SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1892. NUMBER 20. AINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN VADABLE WFORUATON FROM 8TUDY OF TS we OF He od SP. PAL, pte north and novihwest northwest between Comet. or desired uformation Office in the United States : Joum, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen’l TEL. & Pass. Agh, * cmioaco, mE ov. : I's Meat or | uarters for everything usually kept fn a meat market, e had In the meat line always on hand, in- ing ¥RESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA Fresh Fish, in Season. Come and try my wares. Come and be con- vinted that 1 handle none but the best of goods. Give me your patronage, and if I don’l treat you square and rignt, there will be nothing to pel you to continue buying of me. You will nd that I will at all times try to please you. and be convinced that I can do you good and that I'am not trving to make a fortune in a day. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage, and soliciting a continnance and increase of the "same, I am respectfully, Casper Wahl. Insurance Agency Of Forty-four Million Dollars of asseils. PROMPT ATTENTION given to set- : " W.B. COOK. Agent. General Solicitor and Collector. R.M. BERCHY, \ complete stock of veterinary medicines ak Ways on hand, thereby saving trouble and an- ce. otses taken for treatment for $2.50 per week wards, according to treatment required. me before killing your broken-legged and tetanized horses. I have treated tetantus or 1852. 1802. lasted 40 fe On the Corner of Grant and Ord Streets. And yet we are not content. While our trade has been growing year by year, we are today working as diligently to enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come than our efforts were in the past. “Onward!” Is The Watchword. : Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, Low Prices, a matured ex berictie and unflagging enterprise are the keys to success. We thank you for your patronage, which has made this |stcre what it is today. A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has been in the past, and yous happiness will be increased pro- ud | portionately. We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots . |and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books, | Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, ‘Window Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and Willow-ware; “Trunks and Valises. Mining Powder and Salf by the Carload! | Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc. Country Produce tak- en in exchange at market prices. : P. 8. HAY, SALISBURY. PENNA. ~~ Beachy Bros. have made a great hit hy establishing in Salisbury one of the larg- est and best hardware stores in Somerset county. Buyers of Hardware and Agri- cultural Implements will make a great hit by patronizing this store, for they will find that Beachy Bros. will please them in both goods and prices. They are in the business ta stay and will leave nothing undone do please their patrons and tive the people what they want in ‘the hardware line. Their stock is bright & pnd new and made up of the Intest styles of goods. No shoddy goods will be kept * in stock, but improvements will constant- ly be added as fast as American brain and skill can invent them. DON'T FALL INTO THE GRAVE error of supposing that you can buy hardware cheaper in other towns than in Salis- bury, for you can’t do it. Neither can vou buy better goods in the hardware line than those sold by Beachv Bros. Our goods are all new and the best that the mark- et affords or ready money can buy. We want to PAINT THE EARTH RED with the statement that we will not be undersold. We will séll von the best goods at the lowest living prices. aud we invite you to test us and see if our word is not good right down to the dotlet on the 1. We have piles of goods on hand and many more on the road enroute Yor our store. Our stock will at all times be complete and embrace every thing usually found in a first-class hardware and implement store. PREPRERE FOR THE INEVITRBLE! Harvest time is approaching and you may need ome new farm machinery. We can save you time and money on your purchases and supply your wants speedily and satisfactory, But we can not tell you in print of everything we carry in stock, for in order to do that we would have to charter this entice paper. But suffice it to say that our store will at all times he headquarters for Shelf Hardware of all kinds, o | Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tinware, Woodenware, . Gans, ‘Revolvers, Buggies, Wagons, Stoves, Ranges, Agricultural Implements of all kinds and in fey every- thing in the hardware line that there is a demand for in this locality. our best to please yon, . and we respectfully solicit your patronage. Hh respect. fully, BRAGCHY BROS. AL BLL the hue ws the dean RE We are Boh ve aie nd i i ERFECTLY FAMREERS Alo CAN USE IT. Lay the hair overand apply the CANE iT. a few De Eh A ee Bln as ie fora like purpose, ve been annoyed _ with hair o who G5 nos spprecatd attest st its ts merits, Mark . find a pricelcas hoon in Q Quperrs 4 ik AH ais fie which Antl-He ine 8 por baie, Robe 6 paid by © . e - 3? 7 ConBaeRtEY Th ch rere by letier with full address Ewin pal EN Ski Bun 174 Roca Breasts hdl y Wea Sonfide ed Shai ot Ve will do | Hardware, STOVES and TIN. ee handle the celebrated line of Cinder- ella Stoves and Ranges, also the Sunshine and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of | stove that may be desired. . We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES on shelf and other hardware, including Oils, Paints, Glass, Nails Pumps, Hollow Ware, Horse Pads, Blankets, Robes, ete. ete., and such other things that may be found in a hardware store. _Inthelineof ® 5 5 X Tinware we can furnish anything made of tin, and of any quantity or qualily, from the cheap- est lo the best of grades, at lowest prices. Spouting, Rooting satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solicit- ing your patronage, we remain C. RB. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. Bargains! H. C. SHAW'S, WEST SALISBURY. Look at the following quotations and "| govern yourself accordingly: Minehaha Flour, per barrel... ............ Pillsbury’s Best, per barrel..... Minesota X X X, per barrel Reita's Best, per barrel, . Becker Flour. per barrel. ie Sey Stanton's Buckwheat Nious, per ®.. Shelled Corn, per bushel .. White Oats, per} bushel Salt, per sack . v Mining Powder, vie Patent Meal and all Kinds of Mill Food at Bottom Prices. Give me a call and I will save you money. H.C.SHAW. “BILLY. THE BAKER,” just received a fine assortment of Spring Goods and is now| prepared to meet one and all with bargains, Men's Shirts, Moleskin and Domet Gents’ Dress Bows, allsilk............ Slik-embroidered Suspenders 15 and 30¢ ‘Diamond Studs vy assieaines «+ 28¢ Ladies’ Hofe ..................0.5, 10,15 and 2c Boys’ Knee Pants, Heavy Satinette........ Large Linen Towels...... Table Oil Cloth, per yard.. Violin and Banjo Strings . FINE LACES AND RUCHING, _COM- 45 and 50¢ ++.30C PLETE FISHING AND BASE BALL OUTFITS. Statler Block, Salisbury, Pa. Persons having . oak, Hemlock and Black Oak Bark for sale, to address the undersigned, stating quantity and price, delivered at works of Standard Extract Co. W. T. Buchanan, Mgr., ‘Elk Lick, Pa. LL ENTAL} EL XUA Ja | &™= Ra about the EDITORIAL REMARKS. THE dark horses in the political stables are beginning to get restive. Topay it lovks like Cleveland and Har- rison; next week it may look entirely dif- ferent. IT is qiestionable whether the discov: ery of dynaniite and other powerful ex- plosives has been beneficial to the human race. Ir may in time become the proper thing for presidential candidates 10 go through the same course of training that prize-fighters do, MR. BLAINE must expect to do some hard hitting hefore long. or he would not have gone to William Muldoon for points on physical culture. sellron CHANDLER, of New Hamp- .| shire, is opposed to the election of Sena- tors by the people. Does he doubt his ability to carry his state? “SuaLL we Annex Canada?” asks an exchange in a long and learned editorial. Certainly we shall, when the proper time comes. Ask us something hard. Mg. BraNe says it would be ‘‘con- structive suicide” for him to attempt to do the work which devolves upon the President of the United States. Next! SENATOR GORMAN appears to think that the road to the Democratic. nomina- tion lies through the Cleveland pasture, hence the. “taffy” he has been giving 1 Cleveland. A NoreEp Chicago divine recently preached a sermon on’ “The Devil's Har- vest Time.” That time must be when preachers indulge in heated theological discussions. AccorpiNg to Mexican testimony the military officers of the United States cansed more trouble in Mexico than Gar- za, the alleged revolutionist, did. This is serious, if true. New York City is going through one of its periodical shake-nps in connection with tbe erection of the Grant monu- ment. Everything goes up in New York, but the monument. THE donkey is said to live longer than any other domestic animal. If true, this accounts for the occasional turning up of | noliticians whom everyone supposed to have died years ago. The Indian celebrates the return of spring by engaging in the *Bear Dance,” the white man by holding primary elec tions and nominating conventions. Viewed from the Indian’s standpoint, the white man is the fool. Tae Chinese Exclusion Bill may be a8 unwise a measure as its opponents say | it is; but the methods of its opponents to create public sentiment against the hill have not been such as to earn for them the reputation of being wise. LoNpoN, Paris,'Madrid, and now Vien- na has a visitation of the Anarchist with a grievance and a bomb or can of oil. Happily for them they have no Somerset county moonshiners, and their lot is not 80 sore as it might be. —Pittsburg Times. SENATOR SHERMAN'S recent speech on the character and public services of his brother, the late Gen. Sherman, has re- opened the controversy, which raged in ‘1865, concerning the terms offered by Gen. Sherman to Gen. Joseph E. Johns- ton. IF one may believe Washington advices. the free coinage of silver is dead again; but when death has been so often an- nounced, and as often followed by a vig: orons kicking on the part of the alleged dead “‘gritter,” one becomes a little sus- picious. EEE ORE of the funny things of the day is the chairman of the Massachusetts Dem- ocratic Convention congratulating that body that ‘‘the danger of the passage of a free coinage bill seems for the present averted.” Isn’t that a littlelike thanking God at heing delivered from themselves? —Pittsburg Times. Tar Duke of Portland must have heard that the late Senator Plumb attributed much of his political success to his hav. ing for years subscribed to all the papers published in Kansas, for the Duke :sub- scribes to every paper published in Eng- land. Hy and by, when England becomes a republic, the Duke of Portland may be elected President. Tae Meyersdale Commercial gives it out flat that the Garrett county silver mine is a fraud. Bro. Smith will be made to see his error later on, and when he is | thoroughly convinced that the said mine is all #0. K..” then you will see long ar: ticles in: the Commercial every week Meyersdale silver mining re- | Heres political profundity for yeu The New York Herald says of the Presi dential election: “If the Democrats pu up the right man on the right platfor Rhode Island is more than likely to whee into line.” The same might be truthful ly said of all the states. The only di culty about any party carrying any s is the selection of the right man and the making of the right platform. THE STAR is creditably informed tha the Garrett county silver mine is not “salted.” the Meyersdale Commercial te the contrary notwithstanding. If Mey ersdale does not get a move on herself, Salisbury will have electric connections with the silver mines before that tt gets done dreaming about her proposed electric road to Salisbury. No. the sil mine is not “salted.” There is good 8 ver ore there in abundance and itis ing worked with§much profit. Garr county has a ght to feel very prou her silver mine. Since the murder of old Hochstet! the whiskey business is being discus in all its phases. A good many of exchanges are of the’ opinion that whiskey tax should be abolished THE BTAR is of the same opinion. is no reason why the government shoul rut the traffic into the hands of | men. If itis a legitimate business man should be required to pay a gointo the business. Years ago whi there was no tax on the stuff, there no moonshiners, and should the whish tax be nbolished, the moounshiner’s oe ( pation would be gone. This woul away with lots of murders and other higl crime, which the whisky tax is direc responsible for. The train of evils rest ing from taxed liquor is far greater | could possibly result from free whis The world would be far better off wi out any liquor at all, but if we must ha it, there is no good reason why it sho! be taxed. When whisky was made nearly every farm house, years ago, the was no need of adulteration to make fur the revenue, no desperate bands movnshiners, and there was less drunken- ness and crime resulting from the traflle than now. Se ———— . What the Rhode Island Victory Mona There are one or two features of th Rhode Island election of especial in For years the Democratic stock assertion was that & large majority of those citizens who were debwrred from voting by the provisions of the State Constitution Democrats, and that many of those did vote, being largely employed in manufacturing industries, were praet| ly coerced by their employers into ve the Republican ticket, and had little, any, more rights at the polls than Repub licans claimed were accorded the negroes in the South. When all the former class were enfranchised by the recent changes in the law, and the Anstralinn ballot sys- tem was adopted, they confidentially pro- claimed the downfall of Repnblicaniso: in Rhode Island. - Wednesday's election shows how un founded were either their assertions or their hopes. With a secret ballot and 10,000 new voters, the Republicans wou, gaining over 6,000 adherents to the Dem: ocrats” 8.000. Could anything prove more conclusively iow woefully the Iat ter under-estimated both the independ ence and intelligence of- the voters of Rhode Island? There are some Democrats, too, whe : are trying to place the responsibility of their defeat upon Grover Cleveland, while his friends claini that had he no dropped a couple of tons of his elognence and argument into the contest, the result would have been even worse than it is, rejoicing with the joy of the celebrated young doctor who had both the mothe and the child die on his hands, bu ‘pulled the old man through.” Thereis nothing in either position. The result in Rode Island was not the defeat of any man, but the defeat of a party and a pal- icy. Democracy and Free Trade were alike repudiated and no humiliation at taches to Mr. Cleveland in whieh his par- ty has notits share. Nor could the Dem- ocrats, much as they tried to do so, hide the free silver issue, or cloak it with Mr. Cleveland's presence; for more significant and more potential than his letter again free coinage was the vote of his party in Congress but a few days before. Thi Demogcracy cannot belittle the result in Rhode Island, nor dodge its significance. Their party and its policy on protection, and finance were on trial there, and the verdict was against them. Pitsburg Times. . An exchange says: Masked hugging parties” are coming in vogue again some localities and are drawing cards for church socials. By paying 15 cents man is allowed to hug a girl, but I frst blindfolded. It is pleasant for tk company to see how mad a marrie man gets when, on removing the ba age from his eyes he finds that he
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers