CS I EN RE highly prized ed. cancelled _devisible into h.can be con ‘ase ‘of rain, ., boasts of a lear pure wa. oes Say when Sw a bari- ontralto.voice tter and last rs. has counted ushel of vari. went 72,130; A000; cotton in Fort! Bore be - sisters, in- . are Indians, 8 a pres. of - ott. in Ant. t brawler bit nb at a better voodsman of , Penn. while o rails, f: he tree a foot hoe evidently tree when it of the temple eler will see a ‘them bearing the chambers the temple he {to consecrate oh had ‘previ. n uses. : 1 crags around bia River, in nest fields for white moun- that there are are ‘the geats ctice hunting ving over the in New York sonception ‘as c and ladder 2 ladder is at recessity of ib; used to pull 3 with. The of implements | dates back e “scaling lad- ngth of tough right angles ough it. = Its a ‘metal hook, iched to the ‘a house. In sed, but there der ‘to obtain 8 of a house, ity. Ladders L to reach the he hooks sup- panied’ are es- ir duties. To York there are k ‘and ladder ty-six to forty though’ they ¢ time, some. hook and lad- “an average of lar cases there hteen. ‘These the service as have passed struction, and ed for: their alone that is reliance which nseles. ed in addition their exten- ‘a number of rs, ropes, life. guishers, On. gth of the lad ided and there on the back rack to turn lorses attached ine must be of st in reaching means chances f property.— J) square miles ‘Hemisphere, . Aah 2 | "we . schee’s German Ely’s Cream Balm} rents whose children suffer from Sh Salt Runs or other diseases , should read the fol ym gd ig op Ww. Till rook, wife of win, w Ha Say of MoKeesport; Penn. : «Q, I. Hood & Co.; Lowell, M3 2 5 “3 to boy Wille, now six years old, tw: ears sgobhada Be Bunch Under One Ear which the doctor said was Scrofula. As. it contr ued to grow he finally lanced it and it discharged for some time. We then began giving’ him Hood" Sarsaparilla and he improved very rapidly until i healed up: . Last winter it broke out again and wa: followed by, Erysi pelas We again gave him Hood's Sarsaparilla with most excellent vesunlts and he has had no furthel trouble. His cure is due to the use of Hood's Sarsa porilla. He has never been very robust, but now seems healthy and daily growing stronger, The doctor seemed quite pleased at his appearance and said he feared at one time that we should lose him. Ihave also taken : Hood’s Sarsapar ‘Na myself and am satisfied that Ihave been helped by Mrs. J. W. TILLBROOK, Fifth Ave., McKeesport, Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, 4 do no not gripe. PNU13 es arbitration p " vwintiam rs i at Bloomingdale, Mich. Ihave had the Asthma badly ever since I came out of the army and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen Years, and have tried nearly every- on the et, nothing has | ges ven me the 8 PL relief til a ew months ago, when I used Bo- Syrup. I am now" ood ev: e dugify i$ goto to sleep out the least? trouble.” glad to acknowledge the it has dopeme, Iu Medical Takes hold in this order; Bowels, Kidneys, . Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before it that ought to be out, You know whether you need it or not. £old by every druggist, and manufactured by - _ DONALD KENNEDY, x ROXBURY, MASS. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, Time, Pain, Trouble and will CURE CATARRH i Apply Balm into each nostril, ; ELY BROS, 8 Warren St, N. Y. - If yo wu bave no ap) Flatulence, Sick- down” or losing fies! a, | Toads a ton in 5 ite Saves time, work | See Sigong, durable. jigs | KEYSTONE ri : Sterling, il, KEYSTONE] HAY "LOADER [JONES 0 FULLY. LH : ® ON. BSE sell Pont aaa suo sperate okly | #ween the United States and Great Britain on the Bering Sea controversy, which was sent | {Julian Pauhcefote, in reply to ‘a note from | for Te Sealing grounds (as (bs against 31 at the a; } the acts of the Cana: tended | for satisfying any damages which the Arby. A Shas has lapse | preservation De during the arbi BD Ton Scares § ain Pap| EE ‘age of 1851 : | | 2EE man who loves the. devil here raxr or THE : CORRESPONDENCE. Lord Salisbury Wazts | ritish Sealers to Bs Protected for Losses. President Harrison’ s Firm Reply, Pheu textof the corraspondence be- to the Senate by the President, was made ‘public Friday. The correspondence opens with a note, dated February 18, t6 Mr. Blaine ‘from Sir Mr. Blaine, and will explain the latter. Sir | Julian states thai the British Commissioners are right in holding they have no power un- der their present mandate ‘to discuss the question of a ‘modus yivendi’’ for the next fishing season. : The next letter is also from Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Wharton, dated March 19, and gives Lord Salisbury’s reply to the propesition for a modus vivendi. THE PRESIDENTS STAND, ' The detérmined stand taken by the] Presi dent will be found int thie, following letter of aTton te to | : Julian: Pauncefote, ed Marc Sie—I am directed by the President to say that your note, dated the 19th inst. and de- livered on the 20th inst. (Sunday), has had his immediate attention in view of what he deems to be the extreme urgency and gay ity of the matter under discussion. The ‘urgency grows ouf of the fact that much further Hotraotion of this disscussion will make any modus that may beagreed upo ineffectual to protect the intérests of Lo United States, and will give to the Canadian sealers, [practical immunity by reason of the of communicating to them the agreed restrictions. It is known to this Government that the sealers have hastened their departure to escape notice of a possible modus, and that every day almost adds to the ost Sat must now be overhauled at sea. 47 Canadian vessels have cleared gems date last lowing up an These vessels will ed back at the and pursue to to Fea, and are engaged in fol- erring | the seal herds. not stopped and turn- Li go into the Bering Sea the very shores of our islands of the mother seals seekin the accustomed rookeries to be delivered'o their yoiing. This is a crime against nature. : This verfiment exnects to_show, if the ite g bs tps seal sonst e lar ex per cent of the catch of the pe lage s salons; This Government, ‘notwithstanding the fact that its right to take seals upon the Pribylof Islands is iting and wholly uninvolved in he arb arbits ion has proposed to take no profit from and TE, but: to lim't the aking of i oth e necessitis ‘of th the 1 ives of t ee islands, and if cannot at, with inde nity or without, the ey 14S of British subjects to catch seals in the Bering Sea shall be exer- sad ds tie the a arbitration. The Presi- gent to believe that Lord alisbury. is me A 8 ‘that hi Government Shall take zoposin For owners of about 100. Canadian sealing ho sels to indemnify it for the injury they may severally inflict upon our jurisdiction or property, and must decline to discuss a sug- ion which only his respect for Lord Balisbury and his. Dehlief that His Lordsnip has a due appreciation of the gravity of his dis discussion enable him 'to treat with serious We Ee doubtless have to pursae and capture upon the high sea many of the own- ers of those vessels to secure the bonds sug- ted, and as the condition is to be that the Sigors shall pay “any damages which the . arbi rators may adjudge,” while { the treaty gives the arbitrators no power djudge damages, the ne x. da without Tis to the obligors aud of no value Srnmen nt cannot Sonsent to have es to be its rights destroyed nding their determination by agreed iri unal, however, adequate the securjty offered. The reference in my last’ note to the inconsistency of Her Majesty Government in denying Ie responsibility fo: ian sealers was not Mii to SUEEGSLB willingness on our under any cipcumstances to i our LL conve into a claim for damages, an Theulatly as such a claim can not be Beard or determined by the arbitrators ¥ nes reformation of the treaty for His ip must reroember that while he now har he mistakenly calls’ ‘Securit Go wha it. ‘or imp an oP trators may adjudge’’ he has already car- ried his pont in the treaty that the arbi- fratores 1 have no jurisdiction to award any da mages. to his Lordship’s suggestion that Cana- dian sealers may have some claim for com- pensation if Great Britain shall restrain say that he is not abletosee how the ociti- zens or subjects of either of the treaty wers can by any rule of law or equity support any claim against their respective Governments growing out of such neces- sary trade restraints as the Governments may lawfully impose to promote the larger codsiderations of public good and interna- tional peac The D ccntions. that the conclusions ot the Board of Arbitration may not be reached and announced in time to govern the conduct of the parties during the season of 1893 is, I think, fully provided against by the treaty itself. His Lordship is mistaken as to the time 2 since the signing = of the Delagoa Bay agreement with Porfugal. It four years old, but less than one, the date of sighing being June 13, 1891. If the present treaty is promptly ratified or exchanged our mutual interest wonld be an ample guaranty against delay. The Pr eneat has found no obstacle in the way of such a consummation except the belief now unfortunately very prevalent here that the refusal of Great Britian to agree to the e'status quo. of -the. prop-- tion and her insisting- all go on, to the in- large- that pelagic sealing § [hp if not destruction, of our rights, efeat the object of the treaty. NOT WARLIKE BUT FIRM. "sion that the modus of last year is the least that this Government can accept. In rea- son, the restraints after a treaty of arbitra- tions should be more absolute, not less. He .does not desire to protect the: discussion, ‘and having now in { ost friendly spirit submitted the considerations which support the just. demand of this Government that _the property which is the subject of an agreed arbitration shall not be subjected to Se otition pending the arbitration, he ex- -presses the hope that Lord ‘Salisbury will give a a Promps and friendly assent to renew The meeident will hear with regret that Her Majesty's Government continues to as- sert a right to deal with this subject pre- cisely as'if no provision had been made for a settlement of the dispute; and in that event this Government as has already been Jointed out will be compelled to deal with at subject upon the same basis and to use every means in its power to Protec fp from de- struction or serious injury property and jurisdictional Tights which “it hag long . claimed and enjoyed. . A most extraordinary “instanco <. buman longevity may be found in Smellie’s “Philosophy of Natural His- tory,” where an account is given of Peter Torten, a native of Hungary,who died January 5, 1724, « at the udvanced | pelagic sealing, the President directs me to | The President directs me to say in conclu- | Zi 27 oth houses a caucus of withdra stand by him. ington that Ro, the Texas cat Cul Gibbs, 3. J. H Bailey, 4. There’ was a good deal of speaking in i seconding the nomination of Mr. ourned. Senator essed a note to is friends, announcing his wal Er the race, thas leaving the otal bad previously ad by the Texas Legislature. ROGER Q. MILLS. Roger Q. Mills has been elected United States Senator by the Texas Legislature in Austin, to succeed Reagan. He received twenty-nine votes in the Senat> and ninety- three in the House, thers being twelve scat- prowess Tezara votes for other 1ast ballot resulted as follows: In the Senate Sor Q Mills, 81; Wash, Jones, 1;J yres, 1. ’y u thé House—For £. 0 Mille, 93; Horace R. B. berson, 1 Barrett thenad; field clear for Mills. Mr. Cl as his only reason for withdrawing that h he found the total vote of his friends in th ture insufficient to elact him, Thy did not rl to embarrass them who would The Sytoundoment in the House at Wash- rq Mills was the choice of to succeed Mr. in the Senate of he Sioa States was the signal for an enthusiastic bani of ‘ap- hilton assigned Reagan which was exceedingly gratify ing to Rey who secupied a seat in the outer- most row. MARKETS, ‘PITTSBURG. THE WAOLESALE PRICES ARE GIVEN BELOW. GRAIN, Red. AND FEED. : WHEAT No. 2 ir @$ 9 ot cure by taking Ra Ht 0 oR No 95 fe for circu as, free 2 Go. Toi = EY BENET Tigh Axe LG > vga 4 oats Loi ag 44 = . a TER ir Be Atax on axl The pune: man's. In Ae 1 White......« 5 3 Row To ay ai 0 erasures aeay i A Lest Lake. 0. ite..... ceaninens 35 36 | “Whether I expect to like Ben Hur on read- Mixed......,....... .. 33 34 it I intend to read 2 In RYE—-No. X Pa & Ohio. . 92 93 ie Breen x a en the oh of a “NO. 2 Western... voi ivecss 89: © 060 Tel Sncwn ake, etn} not olf in one word ut fo! . FLOUR Fancy winter pay 9 00 525 finder oy rs money. “For § rom Fancy Sroing patents. «. sees B25 5 50 answer THE FIRESIDR EEKLY offers $100 cash, Fanc Siraj winter.. 4 75 5 00 | for the second, $75; third, $50; fourth, $25; next 2 Ba wier 4 50 475 Bye, $10 cach; next ton, 85 cach, Te next undid HA 2 Wlour, “No. 1Timly.. > % 2 > and $10 Will be ven for Special b rie eon: ron each Sateshd province. No duty or carri- Baled No. 2 Timothy. vesiv: 12.00 12 50 One dollar for six months’ Mixed ClOVer. .»,.esaenas 1200 12 50 sitbecrt Ca onc Soller for six months STEaSRY Jom country... z © 3 16 00 each polation Tn Twent: enty-stx niimbers 1 9F th hest Ci iredae : SIDE WEEKL § fAdclnide x to, o £ FOREN 1 Wh Md 8 i or 2% : % » “First notice. tention this paper. ro a : ERUOn DIS Pavel Brows dlings........ n u 1 2 Like other ete Hie ? Bescock's tale is Cop lt yy ison | Hvaystullof DAIRY PRODUCTS. I suffer from dick, nervo w BUTTER—Elgin Creamery 33 . 3 spd, ious, or or dyspepiie hopdac os, sees on CR =. | Sen ’ Choice country roll....... 15 16 | Ong dose. of Beccham's Pills 1 relieves = sick Low grade & cooking.. 6 7 | ‘headache in 2) minutes. For sale by all drug- CHEESE: Pl er'm mild 12 12 | gists. 25 cemtsabox, Ro Yok Sis rics : 2 $ | Coons are) now hunted in the South with Yisonsin Sweitzer. .... . 14 1 roman candies. DADUTREE. «oo natcorinss : | Couvcas, HOARENEsS, SORE TH ~t FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, $iickly relieved Rom ‘8 Tm. APPLES—Fancy, § bbl... 225 2 50 x RooHER. aabey surpass all other prepare. Fair to choice, ® bbl.... 180 175 4 in removing hoarseness, and us a couy’ 8 bb Le... 8s 2 00 remedy are pre-eminentiy the best. Pa&k O Beans, ® bbl.. 160 170 FITS topped 1 by D K 8s G Lima Beans,............s 4 Nerve Ranma: No Tis Ee, er ONIONS— : Marvelous cures, Treatise and $2 trial bottle Yellow danvers § bbl.... 225 2 50 | free. Dr. Kline, 981 Arch 8t., Phila., Pa. Fellow onk onion, bas ed 20 2 9. banish crate. ........ J ? gaBBAGE he head. . 3 4 Lo ; 2 Choice so store, ¥ bu 45 48 0 I Irish of track @ bu...... ¥35 w 38 y Kilndri’d Jer'y sweet bbl ~ 2 50 217 x ? POULTRY ETC. : Le : : DRESSED CHICKENS— : = AFTER 22 YEARS. essed ducks Bb ..... 17 18 Newton, Ill., May 23, 1888. LIVE CHICKENS v Bl F 862 to 1885 —ab rom 1 — Live Shrkons pr. “vases 85 90 3 to 1535 —about Live Ducks ® pr......... 8 9% | 22 years—I suffered with He an 1% i rheumati f the hi ive Turkeys Bib ....... atism BOGS _Pa Diol... 1m Bl arth 0 e pk I THE cure : ExtraliveGeese @ B...... 50 60 d by the use of St. Nol Extra live geese Hib E 2 Jacobs Oil. © T. C. DODD. ixed. icici iin, 3 MISCELLANIOUS. DR KILMERS TALLOW--Connizy, ,8h.. 1 SEEDS West Med'm ir 775 Mammoth Clover........ 825 Timothy prime.......... 165 Timothy choice.......... 160 Blue grass.c eiossevanees . 265 Orchard grass.....s.eevee + 176 Millet...... ci. v. va . i x00 Buckwheat. .... Satie, 140 RAGS—Countr mixed... 1. HONEY—White clover.. 17 Buckwheat... seioier 12 CINCINNATI. : mites on the marke . Itis | destroyed forever; Zine cases out of ten are sheet by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in- case of deafness (caused A vemerable Bishop. Bishop and Mrs. Joseph P. Thomp- son, colored, of Newburgh, N. Y., celebrated their golden wedding. The Bishop, now 73 year old, was born on a Virginia plantation, ran away in his seventeenth year, made good his escape to the North, learned the blacksmith’s trade, bought books and studied them, began preaching and has been fifty vears in the ministry and fifteer in the episcopate. ‘‘He is a large, finc-appearing gentleman, almost, white,” writes a Newburgh peighbor, ‘and would be noted in any assemblage of men.” Sh estions Often Asked. 2 Ts x is Alabastine jifarie is a Ee io coating for walls “gl the same as kalsomin It 3 the same different oid all other prep- arations on the market. Q. Wherein a differ from these kalso- e from a cement that goes through Na, of setting on the wall, ‘and grows harder with age. What are kalsomines made fro ys oF hor inert and are ent, oy dependent m on the wall. mines rub and ? . Because hs neh being animal matter, decays in i a Short time oy exposure to air an and inding Oe of the are the ferial ass jhe ine contain any injurious eatin has been most. carefully tested, i8 recommended by leading sanitarians througout the country, on account of its ure. Q. - has the id investigation shown ding wall paper yy Sanitarians condemn in strong terms the use of use of wall per for wally 2 living rooms on hyd De IS acd } in its janufactyre. but plain wor] AE Can anyt D one wi A. Any {ig of work, from plain tinting to the most elaborate decorating can be done. e Q. How can I learn to do this work and dec- OE oth Alabastine C Grand i e ne Company, Gran: Rapids, Mich., for book of instructions and suggestions, and illustration of stencils; also showing six sets of tinted wall designs. Sent Jupamess women are almost wholly veg etarians. Denfuess Can’t be Cured be local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There 2 is only one way to cure deafness, and that is i seed constitu- Sohnhon of t the mucous surfaces. ve One Iihdred Dollars for any rrh) that we A Promising Situation. (New York Daily Investigator). . @ood judges say that one of the next 1 calities to achieve distinction by jumpl from a substantial town to & thriving n tropolis in a few years will be the city Superior, Wisconsin, and this, too, wit out theeffort and struggle through whi inferior towns have passed while « fecting the same result. Until a ye or two ago the average man did not stop think that Superior as a monopolist of t! water and rail termini at one end of il jakes iz in the same position as Buffalo the other end. Figures are uninteresti unless given briefly, but compariso are always important. This little 8 pation, Stedjied by its last census wi only people, handled mo coal Ta ii than Did Chicago: of gra it shipped nineteen million bushels, of flo sixteen hundred thousand barrels, of wo four million pounds, and of merechandi to the valus of thirteen million dollar Of all lake cities this business w second only to Chicago in magnitud There is an ‘economical reason for: th condition of things. It is that the rt rateon freight sent west of Lake Mict gan is one cent per ton mile, whi the water rate is one-tenth of one cent pc ton per mile. This position at the e treme western end of Lake Superior what gives the city of Superior its prestig and is making it ow faster tha Chicago ever did. Besides one hundred ar one smaller industrial concerns, Superior h: located twenty-eight large manufacturin enterprises in the past eighteen months, 1 cluding the American Steel Barge Con pany, the builders of the famo “ whaleback” vessel, .which is rev: lutionizing the lake and ocean Treigl carrying trade. The twenty-eight “instity tions above mentioned or iron ahd ste: plants, Sour ills stove foundries, wago actories, makers, ship builders an saw and s ri mills. The most conse: vative business men in the Northwe: believe that Superior will grow faste in the next ten years than an other city in that prosperous section of th country, and many of them claim tha Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Mil waukes have never seen the rapid growt that will coms to the head of the great.chai of lakes and the city of Superior. Thunderstorms occur most frequently : sunset.. — Ought to be smalle gros, griping, old-fashione: —the pill. There’s too much unpleasant ness for the money. Ought to b better, too. They're big enougl and make trouble enough, to d more good. That’s just what Dr. Pierce’ Pleasant Pellets do,—more gooc Instead of weakening the systen they renovate it; instead of uf setting, they cleanse and regulat it——mildly, gently, and © naturally They're the original Little Liver Pil | — the smallest but mest effective urely vegetable, perfectly harmles: de) ig to iy Ozly on little Pellet fora gentle laxative — threo. for a cathartic, Sick Head ache, “Bilious Headache, Constips tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks and all derangements of the Lived Stomach and Bowels are prompt! relieved and permanently cured. They’re the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're guaranieed to give satisfaction, or your money is re- turned. You pay only for the good you get. It’s a plan peculiar to Dr. Pierce’s medicinea, Pickett’s Sectional Crates ani Baskets Sen Seba or des a YI ne and price list. Address, W. PICKETT, DOVER, onto. Mention this paper. FARMS ARE, CHEAP In North Central Kansas. adn ne 8 free with terms and prices. Address I. PER Lobes NSION moms tes hy Syrsin last war, senna. PATENT S W Wash hi n wtons. OC: | AD > age book free. i Consumptives and people who have weak lungs or Asth- thonsands. [thas . 1tisnot bad to take. the best cough syrup. Sold everywhere. 20e. ot lnjur- Jon Welisof any d depth, from 20to foot es SN atar. Oil or Gas. Ai hs 5 ant Po; ie Horse Power Machi ri to work Hy 20minutes. * & teed to drill faster and with T than an; other. Specially adap to driliing ells n earth or $010 bor day with Sur mechney rad Coote. Buicodia per da; our m 0 en busin for Wine jummer, We — Pr and Stamps ra AE Catalogue H. FPlerce Well Excayaver Co., ‘New York. Zoe Dest, ang sheabest place WALL PAPER =? 100 am ples A Yh Toc, posta; Thos. J. Myers, 1210 Market St., Phila, H 5. BS TMAIL ter or Su; aturersin the usinese. ond 4 DDREES, & Dr. P. Hal, Bb, ve me Bit has cured me, 8. Toledo, O. leasant, Convenie: § STAmp for for d _ Always specify ERIE. HALL'S ERIE CATARRHCURE 850c Has 1 Cured Him} Sie—I have used your Catary results—in fact Icantrulysay that GEO. 8. REYNOLDS, 606 Oliver HALL’S ERIE, THE ORIGINAL . Torxno, O., Dee. 13, *01 Catarrh Remedy and it SH Hamat AND ONLY B. P. Fam, PA. Take no other. CENUINE. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W.BAKER & C08 Breakiast (ocoa. from which the excess of oil ee has been removed, Pw Is absolutely pure and # it is soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It Wl) has more than three times the | strengih of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Bugar, |} and is therefore far more eco- fk nomical, costing less than one centa cup. Itis delicious, nour- ~ ishing, strengthening, EAsiLY DIGESTED, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. Ww. BAKER &C0., Dorchester, Mass. { would foe him in Heaven. D srran nnd Cheapest on the Market. ENTS Wanted in this County. : 06000 & THOMPSON, Binghamton, N. Y. Live 25 %@ | Kidney, Liverand Bladder Cure, @ Rheumatism, 36 bri 2 stin A 14 Travel, Aedyient Calle, or catarrh of bladder. ‘Disordered Liver, FLOUR—P. ate re Seasons 500: 600 on. gout, billious-headache. yan Brig 2 Red........ Bt Bl Win COT on oures S kidney difticultios, CORN~— Ungraded Mixed... 45. 50 tisenss. OAT g Mixed astern. 3 # Tmpure Blood, UTT TEAMery. . malaria, gen'l weakness or debility, EGGS—SBtate and Penn. 15 15 Guprantee—Use or Bottle, if not ben | TY REPORT, efited, Druggists will refund to you ihe price paid. EAST LIBERTY, PITTSBURG STOCK YARDS. - Dew EEistn 506: 9 ize; $1.0 9 Smee Prine Bie CATTLE. v0 4 SET 4 BINGHAMTON. N. Y. me ers : Fair to Good. 3% io 4% Hustrated Publcations, wht - In. ven of Minnesota, Bullsand dry cows 300t0 350] oh ERLE AEs aa Veal Calves....... 5:50to 600. Heavy rough calves 300to 400 Fresh cows, per head 15 0010 45 00 | mimes pimn die sae x) Rie :) “i : Mailed | se bililaniny 500t0 795 | 5 mae “HOGS. ; | ama SECIS Due all | Philadelphia hogs..........$ 5 10to 515 ; ; Ehiiadeiphia hogs... .... 51010 520 | RE Ro vaavveesssnessaranens 480t0 49 =o ONTH for "3 Bright Young Men WE | 8 Li Co. On Putin, F eas : $s po woman best understands a woman’s ilis.”’ This is why thousands of women have: been benefited by Mrs. Pinkham’s advice, and cured by her remedies after all other treatment had failed. This is also why Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound hasbeen more successful in curing Female: Complaints than any temedy the world ; as ever, known. Druggists sel it, or sent by mull, iL in fore, of Pile - Losenien SS nS: . 1 ives Bui 3 & ER TR nh fie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers