THK CITIZEN, WKDXKHDAY, KKIJ. St, 1010. 7r I m i A WORD COLUMN WE CAN SAVE YOU Mg money X If you wish a Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. Write or call and bo astonish ed nt tho saving. WYMAN W. KIM BLE. Hno2 ATTENTION! Tho Kimble plan ing mill Is always ready to piano match and rip lumber of any kind. Also estimate on cabinet work. WY MAN W. KIMBLE. lmo2 VOK SALE A heating store; In good condition, suitable for office or house. Inquire of Mrs. H. Wilson, 307 Fifteenth street. S'Jtf. LOCAL MENTION. Who are tho three B's in llonesdnle who bore for money, and not for honey? There are two postofflces In the United States named Seelyvllle our own thriving suburb, and one In Vigo county. Indiana. Dr. P. B. Peterson, of Hones dale, and Dr. Geo. T. Rodman, of Hawley, have each recently become owners of Ford autos. Mrs. S. M. Swingle, formerly of South Canaan, Wayne county, is critically 111 at her home, 007 Twenty-fourth street, Scranton, with poor hopes for recovery. -The Dunmoro High school bas ket ball team after being defeated by the Uouesdalu team, wont to ParbondaTe on Saturday and won a victory from the High school team of that city, the score being 13 to 12. Comrade E. E. Belknap, form erly of Prompton, now of Kingston, Pa , was in Honesdale on Saturday and called at the Citizen office. Time does not change Ed. Ho ia the same old Belknap of convention 1 j days. - Special Lenten services at liraco Episcopal church: Children's services will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 4:15 p. in., and the sub ject will be "The Sorrows and .loys of the King"; Litany and Sermon, Wednesday, Fob. 23, at 7:30 p. m.; sermon and reading from "The Cross Builders," Thursday, at 4:15 p. m. - The postofflce nt Honesdale is being renovated to the extent of having its interior walls and ceilings treated to a coat of alabastlne. The ceiling will be done in cream-colored material, while the side walls will have a more pronounced tint and it Is expected that this will add greatly to the appearance of both the waiting and working rooms. -We have received the follow ing notice from Starrucca, Pa.: Come! Where? To the King Hill school house, Friday evening, Feb. 25th, and hearthe little folks, who will be assisted by an orchestra of stringed Instruments. After tho en tertainment, stay to seo the orange tree, pie and cake sale. Proceeds to pay for a new organ. K. Ituth Kennedy, Teacher. Passengers who left Honesdale on the 7:15 p. m. train on Sunday, the 13th inst., were treated to a ride which reminded them of the 'old gravity days." The engine pulling the train broke down at vVaymart, and could not proceed any further. As it was impossible to use the air brakes, the crew resorted to the use of the hand brakes, and permitted the train to run back to Honesdale, a distance of ten miles by gravity, as in days of old. In the "Afternoon Echoes" of tho Scranton Truth, we find the fol lowing: "Few men In Pennsylvania enjoy a wider acquaintance or are lore generally esteemed than Hon. K. B. Hardenbergh, of Honesdale, who was In Scranton Tuesday at tending a meeting of tho Board of Directors of tho State Hospital of which he is a member. It Is said of Mr Hardenbergh that during his term as Auditor Genernl, at Harris burg, his office was the most popu lar on the Hill,' and that every man who went there on business fame away with the Impression that he had met a friend." Tho young people from this city and Dunmore who recently went to Honesdale to participate In the lit erary contest, together with the pu pils from tho Honesdale school Inno cently danced on the feelings of a number of the good people of that town, when they danced In the gym nasium of the high school after the ontest was over. A committee of the lay members of the quarterly conference of one of the churches met with the school board this week and strenuously objectod to tho board giving permission for tno uso of tho gymnasium for dancing on any more similar occasions. This proves that tho world is growing better even if it doesn't move very fast - Carbondalo Leader. -At last wo are to have the much talked of musical sensation, "Tho Soul Kiss," which comes to tho Lyric, .Monday, Feb. 28th, with tho New York, Chicago, and Boston pro duction. It is said that tho com pany Is playing to capacity every where, and judging from tho splen did reports that "Tho Soul Kiss" Is receiving everywhere, it will no doubt cause a great society event in this place, Tho Soul Kiss com pany coming directly from Atlantic City, tho people of Honesdale are as mired of having a capable company In presenting this successful musical nliow. Tho same company that romes here played at tho Lyceum, Scranton, a few weeks ago to a largo house and they gavo flno satisfaction to their audience. The Union Stamp hnoe Co. have leased the Frnnk Meyer's building on Willow nvenuo for five years, with privilege of buying same. Tho Automobile Stago Line Co.'s stockholders will meet Thurs day evening In tho town hall to ef fect n pcrmnncnt organization, The Merry Heart Club had two sessions Inst week, being entertain ed on Thursday by Miss Louise Kraft nnd on Saturday by Miss Janet PreumerM. Mrs. Ann Delezenne. of 13a st street, 'was stricken with paralysis Monday morning, his right side bc last Saturday night, nnd owing to , K effected. her advanced age, Is In nn exceed- j --Hregsteln Bros, will open up a lngly critical condition. j store nt Calllcoon, N. Y., on Fob. Hon. T. J. Ham had a slight 23ru tlle" having leased a store In stroke of paralysis on Monday tlu 55hnmormnn block, morning. His left side Is effected, i E. V. McAndrew, of Hawluy, but he Is able to talk and his condl-son of county auditor, M. J. Mc tion Is reported as Improved. i Andrew, has been appointed Erie Henry Woodford, of Scott township,- attempted to commit suicide a few days ago, but It was not a success, owlnc to the early discov ery of the critical condition of the desperate man Tho nrosnects of Co. E havlnc nn up-to-date nrmory, early in the1 A lnr loa1 of the Standnrd coming season, are exceedingly "carers of the M. E. church enjoy bright. It will probably be erected I c(1 a slelghride to L. O. Mumford's on East Park street, near the corner ! at Uyberry on Friday evening, of Dyborry Place. ' wllro they enjoyed supper. Mr. Henry Preumers has leas-j Tllu Bnow ffl" this year was ed the house owned and now occti-1 100 mut1 for tlle 8llcti which pro pied by Mrs. "John Krantz, Si., on 1 Jcted from the Whitney barn and Main street. Mrs. John Krantz will j vered the alley between it and take up her residence with her j tllu Allcn House barn, and the re niece, Mrs. Chris. Bergman, on East I sult was t collapsed, street. It Is rumored that tho Wayne Honesdale was well represent-; ed at the banquet of the Amherst College Alumni last week, in New York City, there being present Jujjge a. i . bearie, diaries r. Kearie, ttsq., Charles and L. J. Dorlinger, all of Honesdale. The " Carbondale Hlirh School Basket Ball team will be the com-! Petitors of the Honesdale team on , Friday In the latter's gymnasium. 1 The rivalry for supremacy between -"anna wasningtou supper on the these teams is sure to bring about, 22n1 illst" o account of the severe au exciting game j Btrin which prevailed. He also -Tho union revival meetings will I "f hl'ilIs lrlnted and distribut begin to-night (Wednesday) In the j f ntlfying people of this .means of Baptist church. The pastors of tho transportation. Ho footed all the tn..tln . T. 1.... !.. U 1 1 IS. DUlJll&L, .UUlUUUiSL .UlU 1 I US I VI 1. Ill churches will prslde. A choir of fifty voices will assist. They will be lead by pastor Wendell of the Baptist church. There will bo a very important V "fuuc "Ul"u"' " 'B"Vb ,lu" meeting held In the Baptist church !laj'for an extended vis t with her on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock p. !r' Arthur Ilockwe 1 at 'M in. which will be addressed by C. II. I liel3' MnM- 0ames, a,ml refresh Brandt, of WIlkes-Barre, who will ' ments wero trt tlle r discuss the question of Home Rule j',1"0,' u,ntl1 ho 1'm,r of h dd,n; and Personal Liberty. Every ten.-! thelr fr'e"d A hearty farewell and perance man and woman should try ; P1,asant " n her trip, and bo .present. J. B. Cody, Chair-1 Justices ot the Peace and No man County Anti-Saloon League. taries Public when swearing in town Our mercantile appraiser, N. officers should, ascertain whether C. Jackson, has gono the rounds of i they have the certificate of the Clerk the northern part of the county, in making up his reports and Is now sei""K iorui Uuu iney nave nieu struggling with the snow drifts In ! their affidavits relative to their ex the southern end. The work could i ponses as candidates. The Act of be dono better in the summer or i Assembly reads as follows: "it shall fall, and there is no reason why the 1 ho unlawful to administer the oath custom of doing it in the worst sea-, of offlce to any person elected to any son of the year Is not changed. 1 Public office, until he has filed an -Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'Keltz, of 1 accoun,t ils required by this act, and River street, wore completely 8ur "o such person shaU enter upon the prised on Friday evening, by thedut es of his office until ho has filed gathering of a number of friends I su,'h "t. nor shall he receive and relatives, to help them cele- a,ny 8"lnry" fr a,ly l)??lod I,rior to brate their crystal wedding. Tho tlle fi,inB of the same evening was pleasantly spent and Through the successful efforts after delicious refreshments were of Congressman Pratt In Congress, served, the guests presented Mr. nnd Mr. Robert W. McStraw of Pink, Mrs. Keltz with a handsome cut ! Pa., has recently been granted a glass vase. special pension. Mr. McStraw's The New York police have ar- j record clearly showed that he was rested a band of horse thieves who deserving of relief from the Govern had a rendezvous at a farm in Cen- j nient, but owing to the technlcali terville, Sullivan county, and It Is i ties of tho General Pension laws he this band which has been stealing horses In Wayne county, this state, and Sullivan nnd Delaware county. New York state. They were caught j while shipping horses from Pnter- j son, New Jersey. They were ex- ports in changing tho appearance or ' horses so that they were unrecog-1 nlzable by their proper owners. , , .. , . , in uvvjij unu ui me uriKiuui buildings still standing ' or their sites, where Washington is said to have made his headquarters during the Revolutionary war. Too little attention has been paid to these places nnd historians might make a study of the great leader's head quarters should they devote to the matter time and care. As it is, with tho decay of many of theso ancient buildings, there Is likely to pass away Interesting relics of the early his tory of our country which shoulu bo preserved for tho Instruction and edification of posterity. Tho gymnasium of tho High school was the scene of a fast game of basket ball on Friday evening when the Honesdale High school team defeated Dunmore High school by tho scoro of 22 to 8. Owing to the hedgo fenco guarding of the lo cals, Dunmore was unnhlo to scoro a field goal, all their tallies being a result of good foul shooting. For the homo team Brown and Jacobs mado some very pretty shots which brought showers of applause from the loyal High school rooters. Tho whole team showed a marked im provement. In between tho halves Prof. Oday introduced a new gaino with Indian clubs which proved to bo very exciting. Tho score: Hones dalo High School Brown forward; Mclntyro forward; Jacobs center; Hlllor guard; Freund guard. Dun more High School WIIboii forward; Taylor forward; Avery center; Wat roua guard; Payton and Monnlnger guards. Goals: Honesdalo Brown 3, Jacobs 3, Miller 2, Mclntyro 2. Fouls: Honesdalo 2; Dunmoro 8. Time of halves 20 minutes. Miss Lillian Barbcrl entertain ed tho II. 0. C. club at her home on Mondny evening. Kussoll Whitney of Scrnnton, spent Sunday with her parents on Eleventh street. Mrs. Cyrenus J. Ball, who lives on West street, we are sorry to an nounce, la very ill. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frnnrls Mnlancy on Sun day. They reside on Itlvcr street. John (Jerry, Sr., of Dyberry I'lnc-e. was stricken with paralysis on Knilroad station agent nt Grey court. Tom Jones, who helped tho Tigers win the pennant, was born In i Honesdale on January 22, 1877. He played with St. Louis from 1901 to I 1908. Traction company have contracted with the .McDonald Construction Co. of Scranton, to complete the road between Seelyvllle and Hawley. As the Traction company is only wnlt for B0(1 weather to start work, this rumor may be true John E. Richmond, who Is one of tlle trustees of the Presbyterian , ,,uuu' "'""b "vu iree ouses take the people to and from the Mrs. Joseph Schlessler of Court street, entertained a number of lady friends at her home Inst Thursday evening in honor of her sister. Miss I I .1 T 1 1 1 ...1 1 i. of the Court of Quarter Sessions was excluded from benefiting through the regular channels, and appealed to Colonel Pratt for spec- lal a,l. who presented the evidence before the Committee of the House Representatives and carried the rnst' through its legislative course with success. Mr. McStraw served as Sergeant of Company A of the 137 Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teer infantry PERSONAL MENTION. William Katz spent Sunday In Scranton. Frank Herzog spent Sunday In Plttston. Miss Georgeana .Martin spent Sun day In Scranton. Miss Genevieve Lowe spent Sun day in Carbondalo. John Dish Is spending a few dnys In New York. Miss Carrie Helferlch Is visiting friends in New York City. Miss Annn Brown, of Park street, is visiting friends In Greene, N. Y. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kuhbach aro spending a few days In Now York City. Paul Lorls, of Scranton, mndo a business trip to Honesdalo on Sat urday. Miss Hattio Arnold returned Mon day from n visit with Wllkes-Barro friends. Russell Romalno is making a visit with Now York and Philadelphia friends. Miss Mne O'Neill has returned from a visit with her sister in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomns, and daughter, of Carbondalo, spent Sun day with relatives in town. School Director J. A. Brown and his wife, warp in Carbondalo on Sunday, visiting Fred Brown. Miss Estella Knox, of Brooklyn, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Seward, of East Extension street. I. M. Burcher, of Boyds Mills, was a caller In town on Sntqrday. Miss Almn Schuller, of Hamlln ton, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents on High street. Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles Pcnwarden of Brooklyn, aro visiting the lnt ter's parents on Eleventh street. Miss Margaret Hughes, of Hnw ley, was the guest of Miss Mercedes McDcrmott on Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. D. Daniels, of Dunmore, Pa., Is visiting Miss Lizzie C. Bnssett at the home of Charles L. Bnssett on Fast street. Tho Misses Cora Hendricks, of Peckvllle, Pn., and Merle Evans, of Scrnnton, were guests of Miss Ger trude Rockwell last Sunday. Austin Lyons, who has been em ployed as collector nnd solicitor for tho Bell Telephone Co. at this place. nns been transferred to Scranton. i Mrs. Piko Bunnell, who has reach- j ei. the ripe old ago of ninety-six, Is 111. She resides with Mrs. Ulysses Beers, her daughter, on Fifteenth street. Miss Lizzie C. Bnssett will leave on February 28th for Riverside, California, to make her homo with her sister, Mrs. Wm. H." Horton. She will bo accompanied as far as Chi cago by Mrs. Emma Johnson and from there will he Joined by her brother's wife, Mrs. Russell D. Bns sett, of Kansas City, Mo., who will go with her to Kansas City, where she will visit her brother before continuing her trip. LARGE CROWD ATTEND!',!). Kvciiliig Was a Grand Success. Tho .Mini ha Washington Supper Last On Washington's birthday all roads lead to the Presbyterian Chapel, and the roads and sidewalks were almost impassable, but In spite of the disagreeable storm which was in full blast, crowds wended their way to the chapel to unite In the ex cellent supper which the ladles of the church always serve. The main room of the chapel was beautifully decorated in pink and white; a large circle was suspended below the chan delier in the center of tho ceiling and radiating from this center were streams of pink roses, held together by delicate threads that were invisi ble, making a very artistic appear ance and forming a very pleasing effect. There were two booths, each being very handsomely decorated, tho candy booth with pink chrysan themums and the fancy work booth with pink roses. The parlor which accommodates twenty-two people, was decorated in red popples, while the dining-room had the national colors very artistically arranged with the pictures of George and Martha Washington. There was an orchestra of three pieces, which discoursed sweet mu sic and the Inclemency of tno weath er was forgotten, as the people re moved their wraps and joined in the pleasantness of the occasion. From all appearances tho usual large at tendance was maintained. Mr. John E. Richmond, whose wife has always been prominent in these annual gatherings, hnd arranged a free bus service so that all who wished had conveyance to and from the supper. His thoughtfulness and generosity was very much appreciated. HYMENEAL. WESTFALL ARNST Miss Elizabeth M. Arnst, formerly of Honesdale, now of Port Jervis, and Mr. Charles C. Westfall, of Mata moras, were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira S. Arnst. the bride's parents, No. 27 Hudson street, at two o'clock Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Uriah Symonds, in the presence of only their immediate relatives. The bride was attired in a gown of white moussellne satin, with sil ver trimmings, and veil, and car ried a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Dorothy Arnst, the flower girl and sister of the bride, wore a pretty costume of pink silk ana her bouquet wns of pink carnations. The wedding march was played by Miss Theresa Carpenter. At the conclusion of the Impres sive ceremony, the bride nnd groom received the congratulations of tho company, and then n bountiful din ner wns served by Mrs. Chnrton and her corps of assistants. The bride was the recipient of many useful and valuable gifts, In cluding a handsome cut-glass vase from lmr fellow employes of the Peerless Neckwear Company. She Is n young woman of many attrac tive qualities, and for seven years has been in tho employ of tho Peer less Neckwear Company of Port Jervis as stenographer and typo writer. The groom Is a well-known plum ber, and Is in the employ of tho es tablishment of City Supervisor John J. Toth. Mr. and Mrs. Westfnll left town on an Erie train Thursday after noon for a visit In New York city and points in tho east. Tho bride's traveling suit was blue cheviot with hat to mutch. On their return to Port Jervis, Mr. and Mrs. Westfall will mako their homo with tho bride's parents on Hudson street. Fleet's Cruise Cost $1,619,000. Washington, Feb. 22. .Secretary of tho Navy Meyer repurts us to the cruise of tho Atlantic battle fleet Hint tho normal cost ot maintaining tho fleet at the home station for u period equal to that of the crulso would have been $11,040,000. The extra expendi tures due to the cruise amounted to only $1,010,843, making the total cot of the cruise $13,400,512. DKCLAHATION OK INDEPEND ENCE. In Philadelphia, on Chestnut St., stands tho famous building now known as Independence Hall, which UBed to bo called tho State Houso. This cdiflco Is ono of tho shrines of American pntrlotlBm, for It was In one of Its low-roofed, quaint old rooms, that the Declaration of In dependence, which mndo of the United States a nation, was debated nnd decided. The Declaration was signed on the day of Its adoption by every member present who voted for It. John Hancock, whose name headed all tho others, said: "We must be unani mous; there must bo no pulling dif ferent ways; wo must all hang to gether." "Yes," said Franklin, "we must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately." Everywhere the Declaration was hailed with Joy. It was read to the army amid exulting shouts, it gave the Inspiration of a great cause, and sustained them in the dark days of that long, revolutionary struggle, un til that which was declared in In dependence Hall in 177G was glori ously achieved by Washington In 1783 "the liberty of our land. tlK.V.I. H PlTTIilCH. Lcsw ,t Malinger. -ONK SIGHT O.NI.Y MONDAY Feb 28 TIIK UK) BRILLIANT MI SICAI. SFNSATION 1 s T" F I played ' '300 NIGHTS SOULi j j 41 J-4 IT lUlbik CITY ORIGINAL PRODUCTION G5 - - PEOPLE - - (55 Gorgeously Gowned Girls Prices: 50-75-1.00 and 1.50 SKAT SAI.K opens at tho Box Office ut U it. in. Krldny. l et), l'j. Through Drawing-Room Buffet Sleeping Car MKTWKEN Scranton and Pittsburg IN BOTH DIRECTIONS via Penna. R. R. from Wilkes-Barre Leave Scranton at 5:30 P.M. daily except Sun. arrive Pittsburg 7 A.M. Leave Pittsburg at 8:50 P.M. daily except Sat. ar. Scranton 9:59 A.M. Berth reservations can be made through Ticket Agents, or GEO. E. BATES, Div. Kit. and Paw. Agt. Scranton, Pa. M. U. SIMONS, Phkmiiii.nt. FARMERS MECHANICS BANK CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00 THE BANK Of the People, For the People and By the People ! $i We solicit the patronuge of Individuals and firsts for either Checking or Savings accounts, and always stand ready to loan money to Wayne Couhtcans having proper security. O O O SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS RENTED BV THE MONTH OR YEAR. 1 I Farmers Mechanics U WHAT'S IN THE ALPHABET? To the first three subscribers to The Citizen, who sends us correct answers to the following questions, wo will give a year's subscription to any friend whom they mny name, 1. A prlntor's term? 2. A beverage herb? 3. Not I, but 7 4. An extraordinary marriage fee? 5. How one nationality uses the article "The"? C. Not. I, but two of you? 7. A grnin? 8. 9. An organ of the body? A winged lnsect7 10. A river In Scotland? 11. A large body of water? 12. A beautiful bird? 13. A Jehu's expression? I I. A flemish cloth measure? l.. Nothing. Itl. A gamester's tool? 17. An ordlilary wedding fee? IS. Part of a railroad track sys tem? NEW SPRING s EASTER DRESSES Arc already here In splendid .variety In all Ihe accepted fabrics including Foulards, RoujIi Shantungs, Imperial Messaline, Peking, and Kek ko Silks. Select Your Dress NOW So you can give yourself plenty time to make orhave it made up Just as you want it. Worsted Dress Goods. We have the finest assort ment of Colored and Black Dress Goods ever shown in town. NEW SPRING SUITS Come and look them over and you will notice our Suits are all lined with Bclding Satin and well tailored. Get in line for Easter and select your suit early. KATZ BROS. K. A. KMKUY,Ca!iiikk. SILK STARTS AN ACCOUNT!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers