PAGE SIXTEEN THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. , SR., DIES rf "M-t"M"H"M"f -- 4-44-44.4-4t.j i i i . . . $1.00 Hand Painted Dishes T THE GLOBE aye ; riroccDrl I Who Sells Locomotive Manufacturer Succumbs at Ninety-five. uiuooou j. Dolls i at nt 50c DEATH CAUSED BY OLD AGE. 19c I Bill iiiiii Player Pianos, Pianosg Organs and Sewing Machines? Mclntyre. BETHANY. and Horn, on saturaay, to Mr. Mrs. Harry Blake, a daughter, Mrs. N. W. Bass gave a very in teresting talk in the M. E. church Wednesday evening to an apprecia tive audience. She spoke on the same lines as in Honesdale churches, especially (mentioning Mormonism and the study of it for this year in the Home Missionary Society. A Union Heading class of ten members was formed with Mrs. James Johns as president, to take up the study of 'Mormonism this winter, beginning in January. Mrs. Bass, while here, was entertained by Mrs. James Johns. Harry Pethick, of Hawley, was hero Thursday looking after the Pethick property. Mrs. Edward Woodward left Sun day for Now York to join her hus band and daughter there. Isa Monnlngton Is helping Mrs. Harry Blake with her household du ties. John Gummoe, who Is employed at the Crystal Spring Farm, moved his family from Carley Brook Friday, to the homo of the late Mrs. Lavina Pethick. On Christmas evo the Union tree and exercises will be held in the Presbyterian church. Practicing began last week under a committee of ladles. The children will meet at the church Tuesday and Friday of this week. Rev. Pritchard will have tho usual Bible study class on Tuesday even ing at 7:30 tice. HAWLEY. Hawley, Doc. 12. Patrick Shea, of Scranton, spent Sunday in town with friends, Erasimus Ames and son, of Scran ton, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. D. S. Finkelstein was visit ing friends and relatives in Scranton on Monday. Mrs. M. McAndrew visited in Scranton on Monday. The High School students are busy preparing an excellent program for tho Christmas exercises. Emmet Asher, of Jersey City, visit ed friends hero on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Truax visited tho lat ter's parents at Hoadleys on Sunday. THE RHODE ISLAND HED CUP Messrs. Burch and Silverman, of Scranton, have donated through their friend, Mr. L. W. Moxson, also of Scranton, a beautiful silver cup to bo competed for at the coming Scranton Show. This cup Is espe cially donated for Rhode Island Beds. The cup is valued at $25 and will prove to bo a mark of distinc tion that will bo valued by any breeder of this beautiful fowl and one who can win such a cup must have a largo demand for fowl for exhibition and hatching eggs as well. There is considerable rivalry throughout this locality not only as to who shall havn thn hnat. Tthnrln followed by choir prac- j Island Reds, but that this variety I snail win in me snow uio cnampion- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gammell . snip over all other prizes, leave this week for the State Grange Championship cups nave added meeting in Clearfield county. They greatly to tho worldwide face of the also expect to visit State College be-(Quality Poultry Show at Scranton. fore returning. j No other fowl has become more pop- Rov. and Mrs. Pritchard and baby Ular uirougnuui. au countries man Margaret spent Thursday in Way- mart and attended tho dinner at Mrs. Sol pel's. MILANVILLE. Milanvlllo, Dec. 12. Mrs. L. D. Tyler returned to 'her homo at Middletown, N. Y., on Thursday last after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyler. Mrs. Rockwell Brlgham visited "her sister, Mrs. Horace Tultchell, of Port Jervls, this week. Mrs. John Canfleld of Galilee, Pa., spent part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Tegeler. Miss May Boucher returned to Port Jervls on Thursday last. Miss Besslo E. Skinner spent tho week-end with Mrs. W. D. Yerkes at Milauvllle Heights. Mrs. L. B. Price entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Price and Marlon Prlco of Tyler Hill, Mrs. F. W. Tege ler, Vernon Tegeler, of Milanville, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Valentine of Damascus, and Claire Tegeler of Scranton, on Thanksgiving Day. A supper will bo held on Friday evening of this week at tho church basement. Proceeds for Rov. Olver. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Delghton are happy over tho arrival of a son. Miss Florence Prico was a caller at Mllanvlllo Heights on Saturday last. Ella Leo Rellly Snyder, daughter of tho late Martin Rellly, and widow of the lato John Synder, of Cochec ton, was burled Sunday from her Damascus home. Mrs. Snyder had been a soraMnvalld for many years and some weeks ago Mrs. Snyder be came helpless from paralysis, which caused her death. Mrs. Snyder had been living for some tlmo with her sister, Mrs. William Bonesteol, of Brooklyn. Mrs. Snyder had many friends who regret that she was tak en from their midst while yet in the prime of life. Miss Myrtlo Lassloy has arrived In Chicago whoro she will pursuo a musical course at tho conservatory. Miss Lassley is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Lassley of Vairvlow Farm. Miss Lassley will bo mlBsed In tho home and church and wo wish her a pleasant winter. Orrln Noble, of Bingharaton, had tho misfortune to have Ills oyo shot by some one hunting recently. The doctor ahs been unablo to find the shot and thinks Mr. Noblo will prob ably loso tho eight of tho eye. Mr. Noblo Is well known through this vicinity and Is a brother to Mrs. W. B. Yerkes of this town. Mrs. D. H. Beach and Mrs. R. B. Carpenter spent Tuesday in Port Jervls. Mrs. C. H. Valentino will entor tain tho Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist church on Thursday of this week. tho Rhode Island Reds. More than two hundred of them were exhibited in October at the Dairy Show in Eng land, and double this number were exhibited at the Crystal Palace Show in England and largo classes of them have been entered at both tho Pal ace Show In Now York and tho show In Philadelphia. The winners from both of these shows are apt to come to Scranton to win tho cups and other prizes offered here. One of the reasons that tho Rhode Island Reds have become so famous. Is that they lay so 'many eggs, one of this variety having laid the largest number of eggs of any hen in the Philadelphia North American egg' laying contest, held at Storr's, Con nectlcut. A Whito Plymouth Rock hen won in the Missouri egg-laying contest; a Rhode Island Red in the Storr's, Connecticut, contest; a White Leghorn at Storr's, won tho first prize for the largest number of eggs laid of any five hens in the con test. This brings the Rhode Island Reds, White Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns into actlvo compe tlon for being tho best egg produc ers, tho best market poultry and the most beautiful fowls for exhibition. All breeders of Rhode Island Reds should send to Mr. A. W. Close, of Scranton, for the premium list of tho show, so as to bo fully Informed of the many regular and special prizes offered this winter. Was Partner of Baldwin In Locomotive Company He Retired From Active Business Life About Twenty Years Ago Many Yrs Member of Firm. Philadelphia, Doc. 1Z Jnmos Bum ham, Sr., partner of Mntthlns Baldwin and the llrst tlunnclal genius of the present Baldwin Loeomotlro works, died nt his home, 3401 Powlton nve nue. He was ninety-Ore years old. Death vnn due to a general breakdown caused by bin advanced ng. Mr. Buruhnm retired from active busi ness life about twenty years ago, but he continued in fair health until Inst yenr. For about twelve months he hnd tho constant attention of a physician and nurse. In the commercial history of America no name stunds out more prominently than thnt of the veteran manufacturer, who wnB for many years the directing head of the great plnnt which has done more than any other to furnish the mo tive power for building up tho world's transportation facilities. His early life was closely Identified with the successes of ttot great in ventor and builder of locomotives, Mat thins W. Baldwin. He entered Mr. Baldwin's little oflice In Minor street ns a clerk when seven teen years old, and that gentleman, "being of an Inventive turn of mind," left the details of tlie business to Mr. Rurnbam. It wns largely due to his ef fort thnt the firm was able to continue In business during those antebellum panics when the contract for one engine-was a great uudertnklng In n plnnt so smull that the engine could hardly be got out of the building after it wns constructed. Mr. Burnhnm hnd been for many years the senior member of the firm, the amount of whose annual business had reached the $50,000,000 mark. He was closely associated with the devel opment of the locomotive from the old "John Bulls" to-the distance destroying giants of today and had been the main stay of the great plant which had sent the mighty progeny of the historic "Old Ironsides" to all part of ttw civilized world. WRECKERS CAUGHT IN ACT. Detectives Prevent Eighth Attempt to Derail Pennsylvania Trains. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 12. Pennsyl vania railroad detectives brought to this city from Hazleton Michael Miller and Ellis Sherman, charged with at tempting to wreck a passenger train nt Rock Glen by placing heavy stones on the track. This was the eighth attempt to wreck passenger trains In the vicinity within Uie past three months. Tlie railroad of ficers had concealed themselves in tho woods at night In the hope- of catching the would be wreckers. Their vigi lance was rewarded whet they saw Miller and Sherman In the- act of plac ing the stones between tlie rail mid the guard rail. The prisoners, it Is alleged, have Im plicated a tlitrd party at Rock Glen, who la said to hnve a grievance against the railroad company and employed the men to wreck trains. Miller and Sbcrmnn were held In $5,000 ball. -Trade at homo. DRINKS BAY BUM AND DIES. On account of the late fall trade and also being overstocked we are compelled to unload our extra large stock of seasonable merchandise at a saving to you of 25 to 50 per cent, Ladies' and Misses' Black Caracul Coats, sizes from 1C to 44, all. lined, a beauty for 11" Sale Price , 7 Jn Ladies' Crushed Plush Coats, Skinner's Satin lining, ?1G value, . . .'.'.".'. .$12.50 Ladies' Seal Plush Coats, Satin Lined, $25 value .......... .VT.rtO Ladles' and Misses' Mixed Goods Coats, 20 different styles, iyi2 .models worth $15, ' Sale ,,plco '. ?io.oo Ladles' Misses' and Juniors' Coats, 112.00 value $ 89 Closing out 50 Black Coats for Ladles, $7 and $8 value, sale price 3.0S Ladies' Suits, all new styles, $18 value Q Misses' Caracul Coats, good value for $6.00; Sale Prlco 4.W Children's Coats, $3 value, , . .'. .'.'.,9 1.08 Ladles' and Misses' Rain Coats, $4 value; Sale Prlco '..".'.".9 2.40 Ladles' Black and Colored Petticoats, $1.50 and $2 value; Sale Prlco '.'...'.'.. 08c Ladles' Outing Gowns, GOc value ' ' jjc Ladies' Night Gowns made of Daisy cloth, white, pink and bine, $1-value; Sale Prico ..... 7Dc Ladies' and Misses' All-Wool Sweaters, $3 value j jtt)S Ladles' and Misses' All-Wool Sweaters, $4 value tfp $ Ladles' extra heavy worsted sweaters, $6.50 value 4,0s Men's Heavy Grey Coat Sweaters, 75c, 30c Boys' and Girls' All-Wool Coat Sweaters, $1.50 valuo '...".. 08c Men's All-Wool Underwear, Root's & Lackawanna, two of the best makes, sold all over for $1.00; Sale Price 71)c Men's Grey Flannel Shirts, $1.50 value; Sale Prico 08c Ladles' Silk and Messa-llno Petticoats, $3 and $3.50 valuo 9 1.08 Princess Corsets, guaranteed for 6 months $ 1.00 Ladles' Misses' and Boys' Rubbers -10c pair. WAISTS 'Ladies' Lawn Waists, all new styles, $1.50 valuo )Hc Ladles' Voile Waists, $2.50 value $ i,.io Ladles' Taffeta Silk Waists, $3 value $ j.os Ladies' Messaline and Taffeta Waists, $4 value, $ 2.O8 Ladles' Chiffon Waists silk lined, all colors, $5 value 3 $ 3.08 We are showing a fine line of Holiday Goods $1.00 will buy $2.0O worth of goods THE GLOBE TIT FOR TAT. One morning Mr. Stono was going to his office when ho met Mr. Wood, a particular menu or nis. "uoou morning, Mr. Stone," said Mr. Wood, "how Is Mrs. Stono and all tho llttlo pebbles?" "Very well, thank you, but how is Mrs. Wood nnd all the llttlo splin ters?" was tho reply. GROWING WAYMART BIDS YOU WELCOME Tho hustling llttlo borough of Way-mart, located on tho Honesdalo branch of tho Delaware and Hudson railroad, at tho base of the Mooslc mountains, Is growing rapidly, There Is only one houso vacant In that vlllago and it is one of the best built houses, there, too. It con tains eight rooms and is a etoro and dwelling combined. Can bo used for two families. The property is lo cated in the center of the town and is directly opposite tho postofflco. It would make an ideal place for al most any kind of business. Tho lot Is GOxlCO feet and can be bought on easy terms of the Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Company, Honesdale, Pa., Jadwln building. If you cannot como to Honesdale use the telephone or write and further 'description will be ctieerfu'ly given. 99tf, Prisoner In Norrlstown Jail Succumbs Suddenly to Unusual Beverage. Norrlstown, Pa., Dec. 12. Douglass Wnrd of Scranton died In tho connty Jnil here, the result, it Is believed, of drinking bay rum. Wnrd is snid to have spent an Inher itance of ?20,000 nnd was heir to con siderable more, but he died without a cent in bis pocket. Ward wns committed' to jail by Mag istrate Harry for being Intoxicated in the bnrber shop of Alexander Jansen. Dr. U. Knlpe, the prison physician, said Ward was taken violently ill and wns nearly dead when tha doctor arrived Coroner Neville learned from Jansen that Ward drank n tumbler half full of bay rum. MEDIA TORY IRREQTJLAE. GETTYSBURG VETERANS ADDRESSES WANTED. Adjutant General Thomas J. Stew art Is compiling Information relative to the fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg, to be held next year, and desires tho name and ad dress of every veteran, who served in a Pennsylvania organization that participated In tho battTa. General Stewart asks all to com municate with him at onco and wants them to give their name, com mand (state company and regiment. or battery), dato of enlistment, date of discharge, postofllce address (give name or county, and give street number In city or town), railroad station nearest to residence. ' Tho following Pennyslvanla or ganizations participated In the bat tle of Gettysburg, viz. Regiments of Infantry: 11th, 23rd, 2Cth, 28th, 29th, 30th (1st Reserves), 31st (2nd Reserves), 34th (5th Re serves), 34th (5th Reserves) 35th (Cth Reserves), 38th (9th Re serves), 39th (10th Reserves), 40th (11th Reserves), 41st. (12th Re serves), 42nd (13th Reserves), 46th, 49th, 53rd, 56th, 57tM, Cist, G2nd, 63rd. C8th, 69th, 71st. 72nd. 73rd, 74th, 75th, 81st, 82ndr 83rd. S4th, 88th, 90th, 91st, 93rd. 95th, 96th, 95th, 96th, 98th, 99th, 102nd, 105th, 106th, 107th, I09th, 111th, 114th, 115th, . 116th, 119th, 121st. 139th, I40th, 143rd, 145th, 147th, 149th, 155U1 and 110th, 118th, 142nd, 150th, 26th Delaware County's Panel Improperly Drawn, Says Judge Johnson. Medln, Pa., Doc. Ri.-J. Watts Mer cur, defented Washington pnrty candi date for the state senate from this dis trict, and his attorney, V. Gilpin Rob inson, appeared before Judge Johnson and informed the court thnt tho grand Jury had been improperly drawn. They assert that twelve of tho twenty-four grand Jurors drawn by Sheriff 8. Everett Sproul and Jury Commis sioners James T. Stewnrt, Republican, of Lansdowno nnd Jacob Wise, Demo crat, of Clifton Heights did not appear on tho list of names that bad been placed In tho Jury wheel nt the begin ning of the year. Alleged Counterfeiter Arrested. Pittsburgh, Dec. 12.-W!th tho melt lng pot at whito heat Ginclnto de Cnr rlo and his wife were nrrested at their homo lu Braddock by secret service opcrntWes, who confiscated a hundred counterfeit hair dollars. 15'lst, 153rd, (Emergency). Regiments of cavalry: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 6th, 8th, r6th, 17th, ISth and 21st. Batteries of artillery: Battory "B," 1st artillery; battory "F," 1st artillery; "C," Independent; bat tery "E," Independent; battery "P," Independent, and battery "H," 3rd heavy artillory. TRAVERSE JURY. Kirst Week Jnnuary. 20, 1013. Bethany J. H. Smith. Berlin W. J. Seymour. Buckingham James Spratt. Canaan C. E. Weed. Cherry Ridge F. O. Rickard, J. Murray. Clinton G. G. Wllmarth. Damascus J. A. Noble, E. H. Hu- ber, A. P. Gregg. Dreher Ward Prey. Dyberry J. E. Henahaw. Hawley John Beomer, William Schardt, R. P. Warg, Harry J. Lobb. Honesdale C. H. Rettow, Leon Katz, O. M. Spettlguo, Sr., W. W. Baker, W. B. Holmes. Lake Oliver Hoover, G. G. Collins. Lehigh Job R. Moore. Lebanon Oscar II. Day. Manchester Norman Lester, B. A. Glllow. Mt. Pleasant Henry Ihlefelt. Oregon W. P. Weeks. Paupack Lewis M. Bittner. John Schleupner. Palmyra Georgo Morgan, Jacob Collum. Preston W. H. Doyle, Arthur Pat ton. Prompton Alonzo B. Wood. Sterling Walter Malcom. Starrucea John Glovor. Salem D. W. Bidwoll, Henry Conk lin. South Canaan John Savltz. Scott P. P. Conrad. Texas John Mangan, Henvy Lud- wig, Miciiaei Weber, P. H. Skelly, Andrew iicssllng. Waymart J. B. Dymond. nt........ T t .1 T. 1. TT) 1 uunton w. .M. Norton. Damascus John Wilcox, White. Dreher John Gearhart. Dyberry W. S. Tamblyn. Hawley James H. Stevenson Honesdale L. Puerth. Lehigh John Hawk. Lake Dwlght Osborne. Lebanon Georgo Atkins. Mt. Pleasant E. H. Ledyard, a. iloase. Vltr&iru UUUUl J . OUUUllU Palmyra Thomas Seeman. Preston Stephen Jay. Salem W. H. Sterner. Scott Ernest Lowe. South Canaan Anson Beers CHRISTMAS. APHORISMS. Never look a- gift in tho cost mark. Mistlctoo makes tho heart grow fondor. All that glUters Is not a diamond. Belief in Santa Claus Is the best policy. Tho gift deferred makoth the heart sick. Invitation is tho slncorcst flat tery. Christmas bills are stubborn things. Buy gtfts in baste and repent at leisure. And thereby hangs a stocking. Gifts ate seldom what they seom. Every Christmas tree must stand on Its own bottom. Uneasy lies the head that's plan ning gifts. Santa Claus Is not as red as he Is painted. One Christmas bargain salo makes the whole of womankind spin. Gifts make the men, tho want of them tho fellow. To give hideous gifts Is human, to forgive impossible. What is sauce tor the gopse Is not sauce for the plum pudding. liar vey Peake, in Judge's Library. TRAVERSE JURY. Second Week January 27, Berlin Amaza Keyes. Buckingham Ernest Holbert. Canaan James Moylan. Clinton C. J.. Stiles. Cherry Ridge Win. Crockonborg. Dyberry Rudolph Swartout. Dreher Charles A. Selg. Damascus Rockwell Brlgham, W. B. Gulnnlp. C. J. Lassley. Honesdale E. 11. Callaway, G. W. Docker, J. L. Roegner. Lake J. W. Andrews. Lebanon Walter S. Vail. Lehigh Harry A. Sobrtug. Mt. Pleasant Maurico Meager, E. E. Talntor. Manchester A. P. Lawson, Earl Layton. Oregon J. H. Boyco. Palmyra E. A. Marshall. Preston John A. Edwards. Paupack Thomas Lennon. Sterling Georgo Zelgler.' Scott Archlo Thorno. Salem John Schroeder, P, E. Carl ton. South Canaan A. J. Robinson. Starrucea John E. Wagner. Texas Louis Schuetz, Ed, P. Short, Cloreuco Bond, William Kane. INGLEHART. if n 11 p'htni' Mro W TIftptftr rowsbug, last week, Mrs. P. W. Brannlng vl mother, Mrs. M. Brlnkma days of last week. Mrs. H. S. Whitmoro c frlnniJa nt Tlpnph T.ako last last week. the Kimble Lumber Co. Prank Brannlng sold tv cows and one calf Wed Chas. Brlnkinan. a pleasant caller In this hood last week. ur. r. . xji iiiiMiub J. H. Decker on Sunday. Mrs. V. B. Case visited Brannlng Sunday. Prank Brannlng and tt a business trip to Hon Monday. Mabol Brannlng win s time with Mrs. Wm Mar como Lake. GRAND JURY. January 13, 1013. Buckingham Alva S. Dicks. Canaan R. S. Walsh. State of Ohio, City of Lucas County, SS. ho is senior partner of In tho City of Toledo, State aforesaid, and t) urlll nntr iia otitn nt ON? Pntnrrli thnt rnnnftt hp M tt.lll. PRANK J Sworn to boforo me -.. I . . V VU 111 Ull- U UDUULV, 11 (Seal) a. V Hall's Catarrh Ci tornally, and acts mooa ana mucous systom. Send for P. J. CHE Sold by all Drui TflKO nan s f an. etlpatlon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers