niiit in i PAGE a IE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, HLVY 31, 10H. EVERY PASTOR A C0NFESS01 That's What Dr. Sheldon Would Like to See. ADVICE AND GOOD GliEER. Author of "In His Steps" Does Not Believe In Forgiveness of Sin by a Minister The Confessional Not En tirely a Spiritual Matter. The nor. Charles M. Sheldon, pastor of the Central Congrepntloiml chur h of Topckn, Kan., author of "In His Steps" and several other widely mad books, believes thnt every pastor of a Protestant church should have a con fessional, where the members of h.s flock could go to their pastor and pour their troubles Into a willing ear and receive wholesome ndvlne. lie dos not Intend that this confession should bo In the nature of that followed by the Catholic church, where forgive ness of sin Is given by the father con fessor. It should be a place where those heavily laden with caies and trials and tribulations could unload their burdens. On Trial In Boston. "The relations of the minister to his congregation," Ii- Sheldon said, "should bo such thnt the members would be free to go to him and con fess their troubles and receive advice. I do not In the least advocate tho doctrine of the forgiveness of sins, but it seems to me that the minister, in order to fulfill his full duty to the church and to his flock, ought to make himself so useful that the members would feel free to confide In him about anything that concerns them. The Baptist Emmanuel church of Roston is carrying out this idea now. I have been working along this line for many years. "The confessional Is not entirely a spiritual matter. It is n place where people can carry their troubles of whatever kind or nature, business, spiritual and religious, family affairs and purely personal matters. It Is the working out of the plan to give more help to tho congregation. Some ministers work with the Idea that their connection with the affairs of tho con gregation ends with the preaching of tho sermons and the calls and the per functory routine followed by n'l. There is much other good vtork that catl be and ought to bo done. Catholic Church Understands. "The Roman Catholic church has understood human nature for centu ries. Tho Protestants have not had this understanding. The Catholic con fessional contemplates tho forglvenesj of sins, but Its chief hold has been r.i aiding tho members of the church bear the burdens they have to carry. Hu man endurance will bear up under cer tain troubles to a certain extent, and then It snaps. If one is able to tell his troubles to another In whom ho has confidence nnd who may bo nble to give advice and aid, the troubled one feels better and stronger after the toll ing, although tho trouble may not be solved or lightened in tho least. That is human nature. "It Is tho duty of the minister to bo tho close friend of every member of his flock. Ho should do a real service nnd be n real help at all times. Men nnd women come to me for advice. They tell mo of their family affairs, their business prospects and reverses and almost everything imaginable. I give them tho best advice I can, I counsel with them, I condole with them, and I try to help them solve the troubles that come to them. It gives them greater peace of mind. They do not break down. After confiding In mo and talking over their worries they go away strougor and better men nnd women and children and become more useful to themselves, their friends and the world. "That is the Idea I have in the con fesslonal for Protestant churches. Ev. cry church should have one. Every minister should have certain hours when the members of his congregation could go to his study and tell him their worries and bo given as good spiritual, business and social advice as auj min Ister should be able to give advice that no lawyer and few other friends could give." BURIED DOG NEAR WIFE. Pholps Also 'ntended to Erect Menu ment, but Neighbors Protested. Although he had stoutly declared that nothing could force him to take the step, Cieorge V. Phelps of East Hamp ton, Mass., Anally acquiesced in the wishes of his excited neighbors nnd removed the body of his dog from n spot near his wife's grave. Mr, Phelps burled the animal In his lot in a cemetery, nnd as it had been n faithful friend for years he said he intended to erect a monument to It. This brought forth protests from per sons who havo relatives burled In the cemetery, and the local authorities took tho matter up. So vigorous were tho protests that the authorities had an nounccd a special meeting to discuss tho caso and hear the ndvico of coun sel when Mr. Phelps gave In and said ho would take tho dog's body out of the burying ground. England's Dairy Expense. During 1010 England paid to foreign countries $35,000,000 for eggs and $40, 000,000 for poultry, DAMES ANDj DAUGHTERS. Professor Charlotte I Hobo; Is of Wellesley college lias been elected n fellow of the American Association For tho Advancement of Science. Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, wife f Representative Hitchcock of Oma'.n is regarded as the most skillful plan.) player among tho wives of members oi congress. Miss Grace Shepherd, tho recently elected state superintendent of public Instruction for Idaho, was educated at tho Kansas Normal school and the University of Chicago. Mary Anderson Navarro, once n pop ulnr stage favorite, says sho idled away her school days and was unsuc cessful ns a student. Her son. Jo.--e Maria, is now a sturdy boy of fifteen. Miss Annn Begga of Memphis, Tenn.. is now a deputy clerk and master cm' chancery. Sho now has tho right to swear witnesses and sign court papers. Sho is tho flrst woman in Tennessee to hold that position. The Writers. Charles G. D. Roberts, tho poet and naturalist, makes a canoe journey ev ery summer. Dr. Henry C. McCook. tho author, Is a member of thnt family which was famous in the annals of Pennsylvania as tho "fighting McCooks." Ellis Pnrker Butler, the humorist, is one of trade journalism's contributions to literature. He formerly was the editor of the Wall Paper News. Thomas Nelson Page, the novelist, was born on a plantation in Virginia, has lived nearly all his life on a Vir ginia plantation and expects to end his days there. Congressional Cuts. "Vunt this country needs are some extraordinary sessions for the unmak ing of superfluous and undesirable laws. Atlanta Journal. Funny, isn't it, but even the con gressmen who are keenest for enforc ing a two cent passenger rate upon the railroads invariably vote them selves mileage at tho rate of 20 cents. Newark News. If tho newspnpers habitually printed such Incorrect reports of the proceed ings In congress as are to be found In the Congressional Record under the "leave to print" Action they would one nnd all bo denounced as frauds. Utl cn Observer. Feminine Fashions. An Indiana woman was Aned a dol lar for making fun of another wo man's hat. Poetic justlco would have been to make her wear it. Albany Journal. Tho wide range of women's fashions is illustrated by a comparison of the present day hobble skirt with the am ple hoop skirt of fifty years ago. Nashville Banner. Women are wearing much larger shoes than they used to, says tho Shoe Dealers' association. What does that prove? They're wearing bigger hats too. Detroit News. Fandom Fancies. A hit over the fence is worth four In the field. Judge. Tho average umpire stands in need of a thorough sandpapering of the voice. Denver Republican. Our observation is that no amount of excuses has tho slightest effect upon a ball team's standing in tho percentage table. Houston Post. We suggest that people wishing to make engagements with us set tho time before 3 o'clock during the rest of tho baseball season. Atlanta Jour nal. Telephone Calls. On Jan. 1 Philadelphia and its sub urbs had a telephone for every eleven residents. Tho telephone system installed in Poking is now in operation, with more than 3,000 subscribers. Tho Chinese government owns and operates the system. Tho principal telephone company of Spain, with stations In Madrid, Barce lona and seventeen other cities, has only 3,705 subscribers. The city of San Sebastian has a municipal tele phone service. Facts From France. Tho average consumption of matches In Prance Is 1,1-1(1 per person each year, representing n cost of about cents. In tho whole of pleasure loving France there are not more than 230 hunting women, according to a Paris statistician. A Frenchman who enjoys tho dis tinction of being tho champion wine taster of tho world at the no of sev cnty-flvo has certified over 450,000 bar rels of wine. Sporting Notes. Juno 20 is tho date of tho Harvard Yale regatta. Grand circuit tracks will award 5128,500 to tho trotters nnd $73,500 to tho pacers. James F. Kelly, a Now York police man, is now world's champion hand ball j)layer, Manager Jimmy McAleer' of tho Washington team says bo has the greatest bunch of catchers in tho world In Gabby Street, Eddlo Alnsmlth nuA John Henry, IN THE RE OF FA Tucked and Scalloped Blouse. Very fine white delaine Is the mate rial intended for this pretty shirt, with Bilk covered buttons and n pllsse grand father frill of soft white lawn. Groups of pin tucks create a pleab- Ing fullness In the front, nnd this dain ty decorative treatment is repeated on tho deep cuffs and collar, the latter concluding with n small pllsse tucker of tho lawn. By cutting the right side of front in scalloped pattcs, a method also pur- TUC'KKD DFXATNB 11T.OUSE. sued with tho cuffs, and punctuating each curve with a fairly have button a decidedly original effect is achieved Tho scalloped front nnd edges of cuff could be outlined by n fine piping o: some dainty printed silk, the same, oi course, reuulsitioned for the buttons. It is in these soupcons of color relief that the essence of chic is found. Their Ammunition. 'I see where they hud to send tho soldiers to put down the riots In the French champagne districts." 'Yes." 'I suppose to make their volleys ef fective they used grnpo shot" Balti more American. iW M I m n mt Jm MM HONESDALE ON Monday, May 29 For A Short Time Only Please call early for treatment. v 1 WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involvos No Risk For Those Who Accept It. We are so positive our remedy will completely relievo constipation, no matter how chronic it may bo, that we offer to furnish it free of nil cost if it falls. Constipation is caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the largo intestines or descending colon. To ex pect a cure you must therefore tone up nnd strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. Wo want you to try Rcxall Orderlies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, nnd nrc particularly Ideal for children. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action on the oth er organs or glands. They do not purge or cause nny inconvenience whatever. They will positively overcome chronic or habitual constipation and tho myr iads of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies at our isle. Two sizes, 10c. nnd 25c. Sold only at our etoi-p Th Rexall Store A. SI. I.EINE. "Stickley's Furniture" is unex celled in materials, con struction and finish. Only $5.85 For this attractive and massive style Iron Bed with heavy continuous posts filled with Graceful scrolls, rods and or naments. Height of bed 63 inches, and In all regular widths. Beautifully enameled in every detail. A bed of similar style and quality sells always for $8 to t9. Carefully packed and shipped, freight charges prepaid, $5.85. Do you wish tosave fully 25 in buying your furni ture. If so, send today for our latest catalogue. Free on request. The Home of the National ORGANIZED 1836 Progressive Successful Will extend every facility that good banking will justify. Accounts of individuals, firms and corporations soli cited. Correspondence invited OFFICERS: HENRY Z. RUSSELL-EDWIN F. TORRKY PRESIDENT, CASHIER, ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT .A.C.LINDSAY ASSISTANT CASIIIEB DIRECTORS: Henry Z. Russell Edwin F. Torrey Horace T. Menner Louis J, Dorfunoer Andrew Thompson Homer Greene James C, Birdsall E.B.Habdenberqii Philip It. Murray Wo print legal blanks, Wo print wedding Invitations. BINGHABITON, ST. If. HOTEL 'ST. DENIS. BROADWAY arid 11th ST. -j-.v... .uu, uiock irom WMamaker . ..viuuio appointment., courteou i use ana nomeiike urroundinf . nD?i?,s ''uu Per flay and on Wlh privilege- ol Bath C1 cn . ht uuy ana up EUROPEAN PLAN Tbl d'Hote Breakfast . . 60a - win. TAYLOR A SON. Ind. !;::::n::;j:a::::::::::ni::::::::jintu::i MARTIN CAUFIELD f B Designer and Man- ufacturer of I a ARTISTIC 1 MEMORIALS Office and Works f 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. 1 amtummmjaaniaittuttmnnmmmj! X X SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you if f you are in the market: f for J JEWELRY, SILVER-! i WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES uuuiuuluuu unifies UIll U1U. X J-. 11..!.. 1 t .1 , KICK THE Have you a kick coming ? Is there anything that displeases you ? Are you unhappy and need cheering up ? Has any little thing gone wrong ? Tell us your troubles. Let us help you ? For each of the three best kicks each week, The Citizen will give a brand new crisp one dollar bill. Don't kick loo long. 50 words to a kick. No limit, however, to the num ber of your kicks. You don't have to be a subscriber to be a kicker. Open to everyone alike, men, women and children, subscribers and non-subscribers. Old and young, rich and poor. Itemember two cents a word for the three best kicks. There must be something you don't like. Kick about it. What good is an editor any way except to fix up the kicks of his read ers? Relieve your mind and get a prize! KICK ! KICK ! KICK! A few suggested subjects at which to kick! Tho weather, of course. Tight fitting shoes. The high cost of living. The hobble skirt and the Harem trousers. High hats on week days. Suffragism, etc., etc., etc. The funnier tho better. Several people have asked us if the fifty-word letters containing kicks have to be signed. How else will wo know to whom to award the prizes? Whether in the event of the letter winning a prize and being published, the name of the kicker would appear is another question. Undoubtedly the -writer's wishes would bo followed on that score. Our Idea of the "Kick Kontest" includes everything except direct and offonsivo personali ties. Sit right down now and dash off fifty words about anything you don't like and want to register a kick against. It won't take you Ave minutes and you may win a prize. The more original the subject the better chance for a prize. One dollar for less than five minutes work Is pretty good par. Of course you can make your kick as short as you wish. A clever flfteen word kick may wfci a prize over a full-length fifty-word one. The shorter the better. For the best kick of ten words or less The Citizen will pay an additional prize of one dollar. Now then, lace up your shoes and let drive! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncys-ot-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. OHlce ad a cent to Post nm In rtlmmlnlr ofllce, Ilonesdale, Pa. WM. II . LEE, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Ofllce over post office. All legal business promptly attended to. Ilonesdale, l'o. 171 C. MUMFORD, L. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office Liberty Hall building, opposite the Post Office. Ilonesdale, Pa. HOMEIt GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office over Kelt's store, Ilonesdale Pa. flHARLES A. McOARTY, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- iT-LAW. Special and prompt attention civen to the collection of claims. Office over Keif's tnew store, Ilonesdale. Pa. FP. KIMBLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over the post office Ilonesdale, Pa. T.f E. SIMONS, ill. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office in the Court House, Honesdale, Pa. PETER II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office-Second floor old Savings Brit building. Ilonesdale. Pa. s EARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW Offices latelv occupied) by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GARRATT, t ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office adjacent to Post Office, Ilonesdale, P Dentists. TH. E. T. BROWN, U DENTIST. Ofllce First floor, old Savings Bank build ing. Ilonesdale. Pa. " DR. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, TA. Office IIodrs-8 a. m. to G p.m. Any evening by appointment. Citizens' pbone. 33. Residence. No. i-X Physicians. PB. PETERSON, JI. D. . 1120 MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Eye and Ear n specialty. Tbe fitting of glass es given careful attention. Certified Nurse, MRS. C. M. BONESTEEL, GLEN EYRE, PIKE CO., PA., Certified Nurse.? P. S. N. Telephone-Glen Eyre. 17mo4 Livery. LIVERY. t red. G. Rickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone Barn ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl Advertise In Tho Citizen? EDITOR!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers