PAGE 4 THIS LiTiaiiKv-Friday, sept, in, 1011. THE) CITIZEN Seini-Wcckly Founded lf08j Weekly Founded 1814. Published Wednesdays and Fridays Entered as second-class matter, B. B. HARDENBERGH B. H. WITHERBEE J. M. SMELTZER directors: ii, wilson, C. II. DORFLINQER, M. E. ALLEN, Our Mends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re umed, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.50 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by ExpresB Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No; 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks, 60 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interesting manner, to summarize the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as this paper sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the best interests of its readers and the welfare of the county. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911. BOIIi YOUR WATER. There seems to be reason to believe that the typhoid epldemi Is on the Increase for September, according to the report of the State Depart ment of Health, and in most of the fatalities the contributing cause has been drinking water contaminated by typhoid bacilli. Our advice is to boil your "water. It should be remembered that the typhoid fiy is still active and the drinking water from a tap that was pure a week ago may be loaded with bacilli today. Keep the flies out of the house and boil the drinkng water and the chances of contracting typhoid will be reduced to a minimum. :0: "GOING SOME." President Taft's departure upon his 13,000 mile speaking trip has called attention to the fact that he is probably the greatest traveler that has ever occupied the presidential chair. The Rochester Post-Express has figured out the miles covered by President Taft during his career as a public official and Its figures show that 'Mr. Taft has covered some 202, 438 miles so far. A trip of only 13,000 miles then will probably seem to him like a jaunt to Hawley would to most of us. Everywhere the President goes the favorable Impression concerning him becomes more marked. The misconceptions once so prevalent In the beginning of his 'Presidency have entirely disappeared and the American people hold him to-day In high and justly-merited affection and esteem. :0: POSTAL. BANKS IN CANADA. Canada established postal savings hanks forty years ago and now has about a hundred and sixty thousand depositors In such banks, with forty-five million dollars to their credit. Two years ago, as a further en couragement to thrift, the Dominion Government began writing annuities. A Canadian aged twenty, say, may pay in twenty-five cents a week at any postofflce and be assured of an annual Income of eighty-five dollars at the age of fifty-five or of a hundred and thirty dollars at tho age of sixty. Postal banks have been a success In other parts of the country. It now remains to be seen whether tho bank in Honesdale will prove equally successful. :0: MILD WEATHER FOR !JO DAYS TO COME. "The way the temperature is, (Tuesday), to-morrow, and the next day will determine the weather for the" next ninety days." So says Albert E. Compton, the Honesdale weather prophet, who for the past forty years has successfully forecasted the vagaries of Wayne weather. September 19, 20, 21 are the pivotal days in his scheme of astrono mical observation. " Mark the temperature at noon, to-day," he said, and that will give you the temperature for the next thirty days. " We should have a line storm during this period. I'm afraid we won't get it. It'll run dry. It's right on the change of the moon, too, to day. "We get the wind from the northwest to-day. That's not a very stormy corner If the wind held off South It might be possible we'd get our storms a little later. "The temperature this morning at 7 o'clock was 50 degrees. I should Judge it may run up to-day to about sixty. "I don't predict any rain to speak of in the next thirty days, unless we might get it In a shower. " I've been predicting the weather for tho past forty years. I've just given you a few points. You watch things yourself, and see If I don't come out right as usual. "The wind shifted off East yesterday. Last night it went clear around. There was a time this morning the wind was due West; now It's gone more North." Mr. Compton's assurance that the next thiHy days will be mild, clear and sunshlning will bring Joy to the hearts of multitudes, who look forward with dread to the approach of Winter, when the coal man gets in his Innings, preferring rather to pay toll a little longer to the ice man. The Maple City weather prophet has a hobby, the weather, and rides it. And by so doing he keeps young, in spite of his G3 years. Every man should have a hobby. He'll live longer, and be the happier for it. "All work and no play" but you know the rest. We sincerely trust 'Mr. Compton's predictions will be verified. RADIUM IN AUSTRALIA. Dr. Douglas Manson, who visited Mt. Painter In northern South Aus tralia some time ago and said he found traces of radium there, has re turned from a second exploring ex pedition and confirms his first an nouncement. He claims to have lo cated a lode of radium ore three miles long 'by 100 yards wide, and says that he has a quarter of a ton of ore ready for shipment. He fig ures that the ore will net a profit of over $1000 a ton. PENNSYLVANIA MAN TO START OSTRICH FARM. W. H. Hlle of Bloomsburg, Pa., ar rived in 'New York last week, with 53 ostriches which he had captured In Abyssinia and which he Intends to make the nucleus of an ostrich farm. Last year ho brought over a few young birds and they have thrived. The surprising part of this Is that they have done well In a cold cli mate, for the ostrich is commonly supposed to be a bird that demands warm weather. Mr. Hile says this is not the case and Intends to further prove his theory. But his plans for getting rich quick out of his os triches are really the Interesting part of the story. They may bear fruit, but they at least sound like the hopes of tho man who is about to start raising chickens and who calculates a million eggs from their offspring within three years. Mr. Hile sayo that an ostrich 13 full grown when 11 months old and is then producing as good feathers as it ever will. There Is a new crop of feathers every eight months and each bird produces about 90 by the Citizen Publishing Company. at the postofflce. Honesdale, Pa. PRESIDENT MANAGING EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR E. B. IIARDENI1ER01I, W. W. WOOD and the way the win'd comes to-day plumes, which are worth $1.50 each. Also tho females lay from 50 to 120 eggs a year. Mr. Hile says that If an ostrich farmer starts with one pair of birds he will have 50,000 os triches In 10 years. Conservative people are hereby warned to stick to Plymouth Rocks. In Cape Town there is an ostrich valued at $50, 000 and Mr. Hilo says it has earned Its owner $300,000. Tho cost of keeping an ostrich is about $20 a year. WAYNE'S ATTITUDE. Some people are doing some talk ing about Wayne county. The way they feel over In Wayne county over the congressional situation is well shown by the remarks which were made at the congressional conference last week at '.Montrose by Messrs, Simons and Decker, the Wayne con forees. At this conference Mr. Sim ons nominated Wayne's candidate, Hon. Homer Greene, who was defeat ed, but there was no sourness or sulkiness on the part of the Wayne conferees, as is shown by the speeches and pledges the gave after Ainey's nomination was effected. From tho Montrose Republican's ac count of the conference we take the following paragraphs: Mr. Simons stated that he had known Mr. 'Alney personally and by reputation for some years and was satisfied as to tho worth and ability of tho candidate. While Wayne would 'have liked to see Mr. Greene the nominee, believing that county entitled to it, he knows that Wayne will do her part In electing nlm. It Is a duty of all loyal Republicans to support the candidate, he said, and they were not going homo to sulk not the part of a man, nor the part oi a good -party man." no tnanked the conferees for the courtesies ex tended the Wayne contingent and closed by stating that If 'Mr. Ainey comes over Into Wayne he will re ceive a royal welcome, and In No vember be elected by a rousing ma jority. Mr. Decker followed in similar vein, jocularly calling attention to the fact after Susquehanna has had a couple of terms, Bradford three or four, and Wyoming a couple, that Wayne would get In the game early by putting forth her candidate, ex hibiting proudly a picture of his 3-year-old son, Victor, Jr. (The only pledge we have heard Mr. Alney make was given after tho meeting, when he said he would support tho candidate, If he comes up.) Wayne's delegation made a hit with tho men present. They repre sent the true type of Republicanism Reporter-Journal, Towanda. BELL ANNUAL REUNION. The ninth annual reunion of tho Bell family was held at the residence of F. L. Benjamin Sept. 9 and not withstanding the inclement weather a good number were present, as fol lows: Mrs. William Samson, Anna Samson, Belle Samson, iMr. and Mrs. Harry Samson and daughters, Doris and Mildred ad son Geraldlne, Mrs. J. W. Cook and daughters, Celesta and Ruth and son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. George and son Robert, IMr. and Mrs. Calvin Samson and son Ralph, Casp er Samson and Elmer Samson of Lake Ariel, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sam son, Mr. E. H. Samson and daughter, Madaline of Dunmore; Mr. and Mrs. William Hazlcton, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bell and sons, Ivln, Lester, Ernest, Carl and daughter Margaret, Miss Ida Bell, 'Miss Effle Bell, Maple wood, Mrs. Edward Enslin and sons, Garland, Kenneth and Raymond, of Varden: Mrs. J. E. Lockwood and daughter, Waymart; Mrs. Aldred Os- terhout and 'Mrs. George Swarts, Sparrow Bush, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs, E R. Bartlow and daughters Annie, May and Ethel and son Harold, Mr. and 'Mrs. F. L. Benjamin and sons Howard, Alton and Walter Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. Orley Bell nnd son Robert of Dunmore; 'Miss Charlotte Croop, Cortez; Mrs. Conrad Kraft and sons, Walter and Conrad. Mr. William Bulck, Scranton. There was a game of ball between tho married men and single men, the score being lv to 2a in lavor of tho slngla men. Everybody had an enjoyable time; everyone went home happy. ORSON. Special to The Citizen ORSON, Pa Sept. 19. D. J. Hlne Is attending the Afton fair with his managerle of animals on exhibition. Glee Rollson, Binghamton, .N. Y is spending some time with his un cle, J. Walling of this place. S H. Lee and brother, R. N. and wife, are attending the funeral of his brother, Philander, of Chapman Lake, near Jermyn, Pa. E. P. Harlow is again with his family for a short 'time. School opened here on Monday, Sept. 4, with George Wllner, Ply mouth, as teacher. Our little neighborhood around was visited with a genuine freeze up on Wednesday evening last which has ruined all kinds of vegetation, corn and buckwheat. Sara 'Whipple visited at Carbondale recently. Mrs. A. F. Hlne and Mrs. Ade laide Chamberlain spent a few days In Scranton last week. The funeral of Mrs. Ida Prawl (nee Temperton) was held In our church on Friday last. Further par ticulars have not as yet been learn ed in regard to her death. The M. E. parsonage Is being treated to a now coat of paint. De vere Chamberlain is doing the work. Rev. L. C. 'Murdock, district sup erintendent, will hold his second and third quarterly conference in the M. E. church, Orson, on Sept. 27, at 10 o'clock in the morning. He urges that all of the members of the quar terly conference be present as there is much business to be trans acted. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vincent have been visiting relatives at Brockland, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Eleck Griffin rejoice over the arrival of a little daughter. J. H. Sheldon made a business trip to Honesdale last week. The M. E. Aid society expects to meet with Mrs. Wllllnni Rnnfnrrl nn Sept. 21, for tea. Mrs. Warner Sanford Is visiting Mrs. Lottie Telford, Susquehanna. Clark Reynolds, Preston Center, lies very ill from a shrink rscolvofl recently. STERLING. Special to The Citizen.! STERLING, Pa., Sept. 19. In our last items we neglected to say that Flossie Bortree had returned to tho State Normal school at East StroiirlRhiircr nml TiMlth Qlmnno tn the State Normal school at Blooms- ourg. Lvdla Brirtreft. f!lnrlrn Siimmlt has been a guest at her sister's, Mrs! n. ii. oimons, tor tne past week Mason Gilpin left for State College on the eleventh. F. F. Fetherman has his new house at the creamery about finish ed and E. Peters will move into it next week. A new barn is also fin ished. Lyman J. Gilpin has the founda tion up for his house. On tho 13th L. F. Ammerman and family attended the wedding of a nephew, George Ammerman, at Ca naan. Congratulations. W. B. LGShfiP ftllll T fS Rlmnna oi-n calling on the voters of the .county this week. Judge A. T. Searle kindly called on us this week nnrl from whnt ma l, o.. heard we can predict a good vote for the Judge at the primaries In Sterl ing. Leslie Simons and sister, Ariel, were the guests of J. E. rimon1 t'-hin week. Rev. Charles Carlton, LaAnna, kindly officiated for us at the M. B. church lost Sunday and we were all pleased with his excellent discourse. It certainly had the right ring. We predict for this young man a brilliant luiuru. McNeal of Harrlsburg, has been a guest at t. m. Stevens' and on the 13th she and Mr. McNeal took dinner with the Ladles' Aid at tho M. E. church. In fact about fifty wore In attendance, many of them being visi tors and among them Mrs. Alvlra Bortree, who has passed tho 91st milestone nnd Melissa E. Bortree of Oakland, Cal and Mrs. William Dunn of Beachlake. Royal J. Cross returned from Bloomsfield, N. J., to-day on a short visit. L. King, Maple Grove, is stopping at R. B. Simons' and attending the High school. F. L. Hartford's only son, about thirteen yenrs old, while on his way to school on the 14th, got his leg through the wagon wheel,' whirled around a time or two before they could get the horse stopped and he was badly bruised and one leg brok en below the knee In two places. Tho Sterling 'M. E. church choir rendered their contatta at the South Sterling church last Sunday evening. TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS! I am asking you for promotion to the office of Prothonotary. For the I past six years I have served you to the best of my ability as clerk to the i County Commissioners and my term will end January 1, 1912, therefore I I am asking for the nomination for Prothonotary on the Republican ticket. You know that my duties : prevent me from being absent from 1 the Commissioners' office because of the work connected with the coming primaries. I have given personal at tention to the filing of petitions for (county, township and borough can didates, and It will be necessary for me to attend personally to the print ing of the ballots. 'Mistakes will oc cur even with the closest attention, but many will bo discovered and cor rected by comparing proof with ne- tltlons. Therefore you will realize mat i cannot go campaigning, but I am willing to trust the people whom I serve to deal justly with me. I am a native of .Manchester town ship, was educated in the common schools and academies of tho county and was for ten years a teacher in the schools. For nearly fourteen years I was employed by the Wayne Independent and most of you have met me personally. In whatever ca pacity I have been employed I have endeavored to perform my duties honestly, fairly and in the interests of my employer. My record is open to any wno wish to investigate. The office of Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts is an Important one and the person who fills It must give It personal and careful atten tion. If 1 am chosen to perform the duties of that office, I pledge myself to cio tnis, ana will guarantee to every person fair, careful and courte ous attention. "Will you help me?" manning an wno will, I am Respectfully yours, GEORGE P. ROSS. 2t eoi. X Who's Who EARL ROCKWELL, of Ariel, Re publican candidate for county com missioner, is1 a contractor, builder and farmer. Hels especially exper ienced in concrete work and Is qual ified in every respect for ithe office he is seeking. Mr. Rockwell solicits your hearty support. NEVILLE HOLGATE, a Democra-' tic candidate for county commission er, has for many years been a tax payer and farmer in Wayne county. .Mr. Holgate Is thoroughly qualifled for tho position and earnestly solicits your support at the coming primar ies. ".MY ways and methods of doing business do not need investiga tion," says Wallace J. Barnes, Re publican candidate for Prothonotary. "If I could not get the nomination clean I wouldn't seek It." SHERIFF is one of Wayne coun ty's responsible offices, consequent ly it needs a responsible man. Vote for F. C. Kimble, Democratic candi date for that office. VOTE for Neville Holgate for county commissioner. There's a rea son. " BERT " LESHEH. whn hna nffl. clently served the past three years as one or rno auditors of Wayne county, earnestly solicits your support at the primaries September 30 for tho of fice of Reelster nnrl T? Republican ticket. Remember. Mr. Vot dates are worthv of vnitr vntn anil influence. We beg to announce the opening of our 29th ANNUAL OYSTER SEASON nothing but the We Will have attractive prices for church. grange and other public affairs. Ask us for prices. J. H. Retail 617 Main St. SOUTH CANAAN. I Special to The Cltlznn.i SOUTH CANAAN, Pa., Sept. 19. Tho marriage of Miss Florence L. Hooper to George E. Ammerman of Gravity, took place at the home of the bride's parents, tho M. P. parson age, Wednesday afternoon, Septem- uer io, m i o cock. Tne parlor was beautifully llflrnr.ltprl thn nnlnr scheme of ntntr nnH whUo niaiTnmlti. ating, pink and white astors being In pruiusion. -me wedding march was played by Mrs. John Morris of Ply mouth. COURln nf thn hrlrln Tn Mm first strains of Lohengrin's wedding murcn tne oriuai party entered the parlor led by Rev. Thomas Hooper, father of tho bride, Rev. James Moore of Avoca and Rev. E. Morri son, South Canaan. Next came the flower girls, Emma Hooper and Gladys Ammerman, each carrying a basket of pink and white astors, then bride and bridesmaid, Miss Myrtle E. Hooper, sister of tho bride, the groom and best man, Elwood Am merman, brother of tho groom. The party stood beneath a wedding bell of pink and white astors where Rev. James Moore read the reception. Rev. Thoa. Hnnnnr tlorl tha m knot, using the beautiful ring cere mony, uev. jii. Morrison 'read tho prayer and Rev. Moore pronounced the benediction. Tho bride wore a gown of white marquisette and clun ny lace. The bridesmaid's gown was pink silk raousline with cream trim mings. The groom and his attendant wore the conventional black, while the flower girls were dressed in white with pink accessories. During the ceremony "Hearts and Flowers" and Mendelsohn's wedding march were softly played by Mrs. Morris. After congratulations the guests were served with an elaborate lunch. The bride is the eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hooper and is a much esteemed young lady in this community. She was organist of the M. P. church of this place. The groom Is the oldest son of Mr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Ammernan of Grav ity; he is mall carrier on the R. D. route from Gravity and is a very popular young mnn among his many friends. They were the recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts consisting of silverwear, linen, cut glass and china. They will be at home to their friends after October first in Gravity. SOUTH STERLING. Speolai to The Citizen. SOUTH STERLING, Sept. 19. As the summer Is drawing to a close and fall is near and the frosts are here, it Is making everything look as though winter will soon be here. Most of the city people have gone back to their homes; there Is a few left yet to see the Autumn leaves. The Sterling choir was here Fri day night and exhibited their can tata, which was very fine. There was a good attendance. Washington and What's Doing n Candidate for Prothonotary. A. II. HOWELL, Republican can didate for Prothonotary, earnestly solicits your votes and promises, If elected, to prove to all that no mis take was made in his selection. VOTE for L. B. Stark for Sheriff the People's candidate. Primaries September SO, 1011. finest stock obtainable. OYSTERS STEGNER & Grocers, Fish and Oyster Camp band opened and closed the performance of the evening. Hon. A. T. Searle was a pleasant caller last week. Had a kind word and pleasant smile for every one. Tho P. O. S. of A. and Washing ton Camp band attended the picnic at Tobyhanna Sept. 16. Washing ton Camp band carried off flrst prize for tho best music. Geo. H. Lancaster is still on the sick list, suffering from rheumatism. Tho telephone company has mov ed tho Central to Newfoundland. James 'M. Gilpin has got nicely settled In his new home. Homer Gilpin got struck with a stick of wood In the eye which has caused him a lot of pain. Dr. F. Gilpin Is attending him. '.Mr. and Mrs. Will Robacker are rejoicing over a new daughter. Mrs. William Dunn, Beachlake, is visiting her many relatives here. F. J. Tolley, Democratic candi date for Register and Recorder, de serves the support of his party at tho primaries If party work counts. For 28 years ho has been active in politics, was County Auditor nine years ngo, Is now secretary of the Democratic County Committee, is well qualified for the position and has a hosts of friends who would like to see him elected. Vote for him. 74eoi2 FOR PKOTHONOTARY. A. H. HOWELL, WHITE MILLS. Kindly Investigate my life, char acter and qualifications, and then. if possible, give me your vote. If elected I will attend to tho duties of the office myself and will try to prove to all that no mistake was made In my selection. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local anDllcations. QS thov rnn- not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure aeatness, nnd that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is polic ed by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine caso3 out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition ot tne mucous surfaces. We Will Eive Ono Hnnrlrpfl Tint- lars for any case of Deafness (caus ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Politics, fx townsnip and also tho quality of the man. He Is W. B, Lesher and is one of the Republican candidates for the office of Register and Recorder. NO more popular man ever ran for nn office than Fred Saunders. He is now seeking the nomination of Register and Recorder on the Dem ocratic ticKet. JllvMEMREIi your friend in the court house, F. H. Crago, at the pri mary election. Mr. Crago is Repub lican candidate for Register and Re- curuer. "I INVITE thn flllloat Invtlcn. tion oi my record ana with pleasure jcici uiu vuier to tne expression given at the polls three years ago." W. J. Barnes, Republican candi date tor rrotnonotary. jr. u. jvi.uisijh, Democratic can didate for Sheriff, Is well known throughout Wayne county. If you don't believe it wait for the returns election night. IF EXPERIENCE means anything then rnof vmm irf f m tt Republican candidate for Register una uecoraer. FRED SAUNDERS, dealer In hides. Is among the Democratic can didates who Is seeking the nomina tion of Register and Recorder. Mark your ballot thus: For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. X SONS Dealers Honesdaln. P
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