TUB CITIZKN, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1011. UANE FOURTH WRECKS BIG FIREWORKS COMPANY. Largest Concern In the Land Goes to the Wall. Agitation for a noiseless Fourth of July lias wrecked the Pnln Manufac turing eotnpnny of Now York, tlio largest nml best known of tlio fire works companies of the United States. The spread of the movement for a "Bane Fourth" Is the reason given by the majority of the directors of the company for Its present unprofitable condition. Claimants for more than $500,000 damages for accidents and fatalities against the company are affected by Its Insolvency. According to the pe tition, only $10,00d unincumbered as sets remain to pay $145,000 of claims. There Is only $23.98 in the treasury at the present time, the directors say, to pay the claims, nnd the rent for the eompany's quarters Is long overdue. What forced them to tnke the steps for dissolving the corporation, the di rectors say, was a Judgment for $211 which they had no means to satisfy. "The reason," the directors nssert, "for the condition of the company Is that the business conducted by the corporation does not begin until June and runs for several months. The main business Is done around and im mediately previous to the Fourth of July of each year. Cut for the last few years and since the movement for what is commonly known as the 'sane Fourth' has spread over the country the volume of business of the compa ny has steadily decreased." "THE SAVAGE LANDOR." Australian Paper Recounts a New Rus sian Invasion. A. recent copy of the Melbourne (Australia) Times contains the follow ing news dispatch under a St, Peters burg date: A savage landor got Into St. Petersburg yesterday, and the people of tho city were terrified. After considerable dlfilculty tho beast, which came from Tibet, was cap tured, taken to a remote place and there dispatched. It Is said that this Is the first animal of tho sort ever seen In Rus sia. How ho reached the city after his fights with the natives of Tibet, which Is a comparatively unknown country, is a mystery. A copy of the Manila Bulletin shows the bald telegraphic dispatch from which the foregoing was devel oped to have been as follows: "Sav age landor arrived Petersburg from tibet suffering hands natives." Exchanges received from London contain the information that A. Sav age Landor. the explorer, had arrived at St. Petersburg from Tibet after suf fering greatly at the hands of the na tives. ELECTION UNITES BROTHERS. Railroad President and Bricklayer Em brace After Fifty Years. "Charley, do you remember the time I took you on horseback to the dentist and you had n tooth pulled?" asked John Markhnm, an aged bricklayer of Uopkinsvlllo, Ky., of Charles Mark ham, now president of tho Illinois Cen tral railroad, when they met in Mem phis recently for tho first time since boyhood. Tho railroad president replied, "Yes I do, and you are my long lost brother." With this query and answer the brothers clasped each other and tears flowed. John Markhnm had not seen his brother since ho left him to join the army In the civil war. John Markhnm did not know any thing about the whereabouts of his brother until the latter was elected head of the Illinois Central. lie at onco got in touch with him, nnd the Mem phis meeting was arranged. ALMOST AN AWFUL TRAGEDY, Oh, who could wonder that she'd weep When she heard Bill say In his sleep: "You are a peach, a darling, too. Come here, sweetheart, and I'll hug you." "Oh, how I wish I had never wedl I'll kill myself" she sadly said. "And then perhaps when I am dead He'll think of mo and some tears shed." And so when morning light had come She quickly to the orchard run To hunt a limb both strong and high Where she might hang herself and die. When through tho trees she hoard once more Thoso words that her poor heartstrings tore: "You ure a peach, a darling too. Como here, sweetheart, and I'll hug you." 'Ah. ha! I'll kill that woman now Before I hang on this high boughl I wonder If It Is tho cook That Dill's affections from me took. I'll murder hcrl I'll kill her quick For playing such a low, mean trick!" And so sho crept among tho trees. Determined vengeance to appease. But, lo, when near the chicken pen Sho saw Bill hugging a fat hen, While on his shoulders thero perched two. And near him the old rooster crow. They were all eating from his hand And cackling, too, to beat the band, While In his basket right near by Fresh eggs were piled away up high. And when Bill saw her spying there Ho cried: "Ah, there, my own true lovo, so fair! You nrs a peach, a darling too. Come here, sweetheart, and I'll hug you." C. M. UAltmTii. FRENZIED FINANCE. If some European writers who "do"' this country in a few days and re turn posthaste to describe us Yanks as mercenary, miserly, almighty dollar chasers would just overhaul our gar bage barrels and follow the carts to tho dumps they would find over $1,000, 000 thrown away. "Oh, that can't be!" "Yes, a million In feathers." Every night we take our snore on 13,000,000 tons of feathers, and this doesn't includu feather bed lightning preservers, boll protectors and rooster talis that bob up and down on mi lady's thirty dollar bonnet. Every twenty years all this feather paraphernalia must be renewed, and every year we buy 10,000,000 pounds from foreign feather firms. And It has been estimated that wo throw more than this amount on tho dump. My friend, are you one of these fren zied feather financiers? Save the feathers, and the dollars will take care of themselves nnd you. CLASSIFICATION AND APPRAISE MENT. Tho undersigned duly ap pointed Appraiser of Mercantile taxes for tho year 1!)10, makes the following classi fication and appraisement of venders of merchandise, etc. Clon'l Mdse Groceries Gen't Mdse Gcn'l Mdse Furniture Gen't Mdse R U T A I L. BERLIN. Dunn W. H. Ives Wm Smith Jacob F BETHANY. Faatz J B BUCKINGHAM Carey J A Farley 11 A Knapp II Lord Catn Lalto U K llandell John " Spencer II W Flour and Feed Starlight Dairy Company Gen'l Mdse Woodrnanseo C 13 " CANAAN." Glldea James Cigars Lake Lodoro Imp Co " CHERRY RIDGE. Cobb W J Gen'l Mdse Brown F C Bonear It B " Gariing B F Feed .Stahl Mrs Louisa Gen'l Mdse CLINTON. Freedman E Gen'l Mdse Fitzo M D Gummoe Wm T Feed and Flour Mills Harry Gen'l Mdse O'Neal H .1 Cigars O'Pika John DAMASCUS. Abraham Geo C Presidents' Signatures. A complete set of signatures of tho presidents of the United States, from George Washington to William H. Taft, was knocked down for $100 to A. Grlflitli at n recent sale in New York city. The International Insurrection. In Mexico from morning until night He led the Insurrectos In the fight, Shouting, "Viva Ubertad!" All the weapons that he had "Were baseball bats and sticks of dyna mite. At wrecking bridges he was surely great He tore up every railroad In the state. Oh, a patriot was he. Although he turned out to be An American and Harvard graduate! Hero's another lnsurrecto boldly swoops Down upon a body of federal troops. He filled them with affright. And he smote them left and right. And while he fights he wildly yells and whoops. lie surely understands the fighting game. And already he has won a lasting fame. At maneuver or at rally He Is one grand hot tamale, And Giuseppe Garibaldi Is his name. Oo morning when the fighting all was done And the troops were cheering for the vlo tory won Stretched out upon the sand With a saber In his hand They found their leader lying In the sun. He was only slightly wounded In tho knee, So they carried him until they found a tree. Laid him In a shady place. Washed the dust from off his face. And he proved to be Matsuro Hoklch!. When we read of the exploits of comrades three We did not oven guess who they could bej But, like the musketeers Whose memory endears, They are noted for their skill and brav ery. But the news we got from Mexico one day Told us how they came off victors In tho fray. How they battled side by side By the Itlo Grande's tide. Aad we fjound their names were Kelly, Burke and Shea. Richard Llnthlcum t' New York World. DON'T BE UNREASONABLE. It's unreasonable to expect n stand ard bred bird for a song. Many do. A correspondent offered $1 for a pure bred standard weight Barred Hock cock weighing nine nnd one-half pounds when the meat only was worth 10 cents per pound. But ho wasn't just a market chicken, for Ills owner had spent money and time to make him a pure bred beauty, a prolific breeder of fine stock. The same with eggs. Eggs are not "Jest aigs" when they come from pure bred, bon ton, beauti ful Biddies, and they' can't bo bought for a song either. Take the advice of one who has bought and sold lots of eggs and stock: Allow a fancier a reasonable profit, Bo satisfied to pay n good price for a good article. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. In some parts of Pennsylvania tho shooting matches nnd raffles made fowls scarce in tho winter months. Fifty turkeys were disposed of at York, Pa., at one raflle. Raffles are unlawful, and fortune wheels, booze and betting that are found at nei'rly all shoots make them littlo better. Hatfield, Pa., Is becoming famous for its annual turkey auction. They are gathered there by one dealer and auctioned off at highest prices to deal ers. This year thero were 0,000 tur keys and 4,000 chickens and ducks, all sold at fair prices. They are mostly gathered from Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. As a solution of the cotton"boll wee vil it has been proved in Texas that a drove of turkeys cleans them up and waxes fat. Now watch for a big revival of the turkey industry in Dixie. Those who use corrosive sublimate for mites should bo warned of its very poisonous nature. A little of tho spray in the eye will often destroy the sight. Do not perform a postmortem on a fowl if your hands have cuts or sores. Poultry often dies from the worst forms of blood poison. Handling n case of fowl diphtheria has resulted In deep sores on the hands nnd body. White Indian Runner ducks and White Leghorns are tho go iu Califor nia. White eggs are nil the call in her market as in New York, but Boston still pays extra for brown Browning, of course. Tho rage for brown shelled eggs in Eugllsh markets is so great that other colors are hard to sell. To meet the fads they dye tho shells, just as some orange growers put on that stylish rus set tinge. Two men in Ashland, Pa., had a war of words, and tho ono accused the oth er of stealing all the chickens in Ma hantongo valley. Ho nt onco sued for $2,000 damages, won n verdict of 0 cents and had to pay $125 costs. Not much to crow over! In Alaska they call a mallard duck an anas puyraynchosc. In the swell restaurant they call n cooked guinea a mallard duck. Many fanciers wero so beaten by the express companies on shipments of show birds to the Alaska exposition that they swore that was their last. When you ship market fowls be sure to demand their rato or they'll chargo for fancy stock. .Vbraham A J Baehrer Henry Clark C B Canfleld, J A Decker Mrs Julia Fiomcr T J Gregg C G Gulnnlp W B Hill Jutl G Hocker F J Kays and Pago i.ovclass Isaac Pethlck C M Hutledgo Frank Skinner Coro B Sheard Joseph Tvler F B DltEHEB. Blcsecker Andrew Carlton E B & Son Khrhardt F A Jr Uhrhardt F A Sr Fryo Ward W Gilpin & Barnes i.ange u Miller H It Simons O E Sommers F Smith David B C Smith H B Simons Frank Waltz F D Wert Charles F DYBERRY. liunnell k d Bates J I Davis It llauser J J Kimble A K ltleller & Sons HAWLEY. Atkinson Box & Lumber Co, ruams Jacob u Atkinson & Oulnnev Babcock O B Barrett M It Bluart & Itoso Bower I' J Baschon Lena Curran John Coicoran M Drake J F Bnvel George Bverdliig John Foster Frank Frank A 11 Gulnn Bros Golbach Edwaid Gelsler Louis Hensel L Kerber A L Kearney 1 H Koiuman ueorgo Lehman Chi 1st Lynch Michael l.angan C B McDonald C C .Miller s Matter & Son Furniture Gen'l Mdse Harness Gen'l Mdse Phonographs Gcn'l Mdse Phongraphs Flour and Feed Gen'l Mdse Roadkniglit W B Cigars lluppcrt Fred Confectionery Keif W J Footwear Uoeschlau C " llldgeway U G Art Btoro Kettew lirothers llardwuro Itlchmond J E Pianos iiueHnur John cigars itowland 11 G Jewelry bpoicr E It uletia hmlth Jacob H Footwear Schuller Frank F Confectionery Spruks Mrs a E Mlulnery hiiBtiLur As On 11 F Jewel ly Mpettlguo O M Hardware hchoell Fred C U tears Sharpsteln : Bro J N Cigars & Tobacco uen i oiuse Susuttsky At Co M sicgner j n bmlth & Co C W bmlth B T Sommcr G P bchueiholii F W Schwunker G O Swingle L B hinltn Maggie Tacubner A 11 Theouold John 'leiwllllger F G Wuyne Co. Co-operative Wenlger L C Watts Graham LAKE Black E 3 Brown Jonathon Howo 1 T Curtis S B Borneo E N Mrs Bortiee & Son S C Collins U G J onus T N Klzcr Leslie Kizer W W Keyes & Son A S Lonsteln Samuel Masters C A Mandcvlllo Georgo A O'Dell Lottlo I Shaffer O W Shaffer Ben Schadt Flora M Simons E W Samson & Cook ..LEHIGH Carr & Co W L Crooks J B Flower W B Garatron C W llnrvnv W T. UnlMInt- ATnlotfnl Tnharrn nnrt riran Mathews C P & Sons Flour and Feed .Tpwulnrv I Rhodes A L China & Crockery Wagons Jewelry Clgais Bakery Furnltuie Candy Llt' Gen'l Mdse Asso " Clears Hardware Gen'l Mdso Footwear Cigars lioonlug Gen'l Mdse Flour & Feed Unwuio Groceries Gen'l Mdso Flour and Feed Cigars Gcn'l Aiilse Groceries Cigars Gen'l Mdso Groceries Cigars Gen'l Mdsu Gen'l Mdse I Meats Clgais Jewelery ' Confectionery Gcn'l Mdse Harness Gen'l Mdse Confectionery Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse Cigars Meats Gen'l Mdse Cigars Ciirars Flour and Feed Clgais Meats Cigars uen i Aiuse Lumber Cigars Gen'l Mdse Harness Gen'l Mdse Groceries Gen'l Mdse Groceries Confectionery Groceries Cigars Hardwaio Footwear Cigars Art Store Clothing Cigars Groceries Millinery Cigars Clothing f.Vpil Mangan Estate Mrs. Thomas Gen'l Mdso McDonald F II Nell C P Nallan M J Oberlo Carl Phllllpps Lewis Denlson F J Peltz L H Poepple Fred Bclneko Fred Reader Martin Hacker Carl Snyder & Freethy Snyder & Freethy Schlager E L Skier M D Skier Jos Teeter Estate 11 Tuttlo F L & Co Thompson Geo S Unger P J Von Frank Henry Vogler Earnest Watts G & Son Wolf Wm Welsh and Ames Watterson Mary A Warg U F Wetzel August Wick Gustavo HONESDALE. Ammer J G Abrams A W Brooks C A Buerkett Henry urown i u Barbell A Bodio J A Bregstcln Bros Betz C M Brady J T Brown Est John Chambers O T Clark & Bullock Charlesworth Thomas Colo Percy L Crosby John Doyle Clinton uunkieberg 11 A Dunning C L Deln Charles W Dunn J P Deltzer Edward Deck II Erk Bros BIdred Mrs A M Kberhardt Jr A Flagg's Clothing Freund Henry i isner uaviu Clothing juuats Confectionery Jewelery Cigars Confectionery Meats Harness Cigars Confectionery Drugs Drugs Gen'l Mdso Clothing Furniture Gen'l Mdse Groceries Confectionery Gen'l Mdse Flour and Feed Hardware Clothing Gen'l Store Groceries Footwear Meats Gen'l Mdso Clothing Groceries Clears Clothing confectionery Art Store Clothing Harness Drugs Furniture Drugs Gen'l Mdse Photographer Drugs Groceries Cigars Meats Gen'l Mdso Meats Meats Footwear Hardware Smith M E Shook It E MANClilSSTEK, Bleck Wm A Bullock Graco S Emeiich Wm F G DeBruen Martin Harford J W Kellum H P Lord Isaac Stalker D M Teeplo L L wcitzer uyman Westbrook B F MOUNT PLEASANT. Gen'l Muse Cigars Cigars Gen't Mdse Cigars Meats Gen'l Mdse Cigars Bryon M J Brain Bros Brennan J D Bonham C V Bunnell I W Fowler Robert Giles It W Miller O C CJ'Hara M L Davis Hotel Perham J J Tiffany J E Gen'l Mdse Cigars l! eed Gen'l Mdse Furniture Cigars Farming Implement!, Gcn'l Mdse OREGON. HlKhhouso C L Flour & Feed Knorr Fi ed Meats Penwarden E D Gen I Mdse PAUPACK. Goblo A Cigars & Candy PKESTON. Coddlngton Fred Groceiles Colo Fred Cigars Cluno & Son Thomas Groceries Farm Art Store Cigars & Tobacco House Clothing Groceries Junk Dpnlpr Freeman Store Company Clothing I'eruer uros cigars &c Tobacco Gammell E W Gasoline Engines Galvln nnd Theobald Hardware Gray Chas II rmira Grand Union Tea Co Tea & Coffee ureen Mrs. Theresa Stationery Galvln Michael Cigars Gilbert & Sllsby Cigars Gongolls Chris Confectionery lielwlg B II Wall Paper Honesdalo Garage & Mach. Shop Gasollno Dlx Howard A Doylo V 11 Dumond J O Hackett Co E Hlno A F lllne Stanley Howell & Co Harry ileaiy wm J Lewis J W Madlgan P F McLean E F Si sbee S C Smith D M Tilfany F W wooumansee u c Walling J Wager Anthony Wlnwood Milling Co PROMPTON Dymond J B Sncdeker A E SALEM Andrews George C Alt W H Chumard W B Dierenlleld Joseph Elliott J B Edward D W Footo ltalph Goodrich Florenco Hamlin B F Kellum and Reldy Loring Chas M Nicholson H F Potter B II Surridge W H tfosenhamer John Simons C L Sjvitz William Stevens W A Williams I G TEXAS. Austin J M Beck Jacob Bishop II T Bangert John Brown Minor Bunnell F W Bellman J H Christ Wm Dunklebetg E Edwards W D Elmblod L Gill Thomas Gavitt E B Hook C J Herman M & Son Kranz Fred Mundy James Murphy C II Meyer George Nelmeyer Wm Penwarden Mfg Co Potter Duvid Kutledge BenJ Smith John C Skelly E T Itealler Henry Schmltt P J Smith G & Son Seellg B & C Tuman Joseph Werner Mrs. O A White Mills Coal Co Weber Brothers Wayno Milling Co Gen'l Mdse Groceries Gen'l Muse Flour & Feed Gen'l Mdse Farm Implements Gen'l Mdsu Cigars Feed Cigars Coal Cigars Groceries Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse Gen'l Mdse Hardware Farm Implements Farm Implements Gen'l Mdse Jewelry Clgais Implements Gcn'l Mdse Notions Cigars Gcn'l Mdse Flour and Feud Farm Implements Gen'l Mdso Drugs Fertilizer Cigars Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse Footwear Gen'l Mdso Meats Meats Cigars Drugs Cigars Wagons Cigars Shingles Cigars Flour and Feed Cigars Gen'l Mdso ClgarB Meats Gen'l Mdse Confectionery Gen'l Muse Coal Confectionery Flour and Feed 7 lXSiCSNN?S Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which lias been in uso for over SO years, has homo tho signature of and has hceninado under his pcr- Bonal supervision slnco its infancy -utS7y, eUcAftZ Allow no ono to deceive you in tlds. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good' aro hut Experiments that trlilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Gastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neith"' Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotia substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 4 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY SPZG NEWEST PRODUCTIONS SI,NG 1911 IN OUR COMPLETE STOCK The House Furnishing Department is Complete with the New Goods from the Manufacturer. Ruqs in all sizes made can be had iu the Best Designs and Colorings. Quality nnd Value Leads and Satisfies. more to ho desired than in any year are bright, soft and harmon ious in blendings Window and Boob CuG'faios and are all that heart and eye can wish, Design and Shading very ar tistic and captivating WAYMAItT. Ham S T Hessler W Q Heumnnn J II Hurley B Herman W L Hlller J A Holbert B L Holl E & A Holbert B L Ibo Mame A Jadwin C C Jenkins Frank A Katz Bros Knoll W U Kraft & ConRcr Kimble Geo B Kroll Mrs P Kreltner Bros Lclne A M Ushthlaer T A I.oercher John Lowe Chris Lord F W Imts Jr Benj I.oomls A O Lennon and Coyne McKenna Sons McKenna Miss Katherlno nicuranagnan l'aul 13 Harness Cigars Gen'l Mdse Feed & Hay Notions Drugs Muslo Gen'l Mdso Groceries Coal Gen'l Mdse Hoofing Drugs Footwear Furniture Cigars Mclntvro W J MoArdlo Chas A Maple City Garage Myers Frank J Marsh nnd rlsh Moore W T Meyer Herman Markey Charles Martone ti Menner & Co Michaels F W Murray Co Nielsen J B O'Connell T D Olsen Wm Peterson Charles Peters' Ten Cent Store Pell Q W Cigars Cigars Cooperage Notions . Cigars Sewing Machines Cigars Gasoline Shoes Groceries Furniture Cigars Hardware Gen'l Mdso Clears Wagons Notions ' Cigars Jewelry Notions Drugs Farm Implements Cigars Gen'l Mdse Farm Implements Flour and Feed Cigars Gcn'l Mdse Coal Gen'l Mdse in Mattings and Linoleums are just the thing for the coming Spring and Summer use. Clean, healthful and cool. Shades in all grades and standard sizes on hand. Special measurements made to order and best goods furnished. Room EVBoiafldings5 Plate RaiEs and Bead finish in many new styles and colors. Select your goods early and secure the best before stocks are broken up in many patterns and styles. MENNER MO. Stores, Keystone Block HONESDALE, PA. Batten Robert Denk J C Decker J W Dymond J B Htnes F S Hull Brothers Keene J B Mltcnell W J Plerson W W Stephenson F S Varcoe F 1 WHOLESALE. HONESDALE. Atlantic Beflnlng Co Oil Brady J T Drugs Durland-Weston Shoe Co Footwear Freund Henry Gen'l Mdse Holmes W B Flour & Feed Honesdale Milling Co Flour & Feed Kraft & Conger Coal Murray & Co Hardware Wayne Milling Co Flour nnd Feed ' MANCHESTER Atlantic neflnlng Company Oil PRESTON Hackett E & Company Gen'l Mdse TEXAS. Smith G & Son Dairy Produce RESTAURANT, EATING HOUSE, CAF RESTAURANT. EATING HOUSE, CAFE, ETC. Heumann John Restaurant BILLARD AND POOL TABLES, ETC. Ives Wm Wood Wm F Miller E HAWLEY. Croekenberg F J Denlson F .1 McDonald F II HONESDALE Relf J A Kharpsteen J W & Brother Theobald John An nppeal will be held at the County Treasurer's office on Wednesday, April 19, 1911, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. E. ROCKWELL, 23w3 Mercantile Appraiser, Four Alleys One Table Two Tables Two Tables One Table HAVE YOU A FUNNY BUNNY? Men's, Boys9 and Children's OVERCOATS MUST GO AT HALF PRICE FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS This will he a good oppor tunity to buy next Winter's Overcoat. Remember for Bregstein Bros. HONESDALE, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers