THE OITM0, FIUDAY, MARCH SI, 1011. PLANET MARS NEXTTO DIE. Venus and Mercury Already Dead Worlds, HSISTS LIFE IS ON MARS. Poroival Lowell Says Earth li the Only Other Planet Inhabited Jupiter, Sat urn, Uranus and Neptune Are Big Baby Worlds, Too Young to Sustain Life Jupiter and Saturn Red Hot. Mercury and Venus are nlrcady dead nd dried up worlds, Mars Is rapidly pproaculng a state of wrinkled old so, and the earth Is next In the pro esslon headed toward the extinction f all life, according to Dr. Perclvnl lowcll, head of Lowell observatory, ho recently addressed the New York lectrlcal society. Mars Is certainly Inhabited by some tonracter of organized life, Dr. Lowell Mid, and the Martians have far greater cason to deny that there Is life on the onrth than we have that they exist. r. Lowell was sure (hat there was uo life on any other planets besides Hit earth and Mnrs, all other members f the solar system bclnc either nl- eeady dried up. so that life, animal or Tegetable, cannot exist, or else, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, much too young In world evolution and therefore much too hot from Interior ources to ndmit of life of any kind. Assuming the sun to be the source as well as the center of the solar sys tem, Dr. Lowell began nt the outer rast orbit, working inward. Jupiter and Saturn, ho said, aro still actually red hot. They were gradually cooling ff. however, as the world is now do ing. Jupiter no longer shines, though ned hot. but its color, glimpsed now and then through its clouds. Is n bright berry red, and Dr. Lowell spoke of it as a huge baby of n world still in its swaddling clothes. City Smoke Affects Rainfall. On Mars, he said, the clearing of tho atmosphere, which had been going on here since the paleozoic era, had reach ed perfection. Man, indeed, ho said, must be tho source of constant nnnnv- ance to au orderly Creator, for ho was onstantly Interfering with the natural course of events. With city chimneys always belching forth smoke and mak tag It rain, man, Dr. Lowell declared, was responsible for more than half the bad weather of which ho complains. On Mars the sky Is perpetually clear rom morning till night and from nprlng to fall. While the water on the earth was rfowly but surely disappearing through sublimation Into the heavens and sink ing into the earth, on Mars the seas had already disappeared, though there appeared to have been seas thero ages ago. In expressing his confidence in the xJstenco of organic life on Mars Dr. Lowell said: "Only self centered Ignorance sus tains our self conceit that wearesome Hiing peculiar in nature's scheme. Our peculiarity consists In so think ing. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Nep tune arc too young yet; Venus and lfcrcury, though ostentatiously open, are too old to have anything to reveal. Only wo and our next neighbor, Mars, are in a position to testify, and the stuay or those qualified to give an pinion is emphatic as to the evidence i organic are there as here, though the two aro probably nulte different. "It is certainly suggestive that Mar tians could from the aspect of the arm maico out a much more plausible ase for doubtimr the existence nt tim nrthly doubters than these can for owning mem." H-i-M-H-i-:-:-:-:-:-H-H-s-M-t NEWE3T "HOPu" 10 REALLY AND TRULY ONE GIANT. Six feet nine iuckeH of height and a reach greater than any man who ever fought give Oscar Stuckloy, the latent man to be boomed as a heavyweight "hope," some consideration. This Florida ncrson looks lilmrnr tlmn T tho giant that Jack killed. Ilcre are his measurements: Neck, 101d inches: across shoulders, 52 Inches: over shoul ders, 2374 inches; chest (normal), 42, inches; chest (deflated), GO inches; chest (inflated), Inclip.i! wnlst S7 Inolioo. nlulf,. X men, 41 Inches; wrist, 8 inches: lorearm, Viy, inches; upper arm, 13 inches; biceps, 14 inches; calf, 15Vi Inches; thigh, 20 Inches: welcht. nmimlsr f height, 0 feet 0 inches; reach. I n i I i olyj incites, j. l-I-I-l-l-l-I-i-l-I-H-i-l-H-H-: Crbbetienforrdiiing. din tntttuottottnlc? ftnftftnt fiir fc: fcl&t in Sluefitf; nenummra. ti fil am SJrlKt) crtl.litl iirfcii t tiin (14 ctrCr t'trlprcrtiuimtn ta..ii. DUGAN TO GET $8,000 AS JOCKEY FOR BELMONT Crack Rider Re-engaged to Pilot Mil lionaire's Horses at Big Salary. Eddie Dugun. one of the cleverest jockeys In the country, was re-engaged recently by August Bclniont to wear the famous maroon colors during tho coming season. For his services Dugan will receive $8,000, which is equal to $1,000 per month. Consider ing the unstable situation of racing this salary is remarkable and proof Infill kwJlrk HORRORS OF SIBERIA. Sufferings of Exllod Women Revolu tionists of Russia. One of tlie most picturesque figures among women revolutionists of ItU33la Is Vera FIcnor. whoso fnilinr wnn nnn of the distinguished generals of the iNapoieonic wars. Betrayed by a tral tor, she was condemned to twenty years in the Schlilsselburg fortress for alleged participation in every ono of mo attempts on tho life of tho late czar. Thoso Incarcerated in this for tress aro considered as burled alive, no intercourse or communication with tho outer world being allowed, not even with their own nearest relatives. But vera FIgncr survived tho horrors of twenty years' solitary confinement and exile in Siberln nnd la still wnrlr. lug for tho enlightenment of ignorant Jiusslans. A name revered by all Russian revo lutionists is that of Mme. Slgldn, who, aroused to a frenzy of Indignation through seeing an invalid female prls oner In tho Slberlnn colony of Kara, to which they had both been exiled, uoggeu by a warder, wns herself nmr - n gcd to death because she struck him, in the prison records it is written, "Mme. Slglda committed suicide by poisoning herself," but truth, like mur dcr, will out. and the crime of tho warders of Kara has been fully proved. Terrible Indeed wero the tortures aud cruelty meted out to Mnrle Spirl- im ,,: ...... A ',r T. V. , tionova, wno turce years ago shot uiunu una womoaroi W) UCIUCUHV ! Colonel Luzlmnovsky. who Hogged tho nil, iyiK ourmnimn 311 oem '4roii peasants when they were unable to pay till! hctlt TOimfrflo .hnC n?. nliniUr,. tn i, r,,...i... , . OClt bic fittanjiellc Untcrfti'thnng fillbc. ' lwn the strikers and to torture their bic C nenttifj fctlicr Iiofien ttJlftClt-1 wives and children. She was condemn- fcfjnftlidjcn unit tvoW mid) tuirtrjfdjntt Itdjcn iUebeutmto bcrbicnt. So ba Beftcficnbc Heine ftnatlidje Qbfcrlm torhim auf bem S8uir nidjt aitSrct djcnb mit SMiiteln auSfleftottct ift, fo mirb cB bie srufoabe beS S"tcrnutto nnlcn SSnrfaninfiitiiteS fcin, 311m er ficn WM cine bnuernbe unb itjftema tifdje Unierfudjuitfl bcr biilfcmifdjsn Grfdjcimiunen 3ti cnnoolidjcit. 311 bicfem Sroca fonen bie notfiincn Sa uoraforieit unb Snftntmentc bcfdjnfil llWrben. inSDffnnhprp fnlTnit nm 5Rniim reoeItuajioc Sempcroturmeiftntncii an beridiiebencn Stettm miSnrfiihrf roeroeu, SXiif bem 4. 9?nturtoiifcnfd)nftiY- fionnrc& StalienS, ber iiinoft in oDel abQeFjoIteii niorben ift, Ijai t.i bort onfaffiflc SBuIfonoIoQC miiii! "uel riebliinbcr feinen 5J3Inu t:i nmbunn cine ftuternntionnlcn Sulfaninftitute cnhuioTcIt, bns in 9?cabel obcr am Scfiiu unter 33ethLi imina. oHec Kationcn errid)tet lucr ben folic, m ben eleljrien ber nc fammtcn SBelt cleacnficit m aw bcmcniber fflcoDodjtujifl bcr buirn tiifdjcn Sorgottfle au rjc&cn. Jyricb Ianber Ijot BcrcttS auf bem Sntcr nntionalcn coroflcn'STonorefj ir, todrjolm, im SBcrein aur 93cfovb" ruuo be3 chierbefreiueS 311 fflcrlti" Hub anberniarfS fiir feinen Iait fle tntrft unb ben Iebfiaften Scifatt bef h)iffcufd)aftlid)cn fircife ficcnitet; mtd) m 9?caber fanb cr bic benfbar ni'ui' ftiofte Sfufunljme, unb bic bort Dcr fammeltcn Waturforftfjer Bcfdjloffcit nnd) eincr Icbrjaftcit Grortcruno, mo ran bie SProfefforcn SnrancIIi, Ixlh iBcbobn, Siicdnrbt, $piatnnia, Snffnui ed to death, but tho .lnlmnmn front ment she had suffered before her trial induced the authorities to commute the death sentence although it would 1 uuve neon more merciful to have car ried out the extreme penalty of the law, for today she is working out a I miserable existence in a Siberian mine I nnd is said to be the only chained I woman convict in Siberia. Loudou j Tit-BIta. i Thrifty harry LaUOK. j There are many stories told of tho wonderful thrift of Harry Lauder, the I Scotch comedian. Once when Lauder WnH In VoiV VnrL- In. irna In n iiti. Oie I5)a)e 0llen reaellltantp I buying party nt the Astor. Everybody eddie nntuN, wno wild hide BKMiour's uuiiaiiu hexi; heason. STILL WANT LOWER BERTHS Reduction In Price of Uppers Has Not Increased Demand. Although reduced Pullman berth antes have been In effect since Feb. 1, assengcr traffic officials declare there Has been no appreciable increase in the demand for unner berths, thn price for which wns lessened to 80 por cm or lower berth rates. It was believed nt first by a number c rauroaci omclals that tho cut in tolls by the Pullman company would bo eagerly taken ad vantage of by tho raveling puunc. A number of nnssnn- ger traffic managers havo expressed mo opinion that tho public generally as not been fully acouaintort ns vnt "with the fact that upper berth rates are cneaper than thoso for lowers and mat it will bo sovoral months before this Information has been fully disseminated. TILLMAN AWAITING THE END. Can Never Recover, Says the Senator, 1 nough Looking Well. United States Senntor Hon fnmtn Tl Tillman of South Carolina admitted mac no is m n hopeless condition of health and that nil tlmfr romnlna fni him is to await the end. The senator when told flint ,n arno 1 looking better than might be expected from the newspaper nccounts of his condition said: "My annearanco lnlsl 1 1 look well, and I toll neoni t nm I well, but I find when I try to do tho things that I formerly did and wish to now that I nm weak nnd not nMn in Iilo much. I shall never recover from the stroke which caused my collapse at Washington." positive that the chairman of the Jockey club considers Dugan the same "old champion." Dugan has riddeu the Belmont runners for several years and has given satisfaction to their owner ana to the turf world. Dugan is now at Garnet, S. C, where Belmont winters his string. There are thirtv-fivo thoroushlirmls down nt tho farm under the care of John Whalcn. The rider will break In tho two-year-olds to the saddle nnd also teach them the trifles nf tlin linr. rler. At tho same time he will have plenty of opportunity to get down fo riding weight, 107 pounds. GOLD CUP FOR YACHTS. Will Give Incentive to Racing During tho Coming Season. One of tho chief incentives to big yacht racing tho coming season will be tho Commodore Clark gold cup for an ocean race for schooners from New London, Conn., to Murblehead, Mass., as announced nt the annual meeting of the Eastern Yacht club recently in Boston. Tho cup is ton inches in height, nnd the top Is in tho form of n Spanish galleon. It is to become tho property of the yachtsman winning it three times. COMING SPORT EVENTS The horse meeting at Tampa, Fla., which was orlclnnllv scheduled tn close March 11 has been extended to March 25. Wealthy New York turfmen nro mis. ing a fund of $250,000 to continue tho Bport next summer. Admission at the gato will be S5. hut thero will ia fren admission for tho public. Harvard added another hlc her football soliedulo for next fall when tho Carlislo Indians wero irlvmi tho dato for Nov. 11. This game will tako tho place of that at Cornell. Alfred W. Dunlon. tho Anstmiinn international tennis player, cantaln of tho Australian team that won tho Davis cun for the first time In Tn. land, will visit tills countrv tho summer nnd may tako part in the all comers' tournament nt Newport, which win do piayeu in August nr the casino. ocobadjtct unb nttalrjfirt mcrbcit, mo 4,t nit, nArt..c ..o r.-l!rjr.-a ri 3" i ciytniw uuuunuiijiiiajeo vnuo' 1 raiorium noii)tg t)t, unb bic lofnlcii GrMie&Clt blllfnnifrfvii (Tfmrnffpra Fnf Icn bauernb tuiiljrenb bcr Dhtijebnufcn bc 93ltlffltt tilth mirfi hinTi ljafiu.fcit regiftrirt inerben. Die 3af)I ber einentlidjen SuIFauoIoflCh im enrjeren Sinnc ift in Stalieu unb audi in iebem anberen etmclwen?ftitbr nenenmartig fc&r gering, iua fidi iciajr oaourd) crtlart, oafs ubcronnp! IfirnenbS baitpnthc PitprTunrtPii fi'ir" ii. uen 33uIfanoIogen al foldjen borfinii- t f V CSf 1 M .... , . ocii iino. .an oem neuen n)titut ol reit cin Sircftor unb rapiiinftcnS hrct Sfffifteuten angcficllt merben, unb aufjerbcin foil cine grofjerc SfuicO! DOll SlroeifSDlaliPn fiir fnlnV OSpIphrt.1 cinncridjtct ruerben, bic auf Iangcre ooer out furaere yett oort arucileii rooilen. Unfere icfeine enntnif! ber uuiranifdjcit Grfdeinungcn bcntljt aur bccetnjeltcu SDeobadjtungcu unb reidrt burdjauS nidjt au, bie fom tuciibcii (Jreigniffe oorau3iifaQcn, aber immerfjtit Iafjt fid) and) fdjon jei:t a&i'e5cii, bafe Bei ben meiftcn iUuIfmtcit cine regelmafjige golge bee Grfdjcinungen auftritt, unb e Iiegt buvdjau5 im fflereidoe ber 2tfoglidjfcit, ja, fogar ber SB3or)rfd)cirtIidfcit, bajj man bei einer forfffaltigen unb ac tional SJJcgiftrtrung iitiutlidjer Grtd)ei. inmgen an einem Sultan &nlb baju gclangen Juirb, bie Qe'ii unb ben Um fang cine S3ulfanauorud) ungefafjr DnrhpriuipfiPH. 9?nTt rnpMipr hrnfK. I'djcn Sebeuhing ibie toare, ift Har. GS flibt a6er ncd) eine 3roeite 93e3ie buna, in ber biefe buIfanorMtfiin Unrerfudjiungen einen ofonomifdicn lirfolg tjaben ronncn. SBenn man bie Sumarorentliat'mfeit uni iie lint. roaublung ber (SJefieine genauer beobadjtcit mvb, fo totrb .man fidi cine riditinerc SBorftprfnnn aud) bon ber Gniftefiung ber Gr3lagen,tatten feilben fb'nnen. (S- gibt meljrere jiingerc Jiilfane, iie in ibrent f?niTiaroIeitflp&ipt FIp! fager beherbergen, bie nod) in ber (fnrftefiitng 6egriffen finb. Q5C' iiauer unterfudjt finb biefe SBerljuIt' niffe biSfier nidit. (f ift 3u 'bejtDcifelii, bafj cine eingeftenbe ffenntuifj ber 03eftcinSiimnaniIuna- iciajeiiuinflcn an bumoroicn unb in ben SBuIfaitnebiefeit audi nnf fienntuifi ber GnlanprffnttPM hn;i efiitflufi fehi ittuf3. 3?adjbem ba mil. Iettd)aftlid)e Sntercffe an fjrieblon ber0 Clan neroeift ift. hlpirit imr roiinfdjen, bob fid) in ben berfdjiebenen etaaten, iunaa)t isurobos, and) bic finamielle Unterftiifcuna finbp. nm ba 3itfimftreid)e SSetf in Sfngr'i' jii urfjincn. rieblanbet felber ift mit gutem ScifbicI uorangegaugen. tubem cr fiir ben 93onfonb5 bic cin moligc a6e Don 100,000 unb citron jaljrlidicn 53dirag Don 10,000 ite fiir ofm fVafire n&ieidnipi Tint Vn? ganaett ocranidilagt cr bie fflaufoflnn ailf 1.500.000 Qirp lllth btP infirTirr,nrt ltnterljaltungSfoften auf 50,000 Sire. WobeL 3?fd)icr: 2cr eridjlSfjof Fjoi auf breifjig SKarf elbftrafe crfannt; rooilen 5ie baS Urtfjeil anerfenncn?" SlngcHagter (reidjer djliidjier rticifter): ?lncrfennen? Sd) lege tod) je&rt IDJarl aui" but the Scot boucht wine. When came his turn to buy he sighed. "Well, boys." he said. "It's my turn to treat. Come along with me. I've got a line bottle of old Scotch up In my room. I brought it over with me." On another occasion be was with r, drinking pnrty and Instead of liquor he took cigars, for which those who treat ed him paid 50 cents apiece. Harry put all but one In his pocket. He spent two hours smoking that one. After the drinking wns over the little comedian went to the cigar counter and said to the man in charge. "I say, man. wud ye mind glvln" me ten cent cigars for these fafty cent ones?" The exchange was made, and Harry went to his room with Ave times as many cigars as he bad at the start Blending the Odor. ' It hos been proved that two odors which do not seem to have anything in common, that of putrefied cheese nud Clint of pineapple, are so closely allied from the chemical stiindnoln't that It takes but a few minutes m uuiiniuru an intense stench Into o sweet fragrnnce. This curious experi ment Is easily made and requires but o small amount of three chemlcnls valerlanie acid, sulphuric acid and nmyllc nlconol. Care must be taken not to spill over the Angers or dress any drop of the flrst two named lh ulds. Sulphuric acid Is exceedingly caustic and thp stench ot valerianic neld. besides being uneudurable. is very difficult to get rid of. London Family Herald. Tho Caddie's Advice. A famous woman golfer wns talking about the St. Andrews links. "And as wonderful as the links." she said, "are the caddies. The Scotch caddie Is the qualutcst of mortals. For instance: "I had skied a lot of balls ono morning, much to my caddie's dls gust Finally he teed a ball for me nnd then, handing me my driver, re marked: "Noo, Irddy, let's see a guid shot, and nae malr o' yer glory hallelujahs.' " Trimming Him Down a Little. Elderly Swell What has become of the aw tho other pretty manicure lady I used to see at this hotel? Comely Damsel 1 presume you moan my mother fihe's looking after a husband nnd n houseful of children What can I do for you. sir? Chicaco Tribune NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OP i . . D EUQKNK HWINQLK, Late of South Canaan Township Wayne, Co. . A'l I'ersons indebted to said estate are noti fied to make immcdluto payment to the uii lierslcncd : and those having claims aealn tho said estate are notified to present them duly attested for settlement. JEANNETT SWINGLE. South Canaan. Pa.. Feb. 27. loil."0"1''1 NOT1UK id hereby given that an ap plication will be mado to tho Gor emor of Pennsylvania on April 18, 1911, at 11 o'clock a. m., under the Act of Assembly, entitled an Act to pfovldo for the incorporation aud regulation of certafn corporations, approved April 29, 1874, and sup plements thereto for the charter of ai intended corporation to bo callod tho Wallen-Paupack Power Com- Danv. the nhnrnptpr nn,t nhlnnt which is the storage, transportation uuu mrnisning oi water with the right to take rivulets and lands and erect reservoirs for li for manufacturing and nthnr nnr. noses, and for thn rrontlnn oatnK1li.k ing, furnishing, transmission and ua ing of wnter power therefrom and for these purposes to havo, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privieges of the said Act of Assem bly and supplements thereto. LAURENCE H. WATItES. ' Solicitor. Scranton, Pa. 22eol8 WHEN THERE I IS ILLNESS JOSEPH It WELCH The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Sl'COnil flnnr ATilonnin Ili.iU. ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store, tiuiietiuaie. mmauunim::jmaa:tmama MARTIN CAU FIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of in your family you of course'call a reliable physician. Don't stop nt that ; have his preicriptions t put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from a your home than some other store. J You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im H possible for more care to be taken H in tlie selection of drugs, etc., or J in tlie compounding. Prescrip ts lions brought here, either night ?! or day, will be promptly and jjj accurately compounded "by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea II sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, p PHARMACIST, II Opp. D. & II. Station, Hokksdale. Pa. at:::aaaam:m::m:amattna:: loll of Not an Invitinn Ideal. "My son," said Barker as ho pointed to tho ivy tn front of tho cottage, "al ways be like the vino climb." The little boy was thouchtful. "I don't think I'd like to be like that vine," he responded seriously. "And why not. Tommy?" "'Cause if I was I'd be a porch climber." Chicago News. ItEI'OHT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business, M Alton 7, 1011, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 220 200 1 I'verctrafts.secured and unsecured in ! u . s. JSonds to secure circulation. ss.nnn mi I'remlumson U. S. Bonds 2,800 00 uHiiaiMi-uuuau, luruiiuruiiuu na tures Dye from National Banks (not Meserve Airents) Due from State and Private Hanks and Bankers. Trust Companies. mill KnvlMnu Due from approved" "reserve" Checks and' oVlier'cas'h'l terns.'!.'.' iuiea ui omer .national lianks.. fractional paper currency, nick- Lawful Money Reserve in Ilnnk. Viz: Specie dl.213 50 . Ie?al tender-notes a,Ktf 00 RedeniptTon tuill with U. S. r;."".""' .vou uu uue iroin u. a. Treasurer im m 40.000 00 3,631 13 308 97 112.(338 25 2.2.M 82 bM 00 250 7e 91.0G8 50 Total $1,881,837 92 LIAHIMTTH-h. Capital Stock paid In $ 150,000 00 130,000 00 Knrnlnu funrl Undivided profits, less nnrl rovaa nnli iiyicsuuiaiunains ai.Ki 1x1 uminuuui uujiuaub suuieri to check $1,131,170 51 Deiimnd certificates of deposit. 23.6(11 nn certliled checks 65 00 Cashier's checks out- i.,w,i'!S:;;-7, E6-$i,i58,696 07 ft'RSsJ?illd V',lls redl'scpunVc'd'.:'." Kont riuuuiu, muiuuiiis ceruii cates of deposit for money bor T.ffJW,-.':VJ;t-"-v"v."- None stuted None TotaI $1,881,887 (12 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. n,?A,i,V n-?,liysSHELI" ''resident of the above ....... a, uu Duiciiiiiiy swear iiiat me f j t5 the best of ray H. Z. HussEM,, President, llfA1uayrobrCMAnR,cn.SSfim t0 befr me thls Correct-attest: J'. A. SMITH, N, P, Andrew Thompson, 1 I' !hM.uJ?nAY rD'rectors. H.. 11, llARDENBERGIt, J 20wl A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER You will make money by having me. ibell piione o-u Rfithanv. Pa I J MI ADT IVllw5llt Z MEMORIALS Office and Works ! 1036 MAIN ST. I HONESDALE, PA. 1 II lj M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train Town Calls. and Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers HONOR Attention is called to tne STRENGTH of the Wayne County Tlie FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Ofr HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County. Prompt and polite attention at all times. AIXEN HOUSE BARN Capital. Surplus, $527,342.88 Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26 Honesdale, Pa., December 1, 1910. WINDOW GLASS AA QUALITY FREE FROM WAVES AND BUBBLES. The largest assortment of sizes, singBe and double thickness, at JADWIN'S DRUG STORE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers