Z'iT*Lieut. Col. Itragg, so vii.iely known ' to the ooniitry or bh conduct at! ijao.ia Vi.-'ta, has resigned his coatiuissaion i in the army. Uen. \\ At. Lau;ukk, formerly a lan- j ker ic Pi it*br.re, has been elected Speaker ' 01 in. • hijSjCa licu e of Represent a iivc£. 'lf Gov. Shannon, of Kansas, will, tt i* sai l, soon resign, ALMANAT FOIL 1856. % f f f ? £ 't ii ,* ,s=" .t S. *? • 2.! J - u s= ' *< J JAN. 1234 ;> i 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 U 15 16 17 IS 1 20 21 22 23 24 23 20 t 27 28 20 30 31 FLU. 1 2 3 4 G 7 S 9 | 1" 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 MARCH. 1 j 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 W 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 o 1 AVP.IL. 1 % 3 4 5? 6 7 S 9 10 11 >l2! 13 14 15 16 17 18 191 20 21 22 23 21 -5 20' 27 '2B 29 SO MAY. 1 2 3 j 4 5 0 7 S 9 10 ! 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 18 19 29 21 22 23 24! 25 20 2 7 28 29 20 31 JUNK. 1 2 3 4ft .0 7 i 8 9 19 11 12 13 14' 35 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2-5 20 27 23 j 29 30 j JULY. 12 3 4 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 1 20 21 22 25 24 25 20 27 2.J 29 oO 31 1 .ICG. 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 . 31 811PT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 •21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 I OCT. 12 3 4 •f C 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 NOV. 1 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LF.C. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lu 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 20 30 31 Valuable i ? rper!v IT i'RIHTU SILL fTIIIE sahseriber otf ts his ralu ililo Mill Pro- J perrv unl Tanuery lor saie, a.mate t Brush Creek. Eo: Providence Township, Foi tnrd i -unty. Pa., tw •> nii'.es South of Ok Juni ata Crossing*. containing 4-M acres, raor.* or f as. with upwards of I'JO acres cleare i, with 25 acres or gocdjaeidatv. The balance well limbered wkh oak. white and yellow pine.- ■ 1 here arc two good orchards af ehy;:e fruit 04 • the place. The iiapr ivsnitnts ar.- i fi-.n rate MCA- ' Cfl.lXT MILL, with t'nve run of stone, ami ; nil th ■ necessary mummery foe doing merchant > Mid country nor.., t newly repair ed in 1851. The a\ JX.VF.R V has-it vats, with ail the lix •.ures beloag'ng thv.-et •. Thi bar's-at ill mil , bid •-he liter run water power. The DWEIr : /./.Via HOUSE is large sod commodious, with j running w iter at the door and in Hie cellar; ! also a mrg" bank-barn, with running water th J tbe barn yard, u agon shed and carriage house, I cor j crib, smoke house, wish house, with all ! necessary out buildings. There art also R; Plaster Mill. Saw Mi 1, unJ three Tttiint Hou ses and stables. and several fine springs cf fir- j lug water on ibis tract Persona desirous of purchasing good proper- ' ty w ill do well by cilbag on the subscriber, re- i sidiag on the preipUes. HI MOM NY CUM. j Kiys 71.: i P. Q-, J i-. 25, ISiG-'im Z /"Cliimberslmrg itep. and Transcript, pub- 1 lisb tbr. <• months a ttu Send U'J to this oihoc ! for collection. I.W of Citusts I>UT down for Trial, at FeLraiey Term, i 1856,(11tb day.) Sarah DuC'y. vs. John KcefTe's Ex'or. Catharine bauds' use • Moses \t isugorvt r, Barndoi-.ar i Asbcom • < P. MorgiagsUrlk wife j ■'ohn Davis & Co. *' S\'tn. Kuby'a adra'r, Cut MTicker ct al •' George Powell, Samuel Cam *• David Poor et at, • Aston Douelson John Griffith, 4*cob A. Sleek " Abel Dull, Archibald Castoel • S. M. Barclay's aJ'r, K. Sleek •• G. F. Riddle et al, Lr- 'V. j; R. ichb'f • Samuel VI" I liters, Pat. A VVuod-X l£. Co. " J auies Put ton. Same " Jahn King et al, (r?orge \v. Figard '• John UEfbth, Jtaru Mc.lldowney " Sua'l Vrilliama et a!, -a*; I'uitdo L t a) • it Lockaft, - f>kn .N'jptua " J'iovtuau & Rlechter , John A. fliodgrt > Jamc l^iHi atas, pubibl * . John llojlin?, Milder < David Karns, j 2 '• 6 Suiter t '• Philip £. Croft, J>av:k Patterioo's T.M • e un'j V'onderam.th, Alwahri > Jam-* if. Keynoads -i S^ie, < • Slender'* wwigowea f a. R. U^bruith. yenrgo U*U •< Uin, Hardincer •< Wn*. RUir, JAa Adtu*. Jarwl H, u k*, *' liob-rtDt ca •' Prvd.Jluitlwiler, M m. BarStisn* v John M . Vaahcmi. *u ** Ml nrtrM! " JnkwrtkJ'. Phetps,' fWjwsiiu PiuJt ' Ci OdKaugh, i etif M. ( a*ea Abr'a* Renter et si' D. W'ASHABAUGH, Pr/i'p. r ri<ruw.*tc- g (jjiici. . < -at id, ;hsc f IM {k! \ S;\'S Iis (I!; 1.1 j; it. j T base purchased tbe patent 'right !br Bedford I i , 4-ourdy, 0 f • Dickinson's Patent Corn-Shefc ' I*r aai 1 arn ireil to ! tiruth every Fir- I mer ssitij this very uaeiui slid coiiveuietit tna- ; 1 chine, it comes very highly recommended i tK-tii :.t Pittsburg and Mew Fork, it is not ' necessary f ur nte to detail its merits. I want j l?t '*' r . v . b>dy to'se - the machine t* It ctrriea ! vi itfi it its own reecmmetid'iViiwi. Its price i • brings it '-'.'itblr; the reach of every man. being ' #IO.OO vv bet, deliveri d at mv bet-sc. JOHN PAPER, i , Jan. 2S. 1855.—f Aduiulurafor's AoSife LETTERS cf having been! granted t • tbe subscriber, living in South \Vo.vl berry Tvwri.-Jiip. m tie E>t*teof Daviu Stouer, late of said Tcwi ship, dic'd; all per sons indebted to said Estate arc requested to make pajutei tin iDediatfiy, .d those f.avlyg claims aga icM the fi.i; c will present item pri>- ' pCrly authenticated lor settlement. JOi/N STONER, .sam'r. Jan. 25, 155-f Adnifnistrator's \oticr, LET I'KRS of A'dmiiiistrirtion on the Estate ot Andrew .Miller late of Londonderry : Township, dve'd. having been gr&uted tq the subscriber, ;e>i iir.g in Napier Tuvvnabip; all j persons indobted to stUl Estate aie hereby uo tilieei to iq 'ke payment immediately, and those f having elbims against the same, are required I to present<bem forthwith properly autheutica t vei tbr settlement. GEORGE VV. WILLIAMS, Jdm'r. Jin. 18, 1856-1" Administrator'!* Aoticc. LETTERS of Administration having been ! granted to the subscri her, living in South ' It'ooabtTry Towirsnip, lledford County, on the i Estate of George Kcj/logie, late >f Middle Wociibe-rty T< vvi'ship. dee'd, alt p-rseir.s know- ' ing tUß.re.vn iMtv i net to said Estate arts ve- ! quested to tp pe puyntcnt without delay, and 1 j those having claims against the sanv.* wjt pre- i sent tl:vt prtj.erly anthfuticattd for vettb- ! • r.ietit. ALEXANDER liOLSINGKK, i Jan. 18, 1856.-1* j | Store House Bti iavera bLitid For Uent. rrtnE subscriber will rent his Store-house ! A and Tavern Sund, in tbt-iown of Bloody \ linn. Pi., together or separate. There is t- , ; inched to the -Store room. Ware house, granary, I and corn erib; and to the Tavern Stand, stab- ; ling for flify i.or.d of horv- s. together with i oats house, curii crib, cariiage shed, and an excellent well of w: tt rat the do.ir. If rented possession will he given on Ihe Ist of April I next. JACOB EbliEiii. Blvody Run, lan. 1,8. 1856. Narcross Rotary Pianing iilachine. Vlr ANTKI)—To sell the Rights and Machines , IT for ; Rotary Planing, Tongning and Groov- I ing Machine, for boards and plank, under the i Nor cross p.itet-t. Also, the attachment of,the I Moulding Machine, which will work a whole i • hoard into moulding* at one operation. This ; patent i is been tried, and decided in the Su- i ' premcfourt in U'asliihgtqn, to be no iptringc- . j inoni, being superior to Woodwortb sMachine. I Apply to J. l), DALE* Willow Street, shore i ! Twclitii, PliiLuieipUu, where the Machines can i i be seen in qperatiou. j Jan. 18, L856-3m ® is mz c THE Partnership heretofore existing between i the Undersigned, under the name airl tirtn of Weisct ii Foster, i:i the Roncb and Wagon j ! Mai.nfac'.qry, is this d.y disolved tr mutual' ! cons-'it. The business of th > lata firm will bc't s tiled up by Wm. Wcisel, who is authorised to j c lUupt all ac-iuunts, Ac., and pay the debts of ' the firm. IVM. WETSF.L, JOHN FOSTER. Doc. 11. 1b55.—d51 Stray Sircr. f lAME to t>ie plantation of the subscriber, ; V' dving in Union To rnsbip, Bedford County, ; som ■ time in June last, a Run STEER, supposed ' ; to b; about t-vq years old, '.vith a notch out ot the cover part of tbe lett ear. The owner I* '■ ! request il to come forward, pruve property, P iv charges, and take biui awa" . Dec 14, mq. DAM EL ST I NEMAN. REMOVAL. THE s'ibjsrih r would rjsp-ctfully announce to the public th it he his removed bis Tinning Estabiisbment to tbe building recently occu pied by Mr Luther, as a Confectionary Store | m the Diamond, where be is better prepared than ever to accomodate bis custcn us with every article in tbe line of his business, either wholesale or retail, and hopes they ivillgive into a call at his new location. GEORGE BLYiIIKE. Bedford, April 13, 1855. P. S. Tbe subscriber is desirots of having lbs bioks closed up till Ist April, int., cither by cash or note. He hopt* this notice will be . attended to immediate'^. G. B. ! 'LITE FROM TBS B.ISI. ! LIT GOD WARD'S Improved Smut and Sciier TV ing Machine*, Mill Bushes, BoltirigClothS . and Bran Dusters, of the niogt improve . plan * crews, Little Giant Corn and Cob grind I era, Pstent bridge# for M ill Spindles, Portable M ill*, warranted to griud lti buthels per hour, J Mill L ias, an 1 Mill Burrs made to order, can Le . of the Agent, S,. D. BROAD, at 1 Sibellsburg. Bedford County, Pa Mill w.-irit work done at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable term*. \. B. II is agent for Bedford, Scniersct apd j adjoining Counties. May 4. 1856 zt Notice to Assessors. THOSE Assessors who do not rencive their i Dnpbc.ates before the 17tb dry of January, ' | inst., are no tide d to call or send by otue "re- j 1 sponsiide person for then. I will send them ; if sa opportunity off.-rs as soon as they are 1 ; readv l. S. RUSSELL, CHerk. | Jan. t. 1856. lew Jeaelrj. i rrtriE subscriber has.opened cuts now and | J splendid assortment of all kinds of the i most fashionable Jewelry—consistiugin part of Breast Pios, Finger King*, Ear Ring., &&. &c. Tiall and sac his •Ivzt. do 14 ' DANIEL BORDER. Administrate*' * Notice. LLTXEHS of Administration having been i granted to tbe subscriber, living in Harri son Township, on tie Estate of John Kegg, bit* c.f Juniata Township, dee'd; all persons knowing tbeniselves iadebt-ed to said Estate j arc heruby notided I" mike payment imraedi -1 ttely, wi those having claims against the same will present their accouuts pro>erly authenti cate for settlement. FREDERICK TURNER, -d(imti*<ra<or. Ja. IJ, 1856 -f •** • ' ' iitray fin for. CAME to tho plantation of the subsoriber, living in Union Township, sometime in Mar las*-, a brindle Heifer, seppoeed to b* three yeirs old, with a notch out of the right - ear, an 1 a stnili star on the forehead. The 1 owner is requested to come forward, prove! 1 propertv, p 3 y charges, apd take her away. < CHARLES ICKDS #aa 4, 1856-e* 1 BEDFORD INQUIRER, AND OHROAICLR. Sligria-s Sale. BY virtue ot a on dry writs of Fi. Fa., to use I directed, there mil bo s Id at the Court ' House, in the Borough ot Bedford, on Monday ! tbo 11th day of February, 1856, Rt 1 o'clock, ! P. M., the icllowiiig described Rial Eotcto to ! wt: One Tract of Laud, containing 100 acres. ! more or less, about 3'J acres clean-.! and under j tence, with a Cabin House and log ftable, | witlu tbreabing floor attached, thereon erected, j also an a; pie orchard thereon, adjoining tand-i j ol JaeobElelcher, Philip bteckniaii and others; ! situate lu iiiunroe Township, and taken in ex- t eeution as tbe propery ot Ltijib Hanks. Aim, all defendant's interest in and to a ' Tract of Land, containing 6J acres, more or ! less, about 10 acres cleared and under tcnc.q i with a story and half Log House thereon erect- 1 id, adjoining lands of Henry Rynard, David { Erqj'iier and others; sitnale in Hopewell Town- j ship Bedford County, and taken in execution * ; aa th • property of Samuel S. Barrack. Also, one Lot of Ground, training about ' 100 feet on the JJui/lic road, and extending j back about 350 leet, containing in all about f one sere, with a story and a half Rough-cast House, log eoniier shop and log stable thurt-on erected, adjoining lands o; Jacou Kcrfi-r, Simon Bierd and others; nitua.e in Middle \ffod:.'rry To wnship, Bedford County, aad t .ken in exc | cution as the piopcrty of George llartman. i Also, all deteuUiint, Hqpvy M oods, his right, j : title und interest,iuand.to t.vo Lots of Ground, 1 j in the Borough <>f H nltord, situate on the ; Noith side of Pitt Street, containing about ; I 120 feet in front ar,d ittnaing back about 256; feet, numbered in genet a 1 plan of sai 1 Borough ! as Nos. 184 ap i185, and bavingiherooti erect- | <'d a two ur.J a half story Stone Dwelling ; House, -Store House, \Vro House, and also i three otjc story iirica Offices, and stone stable I thereur,; adjoining lit ot Peter Radebaugh m ! the Last, and lot of George Blymiro on the i sYcst, and taken in execution as the property i Pi Llrnry Woods. Also, one Tract of Land, containing 211 j i acres, more or less, about 30 acres cleared and t j under fence, with a two story Log Mouse, ! i spring house, and lng 6fable tbcrebn erected, j j also n t* apple orchard thereon; adjoining lands j j ol John Woil's hei.s, Andrew Sands an i oth- | j eri-j situate in Napier Township, and taken in ; j execution as the property of George Ickes. j Also, al! defendant, ti.iuiuel Sloan, his right, j | title and intere-.r, in and to a Tract of Land. ] : containing fi'J acres, uj-tc or loss, about 1" j ! acre* cleared and ur.dt p fence; adjoit tup let ds ! of Dei'jimin 11*. Garretscii, John V'.ilf. Sam- j ; od Muler and others, situate iu St. Glair j ' Township, Bedford County, and taken in exe- i J cdtion as the proper! v of Sloan. Also, all defendant, Join Haley's, interest * in and to a Tract of Land, containing 150 acres, ' more or less, i^o ut 120 acres cleared and un dcr i'ot.cc, vvitii a two story L.g House, and log stable thereon erected; adjoining lands of John Miller, John Witheltu rnd othcri, situate in Londonderry Towusbipi, lledtord County, and taken in execution the projieriv of John ! Haley. Aiso, all defendant, Jacob Kegy's, interest, J | i*i aud to a Tract of Land, containing 3181 ! acres, mure or less, about 2W. acres cleared and ! | under fence, with a two story rough-cast i ! house, with kitchen attached, tour tenant hou- ■ ' stwo double log barns, and two log .-.tables j thereon erected, ulso three apple orchard* ; thereon; adjoining lands ol Philip Shoemaker, j ; Abraham Vi eisel uti i others, situ ate in Coleraia i ! Township, Bedford County, and taken in exe | cution as the property ef Jacob Kegg. ' Also, one Tract of Land, couUiniug 87 acres, ) more or less, about 15 acres cleared and under I fence, with a story and a halt log louse and | j log barn thereon erected, also an apple orchard | ■ thereon; adjoining hind* t>: Jacob Anders. Ni- ; chinas Lyons aud art her*, situate in St. Clair i Township, Bedford County, and taken in ex.- cution -s the property cf ileury B Mock. Also, otic Tract of Laud, Contaijiing 60 I i, acres, more or less, about 25 acre* cleared and ; j under.fence, with a two story log house, and ! i log : tnie (hereon erected, a'so an apple orch- j j ari tbereoi'; adjoining iands of J anus O'Neal, 'j ; lVia. H'eeLs ami others, situate in H'tst Pro- I 1 vide nee Township, Bedford Cattnty. and taken | ;in executioa as tbe proper?v of btiivs Hill. HUGH MOORE; N-enjf. S her HP* litF.ce, Jau 18. JS'>6. Ilffhter's Notice. A LL persons interested, cither as heirs, ere- ! ' X. ditui*. or olhviwise. are hereby uot'fied that the following named persons have filed . ! their Accounts in the Register's Office, and • ! that they will be presented to the Oiphuus' 1 ' Court ot Bedfru'd County, on Friday the litji j day of February next, at the Court House for confirmation, t which time and place they j ' m.y attend if they ihink proper. The partial Account of John Cessna, Est}., j ®r>e of the Admiujsirator.N of Abraham Sparks, ; ; late of West Providetca Township, UeC'd- j The Account of Thomas Blackuurn, A Imin- | . jstrator of John W. Hammer, lata of Bt. Glair i Township, tlec'd. ! The Account F. Jordan, Esq., Administrator ' j le bonis uon 4.C., of Richard E. ilaupett, late ■ of Hopewell jownsbii , d'ee'd. The Account of Wut. Nycura. Acting Ex j editor of tbe iast Will, Jcc., oi Leonard Ny- I ! cupi, 1*1" °f Monree Township, due'd. The Account of Henry and Daniel llersti- j ' | burger, Executors of in* last Wilt, Ac., of j George Tlershberger, late of West Pro v.deuce Township, due'd. The Account of John M. and Jauies 31. i Smith, Adißiuiatratora of Hubert Smith, late j !of St. Clair Township, d c'd. ■ The Account of Jo.,n IV. Hull, A.iministra- j i tiTf (if Henry Daugberty, late ol Napier Town- '< , , ship, * je Account of John sparks, Esq., Admin- j istratof of John BUakley, U'e ot ilourue ; Township, duC'ti. ! The A count of 8. L Kussejl, Gs]-, Exec utor of the last 4\ ill, &2., ol ElizitvtJ Jivt", I late of Coler >in Township, dec'it. i The Account of Jacob 8. Brumbaugh, Ad- i ministrator of Jacaib Btddle, ixie cf South , j Waodberry Township, dee d. Tlia Account of Findley Megrew and Wtu, j Hull. E.veeutorsol tbe last Will, Ac., of Mary i i Hull, late of Kapiei Township, ilec'd. Tbe Account of Eiiaa Hito and George Sli- j ! ger. Ex cutofs of the last h ill, &c., of Geo. j .Shgei, lato ot Cuwberlaiid Valley, Tp.,dee'd. ! | The final Account of David S. Longenocker, j ; Administrator of Jacob Keagy, laU- ot Miudie ! ; Wood berry Township, dec 51. ■ The Account of Ju!:n Cessna, Esq., Admin- ' istrator of i'etcr J. Miller, Liu of Harrison : Township, dec d. i Tbo Account if John Giitfitii, Guardian of j : A boor Griffith of Bl.Giair Township. \ The Account of Souiuel Cum, Esq., Trus tee to make *a!e of the Real Estate of Siuiun i Ciuar, late of Union Township, The Account of Hugh ilvofc, Esq., Adtntn- | ! istrator oi James Moore, late of West I'roTi- ; > dence Township, due'd. The Accouu' ol Fr. Jordan, Esq., one of the Execctois of J'bilip Compbej, late ofC'oleraia Township, dee'd. The Account of John W. i/oovtr, Executor of John Weisel, lute of St. Clair Township, deceased. D. WASHABAUGH, Regitier. Register's Office, Jan. IS, 1866. .FINAL NOTICE. A LL persons knowing tbemsoives indebtoi j J\_ to the late firm ofSaN.yoit .MILLE, cither t>y note or book account, will do -well to nave j thctn settled by the Ist of January 1856. Alter j bar time tbey will ba'pLced in the hand* of a j roper office' tor collection. A. J.SAN'SOM. | Surviving partner. Dec. 7th 1866. Notice; to Tresspassers. 1 HEREBY warn any person or persons from | hunting, cutting Ember, or in any otbercian ■ ncr whatever, trcsjwirtteg wn my preniisoe, as ( the law will Iqj vigrily sniuroed against any, one* *> offending. j. ED'YAF.D I* IRCUT. ! • Jan. 11. 1856,-e* |' whim' PRMWITISL %"* THERE AS the Honors!*-* Fbascls ill. Kik- W vm, 1* resident of the •* Courts vt Common I'lens in the counties comp jsiug the , 10th Judicial District, cud Justice of the Courts of Over and Terminer, and ©eenil JWJJ ucitvo ry. I'.'.r the trial of capital and other offender* in j the sai l dis'rict— and Jchepu L. -NoatE anl Jok.n- G. HABTtr.7, Ksqnirfi. Judges of the j Courts of Common Pleas, and Justice* ot t.i.' j Court of Oyta and Teiminer, and General Jaji ; Drllvcrv, for the tri.il of a capital and other of. fenders ia the county of Bedford—Nave uiuud i their precept ®Bd to me directed, lor nu{|jng :l , CoUrt of Common Pkaw, ami Guflp Jail Ds liverv, uod Courtnf Oyer and i ermi ncr at D-'i ford,' on MONDAY 11th day id FRBRuAuI next. Notiok is hereby given i all the Justi ces Of the i'oace. tho Coroner and t >:ist i >1 as within the said county >!' Bedford, thittuoj b.- then nnrt there in Jin-lrproper p.-ra'BS, wito their : rolls, records, and inquisition*, ex tmuutioas and other remembrances, to du these luing* which to t heir offices and in that beru.f apper tain to i? done, arid a!:-g they who will pro*.-, cute against the prisoners that are or shall he tn the Js il of Bedford county, to 1) • then and there to prosecute against them as shall he just. HUGH MOORE. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bedford, Jan. 18.1856. SAMUEL RADEBAUGH, Justly of the Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Mcngei House, and next door Jo the office of Mann r< Spang, where he will attend to the collection of all claims placed iu kis hands. Bedford, Jan. 11, 1866. FO£l H.JE3NT, THE LARGE BRICK HOUSE on Pitt Street, one dr.or West of the Bank House. Possession given on the Ist o! April next. G. W. ANDERSON. Jan. 11, 1856.-tf. 8EW0K1) COUNTY, ss 4 T an Orphaus'Couvl, held at Bedford, ia .A. and for the County of Be-Rur|, o:i tiie 24tn dty of November, A. D-, 1856, Before the Judges of like said Court The petition of Joseph Griffith. A Im nlsfra tor of the Estate of William Griffith, late of St. Clair Township, dee'd, was read and tiled, reprt viitu.g, 'ih-i be as Administrator of arid Wiiliuiii Griffith, deceased, sold th • K?al Es tate of said dee'd, and nettle i iris account as Administrator, and disfi'iirted and paid orer to the heirs she entire proceeds of the Estate. Real and Personal, excepting the one third ! that remains tor the use of the Wil-uW; Tutt by the report of tho Ah liter on his account U | appears mat lie ha* or iptid sai l heirs; i'nat he is now lha owner f the Mansion place of slid deceased. >n which t'nv tliird is r.-ervzd for the use ot the widow, ;it whose death it will i l.e coning to said heirs, and that slid heirs are i I now spattered,"and same of then* are unwilling ! ! to refund to petitioner the amounts overpaid • to them, —and praying that a It trie may be ; granted on said heirs, requiring them to appear j at next te.m, and show cause why ho should ! not have a set-oil entered on the Judgment se i curing said third, for the several amounts so overpaid by him to mid heirs. Whereupon on motion of Jons MotvEr., Esq., | the Court grant a Utile upon the heir* of Wil liam Griffith, dee'd, to be and appear at an Orphan*' Court, to be held at Bedford, in and i tor the County of Bedford, on the * >cond j Monday. 11th day of February, next, and show i cause if any they have, why a set-off shou'-d ! not lie nta.ie,-and a credit entered upan said j Judgment securing the widow's third, far the inn unts so morpaid to said hei.s r jspeetively: | p -rsoii.i! notice on the heirs residing i t tli 1 County, and publication as to tiie heirs resid | mg out of tho County. I jflHs hei'cnnlrt set my ha"d an-t t- • j IB seal oi said Court at Bedford the 27th dsv of Nov. A. I)., 1655. v. H'ASHABAUGII, Jan. 11, 1856-i Citrk. STATEMENT of the affairs of the Bedford and S'eystown Turnpike Road CotapoAV, j frcm 2d day ot January. 1855, to the Ist day ! of January, 1856. ; Balance in Treasury Jan. 2, 18-55, Si.*7s 06 Amount of to'ix collected dgrir.g name time, 1.535 4*. J_ 53.170 sli Amount of Expenditure* j during the year, f'2.SOl 63 1 Dividend of one half per cent, now payable, 735 00 $3,036 G3 ; Balance in Treasury, including un current and couatoiteit tuouey, January 1, 1856. S 433 51 ! The tolls collected in 1856 are $5-57 lu, 1-os than they w ere in 1855. This dividend . f hall j per cut will I*- paid on demand, or as naitil to stockholders hv 'PETER SCHELL, T.rtsuuier. i Jan. 11. 1856-c iicdftird County, ss. ; A Tan Orphan*' Court, held at Bedford, in xV. and far hai l County, on the 23d day ot November, 1855. before the Judges of said I Court— On Motion of A. KINO. Esq.. the Court grtnt ■ i Rulu on th-j bisrsand legtl roprcsentativet ot ! Jicoli Siuith, late ot ".Middle Woodb-rry j Township, dv'C.*Lsed, to wit: Susannah Khei- S'lo, widow of Datiiel Ebersole, Mary, ini-r- I married with Abraham E bora ale, Abrainr ; Smith, Daniel Smith, Catharine, intermarried ] with John Carper, Elizabeth, intennarricd with i Jacob Carper. Brrhara. int rtnarriod with Wtl i liam §mouae, Nancy, intermarried with Chris , t'.plter Harper. Jarob Smith, Tlmnah Sntilh. Frsnv, liyerniarned with David Stamerook, Margaret, idtcrmarri-td with Sanmcl llarc and ! John Smith; all residing in Bedford County— j except John Garjter at d Catharine his wife, who reside in BttxpMi County, Illinois; r.nd j Jacob Cirpvr and nifff *ao reside in BEir ! County, Pennsylvania'; i<> be a" l * appear at an ; Orphiiua* Court, "to be held ' Bedford, io end I f-r the County of Bedford.-f" the aesond : Monday, deveath day of A. D.. JBSC, to accept or rtfuae to take this Ral F.*- tate of sii.d deceased, at th" vulitntiort, which I has beer, valtjed and ap> raised in of anvrit of paitition or vilirttion iswied out j of <-ur said Court and to the Sheriff of arid j County directed! cj iltow c'auo. why the annic ] sliouH uot he aold. ' j I* T*3i.tMo*T Wwrajxr. I lev i berct.-.ti ret my hand and teal of said Court, at Bedford, the Jit-u " D^WASHABAUrfIN 0 VUrk ■ Jan. J, 1856-S WoTWC" ! A CRAMER & CO. have just received I I\_ m a very large assort meet of Boots and Nhdes, suitable for Fall and Winter, part styles as follows : Men's Super Waxed Double Sole Bo /.a, Men's " City Jlaii. Calf do. Men's • Heavy Kip, Lined dr. . s Youth's Waxed Doubh' Solo Boßta . . . j VouUi'B Calf and Kip Lio^rfu. Boys' City njade Calf B*>"'w Boya' Kip Lined Boots. Women*''- Doublp aolo Kip Bootcaja, Wonwt>s > Fine Calf and Seal do. Woracns' Fine Goat Morocco dt. | Worn ms' P.vroii Ronton*, very handsome, , Children's Shoes of every style and price. (Tent's Morocco, Kid, and Cjoifriiiii Ijootooa, J,*dia' Double Sole Gaiter*, tlum Shoe*, fire*, ill fact. Boot* and Shoe* to t uit evotyy puujhi*- ■er. If youwant Bootiaqjl Skos, us a call, and JOB shall be salted ilk quxlitj' And price. *•?:#** Exohange Store is the p**ct tc *; BoqU fiT d Shoos. Oct. 12, 185$: Vaitubic Farci for Naff. j ."TIHC sobacrther j* desirous ot **!! it f the 1 JL Farm on which he now resides, in Bedfi fd i lukViiwH'j, uoout one utile north of iivufonl, j Uisar Dunning* (,'reek, conilai'iing 122 etr. s ,f i laud, hatwean 7'J and 8;l-*i ie* cleared, about LO ; acres of which ia good ui>-q<iow, plenty o) gtC I timber on the traei; Tb'*re is a young orchard j of choice fruit, log house, leg burn and other ; out huililnga toerwor., also good water. It thr whole tr*t is uot sold, 25 acru* Uwreoi will U i aold Separate. Term* ,'s,ilr. wtlj b • liberal, and possession ' givea Ist of April hcxt. V 11.1.1 AM 51 AIKEN. Aa;ai 24. 1855. t;Us7uiPOut t AN ARl 1 ASSOCIATION. SECOA'D YE JR. ARR4NC EMENfS for He -Set -•' Annnri otu-ciioii of this ue.v and popular Institu j tie.i for the diffusion -.f I.itcfuture ""d Art,have : be.vi ni ate on the mpst extensive srale. Aiuotrr th-- ■;ork alr-'udy oagag.-i, i* f he far fisued '• (ir aw Chicik!>: ; ." wiiicU origin.tliy cost Ten 1 hout rid Dollar*. la f inu.Ujj this ll!->- ColloCtioS, V.ii diff.irie-e •>f wirks tf Ain.-tieaii \ri. itni the t-ncourag". merit of A-TOorfcatlgipiua have net - -a over i olied 0->uitillst'toiu have btU-U issjv .l to ludny 1 of tiie mo> kiiutiuguisUtitl Anurru-an Aitl-t* whu will eoutnhnu * unc of their lin-st productior.'. AkßaUg thoxi are three -Marble Busts, est- ute<t by th • greatest living Sculptor—Hiram Powers : j GEORGE WASHINGTON", the F ither ot' l.;s | Country , BENJAMIN" PR A N RUN. the I" i- 1 Idsdpkur; DANIEL WLBSTJIII, \l?e St.Pi s- ; man. Anpeciil agent ii ;s iisitcd IN mpc and I made m.refill at I jndiclois sel. :;i- 'is of I'oreigt works of Art. both in bronze arid Marble ; Sta tu u y an t Choice Paintings. The wbole forming-a large and valuable col lection of Paintings and Statuary, to In- diet.-i --loitej free among the members of the Associa tion for tho Second yea;. Terms ot.Membership—The paytuetit of three liars coastHutes any one a lueiulxii of this V ',>oi.it;o!t, and entitles hint : • either or. ,; th ' loIlowL't;- Magaxines fur ot;i >< - ar, and also a ticket in vim disuiuution ut the Stajuaty and Painting*. The Litis; issued to subscribers consists ot' tho follawin Montiiiy jt.i,.; '/.\n. s . Harp :r's Putnam' ;, K:;ick rhocker, B: u-kv" V:. tiam's, Godi y'a Lady's 15 and ii •bal l Wor b. Persons tiding tiv nirnbershipS-ari entitled to any five .f the alagari ii-t v":. year, aai . si v tickets in td ; i.-:; ■inutton. Tba u t psvicffeds derived (ri.m the m!o of { memh rshi; , trj devoi d to the jjurchasc ol works of Art iuv the cn*uiaj year. Ti'o Ailv ,ii. ~g. s See 111,-- 1 , by heilOU.; ng e taoitiber of tb:l it , • ition. gie— -Ist. Ad pcr.stVi.- ioc--i',et'.eruh value , ' tie.ir > subscriptions at aue start, in ~;ape ,-i *ve]ii, e | Maeazme Litcr iiu i,. 2... E icii memnvris coutribuiit: t toward* pur- 1 chasing cjotce A'otks oi Art, \v.,ich . lobe. : distr butt . np -Leinse;v.-*, and are nt tiie , 1 snii.; time etieoaraging the Ail* the country, i j disi-ui'siug tiaoubibids of doll.uz ibt>y k u ia j ; Agtpcy. I'qiKont in r iniittiug funds fit m.iobor3h;p, I will p'ei*a give th ir post office ad Ires* in tad, i atatpig the Btanth they wish t'.ke M igazine to | coiqriif-nc-, and iim t lUfeletier registered at ihe 1 post nftiee to prevent !<*; on the receipt ol , which, .a m-; .;u o. t_j:ahar*!t(j' t iget ker , with the Magizin ; les'red, wilt be forwaiuod to j any pirt of '..e country. . Those who purcmi* • Magrzine* at 80-. a.dorrs | will observe that by jtduitig t! i* A-so'cidli6:u i they receive tho M*gvainrand free ticket in the iuiftialdivtribmiou, all at th same price they I now pay for the Mrjrth" alone, i Be intifutly illustr •fed (7at iloguos giving fnll ' deicihj)*i >n*, 3eiif free on appLe Gion. For M -ni: er'i:p Ad diva 1 ('. L. DEKua.j i Actuary G. -V. V. oVt C'tiiei r;i tha priaeipkii < j oili-es !v dec leiefeer .4iv iziho " ofScr, hid | . | Brvtd'vay. N- Y., or West err. Office, 100 Water j Str •;?, Hit: Jusky, O. N -v.2 t. .55—i*. ; pw rail Rttii iVinter 4>rids. fjdllE.it i tarsig.is 1 beg-' lov ■ to inform his • I J. friendi ti i ;Ue. pbbhc th i- he his just rc ! o-iived fruin tfi.'.eufTn cities, nod is nn>v cx- j iiihitiog AT CIIM.VP SIS)E, t general assdiE j Oi-.-:.'. of ric . fal; ;.r.d \ii\Ti'R FflOliS. ; comprisintr a great varik-tv af I.AIIIZS' i! GOODS, [i of !he late*' *'vl •: . such in per* f s Ifls.:b ••.-•! * | Faney Siilks, Jjcrpmes, Caa-'niers, ',' vi ,:rg jiud i • CUnUs Ai}>.Lcc.tds. MuiiSric-Jur D Is{ lui.-ehiii) ire Be::.''. F.iQ'y Prints, fr ; .r.i u Hp' j up. .Mti*iiu, ble p bed .is I uu'-b-.' be i, frcnt - fin I up. til widA- , Tkibu v.-i B .. Stit • S'linylsl 1 Bine, Back, Biojyn ijndOi.ve Frcrc' riori-j,; i diip'r BVick an 1 F upcy res. Tweed.*.! j smelts. Jea::*, Yi-jdii.es. -f-.-tin.- Shlria at;df , i Drawers, Hats and L'nps, Bqi'ti anj js.hoes : v grout variety, Ne.; Eg. erERiEs. u Sup'r Goklen S; up and N. O. M '!-ya, *- tf ; ; Rio and Java Coff e. 7 . <>. crushed 1 i ami granulate I Sng u> Spme*. Tea*. Clioco- ! ; into. Extract of Cofi'-e. I.i 'f i-bjtcco J">ntgs j ■iiitl Oils, toj-tli*r with ccciy otli< t Silicic artapt jod to the wants of the pyi-pl' all of wb' -'i lie •ia uctcrmin;.! tc-> iIjPIfEAP FOR CASH, or " I approved produce '' lis respectfrJly Invites .Hi in ?arch cf bar 1 i grins to give htm a cii! before pt.rclmrine. — ' Thankful for past favors, lie hopes by fair deal-" - ing, and a desiie to pWaso to contitmc to merit '* ' and receive a libera! share t-f tie public n itron. ' - * ' c. T. !,rrr. ;; ! Oct. 12,18-55. J| apjoYHAKD" .-j SJtXXjxD XatOfjL e l3 ;- I AT THE' | TOWN OF SAXTON. •1 ' Bed Pird County. Pi. ~ THE Sax ton Improvement Company wlil.t j a.-iiat ru.lll-.- .-luctiou. in TWENTY-SF.COND '* OF JANUAIii", 1850. at the Qew'.t. tvn of 1 r SAXTON, a 1 'rpe uiuyWr '! ingLut*. 1 The tovvit blocated at tip.* j-iis--t'.:i of th* main S'.ejp of the,lluptingdbn ami J7r,> ;1 Top ■ Mountain Rat' Road leading to Hop.-.veil. a-.:d j ; tun Enoch running up SboupV Riiii. ' ' j 1 Ai'l'a.n;: •niuiit* are >ow bi. ; **?;• f-tyaf !th • '* 1 construiptii'ii of a Turn;" 1 *" Ev.ui.tVqg> (hi. ! t ii!%ce ui ManlnsHurg and Woqaberry/in th • 1 riui valley i.f JfctrfsorCs Core: and iui ai-C day, a 'i unipik" Meeting will be held at ihe JcTv'Con ltcu- in .laid tv.in. And | *'t ' .-i* -a n.aK.iig • i tli. a with Punntttiji water froia .. bav- j 1 iag an elevation -uf.fcc ;z id to Cv feet xeova t-ic village. t A llefel .* ;;c,w cobipi'txi ntrd furaishv.d.— Terms will lie kinryu <U <*.}_' "f *a T *.— J'.ljijg uf the tuv/n may bt obtained on ipp'ica liuu to. or hv addressing. .1 AMI'S . c AX TON. Fetalta! kif '► Qctajiai yo; ffuntixgicv. i j Jan. IT, 1854. 1 Ihtkery and I'onfFtiioaßFj. TJI K suhs-riber, thankful for thi-1-magi heretofore ;-drt by a liberal pirti fip, ;-!nicrs 111* thauks,' an*he v/ottM respect- j uijy inform trtcm that he Li. received ay.dq opv'uPd a r.evar.r cV -it; lit ' ' . >•'*. iiuoTig.which are caudlei, uutr., f.-aits, fee.—;j .Healso keeps fir--, * . 8 igar.OWbelj Tea, Mol iss ii/Cliiese/Candlei; ke. Aii# tl] ' df'scriptiious d 1 C-iko's. and will serve Wi-ddini ! Mil otki irti •*, o'u to;; ut-Tice. with c-acfed ' V(- hi>.N u,4 it>& ; &.ILOON. ffcAtsuf*r<ir style, where be will al ways by rsjady his frit'vis and the pub- j I itc witn the freshest tmf fehoic'Cst Clysters that can be j rocur *rt. - '' Hl* stand is opp.ir.itw-. th* O-M-Ft-I low's j Rr.ild'bp, wlwr-. h - f.*l* tumtidtnt thwt thoso i give him a c&li wit' n<H (Jj> a*'ay 4jj>ap-'j i potnbed. ft***t J. L-IiZSK, j I Nut. 0, 1665. h flIE liOO TIME €©,> Lr T. S. AHTHVK. Tnoje to mar jumJtliiv.; of tle-A ' ', long-exported diy. 41. OH Id IS*j<tht Vvfe. It is hiving ah immense -l; ojt'U copies | ' . having heeu vrdeted in vivaneoot < We .- snd a copy iiy suit, post-paid, a ro • ccict of the priee, S i J. W. it North Fourth Struct. hi i, Va. ' D*.-. 21J Sol.-c X. li. Agents wanted to sell this and oth. t P >pulur b >os:s, la ui: p.rts oi the Uuitea Sbttfj. • S ...1 for our List and terns to Agents. : SEB'S FIB TUE PECPLE. "f" ATE At." IVAt OP Sfc'.V *M',(.UtAP OiJOJiS AT •J Km p's CowitKAß* Sr<>t:£. The subsetiber h is ji:r returned from the ! Eastern Cities, and is iivw recv.ilug and ope:: . j fnjr a !:;rg- assortment tf sp'h cdid Goods, *e- j h-cted witii care, and suitable t j the season; , comprising LitkiV Dri ns 6d< * >f the west svies—.Silks, JleHuoes. C.'.aiitucr-es. Persian T :IJ, AA;.-ri*a<. DeUiaeS, C. B'u2e and Wool Fluids, i,i.-< *:lu,;, iVotiCb uorki-u Collm* aot! liiniT Slrev, j: and Orel ft#Ps, Clntfj-s ot 1 n!' h • ' s, CaSsi'-' :rs. pMu and f.iftC) SttiMlK, ' Jeans, Tvcids. Overcoats, Buffalo Overshoe" for I. i.lies tad Gents. Gtun Shin a n-d Sad-la. ; 80-'ta aud Shoes, a large Assortment. Hard- ' j rind O'im 'istvan'. GROOEttrt.S'—#' '.rifffising Rio, Java, li | gnira Coffee—Sug;r* of till descriptions—Sy rups a'< 1 Melisse.t—Rlee—Tobacco—Sperm ' < til. ic., &c. Rriug o i your Cash and Pre lute to Ktto's Storr. where yon will find all your went*, at the lowest csh prices. Be iter i, Del'. 21, lfcol. Great Arrival ! FAI.L AM) W!\TE!I GGOD.I Zxcltanfro Building Store. fIiHE ."übse-'i'crf respectfully info 111 1 Isoir I friends, customers, and the pnbEc general ly, tblt tlieyhuTO j .Jt r et-ivfed • lie laigest a sortnreEt of' Faii ami Winter Good* tiny have -et e.irrci to purchase!*. Gur stock IS til put u luuovts: Blue, iti-sci;. E."o - . and Invisible Green i i-'ivut.i .nil Amir.era Cavvi meres. various ' ours; Ky . jiutus, IV • .! t .I 'd-, Kerseys. Ftaii ' net-. Outings, Bea-'v L'l. tL, , i'wu. VeT.'i , Dii'lings. Kltioons*, I Acts, Glove*. Oosivry, Sh!..wN, c , Ac. ! 450 £H---CS V if. Style Cfßcoes. all price;. ' 12& ■' i'iuia a: t F g'4 Uc Lnm ofl-iPkr *- 1• i V lot..- . i 270 " Ueivy ar.ii MedlhUi Bfcun Jlus iius, | p.". •' Super rleached SI irling Musuu, j SO " T'li'irt Cietiij and Aiji. —f, Sii colors. 77 " (.'l6>.n<tts, r,i< c lers.lftd pric-s, ' I 27 •' A! 1 IV.10!, liag, List, ami St-u Car- ! 17 .1 * Flour Oil Cloths, 4-1, 5-1, C-l. I and 8-1 wide. Men and Boys' Woo}, Fat. and BeaverF'.-nrh 1 Tlr.ts. More-tc Lined Navv Caps, rtlso Cloth i n lpiush do., Ba '•* tad sane*, for men and ' ,-f B t-itees. Ueutdtt Sole Moiocco sod Kid j Slide* for laidies, ',lo, ai; ituuiecso supply 01 j B-r - tid Shoes fur miase." - cbiWrtn. Groceries, byticenswure, Yfsiiiware, iirof>tns, { B;:ckels.' I ']'uh.s, 4t.t. ifishGil. Sperm Oil, Upi Oil, Linseed Jo. Bar iron. 7'ail. Ri-', Ce. ' *M Oar ass /rtrnenf incb- 'er every art! de nsn tl'v' j i.tai.d in stor-s. and to pr. . e we are st-Binj 4 , "dt/'itptr ih'-'-i the ch'npes all w ash i" a ealt. ' i 2£*> trrTfhie to <OCis i lit \vi!].nit c-> : yum in- thtn.? to 'corn- : i look at theyira l:.c we tj-11l nfT.-r. " I' Produce raceiyct for g tTs'a* ' (3tk prices .7 a. CP A ME." & CO. 1 Get. 72, 1855. | ll'i'l, 117. j "VI 0 1 ICE is hereby given to the t ixr.hlc in- . j.l hihitaut* of the Gaunty <>t Bedford, iiot ' a-jApjieal wiii h: held by iheCi-ual' Gonueis- , s;.'KUi, •:! tile lily's, >:|d -t ItieplaCei spvCi. ; tin to ...t : _ , I F r St. C'.Jr foonsh.p. mi Monday the ?lt • I Its 0: Jnnuafy., 1. -tr.t.t, _t the iitore lipase | I oS Gideon l>- T:out. ' 9 ';ioh f o'iiiish'p. ca Tics Jay file 27 iJ iy cf i Ja:...rv, i.stJi.', t the 001.se t-f .'•llchwcl i ' WyarA >i: Idio Woo tin try Townshjp, oaJiiedsesTty ! \ day • 1 ar.r.ll >. ins}., in toe tvan OJ W-.0-lueviy • et the hoine >f llwtf i . 'c.i. , Si gut VVoo Uhmi'V lownshtp, OH Tbtir.yle 1 t':e gftti ri'iy . * J anility. t>. >i., at i\i Uousv of Win* Snittvv, it. I"-!tto'i.Til.e. . ' Hi},: hoil To issiiip,.. Friday tftc 27Ui ii .y t I ' 2 r.O'i.y, its'., w vie-' n--t.se 0! John Dash 1. | I :.ii*rrtv Tow iistiip, ■ n Sturd..y the Thit : ; I d.-iv of Jfcmriry.iinsti. at tiieiveuio of Michael 1 j Met. 0-: . in StoAerstuWtii - Bio:lt<>;i Tovrnship, or. Mor i .y the 2Sth . d;y >i *)ar.. y, ins:., -,t i..e he use of Jaoies • L e'.wib -rg. • K ;s: I'r'ivi j -rtr; Toivnfliiji. on Tuovl .y tiie 1.29 th al j.iuyary, iri-et,, at the lioue,Iioue, oi. John Xycr.ui. dr. W.-si VroviJcnoc Totrr.si;r. on Woiluc*!.:.- ! the BXU d-%. 'if J.uuai> . rit., a Lie teuep of ! John A. U.lmpeia Be. 1 iy Run. Monroe To*r.3"uip, on i itii.> i ty the ti v ! iC January feist..-at Ibo lionse of David' ' O'IL'J. i" Cleai viiie. ; Bowl imptoit Township, en Fsl iiy the. Ist • ii"Y of Fehruaryt, next, a; the l:u.e-e o. V.'ut. , • A-.iavni. m ir C'.icnvsvFl-. C'nlt'r.iiu Township, on S tnrl iv the 21 day ; -if Foltaiitry, Syat at the iitnisa of Jusep'ui'. , G - I. in Olnr'c-svilfe- I Oitrpberlin I Vulfeey T,.-*n v F.'p, or. Monday . j the Irh tf iv 01 i'ehrusry, ne*t, ut (lie Louse of; ; M rs. Eiiz i.;Bi'ilatKy . ill Ce.iti - i 1, . 1 Londonderry 'foan.-hiii. on T USJXJ iy the 3:h | , day of Hehrnary. nt, at the house of J v ua , - Mi'.ler. near Bridgeport. Ji,uri>o;i. *o iijLip, ,ojt WeJni sdit th-j fth i : d-i/fcf Fld.rfl.lK, nest, ut the S the". U itisa, ! j ueir JM etltiii tuighturri-. _ j Jusri-tn.' J'ownsUip. or. Thwtsliy to.- 7th day ; j of. Foßt. aratl. at t. hii* ut J,atrfs X : Turn.*, it. iV.teia Vistv y ipier To? ..*h:p, ou 1' ii*.- 4 hi- Jvth I-y of! February, next, r.t the hcuseof Ji.hu hi. Ii -d>i-1 lon* in C he'.ihw.-g. For B>*h jiisi-v.'. g Boronnr. Saturday ttj ; Otb day of Fencua y, next, *t the iui v #e. of"! t John iL lvookaa, iu Soheßsuaig. Bedim i Boro.14*;), t-u \Jnvday tby dvCidvy i of- t"i bi-i-rv,.nc.si, sith* CuJi u—slaL'.u.C l>i- ! tice, in Bedtord. ~ , Bedford ip,vnsr-ip,"oa X >;e A iy the JVtli <F<j f Pel ru try, ner.t idio CaiMa.i"i.ouJre *Jf riae.-in Ik-diut J. ; ff hen -lu.l nh, rc alip rsaus an } corp-drVjorrs i ! sVliagi-u musl.ci ag.-:-. v-. dtt *!i enu.u.0...! n , ! au i val.i Ai'iJi nf tiur'r taxgliie pVoptetty and j eirecto. lun ls pcr.ia.vut t-> the sm '-'r il *u : oC lAsv •mbly, in suoh vises mid-arid |i---d"tt,;' are ro-pi-istbu in alter, and ,*a t. 7: gr. fcr red. -sa to*. lr j'firx' DAMtD c iid.V'i. wi WKETSTON*?;. Arfwr, thmmisfiov*, • A. S. fttWß®tf,, Ci'irJt. j" C'vnk-nlSKionyOflS-.'f, I An 1, MJ-V7. i "\T/'ANTED' aV Cbr.o-N.VADE , V* SLGiiC, WrrtAT,, " fR. ./ j --V rtra, OATS, Cots', lloo's, aa-i. L,P, • In Eii-hange, <LG.,d#.. J * Sntford.pec, 21, lHbi^,. . , . ' I V.tNTED"f-At 11 - si's fdvlAnai v Stores j. - V.'hi .-r. Kyi-, i lai.vf-Tfev#. M4.2> :cfen hytt- -4." j ; a.i other sppn*"4 piud'vsny'.a sthag f ood* "tf OS"', prdeea . < ' -" / | iiomr I •. •: A>r h GEJNfERAt STAGS 3?Piej* fTl.iB iUDVirfber ravpettfaliy.l.egs Uat, tr, *O - i ri-J'-nce Ift h4' .o,i fiioods arid th-s pt--,.i.e i genciaßy, that he has Is/.taed aud takeO pi_.ts"a oion of the lie Jjp.wl IT:%',-lirtly nu the oucv pai.cr of Col. Adam B.irr'r.it. It is 14,1 his - Jveiin to rrajifl rwaay professtoiis a* to wbst ijj willd-i, (an f ; pjfsigi•* life sorA that h.* ii,o.t • ciwrswttc eilm'e r M 00 vtuployed to' re.jd.-t cum:, rtahle r.Ti yrlniglve hit.-, a cell. 7bo hou. - wnl be banJju.riijfj- 2t'el up, ay' cone !• t csnriui aa .'{-i.tT- . *'. t vints wilVl-e cngsgtd. Porsons visiiing 'he 3'.i-.f, t d "55, ring*, as vve'.i M tu .uie Cfcgrt,. •nsl tße Vravyln £ fcoromuiiUj ,-u i iiiy, ate rrisps-eUti y snv 1 t.*.i to g:vc bin; r ei'itn.-i judg.- f, :r rl*rt-ii. -ire t f bf* fl-r si age 1 a!} sow r. -rfl this botal, au-i it is thefbrr the bifage (iflieo. Boar 1 rs tri.tun !>y t' i- r.-vC:,tut>ntii er year, ! on 6lV'.: t Ttf lertuil. '■iy Am-.!e f.oii .rr'VrtaMc f t-ahliog is at tache-; ft, tbja hotel, whioh will alwsrs Iv i-rdvt by n t-ar-.f.. hor.tkr. Also, s iefs aui coi./e.iei t carria;;. -house. JOBS IIAFEH. iW.wJ, Ai ml 0, 1K55. „ Nir.j I'bll, Cl vii.r , (. t-r-ni.; .of :'ie ; l.v > in* in Si. Guir 'I ut hip. rhort the {.! - 1 of S-iifew-ptf ra am* wliito >pvtt i Bull, v !-' ..piece old' the loitiir. and tioicX out of tin uii-i-r sols of die tight— apposed to be -..f ye.;:- old last spiing. Ttc owper Is requested t eoßfo I'iTv.rfd. prove property, pay e-.a.-e-.s, and take Mot uwcy. j. I'. UQVfFSi;. I Dec. 21. 1855 -• ALLfcGHE.Vt MMi: \S\) FI Mil i: S £**. i fpßfj s:-cc-na <f tt:i t s-.iictitr- w'H i fofntuie ine on Me 1 i.iy Janiitrv 2ist, 186 S. Tne session u'li le div ul-.-t into tiro quarti.:* !.<?i 11 week* .- j. r.jthor.t 1 yscatton. j Kau-s of I'iir. - n-j follows v:r; 1 Common Ei.g'.i-rh per qnarfcr i? CO To Which ,vii: be .tdied Car Each i.ig „:r It'tntV* 75 KtOb A ei -1 lar-gi.dre 1. ; The crtlrc cmtrui of the at cre r.ot to 1 QtC'rcd sir ii-.11-:s D.qiviug and Paiitlbg at'th .•<P>rert v..rVtb a i from 83 to k.Oti ' I. s.-mi rv. V: 'no. 10.1.r' V -i! j-. - f Sl"srs ;*i Week !,(> f -* .f'j f.li liiarf;-e c.'rf be-seccv:d or. remw-wrti"'- *err. . By i-r :.*• ot THBinrSTEI Z. I: iisi .r-i. D te. 7 1 •".*• £?. EBIE. Attorney tit; Lav/, strrerso? Pa. . U, KS*r. nEKEAFTEB raetir:- ititho i \v "set'eral ti'urr: of Scui'ord eoindy. XI a . aay be consulted during the esi-.-n 01 the Lb V.r} at I Feb. 16. 1554 "- • * I F i*!lilO*A EtLFI : r IIiII7 suhscrfl.er has T-moVeil bis esta! lis!*, i til-ut to th • re. -:: iu tLe Odd-FcUbWs ' puifffiug. i irwe-li-At-iy *!.OM tl: sioz. if A- Js. Ora 1 rjt Co., where he. *ili aiund JU'-iiji-. jy 14 ffßhnsfetoas euirur' >t t > i;,? ere... lie rv j Creivcs t.-.gulJi-.y the latest CRy Vaiibape, - sad v-illj ' .-Igc hi n.s.di t..it worhrflofce r.V bis *i,i p ..3IJ wc.tr vr " ied sjt ne ttiy. - 1L- r -sp, "r'uiij fctlicits a iTiar? of the pui- Lc p itrosage. S. J. MCCAUSI AN j >or f'. lb-VV. 1 _— f ( Cblhinj aai Liy Guods Etor : rTTHE .vnbsclibers are just recrivirg a ti* 1 J huTHlaomo aul chinp assortrr t-t F.F.J 1 DF V. >y .d CI.OTMA'G and S>J!Y GOVFS, * • their sturc in lhedisst t'ornir cf"f'v<Jlor<i flaD ' ' citris'.sting hi p u t of uoafv. Pant*.,.'-"eats, Shirle- SariibFtocits, 1:. .k.-.-chiefs. Coils aiidin'on*. TI-tn "11 C if---, and iiTT other afticles 'ttatisffy* | k.-n iKt'.dv M.de Cb-rhiag gtorys. A!*-/ a gol d a.-:.viTt;iiin* cf IMY GOGbS, ! iV.nf,'''" .' Tl.itfc-o. Mots, dr l aiue. SI .wis, '*. Ip f-links. Carpet Ssedis, &C., Sre-; a'.l ' of wmch liiey will suit as cber-p s can la pr-j --• oun-d eNcwb."!.! I.i Lt-dfur i, forCssu ftr Ci"cs - BrodUrce. - , Tivfev' *r.-ivtsy sdMhetr friends ro tfrfin anij - eo'jnli-v lici*4 (hern a erili. jnd gee tj<i iiKson - ! in rrVinstiiok fiwt heraselve*. „g :uey considrr .? a pleas-tire to h*>w their g' 00*. whether per vou* ttislt to pLrehate or net. *• f- NyABOuK ir 00. 1 Ur- lford. April cA,-.i<'ss.' * - i i^nrofifu Oui }n a H*xr FJarrJ TTIHJI "bjs jr.jii tqieteu 4. aud Cheap .. D p 7 aociis ai Fnitty ottre, in the W- a..: -f the building for..-V? rafhs 1 tt'ei-u- fr-c' if D". J oh.l H ftoti-.s, -l*-r'd.. and i now o-bcupWa by Dr. B. i\ 1 (any. : lie salts si-f p.JCh 1 "i3.id!;ercbie;s a' freth-'I" J■ eicnh up '>' 'i i; 't'-h lersice.'-s frcn. •<! ctbis to ' >.'.uo, *s;l'a from -7 to 77 ets- cbttnti !.s;s i:Ciu3j u.i.40 S7J cnts; got,4.tire c*iA 1 ' fvt :-I;.c. ; r.:s pc'v ?al l; cOl'ts from 8 crutS'trp to 1 lirisu pocket hiridlterctii. f Tro(7l crjiis to 52.45; n*oaCi vihrons from tj to '£l cents, eViiiisAlva from SI < eut ii:' 5].27; bonne'* f.auj 25 ets u;i; bDiopters -."rkm' r*j cents hp. a.ni L idics' snti Cilf!Kts' M ta: of i'vary d-'"'.'iptjun, > siialiy ii e-.d it: Dry , fjvnnls Aud F.. cy -. i r.,ev; also table lin risst till pti:i -.v loots AiiJ s'ldt *.; csrpvts; a. j. :mn! 1 .vsvoftnmut of arc tiinl fito - ocfipsj aa-1 a great nnny siuatl articU." <• * ! liwulrei per. ee-c! lever thin i n he procure! .-Jsf VvliCrC lit tids pdaee. . !! ■ r <; ;ctf-j!;.*ruiu'sl> iflt to e 'tlr.d cx *m:ao bhrstoelt and JrnTgefor lherrs<-(vrs. ELf,\S FIBBKR. April •*>, I Sti.i. ValuaSk'Kslaie Fcr S!e. rjuilE saliAsuhor ct-acs tins rnethou cij js.f-om- JL ,tt'3,tl|o*o teirpi.a of purebe:-pg a ra'uaMe i'ai.n, ti. it ay wisuuss tu. sell that wpd im-vn Farm Hid Tr'jra Stand,en .. ivied. i.e r,t w rnvidts #ir.ite i;. Fa t Prorldcai : ' t--\v >(:rp. Bc.ln.id I*oll3 t , II - 50*.t-M tfeo a■ v" --a* .- A i.i - ....'. ■ 'vest i i Jays ILti, Ci'atiininj; 2-til kcceit-' - hmi. a..0ul l,i> atii's oi w'jir!; a;j c!<u*e 1 aid mast!? • uclu*.,-.{ by gopi pc.,l i-ncif. .: 1i• •* n'gfa stale of c tltlmtkn. tpp hv;-w? t win".!, h >-tree ;:i''y. i-.m-.e.gunc atdmotirh on ;- .. ig oi.liuui, .'—i-'a lias r.'xderei U extremely ,e. • i!e %.'• ' T :n; irap.' ive.-amtr are a l.g- tUre- rto-y .ii tITSJI. -'.-'(li probably the lungt o-.ry,- b '• callar under ii n the county tfllgrab! good b tm, stabie, a ... such ><ki'r ri:i buiidings is art nt,ocsrT. 2!.-: at )-.'c.idy cf j0,." | -riter at Dm hoLiw, j-h: a mufdy all Hie I7e:<L. ait well wotot e-b 2 ficr-i if alfu a >"< ar gor * chard rf - W ohoico fruit tr;s just CMim-nx ing.to bear. . . There.isaiso a Coori 7* r -f ,:i Bn,ii#e,'fcgeihc.- w'.lh an excv'ih ui haw i!i|l ofe the, p;,opn*y..v tu.ti.-d''eby codvccierdly on the furnp kc rud, with an abundanci# of the ctoufectjt whijc yfr.# timber, iiuro-'li-itytv arqnpd the mi'l, prolably ! b largest 0. dy of titnfce- in the crnr.t\. r A vr T>eftn ot' examining the pro ' pMty will, -phrase cU *n •!*> anbffiKT.-wF-d will end-'tvor la jive all Uie satisfaction .vary. J[ also fails aide in staiinc that 'hs.-t-F --■to *he JAI-4 IS gi..,d,,*yid s willing lowarra-t ag>v.Ml*ial efeuivs*" 4 .. GEO. vr. iopt- 41* 156 J.-Jov ' *. - ,* -a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers