i. - fflll C1T1KKN, AVKDNKKIfAY, FK11. 3.1, 1010. Statement of Finances OF WAtNE COUNTY 1009. Fred Saunders, Treasurer, in Account with Wayno County for year ending Jan. 3, 1910. iit. Balance In Ihe hands of the Treasurer, Jnn. . 1909. ns follows : To county fund B.Sfti so Road 701 66 832 40 478 42 570 OS School Poor Doir Redemption money... IIS U9 5,402 45 I To mm. rood, on collectors' certificates: County rund 210 fti ltoad 15.1 7fi School " 28S 87 l'oor " HO 51 711 6S To unit. reed, on unseated: County Hind IN 22 Road " 48 49 School ' 87 20 l'oor " 5 65 167 56 Tonmt. duo on dup lti'J-tM " ' diiilieat! IPOs added duplicate I1W.S.... 5 per rent mldert dup IPOS overpaid duplicate 1903. . renmded lliS duplicate 1W lidded duplicate 1909 Toamt, rccd. from poor districts. . . . ' Auditor Uen'l, liouiitlcs " " Co. portion license . ' gunners " " " V. L. Ferguson, loan.. " " (1. 1". Ross, loan " " G. It. l!ate.s,crrurncct'07 " " A. Smith, old stringers " Geo. 1'. Itoss.nld lumber nud clecllon blanks.. " " Joseph Wilcox, old lum ber Bellamy bridge . " K. W. Hull, scc'y refund iimuiint overpaid .... " " N. H. Spencer, dect. lie. " " E. W. Unmniell ' " Con. K. L. H. 11 ml P.O. error lu bill " MrH. K. K. Curtis, 6 gn's paint " " E. E. Bunnell, old plank " Edgar Tuthlll " Dog lund for assessing.. " ' Commonwcnltli costs... aos iX) 13,tlU 42 75 39 111) HI ll 15 2 01 I 51, (is l 07 18-S (17 CM ss 1,. 1. -i 1,415 OI 51 IO 1 10,(HO 10 i,avi to 1 no 3 00 1 00 5 ) 25 m 50 1 00 5 75 1 to 2 CO 279 HI CM 66 t 89,087 08 COLLECTORS' ACCOUNT C3 Cp . 3 o 1 & 6. m c- sa OS 1. Townships. Berlin Bethany Buckingham Canaan Cherry Ridge Clinton Damascus Dreher. Dybcrry Hawley noncsdale Lake Lebanon Lehlfcb Manchester Mt. Pleasant... Oregon Palmyra Paupack lTCbton Prompton Salem Scott Bo. Canaan Starucca. sterling Txas Waymart $ cr-i 54 $ !I2 5 f 2 l'5! 46: ' 88 1.1 141 17 2sS 26 13S.1 97 1060 It 24 S3 859 CS 708 47 IS 6 06 8 CO' 12 24 8 65 6 CI IIj'm s cs 2 IS 4 '69 37 61 1S06 39 S2 95 260 12 111 9"' 261 4S a; s si! 157 SS 179 76; 1 8! , 101 w; 146 12! 655 93 10t it) i9i ;r. 217 29 216 91 JC43 .11 230 7s 1 75 IS 111 2 13 II 31 4 CO 3 ! S 53 2 74 30 0' 1 (' (13919 42! $ 75 39 1190 91 COLLECTORS' ACCOUNT Towns hlpa ogt. 5 gs i-a g 73 r UerUn 1619 48 $2 7V ) .... g $ f 1247 40 $37191 Bethany 215 02 20 166 37 SS 65 Buckingham 1586 68 J300 o 2) bs Canaan 67151 23 480 00 9181 4rherryIUdge 993 ' 655 76 437 64 Clinton 3141 4 1713 72 H27 C8 Damascus 3940 75 3 60 2J99 9J 1144 42 Dreher 699 62 70O 00 198 62 Dy berry I2O6 74 884 31 322 43 Llawley 2791 U 2250 00 611 13 nonesdale 9914 25 118 68 60no 00 2032 83 Lake 2269 74 1900 00 369 74 Lebanon 1270 17 996 07 214 10 BOhleh 9(14 95 768 11 148 64 Manchester. 1412 . 2 et 1041 16 403 81 MU'leasant 2751 91 2 66 2406 79 347 76 Oregon 95" 86 4 28 6 70 43 77 23 65 881 19 Palmyra mm 4 40 808 56 290 53 I'aupack 665 41 639 00 36 44 Preston 20O6 66 1237 85 769 31 Prompton 621 91 417 43 101 46 Salem 1796 11 1320 63 475 68 SCOtt 810 06 1 60 600 00 211 66 So. Canaan 1257 98 1011 66 346 02 Starucca 699 to 632 ou 167 W Sterling 762 25 . 619 14 163 11 Texas 6039 23 42 2- 3379 43 1702 08 Waymart. 798 37 3 43 676 OS 225 82 L W,M1 07 188 fi 8 7" ,T $ 28 55 S6I0 14 $13178 39 POOR TAX ACCOUNT Balances Poor District of Janu'y4,l909. -Dr.--Cr. t $ 22 76, Berlin Bethany Buckingham Canaan Cherry Illdge Clinton.... Damascus Dreher Dybcrry llawley Honeadale Lake Lebanon j Leblgb Manchester Mount Pleasant... Oregon Palmyra Paupack Prebtou Prompton Salem Scott bouth Canaan starucca Sterling TexRa, Waymart 10 47 7 29, 14 68 97 25 11 01 1 21 1 65 6 21 f3 3 11 2 15 1 60 3 26 17 30 31 64 19 96 K U CO 4 12 18 81 4 12 6 65 3 69 t9 it 7 6S I4J8 42! ROAD TAX ACCOUNT 9jn.s0 Ualance Township of January 4, 1909. -Dr.-i Cr. Hcrlln Bethany Buckingham .... Canaan Cherry Hldge,... Clinton Danuvicua Drehvr. Dybcrry llawley Uonosdale Lake Lehanoi. Lehigh Manchester Mount Pleasant. Oregon , Palmyra Paupack. Prusion Prompton Salem Scott South Canaan..,., Starucca sterling Texas .m.i Waymart , 37 69 I 1 68 "b"i9 132 95 37 es 44 7b 110 VS 29 SO 2 66 1 64 8 70 7 16 14 68, 4 63, 3 67 01 11 04 11 27 89 101 22 60 02 8 16 S 03 44 71 24 06 23 16 20 61 17 05 0 82 till 9l TCI Mt 1M CK. lly ninl. commissioners' orders paid Klieep, orders paid....' Up staves and court crier... court coustnblcs exonerations dup 1006 due from delinquent collectors exonerations duplicate 1IKJ8,... 5 per cent abatements dup 1WH collectors' comnilssIons.UOS.. .. due. fmni dupllcato 190S duplicate ItKM treasurer's commission exonerations dupllcato 100!).... 5 per cent abatements collector's commission llal on band Jan. 3, 1910, ns follows : lly road lund J 3.13 32 school 1S2 2S poor 499 44 ounly 2,100 88 100,792 0!) 1,210 m 21(1 On 201 82 vn HI lit 1,815 IIS l,i!i fin 1,418 73 373 0.1 13,178 5S 2,03.1 711 8 70 43 77 28 55 redemption money .us im dog apportionment .. .. l.lsc 31 - 5,020 S3 $89,087 03 FOR THE YEAR 1908. til 06 t 62 31 $ 47 32 $ 501 84 .... $ 4 74 8 76 S 76 71 72 17 V 62 81 40 22 S3 31 ! 1 3S 15 45 SI C 14 3G 93 83 7 7i 32 35 34 36 217 9 I 512 13 94 47 72 66 695 19 191 213 47 153 3S 12 13 5S6 00 26 4I 26 79 33 72 29 20 154 78 t 591 79 65 15 53 31 45 157 72 23191 43 6! 114 "1 71 43 4W 81 ! 1 12 92 94 445 78 222 42 1104 OR 32 10 77 65 74 60 707 2S 63 70 63 (5 30 69 75 21 3S 9S 3 79 39 97 2 64 45 50 23 96 56 11 39 64 148 81 15 46 ! 93 70 84 66 1W 30 SW 43 91 29 Sh 84 00 '2 01 47 22 17 99 20 57 95 97 1 01 30 OS 26 89 30 54 67 11 104 73 69 73 6 01 676 SS 15 16 7 81 19 SS 16 85 113 61 75 10 CO 52 54 39 330 M 61... . 47 93 21 b9 23 46 205 52 31 fs) 61 41 32 3D 71 91 3 49 11 10 25 91 21 4 161 40 31 09 32 t9 26 94 157 93 1S7 47 1B3 26 137 16 1165 49 5 90 27 74 26 91 164 31 3 01 . 1845 63 J 1339 66 $1118 73 $S625 SS 373 93 1 6 15 2oi' FOR THE YEAR 1900. FOR THE YEAR 1909. hi sal ,P a S o Ilalancca Iss a Dr i cr- $ 1 68 $ 1 30 $ .... t 05 I I 23 88 Yoi 1 60 1 W i'bb 09 20 13 92 6 64 14 68 101 32 23 1 80 2 62 6 89 21 35 6 56 10 72 1 63 TOT "3 00 "i'ii 24 CO so 1 49 1 00 2 CO 6 21 'i'ii n 60 1 13 6 60 II 6 08 62 04 8 CO "s'bi) 1 00 29 88 6 98 6 S3 1 00 6 00 1)8 02 9 60 4 12 27 S3 2 65 1 00 21 67 6 63 3 69 1 93 1 60 42 fell 7 53 73 Oil I fi 65IJ17 60. 12 47' 2 Wlf $199 4 FOR THE YEAR 1909. S70 12 ga Balances -Dr.-l Cr. J 2 93 'ii'66 $ 32 93 60! 1 8 s; ..... 1 60 Too 126 31 ""oj 87 11 91 71 1 66 19 39 "a Si 1 69 6 47 17 8 70 7 16 20 24 23 89 5 96 1 22 14 68 11 4 65 7 34 76 62 24 16 6 03 45 06 7 01 'sa 85 4 63 ( 62 44 03 "i'ii "i'io 70 109 32 94 23 49 2 96 1 38 06 4 14 11 16 65 3 Ob 2 60 13 46 16 87 1 t3 8 CO "s 06 6 55 37 M 99 71 62 1 72 1 00 6 00, 10 76 S3 1 M) 41 10 13 70 28 85 20 SO 1 4( 0 201 1 00 49 45 10 M u n I 45; 1 60, It 49 S6j I 41 4Hlt 6050 01 1 fit I 1M lilt S .SCHOOL TAX ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR 1909 llalancra -lanu'y 4, 1909. f-ehnni District ot -Dr Cr derlln Bethany Hucktngbam Canaan Cherry Itldge Clinton Damascus 65 16 09 It 69 5 8 143 23 49 76' Dreher 56 Oyberry naulcy lloncsdale Lake Lebanon Lehigh Mmcheater Mount Pleasant Oregon Palmyra Paupack Preston t. Prompton Salem Scott iouth Canaan Starucca Sterling Texas Waymart 6 21 1 24 5 44 H7 94 6 It 2 03 01 S5 01 31 32 71 16 12 01 61 32 49 I 113 115 2t 23 CI 3 i 51 W. 12 9tl 5 1 t (HI 912 DKLlNQUIiNT COLLECTOHS' ACCOUNT Townships. ! CoUenon. - 'g.S SS B gg g -2 ci.J m &ca.-? o S I U o oo a ? C Palmy w Thos Broderlck.'O-.' t 31 3 f. $.... ; $ $37 33 .... Canaan Iiunes Nai:le,.l90l 11 7.' 14 76 .... Canaan K. Y. Welsh, 1!Hi nr "7 .... Sterling 1. Itnlirb.tcker, 'irt 97 97 1 .... Herllh.. J O Schmidt. 1907 26 28 .... Hucklnghim. M Leonard 19 7 8 .... 38 i .... Dunascus W. F. llrannlng '07 1141 11 41 . 1 Dyberry . ... W. J. Oirdeu. moi 71 77 71 77,... llonesdalc ... A. F. Volgt, 1907 112 3d 132 0 ! .... Lebanon .1. M. Bolkcom 190 9 91 9 SI .... Lelilgh .. J.Coumiev, 1907 1 no 1 (X) .... Manchester ..i.T. 11 Flyun UH7 1s ef 13 n .... Waymart, 1901 o 83 m.... I 3'i8 ti t 8 07 $ $ t 161 81 $143 16 COUNTY ACCOUNT FOIt YKAll 190.). TOWNSHIPS Alnt. u,lsrat-d , ,, Hoc d. CosW AND ,, Tuxes CoU' Itec'd IIOUOUOIIH Cert'flcts Hec'd Herlln 3 76 2 00 Bethany Iloro Buckingham 7 11 I Hi Cnnnnu 40 00 2 50 Cherry Itldge Clinton......?. HU 4 22 2 00 Damascus 1 06 1 00 Dreher 1 61 1 0U Dyberry 2 10 so Hawley Iloro lloncsdnle Iloro... Lake 12 34 3 (X) Lebanon 17 01 2 0 Lehigh 31 .Manchester 2 01 1 00 ML Pleasant 27 36 fi 00 Oregon Palmyrn 3 45 3 00 I'liupack 15 41 1 00 Preston 13 3s 6 00 Prompton Itoro... Salem Scott 37 Sb 4 CO South Cannan.... 9 14 1 00 Stnrrucca Iloro sterling 14 60 Texas 2 41 4 0 Waymart Iloro $ 168 01 i 28 22 $ 42 60 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES. Assessors, assessing $1,712 (X) neg. voters .-. . uvj 00 " school children 312 60 Military enrollment.... 114 02 Dog 127 Hf-$.1,22S Advertising, printing and stationery l,ll'fi Appropriations IM5 Bridge repairing 4,377 building 4,507 " and road views A Inspecting 282 County buildings 1,215 Coroner's Inquests 38 Costs of courts 5,715 Clerk of courts 61 Commonwealth costs !,( Election expenses. 4,106 insane nsyiums Burial Indigent soldiers Light, beat, water, telephones.. Miscellaneous accounts Notes nml Interests Non-resident poor Prisons and reformatories Poor account Itoad account ltefunds Keg. vital statistics ltoad damages 1,219 5V) 1,018 1,131 11,632 215 627 72 550 254 231 20.1 713 School accounts Sheriffs accounts 1,639 State tax 6,078 State road construction 7(VS Salaries 5,416 Unirorm primaries , 1,074 Wllsonville road 69 t 60,792 OU KEGISTEIIINU. ASSESSING AND C. A. Build, assessing Berlin $ William Ives, registering Berlin 1.... 8. F. Marshall, " " 2.... W. O. Avery, nsg. and reg., Bethany James Houg " Buckbgm 1 Wm. Johnston, registering " 2 John Barret " " 3 J. J. Burnett, asg. A " Canaan P. II. Keining, Jr., " AasgCh Itldge O.J. Stiles " Clinton 0. II. Decker, assessing, Damuscus Marvin Blackwell " and reg. " 1 W. H. Skinner, " " 2 J. W. Whltmore, ' " 3 Henry stetrens, " " " 4 Ward Wall, " " " 5 W. H. Osborn. " "Dreher C. O. Blake, asg and reg Dyberry T. J. Oldfleld, " Hawley F. J. Varcoe, " Honesdale Earl Itockwell, ' Ijike E. D.Goodnough, " Lebanon S. W. Elcuberger, " lelilgh 1. J.Sprntt. registering Manchester 1 P. II. Cole. asir and ree " 2 75 48 21 (O 21 (O 28 05 1 96 17 I 20 )' 16 00 67 83 93 01 74 21 160 16 32 00 16 00 30 (O 14 ( 16 03 89 40 69 58 126 78 211 10 117 57 120 40 58 68 28 00 102 92 145 10 II 36 50 81 40 11 11 32 (ii ai 87 27 37 (O 32 00 47 17 129 66 67 91 20 (O 21 (O 113 95 Rami. Cllir, " Jit. Pleasant F. Blddlecomb, " Fred Brunig, " P. F. Schmidt, Oliver Locklln " t A. Icklln, " J.T. Brooking, assessing. Jack Tulley, registering, Oregon Palmyra Paupack Preston 1 n. 11, le, " " a E. H. llodle, asg and reg Prompton W. E. Cliuinard, " Salem William Itockwell, assessing, Scott Otis Itaymond, registering, ' 1 F. Merrlgau, " ' 2 A. J. Piatt, asg and reg S. Canaan J. K. Stearns, " Stnrrucca Henry Moon, " Sterling (. J. Mennett, assessing, Texas John Doney, registering, " 1 E. F Short. " " 2 Joseph Tuman, " " 3 John Donnelly, " 11 4 L. E. Stuntou, asg and reg Waymart 51 ii 137 00 186 62 20 00 K (O 32 (O 60 00 62 52 3,225 97 ADVERTISING, BLANKS, STATIONERY. Citizen Pub. Co., blanks and adv. . . . 207 00 Herald Press Assoc. " " 137 25 II. F. Haines, " " 102 75 K. J. F. wurg, " " 98 (O Wm, Mann Co., dockets G stationery IK) 85 Tension Knvelopo Co., 600Teu-Kuvps 6 25 Jncoh Doetsch, binding newspapers u 00 W. G. Johnson A Co.. dekts unit stny 215 M Hartley A MoDonough, stationery..., 19 (X) A. B, Dick Co., mimeograph, supplies 36 25 I. N. VnnVorhls, T. W. supplies 9 85 Itaeder II. It. Co , three order books .. 21 00 News and Novelty Co.. stationery 1 (O Buel Dodge, ' ... 5 80 O. O. Jadwln, " .... 22 10 II. W. Spencer, T. W. supplies 2 15 -4- $ 1 1HI 10 APPROPRIATIONS. G. A. It. Posts, Memorial Day f MM K. W. Oammell, Wayne Agr. Society 6(0 00 J.J. Koehler, teachers' Institute .... 3X1 00 Fred Saunders, directors' association 100 00 $ 985 00 BRIDGE REPAIRING. H B Curtis, planking, Varden $ 17 88 Oulnu Bros, supplies for bridges .... 21 HO Wm Pentecost, planking, Prompton 62 37 Geo lirooker, repairing Starruccu.... 34 99 Blrdsall Bros, removing Beely vlllo bg 20 (O F W Haines, steel joist and placing., 374 89 PennllrgCo ' White Mills.. 212(0 F L Hartford, plank and lab, Sterling 8 65 Edgar Tulhtll, repairs several bridges 38 00 Klt-nor A Hons, plank ana labor 12 64 5-2 U as 3d Dalancri as 2og -Dr Cr 20 61 4) 12 48 19 31 6 69 11 44 9 87 3 01 11 92 1 24 '66 38 15 26 2 76 2 56 82 09 31 5 1 2-1 13 30 It $ 8 64 $ 6 20 $.... $ 67 41 1 1 it ii'u 7 65 'i'ii 09 1 60 '.'.'.'. 1 00 'ii'66 "a"' 2-) 65 345 76 14 41 141 ns 4b 07 1 61 2 51 04 4 20 1 oo 09 6 sr. 19 74 18 0-2 74 30 2 50 6 05 01 3 (9 7 20 s 73 29 O 21 C5 01 12 32 25 61 2 41 124 62 62 C6 34 00 6 Oi) i'oo 1 49 51 0-2 1 03 109 61 43 93 'ci'oS 4 20 110 41 iii" ii 3 (fll 19 61 SO 3 IS 63 IS 12 60 i m or. 63 04 1 61 4 V8 27 08 4il'27fl 7l 87 20 111 fl ;0s R0'17 Sl S 1 492 28 F J Vnrcoe, repairing brldRes .178 3.1 H F Halm s, advertising bridges. 2 b Citizen Pub Co " 3 00 F J F Wnrg " " 3 30 H 11 Brown, 2 days on Frcethy bridge 6 00 Chns Smltli, freight and cartage, paint 4 60 Hberwln A Williams, bridge paint . 113 19 SI II Harloe, plank, labor, Ledgedale 41 33 F F Pelblck, painting, Damascus. . . . 25 00 W II Hull. " Honesdale . 150 10 It I) WcHidward " West Unwley 66 00 Atkinson II and C Co, bridge plank.. 31 24 Jos Ackermnn, rep Bunnelltown 2 50 K II Ledyard, work on bridges 22 10 Hollenbeck ,t Co.plnnk lor Fowler bg 32 411 Isaac Iiovelass, repairs, Fallsdale,... 17 08 A llrannlng. Beech ltke guard walls 821 60 Philip Falgle, repairs Hcott bridges.. &l 71 John K Hiiley, " Prompton 2 50 Krle UK Co, freight on plank 135 fid 51 II KulpCo, old nlnnk .TI0 15 O M Hnettlgue, oil for paint 20 TO Vnl Wcldner, repairs Fast Honesdale 7 fit APSwendsen, " High bridge.... 5(0 F llodie, guard wall, Prompton 219 00 Male A Sandercock, Ledyard A Hauensteln 4(0 01 John Thiclke, F.ddy bridge, Hawley 28 BS O B F.hrhardt, Hangs', Dreher 13 13 Cnl Kennedy, illllcr bdg Mt Pleasant 2 00 CJ W Taylor, Inspector lieech Lnko .. :W (O P J Keary, planking Wllsonvllle 48 50 Wall st Murphy, plank Wllsonville and Crom 209 42 Dorlllngcr.t Sons, White Mills bdgs 82 52 K W Downton, rep Stnrrucca 15 00 Hettew Bros, pipe rail, Cromwelton 28 40 Jus VnnViilkenberg, rep Sherman .. 4 01 Chris Lehman, board 2 60 O A Cramer, rep No 11 2 60 $ 1,377 36 11KIDOE BUILDING. C II Wllmarth.temporary.ForcstCityS 100 00 J II Jordeu, certified cert Slate bdgs 10 60 Male Jt Sandercock, bal lnd Orchard 90(O F J V'arcoe, bal Salem r 96 to J A Hnrkness, bal Wluterdale 121 US Hettew Bros acct Hnrkness 42 32 (1 P Hoss.cxpenses Forest City bridge 18 20 Wilson and Searle, award state bdgs 1,031 25 FJ Varcoe, Freethy bridge contract 2,701 25 S II Brown, Inspector above Job, 29100 Citizen Pub Co, adv lettlngs 1 32 It F Haines, " " 136 $ 4,507 88 BUIDUE AND HOAD VIEWING AND INSPECTION. I IJ Sandercock, Forest City brldge$ S3 60 " Damascus road 36 2U EP Jones, Lehigh bridge 32 M) AV Tyler, Scott brldg 24 20 Manchester road 19 70 " Scott road 26 10 Manchester bridge . ... 13 10 ' Damascus road 21 40 Chas Avery, Lebanon road 20 80 LS Collins, " 1" 19 90 'V Texas bridge 16 10 $ 262 90 COUNTY BUILDINGS. O M Spettlgue, plumbing A supplies! 14 25 I) B Smith, rep walls sheriff's bouse.. 41 90 (1 0 Brown, work on sheriffs house 18 42 J Igo. repairing chimneys " " 71 0U E G Jenkins, rep furnace " " 7 6 Kreltner Bros, lumber " ' 3180 J E Cook, papering, ptng " " 195 55 Rettew Bras plmg.supplles" " 213 07 W T Mitchell, rep stalls " barn 125 Nelson Decker, shingling " " 5 00 BcnJ White " " ' 23 02 Katz Bros, carpets, shades " house 95 21 Graham Watts, plumbing A supp les 60 18 E C Boss, grading and seeding lawn 12 98 McMullen A Charlcsworth.tns boilers 10 00 Krk Bros, plumbing and supplies 211 27 W H Hall, painting Judge's chambers 45 (0 Honcbdalo GAM Co rep Jail door.lcks 11 90 Agues CJPurdy.furn Judge's chamber 80 (0 Penwarden Mfg Co, lum and shingles 112 02 A D VunDrelsen, placing door check 60 9 1,255 00 CORONERS' INQUESTS. II BSearles, viewing bodies...., $ 10 85 Jurors, Lttvcry case 10 00 F O Gelbert, Juror, Vogcl case I to Jurors.Baker-VaiiDeuseu case 15 00 36 85 COSTS OF COURTS. Constables, returns to court $ Grand Jurors, four terms Traverse " ' " Cltzen Pub Co, court calendars.... " " proo und trial list.... BF Haines, ' Herald Press, " " .... Tessle A Gerrity, stenographer Arthur Head, " Chas J Weaver, meals for jurors.... J II ileuman " ' R II Patterson " " FNUnl " " John Decker, Ice for June trm Ed Watsou, services Huzen case Atty Klmtile, Judgmt " A costs " Mumford expenses "Jry Ilwly A T Seurle. ultorney " 513 00 1,070 18 2.5.10 01 160 (O 40 OU 40(O 40 (O 31 20 265 00 6 60 0 60 26 00 13 (X) 1 60 33 90 719 60 11 70 65 0U F Saunders, county costs " 79 20 I- $ 5.715 62 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Com vs Airs Chas Johnson 1907 $ 2 40 White 51111s ball club so Jud E Cope, 08 2 46 Jos J II rune, OS 1 00 vim a r itzsimmous.uu 1270 W H Huniliun.ut 3 ou jos uupno, vi 1 ai Wlnaus Hull, 01 300 00 William Hiiuue, juneun 48 81 Supervisors, Ml Pleasant Juno 08 68 48 F 51 Croekenberg, Oct US 81 58 Otto Brown, Oct 08 , 100 57 iiessio iioiusou, uci us 68 Henry Kelgler, Oct 08 42 03 TuasluSlater,;jan 00 , 12 15 Peter Hlttlnger, Jan 0!) 15 tij Marvin E Tiilt, Mar 09 81 95 Thos Qutuuey, Alar 09 67 18 Loreltu Fltzslmons, AtarOU a 75 Herbert Vail, Mur 09 21 15 Susan Hlrt, Alar 09 30 OU Wm F Taylor, June 09 42 77 Reuben Schrlver, June 09 29 28 Faud M Welducr, June 09.,.,.... 61 79 BenJ White, June 09 48 57 Win Campbell. J lino 09 90 31 Wm Conkllu et al, Oct 09 82 76 " ' a 60 Win BoulU " 02 05 Jos Brale " us la WDHulso " ........ 8187 Emll Alpha " ........ 17 23 O K Woodmansee, J V TransM. ,. . 8 05 Wm l)uuman ,,, ,,,, 6 90 Catherine Klegler.. 5 45 Henry Collum. 14 00 Win Moron , & 33 F J ltMuolds. 3 7i) at! 4 20 3 20 18 32 It 62 5 70 5 25 18 75 1 00 5 32 H 0U II 25 I 1,G(M6S CLKI1KH OK COUK18. M J Hanlan. bal 190a. $ W 27 " KUIng tax liens oil (X) " Heturnlng Judgment.... 125 00 " Acct clerk, 1909 3(0 00 $ m 27 KIjKCTION KXl'KNHKH, W O Johnson A Co, Nov supplies,, ..$ " " Feb " " eerfts nnmlnatn " " Nov sup A reg bks Conslnbles, nttendlng election F J F W'nrg. printing Feb ballots ... L'ltzcn Pub Co " Nov " Hhcrlirs proclamation Herald Press " " B F Haines " " ndv Clinton dlllon (leo Keller, delivering bal'ts.Nov.Feb (1 1 Koss, exp to Hawley, tml'l prntg ' express and rnrtnge W 11 Vnrcoe.clrcular letterto ennd'tc Klectlon olllccrs, Feb election Nov " Justice, enro ballot Imxes .M j unman, postg expense ntnuaviu .1 A Thompson, 3 booths Landlords, rent, election houc V II Leect m, computing Nov r'trns I II Hnnderciick, survey Clinton dlv Itaeder l'rllhgCo,3,0Wcheck lint f-litH 4,106 51 INSANE ASYLUM. II II Meredith. Insane nt Danville... M S Gulb " Warren.. .. J M Sheuck S 1 219 19 INDIGENT SOLDIERS, F I) Waltz, burial Max Rockel 5 50 00 1 .1 Hoar. Unas uood 60 on W II Dunn, " E F Wheeler 50 (O .M.A.Perkins. Burial Fred Selirel 50(0 Eugene Swingle " Leonard Shaffer 60 (O II. 1'. Kellnui J. B. Bui ley 60(0 J.H. .Mott " W.H.Davis 60 0) in. Johnston I). o. Kingsbury 60 (O I,. U. Mumford " Geo. Shew 60 ill G. L. Eck " W. F. Fuller 60 (O (1. U. Abraham " Wm. Ilnrhlte 60 to t 550 (O LIGHT, HEAT, WATER, TELEPHONES Kraft A Conger, conl OKI to Drayman, carting conl 75 70 Con. L, II A P Co., lights and supplies 119 29 Bell Telcphono Co.. service and tolls 42 60 Con. " " 27 15 Con. Water Co., sorvlco 113(0 1018 51 MISCELLANEOUS EWGnmmell, recording lioiuls nnd oaths of office E W Gnmmell, returning mort., stnt. nnd postage M IS Allen, nostnee stntiiDS 6 (XI 41 ro in (O 20 10 to 5 ( IS 15 O T Ohnmbers, medlclno for prisoners o u .inawin John Brown Est, repairing chnlrs .. . J It Nielsen, baskets nnd Hugs Geo P Ros, express, freight, box rent cartiiKU .19 08 E O Muiiiford, nud. Prot, Reg nnd Rec accounts 15 10 Menner A Co, shndes 7 62 Burroughs A M Co., rcpnlrou ninchne 5 05 Fred Saunders, state tax on loans 101 66 lines to Law Library Association S7 50 RoblliiB A Schreller, Hones.dlrectory 2 611 u r; (iii)tn, repairs on lawn mower M E Simons, lunacy com, Prosnenker F P Kimble. " " Hurd W H Lee. " " Ilauman.. . Geo P Ross, " " lorls 11 F Haines, sub Wnvno Iiutenenilunt 1 to 15 IO 15 IO 1,1 IO 15 (O I 61 Milwaukee D B Co, tloor brushes fi (O A A Grnmbs, soap, matches, desk 12 29 31 Lee llrnmnu, livery O II Whitney " FGitlekaril " Oortrlght A Son " L B Swingle, repair chnlrsaml desk... 7 (O II (O 6 60 3 (O 8 CO (I B Kimble, carting nnd supplies 2 90 Whiting Adams Co., floor brushes 22 67 A It Dunning, mining engineer &01 (O HnlchBrosWi'stOo.GARgrnvo markers 92 50 Wells-Fargo Oo, express on supplies.. 4 30 B W Spencer, typewriter repairs 1 60 F E Ijiwyer. manager, supplies for Jail 10 (O O L Dunning, nulso for Jail 12 69 sj Fulirmnn.deeorntlons 25 (o Francis Murthii, express nssessors'sup fi 10 O M SpetUgue, supplies 2 63 E G Jeuklns, repnlrliig nsh hoe &n Jamestown JI F Co, steel llle cabinet. . 126(0 E T York, desk companion 3 IX) west Ills uo. disinfectants nnd sprny. 21 25 K u Kimble, carting ashes from Jail... 7 (o H U Ely, M D, Jail physician 69 fit) O Roeschlnu, shoes for prisoners 4 61) Bregsteln Bros. clothlngsfor prisoners 7 (O F W Terwllllger, supplies 6 to Erk Bros, labor and mclse 8 75 $1431 IS NOTES AND INTEREST Wm Watts. Thomas Gill. Interest 40 (O 40 (O 4S (O 200 (O IS (O 4S (O and note 4.17 CO " 10378 33 40S IO Patrick McCnrty. II H Ferguson, Airs Elijah Gray, Myrn Hill. Mrs Ohus Gresaman, W L Ferguson. E E Ferguon, 111632 SI NON RESIDENT POOR OM Pethlek.cnre WOraves, Damascus 12S 25 F Saunders, cred, Palmyra, Hlndershot 77 50 MAOompton.beddlngdestroyed " 10 00 $ 215 76 URISONS AND REFOR.MATORIES House of Refuge, acct Inmates.... 156 20 IiHlusReforinatory, " " 192(0 Eastern Penitentiary, " " .... 278 SI $ 6?7 03 rt 45 . IS 06 . 29 SS . in to 7 IS POOR ACCOUNT J K Stearns, treas Stnrrucca.... W O Curtis, collector Scott M J Leonard, treas Palmyrn.... O M Pethlek, " Damascus... jolm Curren, " Cuniian I 72 17 28 as 1(0 32 13 46 II 111 32 93 37 11 4 14 27 67 99 71 2S 60 20 !) M 49 23 70 40 (CI ROAD ACCOUNT J K Stearns, J E Schohlg, trens, Stnrruccn Ollnton I Jiko Scott Berlin Caiman Dyberry Palmyrn Paupack Damuscus Sterling Texas So Canaan Cherry Ridge. rcujones, WOOurtls. collector, W O Spry, trens, John Ourruii, " EIIAlborty. M J Ijconurtl, " F R Olmsted, O At Pethlek. S N Oross, George Alnckley, " Eugenti Swingle, " Frank Brown. $ 550 07 REFUNDS W J Brill, overpaid Oregon dup 2 01 Nlch'a .Mederor, o'rp'il Hawley dupW 02 S P llortree, overpaid StoilliiKdup MS 12 21 ii I, Bates, overpaid Prompton dup V7 13 78 OAI Curtis. " ijikedupV; 17 02 D A H Co, refund taxes S7, 209 72 $ 251 79 REGISTRATION VITAL STATISTICS W O Kimpp. Hawley district.. B Schermerhorn, Honesdale " ., A V Tyler, Damascus John Barrett, Buckingham " .. J K Stnrnes. btarritccn ' .. E V Edwards, Waymart .. W A Stevens. Al I), Salem " .. O E Allller, Bethany " .. 35 fO 73 60 IS 25 It 75 IS IO U) 25 32 IO 11 25 $ 233 00 ROAD DAMAGES Al E Simons, ntt'y, V Bnrtleson cnttlo culvert. Preston 60 (O E Casey A O Peters, Coo ley road, .Man cheater 65 00 Francis G Hllkmnii Ex. Mnplowood Uiko 60 (W Ellas Mitchell, new rond, Damascus.. 10 to E E Hackett " " Scott 30 (O Jesse Miller " " Damascus.. 10 00 $206 00 HHERIFV'S ACCOUNT. W II Roadktllght. lull 1908 139 24 AI Leu Brumun. neat. 19U9 1600 to Emma Decker.!.,,. F K Ureely lxmls Cohen...,,.,. Helfoe A Ilevene... Kdw Melonoug!i. Philip Ixirl John llnuse John William Henry Klannery..., Htepben llobcrts.... Joseph Mnuer $1639 26 HOIIOOL AOOOUNT. J K Stearns, treasurer, Starruoca 3 18 AI K Simons, ntt'y. Sterling 53 13 AI J Connor, treasurer, Berlin..... 57 47 J K lDiUy, " Prompton 82 w WOOnrtls.OoI. Hcott 11.141 jinn-i i-aimrr, treasurer, l'rxston...... 62 m (1 W Brink. Paunnck 124 H (1 II Perkins. M J Leonnrd, F.dw Ueltinr, "Wnytnnrt.... ROB Pnlmyrn .12 25 Texns 12 M l)nnifinn ak m o M I'etnicir, H W Hull, soe'y, Waymart, (rcfiindedl B ( 11 51 Htocker, treasurer, Honesdnlu.... 5 : J Ii VMI, " Lelinnon 0 (fi It H Ollft. " Ollnton 141 OH J N Hdwnrds Cniiann 14 4T JT13 95 STATIC ACCOUNT. J O Hhentz.stnto tnx, 1W9 ,717s m Klectlon officers et nl.Junn primaries KM) 44 S616H H STATE ROAD CONSTRUCTION. To Dyberry stnto rond Mt Pleasant, state rirnd.... Lehigh. " " , Duo county ncc t. Dreher. . . 1S67I By nm't due from flro wardens 3105 01 " ', " primaries lsto 17 Stnto tax returned Rnm no Check to balance 361 10 Dnumges pnld ncc't, Dreher IKi on lsc,71 20 SALARIES. Innc II Hull, Janitor J5I6 (O M J McAmlrew, auditor 1! 10 A W Ijirnibeo, " 121 2n W B Lesher, " WW M E Simons, auditor's attorney 2' ,(0 G P Ross, cominlssloner's clerk IUO (o I A II Brown, typewriting and clerical 113 to 1 E O Mumford. solicitor i.(0 (O I M Simons, district ntt'y WO o I'.l Kenrv. lory coniinlssloner 116 72 W II Bullock. " " Ill 21 J E Miindevllle. co. commissioner 721 81 J K Hornbeek " " 79X l TO Aladden. " " 7:V1 62 $5110 irr SCHOOL TAX ACCOUNT, lilt. To bnl In hands of trens. Jnn I. irxo $s;a 40 Am t rec il collector s certlllcntes. 276 87 unseated tuxes 87 at coats 12 (O due from Bethany.. . . 09 " " Honesdale 01 " " Prompton 02 tl2t. 69 By am't paid tw'p treasurers " Co treas commission . . .1,... U.i, l.nn ,. In treasury, Jnn 3, 1910 S12US 69 ROAD TAX ACCOUNT mi To lmlnnco In treasury, Jan 1. 1909. 701 firt Am't duo from Buckingham 120 :n Cherry Ridge nt " " Stnrrucca (ii " rec'il collector's certlllcntes 136 26 " " unseated tnxes. . .. 46 49 Costs 17 ro 11028 St cit. By nm't paid tw'p treasurers Co treas. commission... " due from Buckingham Hal In treasury, Jan. 3, 1910 560 07 11 99 132 I A ;jtt :k I102S St POOR TAX ACCOUNT. DH. To Am't In treasury. Jan. (W 47S 12 73 01 5 65 rec'il collector s ceruucaics " " unseated taxes " " Costs 17 to $.'.71 64 . 72 4T 2 70 199 It on. By nm't paid tw'p treasurers.. " Co. trens commission., liul In treasury, Jnn, 3,1910. . $.171 61 CORONER'S ACCOUNT. I) it. To county orders ree'd $36 sr. en. By viewing bodies 10 Hi Coroner's Jury several cases 26 to : m DOG TAX ACCOUNT DH. To am't In trens., Jnn. 1, 1909 576 ( dUDllcnto UOS. 2692 a ndded lu dup., 1908 & per cent, added dup., 1908. dupllente. 19W lidded in dup., H"V . . (!2 (X) . IS SI) . 2574 OU . . 13 00 $3935 88 CK. By nm't duplicate. 19(, unpaid . . . . 2587 00 " sheep claims paid 1219 33 " collector's commissions, 1SXW. 87 38 " 6 per cent, abatements. 1908. 69 50 " exonerations, 1KW 432 00 " treasurer's commission 64 31 " 1ml apportioned school dtst's 1IS6 3I $5935 KH COAIAUSSIONERS ACCOUNTS J. E. AInndevllIe mi. To county orders ree'd 721 81 Bill due Jan. 3. 1910 27 38 $749 2 . 71X1 Oil . 21 81 . 27 88 $749 22 .. 798 OS . 61 Ot $S60 01 . 700 (O 98 95 51 Oft 860 01 on. By salary for 1909 Expensoncct, if . . year 1908... 1 ww , , , J. K. Hornbeek, Dr. To county orders received lull due Jan. 3, 1910 CK. By snlnry for lUX) expensoncct 190S. expense ncct 19U9 . T. 0. Alnddeu, To county orders reed balance due Jan. 3, 1910 . Dr. . 730 52 14 63 $ 751 (6 . . 7(0 (10 .. 36 6S .. 11 U OK, By snlnry, year WO expense ncc't, HUM.... expense ncc't, 1909.... $ 751 ( SHERIFF'S ACCOUNT Ii K, To county orders reed bill due Jan. 3,1910 cu. . 16:19 26 . 161 79 $1804 OS By bnlancu duo Jan. 4, 11" 139 26 washing for prisoners 41 10 hoard for prisoners 669 60 dockets, commitments, discharges 92 OO taking Tessle Sinter to House of Refuire 85 65 taking Ixirettn KlUslininons to House of Refuge 85 64 Peter Hlttlnger to penitentiary.. 8t 61 M.E. Tuft " " 8161 Win. CuniplHill " " 87 14 Jos. Prostncke " Danville 41 16 Win. Ilauman " " 41 is Ixjyiil Hurd " " 40 96 Herbert Villi to Reformatory 88 fit Attending Criminal Court, 21 days 63 Ul " 13ds, dpty !9 U) Drawing Jurors and notices 1(0 40 Report of public charities 40 00 Court Proclamation 10 (O Election " 4 00 Filling Jury wheel a Hi Cups, luislns, etc., for Jail 1 60 Ohus.Glblis, repairing hundcuffs- 35 Bnrbertug for prisoners 2 (O One pr hundculTs 4 75 Making pillow cases, sheets for Jutl 10 00 Washing blankets nud ticks, and lining with straw twice 35 011 $18111 Of. AMT APPORTIONED SCHOOL DISTS FROA1 DOG FUND Berlin m 01 Bethany 7 6 Buckingham 49 29 Canaan 19 21 Cherry Itldge 69 63 Ollnton 78 73 Damascus 128 A5 Dreher 60 67 Dyberry 49 ut Hawley 40 in Houesdalo 6.176 Uiko 42 8U Lebanon..... 37 77 Lehigh 19 21 Manchester 00 IT Alt. Pleasant 109 45 Oregon 26 S (Continued ou Seventh Paso.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers