotherhood, He leads the van To build his plan Of heaven in the heart of man. jO We hear again To build his plan f$J? jKwf n 01 "Peace on earth, good will toward men." Of heaven in the heart of man. Kiy& vvou v v ; ' . - 1 nr r 1 ri 1 VvjtNrK'uLKyjwmiihr' i i i i im i mi i in i hi mil mi ihii hb ii i in ii hi .t u jib i t iT-t irnmri ni nmn"fmj-r var tthM'tmii TrrrriT ifT yyn tit im t A'iwKauriflBB hha. " " " ;ri.i i; jj.-arv.,. -v :vx. rvxr vKmjrT1 it T T IM ' 1 k r r- 2"V "i ' - - " " " " 1 " J5?!r vl PRESENTS Call at our New Store, where you will find a Complete New Line Just stop for a mlnuto and give the matter good sensible thought; don't simply buy something to please tho eye something that neither you nor your friends will reap any beneilt from but rather buy something in tho lino of Pocket Knives Razors i Carvers Silver knivesiforks Tea Table Spoons Lamps Nickel tea and Coffee Pots Nickel Trays Skates Sleds, or an Oil Heater, a Rochester radiator Or one of the Best Washing Machines in the country a White Lily9 a White Rose or White Daisy For any of the above or many other USEFUL PRESENTS GO TO 6 ! BROTHERS! a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers