f Itli CITIZHX, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1000. pnOPOHED AMENDMENTS Tf T '. -1- CONSTITUTION Sfl:vrr '''" '' THE CITIZENS OV THIS CVMMf'v VEAI.TH FOR THE1U Al'I'HOWl. KEJECTION. I1Y THE GENnrtAI. . -SEMUI.Y OF THE COMMONWEAL: OF PENNSYLVANIA. MTi lished by nnn :u or the m ;: - TAHY OF THE COMMONWEALTH I' PUHSt'ANCE OF AP.Tn'I.E XVI 1 1 tl the constitpti' v. a joint i:i:soliti-n Propositi!? nmctidmcnts t.i frla'in ck-'.i and twenty-one of mticle fo-.tt. wotl"" cloven nnil twelve of article five, f c tlons two, three, ami fourteen of nrtirl. elKht, section ono of article twilve. n'v" sections two rind seven of nrtl '" f" i teon, of the Constitution of I'enii-' vnnln. nnd providing n sehrdi le f . rnrrylnff the amendments Into effe. t. Section 1. Ho It resolved liy the . i and House of ncprtwentatlvot of tin Commonwealth of I'ennsylvanla In (!. n ernl Assembly met. That the. follow arc proposed na nmeudmcnts to the Vn- stltut on of the Commonwealtn ot l and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not xceedlng one hundred dollnrs; such courts shall be held by magistrates whose term of ofllce shall be tlvo years and they shall be elected on General ticket by the qualllled voters at law: nnd in the election of the said magistrates no voter shall vote for more than two-thirds of tho number of persons to bo elected when more than ono nro to t.n chosen; they shall bo compensated only by llxed i salaries, to be paid by said county; and shall exercise such Jurisdiction, civil anu criminal, except ns herein provided, as Is now exercised by aldermen, subject to uch changes, not involving an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or confeiilug political duties, as may be made by law. In Phila delphia the oillce of nlderman is abol ished," so ns to rend as follows: In Philadelphia there shall be estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhabit ants, ono court, not of tecord, of pollen and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not exceeding one hundred dollars: such courts shall be held by magistrate. whose term of oillce shall bo six years, and they In th year one th. ' !-' nnd ehsven nnd cvi, f . i '. after; nnd In the elect on f k i each qualified elect. . . '...:! ; more than two percMi'-. mil . i. persons having the lug! t si . . . i votes shall be elected; an ca tin .i. i.i In the oi'leo ot county torn. . county auditor shall be flld b r of common pleas of the touniy 1 i sucli vacancy shall oc ur. by tti-- rp' mi; t mcnt ot an elector of the piop' r who shall have voted for t.io .-,., sloner or auditor whose place Is to in filled. Schedule for this Amendm'iits Section 12. That no Inconvenience irrr arise from the changes In the Con" Going Down. We all know Just what happens To man In a canoe With a sweet girl whose Hps are pursed And coax a kiss or two. But what will happen to the duck, The ardent wooing swain, Who makes a Jump to kiss a filrl Up In an aeroplane? Mortimer Lewis In Houston Post. In Season, Tho hammock is just beginning to pet Interesting to those who whisper sweet little nothings till tho edge of tlon of the Commonwealth, and in onlei llawil. rouphk.eepf.ie Star, to carry the same Into complete opera- sylvanla, In accordance with the provl- 1 shall bo elected on general ticket at the slons of tho eighteenth article thereof - municipal election, by the iiuallllcd Amendment One To Article Four, Sc- , voters at lnrge; and In the election of tlon Eight. the said magistrates no voter snan voio Section 2. Amend section eight of nrilel" I for more than two-thirds of tho number four of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, j of persons to bo elected when more than which reads ns follows: I one are to be chosen; they shall be com- "lie shnll nominate nnd. bv and with ' Densated only by fixed salaries, to bo the advice and consent of two-thirds ot all the members of tho Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General during pleasure. 11 Superintendent of Public Instruction for four years, and such other officers of the Commonwealth ns he is or may be authorized by the Constitution or by law to appoint; he shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen, In of fices to which he may appoint, during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shnll expire at the end of their next session; he shall have power to fill any vacancy that may bap pen, during the recess of the Senate, In the office of Auditor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of Public Instruction, in a Judlclul office, or In any other clcc tlve office which he Is or may be au thorized to fill; if the vacancy shall hap pen during the session of the Senate, the Governor shall nominate to the Sen ate, before their final adjournment, r proper person to fill said vacancy; but in any such case of vacancy. In an elec tive office, a person shnll be chosen ti mid office at the next general election vnless the vacancy nhall happen withlr three calendar months Immediately pre tedlng such election, In which case thi election for said office shnll be held the second succeeding general leet.er In acting on executive nominations tie Senate shall sit with open doors, and. li confirming or rejecting the nomlnat'nm of the Governor, tho vote shnll be taker by yeas and nays, and shall be entered o: the' Journal," so ns to read as follow He shnll nominate und. by and with tho advice and consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth an1 an Attorney General during pleasure, e Superintendent of Public Instruction f ! four yenrs, and such other officers of th paid by said county; and shall exercise such Jurisdiction, civil and criminal, ex cept as herein provided, ns ts now ex- tlon, it is hereby declared that In tho case of officers elected by th people, all terms of oillco fixed by a"t n Assembly nt an odd number of ear- shall each be lengthened one year, bet the Legislature may change the lengt of tho term, provided the terms for which such officers are elected shall always be for an even number of years. Tho above extension of official tenr -shall not affect officers elected at t'n general election of one thousand nlm hundred and eight; nor any city, ward, borough, township, or election division officers, whoso terms of office, under ex isting law, end In the year one thousand nine hundred and ten. In the year one thousand nine Hundred Come on, Doys. Tho airships have been tried when tho weather was good, When Nature was In her best form. But what wo would llko is a different mood And see them tried out In a storm. Washington Star, Eloquence. Knlckor Do people hang on his words? Boekcr As though they were car Btraps. New York Sun. CLEARING SALE The Giant Event of the Season's End Every Passing Season finds our Stock Hroken in everyldepartiuent. Small lots are bound to accumulate here and therein n busy ttoro like ours. We never have and never will carry over goods from one season to another, no indeed, Sir, the policv of thw house demands that the wenrableslhero mentioned leaves us when Hie season does, so to this end we go through all departments and clip down the prices unmindful ot the cost to us. ,1uly is not a time for prollts. Here following we mean to speak in deeds of many saving opportunities not in words galore; so if that means anything to yon read on STItAUSK UUOS. Cl.OTHKS ALTj SIZES. $15 Suits now $10 $18 Suits now $l:i $20 Suits now $15 $25 Suits now $18 IjANUAX ItltAXl) CLOTHES ALL SIZES. $10 Suits now $7 $0 Suits now $0 $8 Suits now $5 $7 Suits now $1 erclscd by aldermen, subject to such j aml tcn the municipal election shall be 1 nem on tne tniru ruesuay 01 .teurunry. changes, not involving an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Phila delphia the office of alderman is abol ished. Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec tion Two. Section C. Amend section two of article eight, which reads as follows: "The general election shall be held an nually on the Tuesday next following tho first Monday of November, but the Gen eral Assembly may by law fix a different day. two-thirds of all tho members of each House consenting thereto," so as to read: The general election shall be held bi ennially on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year, but the General As sembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds of all the members of each House, consenting thereto: Provided, That such election shall always be held in an even-numbered year. Amendment Six To Article Eight, Sec tion Three. Section 7. Amend section three of article ight, which reads ns follows: "All elections for city, ward, borough and township officers, for regular terms I of service, shall be held on the third I Tuesday of February," so as to read: I All Judges elected by tho electors of the State at largo may be elected at either 1 a general or municipal election, as clr-1 cumstnnces may require. All elections 1 for Judges of tho courts for tho several Judicial districts, and for county, city, ward, borough, and townsnip oiuccrs lor shall be iicui regular terms of service, on the municipal election day: namely, the Ttiesdav next following the first Mon- Commonwealth as he Is or may be an day of November in ench odd-numbered thoiizcd bv the Constitution or by law 1 year, but tho General Assembly may by to appoint'; he shall liavo power to fill law fix a different day, two-thirds of all all vacancies that tnav happen, in offices I tho members of each House consenting to which be mnv appoint, during the n- ' thereto: Provided. That such election cess of the Senate, by granting cnmmls- shall always be held In an odd-numbered sions which shall expiro nt the end ot year. their next session; he shall have1 pow-1 ' Amendment Seven To Article Eight, See to till any vacancy that may hnpp 1 tlon Fourteen, during the recess of tho Senate, In th'" Section S. Amend section fourteen ot office of Auditor General, State Trca- I artiflo eight, widen reads ns follows: 1 as heretofore; but all officers chosen nt ' that election to an office the regular term I of which Is two years, and also all elec- , tlon officers and assessors chosen at that election, shall serve until tne first Mon- ! day of December In the year one thou sand nine hundred and eleven .All offi- 1 cers chosen nt that election to dTflces the term of which is now four years, or Is made four years by the operation of these amendments or this schedule, shall 1 serve until the first Monday of December I In the year one thousand nine hundred 1 and thirteen. All Justices of the peace, j magistrates, and aldermen, chosen at that . election, shall serve until the first Mon day of December in the year one thou-1 sand nine hundred and fifteen. After the 1 year nineteen hundred and ten, and until . the Legislature shall otherwise provide, all terms of city, ward, borough, town- ship, and election division officers shall begin on the first Monday of December : in an odd-numbered year. I All city, ward, bVrough, and township officers holding office at tho date of tht approval of these amendments, whose terms of office may end in the year one thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall continue to hold their offices until the , first Monday of December of that year. j All judges of the courts for the sev eral Judicial districts, and also all county ' officers, holding office at the date of tho approval of these amendments, whose ' terms of office may end in the year one thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall ' continue to hold their offices until thi , first Monday of Jnnuary, one thousand nine hundred and twelve. A true copv of the Joint Resolution. IIOBEKT MCAFEE. Secretary of the Commonwealth Fun. Full many resorts may 'promise fun For e'en a vacation short, But not to tho hopelessly "busted" one Who's down to his last resort. Kansas City Times. Something Coming In If you ADVERTISE in THIS PAPER. It will LOOK GOOD to you. Try it out NOW. UHILDHKXK' CLOTHES ALL SIZES. $5 Suits ' now $:$.50 $1 Suits now $2.75 $3.50 Suits now 2.25 $3.00 Suits now $2.00 BOYS' WASH SUITS ALL SIZES. 50c, 75c., to $1.00 Worth Double the Price. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS ALL SIZES. Eclipse sltfrts, high grade ln every respects. Coat cut, cults attached: $1.50 value at $1.00 $1.00 value nt 70c. TRUNKS AND DRESS SUIT CASES AT HALF PRICE. BREGSTEIN BROS. Underwear at Reduced Prices. Remember the Place--a Full Line of Everything. urer, Secretary or internal Aiinirs o Superintendent ot Public Instruction, in a Judicial office, or In any other elective office which he is or may ho authorized to fill; It tho vacancy shall happen dur ing the session of tho Senate, the Gov ernor shall nominate to the Senate, he fore their final adjournment, a prope, person to fill said vacancy; but in any such case of vacancy, in an elective of fice, 1 person shall bo chosen to said of fice on the next flection day appropriate to such office, according to the provision of this Constitution, unless the vacancy shall hnpp.n within two calendar months immediately preceding such election day. in which ease tho election for said offler shall be held on tho second succeedlni! election day appropriate to such office In aetinft on executive nominations th. Senate shall sit with open doors, and. In confirming or rejectlnK the nomination' of the CSovcrnor. the vote shall be takm by yeas nnd nays, and shall be entered on the jou1n.1l, Amendment Two To Article Four, Sec- , tion Twenty-one. ' Section 3. Amend section twenty-one ol article four, which reads ns follows: "The term of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be four years; of the Audi tor General three years; and of the Stat Treasurer two years. These officers shall be chosen by tho qualllled electors of the State at peneral elections. No person elected to the office ot Auditor General or State Treasurer shall be capable ot holdlns the same office for two consecu-ti-o terms," so as to read: The terms of the Secretary of Internal Affairs, tho Auditor General, and the State Treasurer shall each be four years: and they shall bo chosen by the qualified electors of the Stato at general elections: but a State Treasurer, elected in the year ono thousand nine hundred and nine, shall serve for three years, and hip suc cessors shall be elected at the scneral election in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and in every fourth year thereafter. No person elected to the office of Auditor General or State Treas urer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Amendment Three To Article Five, Sec tion Eleven, Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar ticle five, which reads as follows: "Except as otherwise provided In this Constitution, Justices of the peace or ai dermen shall be elected in the several wards, districts, boroughs and townships at tho time of the election of constables, by the qualified electors thereof, in such manner as shnll be directed by law, nnd shall be commissioned by the Governor for a term of five years. No township, ward, district or borough shall elect more than two Justices of tho peace or alder men without the consent of a majority of the qualified electors within such town ship, ward or borough; no person shall bo elected to such office unless he shall have resided within the township, borough ward or district for one year next preced ing his election. In cltlc3 containing over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not moro than ono alderman shall be elected In each ward or district." so ns to read: Except as otherwise provided In this 1 Constitution, justices of the pcaco or I aldermen sh:! bo elected In tho several wards, districts, boroughs or townships, 1 by tho qualllled electors thereof, at th" I municipal election, in such manner ns I shall bo directed by law, and shall be commissioned by tho Governor for n ! term of hlx years. No township, ward, 1 district or borough shall elect more than two Justices of the peace or aldermen without the consent of a majority of the qualllled electors within aich township, ward or borough; no person shall bo elected to such office unless he ihall have resided within tho township, borough, ward or district for one year next pre ceding his election, In cities containing over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more than one alderman shall ho elected in each ward or district. Amendment Four To Article Five, Sec tion Twelve Section 5. Amend section twelve of artl els live of the Constltuton, which reads an follows: "In rhtlT'"lphl'i tlvro shall be est-il -llshed, ''! '.iih ihlrty thousand iiui.il.it om one court, not of record, ot pollco District election boards shall consist of 1 a Judge nnd two Inspectors, who shal I be chosen annually by the citizens. Each I elector shall have the right to vote for the i Judge and one inspector, and each inspect-1 or shnll appoint one clerk. The first elec tion board for any new district shall be , selected, and vacancies in election boards filled, as shall be provided by law. Elec-: tlon officers shall bo privileged from ar rest upon days of election, and while en gaged in mautfig up nnd transmitting re turns, except upon warrant of a court of record or judge thereof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wantor breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from jury duty during tb-lr terms of service." so as to read: District election boards shall consist ol a Judge nnd two Inspectors, who shall bo chosen biennially, by Hie citizens at mt municipal election; but the General As sembly may n quire said boards to bo appointed In such manner as it may by law provide. Laws regulating the ap pointment of said boards may bo enacted to apply to cities only: t'rovuiea, inat Education. Jones read a tlve foot bookshelf held An ample s-Mi-o of Gaining, So started in to carpenter, Willi thirst for knowledge burning. He purchased hummer, saw and plane, Ot paint made. 11 seleelion. And then benan to make the shelf liy liiigazlmi direction. tlo smashed ei(,IU lingers and two thuinbn And no. uly planed his no:-o off. lie scattered fourteen quarts of paint And almost nuvul his toes off. He now In in the hospital Iieceiving ministration. The doetois say ho may get well He has an education. -Mel.niidbmgh Wilson in Now York Su.i. 1b B'O.B I 1 The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This vear opeiio witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition In ought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind ol a mixed paint that Avould supplant CHILTOX'S MIXED PA1XTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, mav find a sale with the unwary. THE ONLY PLACE IX 1JOXESDALE authorized to liA.vniiE CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS Is JADWiN'S PHARMACY. Why Not? MolluT Insl run upstairs. Tommy, nml feti h Irtliy's nl?liiovn. Tommy Don't want to. Mother (Hi. well, ii' you're Rolm; to lie unkind to your new little sister slie'll put on 1 1 or wlims and fly liael: to heaven. Tommy Then let Iier imt on lier WHEX THE EXUIXE COMES s no time to be renri'ttinp your neglect to get injured. A little ?are beforeliar.d is woitli more than any amount ol re-giet. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS' 1st -No one can mix abetter mixed paint. J'l The painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. Mil Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that pn vps defective. 4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied witl.it. and recommend its uso to others. STOP wiiifis and fetch lief nlpjht gown. Tech- such laws be uniform' for cities ot thcilii' al YVol'IO. same class. Ench elector shall have the . Da Becga Man. Da bcepa r.i.vi I liUo for shave. lie always tak' my chair. He s-oiu' lam spreunga jolce weeth me W'en 1 cut htesa hair. He say. "I got no mueha hair," Weethout da smile or laugh. "Yo have no right for charga me," He say, "but justa half." I know he maka Joko weeth me, So w'en ho come, for shave 1 have a gooda one for heem, One lol.a v.-'at 1 save. I say to licem: "You' face so beeg, Can't 1 hive for sama price. Eet tak' m longa lime, for do, 1 ha.e "! eliarga twice." VI. The Keen Clothing Dealer richt to vote for tho Judge and ono In spector, and each Inspector shall appoint one clerk. Tho first election board foi any new district shall bo selected, and vacancies in election boards filled, as 1 shall be provided by law. Election offi cers shall be privileged from arrest upon days of election, and while engaged In ' making up and transmitting returns, ex cept upon warrant of a court of record, or judge thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or for wnnton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemp tion from jury duty during their terms ot 1 service. Amendment Eight To Article Twelve, Section One. Section 9. Amend section one, article I twelve, which reads as follows: ! "All officers, whose selection is not pro-, vldcd for in this Constitution, shall Te ' TWIT VAlIfN A T elected or appointed as may bo directed, OH- it if fV L 1 OH & Dy jaw, so as 10 reau; All officers, whose selection is not pro vided for in this Constitution, shall be elected or appointed as may be directed by law: Provided, That elections of State officers shall be held on a general election day, and elections of local officers shnll be held on a municipal election day, ex cept when, in either case, special elections may be required to fill unexpired terms. Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen. Section Two. Section 10. Amend section two of article fourteen, which reads as follows: , "County officers shall bo elected at tho ; general elections nnd shall hold their offices for tho term of three yenrs, be-1 ginning on tho first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shall be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall bo filled in such manner us may bo ' provided by law," so as to read: County officers shall bo elected at the municipal elections and shall hold their 1 offices for tho term of four years, be ginning on tho first Monday of January next after their election, and until thch successors shall bo duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for shall be filled In such manner as may be provided by iaw. Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen Section Seven. Section 11. Amend section seven, artlclt fourteen, which rends ns follows: "Three county commissioners and three county auditors shall be elected In each county where such officers are chosen, Ir. tho year one thousand eight hundred ana sevontv-fivo and every third year there after; and In tha election of said office! 9 each qualllled elector shall vote for no moro than two persons, nnd the three persons having tho highest number ot votes shall be elected; any casual vacancy In tho offieo of county commissioner 01 KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents HONKSOALC Pr.. MR. HOSIERY BUYER READ THIS: HERE'S THE PROPOSITION. ,V Limited Accident Insurance Polio forflOOO Good for OXU YKA 1!. Holmes Memorial, St. Rose Cemetery, Carbondale, Fa. ffir.. m mi: :m Designed and built by .MARTIS C.VU1MELD Tooth Savers with every box of 6 pairs of our Insured Hose fo r $1.50. The Insurance Policy Is in TIIK SOUTH AMEUIUAN ACCIDENT INtfrUANCE CO. of Chicago. A company who have been in business for 23 years, and have a surplus and assets of over $G'J5,000.00. THE POLICY PAYS AS FOLLOWS: For Loss of Life $1,000.00 For Loss of both Eyes 1,000.00 For Loss of both Hands 1,000.00 For Loss of both Feet 1,000.00 For Loss of One Hand and One Foot 1,000.00 For Loss of One Hand 250.00 For Loss of One Foot 250.00 For Loss of One Eye 100.00 Seven and oO-lOO Dollars per week for 0 weeks as per policv in case of accident. THE HOSE is a Two Thread Combed Egyptian Ueinforced. Heel and Toe All Value. Retails for $1.50 a box of 6 pairs. Come in Hlack and Tan. Sold with a Sis Months' Guarantee on Every Pair. See Window Display al L. A HeSferich's. '"PHIS ia tho clothing dealer who went j To the hardware store and freely spent On advertissd bargains the very bill Ho got from tho furnituro dealer's till, I Whero it went when the dry goods ' merchant bought ! tho ofileo of county commissioner ot . d ,d with tho bi that tha butcher county auditor snau ue nueu, Dy me . rnnrt nf nnnimnn n ens or ino countv in ' which such vacancy shnll occur, by tho appointment of nn elector of tho proper county who shall have voted for tho commissioner or nuditor vhos plnee I to he fiiV.l." va UH to iv-nd: Viiei m'uiity rnmmlloners nnd thro county lunlltnra shall ho elected In enei. countv whero such officers uro chosen From tho grocer who had sottloment made With tho money tho honest workman paid. P. S The local dealer who's up to snuff (Fill always advertise his stuff. Wti have the -int of tooth bruMies that are made to tlmrouyhly cleyiifu and fcavu the teeth. They are the kind that clean teeth without leavhiu vmr numtli lull of hrlstles. We recommend lho'o cotlns 23 cents or iniiiv. us we can L'linraiitee Iheni und will re- iilaie, free, any that Miow delects ot niiiliu- iiieiuro wiuiiii wiicu iiiuiiins, O. T. CHAHBERS, iJHAUnACIST, Upp.ll. & II. Station. tlONESUALE, P DO MOT FAIL TO BEAD THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEfViENT : If yon desire to buy pmo whiskey, look at tho end of tho bimel before nmkliiK .vol'!' l"'1 Hum'. There you Mill Und tho date of inspection which is n sure jumnnty ns to nsc All straight whiskeys nro inspected by CJoverninent ollltlnls, and taxed nceordinji to proof, lilemlcd and com pound hMceys nro made from straight whiskeys. PAUL E. McGRANAGHAN, Wholesale Dealer in W!MES ar.i LIQUORS, 557 Vein St., Honesda!e, Pn., I125 r. larye U. r.tlty of the best Straight Whiskeys for salo at his estah-llshne-'iH. Also Mendel Whiskeys, Foreign and Domestic Wines, p.nd t-ottled B.'er by tits case cr dozen.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers