SETTLE UP. ' BMIK subscriber, having disjiescl of lit* Store L in Bedford, is desirous ot closing up his liooks. AH [k'r.soiis indebted to him arc leqties ted to settle up Immediately. His books will be in the nands ot Mr. Job At. Shoemaker, till first July next. He is thankful to his friends for the very gem rocs support they have yielded him since iiis commencement in this place auil cordially reccommenda Mr. Job M Shoemaker, as a young tuaa of good business habits, of strict hoi esty, capacity and integrity, and who will not fail to give general satisfaction to my customers and the public. EMAS M. FISHER. March 14 1856-3 m. Clathing and Dry Goods ttoro. rTlilE subscribers are just receiving a new A handsome and cheap assortim nt ot REA JjY MADE CLOTH ISO and DRY GOODS , a their store in the East Corner ©1" Bedford Hall,' consisting in part of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts- Satin Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and ail other articles usually kept in Ready Made Clothing Stores. Also a good assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Calico, Mous. de J,nine, Shawls. Alpacas, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Sec., ike.; all of which they will sell as cheap as can be pro cured else wlmrc iu Bedford, for Cash or Coun try Prod nee. They request all their friends in townand country to give them a call, and see and exam ine their stock for themselves as tliey consider it a pleasure to show their goods, whether jier sons wish to prcbase or not. SONNABOBN & CO. Bedford, April 20, 1855. Notice to Tresspassers! HEREBY warn any persons from hunt dt ing, fishing or otherwise tresspassing on jny priiuises, as I am determined to enforce the iaw against all without respect to per sons, so offending. The subscriber has a special grant for bis dam. HIRAM F. ROHM. Colerain Tp. Feb. 29, 1856-c. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration have been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Danuel W. Blackburn, late of StClair Township, deed. All persons indebted to said estate are noted to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands agaiost it are requested to make known the same without delay to the subscriber livtDg at Fleasantville in St Flair Township. SAMUEL BLACKBURN. Feb. 29,18-Hi-f Administrator's A'otlce. lETTERS of Administration having been -J granted to the subscriber, living in South W oodborry Township, on the Estate of Henry Hetrick. late of said Township, dee'd, all per sons indebted to said Estate arc hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those hav iug claims against the same will present them properlv authenticated for settlement. March 28. DAVID C. LONG. Adm'r. H. \ICODEHIS, Justice of the Pence, HAS removed hisOfliceto Juliana Street two doors North of the'-Inquirer and Chronicle" Office, and two doors South of King Jordans' Office where he will punctu ally attend to the collection of all claims placed in his hands. Bedford, April ti, 18f>5—tr JtfarcroES' Rotary Planing Machine. ITfANTED —To sell the Rights and Machines V V for a Rotary Planing, Tonguing and Groov ing Machine, for board sand plank, under the Noreroas Patent. Also, ihe attachment of the Moulding Muchim, which will work a whole hoard iuto mouldings at one operation. This patent has been tried, and decided in the Su premo Court in Washngton, to lie no infringe ment. being superior to Woodwork's Machine Ap y to J. U. DALE* Willow Street, above Twe' .1, Philadelphia, where the Machines c.v~ _• seen in Operation, a. 1)5, ltjo6-3m N33W GOODS. rpilE undersigned liegs leave to inform his JL friends and the public, that lie has just re turned from the Eastern Cities, and is now exhibiting At (heap Side, A general assortment of new style of SPRLYG SUMMER GOODS, comprising in a great variety of Ladies Dress Goods—consists in put of Clndies. Lawns. De Laines, Madonna Cloth, Ac. <J-e. and a great variety ol Black and Fancy Cas simcrs, Linen and Cottonade for Gentleiuens' and Boys' wear. Boots, Short, //•.' and Bonne's, Grorerin, Queensicari, Hardtcare, It rooms. Vmlrrts, Tubs, Churns, tfc. t[C. The above stock cons'sts of every article usually kept in stores—all of which will be sold cheap for ctsh or approved produce. Thankful for past favors he hopes by fair dealing, and a desire to please to continue to merit and receive a liberal sharo of the public patronage. G. W. RUPP. Bedford, April 11, 1856. DR. A. P. FIILDS, OFFERS his professional services in all the branches of Medicine, Surgery, Obstet rics, and all other branches connected with the profession, to the citizens of Pattonsvißc, Woodberry, Hopewell and the surrounding community; and hopes by strict attention, and former success in practice, to give satisfac tion to-all who favor him with a call. He will always be found at his office, one fourth of a mile north of Puttousville, nnless profession ally engaged. Pattonsville. April 11, 1856.-C* Head Quarter*. OR FASHIONABLE CLOTIIHG THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he is now offering at th> Bedford /fall formerly Exchange Hotel in East Pitt street, tbe largest nd best assortment of ready made, ftshionabloClothing, ever before offered for sale in this place. HIS STOCK consists of a large and spiend'K supply of Winter Goods. He his every variety and description <- COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, SHIRTS DP.AWfiRS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS SUSPENDERS, HANDKEKCIIIEFS, Ac Ac. H - has also alargestoek of prime CLOTHS CASSIMERES and VESTIN'GS, which heispre pared to make up to order in the most fashions We style, ad warranted to be well made, am COOD RITS. Having purchased his stock for CASH he feel assured that he can m tko it to the advantage o those wanting ooon and CHEAP CLOTHING to giv him a call before purchasing elsewhere. WM. SCHAFER. Jonuirp 19, 1804. Executor's Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the subscripts, on the Estate of Johr Smith, late of Union Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified to make payment :mtn .iiucty, and those having claims against the same, will present tliem properly auUuutioited tor set tlement. PETER SMITH, of V*io* 7>.. Jf>' V AKE. of St. Clair Tp., March I'l. L k aj" Exteatort, Great Arrival ! FILL IMI WINTER GOODS. Exchange Building Store. THE subscribers respectfully inform tliei r friends, customers, and the public general ly, that they have just received tie luigesl as sortment i f Full and Vi inter Goods they have yet offered to purchasers. Our Stock is iu part as follows: Blue, Black, Brown, and Invisible Green French and American Cassimeres. various col ours; Ky.Jeaua, Wool Tweed?, Kerseys. Flan uels, Coatings, Beaver Cloth, Blankets. Coids, Velvets, Drillings, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, &c.. Ac. 450 pieces Fall Style Calicoes, nil prices, 125 Plain and Fig'd De Lains and Per sian Cloths, 250 • Heavy and Medium Brown .Mus lins, 85 •' Super Bleached Shirting Muslin, (50 •' Thibet Cloths and A'paccas, ail colors. T5 • Cassinetts, a B colors and prices. 25 •• All Wool, Rag, List,and Stun Car pets, 15 " Floor Oil Cloths, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4. and 8-4 wide. Men and Boys' Wool, Fur, and Beaver Slouch Hats, Morocco Lined Navy Caps, also Clot!. andPiush do., Boots and Shoes, for men and i boys, Bootees, Double Sole Moiocco and Kid Shoes for ladies, also, an immense supply ot Boots and Shoes for misses and children. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Proems Buckets. Tubs, &c. Fisb Oil. Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed do Bar Iron, Nail, Rod, Ac. Our assortment includes every article usually found in stores, and to prove we are selling "cheaper than the, " all we ask is a call. No trouble to show goods It will'not cost you anything to come and look at the bargains we will offer. [CyCountry Produce received for goods at , cosh prices. A B. CRAMER & CO. Oct. 12. 1855. ESTATE 9F SOLOMON HOLLAR, DEC'D LETTERS Testamektakt to the Estate of Solomon Hollar, late of West Provi dence Township, dee'd, having been grai ted by the Register of Bedford County to the un dersigned, notice is hereby given that all per sons indebted to said Estate will be required to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present thetu properly authen ticated for settlement. HANNAH HOLLAR. Executrix, PHILIP V. HOLLAR, Executor. West Providence Township. I April 11, A. D-, 1855. \ ims €□*je GC: JE: , DR. W. E. RICHTER, having made an assignment of bis property to the under signed, for the benefit of his creditors, notice is therefore given to ail persons indebted to said Dr. Richter to make payment to the un dersigned immediately, and those having claims are hereby required to produce them immediately for settlement. JACOB BERNHARD, JONATHAN HORTON, Assignees. April 11, 1856. To Dyspeptic and Nervous Suf ferers. THE subscriber who ha 3 suffered all the horrors of Indigestion, is anxious to im part the OXI.T method of cure to invalid simi larly affected. Address Dr. W. J.MULUN, Schtltsburg Bedford Co. Pa. TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. A second meeting of Teachers, Directors, and the friends of Education, will be held in Bedford, on Tuesday the 22d day of April next, for the purpose of organizing a County Teachers' Association. T. R. GETTVS, County Sup't. March 28, 185 G. I OFFICE. U. V. M. P. Co., { } Feb. 28, 1858. NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of j Directors of this Company have this day \ levied an assessment of a per cent, on all pre- ; miuni notes belonging to the Company and in , force oti the sixth day of February, 1856, ex- , cept on original applications approved from j Nov. 20. 1855 till the said sixth day of Febru- j ary, on which there is assessed 3 percent.— i And on all premium notes expiring between said dates, and not renewed, 3 per cent. The members of this Company are hereby required to pay their saveral amounts so assessed to the Tieasurer or authorized receiver of this j Board within thirty days of the publication of j ; this notice. ATTEST—JOHN T.GREEN. March 28,1856 —3t. IMPORTANT TO MILL. OWNERS! 1 TTTOODWARD'S Improved Smut and Screen- YY ing Machines, Mill Bushes. BoltingGi>tlis 1 and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan; j Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Patent > Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, warranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill lions and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer— a valuable invention. The above articles are kept constantly on hand, and can lie obtained at any time, from S. D. BROAD, at Schellsburg, Bedford County, who is also agent for Bedford, Somciset, and adjoining counties. Mill wright work done at the shortest notice, j and on the most reasonable terms. February 15, 1856. McCOR.MICK'S Reaper and Mower for sale by S. D. BROAD at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford counties. February 15, 1856. MOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore existing between the nr.dersigned, under the name and firm | of Weisei A Foster, in the Coach and Wagon ; Manufactory, is this day disclved by mutnai consent. The business of the late firm will be settled up by W ra. tVeisel, who is authorized to collect all accounts, Ac., and pay ibe debts the firm. WM. WEISEL, JOHN FOSTER. Dec. 14, 1856.-n6l ! NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. Collectors of the Poor Taxes are notified that Executions will issue at once against all delinquent collectors of '54 and previ ous years, for balances remaining aftei tbe 15th of March next, and on the collectors for 1855 just as soon as their 15 months have expired. By order of the Directors. GEO. W. BLY.MIRE, Treasurer. Feb. 29, 1856. PUBLIC sue OF a School House in Napier Township near Andrew Homes and others. To be sold at Public Sale or outcry on Saturday the 22d day of March inst. One third of the purchase money in hand at the confirmation of the Sale, one third in six mouths, and the remaioing one third in one year. By order of the School Directors, J. W HUIX, C. WHETSTONE, WM. ROOK, HENRY ALBAUGH, P. KINSEY, J R. MOW BY, March 7, 1856. Firi: Firs: FITS: IE miu n i i: ' 1 . t pills. KOU THE CUKE OF FUs, Spasms, (ramps, uti ai Nervous and Cocslifutieiiai iis eases. PERSONS v. ho are laboring i i ,>< r this u;v distressing malady, will find the Vegetable Epileptic Fill.> to be the only naiedy tvt r dis ovcred (or Curing Epiiefsy or Falling Fits. These pill?' possess a specific action on the ner vous system, and, although they are prepared especially for the purpose ot curing Fits, they will lie tound of especial benefit lor all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has beep prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. In chronic complaints.or diseases of long standing, superinduced by ner vousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Testimony in favor of the Vege table Extract Epileptic Pills. In the publication of the following certificate) °1 cures, the names have been suppressed, an the testimonials were voluntarily ottered, and at would be improper to publish them without the consent of the parties, and who would be un willing to publish to the world that they or theirchildren or friends, ever hud fits, when thecircamstance is always regarded as one of the family secrets. Reviuxo, Berks County, Pa. f December 22d, 1852. ( To Seth S. Hauce : Dear Sir—The Pills my brother bought o you in November, I me,in the Vegetable Epi leptic Pill are out,and I get a friend to enclose you live dollars, for which I wish you to send roe immediately two boxes more. 1 have been troubled ntany years with FITS, and have tried the skill of many physicians, but nothing which I have taken appears to have met the require ments of my ease, so well as vour Epileptic , Pills. ' I ANOTHER CASE OF FITS. Ct VBKSEt'UO, Va. I November loth. 1852. I To Seth S. Hance, Baltimore, Md. Dear Sir—Having been afflicted for some years past with Falling Fits, I saw your adver tisement, and determined to give jour pills a trial, and I am happy to say that since I com menced the use of them, I have not had an at tack. I believe them to be a first rate article, for, as I have written to yen in a former letter I was attacked every two weeks, but since 1 have been using them I have not had an attack. Yours, respectfully, LETTER FROM A DRUGGIST. New York, Oct. 10, 1852. Dear Sir—Please send me two boxes more of your Vegetable Epileptic Piils. Ihe person for whom I procured tbero, is much jdeased with their effects. They seem to have an excellent effect. A PERFECT CURE OF EPILEPSY. ' Pittsburg, November 22, 1853. Dear Sir—lt is now ten months since my wife bad any of those nervous attacks. She thinks she is cured. She has not had any symptoms of the disease forthe last nine months. She took your Vegetable Extract Pills for about four months, and discontinued them four months since. Mrs. S. was treated by the best oid school physicians in the State for ten y e ais,then by the best Homeopathic for eighteen mouths, without a cure. It is to your Vegetable Ex tract Pills, and with str' ■ regard to diet, that we ascribe her cure of the most dreadful dis ease that ever afflicted the human family. 1 wish 1 every person afflicten with Epilepsy had this medicine, and would give it a thorough trial. It may not cure in all cases, but in this it has performed wonders. A VERY REMARKABLE CURE. Milledgevilie, Ga. December 17. 