DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. BURNING OF THE ARTISAN BUILDING. PHILADELPHIA, April ll. —About mid night l:i*t night a lire broke out in the up per pert of the Asronn building, a vast j . staldiahiuent, five stories in height, form- ■ inc a hollow square in the rear of Chestnut ud Fourth stieets, occupied by various branches of manufacture, wtuoU together with nearly all its contents was •. ntlrely de stroyed. Every part of the building was tenanted by workshops, with valuable ma chinery driven by an eighty-horse engine in the baseuient. Mr. Duval, the well knnwu Lithograph er, occupied one floor. Ills loss i estima ted at SIOO,OOO, on which hie has but S3O - insurance. he bad forty steam pres ve> and on immense stock of stones, including the lithographs of commodore •t'on v's Japan Expedition for the Govern ment, and plates worth SO,OOO, all cout -1 Icte and rea ly to be sent off. Other occupant-, as far as ascertained, lose as follows : Warts, -il versimth, $3,0u0, uninsured. Gaskilrs Imuk bindery loss very heavy, (i. W. h'iuitii-'jau & brother, jewellers $20,000, ln-ttrcd for SB,OOO. ricssi-. C. & < . P. Warner, gulj watch 'so makers, loss slf>,oQU, iusurtd for §j,ooo. Epd-, ke, gold chain maker, less heavj, , no? ascertained. George Ileppard, jeweller, loss not a.secr ted, but heavy. .Samuel Eukius, clcetro-platcr. partly in. st> red. Williams, paper stainer; Morgan, spcc t acle maker: Werner & Thompson, printers: do- .stair rod mumifaeturerj Moss & Broth tr, hlauk book manufacturers: Brock, cloth .ad satinet printer, whose loss is $30,000. and J. S. Camp, lithographer. The total loss i- no* yet estimated, I>U| must prove very heavy. The fire was so rapid that scarcely anything was saved ex cept from the lower floors. The rear of I nitcd Suites Hotel on Chestnut street ■ adjoined the building, and its destruction seemed inevitable. Tise borders took alarm rnd fled for safety, but the damage from i;.-e was very slight. It was however flood ed with water. Robert Pile & Mcliroy, printers, ul-o occupied tire building, which was owned by . U. Oowpertbwaite, and valued at §OO,OOO, covered by iusurenee, Messrs. Oowper waite & Co., bo k-aiicrs, had some $12,000 dollar,- worth of stock among the various printing and binding establishments which was mostly ineuicd. An invalid lady, Mrs. Margaret Christie, occupy ing the house adj-huing 'he I "nited State- Hotel, died during the Are from fright. In noditb nt i the oilier sufferers by the fire should be mentioned Samuel X. Foster, who loses almut §3.000. The aggregate loss is estimated at $313,000. The stcej t tares of the '-Permit Gallery of Distin guished Americans," belonging to Messrs- It ice & Hart, are iu the vault beneath the premises. If they are destroyed it will add §45,000 to the Uis. * (due of Herring's safes was taken from the ruins i bis- afternoon, containing §IO,OOO worth nf jewelry, uninjured, Mr. lit chana.n's Bn>.—Mr. Buchanan, it st < ins, has renounced his old attachments for the Missouri Compromise, and now goes ; he full figure for the Kansas swindle uf Pierce, Douglass & Co. Iu a letter to Sen ator Sli lell. recently published in the Wash ins; ten Union , he says : "It i* well known how 1 labored in com pany with Southern men to tmve tii!< line extended to the Pt-ific ocean. But it has n:parfeu. The time for it has passed away, and I veiUly believe that the host— nay, ilte only—mode now left of putting down the fanatical and reckless spirit of Abolition •it the North, is to adhere to the existing set ' lenient without the slightest thought or ap : earanee j of wavering, and without re '■irding any storm which iaav be raised gainst it.."' "At the election held on Monday in 1' croon t, Mass., the whrde American ticket was elected by a handsome majority. This '- first time the Democrats iiave oyer boon <h lotted i:i Fremont. AM ERIC AX STATE COUNCIL.—CoI. Elk. President of American State Council has is. ted a call for a meeting of that body *0 he held at Ilairisburg on Tuesday, the Phi; of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M. / "Commodore Perry's book, giving an ' 'count of his expedition to Japan, has cost ' Government §200,000 in preparing it >r publication. Hon. \\ illiat!! A. Graham, of North 'Volinti, who was the Whig candidate for \ ice President in 1852, has declared him *-If in favor of Fillmore. /"An election for Mayor and Counsel •J ti was held at Hageretown on Monday bw f . The Americans were successful. '■/"The business of breeding rats is * l l l to be carried ou in New York— kid gloves arc make out of their skin*. • / ■he Americans recently carried the -umeipal election at Richmond, Virginia. Tv LaaJ-oaie roajoritW. f i MiAPiriXEii). In Union township, on the 20 tL inst, Mr. j Josiafi Chicutab of St. Clnir Township, to ■ Miss Elizabeth Mock, of Union Tp. On the 17th inst., by the Kev Lloyd' Knipht, .'lr. John Jiuore to Miss . Miry Jinn /.uolc, both of Middle Woodberry tp. ad© m arc ia: (.hi the loth inst., Mrs. .? .Maria Rei- ! mum!, aged 8:1 years, 6 months and 15 ' days. ' j Mrs. Rkimi nd was one of the oldest res- j idents of Bedford. Hie came down from a former generation. Sue emigrated front \ irginiu io this eouuty in the your 1791, and dtiring a period of 02 years she resided I in lUdford, mneh esteemed and highly res pected by all who knew her. She was a pious woman also, regular and exemplary in her character, uud always showing forth a : deep fervid piety. And now, at a good old ' age, Mie is called home to receive her rich reward in the kinedem of Ileaven. H. WMiilii; Valentine Steckman, X 3 'XI.CSr 5 37?.X12 1i 3?0.n.. Boardyra taken bj tin* tiuy, iveck, irioiith anl ■ voitr. j Ajvril 2 V 1850—tf Administrators Police. Letter* of Administration ha\iug been grnu- : ted to the subscriber on the Estate of John 0 v er, lute ot the Borough of Re.diord, doe'd. all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those h.-iv ing claims against the same will pre- j sent them properly authenticate! for settle- | IIKTLt. DAVID OVER, Adm'r, I B.dford, I'a. April 2.*>, ISoC f THE WAB IS EUROPE CLOSED : OXLY TO DRS.IK UI V Jl FRESH ' At the " COLONNADE STORE cf j JACOB XIEiESXX Supplies foi trocv.i of cuslonurs at p rices so low : its to Cornm.tii l speedy sole, un 4 general satis- j faction to his friends, t'm and out of town. Co come one, come all! MOTTO—' Fair Sales and qui k Rctr/ust j lli.i stock comprises in part Cloths. Baft' .Marsaille#, Cassiiiii r. s. Grenadines, Cash me ret*. I.awns, Merino Casino-res. B-illisnte. col'tl Jc plain. C unlet Cloths, Barege d# Laines. .leans. Crape de Paris, Cottonades, Tissue, Velvets. Satin Plaid Barege, ! Satin vesting*. Cham bra, Florence. Ribbons, Stripped Swjs. Needle Work, all kinds. QIEF.XS H'-iRE.!) M ORE. F.iMII.Y | FLRXISHIXGS, ./XI) FAMILY GROCERIES. lti short every tiling usually kept in a conn- . try store. 11 is stock is large and well selected, and Jacob Kekii is the man that will take I pleasure in showing his goods, whether pur chased or not. April IHoC. I 5H M 4S 1.1 FE SIVKD! Dow.voi ac, Mieli. March 11. I*3o. j. A. RHODES, Esq : Dear Sir—As I took your medicine to still ou cuiisignment, "no cure no pay," 1 take pleasure in stating its el- . feels a, reported to tne hy three brothers who hve in this place, nd their testimony is a lair specimen ol all 1 have received: \\ . -S. Coxklin to hi me—'-1 had taken nine bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam, and contin ually ran down while using it until my lungs ' and liver were Congested to that degree that j blood discharged from niy mouth and bowels, so :h t all thought it impossible for me to live through another chill. The doctors too did ail they coufd tor me, but though I must die. Nothing did any good until I got Rhodes 7 Ko-' vcranl and Ague Cure, which at ouce reliev ed me of the distress and nausea at inv atom- : ach and pain in ray head and bowels, and pro duced a permanent cure in a short time. 7 ' li. .M. Cu.viius say s: "I had been taking me dicine 0.1 as good a doctor as we have in our county , and taken any quantity of quinine and specifics without any good result, from !do August to lath December. But seeing how nicely it operated on niy brother. I got a bot tl< ot RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CUKE, w'tiich ctlVcted a perraaxiunt cure by using two , thirds of a bottle." S. M. f'oNKLix was not here, but both the other brothers say his case was the same as 11. M's. 1 sold the medicine to both the same day. and the cure wis as speedy from the same small quanti v, aui 1 might so spec fv. Yours witnrespect. A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself. Good proof as it is, it is of no better tenor than the vast num ber of like certificates 1 have already publish ed, and the still greater amount that is contin ually pouring in to me. One thing more. Last year I had occasion to Caution the Public in these words;— ■•1 notice one firm teke hart taken one of my gen eral circulars, substituted the name of their nos trum for my medicine, and then with brazen impu dence end their pamphlet with the exclamation. • Lid the proprietor of any other medicine say as murl if he. dares, 7 " (<c. Now J take pleasure in saving that the Cau tion referred to the same '-Dr. Christie's Ague Bals on" that is mentioned in the above eer : tifieute. There are several other industrious people who a~e applying to their poisonous tr.ish.-al! that 1 publish about my Fever and Ague Cure. • or Antidote to Materia, except the certificates of Cures, and the Certificate of tho celebrated Chemist, Dr. James. R. Chilton of N. I'.. in favor ot its perfectly HARMLESS CHAKAC -1 hit. w hicb is attached to every bottle. These will always serve to distinguish uiy medicine from imitations. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor. Providence. K.I. For Sale hy Druggists generally, April 23 1830, 3m. lOFOIitI HILL INSOIItTIO.V \N" election will he held at the Hall of "Tuk Bkdpobp H.vtt Awciatios or tiik Bor orun ami Corxry or Bt.nroKn," on Monday the 3th dly of May next, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, P. M.. to elect Fivo Trustees to manage and conduct the affairs and busi ness of said Association, fur the ensuing year, agreeably to the charter of said Association. 1 By order of the Board of TRUSTEES. April 11, i 833-1 LOOK OI I AND SAVE COSTS. fJTHE Books and Notes of Peter Radebaugh, JL are left in my hands for collection. Pr sens would do well to call and settle at once or costs will be added to theui. SAMUEL RADEBAUGH. March 14,1856-tf. * Caution. I WARN any person or persons fronibuntiug fishing or otherwise tresspassing on my premises as I am determined to enforce the law against all without respect to persons, so ofTen : diug- PETER BARNDOLLAR. * West Providence Tp. I April 18, IfT.S • J BEDFORD INQUIRER ANU CHRONICLE. LIST OF RETAILERS Of .Merchandize of the County of Bed- I ford, for the year .1. D,, 1856. Bedford Borough Class. Tux. A Ii Cramer & Co. 12 12 00 ! V J Ban'sora 14 7 () ! Nicholas Lyons 18 in i;o G W Rupp* IS 10 < 0 j Jaeiib Rend, 13 111 On j Samuel Shuck & Co. 14 7 00 Kelly & Dugdafe 14 7 00 ■ Hubert Fy*n 14 7 00 j John Arnold, [hardware] 1 4 7 00 So una born It Co. 14 7 00 Agnes Saupp 14 7 on Dr. B f Harry 14 7 00 William ShatliT 11 7 00 ; Dr. ¥ C Kearner 14 7 00 j Coiiu Lover 14 7 IHi ! Sarah Potts 14 7 <rt Isaac l.ipiH-1 14 7 (;0 Job Shoemaker & Co. 14 7 00 • Joim (1 Miiiuich [eating house J 8 5 (m [ John J I.uther do 8 5 00 A I. Defibanph do 8 5 00 j Jacob Bollinger do 8 5 00 H est Providence Township. William States*!* Co. 11 7 00 McElhancy 14 7 0" Jacob flarndollar <5- Co. 18 10 00 James M 13 10 00 ' Thomas Bitehey 14 7 00 .Monroe Tiunship. J Norton 3 4 7 01: 1) Fletcher 1 4 7 0" j Michael Miller 14 7 00 Southampton Township. ; John Cabner 14 7 00 j William Lash lev 14 7 00 ! r.aahlev 5 Walters 14 7 on • Kirk 4- Fletcher 11 7 00 Colerain Township. ' James Sr Beegle 11 7 00 Diclil & Cor! 14 7 00 Broadtop Township. ! Lemuel Evans, 14 7 00 ; Kluck It Kchelbarger 14 7 IX) Liberty Township. David Berkstcesscr 1 4 7 00 ' Lewis Putt 1 4 7 00 j Jacob Snyder 14 7 00 I John Cypher* 14 7 00 i William Fisher 14 7 00 ' John Sbaler [eating house] 8 5 00 Schellsburg Borough. '■ John S Schell 14 7 00 ! A B Bunn 14 7 03 ! Slat lor Sr Son .14 7 no '■ A .1 Snivolv 14 7 IX) i Miller Coblev 11 7 (HI I Widow Scludl 4- Son 14 7 (XI j Colvin 4* Robeson 14 7 00 Juniata Township. Turner tx Kegg 14 7 00 William Reiser 14 7 00 William Piatt 4 Brother 14 7 (XI Joseph I.TOtidou 11 7 Hi F 11 ihlerbrand 14 7 (Hi Londonderry Township. Thomas J Porter 14 7 o" Jacob (j Devore jr. 14 7 0° Harrison Township. V B Wertz 14 7 (X) East Providence Township. JufiTj Nvcum " 14 7 00 I) A T Black 4.4 7 00 George Megraw, 14 * 7 00 Ilupewell Townihip. John Dasher 11 7 0° John King <£ Brother 14 7 0" .Middle Wuodberr $ Tomnship. Jacob Bremieman 18 10 06 G 11 Burndollar 13 10 (X) J W Duncan 13 10 (Hi Putt <s• Brother 14 7 (X) James li Prince 14 7 (X) ; James S Tussey [eating house] 8 500 Bedford Township. Jacob Barnhart 14 7 00 South Woodberry Township. James Piper jr. 14 7 0" |S K Outer ' 14 70" I D P Buck 11 7 0" George KjiifTVnnn 14 7 0" William S Fluck 14 7 00 St. Clair Township. F I) Beegle 14 7 00 G B Amich & Brother 1 1 7 00 John II Wright $ Co. II 7 0" T B Smith 11 7 Oti D Trout 14 7 00 ! John Beegle 14 7 (XI i //inealing <s• Bridahani 14 7 0" Simon Ilershnian, 14 7 (Xi Cumberland I'nlley Township. I l.icob Andirson 11 i o' Joliu May 14 7 o" An An peal will be held at the Commission ers' Office, in Bedford, On Saturday tlie lotii • day of May, 1856. LEV I AG NEW, Ajipra's-r i f .Mercantile Tax for the \ear 18.*>C April 18. 1853. Applications for Licciixe. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the following JLs named persons have tiled their petition' I for license, in the oillce of the Clerk of tlu Court of Quarter Sessions, in and for tin Comity of Bedford, in pursuance of the Act oi Assembly, passed the 81st March. 1856, entitled j --An Act to regulate the sde of intoxicating liquors," which will be presented for hearing al I May Sessions, 1856, to wit: Mary Ann Cook, Bedford Borough. Tavern. • J John Hafer, *• t. j Valentine Steckman. • •• Espy E. Anderson, Bedford Township- Jobnson Hafer, <• . : John Todd, • <. ; John A. Gump, Bloody Run. -• Kpbraiin McDanie!, " ! John Crouse. • * n Bernard O'Neill, Chancyville, | D. L. Deliluugh, West Providence Tp. ' D. A. T. Black, East Providence Tp. I John Mc Ilvaine, Crossings. >i Jamas Eiohelberger, Hopewell. -i John Broadstone, Stonerstown. | George Gelhnugh, Hopewell Tp .Xncob Schnebly, Woodberry. " Henry Fluck. <• j Tho .C-Keighard, Union Township. I Peter Amick, St. Clairsvilie, a : Jesse Sleek. " i George M. Colvin, Schellsburg. •< j John M. Kotiison, • . George Stuckey, Napier Tp. •' James Carnell, Clearville. " j Valentine V. Wertz, Harrison Tp. *• j Jonathan Feightner, " >< Joseph Fuller,, Buena Vista. " William Snider, PattonsvjUe. • I Valentine Miller, Cumberland Valley Tp. " | Elizabeth Haner, • ' <i Reuben Smith, Rainsburg. James Burns, Londonderry Tp. • !J. G. Minnicb. Bedford Boru' Eating Hons.. | John Foster, //opewell. " D. W.iSH.IBHC(iH Clerk. April 18, 1856. " ' - <: WANTED—At Reed's Colonade Store.— Wheat, Kye, Oat*, Corn. and'Buckwheat —also all other appraved produce, io exchange tor i goods at cash price,-. m FIRM I AND new GOODS. j mllK subscribers having just from J 1 the East, arc now opening and i Jiibiting j I at the stand formerly occupied by .has Al. j ' Fisher. a large and well selected assoi ment ol , X Pit I AG AND SUMMER GOOS. | Coiirisliug in part of Illack and Fancy Silks, Alpacas, felabies, , Laans, bereges. brilliauta, sli*Hie*#'tnimex ; >hawis and mantilla*, veils, prints ttfni a ftp j ! up. dress trimming. N. WV Culls $ from li ■ I cents up. bonuet ribbons, bleachedtint tin- 1 bleached muslin front a tip "In 4bkee, ! tickings, paper muslin, crash, hosiery,gloves, floss, and n large assortment of nun's ami j i boy's wear, all prices, black and lansy sum- ; mcr vesting*, cassintdts, cloths, twx-d* and sattinetts, counterpanes, Irish Ut.eiid a large ; assortment of men's and lwy's sunnier bats, j misses flats, bonnets, boots and sloes, all ; sizes and prices, in great variety, jluok big i glasses, kc. <jc. GROCEII!ES. —Superior Golden Syiup, N. j O. and Sugar house Molass-s. Rio Cutce. A. O. crushed, clarified and steam Sugars.spices, J teas, extract of cofF.e, rice, chocultxe and . candles. QUEENSWARE.— A large assortment of; Queensavaro and (llas.-,ware, all tl which the) j are determined to sell cheap. They respectfully invite all in search of bar- , gains to give them a call before purchasing. No trouble to show good*. All kinds of produce taken in exchange tor j goods at cash prices. J. J. R J. M. EHOEMJIKER. Jledi'ord, April 18, 1856. STORE, i\pw Firm .iud New Ciootls IN THE TOMS OF ST. CL.iTRSUIT.LE. \\T& '"-if leave to inform the public that we j \ V are now rcccivingaud opening an entire I new stock of Goods of great variety and all ' of the latest styles, consisting in part of Cloths; superior Fancy and Black Casshaers; j C.issim-tts; Tweeds, and all kinds of Gentle- j mens' tind Ladies' DRESS GOODS: all the ! NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES: j Prints from six and a fourth cents, up: Mous lin de Laincs, ruost beautiful styles and fin- I isii: Muslin, bleached and unbleached, frotn ■ a fip up. GROCERIES. QUE ESS WARE, HARD- | U'.IRE. liats Caps, bonnets. Buckets, Tubs, j Boot*, Shoes, and every thing usually found in ; stores. Our goods have been selected with great ; cart from Baltimore and Philadelphia mark- | ets. and we will warrant them to be all new I and good. • As we are determined to spare no pains to j pleas --, we hope by strict attention to business ! to merit and receive a liberal share of the ' public patronage. We are going to sell cheaper than the cheapest J —so don't forget to call an t see the great bargains we will other. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of country produce taken for I goods and the highest prices allowed by HKINSLIN<x A BRIDAHAM. St. Clairsville."April H, 1836-c ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. "Yf ETTERS of Administration have been J[jb granted to the subscriber on the estate ; of Danuel W. Blackburn, late of StOlair ; Towns hip, deed. All persons indebted to said estate are noted to make immediate ; payment and those having claims ordeuian agaijst it are requested to make known the same without delay to the subscriber living at Pleasautviile Clair Township. SAM UEL J7LACKTH' l!"f. Feb. -29, 184(5-1 Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of" Administration having been granted to the subscriber, living in South Woodlwrry Township, on the Estate of Henry I He trick, late of s aid Township, dee'd. ail per sons indebted to said Estate-are hereby untitled ; to make payment immediately, and iiav- ■ ittg claims against the same will present thern properlv authenticated foi settlement. March 28. DAVID C. LONG. Aim'r. ' Narcross' Rotary Planing Machine. WANTED —To ael! the Bights and Machines for a Rotary Planing, Tongoing and Groov ing Machine, for board sand plank, under the Norcross Patent. Also, the attachment of the j Moulding Machine, which will work a whole botrd into mouldings at one operation. This p itcnt has been tried, and decided in tiwj Su preme Court in Wushngton. to ba no infringe ment, being superior to Wool wort It's Machine Apply to J. i). D.YLK.t Willow Street, above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where the Machines can IK- seen in operation. Jan. 18, 1856-3 m EST. ITE OF SOLOMOS HOLLAR, DECD LETTEKS TKSTAME.VTARY to the Estate of Solomon Hollar, late of West Provi dence Township, dee'd, having been granted by the Register of Bedford County to the un dersigned. notice is hereby given that all per sons indebted to said Estate will be required to make immediate payment, an.l those hav ing claims will present them properly authen ticated for settlement. HANNAH HOLLAR. Executrix, PHILIP V. HOLLAR, Ex tatter. West Providence Township, I April 11, A. D„ 1856. ' \ !T^CTM7:iH:CL3.BE2. DK. W. E. RICHTER, having made an assignment of bis property to the under signed, for the liencflt of bis creditors, notice is therefore given to all persons indebted to said Dr. Richter to make payment to the un dersigned immediately, and those having claims are hereby required to produce them immediately for settlement. JACOB BERNHARD. JONATHAN MORTON, Axiignees. April 11. 1856. SETTLE UP. Itl E subscriber, having disposed of his Store . in Bedford, is desirous of closiug up his ouks. All persons indebted to him arc reques ted to settle up immediately. His books will be in tbo uands of Mr. Job M. Shoemaker, till first July next. He is thankful to his friends for the very gem support they have yielded him since i,is commencement in this place and cordially reeeommend* Mr. Job M Shoemaker,as a young man of good business habits, of strict honesty, capacity and integrity, and who will not fail to ji\e general satisfaction to mv customers and thepuolic. ELIAS M. FISHER. March 14, 1856-3 m. ALLFWHESI MILE AM) FEMALE SEMINARY. THE sacona session of this institution will commence on Monday January 2!st, 1856. The session will be divided into two quarter# of 11 weeks each without a vacatiou. Rates of tuition as follows viz; Common English j>cr quarter $3,00 To which wiil be added for Each higher branch , Each Ancient language L2c Tilt; entire amount of the above not to Exceed six dollars EXTRAS. Di awing and Painting of the different varicies from $3 to 809 Lesson on Piano, 10|0(J Vocal music 2 lesson? per week lift. Incidentals, fC Boarding can be secured on reasonable tegn. By order of THE TKUSTKB? Hainsbtirg. Dec. 7, 1855. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bed- ' Jnrd County. Is TlL f' ESTATK or James K . HALLAII. ■MTTIJEREAS 0. K. SUASSOX, Assignee of W the Estate ol James K. JI ai la in, did on the 7th day of April, 1856. flic in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common > I'leu* of Bedford County, his Account of said j Estate— Notice is hereby given to the creditor* of: said Jas. K. Hatlam, AC alt of hers interested in j said Estate, that the Honorable Judges of our j said Court have appointed Friday the I'th day , of amy nest, for the hearing of the same, and : for showing range why the said Arc .tint ought ! not to he allowed, —and in default thereof the 1 said Account will lie confirmed. Witness the Hon. F. -Vt. Kinnncil. President ! of our said Court at Bedford the Bth day of April, A U. 1856. I). WASIIABAUGI!. Proth'y. \ April 11, 1856. In the Court oj Common Pleas of Bed- Jot d County. Is TIL* MATTUBor TMKESTATI: I F Si M. BUHILK. "TV7TEKEAS ().E. SUAXKOX, Committee OF j W the Estate aforesaid,did on the-Ist day of February 1856. file "in the office of the Fro- j thonotary of the Court of Common I'leaa ot ( Bedford County, his Account as Committee of ; the Estate of Samuel lieegh— Notice is hereby given to the creditors of j tlie said Samuel Begle.and all others interest- j cd in said Estate, that the Honorable Judges' of our said Court have appointed Friday the ; fltii day of .May next, for the*-hearing of the ! same, and for showing cause why the said Ac- i count otiglit not to he allowed, and in default thereof, the same will la- continued. Witness the Hon. F. M. Kiinmell, PredBt I of our sl id Court at Bedford, the Bth day of April, A. I). 1850. J). WASHABAUGII, Proth'y. ! April 11, 1856. PUBLIC SiLE of Vttlttable Real Estate. v i T.\ pursuance of an order of the Orphans' j JL Court of Bedford County, the subscriber j will expose to sale by putilic vendue or outcry, i AT THE COURT HOUSE, in the Borough of Bedford, on MoyOH Y ths 5 Hi day of MAY, str.l, j ii Valuable Tract of €ol Land, rontaiuius 300 Acres, more or less, situ- : ate in Broad Top Township in said County, > adjoining lauds of E. F. Phelps, laud, late of the heirs of Mcshack Edwards, land of Hamil j :on and Evans, and others. tkkm*: CASII. JOHN DICKLS , Adm'r of the Estate of S. L. Tobias, dec' J. i April 11, 1850. LIST OK filSI-S I">UT down lor Trial at May Term.(sth 1 1856. •Sarah Human va 7. lehius Suman George Mullin # J. Patterson et al Charles Stuckey ■ George I ekes et al sSanmcl S. Stnekey '• Henry Riser G. W. Figard • John Griffith et al Jacob Snider '• llavid Earns C mmonwealth for use ■' Robert C. Morris Daniel Baker " Philip S. Croft !>. Patteisoti'* nse •' Samuel Vond-rsmith A bnuu Lehman '• S. M. Barclay's ad'r H.i;ry Sill • S*m'l Griffith Adam Purney •• Job S. Alters Levi llardltiger • William lilsir llohman ,v Cristy •• Hunt, lit B.T. K. Go Sarah Bixlcr et al '■ I) B Wist eta! Vdaoi Kershwef " Gotiffe Blackburn Adam Furnev '• Job S. Akt John Crisman " Christian Ling C. Stonfler'a assignees ' J >s. S. Beekwifh Hiram F. Robin •' Edward B. Trout Edward B. Trout " Samuel Taylor Michael Sammels Samuel Cams Philip Harkleroad " Elins Hite Joa. Wo I ford *• Wm. Blairet al Daniel Smitii >• Same E. B. Met/g IT'S use •• John Tread well Samuel Miller '• Paul WerV. Thomas Miller '• Same John flerr •• O. E. Shannon Same '• Jtdiri S. He!rick C. Stoutf-r's assignees •' John Cessna V. WASH ABA UGH. Proth'y. Proth'ys Office, April 11.1856. 1 LL person* interested either as heirs, cre ,'JL ditors, or otherwise. are hereby notified llsat the toilowing named persons have filed their accounts in the Register s ottice, and that they will las presented to the Orphan's Court ol Bedford Oountv ou Friday the 9Mi day of May next for confirmation, at which time sad pluce they may attend if they think proper. The Account of O. E. Shannon, Esq., Guar dian of John Blaukley's minors. The Account of John Cessna, Esq.. Guar dian of Daniel W. Blackburn, now dee'd- The Account of Jesse Blackburn, Guardian of Jesse Roust-r, now dee'd. The Account of Jos. MoDuiiet. Adm'r of Daniel Manspeaker, lite of West Providence Township, dee'd. The Account of Samuel L. Russell, Esq.. Ex'or of the last Will. <vc.. of Solomon Fil ler. late of the Borough of Bedford, dec'J. The Account of George W. Williams, Ad ministrator of An irew Miller, dee'd, who was Adm'r of Jacob Miller, late of Harrison Town ship, dee'd. The Account of George W. Williams, Ad ministrator of Andrew Miller, dee'd, wito was Guardian of Ann Stud choker. The Account of John Montgomery. Adm'r of Jonathan Baily, late of Bethel Tp. dee d. The second Account of Job Mann, Esq., Ad ministrator of Jos. S. Morr son, late of the City of St. Louis, dee'd. The Account of John Mower and D.B. Wise grrver, Esq'rs, Executors of the last Will Ace. of John Wisegarver, late of St. Clair, Town ship, dee'd. The Account of Hiram Lentz, one of the Administrators of Henry Duffy, late of the Borough of Bedford, dee'd. The Accouut of Conrad Hardinger. Guardian of George Houck'a minor children. Tho final Account of George W. Williams, Executor of the last Will &c., of John Wil liams, late of Napier Townthip, dee'd. The Account of George W. Figird, acting Executor of the last Will he., of James Fi gard. late of Broadtop Township, dee'd. The Account of John Dickey, Adm'r of S. 1.. Tobias, late of Middle Woodbeny Town ship, dee'd. The Account of Win. H Boor. Adm'r of Nicholas Boor, late of Cumberland Valley Township, dee'd. The Account of Joseph Dull, Esq., Adm'r of Joseph Nedro, late of Juniata Township, decal. The Account of Jacob Koons, Adm'r of David Koons, late of Napier Township, dee'd. The Account of John M. Smith, Adm'r of Samuel llarbaugh. late of St. Clair Town ship. dee'd. The Account of James Taylor, Adm'r of Mrs. Margaret Taylor, late of Fapier Town ship, dec d. The Account of John Mower, Esq.. one of the Executors of Matthew Wall, late of Bed ford Borough, dee'd. The Account of Simon Nycum. Adm'r of Dr. David M. Hudson late of East Provj. donee Township, doe'd. The Account of Bcoj. Mil!*, Ex'or of the last Will 4-c. ot George Mills, late of Monroe ! Township, dee'd. | The Account of Benj. Mills, Ex'oi of the I !*st Will J-c.. of John Mills, late of Monroe I Township, dee'd. The Account of Patrick Donahor. Adm'r of j the Estate of Solomon Rice, late of .South - i atupton Township, dee'd. D. W.ySHABAUGH, Register. Remitter's Office, April 8. 1856. SHERIFF'S Sil/E. B) Tirtae of sundry writs of Fi. Fa- to me directed, there will be jM at Ihe Court llonse, iu the Borough of Bedford, on Satin- ; day the a<l day of Mu.v, A. D., 1856. at 15 j i o'clock, A. IU., the following described Kcui | . Estate. to wit: One Tract of Land containing 5 acres, more ; or Icsh. all cleared and under fence, adjoining j lands of J>r. Peter Shonnbeigei's heirs, David I Hands and others, situate in Middle WoOdber- J ry Township, lied Id rd County, and taken in t execution as the property of Polard MeCor- j ; uuck | Also, one Tract of Land containing 35 aetcs, i 1 more o; leas, about 20 acres ol which is cleared I and under fence, with .. story and a hilf log I house and log stable with threshing floor t --; tached thereon erected, adjoining taiu! of John Cook, Jonathan ID ie and oil,*:- situate in Harrison Township, Bedford County and Uk- ( : en in execution as the property ol Henry I. in- . i bangh. Also. All defendant's interest in and to a Tract of Land containing 104 acres, more or b-ss, about 30 acres cleared and under fence, j with a two story Log Haute, and double log ; harn thereon erected, adjoining lands Of Joseph j Fisher, Richard Kanouffand others, situate in ; Juniata Township, Bedford County, and taken ) • in execution us the property of lienry Um t baugli. I Also, all defendant's, I saac Keighard's, mte j rest in and to a Tract of Land, containing 25 j seres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and j j under fence, with a two story frame bouse with j kitchen attached, and log stable thereon erect- j ! ed, adjoining lands of Jacob Fetter, John S. ' ' Kitchey and others, situate iu Bedford Town- j : ship. Bedford County, and taken in execution j i as the property of Isaac Keighur 1. Also, all defendant's interest in and to a | Tract of Land, containing 7 acres, more or less, all cleared and under teocc, with a two ! story log house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Jacob Aker, Samuel Berk ! heinu-r and others, situate in St. Clair Town- j i ship, Bedford County, and tauten in execution ' as tin: property of Jerentiah K Isrode and Sam j uel Klsrodc. Also, one Tract of Land containing 140 : j acres, more or less, about 100 cleared and un-ii fence, with a two story frame house, tenant i i house, log stable and double log barn thereon j erected, also two apple orchards thereon, ad- ; joining lands of //artel's heirs, Dr. P. Sboeii- ; j nerger's heirs and others, situate in Middle I ■ H'oodberry Township, Bedford County, and ' in execution as the propsrtv of David Daniels. HUGH '.WO ORE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, April 11,1833. TfliilT PHOIiiUIITiON. ' \\j HEREAS the Honorable FaxsctsM. Kin s' hell, President of the several Court* of | I Common Pleas in the counties composing the i j 16th Judicial District, end Justice of the Courts , ! of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delive- ; ry, for the trial of capital and other offenders in ! the said district—and JosF.i'ii li. Noble and ! John (I. Hartley, K squires, Judges of the; Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the, | Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail j Delivery, for the trial of acapilal and otherof- , 1 fenders in the county of Bedford—have issued , their precept and to me directed, for holding a i Court of Common Pleas, and General Jail Do j livery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at Bed i ford, on MONDAY the sth day ol MAT, : next. Notice is hereby given to all the Justi- , j ces of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables ; within the slid county of Bedford, that they be then and there in their proper per&nbs, with their rolls, records, and inquisitions, examinations , and other remembrances, to dp those things which to their offices and in that behalf apper tain to be done, and also they who will prose cute agiinstthe prisoners that are or shall be in the Jul of Bedford county, to be then and there ! to prosequi a against them as shall lie imt. * " HUGH Mt)nY!T7Mt-nr.~ Sheriff's Office, Bedford, April 11, 1856. I r JOO B M±2 O ritilF, Partnership heretofore existing between ' X the undersigned, trading under the name •and firm of Sassom k Gki kart, in the Dry ' Goods business has litis day been dissolved by ; mutual c msent. AH persons indebted to said firm are requested to hive their accounts settled up by the Ist of Mar. The Books and Ac counts will he found in the hands of A. J. Sansotu until that lime. A. J. SANSOM. VVM. GEPIIART. April 1, 1856. The undersigned will continue the business in ! the room lately occupied by Is etc Llppel on the corner of Juliana and Pitt Streets, oppo site Dr. F. C. Reamer's Drug ami Book Store, where lie will be happy to see .tl! his friends. A. J. SANSOM. TKEASI'KUK'S SALfci ~~ or DSSS&TEB LAKHS. % GREEABI.Y to the provisions of an Act of Assembly directing the mode of selling unseated lands tor taxes nnd other purposes, passed the 15th -March, 1815. and the supple ments thereto, passed the 18;ln>f Maicb, 10l > ■ ! and the 25th day of March, 1830, luui the 9tli dav of March. 1846, the Treasurer of the County of Bedford, hereby gives notice to ali j persons concerned, that unless tic County, State, School and Road tixes, due on the fol lowing tracts of unseated lauds, situate in Bed lord County, are paid before the day ot sale the whole or such parts oi each tract aa will pay the taxes and the costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on the SECOy D J/O.ND.iI 'oTII i DjSY OF JUNE NEXT, for the arrearages of ■■ Taxes due and the costs accrued thereon, and said sale will be continued from day to day, until all are disposed of. DAVID OVER, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. ( Bedford, .March 28, 185 C. j Bedford Township. Acres and Warrantees Amount of Perches. or owners. Taxes. 383* Jacob Funk. $ I 16 jlO Alexander Boyd, 120 Bioadiop Township., i 245 Joshn* Edwards, 1 17 Da) William Edward*. I 17 80 John Grorr, 16 365 William Gray, 1 52 499 Charles Richards, 1 4 4 282 Peter Keagnce. - 100 Mordeca Wheeler, 7, 97 Abraham Kerns, 24 47 Wm.T. Dsugberty, 1 26 | 16 William Fig ird. 12 ' 300 Barclay & Foster, 60 | 180 Francis Moan, 2 10 1 325 112 Williatu Ward, 1 95 400 Jacob Myers. 2 50 400 Robert Sharp. - 344 Benjamin Price, 1 -J 431 Abraham Henry, ♦ 1 20 306 129 James Razon, 1 20 50 Win. T. Daugberty, 28 400 James Pstton, 1 20 13) Josiah Dungan, 24 399 William Buun. 1 20 431 Montgomery Thomi* 72 872 Samuel L. Tobias, 1 36 433 Margaret Montgomery, 1 56 36 James Conley, 1 95 400 Philip Murray, 2 53 Coltrain Township. 422 J Thilip Diehl, 124 406 Christian Diehl, 1 20 439 David Hessner, 1 32 424 William Scott, 1 28 399 John Smith, 1 20 30 Raiser Dull, 36 600 Samuel William*. - 24 50 Philip Diehl, 48 100 John Hartleroad, 35J John Steckmnn, 48 Cttmhrr.'ond Valley Ttwnskip 354 128 Robert Levis, 48 399 1 Jo William Levis, 1 20 419 198 John Levis, 1 2H 414 ](j John Piper, 1 ; '•>■> 11— licorjit Uavii, hK <'>4 Steele Sample, I be Harrison Township. i 262 52 William Piper, i v 104 i Jn. (larretaoii 4c And. Sheets, 31 2~> John Metsgar, 2 f>7 | 400 John, 4 £1 lP.feu.tll Township. 400 John KcibeJ, ,5 op 21" Joseph Lancaster, 60 | V) 9 Richard Clark. og 7 ti. l'mlvrojtiglj, (willow,) 1 is 200 Israel Moans, 2 227 JtaChiriali Moan*, 2 8? SVi riaiothr Moans, 6 25 212 Robert Shaw. 1 24 2"0 Wii iam Nicholas. 44 to Henry J'..- k, 500 2 Csiriji! Wishart, 40 Township. 395 Daniel Green. 1 20 •142 John Sample, 1 82 457 Robert Sample, 1 3; : 414 Joseph Sample, 1 82 220 James Shaw, 1 24 : 4011 John King, M) ' 400 F. Abbott, 1 2 : t 399 Thomas McCall, 1 SO •350 Samuel M. Barclay, 1 SO i 4410 .Mulford Tread well, 1 80 2i KJ Samuel M. Bare lav, 60 Liber'u Township. i 400 Edward Alberti, 1 4 4 • 43 Win. T. Ilaugtu-rtv, 24 00 A he! Putt, ' 7o 80 George Thompson, £0 ; 479 James L.tugiuad, 1 44 ! £t€Mi4 Daniel Montgomery. 1 32 ■log William Montgomery. 88 i 401 Margaret Montgomery, 88 Monroe Township. 164 Jacob A. Wink, 48 185 Sansorn Wink, 48 SO Jaoies Means, IS 55 Daniel Means, 12 499 John Treves. 2 09 45 Elizabeth Swartzwelder, 8 7 llngh Wilson, 82 Xtpier Township. 1 -30 John O'Neal, 4 80 200 Job Matin, 2 6(> Lis! pTOriicnre Township. 421 George Deweese, 1 80 40 Elisbi Barton, 20 40 Aaron Barton, 12 | 60 Charles .McLaughlin, 2o 400 George Hess, 72 i 100 Jacob Ilitchey, 36 : 400 William Long, 1 99 400 William Cavic, 1 60 431J John Crosby, 1 64 Proridenct Township. i 37 Solomon Williams, 40 447 11 tnnah Alherti, 1 80 2 1 2 Nicholas Hammond, 1 2U -301 Lemuel Gustine, 1 62 U'c/ Pioridence Township. 110 Kzikinl King, 21 87. Clair Township. 4 Lou Jacob Ink's lieirs, 48 : 100 John Stiffler, 1 20 Southampton Township. 439 Joseph Cooper, 1 32 j 4U4 Daniel Huff, 1 2<t i 340 Jacob Herring, 1 04 100 Michael Havener, 1 02 | 401J John Kerr, 1 20 I 200 James Rigga, ol> ! 339 Stephen Reed, 1 U0 i 439 William Keed, 1 04 488 James Reed, 1 20 434J Cornelius Cooper, 1 20 100 George F. Alberti, £0 45-H W i liani Bell, 1 2 J 13S Isaac Houter, 2 ;8 I'niau Township. 400 John Swsggart. 95 400 Leonard Suraggurt. 3 #;• 200 Alexander Gardner, 2 10 116 William Smith, 1 04 43 Samuel Burltet, 02 j 116 Jehu Shoe, 88 100 James Johnston, 88 i 50 Frederick Snyder, 2" , 315 Jeremiah JaeKson, 2 52 ; 411 Jacob Swaggurt, 2 48 | 440 William Pterson, 2 64 44-'' K better er Rrauliam, 3 96 120 Conrad Inilcr, 72 , 200 Christ ley Bowser, 1 80 . l'f) George Laib, 6<> 100 Jacob Burkef, 1 20 j 1-50 Peter Shoeubcrgcr, 88 40ft John Still, 5 00 396 Adam Black. 2 2? 250 Marcus Irrine, 2 20 322 Michael Shinier, 4 41 400 Michael Shinier, n 00 439 Griffith Evans, 2 64 403 J Philip Stine, 2 41 43.1 Wilson Hunt, 2 64 4Bj Alexander Scott, 2 60 i 127 Peter Sboenl>erget, S 16 i 124 Peter fjhoenbergcr, 8 68 40 Peter Shoenherger. 24 South W'ocitrrrtj Township. 474 William Montgomery, 3 £2 , 212 Robert Shaw, 1 24 : 440 Peter Shaw, 2 64 | 51 10G Martin Loy, . 32 | 248 Martin Loy, 1 20 ■ 64 100 John S. HetricU, 82 TVooJbtrry Township. ' 496 Robert George, ft 85 416 John George, 6 85 | 421 Alexander Boyd, 6 Bf, ! 4 1 34 Alexander Montgomery, ft 85 1432 Hannah Montgomery, ft B."> i 345 Wiiii.'in Montgomery, ft 8.5 ' 194 Daniel or Paul Wertz, 1 5| J lit) Henry Swoop, 2 Rg Middle WooJberry Township. 10 Martin llvsong, 56 i 4ft John Watt, 1 80 j 117 Daniel Montgomery, 7 44 ' Daniel MOl tgotnery, 2 40 4()0 Margaret Montgomery, 20 ftft 1 1(4) Andrew Baker, 1 29 20 Andrew Boalei, 84 2 Philip Croft, 42 10 Adam Sender. 63 I Lot No. 72 Jacob Stroek, 63 Lot No. 74 Jacob Stroek, 1 59 mmsßip. JOHN CLARK k Win. A. B. CLARK having tJ formed a partnership (in the Tanning ic.,) the business heretofore carried on in Schells hurg by John Clark will now be conducted by and in the name of John Clark fit Son. NOTICE. PERSONS having unsettled account* with th undersigned are called upon to attend to them promptly and have there closed. More partic ularly ace'Un ts that have been standing some time, should, and mast be attended to; and if io some cute* persona arc not prepared to close fuilv.they must at least attend to them. • JOHN CLARK. March 14, 1856—3 m. A. Kixo. FR. JORDAN LAW PARTNERSHIP. Itiu A Jordan. Aitorcm at Lin? BEDFORD, r.V., Wl J.I. Pr irtice in tic 11' • tt' <•' '• op fordand adjoiningcotintica. Agencies, Collection*. and all other imsine** intrusted to their care w'illheproroptlyand fi'itb fully attended to. OFFICE inJuliana street, formerly occupied by D. 11. Hoflua. Esq..and more recently in the oc cupancy ot Jos. Mann, Esq. Ji MI - i Hit-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers