T1IK CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AI'KIIj lit, 1010. I CENT A WORD COLUMN AUCTION SADK Tho housoliold goods ot Thos. J. Hnm will bo sold at public action on Thursday after noon nt 2 o'clock nt his former resi dence, Court and Eleventh streets. MAIjE HEM' WANTED. Cut Glass Smoothers. Twenty-Five Men Wanted. Steady Work. GOOD I'AY. PLEAS ANT SURROUNDINGS. THE STERLING GLASS CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio. COWS Will be nt Dennett's barn near Ucthany on Saturday, April 1C, with n bunch of Susquehanna cows. Fresh nnd forward springers. A. O BLAKE. 29t2 1IAVINCI the goods, 1 am going to "Holler" on Pianos, Organs and Sow ing machines. McINTYRE. 24ooIl KOIt FlngRlng, Curbing, nnd Steps fall on .Miller, 174 Delaware St. col 4t. TWELVE muslin trespass notices for ?1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and faw regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. j KOK SALE Crenm separator only used 30 days; have no use for It, and , will sell cheap for cash. A. J.. Dox , 2S4, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALIC Small farm located ?i of a mile from Wlnwood btation, Preston township, Wayne Co., Pn. WARREN P. SCHENCK. Honesdale, Pa. 25t3. FOR SALE A walnut upholster ed, parlor set of furniture consist ing of sofa and two large cnalrs. In quire Citizen Office. tf WANTED AT ONCE Experienc ed carpenters. KRIETNER BROS., Honcsdale, Pa. 3t LOST On West street, between Park and Seventh, a purse contain ing sum of money. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. 2t FOR SALE CHEAP Two beds, a 10-foot oak dining room table and 6 chairs to match, and a Estey piano. Inquire at 1207 East street. ALL KINDS of legal blanks, notes, leases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, etc. Citizen office. FOR SALE The house ana lot, 50x100 feet, corner Court nnd Elev enth streets. Apply to W. Wallace Ham, Allen House. NOTICE TO LADIES! . .At the re quest of several of the Honesdale ladles, Mr. F. E. Warner, Ladles' Tailor and dress-maker, of Blnghara ton, N. Y., will be at the Allen Houserori Thursday, Apriri4th. with a complete line of samples for suits and gowns made to order. They will be pleased to see anyone who might be Interested in their work, and will come on Thursdny of the following three weeks to do the fittings. FOR SALE Large gas stove, in good condition. Apply 1407 East street. tf. LOCAL MENTION. A number of the subscribers to The Citlt'ii lust year received tho magazine, "Ilumnii Life," ns a prem ium for which wo paid. The Human Life is now sending out bills to somo of these subscribers (not for 1000 10) but for 11)10-11. It is merely u notification that if you want it an other year, it will cost 31.00; if you don't want it send the bill buck and write across it "Not wunted." The result of Tuesday's election in many towns nnd cities of Illinois was a victory for tho "wets." Most of the larger places voted old King Booze back Into power. -The man whose needs are tho greatest Is tho one whose return for his labor Is least. The common la borer Is the real sufferor when high prices put most of tho necessaries beyond his reach. -Tho Elks of Scranton have, chartered n special train to bring two hundred of their members to Honesdale on Thursday evening to initiate a large class of candidates. The train will leave Scranton at G p m. and probably reach here at 7 p in. Arrangements to entertain them is In charge of Burgoss Kuh bach and a number of his brother Elks. The party will return about 1 o'clock Friday morning. -If the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt didn't care to have an audience with tho Popo under certain conditions; that was his business. If the Pope didn't caro to give tho Hon. Theo dore Roosevelt an audlenco except under certain conditions; that was tho Pope's business. Irrespective of what any of its creatures might say or do, the business of the church of God is saving souls. Why make a mountain out of a mole hill? Tho postmasters in Susque hanna county have boon Informed that tho postoffico department con templates an Inspection of nil rural routes In that county during tho coming summer with a vlow of do termlnlng whether tho system is ns systematically arranged as possible, whether tho territory now covered could be sorved by a less number of routes, or whethor thoro Is suitable unserved territory which could bo Included In a rearrangement of the existing servlco. Horbcck-Demcr & Co. report hnving fifteen peoplo working In their shop and two in tho office. Rov. A. L. Whlttakcr will hold a special service In tho Indian Or chard 'school house on Thursdny, April' 14, at 8 p. m. All nre invited. Miss Mary White, of Whites Valley, graduated from tho Scran ton Prlvnto Hospital Inst Wednes day night nnd received hor diploma as nurse. Tho court in Brndford county holds that election officers mny bo candidates for any township office, and that fact does not render them Ineligible to hold tho same. W. F. Suydnm, while motoring through Pike county, wns thrown from his car which came In contact with an obstruction on tho side of the road. Mr. Suydntn was slightly Injured. PerCy Cole, of Honesdale, who at one time wns omployed in the drug store of Dr. 11. E. Emerson of Mllford, was In town a day this week calling on former frlonds. Plko County Press. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles W. Hand announce the marriage of their daughter Laurn, to the Rev. Warren Anthony on Wednesday, April 4th, nt Brooklyn. They will be nt home, nt Parkwood Drive, Cleveland, Ohio, on June 1st. Captain V. J. Kelley, of Co. E, has received word from Genernl C. B. Dougherty of Wilkes-llarre, that the State Armory Board will meet in Scranton on April 2Cth, at which rune the plans for the new armory at Honcsdale may be submitted. Charles McCarty, Esq., was one of tho visitors to the State capltol on Wednesdny of last week. He was also present at the big conference of Democratic leaders who met to shape the course of events necessary to making a slate for the State con vention. John B. Stnnchlleld, who was the Democratic candidate for Governor in 1009, and who received ?28,005 In four years for services from the National Protective Legion, a fra ternal insurance order, probably will be called to explain at the Investiga tion of corruption at Albany by In surance companies. There will be a new glass cut ting concern in operation before many dayB. E. Hartung, who has closed his butcher shop, and a num ber of practical glass cutters, have formed a company to do business in the shop which was the birth place of the Irving, the Wayne, and the Owando cut glass companies. The Postal Telegraph has adopted the telegraph letter plan sim ilar to the Western Union. You can send 50 words (at night) for the samo rate you can send ten words In the day time. Honesdale people can telephone their messages to the Postal office In Carbondale over the wires of the Consolidated Telephone Company free of cost. J. Andrew Wilt, of Towandn, superintendent of census enumera tors of this district, was in town Friday, and met his corps of enu merators and went over the work which they are expected to perform, giving them instructions along the line of being polite, courteous, pains taking and thorough In order that no one will bo missed or slighted. The State Highway commission was represented in town on Friday by Engineer A. W. Long, P. A. Street, Frank Stanton and Fred Schiessler, who were on their way to Dyberry township to survey and stake out tho portion of state road which Dyberry township will con struct this spring. This road will begin at the Texas boundary line, and extend more than 9000 feet, end ing near the Eddy. The New Jersey State Legisla ture Is now in the lime tight. An ex tended session was held one day lastH week In order to close up all un finished business. The session ran over into the next dny and according to newspaper reports, there was a "Hot Time in the Old Town" "all night. Wine, woman, arid song wore the prominent features of tho night's work. High kicking nnd popping of corks were greatly In evidence, and when tho sun came peeping In through tho windows of the hall of the legislature It revealed enough debris of drunks and empty bottles to 1111 several of Trenton's largest am bulances. The air Is full of rumors con corning changes In our railroad fa cilities. It is semi-oltlclally given out that when tho change of tlme-tuble goes Into effect bctweon tho Erie nnd Delaware & Hudson railroads that thoro will bo a number of radical changes In tho movements of trains, it is reported that tho Erio train will bo operated from Carbondale, coming ovor tho mountain to Hones dalo, and thence on to Now York, whllo tho ovenlng train wilt reach Honcsdale an hour earlier and con tinue on to Carbondale. Another rumor states that tho Dolawaro & Hudson train will continue on to Hawloy from Honesdalo, whllo the Scranton passenger train on tho Erio will run from tho Electric City through Hawloy to Lackawaxen. A corps of engineers passed through Honesdalo last weok, nnd it Is now presumed that It was their object to Inspect tho Delawnro & Hudson road to ascortaln the possibility of tho Erlo's coaches going ovor tho Mooslc mountain by way of tho Honesdalo branch of tho Dolawaro & Hudson road. It was also re ported that they camo to Honesdalo with tho view of consulting ono an other In regard to tho cut-off between Now York nnd Chicago, which Is said Is tho next Improvement that tho road will make. Tho Irving Co. have nil tho J Wayno county hns sixteen chll bosscs working nt tho frames, nil i drcn in tho Soldiers' Orphan schools being prnctlcal glass cutters. Mnrtln Heft has stopped build-i Ing operations on Sixteenth street until tho strike question is settled. West Park Btrcct. Two of our butcher concerns Kelly & Stolnmnn Jinvc moved will closo up shop. E. Hartung and , most of their machinery, samo hav Mrs. Herzog having concluded to dls- Ing been sent to Deposit, continue business. Krletner Bros, havo tho con- Leo McGownn, wno undorwent tract for tho building of tho Taylor an oporntlon for appendicitis nt the I i10UB0 on Ell8t Jarlt strGet. State Hospital, Scranton returned sllnnoro F who murdorcd to his homo on Monday afternoon. ( Mr Uzzl(j ,n Throop a Dnmo rumor says that Miles j yenr ng0 wlll bo hanged In tho Jail Rowland Is out of the race for tho ylml at scrnnton on Thursdny morn uomlnation for Stnto Senator, but,jng nt, in o'clock rni.trry.rn?,Lth nom,naUon to tho j -Ernest Wilson, who has been np l.owtr uouso. ,)0ntcd cen8U8 enumerator of the I. rank VnnDouson, who Tor ten borough of Honesdalo, wlll commence years has been telegraph operator hIa cluty f taking tho census on for tho Dolawaro k Hudson, has been 'Friday of this weok IliinHnn nllt? iT"" b ' Wo cM attention to tho sale of discontinued after April IB. ! t0 T , pronerty nolIno M Little Ruth, daughter of Mr. and w,t,h lg 1k to-dny's paper. This is n .Mrs. Frank MacMulIen, entertained j most desirable location nnd the price about ton of her girl friends nt her nskc,i is ms lhan tho value of lot. homo on baturday afternoon, tho oc-' caslon being her fifth birthday. i Andrew Carroll and Frank ,., .. ., , .. ' Horst, tate brakomon on tho ynrd nT7li Mgn W00,t,HB fm 1 ' sln of the D. & I!., have secured Bus ness Men , s association will bo l0on8 on Ul0 noiloBI,n!o fr0,Bht v nii . V ' S y- Wednesday !,',,, (:ommont.eil ruunlB on Momfay. ovenlng at S o clock. Business of great Importance Is to be trans-j Judge Soarlo Is holding Coin acted. , mon Pleas court In Hnrrisburg this Hon. Leopold Fuerth hns an-1 week, having left Honesdalo on nounced his withdrawal from the 1 Monday. Ills reputation as a Jurist, contes't for tho nomination for State ! if It does not stop growing, will land Senator, a'nl will again onter the! him In a higher court. lists as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for- Representative. Monroe county, will be In court on Tho Midnight Sons are making ' Friday of this week to hear the argu llnal preparations for their dance on j uient on the rule to strike off the non Firday evening. This dnnce should I suit entered In the case of Ramble prove one of tho social events of the season which Is due to the untiring efforts of the committee In charge. The spring meeting of the Teach ers Association will take place at Hamllnton on Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30. Oden C. Gortner, of Mansfield State Normal school, will lecture Friday ovenlng, while an excellent program will be prepar ed for the day sessions on Saturday. Those who were present at the UrnahutflPiflll nlntt.It Inat Cnlldni. ' 1 IUI !(. , 1 1 1 1 1 ..11 1 it . 1 morning witnessed an inspiring sight, when twenty-seven persons made a public profession ot faith and joined the church; seven also joined by letters from other churches, making a total of thirty-four. It was Com munion Sunday and an unusually large number was In attendance. The Treasurer of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church reports that the total net re ceipts from" the Martha Washington supper were $7GG.2G; and they are very grateful for the generous sup port given them by tho people of Honesdale and vicinity, which made It possible for them to contribute the sum of $800 towards paying the church indebtedness, that sum being the amount needed to complete the entire liquidation of debt. Capt. James Ham Post, G. A. R., held a Cnmnflre nt Mnennnrnhnr Hnll on Saturday evening, April 9th, to celebrate the forty-fifth anniversary of Lee's surrender at Appomatox I Court House. Commander Henry! Wilson presided. After charging on the excellent menu which Host John j club rooms. Owing to the poor rall Theobald had provided, and destroy- j road facilities we now have, the out Ing the same in a hand to mouth or town attendance was a uisappoini contest, the commander introduced ! ment, as many who expected to come the Hon. Wm. H. Dlmmick, who, In unlmltable style, delivered a most eloquent and patriotic address which was brimful of remlnincences and brought continued applause from the old veterans and their guests. Chief Burgess Kuhbach, Representative Fuerth, Dr. Robt. Brady and others made brief addresses, after which the Maple City Drum and Fife Corps which furnished the music for tho evening sounded "taps," and the post broke ranks after an evening well spent and thoroughly enjoyed. Saturday was a gala-day In Honesdale, It being the day set aside for a parade of the striking glass cutters, together with the union workmen in all tho factories. There were about 700 men in line. Tho glass cutters had tho right of line, and were preceded by the Honesdalo Cornet Band; next In lino was tho Shoemaker's Union and tho Federa tion of Labor, who wore headed by the Maple City Fife and Drum Corps. Tho procession marched through the principal streets of tho town nnd then proceed!! to tho court house square where a largo number of people had assembled to listen to tho nddress of Mr. Luckock, the Genernl Organi zer of tho American Flint Glass Workers Union. Mr, John Wolser was president of tho meeting and in troduced tho speaker, who mnde a lengthy nddress which was listened to with great attention, and nt many points his remarks brought forth great applause. He stated ho had been sent hero to adjust tho diffi culties between employer nnd em ployees and had dono his best to do so peaceably; that the manufacturers had refused to give him n proper audlonce, and consequently the men had voted to go out on strike. Ho Bald that tho manufacturers had dis charged 70 or 70 men sololy because they belonged to tho union, but un der protonso that thoy were short of work, and nt tho samo time wero ad vertising for now help. Ho stated that ho drew up a contrnct for tho omployors to sign and gave them twenty-four hours to consider tho sniuo. They refused to sign, nnd tho men wont out. Ho furthor stat ea that there was ? 14 7,000 ready to bo spent if necessary to help tho glass cutters to win. After Mr. Luckock's address tho meeting adjourned. Tho mon nro to be congratulated on tho oxcollcut showing thoy made in the parade; their general appearance and conduct reflected great credit upon .tho workingmon of Honcsdale. of tho state. Richard Brown hns thecontrnet to build tho Schoonovcr house on I Judce Chnrles B. Stanles. of against the Pennsylvania Coal Co. Fred Brunig, of Carley Brook, leaves New York City this week for a trip to Germany, his native land. He will remain at least three months, this being his first visit to his old home since leaving there forty-four years ago. The Lackawaxen Telephone Co. recently elected tho following offi cers and directors: President, Dr. v. R. Shannon: vice president, J. D. Weston; secretary and treasurer, A. G. Rowland, also W. C. Rosen crans and John Kuhbach. The offi cers and last two stockholders con stitute the board of directors. E. B. Lucas, agent of the Con tinental Insurance Co. of New York, arrived in Honesdale on Monday to adjust the loss occasioned by the Are nt the residence of Hon. T. J. Ham. In less than 24 hours, the loss was not only adjusted, but Kraft & Con ger hnnded to W. W. Ham as repre sentative of his father, drafts for the amount necessary to cover the loss. Hon. T. J. Ham will soon leave for New York City where he will enter St. Luke's hospital for treat ment. His son, W. W. Hnm, who has j)een very solicitous for his father's .prnfort, has made all the necessary nrrangements so that he will have , tho very best of care and be in close i proximity to his wife and children wno can ue Present to cheer and connori nun. The Honesdale Skat Club held a tournament on Sunday last In their and take part in the tournament, found on consulting the time tables, that it would take at least two days or more to come and return from their respective homes. But what the meeting lacked In numbers It made up in enthusiasm and soclabil Ity. The first prize went to Fred Michaels; 2d to Leon Katz; 3rd to A. F. Volgt; 4th to John H. Weaver, ana Bth to E. Z. Marc Bregsteln. All the prizes were products of the Honesdale Decorating Co. PERSONAL MENTION Eugene Cortrlght spent several days In New York City recently. Miss Emma Schimpff, of Scrnnton, Is the guest of Miss Millie Schwelger. Horace Lyons, of Scranton, spent Sundny at the homo of his parents here. Prof. H. A. Odny was a business caller in Athens, Pa., Friday and Saturday. Miss Margaret Haley visited at the home of hor parents at Steeno oil Sunday. Miss Kato Swift, of the Cortland Normal school. Is visiting at hor homo here. D. A. Knupponburg, of Lako Carey, State Orchard Inspector, was In town the last of tho week. Miss Mercedes McDermott was the guest of hor cousins In Hnwley on i Snturday and Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, of Carbondale, wero Honesdale vlBltors Saturday and Sunday. Frank Donnelly has gone to Phila delphia whoro ho has accepted a position at glass cutting. Misses Nottlo Ferguson and Flor ence Bonny wore visiting Scrnnton friends the latter part of tho week. Mrs. W. F. Brlggs has roturned from a week's visit with her daugh ter, Miss Cathorlno, at Jersey City Heights. Albert Stolnmnn spent Saturdoy in Scranton and witnessed tho pro duction ot "Tho Prima Donna" that ovenlng. W. Wnllaco Ham nnd wife, of Now York, nro horo for a few days pre paratory to taking tho former's fath or to Now York City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Porcy Lyman, of Mllford, who havo been visiting nt tho homo of O. L. Rowland, returned to tho abovo placo yesterday. II. F. Freer, who la crnploycd by tho National Elevator Co. of this place, spent Saturday and- Sunday with, friends lu Kingston, N. Y. Wm. Cooney nnd Wife, of Chicago, nro visiting Honesdale relatives. Mr. Cooney is a mall carrier In the Windy City, and Is homo on a two months' leave of nbsencc. Fred Schuerholz loft Sundny' af tornoon for Youngstown, Ohio, where he hns signed to pitch for that team. Young Schuerholz should prove one of the best pitchers In the, Ohio and Pennsylvania league. Miss Mnttlc Strongman came home aflor a lengthy visit with her broth er In Now York City, on Tuesday, and In company with her sister, Mrs. George Robertson, opened up their Bethany cottage whoro they will spend the summer nnd fall. OBITUARY. .TONE S S. Perry Jones, of Hancock, N. Y., died at Jacksonville, Florida, April 1st, after a brief Ill ness, of paralysis, aged 70 years, 1 month and 2 days. Interment In the Hancock cemetery, April 4th. De ceased was born and brought up In Buckingham . township, this county, and was one of a family ot ten, all children of whom uro dead but two. He served his country for three years during the Civil war, as a member ot Co. I, 72d N. Y. Volunteers. He left for Florida, for the benefit of his health, last fall. Mr. Jones removed from Buckingham to HancocK, last year. His wife, who was formerly Miss Carrie A. Starbird, of the form er town, died Feb. 8, 109. De ceased was a pronounced Prohibi tionist. He is survived by one son. $100 REWARD, 9100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only posi tive cure now known to tho medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith. In Its curative power? that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Catarrh Will Go Relief in Two Minutes, Complete Cure Soon. Don't go on hawking yourself sick every morning; It's cruel, it's harm ful and It's unnecessary. If after breathing Hyomel, the wonder-worker, you are not rid of vile catarrh, you can have your mon ey back. 'o stomach dosing just take the little hard rubber pocket inhaler that conies with each outfit, and pour Into It a few drops of Hyomel. Breathe It according to directions. In two minutes it will relieve you of mat sturreu up reeling. Use it a few minutes every day, and In a few weeks you will be entirely free from catarrh. Get an outfit to-day; It only costs 11.00; It's worth ?1,000 to any ca tarrh sufferer. For sale by drug gists everywhere, and by G. W. Pell who guarantees It to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, soro throat and bronchitis. An extra bottle of Hy omel liquid If needed costs but BOc. Tho little hard rubber pocket inhaler you get with outfit will last a life time. jr. U. SIMOXS, IMikhuiknt. I FARMERS MECHANICS BANK CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00 THE BANK Of the People, For the People and By the People ! cb i .account i ri We solicit the patronage of individuals and firms for cither Checking or Savings accounts, and always stand ready to loan money lo Wayne Counteans having proper security. 1 SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS RENTED I BY THE MONTH OR YEAR. 1 Farmers Iniiirc Ban DICK MONAHAN IS MAKING GOOD On one of the sporting pages of the Philadelphia North American the other day there was a group of four Vlllanova vnrstty stars, among them being Richard Monnhan, of this city, who Is n student at Villa nova. Since leaving this city Monn han, who Is an all-round player, has fniado a very creditable showing In various athleto events at tho Vllla nova college and it wlll be good news to his many friends here that his prospects for mnklng a record this season are very encouraging Tho picture Is a very good likeness of the local player. Tho team has just returned from a successful southern trip nnd Mona han, who played shortstop, Is men tioned as ono of tho four who did effective work lu the recent games, Carbondale Leader. I5KNJ.II DM liUUI. ...tManamr. ONI NIUHT I.Y THURSDAY APRIL 14 H LYMAN H 5 WE Travel Festival U. S. WAR GAME Dynamiting n Ilrldco. Monster Guns eliatterinc Armor I'lat". Tlirllliui; fcenes (luring a tcrrtlc cull' .'it sea. Los Blns? In Italy. JAVA VOLCANIC ERUPTION INTMA Mohammedan Religious Festival. SWITZERLAND Winter Sports St. Morltz. Wild Birds in colors of nature. 20 BIG NEW FEATURES PRICES 15, 25, 35, anri 50c. font P.ilo opens at the Box Olllceat 0 A. M.llUKSDAY. APRIL 14. THE NOBBY LONG COATS - - AT - - Cos Stores Are Suitable for Real Stylish Wear C. A. KMintY.CtBHiKii Menner k STARTS AN ACCOUNT! 1 a
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