1852. \ Dear Sir—l wish to inform yon that one of my family has been afflicted with FITS tor a number of years, and seeing an advertisemen in a news piper, concerning your Vegetable Ex tract Epileptic Pills, I came to the conclusion, after trying almost every physician in my roacht and all having failed in relieving my child of the disease, to send for six boxes of your pills, which proved an effectual cure lor my daughter, who is uow about 18 years of age. I think there is no other medicine in use equal to them, and I will be forever gratelul to you for the use of them for my daughter whom it has cured. Yours, respectfully. Nervous and Constitutional Disea ses. Thesa pills possess a specific actlor on the nerveus system, and although they are prepa red especially for the purpose of curing Fits they will be found of especial benefit to all pcr | son afflicted with weak nerves, or whose ner -1 vous system has been prostrated or shatterd, ! from any cause whatever; in fact it is almost I i '.possible to convey an adequate idea of the | speedy and almost miraculous results which i these pills effect in the diseased, broken down tr • urostrated nervous systems. Persons who were ail lassitude, weaknesss and debility, be fore their use, at once become robust and full of energy. No matter whether the constitution has been broken down by excess, weak by na ture, or debilitated by sickness, their effection tite unstrung and shattered nervous organiza tion is equally certain and apparent. Incases tof neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain In the nerves of the face, and the various train of ner vous affections, palpitation of the heart, period ical headaches, cold and shivered state of the frame, frequent fits of abstraction, total inabili ty, dislike to society, melancholy,religious mo nomania, heats and flushes of the face on the slightest occasion, a desire that existence should I terminate; they will produce a cure in an aston j iishngly short period of time, and it will ales | remove depression, excitement, a tendency to i blush, restlessness, sleeplessness,incapacity for , study or business, loss of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, mental debility, hysteria, indecision, wretchedness, thoughts of self destruction, fear of insanity, &c., Ac.— They will increase and restore the appetite strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by exc* sses, and induce continual cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits, and prolong life. J Persons of pale complexion and cosr.umptive t habits are restored by a box or two, to bloom and vigor, changing t he skin from a pale, yellow sickly color, to a beautiful florid compli xion. t s these Pills are ci mpesed of same of g the most expensive mate-ials in the if uteri a Medica, it will be impossible to leaietbem * around the country on agency, as common Pat ent Medicines usually are. But in order to let the afflicted in the most reidote parts of the country have a chance to obtain them, they will be sent by mail free of postage, to any part of the United States, or any country with which the United States has postal arrangements, os r the receipt of a remittance. * PRlCES.—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pill >' $3 per hex, two boxes for So, or $24 perdozen. 6 orders must be addressed postpaid to S. S. HANCE, e 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Hanccs's Sarstparilla Blood Pills, < Horchound Candy, ' Compound Syrup of Horn-hound. ' HT-A-iso for sale by MILLER A CONLET Schellsburg. Pa. May 25,1855—u. BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. DRiei, HOOKS AND STA TIONARY. lit. F. C. lIIUMER, Bedford, Fa., HAYINC purchased the Drug and Book Store >f Dr. S. J). Scott, has constantly 011 band, ait be old stand, a large and well se lected sto*; of choice Drugs anil Medicine-, wholesale aid retail, all of which will be sold at fairtermi The assortment consists iu part of Drugs Chemicals. Dye Woods awl Acids, Paints ind Oils, Window Glass awl Glass Ware, Tdtacco and Segars, Perfumery, Fancy articles, fr., 6/c. PATENT MEDICINES. Having the regular agency for the sale of all of these medicines, the public ire assured that they are of the best, such as ha*e stood the test of time and expe rience, andean be safely recommended as ge nuine, viz} Townsend's and Sand's Sarsapa rilla, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Aver's Cherry Pectoral, Moffat's Life Pills and Phoe nix Bittern, Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, Fahnstock s, Hobensack'a, and other vertrfu ges; Hooffmd'sGerman Bitters, ice., &e. Constantly on hand a large stock of historic, biographical, scientific, religious, poetical, school, and miscellaneous BOOKS. Also a great variety of FANCY STATION ARY, Cap. Post and wrapping paper of every quality. Paper Hangings iu great variety.— Window Blinds in pasterns or by the piece.— Wall Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS of every size and quality, Pocket Books and Port Monnaiea, Diaries, Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils. Conihs. Brushes, Perfumery in great variety, Soaps, &e.. &c. Lamps, and Camphlne Oil and Bnrni' g Fluid, kept vOfistantlv on hand. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; Wolff's Scheidam Schnapps, Gin. Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines. Aug. 11, 1854.—tf UKV FIRM. THE undersigned have this day formed j |[i partneisliip in the Carriage Making and Blacksmithing business, under the name and fiim of Weisel & Co. We will en deavor by promptness, attention and the character of our work, to merit and obtaiu a fair share of custom. Our stand is the one heretofore occupied by Weisel & Fos ter, immediately east of town. WM. WEISEL, MICHAEL WEISEL, JOHN WEISEL. Feb. 29, 1856—6 m. WANTED— At Reed's Coloiiade Store.— Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corry, and Buckwheat—a'so all other approved produce, in exchange tor goods at cash price* SAMUEL RADEBAUGH, Justice of the Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Men gel House, and next door to the oftice of Mnu A Span?, where he will attend to the collection of all claims placed in his bands. Bedford. Jan. 11, 1856. TO BUILDEES. Ithc subscriber is fully prepared to furnish ant: ijuautity or quality ot'BnildSng Lumber any Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. Clairs vill, Bedford County, will be promptly attendee to, by giving a reasonable nirtice. F. D. BEEGLE. ♦ Pec. 29. 1854. IF YOU want CHEAP GOODS, call ti Cl.eap Side. Nov. 30. Taylor & .Howry, TANNERS, BEDFORD, FA. HAVE COMSTASTEY O.\ HARD at their Tannery on Eust Pitt St. leathei of all kinds and of the best quality, at exceed ingly moderate rates. They pay the Light-*' pricesfor country hides. Feb. 16, 1854. ■Mastering; Laths!! THE UNDERSIGNED hsri eg erector a Mill for sawing Plastkbifu Laths on hi; premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is Ilo w ready to furnish any quantity on the shortesi notice. Price $1.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long.— Other lengths in proportion. Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsville wi be promptly attended to. WM. GRIFFITH Union Tp., Feb. 16.1854. zz. SHOE STORE " AB. CRAMER ft CO. have just receive® • a very large assortment of Boots ei.' \ Shoes,suitable for Fall and Winter, part style 1 as follows : Men's Super Waxed Double Sole Boo'.s, Men's City Made Calf do. .Men's " lleavy Kip, Lined do. Youth's Waxed Double Sole Boots, Youth's Calf and Kip Lined do. Boys' City made Calf Boots, Boys' Kip Lined Boots, Womens' Double sole Kip Bootees, * Womens' Fine Calf and Seal do. Womens' Fine Goat Morocco do. Womens' Parodi Bootees, very handsome, Children's Shoes of every style and price. Gent's Morocco, Kid, and Calfskin Bootees Ladies' Double Sole Gaiters, Gum Shoes, Ac. in fact, Boots and Shoes to suit every purcha ser. II you want Boots and Shoes, please givi as a call, and you shall be suited iu quality an( price. Exchange Store is the place to but Boots am Shoes. Oct. 12, 1855. Job Jasn, G. H. Spang. "1 AW PARTNERSHIP.— The undersigns' A—4 have associated themselves in the Practio ot the Law, and will promptly attend to all busi nc ss entrusted to theireare in Bedford and ad oining counties. on Julianna Street, three doori south of Mengel House and opposite the resi dence ofMaj. Tate. MANN a SPANG. June Ist—lßs4 tf. JOHY R. EDIF-, ~ Attorney at Law, Somerset Pa. W ILL HEREAFTER practice in the several Courts of Bedford county H may be consulted during tho sessions of ti# Court at Davis' IL te! Feb. 16, 1854. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS?" It is absolutely necessary that the coun ty of Bedford should Lave money. She owes the late Treasurer $>1490 87. The Commissioners are determined that they will not increase the taxes as long as they can avoid it; they are equally determined that the Collectors suALLpay up. Writs of execution will he issued at once agaiDstall deluqueut collectors of 1854 and previous yeais, for balances remaining after the 15tb of March next, and on the collectors of 185) just a soon as their 15 months have expired. By order of the commissioners. D. OVER, Treasurer. i ?b. 29, 1856. IIII! llWllili STORE. The subscriber having purchased the eiitir stock f HARD WARE olthe late Thomat B. Miller, in the Borough of Bedford, would re spectfully announce to his friends and the pub lio generally, that be is now prepared tofur nisn almostevery article in his line ot business on favorable terra •• Hisstock being nearly all new, and selected >y one well experiencedin the business, he is fully satisfied that purchasers willfind it to their advantage to give Rim a call. In addition to a general stock of Hardware, he has on hand, and will constahtly keep GRO CERIES of the very best quality— GLASS of all size—also, STONE WARE of a very superior quality, fie has also on hand all kinds of Oils, Paints, Drugs, Brooms, &c., k c., and Cedar Ware in great variety. Having now permanently settled in business, and being determined to use every proper exer tion to please, he hopes to merit and receive* liberal share of public patronage. JOHN ARNOLD. Deer. 113, 1854. Call at Ktlymlre'g. Til E subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities the best assortment of Bra® Copper,and fin Wareever offered in this place, towhich he invites the attention of the public He*has a great many improved cooking utensils, that cannot fail to please every housekeeper who uses them. Ttie Ladies especially are invited to call and examine the articles. Among them are BRASS anl BELL METAL Kettles of all sizes, Water Coolers, Chafing Dishes, Saucepans, Milk Boilers, NORSK LAMPS, an excellent article for the sick room, Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea Cannisters, Brass and Iron Ladles, Patent Lamps, Candlesticks, Glass Lamps, Match Box es, Spittoons, #cc., fce. English and French Tin, Iron and Brass Ware a great variety. Japanned Tin Toys, and a great variety of Fancy articles. Chain and Force Pumps, and iu short every article in my line. Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot in Pitt st. GEORGE BLYMIRE. Jug; 11, 18.54. SUFEEICR TA7.HA3^BLSSIS In the Original Flalf Chests. | IS BOXES, OF 6 AND 12 POTTNDS, AND IN META'.LIC PACKAGES OF i A,1,2 & 4 POUNDS FOR SALE CP .u:\ki\s <v co., I (ORIGIN AL INVESTORS OF THE METALLIC TEA PACK Wholesale Dealers in Teas Only X. W. COR OF MARKET & NINTH STS., PHILADELPHIA. in Metallic Packs put up in Half Chests, containing a variety of both Black and Green, to suit buyers. Printed List of Prices, Tonus, Ac., furnished by mail to all who order them. All Teas warranted to please, or no sale. One and the same price and terms ts all, and one only. Half Chests of Black contain about "5 pounds, and Green, about 50 pounds each. Feb. 29,1856. c WHO WANTS A FARM! IE?"To those who wish farms—to have fertile land at a cheap price, and on easy terms, your attention is called to the RiJg way Farm and Coal Company. Twenty-five acres or more in proportion are given for §2OO, pavabie in instalments of §1 per week, orsl per month. It is located in Elk county, Penua., and has one of the best markets for its produce iu the State. The soil is a rich loam, and is net to be surpas sed for farming, as examination will shew. It has the best elements of prosperity, be ing undei laid by two rich veins of coal, and will shortly be intersected by four rail roads. The timber is of the most valua ble kind. Title unexccptionably good, and warantee deeds are given. It presents a good and substantial opportunity to com mence farming, providing for one's chil dren, or making an investment. Further particulars can be had from the pamphlets which are sent to inquirers. Letters an swered promptly. Apply or address Saml. W. Catuill, Secretary, 135 Walnut street, north side, between 4th and sth streets, Phila. Full information is contained in the pamphlets. Feb. 29,1856-3 m. SCIIOOLi. THE subscriber, thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to him, would re spectfully announce to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, that he will open a SCHOOL on Monday, April 7th. in the Lecture-room of the Presbyterian Church. His best endeavors will lie used to discipline his pupils intellectually, morally and physically. Terms of Tuition, per quarter, to be paid at the ciose of each quarter, as follows: Primary, $3 00 Practical, Arithmetic, Geography &c. 3 60 Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 4 00 Bedtord, Meh 28,'66 GEO. SIGAFOOS. ROAD LETTING. TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received by the Mana gers of the Hopewell and Bloody Hun Turnpike and Tlank Road Company, at the House of John A. Gump, in Bloody Run, on Thursday the 24th day of April next, for grading, stoning and bridging the first seven miles of said Road from Hopewell in the direc tion of Bloody Run. Specifications, Plans and Proposals will be exhibited at said place for three days previous to said 24th ol April. Blank printed proposals will be found in the hands of P. Van Devander, Esq.. Stoncrstown, Jacob H. Barndollar, Bloody Run, and the Secretary in Bedford. ByorJcrof the Board. JOHN MOWER, Secretary. - March 28, 1856. ALLEGHENY MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. TnE second session of this institution will commence on Monday January 21st, 1856. The session will be divided into two quarters of 11 weeks each without a vacation. Rates of tuition as follows viz; Common English per quarter $3,00 To which will be added fbr Each higher branch 75 Each Ancient language j 05 The entire amount of the above not to Exceed six dollars EXTRAS. thawing and Painting of the different varieties , U1 from $3 to 8,00 Lesson on Piano, 10 00 Vocal music 2 lesaone per week 100 Incidentals, Boarding can be secured on reasonable terms By order of THE TRUSTEES Xamsbnrg, Dec. 7, 1855. PARTNERSHIP. JOHN CLARK & Wm. A. B. CLARK having formed a partnership (in the Tanning 4c.,) the business heretofore carried on in Schells burg by John Clark will now be conducted by and in the name of John Clark tc Son. NOTICE. PERSONS having unsettled accounts with tb undersigned are called upon to attend to them promptly and have them closed. More partic ularly accounts that have been standing some time, should, and must be attended to; and if in some cases persons are not prepared to close fullv,they must at least attend to them. JOHN CLARK. March 14, 1858—3 m. A. KINO. FR. JORDAN LAW PARTNERSHIP. Ring & Jordan, Attorneys at Law BEDFORD, PA., WILL practice in the several Courts olße ford and adjoining counties. Agencies, Collections, andall other ousiness intrustedto their care will bepromptlyand faith fully attended to. OFFICE in Juliana street,formerly occupied by D. H. Ilofius. Esq.,and more recently in the oc cupancy of J os. Maun, Esq. January, 5, 1853. ""HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement! TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, such as Seminel Weakness, Impotence, Gonnorhojii, Gleet, Syphilis, fee., Ac. The //oward Association of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by sexual diseases, and the de ceptions which are practised upon the unfortu nate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, as a charita ble aci worthy of their name, to give medical adrice gratis, to alipersons thusaffiieted, (Male or Female.) who apply by letter, with a descrip tion of their condition,(age, occupation, hab its of life,) fee., and in cases of extreme pov erty and suffering to furnish medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent In stitution, established bv special endowment.for the relief of tho sick and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases," and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Direc tors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association com rnanris the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most modern treatment. Val uable advice also given to sick and nervous fe males afflicted with abdominal weakness, Wbrab com plaint, Costiveness, Leucorrhiea, fee. Address (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. Caliiccs. Con salting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. B y order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL, President. GEO. Faiucbild, Secretary. June 1, 1855. -zz. Valuable Property AT PRIVATE SALE. ! rT HIE subscriber offers his valuable Mill Pro- X perty an t Tannery for sale, situate on Brush Creok, E*st ProvidenceTownsbip, Bed fbr J County, Pa., two tniles South oi the Juni ata Crossings, containing 400 acres, more or lest, with upwards of DM) acres cleared, with 25 acres of good meadow. The balance well rim bered with oak, white and yellow pine.—- Th- :rc are two good orchards of choice fruit on the place. | l.'he improvements are a first rate SIER i Ch'AXT MILL, with three run of stone, and I all the necessary machinery for doing merchant ' and! country work, all newly repaired in 1854. ' Th {■ TANNERY has 41 v-ts. with all the fix tures belonging thereto. The bark-mill and hidie-breakermnbv water power. The DWEL LJ TfG HOUSE is large and commodious, with running water at the door and in the cellar; also a large bank-barn, with running water in th< i ham yard, wagon shed and carriage house, corn crib, smoke house, wash house, with all necessary out buildings. There are *'so a Plaster Mill, Saw Mill, and three Tenant Hou se > and stables, and several fine springs of liv • inr water on this tract. Persons ilealrong of purchasing good proper ty will do well by calling on the subscriber, re si&iug on the premises. SIMON NYCUM. Rays Hill P. 0., Jan. 25, !856-3m KT-Chambersburg Kep. and Transcript, pub lilis this thn.e won and send bill to this office oco lection. FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. THE subscriber has removed his establish nient to the room in the Odd-Fellows' Building, immediately above the store of A. B. Cramer fe Co., where he will attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to his care. He re ceives regularly the latest City Fashions, an 'l will pledge himself that work done at his shop shall wear well and fit neatly. He respectfully solicits a share of the pnb- i lie patronage. S. J. McCAUSLAN. Nov. 9, 1855. Lumber! Lumber!! 1 Of! OflO SHINGLES of different X kinds. Also, 75,000 feet : of LUMBER of various sorts, such as White ! Pine, Yellow Pine, Poplar, Spruce, fee. For <, F " D - BEEGLE. St. Clairsvtlle, Feb. 18, 1853-tf TANNERY FOR RENT. THE subscriber wishes to rent his Tan neryand Saw Mill, situate in St. Clair 1 ownsbip 5 miles north of Schellsburg. 1 to any person wishing to engage in the ; tanning business. This property will be a very profitable and desirable one, as bark is very abundant and cheap. Tho Saw Mill is iu fine running condition ' and will pay well. There is attached to I the Tannery a good dwelling House, Stable J and other out buildings, with running water I at the door, and 6 acres of land. Ihe Tannery has a One horse breaking machine, 16 lay-a-way vats, two limes 2 bates, 4 leeches, aud pool. Any one wishing to rent, will please call on the subscriber living on the premises. Tcruiseasy and possession given the Ist day of April. ABRAHAM DENNISON. Feb. 29, 1856. FOU RENT, THE LARGE BRICK HOUSE on Pitt Street, one door We#t of the Bauk House. Possession given on the Ist of April next. G. VV. ANDBRSON. Jan. 11,1856.-tf. WANTED AT KEED'S COLONNADE STORE, Wheat, Rte, Bottsk, Oats, Corn, E o<Ji) , „ AND Eabd, In Exchange for Goods. Bedford, Dec. 21, 1865, DOCTOR YOURSELF. THE POCKET iESCULAPIUS OS tveav Hi# OWS EIiSSIC.A* TUK FIFTH, ili liditior,, villi) One llundi <| iug, showing U *eatt. u Binau System in every !>] ■ added a Trculi* .,u llic j?/Discuses ol Females, beii,- 1j of the highest iiuportuiav r to married pcopie, or t1.05.- ocuteioplatiug marriage— WILLIAM YOUNG, M. F>. Let no father he ashamed to present a copy of the iESCULAPIUS to his child. It may save hitn from an early grave. Let no voting man or woman enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the I'OCKK t ASSCUL APiUS. Let no one suffering from a hacknied Oougii. Pain in the Side, readiest I nights, nervous feelings ( and the whole tiain ot Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their phy - sician. he another moment without consulting the AJSCULAFIUIS. Have the married, or those abou. to be married any impediment. j thistruly useful book, as ft has been tbemsti | of saving thousand* of unfortunate creator.* ■ i from the very jaws of .L'atli. EF"Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE-' I CENTS enclosed in a letter, wiil receive one | copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be i sent for One Dollar. Address, (post paid) DR. V.'M. YOUNG, No. 152 Surucu Street, Philadelphia. July 13, 1855—1y. <&. &Y. H> E 3STT IST, Bedford, Pa. OFFICE on Pitt Street, nearly oppogit e the "Bedford Hotel." Teeth plugged, rig ulated, fee., and artificial teeth inserted, from one to an entire set. Charges moderate, and all operations warranted. [f^Teruis — Positivelv Cash. Jan. 19, 1854. BEDFORD HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. THE subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce to his old friends and the public generally, that he has leased and taken posses sion of the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occu pancy of Col. Adam Barnhart. It is not his design to make many professions as to what he will do, but lie pledges his word that bis most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The house will be handsomely fitted tip, and none hot careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the traveling community generally, arc respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. 1IT" The stage* all now stop at this hotel, and it is therefore the Stage Office. Boarders taken by the week, mouth or year, on favorable terms. ■CT" Ample and comfortable stabling is at tached to this hotel, which will always he at ended by a careful hostler. Also, a sale ant! convenient carriage house. JOHN HAFEIi. Bedford, April 6, 1855. zz .New Fall and Winter boods. TTCE undersigned begs leave to inform hi s friends and the pbblic that he has just re" ceived from the eastern cities, and is now ex" hibiting AT CHEAP SIDE, a general assort" meut of new stvle fall and WINTER ROODS. comprising agreat variety of LADIES* DRESS GOODS, i Of the latest styles; such in part as Black and . 1 Fancy Silks, Jleriuoes, Cashniers, Coburg aril Thibet Cloths, Alpaccas, Mousselin Delaines, Mousseline De Beges, Fancy Prints, from a fip up, Muslin, bleached and unbleached, from a fip up, all widths, Thibet and Bay State Shawls. Blue, Back, Brown and Olive French Cloths, Sup'r Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cassinetts, Jeans, Vesting*, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Hats and Caps, Bootr and Shoes in great variety, fee.: fee. # GROCERIES. Sup'r Golderf Syrup and N. O. Molasses, best Rio and Java Coffee, X. O. clarified, crushed, and granulated Sugars, Spices. Teas, Choc late, Extract of Coffee. Rice, Tobacco Drugs and Oils, together with every other article adapt ed to the wants of the people, all of which he ia determined to sell G'UKAP FOR CASH, or approved produce. He respectfully invites all in search of bar gains to give him a call before purchasing.— Thankful for past favors, lie hopes by lair deal ing, and a desire to pleaso, to continue to merit and reeeive a liberal share of the public patron *et' G. W. RUPP. Oct. 12.1855. Dr. F. C. Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. Deapectkillr Renders bis services to , l lA, the citizens "A Bedford and vicinity, lie j ,*o*y alwavs be fon'td (ti nless professionally en | tfaged) at'his Drug *ud Be ok Store, in ! St. Feb.! 6, 1854. I THRUbHING MACHINES, witf 2 'J', cr ! horse power for sale cheap at Ra jd '* Colo nade Store. Nov. 30, 1855. REMOVAL. TirE subscriber would respectfully annoimc* to the public that he has removed his Tinning Establishment to the building recently occu pied by Mr Luther, as a Confectionary Store in the Diamond, where he is better prepared than ever to accomodate his customers with every article in the line of his business, either wholesale or retail, and hopes tbev willgive | turn a call at his new location. GEORGE BLVMIRE. Bedford, April 13, 1855. P. S. The subscriber is desirous of having his books closed up till Ist April, iust., either | by cash or note. He hopes this notice will he j attended to immediately. (j. B. New Jewelry* THE subscriber has opened out a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry— consisting in part of Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Ring,, & tt . fee. Call and see bis stock. del 4 DANIEL BORDER. Bakery and Confectionary. THE subscriber, thankful tor the patronage heretofore extended him by a libera) pub lic, tenders hia thanks, and be*would respect fully inform them that he has received and opened a new and choice lot of Confections, among which are candies, nuts, fruits, fee.— ilu also keeps Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Cheese, Candles, fee. Also all descriptions of Cakes, and will serve Wedding and otherparties, n short notice, with coufec tlons and cakes. He has opened up and refitted bis OYSTER SALOO A*, in a superior style, where he will al ways he ready to serve his friends and the pub lic with the treshest and choicest Oysters that can be procured. His stand is opposite the Odd-Fellow'a Building, where ho feels confident that those who givo him a call will not go aw*v disap pointed JOHN J. LUU2I.R. Nov .9, 1855.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers