THE OITlZIiN, WEDNESDAY, Al'MIi 18, 1010. DAIRY- ft CREAMERY MILK-CAN BRUSH. Especially Designed to Reach Up Un der Shoulder of Cans. An Invention of paramount import ance to dairymen and farmers who soil much milk la tho milk-can brush invented by a Minnesota mnn. Thla brush Is designed particularly with tho purpose of reaching up under tho shoulder of tho can and cleaning tlint portion which heretofore was only j J i k- J rinsed out. As can be seen In the Il lustration, the brush is a wire frame work with bristles on tho outer edge. It is curved so that when it is lowered Into the neck of tho can the upper part fits naturally in the shoulder of tho receptnele, which is otherwise al most impossible to thoroughly clean by hand. At any rate, the work of cleaning this portion of the can is or dinarily so difficult that only the most particular take the trouble to do it. With a brush made for the purpose it te likely that the percentage of cans that will now' be free from the im purities that collect on the inside will be much greater than before. Sunshine in the Dairy. Sunshine is the dairyman's best friend. When the sun beats down hot In the summer we are apt to think it an enemy, but a week of clouds, even in July, casts a gloom over every thing and makes both man and beast at cross purposes with the world. Sun shine is required to kill germs and microbes and keep both animal and human dispositions sweet. The Ver montcr's cow barn that must be built bo warm and tight lacks sunshine to keep the inmates in the best of health, All along our country's northern bor der, tuberculosis is on the increase In dairy herds. Farmers' Mall and Breeze. H-l-l-f-i-M-H-f-f-H-4"-M"l"l-l' POETRY WORTH RE.ADING S CLASSIFICATION AND APPRAISE MENT. Tho undersigned, duly appointed and qualified Appraiser of Mcrcnnttlo Tnxcs for tho year 1910, makes tho following classi fication and appraisement of venders of merchandise. RETAIL. , Let the Child Be a Child. Dear little Curly Head, cnrclcss nd Jolly, Life, as you view It, Is piny; Tolling is useless and fretting Is folly, At least whon you're having jour way: Shouting for fun, You rotnp and you run, Worrying not over work to be done, Seeing no tasks that tho years nre to bring. Thinking tho futuro will always bo spring. Dear littlo Curly Head, quickly for getting Bruises of heart and of limb, Taking your own and unselfishly let ting Your brother havo what is for him, Thinking that they Who choose the fair way Are sure to be fully rewarded some day, You borrow no sorrow and treasure no dread Of heart-breaking tasks that aro ly ing ahead. Dear littlo Curly Head shouting and singing, Who Is it frowns at the noise? Know they not what tho gray future is bringing, After the play and the toys; Do they not know As they harry you so That God hears the song of each child here below Thnt If children ne'er shouted and never wcro glad Men never could sigh for the joys they once had? , Dear little Curly Head, why are they trying To luro you away from your play To fret you with books while youi childhood Is flying Like tho blown rose's petals away? Before you are care And burdens to bear; Oh, why are they trying to hurry you there? Dear little Cury Head, God never planned That men should be men as they come from His hand. S. E. Kiser. Warning to Dairymen. We have repeatedly warned the dairymen that the oleomargarine law is likely to bo amended next winter, 'and that the amendments proposed will destroy the value of the law, so far as concerns the protection of dairy products. Again, we ask you havo lirou written your congressman about it? Do you know his views? Does he know what you want him to do in tho matter? Does ho know what you are going to do to him In the campaign next year If he doesn't glvo you a square deal? This is no joke. It is a serious proposition, and no tlmo is to be lost if the oleomargarine law is to bo preserved in its present form. Missouri Dairyman. Milking Cows. When cows are nervous or trouble some in any way at milking time they should be fed just before being milk ed. Tho giving down of tho milk Is governed by tho nerves, and the more the cow's mind is taken from the milking process the less action tho nerves will have on the milk secreting glands. Feed will make the cow more contented, which in turn will result in larger yields. A 'Lack of Foresight. Tho lack of high-elahs dairy cows, the high price of grain and mill prod ucts and the difficulty of securing com petent farm labor have brought great hardship on tho New England dairy men who havo been neglecting tho production of gardens, fruits, poultry, etc., which should find a place on every well-organized farm. A Good Dairy Heifer. When you see a calf that Is overy thing that could be asked for In the way of gentleness, there Is every pros pect that she will make a good dairy cow. A wild calf can hardly ever be made fit for the dairy. Late Corn Fodder. Tho feeding of lato corn foddor to dairy cows should be continued juit as long as the corn Is at all green. It Is a splendid supplomontary feed with tho short autumn pasture grass. Keep on Feeding. Feed freely. Feud In summer. Feed in winter. Feed when holfers. Feed when cows. Feed when dry. Feed when glvlug milk. Feed! Foedl ! Feed I ! ! A regularity of good feed and kind troatment will make it unnecessary to drive the cows in at night. The Price of Love. He laughs at love who does not love. Whose heart Is shrunk and cold. He scolffs at love who thinks but of His yellow heaps of gold; For he has heard somewhere that those Who learn to love must learn To bear a thousand heavy woes, Each waiting for Its turn. Poor, shallow fool, ho has not learned That one sweet little day Of boundless love has thrice returned The price that lovers pay. S. E. Kiser. Tho milk must not bo adulterated Jn. any -way. Like the Ant. His building was an ant-hill. Storm and sun Defrauded him of nothing; rather they Spurred him to eager action to the day That saw his work despoiled, so well begun. His courage was tho ant's. He braved defeat, Looked sorrow In the face, and yet anew Began to lay foundations straight and true, Without a thought of failure or re treat. Frank Walcott HutL A Lover. I dwell in dim incertitude; I waver on from mood to mood; I halt, procrastinate, and brood. With every wind thnt blows I shift; I doubt, I droop, I dream, I drift; The sands of chance I sift and sift. Ah. better bide In half-delight Than hear her say me "nay," and smlto My hopes for evormoro with . night! Clinton Scollard, In Harpers Da zar. Darkness. The sun is tho eye of day. Yet its light concenls The life of a thousand suns, Which night roveals. And love Is tho sun of life, Yet Us light conceals The vision of ampler love, Which death reveals. Always with You. Bay not welcome when I come, Nor farewell toll mo whon I go; JTtor I come not whon I coino, . And I go not whon I go. I am nlwayB, ever with you, Always will be, bo I pray; I would never welcome give you, And farewell would never say. Richmond, J. E. Smith, J. II. Schuller, F. F. Spruks, Mrs. S. E. Sponcor & Co. C. SnotllKUc, O. M. Schoell, Fred C, BERLIN. Dunn, Wm. H. Gen. Mdsc. Hesslcr, Geo. Gen. Mdso. ves, Wm. Gen. Mdso, BETHANY. Fantz, J. B. Gen. Mdsc. BUCKINGHAM. Cary, J. A Fnrley, 11. A. Knapp, 11. Lord, Cain Lay ton, Jos. Lake, R. E. Randall, John Spencer, II. W. Starlight Dairy Co. Woodmanseo, C. E. Gen. Mdso. Gon. Mdso. Furniture Gen. Mdsc. Confectionery Gen. Mdsc. Gen. Mdsc. Flour and Feed. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdsc. CANAAN. Lake Lodoro Imp. Co. Cigars. CHERRY RIDGE. Cobb, W. J. Gen. Mdso. Brown, F. C. Gen. Mdse. Tlnnear. R. B. Gen. Mdse. Rauschmeier, F. W. Feed Stahl, Louisa Gen. Mdse. CLINTON. Clinton Crenmery Co. Fitze. M. D. Gummoe, Wm. T. Hervation, Jos. Mills, Hnrry Meul. II. J. Plka, John O. DAMASCUS Abraham, Geo. C. Abraham, A. J. Baehrer. Henry CInrk. C. E. Canfleld, J. A. Decker. Julia Mrs. Fromer, T. J. Gregg, C. G.. Guinnip, W. B. Hill, Joel G. Hocker. F. J. Kavs & Pace Lovelass, Isaac Pethick, C. M. Rutledgo, Frank Skinner, Core K Shcard, Jos. Tvlor V. n. - .i - -. - DREHKll. Bleseker, Andrew Carlton. E. E. & Son Ehrhardt, Jr., F. A. Ehrhardt, Sr., F. A. Gilpin & Barnes Lange, C. Miller, H. R. Robacker, H. E. Soinmer, F. C. Seig, J. H. Mrs. Smith. David B. Smith, H. B. Simons, Frank Waltz, F. D. Wert, Chas. F. DYBERRY. Bunnell, E. D. Bates. J. T. Davis, R. Hauser, J. J. Kimble. A. K. Relller & Sons LEBANON. Rutlede, flenj. Gen. Mdse HONESDALE Ammer, J. G. Groceries, Gen. Mdse, Feed & Flour. Gon. Mdse, Gen. Mdso, Cigars, Cigars, Furniture. Gen. Mdse. Harness, Gen. Mdse, Phonographs, Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdsc, Gen. Mdso, Gen. Mdse, Gen. Mdse, Phonographs, Flour and Feed Flour and Feed Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse, Tob. and Cigars .Jewelry. Cigars, Gen. Mdso, Harness Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse Cigars. Gen. Mdse, Gen. Mdse, Cigars Cigars, Meat Gen. Mdse Cigars Cigars Flour and Peed Cigars Meats Cigars Gon. Mdse. Sharpstcln & Bro. J. N. Tob. & Cig. Skelly, Mrs. John Cigars. SuBnitsky & Co., M. Gen. Mdse. Stcgncr, J. II. lion. mubo. Smith & Co., C. W. Crockery. Smith, E. T. Wagons. Sommers. G. P. Jewelry. Schuerholz, F. W. Cigars. Schwenkcr, O. G. uauory. Swingle, L. B. Furniture. Smith, Mngglo Candy. Tnoubner, A. R. ' Cigars. Theobald, John Cigars Tcrwllllgor, F. G. Gen. MtlBc. Weaver, C. J. tiigars. Wayne Co. Co-operative Assn. ucn. Aiuso. Wonlcer, L. C. Cigars. Weaver, John Cigars. Weaver, O. G. Jewelry. Watts, Graham naruware. HAWtiTST. Atkinson & Qulnnoy Babcock, O. E. Barrett, M. R. Blgnrt, Homer S. Bower, P. J. Baschon, Lena Currnn, John Corcoran, M. Drake, James P. Deitzer, Mrs. Mary Everdlng, John Abrams, A. W. Buerkett, Henry .Brown, I. B. Barberi. A. Bodie, J. A. Bregstein Bros. Betz, C. M. Bradv. J. T. Brown, John Est. Burnard, W. L. Ilrrinkn & Marsh Colocotronls, L. niinmhera. O. T. Crosby & McGlnnls Clark & Bullock niinkleberc. H. A. Dunning, C. L. Dahlmover. Geo. & Co Dein, Chas. W. Dunn, J. P. Doitzer, Edward Deck. H. Erk Bros. Eldred, Mrs. A. M. Eberhardt, Jr. A. Freund, Henry Fisher. David Freeman's Store Ferber Bros. Flynn, F. F. Gray, Chns, II. Grand Union Tea Co Green, Mrs. Theresa Gulvin, Mich. Gilbert & Sllsby Helferich, L. A. Ham, S. T. Hartung, Edward Hessler, W. G. Hurley. E. Heumnn, J. II. Herrmiin, W. L. Holl, E. & II. Hlller, I. A. Holbert, It. L. Herzog, Mrs. Catherine Holbert, B. L. Igo, Matno A. Judwin, C. C. Jacobson & Co. Jenkins, F. A. Katz Bros. Kraft & Conger Kimblo, George B. Kroll, Mrs. F. Krcitnor Bros. Lord, F. W. Lelno, A. M. Llghthlzor, T. A. Loercher, John Lowe, Chris. Lorls, BenJ. Mooro, W. T. Meyer, Herman Mnrkey, Chas. MnTCnnna & Sons McGrnnaghan, Paul E. Gen. Mdse. Clothing Cigars. Clothing Confectionery Art Store. Clothing. Harness Drugs Furniture. Gen. Mdse Groceries Confectionery Drugs. Gon. Mdse. Gen. Mdse Meats. Gen. Mdso Gen. Mdse. Meats. Meats. Footwear. Hardware Hardware. Art Store Cigars & Tob Groceries. Junk Dealer Clothing. Cigars & Tob. Cigars. Drugs. Tea & Coffee Stationery. Cigars. Clears Clothing Harness, Meats. Cigars. Cigars. Cigars. Gon. Mdse Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso Moats Feed & Hay Notions. Drugs. Gen. Muse Music Gon. Mdse Coal. Gon. Mdso Gon. Mdse. Roofing Cigars Drugs. Footwear Furnlturo, Cigars. Cigars. Furnlturo. Cigars Hardware. Cooperage Cigars McKenna, Miss Kathcrino Notions Mclntyro, W. J. Sowing Machines Michels, F. W. Cigars Mennor & Co. Gon. Mdso Murray & Co. Hardware Mnrton. L. Gon. Mdso Ncllson. J. B. Notions rvnnnnnii. T. n. Clears Peterson, Chas. Jowelry Poll, G. W. Drugs Pnit. w. n. Oystoro Roadknight, W. B. Cigars Ruppert, Fred Confectionory RIchenbacker's Pharmacy Drugs Rolf. w. J. Footwear Roeschlau. O. Footwear, TUflirnwnv. TI. ft. Art StorO Rettow. Br on. Hardwaro Pianos. Koehlcr, O. E. Footwear, Confectionery. TAIllincry Jewelry. Hardware. Cignrs Foster, Frank Frank, A. II. Gulnn Bros. Goldback, Edwin Getsler, Louis Hensel. L. Kumfcrt, Fred. Kerber, A. J. Kearney, P. H. Kohlman, George Lehmann, C. Lynch, Michael Langan, C. E. McDonald, C. C. Miller, S. Matter & Son, G. Mayer, Mary Gen. Mdse. Harness. Groceries. Groceries. Groceries. Gen. Mdso Gen. Mdso Gen. Mdse. Groceries. Cigars. Groceries Groceries, Cigars. Hardwnro. Footwear, Cigars Art Store. Cigars. Clothing. Cignrs. Cigars Cigars. Groceries Millinery Cigars. Clothing. Feed & Flour. Cigars. Hardware. Flour & Feed. Cigars. Hardware. Farm Imp. Farm Imp. Gen. Mdsc. Gen. Mdsc. Jewelry. ClgarH. Farm Imp. Gen. MdBO. Gen. Mdse. Furniture. Cigars. Gen. Mdse. Flour & Feed. Farm Imp, Gen. Mdse. Gon. Mdso. Drugs. Gen. MdBO. Cigars. Gen. Mdso. Meats. Drugs. Drugs. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Farm Imp. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Farm Imp. Mnngan Estate, Mrs. Thos. Gen. aids. McDonald, F. It. Noll. C. P. Nallin, M. J. Lobb & Jacobs Oberle, Carl Phillips, Lewis Palmer & Peters Pelltz, L. H. Peonnle. Fred Relneke, Fred Reafler, Martin Racker, Carl Snyder & Freethy Swingle, F. F. Schlager, E. L. Skier, M. D. Snyder & Freethy Skier, Benj. Skier, Jos. Teeter, R. Est. Tuttlo & Co. F. L. Thompson, Georgo S. Von Franck, Henry Voder. E. Watts & son, u. Wolf. W. Welsh & Ames Watterson, Mary A. Warg, R. F. Wetzel, Aug. Wick. Gustavo LAKE, Black. E. J. Brown, Jonothon Bortree & Son S. U. Bortree, Mrs. E. N. Collins, G. G. Howe. P. T. Kizer, Leslie Keves & Son A. b. Lonstein, Samuel Masters, C. A. Mandevllle, Geo. A. O'dell, L. J. Polley. S. H. Schaffer, O. W. Simons. E. W. Samson & Cook LEHIGH. Carr & Co. W. L. Ppnnlrs. .T. R. rQimff T?rp!firick Candy & Cigars. Flower, W. E. Meats. Gnragon, C. W. Cigars. Harvey, W. L. Lut"ber; Mathews & Sons C. P. Flour & Feed Rhodes, A. L. Gen. Mdse. Reaser. A. B. , Cigars. Smith. M. E. Gen. Mdse. MANCHESTER. Wm. A. Cigars. Bullock Estate John Gen. Mdse. Emerlch, Wm. F. G. ,clnri?- teeu ec uuui. Clothing Meats. Confectionery. Confectionery. Jewelry. Jewelry, Cigars Confectionery Meats. Harness. Cigars. Confectionery, Drugs. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Clothing. Drugs. Clothing. Clothing. Furniture. Gen. Mdse. Groceries. Gen. Mdse. Flour & Feed. Hardware. Clothing. Gen. Mdse. Groceries. Footwear. , Meats. Meats. Gon. Mdse. Footwear. Flour & Feed. Gen. Mdse. Tinware. Cigars. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Clothing. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Cigars. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Gon. Mdse. Lnrabcc, A. W, Woodmansoc, John SALEM Andrews, Goo. C. Alt & Son W. II. Chumnrd, W. K. Dlercnflcld, Job. Elliott, J. E. EdwnrdB, D. W. Footo, Ralph Goodrich, Florence- Hamlin, B. F. Kollnm, C. F. Loring, C. M. NlcholBon, H. F. Potter, E. H. Surrldgo, . H. Soscnhnmcr, John Simons, C. L. Savitz, Wm. Stevens, W. A. Williams, I. G. SOUTH CANAAN. Bentham. John Benjamin, Irwin Bone, W. J. Bang, K. O. & S. A. Cook, A. M. Hinds, M. M. Lockwood, II. S. Merlthew. A. L. Shaffer, C. C. Shaffer, W. R. Swingle, Darius Shaffer, F. J. Spangenberg, E. D. STERLING Cross, A. J. Cross, J. E. Cross, S. N. Hartford, F. L. Howe, A. C. TEXAS. Austin, J. M. Beck, Jacob Bishop, H. T. Bangort, John Brown, Minor Bellman, J. H. Christ, Wm. Dunkleberg, E. Gill, Thomas Gavltt, E. B. Hook, C. J. Herman Son, M. Kranz, Fred Mundy, James Irving Cliff Bottling Works Cigars. Murphy, C. II. Meyer, May Meyer, Georgo Nelmeyer, Wm. Potter, David Rutledge, Benj. Smith, John C. Skelly. E. T. Schmltt, P. J. Smith & Son G. Seellg, B. & C. Tuman, Joseph Werner, Fred White Mills Coal Co Weber Bros. Wolfson, Morris Shoes. Wayne Milling Co. Elour & Feed. WAYMART. Cigars, Cigars. Gen. Mdso Gen. Mdse. .Gen. .Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Footwear. ' Cigars! ,of t,ie Drugs. Cigars. Wagons. 1 Cigars. Brady, J. T. Drugs. Durland & Weston Shoe Co. Footwear. Freund, Henry Gen. Mdso. Holmes, W. B. Flour & Food. Kraft & Conger Coal. Murray Co. HardwitYo. Terrell J. Oscar Groceries. Woyno Milling Co. Flour & Feed. MANCHESTER. Atlantic Refining Co. oil. PRESTON. Hackett & Co., E. E. Flour & Feed. TEXAS. Smith & bon G Dairy Produce RESTAURANT. EATING HOUSE, CAFE. ETC. HONESDALE. Coston, G. D. Heumnn, John. BILLIARD; POOL & ALLEYS. BERLIN. Ives, Wm. Four Alloys. Wood, Wm. F. Four Alleys. Miller, E. Four Alleys. HONESDALE. Sharpstcln & Bro. J. W. One Table Theobald, John One Table. HAWLEY. Palmer & Peters Ono Table. BROKERS, AGENTS OR FACTORIES. Schleupner, John Real Estate. An appeal will bo held at the County Treasurer's offlce on Wed nesday, April 20th, 1010, between tho hours of, 10 n. m. and 2 p. m. H. C. JACKSON, Mercantile Appraiser. Roll of HONOR Attention is called to tne STRENGTH Wayne County in urn until Cigars. Cigars. Cigars. Cigars. Cigars. Flour & Feed. Cigars. Gen. Mdsc. Meats. Gon. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Confectionery. Gen. Mdse. Confectionery. bUWUS 00111 in MB UIIIIKU Old 1Kb The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Ot HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Hornbeck. J. K. Harford, J. W. Kellam, H. P. Lord, Isaac Stalker, D. M. Teeple, E. Weltzer, Hyman Meats. Gen. Mdso. Gon. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Gon. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. MOUNi PLEASANT Byron. M. J. Gen. Mdso Bruin Bros. Gen. Mdso. Bronnun, J. D. Gon. Mdso. Bonham, C. V. Gon. Mdso. Bunnell, I. W. Cigars. Fowler & Spencer Feed. Giles, R. W. Gon. Mdso. Miller. O. C. Gon. Mdso O'Harn, M. L. Furniture. O'Neill. F. J. ClcarB. Porham, J. J. Farm Impf Tiffany. J. E. Gon. Mdso. OREGON, Hlghhouso, C. L. Knorr, Fred Penwarden, E. D. Flour & Feed, Meats Gen. Mdso PALMYRA. Schmltt. P. F. Cigars PAUPAC. Goble, A. Cigars and Candy, PRESTON. Gon. Mdso, G. Gen. Mdso. Flour & Feed. Gen. Mdsc. DIx, H. A. Dumond, J. G Hackett, Co E Illno. A. F. Hino, Stanley Farm Imp Howell & Co. Harry Gon. Mdso, Healy, Wm. J. Cigars Leltlngor, M. J. Cigars LowIb, J. W. , Feed. Madigan, P. v Cigars. MqLean, E. F. Coal, Slllsbee, S. C. . Cigars Sampson & DIx Gon. Mdso, Tiffany, F. W. Gon. Mdso. Woodmanseo, S. Gen. Mdso PROMPTON. Dymond, J. B. Gon. Mdse. Sncdokor, A. E. Gon. Mdso, SCOTT. Corey, Mrs. S. A. Gen. Mdso, Scott Chem'l Co. Gen. Mdse, Tarbox, Mrs. L. J. Gen. Mdse, STARRUCCA. Cullender, S. L. Farm Imp, Erk, Mrs. Frod Gon. Mdso. Batten, Robert Farm Imp. Denk, J. C. Cigars. Decker, J. W. Gen. Mdse. Dymond, B. Gen. Mdse. Hlnes, F. S. Gen. Mdse. Hull Bros. Farm Imp. Keen, J. B. Flour & Feed. Medland, T. L. Harness. Mitchell, W. .1. Plerson, W. W. Varcoe. F. R. WHOLESALE: HONESDALE. Atlantic Refining Co. Oil Stands 10 th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 cigar! Total ASSETS, $2,r33,000.00 Gen. Mdse. i Gen. Mdse. Honesdalc, Pa., May 29, 1903. TIio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tho sigrnaturo of and has been made under his per- (ZL--z- sonal supervision sinco its infancy. -occculi Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-Rood" aro hnfc Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Expericuco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and aUays Fovcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind. . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Brother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, th cntraun commhv, tt Humuv strcct. ncw vork city. KRAFT & CONGER RARCE HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable ConiQanies ONLY
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