• G. H. FA.nc. il'AlifXJ.K'lllf —Tkr tiudermgnet! associated themselves fn the J ractfc* w.&a* wt ft promptly artsmrf to aM btmi thcircarc in Bedford acd ad. untit*. • >'<? 0.1 JuHHtina Street, three doors' o-ngel and opposite the rosi • •! :.j. "fute. MANN & SPAXG. UPOKTANT NOTICE* , having unsettled accounts with ■ •inn of litj p 4 Outer, are respectfully •' earnestly requested to call aud *e;tl • ut delay. -'i, 1 8& ft — £m. Dr. F. C. Feairer, Physician and Surgeon. T - > v -tfpdors l'i servieea • j c tizons #f Bedford and vicinity. He j y. he found (unless pretVssicnally en- : ble Brig ami liouk Store, taJuiisca 5, HH. "~Ti !lE\i , 7 *i i'p Sui T ivrri in the Borough o w !: bj rented fur i term of years.*— •i tea ir;t a very a I.' int&genM lease - r r. s :n. i:.i the house compleitly re i ■ l''>33*ssion given the first of April t rent the Store- Room ar.d ecllar now -sion of l3.ic I.ipple; possession as 1* ->r terms apnlv u> rhe eubsrribcr or ! F. Mar.a. DAVID MANN. ■ 80, 1 oil'. - - Fa. JORDAN: !JW PJKIKRBSBIP. , r & Jordan. Xtt irnfys- at Law, B&DFORD, PA., ' ILL pric'ice in the several Courts otlie a ' ford at; d -.-'joining counties. • s, Ooiluctieiis, and all other busines i *" d rot-heir care will or promptly and fciit tended to. • - E in Juliana st:eer, formerly occupied 1 } . Hpflus, Esq., ind.nor) rocenily in the cc •y of Jo*, iinoti, Esq. ary, 5, Uaguerre&i; JIS-S. r , who wia!: to have a giojd likeness of fietnstlves <1- of their friends can now imrnotUted it tbe'£xchange Buib'ir.g." li.itely ah- ve tl.e Store of Mr. A. 15. ■r, where Daguerreotypes of all sizes are up in the most beautiful style by THO- It. GET >'YS, JR. Taken singly or In t a. l'er? >nt l jkeu after decease. o wf Gentlemen are respect fully icvi t .11 ami cxiutiae the specicier.s. ->•_ lady firing in that vmerahbj father 'it water.ful mothyr, and secure a IDeuess . y. for to-morrow, Ir raay be t"c lute.— v *r bring ot: those little r.nes. with curling -ud spsrkiing eyes, they will make pret • • arearid thsu.si.oubi tiearh retui ve ibtrrn y en acDiiii, • e to their rest, res vt would not recoil morn, ' t-s this world of S"rrw tod pain, io tlieir r* wt where no 111 earn bi fall them, . wo hews tawr likeness l-otli perfect and plalu." •- .hi ioake'ii. single and ti-obV—*lo fancy • cnn-sai.ily on hand "tuet: -•> given In tho Art and apparatus : on roaix.ru be- terras, iford. D>e. 21. W5. Stray Cattle * f'UThT head of Cattle ha - , e been tresspass ton inypremises for three tnoutbs past' '. i hive now i.iven them upas strays. One ' . tfeitVr. with H sAw whito spots. One red 1 ;r, 'v.tij wiitte face and white tr:j e over r itk. One Steer, brintHe, and white rpot i All tuv yeirs old. No earmark. The -r is rso nested to come forward, prove •rtv. j avcharet'S. and take 'hem awnr. DAVID COrCifNOUR. 2". J?"S-e* Union Towuebiji ILIM #Pf II tfIST. •13 f-Pacri'MST. about r:ruoontn the Vfcst' *;!! his entire desk of goods, which is ery .at cost. Persons •■vtil picas., call before "kr-Wiers knd i-xamine for themselves. "ryetoc?( riesiring to purchase goods wiil supplied on morn reasonable terms thai cin pure.;-se ti..-.i!" the city. Allper - • who hire unset tied account* will cull im -1 it' '.- and settie, otherwise their accounts, v • t left in the baiuis of a propet officer for -r ction. rr-rrn. KADEBAUGn. afrwd, Nov. Ift. leA*. Public Saic. Ml o-'ijg uf tb-* <"> tcs' C .-iirt of Celforu & C ut.ty, there i!l ha exposed t® Public . i:. Juniata Township, e. SJtTPXDJIYtkt - d-i'> 0/ / fIIiR CAIi i'. ttf,', .i 30 I*. .• *it, A. if., th- f''."owing Jrea* Kstafe, to wit: t tract ot l-.;.d e-OHtsiuir.g %7 acres. *nd al- 1 th-- pguperty of 3< seph Nedro, j ■ •; d, jlk-itmt; lands of J osepb Btyn. V tlen. | !'• w .'iCih llillegass, Jonathan I - "there- mi the n a.} Jeadjng from I •llshurg to Haena Vis:.:, an J about half a! -■ from : •<• l,:w; place. "he inprv- mtt< area good Ftrry aed a .. 1 L'jd 11011 if, f. ig Stable, with tbrt-si-irig :i r .ttac ied. ind other out-buildings, with a * Spri.t® cl"e to the bouse. About •s of t.i f 'and is clerrrd and under fence, 7 ~ acres of -v. - *h is rreacow. and more can he ''■< • A rupoiug s:; am pass?# through this :n. f 'Ea? made known or. -lav of salt-. .rri.TPir JifTl 1.. .7drt>. - S. T >r in fori .lion in regard to this ply to I, -wis A. Tver, Puena V;,sta, or John ti- 'iri: /on itke place. Pec.'l 4. fh-c. Jeifeirj. " ,iK f'bsenher has open<: --et s V xt and sptwiiri assortment 0 f t ij 0 r th<l - St f ishi-m iMo Jewelj-y ~.r -nristiny ia pari of : ; v-- ii '?•-. K-.r It--g, ,u &C. DANIEL tIORDF.U. Adftjirl*trat'r> L ITERS of Adm ins? ration hiving b~>o rtrante4 to tee s ioscrtber, iiving in fiarri . 1 r--w..*VD. on tie l-N-.r.. of .1- h-. K. . rr JamaU Towash-o, deo'.J; -A! i-iwn- tiremsulvfcs in l-t.t.-.i to r.ii r i herehr not-itled to mike-payment intra*ii ;!>*• aa< * fi "T hin * agiinst the ~un f!."' s -'" 'heir ac'is-ijit# properly autfceati- lor S.; v i:ifrrrnf. FREDKP.ick TURNER, Jan. IJ, ie T-f Slrty Heifer. to tho planttti-'o '' the s i l rc.-;ocr ; h"il? in T/atou To;vah!p, sono-1 ma in lay last, a li-.r.i-c Heifer, sapposw-1 to ha ; ytr nJJ. arith a natch o :t of the right ao'f smalt star .. . tha far >.ead. The ••■voir is r-oj-.t>i p-> some forward, prove •aojvrty, pay chi-p-s. t,k# her .-.way. . . , Cf.'ARLKS ICKES. Jju. 4, IS-,C-c # t. - ) Asp.-;rs. Wo,* ~ ho do art ti^ir Daplioat.* rsiforet j u lithiJ of January 00' ■fR-i '•>■ mere rmsn.al.l p-v.'.-a f.,r U.e.u. I W -IU sard them an pyar :>.;> rs >., Mil %#,- y.. 1 . r=-. A ' S ' <**. STRAIXING, BUT Til UK Warning to Erer j Setsibk •> omsji. Foiaales Suffer lo ileal it. h?nZtZ lti C J dclicic r wni;cs to disclose ! he pecmbr aj r-u nts incident p. her sex. ev.-u ' to awostintimitef miily tdicsiciar,. i is bvi t f her should nor need l.e subject. i taownw ,t Hhocks ineviu,,le " making xnown to the other sex those ailments beWlug exclusively to the Irraale. eißiug K^ii^vi.' 1 ! 05 ?'' 1115 cases, how sermtrvenes ' 1 ' e i iur h-altb rather than herdfiicacv an! fifis-loug^ ll<i,>c83 prions, lament,.'.,ih Thus what at first could have been easily rem ttmfi? I'' better stili, not incurred. I b 0u uI disvase > i ' not oniv ru tting the health of the mother, and embitterin her days by sickness and suflhrhjg, but enuibng c< ? listi . totil>B upon her children, anp • mbarr.i.-sins, jt not distressing, the business and pecuniary prospects of the hu*Und. let eve ry sensible worn sr. -tie 3 .A 5-sl, I\ Ton: f (as thousands leiTe done) by t>„. bitter experi- I , * ot others, of Uic dredf:l nd !ued tn 1 ' '* " P " U I;ersest a '"i those , : j | )l r - l '- v , Ur iguoraneo of toe siin v i.'l H ,' ° tSt r " :, S " l e3lth * connected ' 3>' d '' a?l:, ! a!e,t|ll ' Violation of Which !? disease, suitbring and misery. • 4 '), " "r? " re suffering from obstructions or irrvgUli.ntKs peculiai to the ii- aa ]e system, wr.icli undermine the health, the efiects of "t"' 'rT-V t - no,ant - ad for whir b their del ic. cy t.irvrd.v seeking medical advice*" How many snfi.j-f-, m prolapse vt*ri (tailing of the t . tnita HVr o'V's (weakness, debility, '' many aro in constant asonv for many tnfir.rbs preceding confinement! How ma- L V*" " r ' ot dangerous deliveries, and slow m.d uncertain recoveries I Jo the qumion, low arc these to be preven ted . wbal shall be done ? the answer hs simple. 1,, , <,Vt I -V weman ascer'.iin for herself, without [ \ ioleuc'i to her delicacy, (he nature and charac ter wt the ailtecnt (to wlich she as a female is subject) the causes from v.hich it tray arise, and the Proper mr.idir, for its cure arc future pre- VeßtlOß. , she cnn 1,0 pesscsiirg a little volume (mvtiiy possessed by thepsands) whtch tells her what is the matter, ard tells 1 or wfmt to do for L. msitnj.ic I ntel,ssto n:rh as shu tan iiTulerstnnd. This little volume is entitled THE MARRIED U OM.I.VS IHVATE JHCSICAL (OIHPAMOX nv DR. A . M. KAl* RICE AC raorsssoa or piseascs op WOJSEW One Hundredth Edition <6CC,€CO) Ibwc.. JS . 05 (o* rrss paitr, i.trr: 4 biwmxg. SI.) A standard w„rk of established re pa t-iti Trade hales in Vcw York, Philadelphia, and ctherc,. .es,and sold by the principal books. l crs in the United States, jt was fl Mt j, u yish e d n 194/, ottice w tijc b time FIV i: II uA t) fCKLI* T KOUSA ,\" D COPI F.S v • born Slid, of which there w.rc i pw—ds of M. HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY S{| All., attostmg the high estimation in which it <■ J(. kt . r lial !e p< j u'ar medical IODIC FOR 13VERY FEMALE the anrboriiaviny davoted bis exclusive att-n td c to the treatment of romp'.tints peculiar tJ females, In respect to which he is - i-ar'y cot suited by t.'i ausir.d*, hot:, in person and bx Here every wo-nw car. discover, b v compa ring her own symptoms with thost= deserved the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remoaiT. fur, hc*r complaints. ihe woe aiiout becoming a mother has often reed of instruction and r.dvic e of the utmost impor'a.tcc to her future health, will fir.d such instruction and advicre. and siso explain inacv syuiytoms which otherwise would occasion unxi etjnor alarm, asail the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. It in of course impracticable to eonvev fu'ly the various snbjeeU (rested of. a? t ;„. v , L nature strictly intended for (h< married -; ia.m> contemplating marriage. The revolutions V,!; U tained In it* page* l>av- proved a bio-ir,-' to thousaads. as the in-inir.erahle letter* r -</?rd fcj the author (which he i permitted I j tht w.-l fcrs to publish) wiii attest, Lx'rarl r( u Litter from a£tr,U'-ra% it /erf's* fiPio e lUrro.*. May I, If-iJ. ••My dfe ha? been perceptibly sinking f.g gome three years or more, in consequence a/ her jr<at anguish snd .suifcrmg some months be fore and during coTittiK-meol: every successive cre more and pore debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in ltrmioent danger, agci wiiich was on the list occasioc despaired of { supposed thai this statu „f things was i a ? vita ale ir.A assign.' d myself to meet the worst. At this time (now ahwut txro mer.ths) 1 heard ?ur !„k iiigh'V B|">f'kf>n c.f. ; containirp fokic io4tt*r reaching mv case. On j t , r . r ,eipt and pcrt.-n! I catai.ot espn--.-s to yen the rede) iiaffurded my distressed mind, and the j oy its pages impurtud to my wife. On learning the great discovery r.{ m m. Desomeaos provided a repirdc. I? open ed prospect to me which I little cincoi* uwas possh-ie. No pecuniary consideration can ever repay the obi.gatiocs I am under t<> you fo having been tbe mean# of impartiyc *-us the matters e utain.:;i in "The Jtarrifd" TVouiaa : Private Medical Compani. n." tuufoi this, ere rothr year would have p*srrt oyer rev head. 3 iu a!) human probability my wife. wi.id b k r t I em in net grave and my children .eft wether. la consequenee of the uoirenial popularity o the work, as evidenced by Us estnioriipurv sale. various impositions bare ben attempted as v.. :; an bnoksciier* as on the public, I v im it a- ions of title page, spuriocs editions, and sur deptitions 'olnnpementa of copy.ight. aml-otbe en-tee.-! and -lewptjatt*, it hag htieu found noces sary thercforo TG to buy no IreoK ualcss the word# "Dr A M ATtvEjcijt-, 1-J3 r, f bcrty Ptreet. .V. V.,"ison (sod the entry In the Clerk's OfSer on the bach "{} the title pap- i and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, orseudby ruail. and ad! '-r vs to Dr. A. M. Maoriceau. LT'lfpon reeeipt p{ One FolUr "THE M AKfti!.'l> n-QMAN'S PRIVATE HEDICAI. COANION'" ts sent (maiied free) to any part '-1 :ne United States, the Canada# and Rritu-h Provinces. Ail leoers must t.- noyf p*:-d, c-.d addressed to FST. A. M MAURI f EAt*, box 12*4, New York City." i'ubiishlng 1 -') Lir-evty Street, New York. .*■-'}• 13, ISJS-5111. ArcwToi—D-. i C. Reamer, Bedford: T. B Peterson, . M. Moss .\t Bro., and Thos K.p,,- tb-yait. Philadelphia; spntrler A H-0.. l anea* U*; I. B.Gannisoo.Er..- S. B. LaufTar, Or- .-ns l itrg; -T. S. N'teksonand A. K. SlcCiure, .natu bersburg. Pbsterin? Laths!! f rXDERSIftSED Uv.nf oret©d * Ml !' f '* -win* Pi-WMtif® Utboo, ni premise* in I nion 1 p., Bedford county. „„„■ r"Hdy to iurtush any quantify >n the" shortest notice. Fries *l.M> per thousand, 3 ft. I©ne Other inasrtb* in proportion. S Letters addressed to meat St. CJalr.vUU *!! promptly attended .. _ , _ „ ORirriTß HMen Tp.. Feb. If..',fiS4. r +. TO sniDfißS. fVfcc suhscrthcr !fhTl> prepared %c t un** and i tast.riri; Laths Orderedif-cted $© Sr v.U. tiedf. rtl County, wtU t-o promptly attended by a ruMea:.Ljt *ir,.. tec , WM. '• "• FITS! FITS! F I'lSi xaE TEGLTIBLE EXTRACT PILLS. POR s'it E CCttE or Fis, .Spasms, ('rcraps, and II Nerrons and ('oasUuilonal JLls eases. 1)oBS0NS who are laboring under Hit. ks distressing malady, will find the Vegetable Epileptic l'ills to l.e the only remedy itir dis ovcred for Curing Epilepsy or Ffllitg Fits. 1 hese pills possess a specific action on the rer Tous system, and, although they ore prepared especially for the purpose of curing Fits.thev rill he found of espeeial benefit for all persou? afflicted with weak nerves, or whose norvons system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever, in chronic complaints.or diseases ot long standing, snperindijei d hy ner vousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. TfSiimCß* el' ihe Tt{re table Extract Epileptic Pills. Ia the publication of the followingcertiftctM of cures, the names have been ; the testimonials w re voluntarily ottered, and.rt would be improper to publish them without the consent of the parties, and who would be un willing to publish to the world that they or their children or friends, ever had fits, when the circumstance is always regarded as one o the family secrets. liExntNG, Jierks County. Pa. ( December 22d, t To Setb S. Tliiitee : Dear Sir—The Pill* my hrcthcr lorght of yon in November, I mean the Vegetable Epi leptic Pills, arc ant,n ml I get a friend tcetlClosi yon five dollars, for which I wish ion to send me immediately two boxes more. 1 l ove been troubled many years with FITS, and l-tvotried the skill of many physicians, but nothing which I nave taken appears to hare met the r<'orire men ts of my case, so well as votir Epilerii Pills. ANOTHER. CASE OF FIT?. C'r.Ar.KsßfßO, Ta. I November 15th. 1852. f To Seth S. fiance, Baltimore. Md. Dear Sir—Having been filicted for some years past with Fal'.isg Fits. I saw your adver tisement. and determined to give yorr pills a trial, and I am happy to say that since ! com roencrd the use of them, I have not had an at tack. I believe them to he a first rate article, for. as I have written to yen in a former letter I was attack . d every two weeks, lut since 1 have been usir.g them. I have not had an attack. Yours, rsspectfuliy, I.ETTF.R FROM A DRUGGIST. New York. Oct. 10, 1852. ) Dear Sir—Please send me two box.-* ru..rc ot ■ your Vegetable Epileptic Pills. The person for J whom I procured them, is ranch pleased with their effects. They seem to have an excellent 1 eif-Ct. j A PERFECT CURE OF EPILEPSIA Pittsburg, November 22, 1858. Dear ~ir- ft Is now ten nion hs since my wife had ar.v of those nervous attacks. She thinks j rhe cured. She has not had any symptoms of | the disease for the last nine months. She took I your Vegetable Extract Pills tor about four f mouth?. and discontinued them four months (since. Mr*. S. was treated by 'he best old school physicians in the Stnt< for ten years,then ; by the best Homeopathic for eighteen mcnihi, without aeurea It is to your Vegetable Ex tra-;. i'iiis, ami with strict regard to diet, trv.t •we ascribe her cure of the most dreadful dis ease that cvei afflicted the humanfamily. I wish every person atilieten with Epilepsy had this medicine, aDd would give it i thorough trial.— ft may not core in alt case*, but in this It haa .performed w .'adirs. A VERY RE.<ARIvABLE CURE Mill"dgcville, Ga. { December 17, lhf,2. j FDea- lair—l wish to inform you lhat one ny family has t e";> affiictcd with FITS for a r umi*-r of years, and feeing n aiivcrtisemunt 1 in a news paper, concerning your Vegetable Ex j tract Epileptic Fills, I c.ime to the eorwhieiou. i.ftei trying almost every physician in my reach' ! ond all having failed in relieving my "child of i tr, disease, to send for six boxes of your piils, [ which proved an oh'ectual cure for my d -.lighter! who is now about IH years of age. I think there is :d other medicine in use equal to them, i.nd I will te forever grateful to you for the use of them fur tny daughter whom if his cured, Yours, respectfully. •Vcrroa? and CoiislKu/ional Disea ses. Those pliis possess a specific action on the .nerveus ay stem.aud although they are , rep*. red especially fcr the purpose of curing Fits they will tie found of especial benefit to a-i per son aTlicted with weak oervts, or whose nor *o.i# system has been pwtrated ..r shattered 'rom any eause whatever, in fact it is I : possible to convey an adequate idea of the ! peedy .nd almost miraculous results wbi.-h • these pills effect .n the diseased, broken down ! tr or-jsiratcd nervous systems. F. who w.re til lassitude, weakness# and dehihfy, tu:- fore their use, at once become robust and full o energy. No matter whether the constitution r.as been broke# down by excess, wvakiy 1.1 iure. or debilitated by sickness, th-.- r effect ou the unstrung aad shattered nervous organisa tion I# equally certain and apparent. In eaw-s Of neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain' in the i nervt-f if the face, and the various train of ner- I vous arLctims, palpitation of the heart, pe-iod- ' icalheadaches, cold and shivered state of the frauae. frequent tit# of abstraction, tot j i ns bdb i ly,dislike to society, mclanchoi- .religious mo- I noti-ania, heat# and fbushe# of n.# f int . (int h e ! sligblest occasion, a desire that existenceshonld I termiaatei they will prodnce a cure in an aston ishing.}- short period of tim.-, and it w|!i remove depression, eiciiement. a tendency to 1 uish, restlessness. sb>eplessness,incapacity for I study or business, loss of mernorv. confusion, I g.udines*, Hood to the head, mental debility! bystem. wretchedness, thonghts'of! self destn-ction. fear ofinsaeitv. f, r A-e Tbey wi'.lincjrense and restore the appetite strengths the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by e*e. ,### a nd j induce continual ctfea-rfuiness and ecuaaltniti of epiriis. and prolong life. Persons of pale complexion and r,,smptrve habits ar resf-rcd by a boy o- two, to Moore and vigor, changing the skin from apaleJveiiow 1 Hekly co.or, to a boaatifulfioiid compl. Ki„ n TtT"Ar these mis arose mpe-iicd of t \m© of ' •).<" most nutei*)., ir,#, c fUteria Medica, it wit be impost!* to tluo, firoond en age Dcv, aii I**l - Medicines usually a-,.. Bnt In order to h;i the afflicted in the most remote parts ©f tfce country have a chanco to obtain them, they wiU he sent by mail ft*© of postage, to any part of th Knitod or &r.y country vrtth tvhirh SUtoH ban poftal arrangements, or w?ipt vf * jvxt iltiihnk, PRlCES. —Vegetable Extract Kpllef tie Till j.t pr hex. two hoxp, ft„ sfl, ? 24p©r,t©Ht,. All <-wwt JnM iddrcej>t-il r° i^l, aid *. *. IIAJfCE, ItW Baltimore Str'-et, Baftircere, E<l. iianco; iSantcptriri* P.h©d Pt)h •• Horehonnd Cindy, ' • Compound Syrup •" r!o,-o 0 rKl. 17*A\© for sk I;. SILLER S CONLE7' ! Schcdkburp Pa. Mv 26. 1666 M. BEDFORD INQUIRER, AND CHRONICLE. Iliad fjuartew. OR F ISIUOX IULE CLOTiUXIi tfTl he subscriber would respectfully . • -■ inform the public that be is IIOC'TR otFsriug .>* the Hertford Hall i formerly llii r,*citvge Hotel) in B-sf I'itt street, the largest and o issortmrint of rciwy-mado, fashionable Cloth. '£ ever oafore offered for sale in this place. HIS b IOCR. consists of * large and splendid supply of Winter Goods. He his every Variety and description of COATS. r/tMTS AND VESTS. SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS, JIANDKEKCMIEFS, &c. &c. He has also t large stock bf prftnc CLOTHS, CASSIMEREStiud I'll STINGS, which he is pvc p i red to in .ike up to oideriu the tr.osi liishionn ble style, and warranted to be well made, and oooii rirs. Hiving purchased his slock for CASH he feels assured that he ean mai; a it to the advantage of those wanting boon and CHZAP CI.OTHISC to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. WJfc. SCHAFBR. Bedford, January 19, ]gs4. Taylor i Tfow ry, TANKERS, BEDFORD, ?A. HVTE LOSST.t'STLT R* at their Tannery on East Pi't St. faa.i.er ot all kinds and of the fccsf quality. at exceed ingly moderate rates. They pav" the highest prices tor country hides. Feb. 16, 1554. Call at JHly mire'n. T?3 E subscriber has jnst reci ived from the Easturn cities the best .ssortment of Bras* Copper. at; ; t UJ IV are ever offered in this place, low'uieb he invites the attention of the public.— Ha has a great many improved cooking utensils, that cannot fail to please every housekeeper who usfs to.'.n. (he Ladies e specially are inv I ted to culiund examine lie.* articles. Among them are b:iss and BKI.Ii Muni. Kettles of ail sizes, iter Coolers, Chafing Dishes, Saucepan#, .Milk Bailers, KURSK LAMPS, an excellent article for the sick room. Cake Moulds, Spier Boxes. Tea Oannisters, Brass and Iron T.idles, Patent Lamps, CandleaticKx. Glass Lamps. Match Box es, Spittoons, &c. kr. English and Freach Tin. Ircc and Brags Ware in great variety. J.tjianni; I Tic Toy*, arid a great variety of Fancy articles. Chain and Force Pumps and in short every art'de in my line. Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot in Pitt at. GE ORGE BLYMIRK. .4C;U. m t'LOTiii.Mi sroiiii. THE subscriber has jnst oucned a new and complete CI.OTIIIXG STORE, in the building on tjm.Corner of Juliana Street, Bedford, Fa., owned by David .Mann. Esq., and lately lathe occupancy of Mr. Solomon Killer as a Dry Goods Store, a..d two doors Smith of the ft isir ; Snn Tavern. His stock comprises tine of Die largest and cheap.-.- 1 assortments of Rracly >iad<* Clothing ever brought to Bedford. lie has also a choice msortrnent ol Dry Good*. all oi which he will soil cheap as can be procured in the town. He requests allbiseonntry friend sand other*, to call and aee his goods—as he docs not con >i ier it a trouble to show them to ativ one. ISAAC LII'PKL. April C, IBN.h. !F YHT mat CHEAP G'.IJD.S, ciU at Cheap Side. Nov. f. i. tIKAUAMS AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE, rsrr.n:isnro ts 1827. DEVOTED TO LIT Kit ATI. KB, ART AND FASHION, 't *' 'I- " ! ' w volume oomm neing with the J. JL aai'v number, lljoti will • >n:.-.'a over twelve Hundred Pages ot tin? ch. is,- • ik ;iii matter, 1- .•! and >\ ood Engravings, and .-maic! ••Graham" Is a Family Magazine, with uuc tet to please the grave and :tu gay, toe •. oang and the old; and whilu everything relating to Fashion, and purely feminine in its u iture, is fully equal to that published in any other peri odical— the Literature is of a higher character, and better suited to all members of the Family. This Ma.guv.iue is, and has been, within the tcope of iu design, tae exponent of a pore healthy, and elevated literature; in pio.jf <>t which we refer to the pis: and sure especial ly to the present year. The volume, on a-'couat of the en gagements made wi'h literary celebrities. auJ the superior idealities at our control, will, while in other leipeeta unchanged, excel in the beu ty and variety of i's contents all former issues. The following are the names 01' eotnc ot thoae whose contributions have appeared in ••Qr ha-u" daring the present voir. W. C. B-y i;it, J. Kuaseil Lowell,,!.T. He.id ley, T. H. Road,, Win. Dowe, K. W. Griswohl, E. i'. Whipple, W. (~ Kinims. 11. W. Herbert! H. St odd xr J, Park Bcojvrnm, Paul 11." lisyne, J. ,M. Churrh, Kelcbcr, I). {) iy In Alexander, *l. W. Ki'sworth, K. O. Smith Alice Ou y. Klieu Louise Chutidier, Jul,* (j! Uorr.G.i "liac Obcsetro, EMU Kodtnan, .Mrs K. f,.Cu l lung. E. Anna Leads, M uy y' f >c ' a l ison, Ma- ionjlarUod -.liosa, ' Caroline P. time, CoMa M. Burr, Anne T. W,u. ;• i,e!lc Bush, M E. J. Karnes, E. L. Kilbnrn. Each uinber of the coming volurae wiii con tain .1 p lend id Steele Engraving, a Plato of too Par's fashions, on Steele, elegantly cola-- ed; one- or more articles rienly illustrated with Wood Lngravutga; MiacjJUoeou* Pros- uud I'oetry, an Editor's Table; Reviews of New Books Monthly Summary of Current Events: Hints on Fashion and Fashionable Int ■iligencc fertile Patterns for Needle -work, and New Mouaiv-. I'Oe iitcct Engravings will embrace finely ex ecuted portraits of the eeklirated lady-writera ••f the it y, intorspercod w]tn a variety of other nb>-ct3, sucn as oetnink will prove accenta "ij|e to the general reader. The Fashion Plates are engraved on Steel, •i.er the latest i'ar.s ashions, giving out and it.-door costumes for the month in which they appear. Tney have been pronounced superioi to those ptibUbsd in any other American Pe riodical. The Literary Matter will consist of Histori cal, Biograpnical, and Literary Essays, Sketch es of Travel, Fine Arts, Novels, Tais, Roman, ces, \c. The Novels and Komancrs of <lGra ham" (of which from two to five will appear in every issue> are universally acknowledged to excel in b..auty and interest ariv other publish ed 111 America. The Editor s Table is made up of Humorous Sketches and An-cdotes. Fore.gn and Oomes tic G'-xsip, and t.iterary and other chlt-cbat. The Monthly .Summary of Gnrr nt Events givos a condensed account of' tho princlpii wonts, which have taken plnoe in the w.-rfl during the preceding month. TbeJtwaiews of Now Books are from the poo of E. P. Whipple, who, as a cnt.c and reviewer, stands uorrvailed. Tho Pashicn article prefects, oath month a correct atvl comprebcn*iv aecount'of tho now style* of IWeasoe, Bonnets, Mantillas, Shaw!* Krr.brodories t i> w d ovctything roUtiug to Fash lon, of interest to the ladies. The Needle-Work Patterns for Coltora, Un I der slecTes, Ops, Berthas, Skirts. Embroid- I .rW for Handkerchiefs, Hr , l general w,.rk, numerous nn.J beautifully designed Hew Mns.e. A new poaoe will he given ev ery month. TboM .ih)D at a Music-store, would cost mora than a year's subaeriptlon. Tkbks.—Our copy,niw rear, in advanoe, 83- Two Copfcw, fit; Fir. copies (an;l to th ; Agf* or getter-op of tho Club) $lO. Per g <>ueCV r y wl.tbo wmtThrm. Yeara. Additions U, C taon can be mads at the gatae rata aaUluha rnl. Alligbscdptloosnoi paid In adrmcc Si ABRAHAM H. SEK, Ho. 106, Chestnut Street, Phik. IliilfiU'iiiE XML iV siibsc;i'jei having purchased the entire JCI of HARDWARE of the late Thomas ID Miller, in the Borough of Bedford, would re spectfully announce t u his friends and the pub lic generally, that he is now prepared tofur " uisri almost every article in l is line 01 busiocss on favorable term .. J1 Listed: being ready ail | new, and selected > y one well experienced in the business, lie is fu!!v satisfied that purchasers ! will Had it to their advantage to give lam a call. In addition to a general stock of Hardware, he j has on hand, and will copstshtly keep GRO CERIES of the very best quality— GLASS of ! all size ailso, S 1 ONE \Y AH K ofa verv superior I quality. He lias also on hand all kind's of Oils, . l'aints. Drugs, Brooms, &c M it., and Cdar Ware in great variety, j Having now permanently settled in business, and bcbigdatursJined to use every propei exer tion to please, he hopes to merit and receives liberal sitare oi public patronage. JOriN ARNOLD. 1 Deer. 119. ISC4. CH.OBS HQTH3£j Weil Pill street, Penna YALE.S TLYE ST EC KM A.V, Pronrlctor. Lijitifcii! LiiiiiEu: : [A A At 1/ASfII.NGLKSof diflefPffTkitjd# 1\ 'V/jV/V''./ Also. TS.C"J leeto! LUM of c.fienioi kifo's such a* i\ hi'e Bine \ eiluvv l'it>e. l'opinr. >j r iee. Ac., See. For sale f . D. BhEGLK. Si. Clairsvilie K< b. IK. ij)&3 _> x Oi'lLG GrfEAfKK ATTRACTIONS! G - O nnv's DADV a Roost ran ISS3. o'dnd Vol ume! Tins Pioneer Magazine! Especially de voted to nis wants of toe Ladles ot A:mr,ca. Tv uvre this Magazine is taken in a house, uo other i.s wanted, as it comprises all that could ue obtain,' I by taking tares other Magazine#. Arc Era; urn for 135 C—A new and very in teresting story will he commenced in January, by Marion Ilurlaud, author of - Alone,'' atid "ilhidcn Path," two n.ive'g that have created an immense sensation irt the literary world.— Also—Miss Virginia F. Towusend will com mence in the February number a Nouveilette, which we know will strongly iutereat the read ers of the -Book." Stories by an English Authoress—How to make WAX Flower* and Fruits Wi'h engra ving*.—The Nurse and the Nursery.—How TO make a Bonnet—Troubles ofau English llouse keepcr—The Art ot sketching Flowers troni Nature—With engraving —To be copied by the learner on piper to be colored. .Maternal counsels to a Daughter—Designed to aid hei in the care of hir health, the improve ment of her inind. and tHe cultivation of her heart—New style of I'luuiinuting Windows and Lamp Shales, with engravings—Poetry and History of Finger Dings. Mlustratea: Shells .or the Ladies, and where they come from, wilhen gr livings—Modelling in Leather with engravings This is only giving an idea of our intentions for 1856 —New designs ot interest to the la dies are spriiigirg up every day, we shall avail ourselves of evrything that can interest them Intact, '-Godey's 1.1 yv's Book," will posses the interest of any other three magazines—In addition to the abuve will be continued in each Ho. Godey's splendid Steel engravings—One hundr d pages of reading. Udey s challenge Fashion Pistes. In thi j as in every otter department ive defy rivalry or j imitation—Embroidery patterns. Any nnantitv i ol them uc given monthly—Model Cottages. " j Dress making, with diagrams to cnt li —" ! Dress {utter,- , lnfi'iC® unci Children's Dr>."ics. j All kinds of Crote hi t and Netting Work. Drawing Lessons for Yotttb—looo design*. ; Music worth is given every year, the Nurse nr..: the Nursery, with full instructions; Go dey n Inv -'.ruble Tteeipos upon evervsnljcct BSTFP.MS CASH IN ADVANCE.-(>ne copy, one year. S8 Two copies one year. ?C. re con. .. - ■ year, .- 1 nex ra copy to the ■ ' '• ing the club, making six copies $lO. Elprht copies ft) • year, and an extr. eopv to the person sending the club, making nine copies, i In. Eleven copies one year, and an ex 'ra copy to th j person sending tho club; twelve copies #lO. Godey's Lady's Booh and Harper's Magazine both one year for Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both one rear for A Spociman or Specimens will bo sent direct to .toy Pott-nutter m iking the request. We can always supply bicii numbers for the year, as the work 19 sterotyped. J Urea, 1,. A.GODEY. No 113 Chestnut Street, Priili!,- p i The Mengel licuhe* rive subscriber having taken the above w. known Motel, in the town ot Bedford, recemn kep: by Mr.lsaac Meugel.w onld respnttull) <ll noauce 10 his friends and the public general! v. that he is now prepared to entertain thetri in a superior style. Hi* Beds and Keddir.c. ...re n PW nl -,, n.s chambers comi.-;odiows„ (M t WB || veniiiatod and furnished in the best manner. On his Table, will be foiind'the choicest r,. anil* the market run prodoce ' His Bar will be supplied with the best Ij cjvi or*. Hi* Stab.* i* ami < % ofnrnoiiituii rtJ vIV Hm by vi? arid loJuMrioui* ost ler. Boarders wiJj be taken by the du\ we#*: mouth n>l year. As he is determined t spa-e no effort# > please, a ,make all persons ho stopwitbh.pj feel at bome.he respectfully asks the patronage of the public. „ ~ JAMES ft. FECKWITU He ltord, March 31, 18*4 Bedford Acadcj and Fcwaie Scminarj. W. W. CAMPBELL, Principal. rIUE first session of the 6tb school year n tbisi nstitutiun will open on Mtmdsv mor Ing the od day of September. Tlie i.ao history of the Academe, will. we trust, bes sufficient guarantee of it? future efflciencv The branches taught will he the same as hereto fore. To mailer principles will be consider d the most important pursuit of the pupi's; and while it will be the constant business of the In structorto impartknowledge. it will also hehis aim to lead his pupils to make a practical ap plication of their acquisitions. To load the mind with innumerable formulas, withontcar.se ing it to nso them, would bo like placiim a bow n a child's hand, without teaching him how to -"1 it. In uno, it shall he our object, as ithvs over }>een. to lead the pupil to think. -7" N. H. Instruction in Single and Donbpl Entry Book Keeping will be given * the P r £! Ti'i' . * ln tblasf 'idy will be so urr ana od that any young men desiring to pursne this •nporuint branch ir, order to pop£, tV m elves for clerkships, ea rscUt it it .. rscitation will raavlyj I'liutloa 1 it ef th 1 Tgnlar s.>A<ol hours Instruction la this %nch is M.'ro, arwl will he aeoord r i**y 9 Tha Wtos a# as ftsual. Glassies, ... ?" Ecg!,Bh ' * ■ • ' ™ WSddK! ' . . , _ J jj,y Klomcntary, - . . . 4 110 Book Keeping, (cutea.) . . f , TMUKsniNr, MACniiVES, With . 0 a or o. p<,wer f,>r cho P M Retd'i Coio nvit* Store. HOT. 80, 1856. DBUGS, BOOKS, STATION/, K • F. V. REAMER. BEDFOES.W., H o „*' ,n * enrrhßUFd th. Uruc And AA Eookbtoru ot Dt- S. 1). Scott, Las .on stantlv on baud, at tin; old stan-, a large and teellselected stock of choice i/rug# una iled icine#, wholesaleand retail, all c>( which will le ■old st fair terms. The assortment consist# it part ot DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, DYE WOODS AND ACIDS, I'ALVJ S AND OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND GLASS WARE, TOBACCO AND SEGAIiS. PERFCMERY, FANCY ARTICIFF, AC.. A PATENT MEDICINES. flavins the regular agency for the rale r t 11 of these medicines the public are a*#n/ed that they are of the besti sacb as Lave stood tie test oftinieandexpericnce.and can be safelyrveom* mended as genuine. Viz. TotvnsenJ's and Sand'# Sarsapsrilla. Wisiar Balaam of Wild Cherry.Ayex's Cbeny Petto,al ilotfat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters. ] j Jay no's Family Medicines,Fahnenccks'siiobi t sacks, and other vermifuge#, lioctLsnd German Bitters. &e. &c. Cotistmtly on hand a large stick a Historic biographical. Scientific. Religions, 1 oeinal school and Miscellaneous BOOELO Also a groat varioty of Fftncy Stationery. l ap, Post and wrapping paper of every quality Paper Hangings in great variety. Window Bilnds in patterns or by the piece. "Wall paper (gtcclan-l Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS o'evcrv size and quality, rocket Hook s and Port Monnaics. Diaries, Blank Deeds ai d Mortgages, gold I'ens and Pencils. Combs, Brushes, Per fumery in great variety. Soaps, 4c., 4c. Lamps, and Camphine Oil a' Burning Fh.ii kept constantly on hand. ciioiei; T cor.s 'of medical nse; Br .c, WaUPs. Scbaidam Sf hnapp.i,Gin, Port, Sherry and Si.wlaira Wines, Jan. 19, 1854. DOCTOR YOURSELF. THE POCKETESCULAPIUS OR. evERT oss ni °* s ' PUT sic J A*. tOtli One Uu ml led itigs, showing diseases uoi Msliormatiuts ol the Hu i man System in every shape Sand torm. To which is luddcd a Treatise < n Die ; Diseases of Fen.files, being j 'of the highest importance ' to married people, or those j contemplating marriage.— | WILLIAM TOCNG, X. D Let no f Aher be ashamed to present a cop;, ot the iESCULAPIUS to his child. It may save hirn from an early grave. Lrt no rout);, man or woman enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the POCKET 43SCULAPIUS. Let no one snll'ering from a hackuied Cough. Pain iti the Side, restiess nights, ti'tvous feelings, and the whole train ol Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their phy sician. be anolhet moment without consulting the .ESCULAP iUS. Have the married, cr those about to be married any .impediment, road tbi? truly useful hook, as it has been the ujaam of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. fOTAny per* >n sending TVTENT F-FI VP CENTS enclosed inn letter, will receive one copy of this work bv man. or five copies n'M be sent for One Dollar. Address, (p n st paid) DR. IV"M. TOl'-VG, N* i iVJ S:>.'ace Sirset, Philadelphia July 18, 1355—1y. JUST IK SEW! 2>J33"W OOODS, Aft ftfac "CHEAP CORA EH-' WE would respectfully rrn.i cf to tic citi \l zens of Bedford and virlnity. that wehav. jRSt returned fr<mthe eastern cities, end -r.- n w receiving and opening a large and hand some assortment of Spring and Summer tocds consisting in part of Cloths. Cassimrres. bl.v k and fancy Sattinets; a large varittr of back and Mars&iltes Veatings, Kentucky Jeans, Cot oni lg j Linen Drills for pants. I.iiien for coat J Tweeds. brown and black Muslins, from G cents per yard upwards; Cotton Bagging. Asr.a burgs. cotton Table Diapers for 12$ per yard; •ad all articles lor use or ornament. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Gccds. of all descriptions, Silks, Boerege dc Liine* Chillies, Mors, de Laines. Alpacas, from 12 cents up to *1 per yard; Domestic Ginghams Bervge Ginghams, Laces and Edgings, Ribbons kid and all kind of ladies' and gent's Glover linen and silk Hdkfs, Hosiery for men. women* misses and children; men and wome.is shoes, boots and gaiters; misses shoes; a large assort ment of liars and Botaets, of the Terr latest styles. A good snpfly of GROCERIES, Coffee for 12| cents per pound. brown Sugar, at all prices; crushed, pulverized and clarified Sugar, Baker's broma Chocolate. Cocoa Lard Oil, Sperm Oil. Whale Oil, Etherial OH, Can dles, leas of all kinds; best Golden Svrupand New Orleans Molasses t fresh Herring and Mackerel. Qaecnsware anil Hardware, f>' all kinds. Glassware and Cedarware. Our stock has been selected with the greatest care, in regard to quality and prices, avid we flatter ourselves we can offer inducem-ns to purchasers. Call and see and don't use our word for it—drop in and judge for rouraeives Ail kinds of country produce taken in ex htnge for goods, at the highest market prices. ™ „ SANSOM A GEPHAgT. Bedford. April 27, 18W. A Miracle of Science. f>r. C. Kelling of Mcchanicsburg, Cumberlan Co. Pa..announces to those afflicted within mors, Wens, Cancers, Polypus, Lupus Moles or Marks, Scrofula or Kiufs Evil and all diseases thattuve been usually treated withtiaustic or Knife he can remove them by an entirely now method without cutting, bunting, or pain. AV. ther Chloroform or Etheriladmiuistered, to <h,. patient. ' tnt It is no matter on what part ofthtj body the® may be,he can removethem with perfectsafotv ana in a remerk.ble.bort Mm®. No Mineralor V cgetable potsou, is applied, and u mosey re quired until a euro is perfected. ** complaints, Chronic atiwvral and all otpcr diseases treated with nosi- I saesnwresa. Pullarticnlars c>y be obtained l,y ! h EDgU<,k 0r paid h tents cyan be acoornmoniatad with rT.i <*ftsoab>e terms. ° Wlth Boar l on r^1l!!? b " r!: l U * f th prettiest and althtssttoarns i n this cur any other State. It Is mllos from H vnsharg on the 0. V, U R end peossible from all parts of the Union. " SHtvwhend!^' 1 CM * B in r >tM Kind realor if you kßow afflicted fellow Nnv X #o ntl BnckwlM " u mo l for sale bv N °' 80 * O. W. HUPP. BUQQY for gale by *>' . . W, RUPP THE Q V CHBOVIiLE will be pti ifStT®. I,*:, 0 day Morning at two dollar# p,. r annua' vear expirer. Lr 'M .Vasnbscription will U t ikon for a shorter rerv d Miui aix month# 'and fi© Mtbtcriler wi'tY tbrty tp discontinue his tr: p tio 6 uct£ arrearages ore ; aid. E-; B®tCS Of Ad7Clti?Jcg; 1 insertion. 2 ,. , 1 square, <J2lH>tsy 60 -, , V 2 squares, SI.OO j 3 square*, ]£o '[ o 1 square ' •?* *! 2 square! 4.t0 ,'. C y J| fSSSU. ;s I- H hole Column 12,00 *r> (f, ~ % ° KrAlUdrertbvement, tot maVkVLiff';! 0 number ot insertions desired wil, o ntil forbid, and charged accoidinglv. ' Illilfi; I.YD NlMlliiil GDIJOn ' I'LL subscriber UkestL.s method of inf. • - A ing Li# friends that he La, i. cuvm j stock ol wu a MXJ) tUfjUA/ictoU LiChbe ha# selected lictn tLe lai'-est v. in the eastern cities. We nn e , s'!. #*£** OOUIS. c mpiiii-.g 'p L "'v. ;•* U" r bilks—beautiful colors a: <j origins. „t. * . 1, k ' 01 all *'ldihs anil quali".;, j. Bfciegts, 1 Issues, Gtviiiiilli.t* I;vr£ei:< J '' Lawns, Ginghams, kc. In V/IUTL (jt't'T our stock it unusually large an.t epri ( . (i ~' br*cit;g Embroidered Swis. ;: pi.iid. M 2 . . ■ plain (amines, Jaconets.- Mos!ii- : r, Si,ri uil '\-, ,c ': I,c ' 1101 >**£*pixo GOODS Linen Sheeting#. Cotton, do., Pill- v ci.s Mualms: Table i.jnens, bleached Lrowu; Russian I'iapiTS, etc. Ji.tie. green and brown lierarcs and Cr. ■ dines tor Veils. u " GEXTLEMES'S .f.vD £0 v\c "£. :/ su .• as Cloths, Cussirt'efp* and Vesting*, ot etvv cO*rctival.!r sty le ami quf.lirr MO I GGsw"~ Bombaaincs, Alpacas Lawn*. ttriigliams. etc. L'MMHOWERIES.- French worked Collar. Handkerchiefs. Steer,*. £>igte e ,, inserting,' etc.. etc. ' ' DOMESTIC QOCDS —A large assortment fciotirac.ng ererthiag Ir. the iiv- BOOTS. SHOES, liJ.TS.iyfi C.rrs. Cltimi. Glass and Qneansware, cojisjifj, „ of every desirable article. Looking GIKSOS, all aige*. ch-- rier *l,• • • a . /URt)U. WE. OROCElil£s,brup, Me dii'ine*. Paints. Oils and Dec > r ,i , n fact everything that ought to' be kept in a well con luctea couatrv store. ac!<v7rfe<igfap the , ;a t- rr age .heretofore extended, 1 shall enteav:.V.„ merit its continuance by keeping one of tl" largest, most varied and lust stocks in t T ■ His store u opposite the Re-Turd Hov> T> ,, , PKTER if.\DF.3 trnn Bdford, Way n, IW6. &■ Oil ' Bedford, Fa. AITICE on Pitt Street, noarlr rr, T , o si : - V-F thej'Bedfor.l Hotel." Teeth plngp..i ulated. He., and artificial teeth ftm one to,. an entire set. Charges moderate, i,,'/ operations warranted. 2^-Terms—PosiritEtr CASH. Jan. 19. lyyj. VI Hi I fcTEER." /T AMR to the practises of the .uW-iVr t i:l , '•'*= u " ur i- n terprise, South Wo ih-trv Township, about the Ist Septemocr h<t ' fTftE ,' m -- rev oI \ ! s - PnS- It. color red, !!,.i,„e,l i.v crop off the right eir Th own -r i, requested-to com- l.'.rwird,' nrove property, pay charges and take it awi.- ' Nor. ;n, 18M DAVIy SXOaKl '" <jf:k - H. \I€OD2TH S, Justice or the Pctste, 5 1 VS removed his Otlice to JrGMr.n Street t . w , J North t the -linii in; r.: Chronicle" OtEcs, and ttto doors S< i 1 r li ■- C-Tord ins-Utiiee. where he will punctuallv at t.rtol to the collection of aii vlain . pUtedit his hands. Bedford, April (1, ISoS-zt STIMMftD CL.L V S bOOhNT roa tbk Atornoy or Township Boards of Edtcatlcn crd Union Schools. rflE foil own ig excellent School Books l.rv been adopted, by more than cxk turn sav Boards of Education, in the last eights-id months— fimt. because of their uonurpafsid merit: S 'eevnd, because they are, also, the u,t>t economical to the learner. READING AND SPELLING. McGuffey's Bclectie Pictorial Primer, Mctiuties*s Eclectic Fpeiling-Eock, McGuffey'a Eclectic 1 irst Reader. McGuffey's Eclectic Second Reader, MeOufTey's Eclectic Third Reader. McGuffey'a Eclectic Fourth Bender, McGnti' y's Eclectic Fifth Reader, or Rhetor cat Guide. The Hemans Young Ladies' Reader. CLASS HOOKS IN ARITHMETIC. Ray's Arithmetic, Part First, Ray's Ariehmetic. Part Second, Ray's Arthmetic. Pan Third. Key to Ray's Arithmetic. ALGEBRA. Ray's Algebra, Part First, Ray's Algebra, Part Second, Key to Ray's Algebra, Parts First and Second. FOR COMMON SCHOOLS. Pinneo's Primary Grammar, Revised and E arged, and printed from new type. This en larged edition, embraces St.vtax", whieh is treat ed in a clear, practical and pleasing manuei, and the volume is a full and tcm;.lt/c Class book for Common Schools, containing aii that is taught on the subject in Public Schools. rOR ACADEMIES Piniu-o's Analvtical Grammar, Rt vised, a itTi " , enlarged type—designed for advanced j niii who wish to study the subject on a more extend ad basis, and with tauro tr : lutehes* in delali Analysis. I'iar.to's ft, glish Teachc. st which is taught the struct! .e of by ' Analysis and Synthesis. A *o;k or i the analysis of English senteu ' It is believed that ho hooks • ' CXpresented to. I tl'e public have met with viich universal appro-.' bdtion as those embraced in the EciLgiie Ent -, C-vntSil S|l|ta, Not only have nearly all the • leading practical teachers in the .Slate, bv their letters their high appreciation thoir merits, and the satisfaction they jj„ using them: but many others, whoa# syv -re of instruction is in the higher Department* of Fd ncatian, but who ulso earnestly labor for the progress and wellkro of the Common Schools. I have united in this ■••otcc of approval. PnbJisfced by W. It. Smith & Co., Cincinnati. Anr.vrs sou BrrwoßH CorifTT. Dr. B. F. Hahbt's Dpig and Book Store, Bedford; Dr. T C.Bcamk*'* Drug and Book Store. Bedford; where these books may fee had wholesale and retail, on the most favorable terms. School Boards will bo supplied with <*p;a* lor examination, and schools supplied for a. ftrjf tutwxlneti'w,, at reduced rates Bcpt. , 18&. W. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers