THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1011. 1-1UIS MAINE AND PROHIBITION "Dry" Law Has Prevailed For Sixty Years, HISTORY OF LEGISLATION. Brigadier General Dow Was Father of the Movement Agitation For Repeal Was Started Because of Wholesale Violation of Statute. Prohibition In Maine Is sixty years old. The recent election. In which the "wets" appear to have won, al though thero will bo a contest In the courts, was the first time in twenty-seven years that her citizens were called on to vole on tho subject. Brig adier General Neal Dow was the lather of the movement. It was he who In 1851 drafted the first severely prohib itory law of the state. He was In the forefront of the fight over all succeed ing prohibition laws, which culminated in the constitutional amendment of 1884, repeal of which has Just been voted on. That amendment came up for consid eration after Maine had tried state wldo stntutory prohibition for over n quarter of a century. It was proposed by the Sixty-first legislature and sub mitted to a test vote on Sept. 8, 1SS4. It was overwhelmingly approved, 70, 783 persons voting for It and only 23,811 against it. Governor lloblo Is sued a proclamation In regard to It on tho following Dec. 3, and tho amend ment actually went Into effect in Janu ary, 1883. It prohibited the manufac ture and sale of Intoxicating liquors, not Including cider, but legalized the Bale of liquors for medicinal and me chanical purposes and for tho nrts. Tho artlclo In full reads: Tho manufacture of Intoxicating liquors, not Including elder, and the sale and keep ing for salo of Intoxicating liquors are and shall be forever prohibited, except, however, that the sale and keeping for pale of such liquors for medicinal pur poses and the arts and the sale and keep ing for Bale of cider may bo permitted un der such regulations as the legislature may provide. Tho legislature shall enact laws with suitable penalties for the suppression of tho manufacturing, sale and keeping for nolo of Intoxicating liquors, with tho ex ceptions herein specified. Tills clause of tho constitution was unquestioned for twenty years. In 1904 Governor Cobb attempted a strict enforcement of the prohibition law. When he ran for re-election his plu rality shrank from 27,000 to 7,000. "With the swinging of tho state this year from the Itepubllcan to tho Dem ocratic column state leaders figured that perhaps a majority of tho voters were not In favor of "no license." Tho history of prohibition In Maine Is declared to havo been marked by wldo violations of the law. Secret bars are said to have flourished every where. Tho mail order liquor dealers aro said to havo smuggled llquor'lnto tho state by tralnloads, while moon shine distilleries flourished. Finally tho legislature enacted the Sturgls law, authorizing Governor Cobb to appoint a commission to search homes for forbidden beverages. Tho legislature repealed the Sturgls law In 1008, but Governor Cobb vetoed tho repeal. Then arose tho movement for nreamendment of tho constitution. Tho campaign Just closed was hard fought on both sides and attracted tho attention of temperance workers all ovor the world. Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, national president of tho Woman's Christian Temperance union and herself a Portland woman, took charge of the fight for the prohibition clement. Campaigners were enlisted from all over tho country. Tho Inter national Prohibition association flood ed tho state with literature containing interviews with prominent men and women gathered all over the world. Tho National Temporance society, the Anti-saloon league ond the Good Tem plars also were active. TO KILL FRUIT PESTS. Electric Shooks Instead of Sprays Used In Washington. Electricity as an agency to destroy tho codling moth and other bug pests Is tho latest Innovation Introduced in modern apple orcharding in tho Spo kane valley, Washington, where was recently made what Is declared to have been the first demonstration of its kind In the world. Tho test was made In a six-year-old orchard, and more than a score of second brood moths and many green aphides were killed In a Jew minutes. Tho apparatus consists of a storage battery to charge the incandescent light globes, each of six candle pow er, which are netted witli lino steel wire, coated with copper and tin, al ternately. Attracted by tho bright lights in Uie trees to which the globes nro carried at the ends of a covored wire, tho moths fly against tho net , ting, complete the electric circuit and aro killed. It is estimated that one battery to nn aero of trees will keep the moths trader control, thus eliminating the usual spraying nnd saving many dol lars annually for help and equipment. One Wheeled JInrikisha. A ono wheeled JInrikisha on the monocyclo principle Is being intro duced among the Chlneso of the Malay states. It Is said to be safo and to havo many advantages over tho old fashioned vehicle. THE RAO E FOR DREAM How Bp's Appralso Navies c! Groat Nations, GREAT BRITAIN IS STILL FIRST. Two American Warships, Utah and Florida, Are Largest In Service of Leading Powers, Whilo the New York Will Excel Any Being Built. SInco the new American Dread nought Utnh arrived In port at New York to Join her sister ship, the Flor ida, now ncaring completion at tho Brooklyn navy yard, naval men havo been discussing with renewed interest tho relative position of American sea fighters as compared with tho navies of tho other nations. While experts concede that Great Britain has tho largest aggregate of warships, with filther Germany or tho United States second, It Is asserted -that tho two new Dreadnoughts of the United States out rank in size and strength anything afloat. The British battleships Lion nnd Orion will excel tho two newest Amer ican ships, but neither of these Is ns yet in service. Germany also has a number of powerful Dreadnoughts in course of construction, but the largest German ship In commission Is of less tonnage nud efficiency than the Utah nnd Florida, which have displacements of 22,000 tons each ns compared with tho original Dreadnought of 18,000 tons. They take the lead over tho Delaware and North Dakota, 20,000 tons each, which heretofore were the prize ships in the American navy. Be sides leading the ships of nil the great powers' In size, they nls.o bring Ger many and tho United States nearer together In the race for second place among naval powers. Among the experts tho original Dreadnought has become tho accepted unit of sea fighting efficiency. Count ing It as a unit of 100, the American battleship Delaware and her sister ship, North Dakota, have an efficiency ratio of 110 encu, while tho Florida and Utah havo a ratio of 125 each. These ratios for American Dreadnought ships aggregate (i"0 as against an aggregate of about 700 foy Germany. So Ger many nnd tho United States aro sep arated by only a few p.oints for posi tion of second when tho -Dreadnought unit of fighting strength Is the basis. On ships below the Dreadnought unit the scales nro turned In fav(- of tho United States. The super-Dreadnought New York, whose keel was laid recently, will out rank In tonnage anything thus far built er under way in England and Germany. Her tonnage will bo-27,000. The largest British ships under con struction are those of the King George class, 25,000 tons, nnd the largest of the new German ships building, are of 23,000 tons. The British designers, however, are planning the Q.uocn Mary, 20,000 tons. Tho New York represents the largest warships' being built, while the Utnh and Florida nro the largest in tho service of any of tho great na tions. HUGE BUTTERFLY. Specimen Found In Brazil Is as Big as a Sparrow Hawk. W. M. Mann nnd Frederick Baker, members of tho Stanford Brazilian ex pedition who romainod behind, have sent news from Madeira, on the Ama zon river, of tho discovery of a hith erto unknown species of tho morpho, a hugo butterfly. The new species is as large as n sparrow hawk and caused considerable fright to the mem bers by flying toward them in an at titude of attack. When within a few feet of Its enemy It strikes and soars to a height of twenty or thirty feet, returning to repeat the attack. Sev eral large specimens of the insect have been preserved and will bo further in vestigated upon the party's return to tho enmpus. The remaining members will travel up tho Amazon for a distance of 500 miles and will gather specimens of tho animals and plants all along tho route. The river, after a hundred miles or so from tho mouth, is so thickly infested with crocodiles nnd largo gar that bathing In tho river is absolutely im possible with any degree of safety. Tho crocodiles are of tho larger species of tho floating variety and aro dan gerous. Fresh water fish, such as carp and catfish, which in this country do not excel In size, on Hbo Amazon at tain tho weight of from 300 to 500 pounds under tho equatorial sun. Tho struggle for existenco of vegeta tion Is Indescribable, and tho bank along the river is one solid mass of tangled vines, palms, mosses and orchids. It is Impossible to set foot on tho ground for a distance of a mile from tho banks. Monkeys, snakes and parrots are the only animals which can exist In the denso clusters. Family Record on Turtle's Back. Gcorgo L. Stillman, a business man of Westerly, It. I., was strolling about his farm, about a mllo from tho village, when bo en mo across a big turtle which was sunning Itself on tho banks of n pond. Ho secured it and found engraved on its shell tho initials of bis grandfather, Adam Stillman, engraved In 1805. Further examination disclosed the name of nnotber Adam Stillman, his great-grandfather, engraved in 1808, and the name of Paul Moxon, onrvpd in 17fB. iHOHIS CHILDREN WHO AHE SICKLY Mothers who value their own com fort and the welfare of their chil dren, should never bo without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, for uso throughout tho season. They Brenk up Colds, Re lievo Feverishness, Constipation, Teething Disorders, Headaches nnd Stomnch Troubles. Used by Mothers for 22 years. THESE POWDERS NEVER FAIL. Sold by all Drug stores, 25c. Don't accept any sub stitute. Sample mailed FREE to any mother. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. FINDS A BRYANT POEM. California Woman Discovers Hitherto Unpublished Verse. When Mrs. Elizabeth Mumford of Pasadena, Cnl., was looking through several autograph letters of William Cullen Bryaut she discovered written on one of the sheets of paper a hither to unpublished poem. The verse wns written on the back of a letter sent to Mrs. Mumford about thirty years ngo. The linos follow: There's a dance of the leaves In the pop lar boughs, There's n flutter of wind In the beechen tree. There's n smile on the fruit and a smile on the flower And a laugh from the brook as It runs to me. FIND mUmIFIED CAT. Died Eighty-threo Years Ago In an Episcopal Diocesan House. Stonemasons altering the front of nn Episcopal diocesan house, New York, were tearing out the stonework at the top of the second story when Patrick Shine, the boss mason, discovered a dusty object which ho dug out with a trowel. It wns n mummified cat, "a perfectly good cat except for lack of breath," said Shine. The diocesan houso was built In 1828, so Shine figured that the cat was born eighty-three years ago at least. I The F. B. Steams Company 1 SVaotoG-g the Engine that supplanted th ITWORE YOU INVEST IN A NEW CAR, EX JD AMINE THE STEARNS-KNIGHT. SEE FOR YOURSELF THE ENGINE THAT IS REVOLU- I TIONIZING MOTORDOM THAT HAS ADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN LEADERS IN AU TOMOBILE DESIGN. G FOR MANY YEARS THE ENGINEERS OF THE MOST FAMOUS CARS THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN HAVE LABORED UNCEASINGLY TO PROVE THIS ENGINE. FOR TO DISPLACE THE POWER PLANTS WHICH MADE THOSE CARS PRE-EMINENT MEANT A MOTOR FAR IN AD VANCE OF ANYTHING BEFORE PRODUCED A MOTOR WHICH WAS NOT A MERE IMPROVE MENT BUT A REVOLUTIONARY STEP IN AD VANCE. G CARS EQUIPPED WITH THE KNIGHT TYPE ENGINE ARE EVERYWHERE THE CHOICE OF KINGS EMPERORS OF THOSE ACCUSTOMED ING THAT CAN GET NOISY. AND REMEMBER TO THE BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS. IN THAT THE QUALITIES WHICH YOU MOST AD EVERY COUNTRY THE GREATEST CAR NOW MIRE WILL ONLY IMPROVE WITH USE. A POS- USES THE SILENT KNIGHT THE DAIMLER IN Equipments Include Warner Auto-Meter Model K, Dtnker Windshield, Klaxon Horn, Vetta Electric Generator Lighting System, 311k Mohair Top, Continental Q. D. Demountable Rims, Mulder Cut-out, Etc. SOUTH GOT 91,030,000,000 FOR SHORT COTTON CHOI. Largest Amount Ever Received For! tho Commodity, Says Hester. New Orleans, La. "No American cotton crop ever grown has sold for as much as tho one Just marketed, tho total value, Including the seed, having been $1,030,000,000," ac cording to the report last week of Colonel 'Henry G. Hester, secretary of the New Orleans Cotton Ex change. With 1,700,000 bales less than contained In the bumper crop of 1308-09, the crop Just marketed netted the South ?254,000,000 more. The 13.511,000-bale crop of 190C-07 brought $222,000,000 less than the season which ended September 1, 1911. Champion Lady Rncer of tho World, Adelaide 10. D'Vornk, at tlio Rink nil tills week.- Throughout tho world there are about three thousand weddings every 24 hours. BEEN of HAWLEY3 PA, I Announces the STEARNS-KNIGHT f STEARNS-KNIGHT FIVE-PASSENGER T0TJMNG OAK. Candidate for Prothonotary TO THE REPUBLICANS OF WAYNE COUNTY: Pursuant to the requests of my many friends In tho county and the general understanding three years ago that I should again offer myself as a candidate for the nomination for Prothonotary at the com ing primaries, Sept. 30th, I would state that after a short start by way of an education in the public schools of Wayno county, I com pleted a course nt the A. M. Chls bro Seminary In Monroe county, N. Y. My post-graduate course was about thirty years In the school of hard knocks as a farmer and lumberman In Wayne county. Have met many people in the var ied relations of n business man and this long experience has en abled me to meet many whom I esteem as friends and gain at least enough knowledge to appre ciate the needs and requirements of my fellow man. My aim has steadily been to deal honestly, frankly and fairly with all and to dearly cherish all of our country's Institutions, and to encourage and assist every true effort to maintain and ad vance them. I Invite the fullest investigation of my record and with pleasure refer you to the ex pression given at the polls by my WALLACE J. BARNES, home district three years ago as Indicative of the feelings of those who knew mo best. Although always a resident and large taxpayer In Wayne county, I never asked for office except on the aforementioned occasion when I was defeated by M- J- Hanlan who, though opposed to me, never, to my knowledge, said or did anything detrimental to me. I therefore earnestly request your support and promise if nominated and elected to faithfully perform the duties of the office to the very best of my ability and in all things observe the spirit of the Golden Rule. Faithfully Yours, WALLACE J. BARNES. have adopted the ICnight Type e Finest ENGLAND, THE MERCEDES IN GERMANY, THE PANHAND IN FRANCE, THE MINERVA IN BEL GIUM AND IN AMERICA THE STEARNS. Judge this Engine Yourself G JUDGE THIS MOTOR BY YOUR IDEALS OF WHAT A MOTOR SHOULD BE. JUDGE IT AS DID THE ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ENG LAND IN "THE GREATEST ENGINE TEST ON RECORD "A TRIAL THAT ESTABLISHED A NEW STANDARD FOR MOTORS. G THEN JUDGE IT BY ITS SIMPLICITY THE ABSENCE OF COMPLICATIONS. REMEMBER THAT ALTHOUGH IT IS A FOUR-CYCLE MOTOR, THERE ARE NO VALVES TO GRIND. THERE ARE NO NOISY TIMING GEARS, CAMS AND SPRINGS. REMEMBER THAT THERE IS NOTH- TAL BRINGS FULL INFORMATION. lid l A in the World ! OF HAWLEY HAWLEY, PA,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers