THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912. PAGE FIVE FOR SALE. FOR SALE A COMFORTABLE llttlo homo, a stono's throw from tho borough. Prlco ?6G0. DORIN. 3. C. BUFF ORPINGTON EOGS. Blooded atoqk. J1.00 sotting of 15. F. B. Lord, Honcadalo, Pa. 24elt S. C. BUFF ORPHINGTON orcls for sale. F. B. Lord. COCK 24cltf FOU SALE 2500 SINGLE COMB Whlto Leghorn chicks. Deliv ery May 15-20. Our birds aro very fine strain. ?12 per 100. LeRoy E. Sands, Hawley. 35oltf. MISCELLANEOUS. THERE WILL BE A DANCE AT Aaron's hall, Saturday night, May 11. All are invited. It TWO OR THREE GIRLS WANTED at box factory at once. 37tf. 50 MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO learn glass cutting. Krantz, Smith Co., Honesdalo, Pa. 23eltf W1NT, THE PIANO TUNER, WILL bo In Honesdalo all next week and the week following. Drop postal to Hotel Wayne. U FOR RENT SEVEN ROOMS WITH modern Improvements, Dr. C. R. Brady. 15tf BR B GOLDEN, "OPTOMETRIST and Optician," of Cnrbondale, will be at the Allen House, Honesdalo, on Wednesday. May 15, at Gill's Ho tel, White Mills, on Thursday morn ing, May 1G, and at tho Park View Hotel, Hawley, on the afternoon of the 1 6th and all dny Friday, May 1". He will come fully equipped, and will be prepared to properly attend to the most complicated cases. 3St2 IMMEDIATE RELIEF FOR PAIN in or around tne eyes, thorough the temples or in back of neck. "Got Wise " ' Take care of your eyes " Better "See Golden." Read ad. above. 3St2 LOCAL NEWS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sullivan, of Cherry 'Ridge township, a daughter, on Wednesday. - The Alert Hook and Ladder company will conduct a picnic and dance at Bellevue Park Memorial Day, May 30. The dance at the Eagles' Hall on Wednesday evening was well attended. Sonner's orchestra fur nished the music. Board of Trade meeting on Fri day evening of this week. If you are interested in a busier Honesdale attend the meeting. The Immediate relatives of Mrs. Barbara Metzgar assisted her in commemorating her 7Cth birthday at her home on Sixth street, Tues day evening. Don't forgot tho benefit base ball dance to be held at the Rink on Friday evening, May 17. Tickets 50 cents. Como" and lend' your support for a Honesdale base ball team. Why is It that the (Democrats of Wayne county aro so concerned over the outcomo of tho Republican convention? Is It because they are beginning to seo that tho split in the Republican ranks was only tem porary? - Several largo locomotives of tho 1000 type, belonging to the Dela ware and Hudson company, have been dead-headed to Honesdalo for storage and are now in tho round house in the local yard. They will remain hero until needed on the oth er side of tho Moosic. Dr B. Golden, who conducts opti al parlors on North Main street, Carbondale, and who makes frequent trips to Honesdale, White Mills and Hawley, will bo with us again next week. Dr. Golden was through here two weeks ago, but did not have time to serve all who called on him. Sexton R. .1. Miller is continual ly making Improvements and laying out new lots in Glen Dyberry and Itiverdale cemeteries, two of tho prettiest burying plots In this sec' tion of tho state. Mr. Miller and corps of workmen aro making new lots on the terrace east of tho main entrance. It is a mistaken idea that there are no lots for sale in thf cemetery Mr. Miller claims the company has about as much unsold ground as has already been convert ed into lots. When completed Erk Bros, will have one of tho llnpst and most mod ern stores In Honesdale. Work lias been commenced on tho basement. A new concrete floor is being laid. Owing to tho lowering of tho floors to get on the street grade tho cellar neicssanly had to be lowered ten lmlies Tho floors will be double and tho ceilings metal, every pre faution being taken against lire. Tne olli e will be located upon the first floor at tho extreme northwest corner, while tho elevator shaft will bo built in at the westorn end of tho building midway between tho two cellars. It will be constructed of brick Tho shed at tho rear of the building will bo taken away and be replaced by a brick storage. - A citizen of Carbondale. reallZ' Ing ithe beautiful scenery wo havo this side of tho Moosic, makes the following proposition to tho Car bondale Leader In tho form of a let ter. Now that the stato is going to reconstruct tno public road from tho city lino to tho stato asylum at Farvlow, woum it not bo a grand opportunity for tno bcranton Trac tion company to lay a street car track which could bo easily con tlnued to 'Honesdalo and tho patron age would no doubt bo very great. especially in summer. Tho faro by tho Delawaro and Hudson company from Carbondaio city station to Lin coin avenuo, a Jew rods from start ing point, ten cents; to Whlto's Crossing, about ono mile from start ing point, fifteen cents; to Qulg leys, which is about two miles from the City station, Is twenty-five cents, which Is considered outrageously high." St. Mary Mngdalcn's parochial school Is closed on account of an epidemic of measles. Born, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Morlo Mitchell, of Damascus, Pa., n daugh ter on Wednesday, Mny 8. Rehearsals for the Amity Min strel startod Wednesday ovenlng and will continue for tho coming two weeks. Tho Orson Cornet Band played for tho drama at Pleasant Mount on Tuosday, given by tho Pleasant Mount ball team. Miss Jnrvls will glvo a demon stration of tho Postum Cereal goods at J. H. Stcgncr & Son's storo on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Wo understand that this summer Is to bo a very busy ono for 'the Gurhey Electric Elevator Works, as they havo many contracts ahead. Tho Honesdalo base ball team will hold a boncilt danco at tho Rink on Friday evening, May 17. Everybody come. Tickets fifty cents. Rov. Dr. J. W. Baltn, of St. Mary Magdalen's church, will de liver tho address at tho commence ment exercises of tho White Mills school house on Juno G. On Fiday night all members of tho Orson Epworth League aro re quested to bo present at the church. A business meeting and election of officers will tako place. Among tho catches of big trout on Mny 1 was that of a California speckled trout weighing 2 pounds and measuring 18 inches caught by Miss Edith Barratt, of Cochcc ton. Tlie Scranton Knights of Col umbus nro making preparations to attend tho celebration in Washing ton on Juno S, when President Taft will unveil the Christopher Columbus monument. A banquet, which will bo held in the convention hall, will be in charge of the Knights of Co lumbus. A bill passed by the House Monday providing for the coinage of one-half cent pieces. Not a member of tho House opposed the measure. This new coin will bo similar in size to tho present one-cent piece, but will have a hole in the middle to distinguish it. In appearance It will not be unlike a Chinese cent. Three candidates received tho first degree In Anthony Wayne Chap ter Royal Arch Masons last Tuesday evening, namely, Homer Sander cock, Harold H. White, and Howell Bortree, all of Ariel. Among others to attend the lodge meeting from that place were E. P. Jones and County Commissioner Earl Rock well. The 41st annual convention of the Bethlehem diocese of the Pro testant Episcopal church will bo held in South Bethlehem May 21-22. It will also be tho 25th anniversary of the consecration of Bishop Ethbel Talbot as bishop. 'Rev. A. L. Whit taker and delegates from Grace Episcopal church will bo In attend ance. Pleading guilty to having exe cuted false pension vouchers and making a false affidavit to obtain tho pension money, William E. Ham ilton, alias William E. Mason, of Scranton, for seven years a United States soldier, was sentenced Tues day by Judgo Charles Wltmer, In the United States District Court, Harris burg, to pay a ?100 fine and tho costs or serve ono year in the Dau phin county jail. 'Hamilton took-the latter. He is 39 years old. Relatives and friends in Hones dale are tho recipients of cards sent out by Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Spraks, of Scranton, requesting them to bo present at tho marriage of their niece, Miss Alta Blanche Spruks, to Malcom Benson Richardson, on Thursday evening, May 23, at 8:30 o'clock In tho First German Presby terian church, Scranton. A recep tion will follow tho ceremony at the home of the bride. Until two years ago Miss Spruks was a resident of Honesdale. -Tho Reorganizers nominated the following ticket at Harrisburg on Wednesday: Auditor General, Robert Cresswcll; treasurer, W. H. Berry; congressmen-at-large, George B. Shaw, Joseph Howley, George R. McLean, E. E. Greenawalt; delo- gates-at-large, A. 'Mitchell Palmer, Vance C. McCormick, L. W. Relff, Roland S. Morris, Geo. W. Guthrie, harles S. Duncan, W. W. Bailey, E. J. kynett, Charles R. Kurtz, John A. Thornton, Henry H. Wilson, Fred C. Klrkendall. -In an opinion handed down by the supreme, court and written by Judgo Robert Von Moschzlsker, at Philadelphia, the new school code Is declared constitutional. Justices Brown, Mestrezat and Stewart filed dissenting opinions. Tho opinion Is tho result of tho illlng of an injunc tion by Jacob Blinslnger against tho Mount Washington school district restraining it from spending $0,500 for a school site. Tho injunction was dismissed by the lower court, whoso action has just been affirmed. The Board of Fire Insurance Underwriters of Philadelphia, who insure properties in all of the mln ng towns of Lackawanna county, havo Issued a ruling that the proper ties may bo insured for only three fourths of their value, or u insured for a greater proportion, tho com panics will be liable for only three- fourths of tho loss. Tho action is taken following several llres In towns throughout the valley, and it Is said that many of tho risks were over Insured. A temporary organization of the Catholic Total Abstinence Cadet so ciety of St. John's church was effect od last Sunday afternoon. Hon. C. A. McCarty, presiding. NInoty-ono men and boys enrolled between the ages of 7 and 21 years. A per manent organization will bo effective Friday ovenlng at 8 o'clock In St. John's rectory. Tho committee- con sists of Father Edward Burke; Bur gess C. A. McCarty, R. O'Connoll, Edward Caufleld, Georgo Buckley, George Rrlo'd, Walter Qulnlnn. The following committee was selected for tho Senior AUwetic (James anu Sports: James May, Georgo 'Brled, R. O'Connoll. Lewis Buckley, Josoph Carr. Tito Junior Athletic Games and Sports committee consists of Raymond iBrlod, Joseph Butlor, Francis Igo, Paul O'Neill, Edward Turnberger. Burgess C. A. McCarty told ua to-day Hint ho was going to STOP tho sulo of Intoxicants In Honesdalo on Sundays, He emphasized tho fnct that Oio Is going to DO IT. Tho last reading of Mrs. Frlode wald's present courso will occur on Saturday afternoon, when tho, drama, "Tho Scarecrow," by Percy ( MacKaye, will bo presented. A largo audience Is hoped for. From tho appearance or somo tools at tho Dolawnro and Hudson depot It looks ns If there might bo trouble awaiting for somo one. Tied together wcro a saw, adz, plckaxo and two Erlo lanterns. A bag with heavy material also accompanied the tools. They came from Starruccn. SPORTING NOTES. On Tuesday evening, Mny 7, a number of base ball enthuslnsts and old players, anxious to get some thing started In Honesdale before 'Decoration Day, mot at Hottmnnn's for the purpose of selecting a mana ger for tho team. About twelvo young men wore present. Tho base ball situation for this place wns dis cussed and a good deal of enthusi asm prevailed. After several at tompts to secure a manager and falling In each, H. C. Van Alstync offered to undertako tho job of get ting something started. Ho was chosen manager and will endeavor to organize, from the material at hand, a strong team for Honesdale. It was decided to nold another meeting on Thursday evening (to night) for the purpose of selecting a captain and organizing a team to start on. It was decided to hold a benefit danco at the Rink on Friday even ing, May 17, the proceeds to so to wards the support of a team. Tick ets will be fifty cents. All arrange ments will be made to-night, when tickets will bo given out for sale. A good base ball team Is tho life of a town, and If you want us to nia'ko a good showing against Car bondale, Taylor or any of the valley teams, you must give your support freely. At tho conclusion of the business meeting pinochle was played, after which a delightful supper was serv ed by Mr. Heumann, and It was surely appreciated by tho boys. Dur ing the supper, Houmann's orchestra rendered a few selections. After partaking of the supper, the boys adjourned to meet Thursday (to night) evening at tho same place to transact further business. All old players or citizens who aro interest ed in base ball for Honesdale are re quested to come to tho meeting as it is Important that you be present. Meeting will be called at S o'clock sharp. Shultz, pitcher, and Beckendorf, catcher, are with tho Providence team of which Fred Schuerholz was former member. It will doubtless be recalled by many of the local fans that three or four years ago Shultz and "Beck" played here with Hawley against Honesdalo, Schuer holz pitching for Honesdale. Shultz and Beckendorf at that tlmo wero regular members of tho Scranton Stato League team. Hawley, with tho aid of these and threo or four other state leaguers, finally won tho game although it Is doubtful wheth er they would If Sherry had received the support he should have. Fred will no doubt bo given more chances to "work out" with Allentown and wo believe ho "has the goods" If giv en half a show. Jn our write-up of the "Basket Ball Champions" last week we neg lected to mention tho names of Macklo and Mangan, each of whom played In three different games with tho 'Rink Five when Injuries or sick ness kept the regular members of tho team out. Both of these men did excellent work, there being few hotter players In the county. Mackle Is usually a member of . tho Seely villo team and Mangan was ono of tho Alerts. Johnstown, the champion basket ball team who were scheduled to play the Rink Five hero this last season, recently easily dofeated Trenton for tho championship of tho world. Johnstown won three straight games, tho score of tho last game being GO to 22. Johnstown won tho pennant in the Central league and Trenton In the Eastern. These are the two major leagues of basket ball. OH! FOR THAT $10 PRIZE Our Common Enemy, the House Fly. Flies are the most dangerous wild animals In America, an Immense fac tor In the national death rato. Wo used to put up with thorn as an unavoidable summer annoyance, but a llttlo scientific study has re vealed tho true dangers of tho com mon house fly. and our attitude of careless Indlfferenco Is giving way to serious concern. Tho new name "typhoid fly," suggested by Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of En tomology of tho U. S. Dopartnfent of Agriculture, Is full of meaning. Born In filth, they iivo on illth nnd carry It around with them wher over they go. And being migratory In their habits, they go a great deal. The Hies you see buzzing around tho farmer s kitchen at noon time, pay ing their respects to overy morsel of food n tho table, perhaps startod tho day In the pig pen, visiting In turn tho stable, chicken house, cesspool and garbage can. They aro abso lutely undlscrimlnatlng; after feast ing on some dead carenss, or frolick ing for a time In a reeking cuspidor, or visiting tho sick chamber of somo tuborculoss patient, they will make straightway for your cream pitcher or clean their filthy feet on tho nip ple of baby's bottle. If all tho diseaso and death that tho fly has been responsible for could bo summed up, and this information brought to tho attention of ovory man, woman and child In this coun try, tho populace would rlso up on masso to exterminate this common onomy. Don't allow files in your house. Don't permit thorn near your food. Don't buy foodstuffs whero flies aro tolerated. No filth, no flics. Eliminate tho breedliu: nlacc.s by cleanliness and a liberal uso of kerosene mid chloride of lime. John O'Neill Is working at his trade, glasscuttlng, In Waymnrt. Harper Fulkorson of Carbondale, recently visited friends In town. 'Alfred Tyco has entered tho em ploy of tho Gurney Electric Elevator Co. Miss Helen Kollogg, of Plttston, Is spending several days In Hones dale. T. Frank Hnm, of Scranton, wns a cnller In town tho foro part of tho week. Harry Colo, of Scranton, was a recent guest of Ills brother, .P. L. Cole, at this place. Harry Synnr, of Poughkcopslo, N. Y Is spending part of his vacation with relatives hero. Mrs. James Miller Is spending a few days in Wnymnrt with her moth er, Mrs. D. Griffiths. Ornn Sutton, of Blnndin, has re signed his position as toolmakcr with tho Gurnoy Elevator Co. Miss Susio McGraw left on Wednesday for a few days' visit with friends in Carbondale. Miss Estclla Congdon entertains tho 'Bllllken club tonight (Thurs day) at Five Hundred in honor of her birthday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ned Swoyer and daughter nro now living In their new home in the Gray house on Wood avenue. Amos Ward and daughter. Miss Alice, of Bethany, attended tho fun eral of the late Mrs. E. W. Hlnes at Orson on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Andrew Okowltz Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Otto Hensel In New York City. Boforo returning they will spend a few weeks at Atlantic City. C. B. Burnham, a draughtsman In tho employ of the Gurney Electric Elevator Co., Is quite a bicyclist, having completed atrip of 122 miles on Monday ifrom his homo In Blooms burg. Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Smith, of Hawley, returned from their honey moon trip on Tuesday evening. They arrived on the 7:30 Delaware and Hudson train and were driven over land to Hawley. Mrs. Lottie Mantle and daughter, Miss Gladys, departed for Orson on Wednesday to attend the funeral of tho lato ilrs. E. W. Hlnes, which was held at her late homo on Wed nesday aftrnoon. Mrs. R. T. Davles, wife of Vice Principal Davles of the 'Honesdale High school, Is still very ill, having suffered a relapse. Her condition, today, however, is slightly improved, mucn to the gratification of her many friends. Miss Ethel Schlessler, who has been employed In Paul Frederic's confectionery storo for tho past eight months, will leave on Saturday, and enter tho employ of Menner & Co. Miss Helen Jacobs will succeed Miss iSchlessIer. Fred Schuerholz, who ias been playing with tho Providence, R. I., team, of tho International League, has been sold by them to Allentown of tho Tri-State League. Sherry arrived here on Tuesday evening and will leavo for Allentown on Thursday evening. An address In the interests of the Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will bo given by tho Rec tor at Grace Episcopal church Sun day, May 12, at 7:30 p. m. At the 10:30 a. in. service morning prayer will bo said and a sermon preached appropriate for Mother's 'Day. Sun day school at 12 M. Rev. A. L. Whlttakcr will hold a service In White Hills Sunday at 3:15 p. in., consisting of Holy Com munion and Sermon. Central Methodist Episcopal church, Will HI. Hlller, pastor, ser vices Sunday, May 12: 10:30 a. to., sermon by pastor, subject, "A Wise Preferenco." 12 M., Sunday school; G:45 p. m., Epworth League; 7:30 p. m., sermon by pastor, subject, "Tho Queen of Hearts." Tho pews In this church aro free. There Is a cordial welcome for all people. Dr. Swift will speak next Sunday morning on "God's Thoughts and Ours," and In tho evening on "Our Mothers." This is "Mothers' Day." Will all ploaso wear tho whito flower? THE GREAT C1TV. What makes a city great and strong? Not architecture's graceful strength, Not factories' extended length, But men who seo tho civic wrong And glvo their lives to make It right, And turn Its darkness Into light. What makes a city full of power? Not wealth's display nor titled fame, Not fashion's loudly boasted claim, But women rich In virtue's dower, Whoso (homes, though humble, still aro great Because of service to the State. What makes a city men can love? Not things that charm tho out ward sense, Not gross display of opulence, But Right, that wrong can not ro movo, And Truth, that faces civic fraud, And smites it in tho name ot God. This Is a city that shall stand, A light upon a nation's hill, A volco that ovil can not still. A source of blessing to tho land; Its strength not brick, nor stone, nor wood, !But Justice, Lovo and "Brother hood. Christian Standard, Feb., 1910. I Botes 1 Negotiations aro pending for tho purchase of tho Blockbergcr farm located In 'Berlin and Texas town ships. Tho last enr of pea coal was dumped in the Eric pockets at Haw loy on Thursdny. Honesdalo sales wcro cut off on Wednesday. Mrs. C. W. Martin, of Mlddlotown, and Mrs. Julia Rauman, of Hones dale, Pa., aro visiting .Mrs. Bau man's sister, Mrs. Chas. H. Norrls of Mary street. Port Jervls Gazette REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OP IIONKSDAI.K. WAYNK COUNTV. PA. lit the close of business. Mny. ;l. 1912. nEBOuncEs, Hescrvc fund $ Cash, spocio and notes, I1G.196 00 Due from approved re serve nceuts $13,518 47 29.714 47 Nickels, cents and fractional currency 120 30 Checks and other cash Items 117 & Due from banks and trust com panies not reserve lulls discounted : Upon one nnmu " " Unon two or. . . more names 11B.T2 72 Tlmo loans with collateral 27.D7H 8 ixians on call with collateral w,ua l.f Iyoans on call upon two or more names 13,9.'V3 00 Loans secured by bonds and mort- caces 1I.4.V 51 Iionds, Stocks, etc.. Schedule I) Ii7, 6N" 75 otllcollulldlni: and Lot 18.800 oo Furniture and fixtures 2,W on Overdrafts HZ! Miscellaneous assets 7,125 oo $ 402.533 49 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 75.000 00 Surplus Fund 20.000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 2,617 52 Deposits, subject to check $39,591 19 Cashier's checks outstand'e Individual deposits.TIme 2I5.321 78-30l-'tl5 97 $102,533 49 State ol 'cnnsylvnnla. County of Wayne , s I, C. A Kniery. Cashier of the above named compnnj do solemnly swear that the above statemeii' Is truetothu bestof niyknowledco and bellei. C. A. KMERY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this th day of May, 1912. My commission expires Jan. 19, 1911 Uejja S. Edoett. N. 1. Correct attest: M. K. Simons. 1 M..I. II J-D'rectors. F. W. KltEITJiEB. I ffittG Who's Who (A short Without doubt, a person must pIaco as much, If not more confidence in a jewelry store than they would in a bank for tho very reason that there is much more chifnco for deception. A business house that uses the "Square Deal" with all its patrons and adheres to strictly "one prlco" and that prico means only the cost plus a "legitimate" profit, Is tho house that's bound to give satisfaction to its customers. Wo want every cus tomer we have and expect to havo to be "thoroughly satisfied" with our way of doing business, both in tho retail and repair department, and should any dissatis faction prevail, don't tell yourself or friends about It but bring It right hero to us and we'll "right it." We strive to do everything In tho repair department just a llttlo better than anyone else and "we can boast" that no ono has ever "equalled" us In the "Prompt" manner In which wo turn out our work. Taking this into con sideration there's a lot of truth In the old adnge "If a man writes a bettor book or builds a better mouso trap than his neighbor the world will beat an untrodden path to his hut." Now people Who's Who? the house that treats one and all alike and Why? because they have the reputation of holding the People's confidence. Think it over Jeweler and Optician. Progressive Farmers are Using W. A, Wood Disc Harrows Because they havo learned to know that W. A. Wood builds good farm tools. Wo carry these harrows In All Sizes and Styles Prices range from $22 to $30 Wo also havo W. A. Wood Spring Lovor Harrows, Adrlanco Wheol Harrows, Porry Wood Fraino Harrows, Lansing Coll Sprlug Harrows. Full lino of repairs always on hand for all harrows sold by us. If you need a harrow call on us. If you don't need a harrow call anyhow. MURRAY CO. Everything for the Farm, Honesdale, Death of Mrs. Lucy A. Chambers. Mrs. Lucy 'A. Chambers, mothor of O. T. Chnmbcrs, druggist of this place, passed away at tho homo of hor only surviving son, on Four teenth street on Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock, at tho ago ot clghty-flvo years. Lucy Ann Chambers, widow oC Joseph Parker Chambers, was born in 1827 nnd camo to iHoncsdnle from ISaston, Pn., In the year 1804. Hor husband preceded lior In death about twenty years ago. O. T. Chambers Is tho only sur viving son, with whom she has mado her homo for many years. Tho funeral services will be held on Friday at tho house, Rov. Dr. Swift of tho Honesdalo Presbyterian church officiating. John Rlckert was attending to business In Scranton on Tuesday and Wednesday. W. .1. 'Barnes loft on Thursday morning for Wllkcs-Barro to attend tho ifuneral of tho late William Deckover, his wlfo's uncle, which was held there on Thursday after noon. KEYSTONE Pharmacy The creditors of tho Percy L Colo drug store have secured tho services of Buel Dodge, who for 2G years had a pharmacy of his own In Honesdale. He has been appointed manager by them and will hereafter conduct the business under the name of tho KEYSTONE PHARMACY 1123 Main St. All prescriptions accurate ly compounded. and Why ? story) Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers