TIIK WEATHER For Friday fnlr n ml wanner, nnil on Saturday fair with southeast winds. Vr a JO K" K K" IP aaCjc ic f K if tf Wayne CounfHprgan REPUBLICMARTY J X at St St St - Jt jWEfr StStMStStM Semi-Weekly Founded 1 1908 2 Weekly Founded, 1844 J kit j4 67th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1910. NO 78 GAYNOR IS OUT. BARN DESTROYED IE H BUSHELS OF WHEAT THEN AND NOW, S. Cttoit i: I I EITHl DELAYED ROOSEVELT WIN WON'T ACCEPT IF NOMINATED, HE DECLARES HE REMOVES ALL DOUBT WANTS LETTER TAKKN TO CONVENTION SO THAT UK WILL NOT UK NAMED BY TIIK DEMOCRATS. New York, Sept. 2S. Mayor Gnynor wllf not bo tho Democratic candidate for governor. All doubt on tlic sub ject Is removed In n letter written by the mnyor to James Creelnian. Mayor Gaynor says that If he Is nominated by the Democratic state convention In Rochester he will decline to accept the nomination. The letter follows: "1 am this day writing a letter to Chairman Dlx stating that I am not a candidate for nomination for governor and refuse to become such. I do this to remove all doubt on the subject which may have arisen by reason of irresponsible statements which I am Informed are being circulated. No ut terance of mine has put tho matter In doubt. "Some have said to mo thnt tho convention may nominate me although I am not a candidate. It seems to me that It might npM?nr vain or egotistical for me to assume In my letter to Mr. Dlx that that extraordinary thing might happen. "I therefore write this supplemental letter to" you to take to Rochester and show there so as to prevent my nomi nation If It should apiar to bo Immi nent. Make It plain that If nominated I would decline to accept "1 could not abandon to their fate the splendid men whom I have ap lolnted to olilco and who are working so hard for good government, nor could I abandon the people of the city of New York after so short a service. "You may make this letter public" In advance of going to Rochester If In your Judgment you think tho situation calls for it. But do not do so unless It be plainly necessary. Every honest man will understand me." Up State Men Disappointed. Rochester, N. Y., Sept 28. Mayor Gaynor's turndown of tho governor ship nomination, which would have been bis but for his posltlye refusal to run, was received with mingled grati fication and disappointment by the Democratic leaders and delegates as sembled here. The disappointment Is principally among tho up state Demo crats, who outside of the personal fol lowers of Representative James S. Havens of this city nnd of Thomas M. Osborne of Auburn were almost unanimous In their demand for Gay nor. Charles F. Murphy was asked: "Do you think the convention will find as strong a man to nominate for governor?" Tho Tammany leader hesitated for a moment. "We have a number of Htrong candidates," he said.. "One of them will be nominated and elected." "Now thnt Mayor Gaynor is elimi nated from consideration have you any preference among the candidates who are in the field V "No. Tammany will support tho man that the up state delegations want nominated." "There Is talk of Tammany throw lug Its vote to Edward M. Shepard of Brooklyn." "Tammany hnsn't any candidate," Murphy repeated. "Would It support William Sulzcr for tho nomination ?" "If the up state Democrats favor Sulzer, Tammany will support him." HUNTING SEASONS. Hunting season Is approaching and the majority of hunters are mixed on the dates of the open sea son for tho dllfcrent kinds of game. The following calendar of open sea sons is In force In Pennsylvania: Bear, unlimited, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. Blackbirds, all kinds, unlimited, Sept 1 to Jan. 1. Doves, mourning or turtle, un limited, Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. Deer, male with visible horns, one each season, Nov. 15 to Dec. 1. English, Mongolian or Chinese pheasant, 10 in a day, 20 in a week, 50 in a season, Oct. ID to Dec. 1. Grouse, ruffled, commonly called pheasant, 10 in n day, 20 in a weok, 50 in a season, Oct. 15 to Dec. 1. Hnro or rabbit, 10 in a day, Nov. 1 to Dec. ID. Quail, 10 in a day, 40 in a week, 7D In a season, Oct. 15 to Nov. ID. Hungarian quail, closed for two years. Webfooted wild fowl of all kinds, unlimited, Sept. 1 to April 10. Woodcock, 10 in a day, 20 in a week, 50 in a season, Oct. 1 to Dec. 1. Squirrel, fox, black or gray, C of clmblned kinds In a day, Oct. 15 to Dec. 1. Tho red, pine, squlrrol, coon, possum, woodchuck or groundhog, fox, wildcat, weasel, mink and skunk are not protected and may bo killed at any tlmo. In order to Increase tho fncllltios for tho reception and shipment of freight at tho Honesdale station of the Delawaro & Hudson, tho platform is to ho enlarged by the addition of ten feet on tho north and fifteen feet on the south. BARN ON TIIK HAWKEY ESTATE, UP SEELYVILLE WAY. STItUCK HV LIGHTNING WEDNESDAY MORNING AND IS DESTROYER WITH ITS CONTENTS NO IX- SUHAXCE. At 12.30 Wednesday morning peo ple were aroused by the blowing of tho llro cone. A fierce rnin storm accompanied by thunder and light ning hnd been In progress for some time and tho lightning hnd struck nnd set flro to a barn on tho old Hawkey property which is situated opposite the Seelyville chapel. Tho barn wns some distance from the house and back from tho road. It was lllled with liny nnd light com bustibles nnd burned very rapidly. The sky was Illuminated and people living in Honesdale thought that the club house on tho golf links was the scene of the conllagration. The firemen nssombled promptly nnd proceeded to tho scene with one steamer and one hose cart. The Seelyville Fire company responded .promptly nnd did all that was possi ble hut the barn and contents were destroyed. The building belonged to the Hawkey estate and was not In sured; the contents of the barn be longed to a number of Individuals who also failed to insure. POM Tl CATi C ALEX DAIt. October 4 Last day before No vember election to file nomination papers with Secretary of tho Com monwealth by an association of elec tors not constituting a party. Oct. S. Last fall registration day, from 7 a. m. to 10 a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 10 p. in. Oct. 8. Last day before Novem ber election for payment of poll tax. Oct. IS. Last day before Novem ber election for filing nomination papers with County Commissioners by an association of electors not con stituting a party. Nov. 8. General election day. Polls open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. CLIFFORD B. HARMON. Aviator Who la Building Nine ty Milo an Hour Monoplane. Garden City, N. Y., Sept. 23. If tho hopes of Clifford B. Harmon, the mil lionaire sportsman and aviator, are enllzed hu will have an aeroplane completed In a few days thnt will far outdistance all monoplanes now built nnd will be fine of the contestants for International honors at Belmont park next mouth. The monoplane Is being built in the large hangar of Mr. Harmon hero nnd although novel in construction, has in dications of great speed. It will pos sibly go ninety miles an hour. THE AMERICAN HOY. Biggest, Brightest nnd Best Magazine for Boys In AH tho World. You need novor worry about your boy's company when ho is chumming with THE AMERICAN BOY. It is tho greatest adjunct to refined home training. Wins every boy's confi dence and enthusiasm. Bright, breezy stories of advonturo, travel, history, biography, and world events. Beautifully Illustrated. Proper amount of sports nnd games, and practical departments of photo graphy, electricity, stamps, curios, carpontry, mechanics, how to do things, how to mnko things. It is doing more for the healthy ontor tainmont nnd uplift of boys than any other single Inlluenco. Has tho en thusiastic support of ovor 250,000 boys, nnd tholr paronts thoroughly rospect It for tho good It doos tholr boys. (11 vo your boy a magazine of his own. Subscription price, Citi " zen and American Boy, ? 2.00. if A -T, lb 60. WHEAT WoutO Wi' IO 8U. WHEAT WILU Duy lSMlm rriPfeY i '078 s&m American FAnsiEn: "They've been giving mo figures on the IncronBed cost of building maturlals, but come to figure It out, my new cellar will cost me less tlinu It would havo under tho old Free-Trade prices." Wayne County Should be Well Rcp resented. There Is an institution of the state that has been established exclusively for the public, and for the benefit of every citizen In the commonwealth. It Is the State Museum at Harris burg, where a collection is being made of every kind of mineral, ani mal, bird, insect, flower, specimen of tree, and historical relic from each county of the state. Wayne county should be well rep resented In this institution, which Is laying a foundation invaluable for future years. The purpose of the various divisions of the museum is as follows: Division of Zoology. Where can be seen the animals In their respective haunts and natural surroundings; many valuable feat ures for the agriculturist, where in formation may he obtained in refer ence to the birds, insects and ani mals of the locality that are helpful I or destructive to crops. Division of Geology, Since Pennsylvania is rich in min erals, there should be placed before the people of the comnTbnwealth one of the best state mineral exhibits found in the Union. This should in clude mineralogy, paleontology and i Industral geology. Each county in J the state should bo well represented J by its respective minerals, the coals, ; Irons, oils, clays, glass sands, build ing stones, etc., with maps and charts ' showing where located. The educa tional and Industrial should he close ly allied to he of use to the common wealth. There should be maps. charts and fossils of the geological era, portraying tho earliest forma- weakened by the foolhardiness of his tlons known, Including tho glacial managers in endorsing George W. period, upheavals, mountain and val- j Klpp who is a pronounced believer of ley making, rivers and lnkes of tho ; booze, in opposition to C. C. Piatt state, with relief maps and models a consistent church mnn and a tem showlng strata formations, etc. perance man. There has been a big A division of botany with sped- falling off in Susquehanna and Rrad mens helpful In learning tho differ-1 ford counties of Berryites as they ent species of trees, their uses and realize that Berry is being used only tneir woods; the care or lorest pre- serves, as wen as tno nowers anu plants used for beautifying or for i their chemical and medicinal qunll i ties. Many fossil plants of tho coal fields of Pennsylvania are on ex-l-hlbition nt the Museum. With the realization of tho Capitol Park ex- tension, It would bo pleasing to see every tree, and flower nativo in tho state planted' and labelled, as fnr as practicable, within Its grounds. A Division of Archaeology. Penn sylvania should bo well known by a collection from tho contents of tho mounds that have been unearthed, which tells of an early people Inhab- Ring tho state, antedating the Amor lean Indian. Theso Implements of history, arts and crafts should bo gathered at tho museum, that our present nnd futuro generations could havo a more definite knowledgo of timer, fttiflv Tinnnlna TiVillnwtn ,r ilita , tho Alnorcnn Indian collection should ho nrrnnged nnd preserved. There nro sovoral good collections in tho state, now obtainable, and In a fow years theso may bo scattered and lost. They should bo aranged to show their manner of living; arts and crafts in war and penco; munumonts, Implements, Inscriptions, relics, dwellings, clothing and food obtained from tholr surroundings, each prop erly shown In Us relation to tho oth er. Mnps of their paths ovor tho stnto, origin nnd meaning ot tho many Indian names of cities and towns, rivers, etc., throughout tho stato. Then follow with the customs and arts of tho early Europoan set tlers, and tho Implements of tholr arts, crafts, etc. This Inlluenco was tho nuclous around which tho mould lug of our early history of tho stnto was formed. Tho early publications, Gorman pio plates, and tho hand printing should also be shown. Thoro are historic relics of war and ponce In which tho stato Is vory rich. Many good collections aro scat tered throughout tho state, and should find a homo In tho Museum. There aro nlso many unmnrked his torical spots in each county of tho stato which should not bo neglected. Either tho state or historical society of each county, should see that these are authentically and intelligently labeled, even if only with a small bronze tablet on a boulder, so that they may not be lost to posterity. There are many persons in Wayne county having relics pertaining to Pennsylvania, which they wish to pre serve for posterity; there is no more lining place to preserve and display these to the public than at the State Museum at Harrlsburg, where they will be well cared for and displayed. Tho Museum will bo glad to receive any such material, either permanent ly or as a loan, in the following sub jects: Flora, fauna, minerals, geolo gy, archaeology, arts and history. These should be well labeled, with the name of the specimen, location or any brief historical incident con nected with It, and the name and address of the donor should also ac company It. Address State Museum, Harrlsburg, Pa. GHIM AND BERRY Have been requested to get out and help nominate a new ticket. A very strong petition signed by a large number of the most prominent busi ness men of Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylvania has been sent to can didates Grim and Berry beseeching thorn to step down and out In order that all who desire to unite In down ing the Republican ticket can unite on some strong candidate. A cnnvnss of many of the counties show that Berry will receive a mere nominal vote and most of whom are Demo cratic. The northeastern counties of tho state show larger number of Berry supporters than in any other section, but Ills strength has been to boost Klpp s canvass. MON UM ENT 1)101)1 OATH I). ;(),(()() People Witness Dedication and Gov. Stuart Makes Speech. GETTYSBURG, Sept. 28. Thirty thousand persons, a majority of whom were civil war veterans who particl pated in tho battle of Gettysburg, attended tho dedication yesterday af ternoon of tho '$140,000 memorial erected by tho state of Pennsylvania In memory of her soldiers who took part In the battle. Gen. H. S. Huldekoper, of Phila delphia, president of tho Memorial Commission, tendered tho memorial to Governor Stuart, who made a short roply. Speeches wero also made by General Jnmes V. Latta, Major General D. McM. Gregg ot Reading, who wns in command of tho Union cnvalry'that prevented General Mose by from going to to assistance of Gen. Lee, and by Captain James A. Gnrdnor of Nowcnstle. After tho dedication many camp fires and rounlons woro held. POOR CROP OF HASS. Several of tho llshcrmou of tho stnto who havo mado application for black bass for stocking purposos havo received tho following letter from Fish Commissioner Meehnn: "I regret to sny that tho black bass work of tho Department of Fisheries was this year a falluro both in the stnto hatcheries and tho field. Tho fish secured from both sources will not supply flvo hundred out of tho sixteen hundred and sixty cans npplled for, or Just tho num ber of applications hold ovor from last year. Tho department will therefore ho unnblo to fill your ap plication this year but will illo it in hopo that thoro will ho bolter sue cess next season. 'T.'ho causo of tho falluro of tho bass work was duo to tho cold weather from tho middle of May to tho mlddlo of Juno, tho usual bass Sanson, which sent tho wntor temperature to below fifty degrees ut which point bass oggs aro killed ENGINE ON HONESDALE TRAIN ON ERIE ROAD BREAKS DOWN IN YARD AT PORT .IERVIS AC CIDENT NARROWLY AVERTED TRAIN DELAYED ONLY 10 .MINUTES. The Erie train which leaves Hones dale at S.25 a. m. and Is called the Honesdale and New Y'ork Express, met with nn accident at Port Jervis Tuesday morning which came near being a serious wreck. While run ning through the Port Jervis yard opposite yard "B," engine 3G3, in chnrgo of engineer Michael Fritz and Fireman Wlckhnm Bross, was haul ing the train when tho main pin on the left front driver broke dropping tho connecting rods and side rods to the track. The hack end of tho cylinder wns blown out and the rods trailing over the track for a distance of about 300 feet tore up the ties nnd caused the wheels of tho for ward truck on the tender to Jump the track. Engineer Fritz, as soon as ho dis covered there was something wrong, applied tho airbrakes and brought tho train to a stop. Help was sum moned at once by telephone to the round house and within a few min utes tho wrecking crew, in charge of Foreman Edward Rutan, was on the ground. The crippled engine was soon placed on the track and brought down to tho shops for repairs. In the meantime switch engine 2504, which was' sent to the aid of the delayed train, had hauled It back to WX tower and pushed It down the westbound track to the de pot, causing a delay of only 40 min utes on the schedule. Besides the damages above named both journal boxes on the forward truck of the tender were broken. Fortunately the accident occurred In the yards near the Delaware divi sion terminals with plenty of help from the motive power and mechani cal departments, and in case it had taken place on some of the sharp curves along the river valley the re sults might have been of a far dif ferent and more serious nature. Engine 926 took the Honesdale train out for the noon trip. New York, Sept. 2S. Tho Rev. Charles II. Parkhurst has registered his determination, though a Ropub- llcan by heredity and the practice of a lifetime, to vote the Democratic ticket ut tho next national election nnd de clared that he hoped to see Mayor Gaynor nominated on the Democratic ticket for governor and to seo him elected. "I was born nnd brought up to be n Republican," said Dr. Parkhurst, who has for some time been writing for a publication violently opposed to Mayor Gnynor, "but I hopo that I am a pa triot more than n partisan." MILK INFECTION IN THE HOME. Health Commissioner Dixon Tells How It Often Takes Place. "As tho puro milk question Is be ing agitated along tho lines of pro duction, transportation nnd handling by dealers," said Dr. Samuol G. Dixon, stnto health commissioner, one day last week. "It may bo woll enough to call attention to tho ways In which milk for babies Is mado unfit for food after It has been de livered to tho consumer. "Tho mother or nurse often koops milk in nu open vessol in n hot placo, exposed to dust, flics and oth er Insect life. Not Infrequently tho Infant is fed through a long, small, dirty rubbor tube. "Another way in which tho baby's food may bo rendored bad Is by tho mothor or nurso first testing its tem- peraturo or sweotnoss by placing It to hor own lips uororo reeding tno Infant. "Thero la nnothor hnblt that should bo stopped and that is blow ing tho cream off tho top of tho milk with tho mouth." Don't forget tho fair next week. It Is going to excel! all previous ef forts, livery department will bo better than ever before. REV. C. :. PARKHURST. $ C Writer Who Hopes Gaynor Will S 3e Nominated For Governorship. ) NAMES STIMISON FOR GOVERNOR DICTATES PLATFORM EN DORSES PAYNE-ALDRICH TAR IFF AND COMMENDS TA FIT'S ADMINISTRATION. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 23. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was elected tem porary chairman of the Republican state convention by a rote of 50S to 44!! a majority of 12.". There were three votes shy In the ballot. Colonel Roosevelt did not vote. Sherman vot ed for John Doe nnd Gilchrist Stew art of the Thirteenth district, New York, refused to vote. Though the result was n foregone conclusion when tho convention as sembled It turned out that the contest was nip nnd tuck up till the moment that the last county registered Its vote. Before the New York delegates wero reached the roll call stood 2.15 for Sherman and 2."!1 for Roosevelt. Thou New York voted with 172 for Roose velt, giving Sherman only 1(5. This left the total up to that point as Roose velt 400 to Sherman 351. Schenectady county, one of tho Inst to put in Its vote, owing to Its alphabetical posi tion on the list, fell into line for Roosevelt, and it was the eleven votes thnt this county gave him which de cided the result. Colonel Roosevelt wns escorted to the platform by James S. Sherman nnd Cornelius V. Collins of Troy, superln tendent of prisons. After Roosevelt finished his speech the rules of tho nssembly wero ndopt ed, with a proviso that any committee may bring in n minority report. This opens tho door for the old guard's fight against tho direct primaries plank In the platform. It was the wildest and most turbu lent Republican state convention in the memory of the graybeards of tho party. Rockets and plnwheels of oratory and abuse began to whiz nnd sputter as soon as tho convention opened. Vice President Sherman wns named for temporary chairman by Mr. Wood ruff. This opened the row, which wns continued for four hours. When the vote was ordered Chairman Woodruff decided that tho name of each dele gate be called. As there were 1,015 delegates tho roll call was a long but not tedious affair. During tho tiring of the oratorical rockets Abo G ruber of New York al most broke up tlie convention by tak ing tho platform nnd delivering a bit ter attack upon Colonel Roosevelt, speaking for tho old guard. There was no mark of approval for Roosevelt's keynote speech until he finished n detailed commendation of the work done by President Tuft. He provoked another outburst when ho praised Governor Hughes' administra tion. His emphatic declaration that "we have turned our own rascals out" was greeted with cheers. Looking directly toward the section where those sat who had assailed him, Mr. Roosevelt, disregarding his manu script speech, thundered out: "It has been said on the platform here today that there is no party which makes a profession of dishon esty. No, but there are plenty of per sons who make n practice of dishon esty. "Tho question Is asked, 'What Is the difference between n leader and a , boss?' I'll tell you. The difference Is that the leader leads nnd the boss drives. Roosevelt In ills keynote speech said: "Wo come here feeling that we havo tlie right to appeal to the people from the standpoint alike of national and state achievement. During the lust eighteen months u long list of laws embodying legislation most heartily to be commended as combining wisdom with progress havo been enacted by congress and approved by President Tuft. "Turning from the nation to tho state, wo find that during the term of service of Governor Hughes an ex traordinary amount of wlso nnd good legislation In tho Interest of all tho people has been put upon tho statute books. "Of course, with a party as long tu control of nation and state as ours has been, there have been Individual In stances of mlscouduct nnd corruption But thero Is no need of any other party raising tho cry of 'Turn the rascals out, for wo havo turned our own rascals out, and wherever rascal ity Is found to exist In the futuro wo will bo eveu more prompt to punish nny ono of our own party adherents than an adherent of another party. "Tho corporation must be protected, must bo given its rights, but It must be prevented from doing wrong, nnd its mnuagers must bo held in strict accountability when It does wrong, nud It must bo deprived of all secret Inlluenco in our public life. Wo must strivo to do away with tho social and economic injustlco that havo como from failing to meet by proper legisla tion tho changed conditions brought about by tho glpnutlc growth of our gigantic industrialism. "Wo must seo thnt by far reaching (Continued on Pago Eight).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers