THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1010. HINTS FOR THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE Machine For Scrubbing and Oiling Floors. In order to provide n more conven ient method of scrubbing floors thnn the back brenklug operation that now prevnils nn Inventor has Improvised n scrubbing machine which consists of n pnlr of scrubbing brushes secured to n long hnndlc and supporting n re ceptacle for water. A vnlvc Is pro vided nt one side, which may bo op erated by the foot to regulate the feed of the vrntcr. If desired the brushes may be removed and replaced with nibbing or polishing devices, and the reservoir may bo filled with oil If It bo desired to oil the floor. Scientific American. The Homo Doctor. Do not keep the soiled clothes recep tacle In the sleeping room. To remove warts nnd moles, touch them with mnrlnto of ammonia. Very hot wnter will stop dangerous bleeding If applied to a wound. Scars can bo lessened by nightly rub bing them with cocoa butter or nlm ond oil. A glass of hot water before break fast Is a lasatlvo and tones up the sys tem. To prevent discoloration of a bruised spot, apply absorbent cotton soaked in olive oil. Yellow dock, root or leaves, steeped In vinegar will, It Is said, cure the worst cases of ringworm. Corn Dodgers. Tour enough boiling water on two cups of white coramenl to moisten the meal, but not to make It sloppy; about one cup Is generally enough. Add a rounding tenspoonful of sugar nnd n snltspoonful of salt. Ills In three tnblespoonfuls of milk and let It cool. Bent the yolks of two eggs until very light, add to the batter nnd last the whites beaten stiff and dry. nave the popover pans heated very hot and buttered; put a spoonful of the batter In each and set In tho oven until they are browned. Green Pepper Catchup. Fill n porcelain lined kettle with hot green peppers, add to them four largo onions, sliced, nnd n tnblespoonful each of cracked mace, allspice and cloves. Mix well together, fill tho ket tle with good vinegar nnd boll until the peppers are so soft that they mash readily. When cool take up tho catchup by the ladleful, pour through a sieve and rub the catchup through tho back of n spoon until nothing remains In tho sieve but skin and seeds. Bottle and cork tightly. It need not bo sealpd. A Sewing Hint. One of the most difficult things about sewing on hooks and eyes Is to do It bo the thread does not show on the right side of tho garment. If the hem where the fastenings go Is narrow, slip n pleco of whalebone into It, sew on the hooks and eyes and then tako the whalebone out. If the hem Is wid er than the whalebone, cut a heavy piece of cardboard the proper width nnd slip that In. This Is a very sim ple way and saves one a great deal of time In sewing. Combination Salad. Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves. With a sharp pair of scissors shred two or three lettuce leaves and put them in tho center of the bowl. On these place n layer of radishes peeled and minced, on these a layer of minced onions, then n layer of peeled and sliced tomatoes, nud on these n strat um of thinly sliced cucumbers that have lain In Iced salt water for ten minutes. Cover with n shredded let tuce leaf and pour French dressing over nil. Tonic For tho Eyebrows. One ouuee of vaseline, one-half dram tincture of cantharldes nnd eight drops each of oils of lavender and rosemary. After washing tho face smooth tho eyebrows carefully with nn eyebrow brush upon which n drop of the tonic has been placed. Vaseline Is nu excellent application for scant lashes. Melt a little vaseline, dip the point of n tiny camel's hair brush Into this nnd rub gently along tho roots. Housekeepers' Hand. If the hands uro thoroughly greased with vnselluo beforo using dyes It will prevent tho Btnlii penetrating deeply Into the skin. After washing clothes tho hnnds are generally disagreeably rough. If a Httlo olive oil la rubbed well Into tho skin nnd left for ten min utes, then rubbed with n cut lemon nud well wnshed with hot water nnd eonp tho bauds will becotno smooth and white again. Baked Apple Pudding. Line a small bako sheet with good rich biscuit dough, fill nearly full with sliced npples, put In ono cupful of sugar, a largo pleco of butter In dots nnd any kind of splcos. Bako ono hour In a slow oven. AND SONS. Dr. Crlppen got his title of dentist by selling old teeth to real dentists. General Booth said recently that he had never taken n dollar from the Sal vation Army funds for his own per sonal support. William II. Truesdalo, head of the Lnckawnnua rnllwny, receives the highest salary of any railroad presi dent in the country. Thomas J. Tynan, ns warden of the Colorado penitentiary, has worked out a new method of treating convicted crlminnls by appealing to their sense of humor. David Bennett Hill, ex-governor of New York nnd ex-United States sen ator, celebrated tho other day at his homo In Albnny tho sixty-seventh an niversary of his birth. Joseph and Alexandre Kiel, two brothers of Louis Kiel, tho Canadian lender of an Indian resurrection in 1SS3, nro still living in St. Boniface, Manitoba, nnd nro widely known among the pioneers of the fur trade time. Earl Nolson, "father" of the British house of lords, has Just celebrated the eighty-seventh anniversary of his birth. Tho Earl of Wcmyss Is five years older, but ho did not succeed to his titlt until a later period than Lord Nelson. George C. Boldt came to America In 1S71 from Germany, but he has taught New York hotel proprietors a good ninny things In tho lino of neces sary Improvements nnd luxurious ap pointments. Tho "peacock alloy" Is his Invention, nnd palm gardeus, sun parlors and royal suits have been won derfully developed nnd beautified un der his direction. Town Topics. New York's debt is seven times larger thnn thnt of Chicago. And Chi cago looks It. Knusas City Star. Any city that is dissatisfied vlt,h the 1010 census is at liberty to begin blow ing nbout what It will show in 1920. Cumberland Evening Times. In the city of Washington there nre four policemen who "speak Esperanto fluently." "G'wnn there! Git n move on!" must sound nwfully funny In Esp. Savannah News. Congratulations to our young sister. Greater New York! Ancient Boston, that has not extended its limits for fifty years. Is proud to be a next door neighbor, so to speak, of the second city In the world. Boston Post. The Cookbook. An eccentric eastern salad consists of pineapple and celery, dressed with mayonnaise nnd served on lettuce. A spoonful of sugar ndded to mash ed turnips or succotash is thought to be an Improvement by some house wives. When next cooking figs to use for dessert add half a lemon and n small stick of cinnamon. Tho change in tlnvor will be fouud very tasty. For unchovy sandwiches masii some yolks of oggs to n paste, add essence of anchovy to suit the taste and a few olives minced fine. Spread the mixture between slices of buttered bread. The Gaelic ABC. Every letter in tho Gaelic alphabet Is represented by n tree. Tho nlphabet of today consists of eighteen letters In ancient Gaelic seventeen nnd now. as of old, nil the letters with the ex ception of g, t nnd u, which stand for Ivy, furze and heather, are called after trees. The Gaelic A B C of today runs: Allm, belte, coll, dur, engh, fearn. gath, huath, iogh, luls, mulu, nuln, olv, pelth, nils, Bull, teino, ur, which is equivalent to snylng olin, birch, hazel, oak, nspen, alder. Ivy, whitethorn, lew. rowan or quicken, vine, ash, spindle tree, pine, elder, willow, furze, heath. In the ancient Gaelic alphabet the letter h (the heath or whitethorn) does not exist. Tho nlphabet is called tho beth-luls-nuln. because b 1 n and not n b c nre Its first three letters. Value to lutheU of oaU tn March. 1910, and in March, J39S, tehen mcniureit Xiv the vcholetale prices of the following ttapU article). Article. Coffe: Rio, No. 7 Molasses: New Orleans, open kettle Itlce: Domestic, choice Bait: American Hugar: Granulated Tea: Formosa, One Carpets: llruttels Carpets: Ingrain Cotton flannel: 21 yards to tlio pound Gingham: Amoskeog Ebeetlnfa: mooched, 104 I'epperell Bhoetlngs: Ilrown, 4)4 reppertsll Eblrtlnrs: llleached, 44 Fruit of tho Loom Bhoes: Mens' vlcl kid, Goodyear welt Bultlnra: Clay worsted diagonal, 12-ounco Coal: Anthracite stove Coal: bituminous, George's Creek (N. V. Harbor) . . . Petroleum: IUMned, ICO w. w Ilarb wlru: Galvanized Nails: Wins, s-penny llrlck: Common, domtstlo Cement: Portland, domtstlo Lime: Common Oak, white: Plain .'. Ehlnglea: Cypress Bpruoe With 1.14 remaining. What It Has Done. "What a Protective Tnriff Has Dono For tho Farmers" Is an editorial headline In a Republican exchange. "What a Pro tective Tariff Hub Done to the Farmers" la tho way It should havo read. Herald Courier. Well, wo uupposo tho fanners will bo content to let It rest cither way you chooso as long as they nro doing so much better under a protectlvo tariff than they did In 180-1, '05 nnd '00 un der a Democratic low tariff law. If what protection has dono to the farmer Is to giro him wheat at over a Recent Inventions. Tho alloy of cerium and Iron, which emits sparks when rubbed, has been Introduced In n recently invented gns lighter. A pall with a washboard sliding In grooves In one side Is a recent Inven tion for the benefit of persons who hnvc small ntnounts of laundering to do. The principle) of the spring tnpu measure has been utilized by n Mas sachusetts inventor of n colled wire at tachment for electric lights to penult them to bo carried about n room. Book Epigrams. A collection of books Is n real uni versity. Carlyle. Some books nro to be tested, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed nnd digested. Bacon. A good book Is the precious llfeblood of n master spirit embalmed and treas ured up on purpose to a life beyond life. Milton. We can take reproof patiently from a book, but not from n tongue. The book hurts not our pride; the living re prover does. T. Adams. Train and Track. The Great Northern (England) rail road has an Invalid car. An electric .railway system to con Acct all parts of Bermudn Is projected ty a Canndinn company. Canada's total railway mllengt is given ns exceeding 30,000. There is one mile of railway for every 300 In habitants nnd six-tenths of a mile for every 100 miles of territory. Laundry Lines. Irons must bo much hotter for Ftnrched pieces than for flannels. For these they must barely hiss under the touch of a moistened finger. Bed linen or tnble linen should be Ironed parallel with tho selvage, not across the grain. Fold and press Into creases as you finish them. Thorough wringing has much to do with the good color of clothing. They should never have enough wnter left in them to drip nfter they nre on the lino. Holystone. The holystone Is n soft stone used by satttt-s for scrubbing decks nnd is said to have got its name because It was ofjjlnally used solely for Sunday cleanlEfl. Others assert that the first stones eed for this purpose were tak en from churchyards, while it Is also said to get the name from the fact that n sailor lias to go on his knees to use It. Tired Metals. Iron gjts "tired" after many vibra tions, btt can be revived by a day's rest or by a warm bath. Lead very soon gotu tired and would break after a comparatively short exposure to vi brations which merely "tire" Iron. Tho Giraffe's Tongue. African epicures consider the tongue of a young giraffe a great delicacy. The meat of the animal Is said to tasto somewhat like veal. A Disagreeable Reception. Weary Wiggles I don't. like the re ception I got at that house. Bleating Harry Who camo to the door? Weary Wiggles The dog. Judze A Comparison. Several times had Httlo Mary looked wondoringly out of tho window, watch ing tho full moon rise. Then n though' seemed to strike her. "Mamma," she remarked Ingenuous ly, "doesn't It look Just like dad's head when you see It over the top of bis easy chair back'" Aiding the Mind. First' Tourist What are you writing down? Second Tourist I'm making n note of n few things that have made an in delible Impression on my memory, so thnt I shan't forgot them. London Idea. Unit. 1910, March. 1890, March. Pounds., Gallons. . Pounds., Parrels.., Pounds., Pounds., Yards. . . , Yards..., Yards..., Yards..., Yards... Yards..., Yards... Pairs... Yards. . . Ilushels. lluiliels. Gallons., Pounds., Pounds.. II ricks.., Darrels.. Parrels.. Foot.... M Feet.... 101 24 ICO 10 m 37 7 IS w 127 31 US 69 03 0 0 83 70 334 433 1,491 0 8 1C2 2.3 357 28 It 73 S 80 IS 4 0 C9 7S 21 70 2 tl 6 30 42 35 197 123 700 1.0 4 109 l.S 270 With I1.C0 remaining. dollar a bushel when It sold under tho Democratic tariff nt G3 cents; to glvo him corn at GO cents while In tho years In which tho Democratic low tariff law wna In effect ho only got from 83 to -10 cents a bushel; If what It has dono to him Is to inako tho prico of beef about $8 per 100 pounds Instead of $-1.25, as It was under tho Democratic law, wo don't supposo tho farmers will caro much whether you speak of It as "what protection hns dono for tho farmer" or whether you speak of It as "what protection , has dono to tho farmer." Bristol (Tenn.) Mews. 3e& Keeping CAN HI3KS HE MADE TO PAY? A Statement of Fncts Which Will Interest Many People. Can beo raising bo mndo to pay? This a question of Importance to tho many peoplo who, owning tho nec essary fncllltles, yet hcsltato to branch out Into nn Industry of which they know Httlo. With ordinary caro and common sonso, It has been said, anybody can rnlso bees suc cessfully. Perhaps tho best argu ment Is tho plain statement of facts. Thoy nro timid creatures by na ture. Tho nnger nnd resontmont which they show whon one of their number Is carelessly crushed proba bly (irises from fright. When thor oughly alarmed thoy will nttack any thing nnd do not value tholr lives. Until tho owner knows his bees and Is known by them, all handling can ho snfely dono by first feeding them freoly with honoy nnd thon blowing a little smoko Into tho hlvo. Thoy then become too stupid to do moro than crawl out of tho way and may bo handled with Impunity. As to the kind of bees to keep, thero nro many races and each has its good points. The Italian varie ties were first lmpbrted, havo been longest In tho country, aro most widely known and nro always gontlo and trustworthy. The Cyprians, from tho Island of Cyprus, nro great honoy gatherers but are touchy and require careful handling. Tho Syrian bee comos from Palostlno and Is Interesting npart from Its commercial value on account of Its historic associations and tho many references to It In Scripture. Tho Caucasian bees which como from Russia, nre good workers and good defenders of tholr hives, al though very gentle. They possess tho good quality of being exceedingly prolific. This Is also true of tho Carnlolans, which are quiet and In dustrious and seem to winter espec ially well, coming out strong and capablo In the spring. The German black beo Is a common species, being frequently found wild In this coun try. Tho is helped by tho fact that honey In the comb can neither te adulterated no imitated. It Is a popular fallacy that artificial combs o. honey are placed upon tho market but there Is no truth In tho supposi tion, It Is Impossible to manufac ture any succesful imitation of nat ural honoy-comb, as wan proved twelve years ago, when a certain con cerp offered $1,000 to any one who could produce ono pound of artificial honeycomb. The offer has remain ed opon ever since. Springs to Hold Entrance Rlncks. I havo a very simple device to uso for keeping tho entrance-blocks In place. I havo found tho blocks so often moved, and perhaps a weak colony robbed out, that I tried tho plan I now use, and fouud It worked perfectly. I use a spring for each block, made from a pleco of No. 9 steel wire, 8 In. long, with Z In. at ono end bent at right angles. The TO HOLD ENTRANCE-BLOCKS, short ond Is driven Into tho front of tho hlvo about 2 Vz In. from tho side, and high enough so that tho lower ond Is just nbovo tho bottom. A small staple strnddles tho spring nn Inch from the top, leaving about 6 in. clear. Tho entrance-block ( on edgo) slips between tho freo end of the spring and tho front of tho hlvo. Tho springs nro perpen dicular whon in plnco. E. II. Clnro, McAlplno, Ont., Can. Capturing tho Swarm. Tho now swarm may bo allowed to get quite awny from tho hlvo nnd may bo followed until It settles up on tho limb of somo treo. whoro It may ho captured by means of a hol low bagllko contrivance, fnstonod to tho end of a long polo, out of .which tho boos can ho shaken Into tho now hlvo. This is not tho usual modo of procoduro. To Kncllltnto Swnmilng. Most beo men clip the wings of tho quoon to prevent hor from fly ing, placo her in a now hive, and set it up In tho position thnt tho old ono has occupied. Somo even practice shook swarming by removing tho framo, queen and all, to tho new hlvo and slinking about half tho bees in to tho now quarters with her. Thoro aro now 262,000 Sunday Bcbools In tho world, with' a total of 26,000,000 pupils. Sharks wero practically unknown In the Adriatic until tho Suez canal was opened. Now thoy swarm. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE MID DLE DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVA NIA. BENJAMIN SKIER of Hawloy, Wnyno county, Pennsylvania, a bank rupt under tho Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from nil debts nrov- nblo against his cstnto under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors nnd other persons In inter est, to appear beforo the said court at Scranton, in said district, on tho 30th dny of September, 1910, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause, If any they havo, why tho pray er of tho said petitioner should not bo granted. EDWARD R. W. SEARLE, Clerk. NOTICE is noreby given that nn ap plication will bo mndo to tho Governor of Pennsylvania on Tues day, November 16, A. D. 1910, by Lorenzo R. Foster, John R. Jones, Thomas J. Burko and others, under tho Act of Assembly of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act for tho Incorporation and regulation of banks of discount nnd deposit," npproved May 13, A. D. 187C, nnd tho supplements thereto, for tho charter of an Intended cor poration to he called "The Hawley Bank," to be located in Hawloy, county of Wayne, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which said propos ed corporation is organized for the specific purpose of receiving deposits, making loans and discounts, and do ing n general banking business, un der tho laws of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Capital stock is fixed at fifty thousand dollars ($50, 000), divided Into one thousand (1, 000) shares of the par value of fifty dollars ($50.00) each, with ten dollars ($10.00) on each shnro for surplus, the total capital and surplus being sixty thousand dollars ($00, 000). Said proposed corporation, for tho purposes above stated, shall have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act of assembly and its supple ments. JOHN R. JONES, Attorney for Incorporators. G3eoi 13. NOTICE 01? ADMINISTRATION, C. T. A. D. II. N. ESTATE OF LEONARD G. CLEAR WATER, late of Salem Township All persons lndeb;edto said estate are noti fied to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned : nnd those having claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. GEORGE A. CLEARWATER Hamlin. Pa. Aug 10. '10, Administrator. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business. Sept. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts f 227.721 21 Overdrafts.secured and unsecured 22 41) U. S. llonds to secure circulation. 65.000 00 rremiumson u. s.nonus -aiu ou Honda, securities. etc 1.310.152 41 ltanklng-house, furniture nnd fix tures iu.wu w Due from National Ranks (not Reserve Agents) 3.84S 00 Due from Stote and Private Ranks nnd Hankers. Trust Companies, and Savings Ranks 211 EG Diih from nnnrnvpd reserve aeents 13S.433 08 Checks and other ensh Items 1.131 15 .Notes of other .National Ranks.. 203 DO Fractional paper currency, nick els mid rtnts 2!Vi 11 Lawful Money Reserve In Rank. viz : swpie r.!hi uu Redemption fund with u. s. ihiugi w lA...tJ w treasurer, la rer cent, or circu lation) 2.750 00 Total. ..$1,871,123 36 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In J 150,000 00 surplus nuiu ioo.uuu w Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid T.i.'VS 30 National Rank notes outstanding 50.100 00 Dueto other National Ranks 370 4j individual deposits subject to check $l,4il,505 55 Demand certificates of deposit 21,910 00 Certified checks 53 00 Cashier's checks out standing 353 7-f l.HOXM 52 ISonds borrowed one Notes and bills redlscounted None Rills payable, Including certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total $1.S71.123 36 Stnto of Pennsylvania. County of Wnyno. ss. I, E, V. Torrev, Cnshler of tho nbovo named Rank, do solemnly swear that the nbovo statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. K. Torrev. Cashier. Subscribed nud sworn to before mo this 3d day of Sept.. 1910. Jt. A. S.M1111, -. 1', Correct nttest: II. Z. ItUSSEI.l, 1 I. ofia.1. Doiiflinqer, Directors. II. T. Mkxneh. j 71wl AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tho matter of oxceptlons to tho account of May M. Foster, now May M. Davis, testamentary guardian of Georgo O. Foster. R. M. Salmon, being duly appoint ed auditor, to pass on oxceptlons, re stato tho account If necessary, hoar nnd dotormlno all claims on tho ns sots, and report distribution, will hold n mooting for that purposo nt his olllco, in llouosdalo nt 10 o'clock a. m. on Thursday, September 29, 1010. R. M. SALMON, Att'y. Honosdnle, Pa., Sept. 13, 1010. 73eol 3. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tho mnttor of exception to tho partial account of A. B. Hazlltt nnd Jennio McDonnell, oxecutors of tho last will nud tostamont of Sarah II. Hazlltt. C. P. Sonrlo, being duly appointed auditor, to pass upon oxceptlons, ro stnto the account if necessary, hear and determine all claims on tho assets, and report distribution, will hold n meeting for that purposo at his office In Honesdalo at 10 o'clock a. m. on Saturdny, Oct. 8, 1010. C. P. SEARLE. Att'y. Honesdalo, Pa., Sept. 13, 1910. 74eol3t. w PROFESSIONAL GAUDS. Atto rncvs-nt-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUN8EI.OH-AT-LAW. Olllce mljncent to Post Olllce In Dlmmlck olllcc, Honrsdale, 1'n. w M. II. LEE, ATTOKNEY A COU.VBEI.OR-AT-I.AW. Ofllrn over newt nillen. All Ir-cal business promptly attended to. Iloncsdale. Pa. 171 C. MUMFORD, !i. ATTOKNEY A COUNSELOK-AT-I.AW. Ofllco Liberty Hall bulUllnir, opposite the Post Olllce. llonesdnle. I'n. HOMER GREENE. ATTOIINF.Y COUN8EI.OR-AT-I.AW. Office over Itelf's store. llonesdnle I'n. ruiARLEs a. Mccarty, J ATTOKNEY A COUNSELOR- 1T-I.AW. Special nnd prompt attention clvcn to tho collection of claims. Olllce over .Kelt's new store, llnncsdnle. I'a. 171 P. KIMUI E, JL' . ATTOKNEY A COl'NSEI,OR-AT-LAWi Olllcc over the post olllco llonesdnle. I'a. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNBEI.OR-AT-LAW, Ofllco in the Court Houee, Iloneedalc Pa. PETER II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office Second floor old Savings Brnk building. Hnnesdale. I'a. QEARLE & SALMON,! O ATTORNEYS A COUNBEI.ORS-AT-LAW. Offices lntelv occupied by Judge Searle. ftllESTER A. GARRATT.I j ATTORNEY A COIINfcELOR-AT-LAW. Otllce adjacent to Pet Olllce. llonesdnle. Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First floor, old Suvlncs Bank.bulld Inc. Honesdule. I'a. Dr. C. It. HltADY. m:.vnsT. llonesdnle. I'a. Office Houks-8 m. to p. m Any evcnins by nppolntment. Citizens' phone. S?. Residence. No. MWC Physicians. DR. II. I!. SEARLES, HONESDALE, VX. Office nnd res dence 1019 Court-street telephones. Olllce Hours 2:00 to 4:00.iand 6 00 o8:00. u.m Livery. LIVKKY.--rred. li. Itickard has re moved bis livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone Barn ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 76yl EWLET US PRINT YOUR BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATE MENTS. NOTE HEADS. ENVEL OPES, CIRCULARS, ETC., ETC. ( We wish to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops. I MARTIN CAUFIELD u M H 2 S Designer and Man- il ufacturer of n 1 ARTISTIC 1 I MEMORIALS I it a P ? p Office and Works i 1036 MAIN ST. I HONESDALE, PA. I JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store, llonesdnle. M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHINGIN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for' sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers