E> | ‘deeming it unprofitable to continue its oper- | Crime and Penalties. Boise City, Idaho, two masked men the postoffice, and at the point of a , compelled Postmaster Leonard to over $1,200in cash. The robbers es- x: 2 years old, a Pittsburgh shot and killed his 21-year-old : rt, Ida Engle, at 151 Spring Garden Allegheny, Pa. It is thought tobe , and if so was a most peculiar A. gir "of mystery envelopes the air, -Ellk claims it was accidental. G. Webster, of Baltimore; com- cide at Charleston, W. Va., by ig from a third story window in’ Hotel : er to the ‘pavement below, breaking * Tt was rumored that a sensation- di conected. with the suicide. He t6 have béen insane’ 2 : ok Kelley, aged 55, a peddler, was yn Sunday last on Little River, near by a gang of eight negroes. egrocs ‘werg caught and hanged, hers are in ‘putsuit of i the Tes. ‘The killing was for the pur- ting the peddler’s money. anie Eno was shot dead by her 3 hasband, Peter Eno; a Boston &: nionth ago owing Tow price of iron, and is now being dismantled, its owner ations. It has been conducted as an anthra- cite furnace for 20 years, previous to which it used charcoal, and was one of the oldest furnaces in the United States. . Disasters, Accidents and Fatalities. The Tilinofs State building ab the world’s fair grounds, Chicago, was struck by a small cyclone. The tower and ‘half of memorial hall were wrecked. The loss is between $10,000 and $20,000. Two police men near by were nearly kitled. At Galtville, Va., two daughters of Wor aged 24 and 17 years respectively, and ‘theif little 4-year-old niéce, May White, wer drowned in the Holstone river. They attempting to cross the river to visit fri : Leo Dale was instantly killed by Jightning Land hisbrother - probably fatally” ‘injured. The storm has caused seven washioutson the Vandalia line between that town and Terre | Haute, Two little children - of a clonal. mar named Miller were left alone in his House at the Rouse eaughl Brand the elfldren mere; TA small town in Pickens Sans, Chicka~ saw Nation, N. D., was wiped out by a cy- clone. Twe persons were killed outright ‘and se injured. . Atersific cyclone struck Olean, XY | wrecking several houses and a church. One’ woman, Mrs. Shrader, was killed and a "| mumber of people seriously injured. There led his son-in-law, John With, | his grandehild, two years old, gun. Witt and his wife "had ‘and he was attempting to take the father's house when the ligt him, Davis is in cus Bon. Jamies McCurdy, in hisowh ot his employer, Louis L. ‘Walten- 1, then shot his wife, and with another his revolver blew out his own : McCurdy. had found ‘Walfenbaugh g yvife m & Company, and the triple t Norfolk, Va., Saturday snight 1 a colored man named Isaac, ington D. C.. Howard T. Schnei- vitted of the mtirder of his wife rother-in-law, Frank Hamlink, on hi-of January 31, 1892, The tragedy Mrs. Schneider, her brother and returning fromSchurch. pital, Labor and Industrial, (Pa) carpenters, after a short granted $2.50 a day. meeting of window glass manufactur cago, who are members. of the as decided to close the facto- on’ painters in Toledo, O., to the er of 175, strack for an hdvatice in | from $2t0 $2.50 wer ‘day. The em- sbenville, 0O., the mierohant tailors d the union scale and the strike of 150 | girls is over. The merchants after in banqueted the employes and the erserenaded their employers. mines in the Kanawha valley, W. yhich closed recently on account of the on of the West Virginia supreme court the mining law ' unconstitutional, resumed operations under the former e otek ordered by the Board of Walk- legates against the Pelham Hod- oisting Company. New York City, was : in favor of the'strikers, The agree return to work. in wages of 27% cents per day the L. M, Morris. foundry at ers of the ‘Messengers’ Brother- Brotherhood mien are greatly i April 2 amounted to 9,287 931 of 817,409 tons over the or the same period of 1891. . Lunien of: that place, charging |’ i g to prevent. him Trom® were 16 people in the church which was lifted from its foundation ang carried 20 feet away. At Fort Madison, I, seven people lost. their livesina fire ‘which broke out in Me- Intosh & Pease’s store. The family of 8. V* Kitchen, living i in the building, seven in all, were burned to death. ‘church social. ‘At Long Island city, L. LL, the boiler of an engine while standing near the Long Island Railroad shops, blew Yip’ with. a tured, five of them fatally. : be : Washington News, . | . A bill was favorably. reported from . the ‘house postoffice and post-roads committee which reclassifies the railway postal clerks {and adds two new classes at salaries not sexceeding. respectively, $1,600 and $1,800 besides in creasing the maximum salaries tien. of ‘all other classes, except the first, by about $100 a year. whether the Postmaster General directed the payment of the expense: ‘of the conven- the Beaver river, (Pa.) under the direction of the government. * i) The President has approved the act to protect foreign exhibitors. at the World's Columbian exposition from prosecution ex- hibiting wares protected by American 'pat- ents and trade marks, and the act changing the time for holding the circuit and district \pourtsin the district of West Virginia. Representative Dickerson, ‘of Kentc ky, re- ported to the house from the banking and currency committee a-bill to require the re- | demption of bank notes which may have been lost by or stolen from any national bank and put in circulation before being signed by the officers of the bank, or where they were issued upon the orged signatures of such officers. ; The president returned from his snipe 1 shooting trip. He is in good health and re- { ports having a pleasant time and successful hunt. Fires trouses on Main street burned. Loss, $50,000, partially insured. Fire destroyed nearly every house in Mil- ton, Santa Rosa county, Ala. Samer estimated at $85,000; insurance, Ab Mandan, N. D., the Methodist church, (Anti-Prohibitionists are accused of kindling the fire. yo At Missoula, Mont., the Northern Pacifi¢ most of the furniture was saved. Loss, $50, 000... ing, owned by the town of Pullman. Loss $50,000. The Pittsburg Glass House at Beaver Falls, Pa,, was destroyed by fire on Satur- “| day, entailing a loss of $70, 000, The insur- ance is $14,000. At Nebraska City, Neb., ‘the Burlington bridge over the Missouri river, damage $10,000. Caused by a careless watchman. Near Waterford, N. Ji, the most destruc: tive forest fire for years inflicted damages exceeding $30,000. Miscellaneous. All applicants for license in Charlotte, N. C., were refgsed on the. ground of bad char- acter. Then Thomas J. Wilson, a Method- ist, applied and was granted license. His church expelled him for it. The Pittsburgh postoffice will, on July 1, enter the first grade of first-class offices. For the year ending: March 31, the gross receipts of the office hage bean $609.963 20. Accord- ihg to law whet® the receipts exceed $600,000 e# is pluced in the maxi- heisalary of the postmaster $6,000 8 year. The increase was $180,992 70. On Satnnday, Ww. - Watson and. 8. M. five ‘miles north of Readi wen on gn : ley M. White, Misses Carrie and Mattie, anfl when about half way over tae Dost be- ” ‘gan to leak and went down. ge During a. thunderstorm st Effingham; m, { | cases at Towel St. Louis. ‘During their parents” ‘absence’ At ‘Nashville, Tenn., about fifty persons v were poisoned by eating ice ream at, 2 tremendous report. Eight men were in Caton The House adopted a resolution inquiring ; tion of postmasters held in Washington, ‘and : is so-by what authority. “I! mhe house committee on rivers decided to n “construct a movable dam at the mouth of At Houma, La., two blocks of business The total. Hospital was burned. All the patients and «At Pullman, Til, the market, house build- ’ Hon, molished man: wellings, killed one and injured many others. 4 ands, The bones of. the | dead animals are | being collected in great piles at every Mexi- | can National. Railroad station. 2b Ls “the 7 worst drought foryears. fell Sunday. : ‘Santtary Toma 5 \ Phere is an epidemic ofsmallpox in w rn Schuylkill Sais. Pa. There. The New York Bealth Boats fost five cases of smallpox i ina tename Ten families live in the Bouse; : Thr “other cases were fondd nearby. . The disease locally known as “black dite | theria, "* because of the fact that the &hroats of those attacked by it turn black within a “few hours, has been alarmingly prevalent for the past few weeks in some: parts’ of Delaware and Sullivan counties, N.Y. Many desths hive iBecuts ; those afilicted th it usually dying within 24 hours after the frst symptoms occur, «| Jon . 3 Judicial, 0 . The United States supreme court, Justices Field and Harland dissenting, dismissed’) the write of errorin the cage of John O'Neil | vs. the state of Vermont, hopes that at fiafe liquor Taws ma siders. The South Dakota Supreme Pierre decided that private parties ‘may’ do banking business without incorporating. If has also sustained the prohibition law in its entirety. The banking law is declared nn-, constitutional, and a mandamus was ordered. ‘issued compelling the | State Auditor to pay 2 "per cent. on the fees from , insurange com: ‘panies to fire Gempapies in. yatious'cities of the State. The Nebraska ‘gubernatorial controversy is at lastended. The Supreme court ha dowh a decision” denyin, of John, M. ‘Thayer for aireo ny Convention News : The Republican State convention at and elected delegates to the Minneapolis | convention. Although the platform adopt- ‘ed commends the administration of Presi deni ‘Hatrison, the delegates are. not: ink structed. 2 tie Repblicans in State Convention a Py land, Ore., nominated a State ticket ‘and se- lected delegates to the Natio al Convention. ‘They ‘are Tninstructed, but are solid | tion. iRelizteas. y vp The New York M, E. Conference, in sey sion in Brooklyn: Be ided, withont discus. sion, by a: vote of 188 fo 59, ‘against thie mission of women in the, Conference, ence voted 100 for to 37 against the presen. tation of a memorial admitting. women del egates to the coming i gener} ‘conference at Omaha.” “At Boston: the Southern : New. England {“Methodist “Episcopal Confére- 108 voted 71 to 67 against admitiing women tothe Gen-' éral Conference. ; Legislative. The Maryland legislature adjourned sine sisted by a number of ‘Annapolis’ toughs, celebrated the adjournment by firing can- non crackers. Gov. Brown ‘appeared inh 16bby and ordered the ‘crowd to dispeie, but as they would'not move he ordered the electric lights turned off. vetoed the bill legalizing the Reading déal. Financial and Commercial, Wm. Ki Hart & Co... iron merchants ‘at: 402 Walnut “street, Philadelphia, made an assignment, The firm has been ‘doing a, business of about $2,000,000 on. a. capital of : $75,000. Ga. Itissaid to bea. gigantic trust embrac- ing all the milling firms in the State. Crops. The uottot crop of the Gulf coast of Mexi- coisa failure. tai} 5 °F Vermont has yielded only 8 quarter crop: “>t maple sugar. this season... ® x pereenal mar of the Supreme Court, that "there was ho decided change apparent. in. his - conden: Helis slowly cony alescin ator ant | chanoello t since !74; died suddenly-a apoplexy, aged 72, oo : Railroad News. : The Lehigh Valley shops at “Easton, Pa., ’ will be closed three days a week until fur ther notice. - The shops employ 600 men. 3 The Republicans carried: Pes Moines’ and end the Democrats Dubuque, ows. Two led and One Injured. i CONNELLSVILLE, Pa. April 9A disastrons piace on the : Pittsburg, MeKoe-port ‘and Youghiogheny railroad, in which the fires man, W.'T., Hetteman, anda brakeman named W. E. Lazell were instantly killed," The wreck was caused by a loose tire on of the drivers of the eafine. Engin Richard Martin was also seriously injaf and may die. |'s It was proved at the Coroner's fnquest that the angie had been © : probable loss of "three : y sie the crews, d cattle are dying by thous Ab Hagerstown, Md., two incheye of § SNOW court at Portland . nominated presidential electors | Ed Harrison men. The completion of the Nic 1 caragua Canal was urged by the donven-. The Newark Methodist JSprecopal confer. die Tuesday. The house of delegates, as ' Governor _ Abbett, of New Forcey ows The Sambement s'exchange; with'a $20" “1 000,000 capital, has begn organized in Macon,’ It Was stated at the residence of J dg Ta Polittoal. = 3 1 wreck occirred four. miles north of this | sd property to the some he in on e : >. AT LEAST. 14 el) I { BIRMINGHAM, ALA, April 11, astrous flood news is coming. i higher than ever in its 3 ing ook Tholas and BEYOND OUR BORDERS, 3 The body of a girl has been discovered n- derneath the floor of a cottage near Bandon, 20 miles souvent of ooh Ireland, The. { body was burned | hen Sovered with ce- fight at San Migtel, dians were. killed. known as “Phe Suicide e Club,” have’ com- mitted suicide recently” by Steoting them selves. 3 Ina prison revolt” A ppies in nt Spit, poisoned his family of ten, 470° of ¥hom died. have agreed to prolong the modus vivendi i in | regard to Newfouhdland fishertes: The Persian Government will pay the’ To baced Corporation $2,500,000 indemnity for. the’ abolition of the tobacco monopoly, The sentinel wh 0 Eki front of th year. At El Borvenir, a colony. near. Clsnfugos, “been destroyed by fire! oii “the expenses of the French: ‘exhibit at. the. Chicago World's Fair, the Chamber of Deputies Thursday. # = hammer and a razor, and ‘attempted sui- ent and illness. A BOY BURNED TO DRATH. His Father. Becomus Violently Insane and Tries to Kill Himself. MipwAY, PA., April 11.—The residence of scape with Gitflenity ih their night elothes.’ ed to:death. ‘When Hawley found that’ the | } boy had perished, he became violently in: sane. He rushed to his hot-beds, and, “throwing himself on the glass, windows, at- a post and tried to jump into the burning building. ' Finally he was bound ‘and ‘held’ ‘by his neighbors. Hawley's barn was burn- ed some time ago by incendiaries, ‘and this ‘fire is believed to have been of Seonndliarf | origin. : TWO Furie FpIRONED: | $4 : Drank : Buttermilk 1 Which Ap Wittieamrio, CONN, en nch families at North: Windham, seven 8 in all, aking. buttermilk which had fermented atin can. . One of the Bamber, Mis. | | Dewey, is jn a critical conditions. + © eee en winds A Triple’ Murder in Texas. t& history, d qui night has fallen only six feet. The town is | business Mr. full of people who come from the. surround- rr ] by the | pri ‘ed that the Ho 5 Tn three con¥icts werd. killed: by'gendarmes. Jacob Newmann, a “laborer ‘of Dantzig, 3 The British. ‘and Reerich Sovernionis O00 PO Lp T with those for 1 the corresponding month last th ‘Cuba, 18,615,000 ponds of sugar « cane have d The French Senate unanimously adopted BS the credit asked for by. the Goyernment for | "THe ‘Credit passec D ~~ At Belfast, Allen. Spiller; a: gunmaker; | 3; killed his wife and two children with al cide. He wasinsatie from loss of employ- J ¢ James Hawley was burned to the und | gnohy Bunday and he and Hisiwife. Babiaged to e An adopted son,” Joseph Linton, a boy of 10 | ngs years, who slept in the third story was bum- | th em, iron or frustrated in this he dashed his head against ‘punched Had Fors | mented in a Tin Can. ; April © 11.~Two have been poisoned by | i | letiof the Griswola Manufacturing=Company Helin Which yas don Inthe House i en’ or Hakone 5-minute nile, taken when the Hotise ad WEDNESDAY. At] rio yi e Senate then esiver bi § ‘being on M wes’ motion to the Provisio { ficers to 0 cies occur, 4 ree h moion was ¢ ®d, ve 2 Pettigrew offered an amendment appropriat- ing $187, S55 for compe nsatin dians of : the Crow C BE Resraton oy Loy Toss ed reservation than was received by. the pying ther. dim; ‘ a agreed w also off an a fog te rt of of the Inter $50,000 in the gonstru: Indian industrial EE vy He 8D ,, and the other near City, B. whi ch as ion { Indians occup:; : SO whic pogo 42 the to iE for fhe ex- Ly She ashington —the ny oe oF ashi ‘by the citizens’ eae ies of Walhihgton, having in inde | of he Sroceel: of the ho a today. After a Brief: passage at al arus bets eta the speaker and e corns on the bagging bill, Mr, Turner, of Georgia, in. chars of & bill, moved ‘fo strike ont the l 0 ales: *h + band Mr, McCreary . | impnngel a bill ary ant the poling of an ‘national monetary 0 An ae thing was ac H. Ford, ‘ol ol mel, 3 ies essrs. on Ei eth Belknay. and 1 a es a’ IAT of respect x the mem deceased, the Hose adjourned. - foe Five Were Drowned. Ae GRANTED, Mdass,, April 5—A% the ham: Willis Place, Oolaraine: located on the pons 9 pranch of G ; fy were’ xs 0 igh water carried their bot er the ‘dam and the Indian morta mi, hes estion in thejr : receiving less ss land d per capita in, their dimin-'| | Tap y | eh whole stand tie, on the Rotten {thus ! a With decrease in i4 days ‘number for the United 8 > 1a od the |: Week and 231 the week pre¥ior five were drowned. Those who lost. hele] Ege 80, i ared to ne dg this ex- t other Sah ackness at a few ise by causes :@bviously local and fer Extreme low prices for cotton still the South, and production of i iron in of demand has caused the aT markets contindie uit supplied eusy,: with no trace of the pressure seen about April 1, and: ‘while, 1 points, the denxand | some of impo ance: “840 increas : 1 is reported. The reports from other ‘cities whole are favorable. Boswn further improvement. Western favorable and Sonthern Better, At Philadelphia the failure 0 ouse, following that of the mpany, ‘depresses th gods trade js better With a. Ab Pifts _stoe ‘there iS no improvement in Sige ‘ments of Soke ping the. ride fort e glass trade is ‘ste rdw, thier. + 06 it year, of hn ae tte cheese and especially cnr : | neapolis thers 1s a ye miata At meiner seen in | ed im | onusual Dioepests ‘for the or Hour i is abil and low. e business fail yres during the last se ada 31, total 208; hp it! ‘and 243 for the ¢ ws i orresponding Bast. Louis, Was. “struck hb; ligh yesterday. afterfloon, as: lie was through the doorway of a’ brewery Be is omy joyed. {The bolt struck p of his head arid passed through his right side fo hig. feet; | boys about 15°01 46, their Pand a girl named Bugenig : age. Only two bodies ha
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers