be Somerset County Jtor, P. L. LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher. Mre. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor. I offer a great reduction, FOR casH, on my entire stock. Especially Calicos, Ginghams and Muslins. 1 wish to re- Entered at the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as mail matter of the Second class, duce my stock to the extent of about $1,500. Please give me a call and be con- vinced that I mean business. Yours re- spectfully, ‘Geo. K. WALKER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ‘Tis Star is published every Thursday, at Elk Lick, ne Copy one year One copy six months ..... + One copy three months One copy one month . Single copies .......... 'a., at the following rates: - hs us se kesauivEnsas ares $1.50. 75 ing machine. March 81st, 1892. . Just received at THE STAR office, in ex- change for advertising, a most elegant 3-drawer, mahogany-finished Davis sew- We can sell this elegant machine 8o cheap that it will make your head swim. Call and see it, for there is a bargain of a Lifetime in it. The first y— TRANSIENT Local No- wADVE RTISING for first Ingerdons 5 Sebia a Tine for each additional insertion. adv 5 cents a line straight, except when inserted among news or editoria No busi 1 be mixed in with local line for each and every insertion. BIAL Purrs, when requested, invariably Eprro 10 cents per line. LBeAL ADVERTISEMENTS at legal rates, MARRIAGE, BirTH AND DEATH Notices will be charged for at 5 cents a line. but all such mention as to make concerning such be gratis, CARDS oF THANKS will be published free for patrons of this paper, but non-patrons. will be charged ine. editor sees fit events, without anyone’s request, will 0 cents a ResoLuTioNs oF Respect will be published for 5 cents a line. Rarrs For DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS Will be made known on application. s No free advertising will be given to anything : # will be ec. of a money-makin advert: gratis in this paper, exce] tures, free sermons and all such th free to the public. character. Nothing free } All advertisements will be run and charged for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than nts. x a | per bolt, BE as are person that comesalong with the “stuffy” gets it, \ Wall Paper. Good paper, without gold, 2 to 5 cents Gilt, 8 to 10 cents. Fine pa- per, newest style, gold embossed, 10, 15 and 20 cents per bolt. Ceiling and bor- ders to match. Call or send for samples and our guide, ‘How to Paper.” . 4-14 8. C. HarTLEY & Co. THE STAR can get you almost any kind of a sewing machine, organ or pi- ano in the market for a great deal less money than any other dealer in the conn: ty will sell you the same goods for. We are in a position to get vou some of these goods for less than wholesale price, and we can prove it to yon. Get other peo- ple's prices and then call and see how bad we can beat them all. If you want to fix a room up, nice and cheap. go to 8. C. Hartley & Co. for Car- pet, Wall Paper and Lace Cutaing, JOB P first-class jo ro San wn A Sinde 7 swat GAs wn years he intends. to sell 200 000 more of his make, that means a business of $20,000,000 if we average them at $100 each. 1t is already the largest business of the kind in -existence—Send to Daniel F. Beatty, Washing- ton, New Jersey, for Catalogue. See 8. C. Hartley & Co.’s large stock of fine Carpets. Best assortment and lowest prices ever shown in Meyersdale, INTING.—Tue Star office has Fran office. printing equipments, turns out all its work in the hest style of the art and at very iHeavy Express Paper for sale at THE 8. C. Hartley, of 8. C. Hartley & Co., of Meyersdale, is now in the eastern cit- ies buying goods for their mammoth store, U. 8. Flag Envelopes for sale at Tar Star office. Evervhodv is delighted with them. Sent post-paid to any address for 20 cents per pack of 25. Call and set them. Go to 8. C. Hartley & Co. for fine Dress Goods. : 4-14 Judgment Notes for sale at THE STAR office. THE STAR has several very fine organs, pianos and sewing machines for sale. tak: en in exchange for advertising, that can be bought dirt cheap. Coin Envelopes for sale at THE STAR office. Just the thing for Sunday schools and churches. CORREZPONDENCE. THE COUNTY CAPITAL. Moving next in order. The changes here are not-many. The best evidence of the contentment of our citizens is that our town has not had one public sale of household goods ! this spring. It seems that from actnal statistics that the would be metropolis of Somerset ‘connty is not *‘in it”. Figures are stub- | born things and facts are not to be gain | said. J. C. Lowry is improving his property {on Main street. very muéh, and will have 'a comfortable and handsome home when it ir‘completead. : The usual number of people from the various parts of the eounty are in town this week anticipating and preparing for that great day of business in this part of the country—April 1st. : Easter falls on the 17th of April this year. The health of our community is excep- tionally good this spring. Mr. E. Kvle is here, ready to take hold of the Somerset house, April 1st. i ' Bomerset would like to be on the elec- tric string that ties Meyersdale and Salis- | bury together. Can’t the editor of the Commercial extend the line? Air is at all times a good conductor of electricity. Socially onr town is on a stand still and our series of hops and parties seems to be ended. We see the genial face of Major Stutz Man once more on our streets. Soon the traditional fable of the frog and the boy will be enacted. March 29th. 1892. Boynton. Wm. Baker, section foreman on the Grassy Run branch, who had been housed np with the grippe for several weeks, is again able to be ahout. R. F. Thomas purchased a fine mare from N, B. Keim. C. J. Fike has secured the agency for the Adriance mowers and hinders. est in the new proposed enterprise. er man is also loading a car, which will be skipped to Columbus, O. That will make four carloads of apples shipped out of this locality this spring, and still there are some back. Hot L J. Bwartzentruber last week moved his cider mill from near Cumberland, Md., to Aurora, W. Va., on the Petersheim farm. Last Saturday evening while D. J. Swartzentruber was at home for supper and to do his feeding, some mischievous boys stopped at his sugar camp and put two lids on the furnace flue. Boys, that was not so slow, but Dan will be apt to watch the next time. : 8. 8. Folk says he has eleven traps out for skunks. He expects to make a for- tune in that way and wants to buy a fast horse to look after the traps and haul the far to market. Up to date Mr. Folk has captured nine of the fragrant creatures. March 20th, 1892. JARUS. A New Enterprise. We are informed there is a move on foot to organize an elevator and milling stock company, with a view of erecting at the railroad track, in West Salisbury, a large elevator and storage building to be fitted up with all the necessary mod- ern improvements for speedily unload- ing from cars, loading, drying. cleaning and storing large quantities of grain, flour, feed, salt and a general line of country produce. a We wish our enterprising citizens sue- cess in this proposed enterprise, hoping they may be able to speedily secure the necessary amount of stock to. carry the venture to completion, believing as we do that no better paying stoek could be secured in this section than this would prove to be: hesides, being of vast inter- est and convenience to the business men. farmers and community at large. The object of this company, if we un- derstand correctly. is to conduct business on a general whosesale basis and be able to connect with the principal grain mark- ets of the west, and through this they in buying such grain and feed necessary to supply our wants which our home production is insufficient to fully supply. The fact that in the past six months there has been shipped in and unloaded at West Salisbury, 25,000 bushels of corn and oats, from 1,000 to 1.200 barrels of flour. and a vast quantity of mill feed, potatoes, salt, etc., as the consumption in bread and feed is rapidly increasing annually, the advantages this enterprise would produce aver the present disad- vantageous mode of conducting business may readily be figured on. A large amount of additional trade conld be brought here, which under pres- ent circumstances is going elsewhere. The farmer mav ask what advantage or benefit all this would be to him. In an- swer we will say that an elevator in your midst wonld offer von the advantage of hauling your grain right from the thresh- ef to the elevator ‘and the opportunity te sell for full market price! for ready cash; or, should you prefer, to store it and hold for future change of market value; ~be- sides, the great advantage of properly curing, drying, and cleaning your grain, thereby getting it in proper condition to command top market price. A very large amount of the grain raised in this section is not properly cared for after harvest, hurriedly threshed, and while very damp, is dumped into the farmer's bin, and in a short time he too often finds his grain musted and spoiled and of no value for flonring—sometimes searceiy fit for feed —and then expects to sell it to the mill- ers, who after purchasing and in their vain endeavor to make good flour from it, find to their sorrow that hy placing such flour upon the market their custom has dropped off. and with ready cash gone in search of Minnesota flour, there- by sending into the pockets of the west- ern farmers cash that should have gone into the pockets of the tillers of the soil nearer home. The object is to combine with this ele- vator the Roller mill and milling business, at West Salisbury, which would give it the advantages of the well equipped Roller mill and milling business of H, A. Reitz. Mr. Reitz will take a large inter: load a car to be sent to Indiana. Anoth- |. would be able to get special inducements! HICHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR D. 8. Ewing, General Agent, 1127 Chestnut 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. BK 2 LATINA RLU AMI WEW SHOPS OF DAVIS SEWING MACHINE 00. Capacity 400 Mashines per Day POR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS DAYIS SEWING MACHINE C0, DAYTON, ©. (WYOAAD, TLE. R.B. Sheppard, Barber and Hair Dresser. All kinds of work in my line done in an ex- pert manner. | Dodie My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the. scalp clean and healthy. I respectfully solieit-your patronage. City Meat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. to Brandler. If you want a good roast, go to- Brandler. : Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler’s. HIDES. Brussels at 40 cents and up. Cheaper ~ than ever before, 4-14 Old papers for sale at this office at 25 |! cents a hundred or 5 cents per dozen. |t ‘They make pood wrapping paper. also good ~cartridge paper for the ‘miners. They are alro good to put under carpet, on pantry slelves, ete. Go 108. C. Hartley & Co. for bargains in Clothing. 4-1 Induce your friends to subscribe for THE STAR. , Public Sale of Vaiuable Tawn Lots. The undersigned. executor for C. G. |i Stutzman. deceased. will sell at public sale, on Saturday, April 28d, 1892. at1 o'clock P. M.. on the premises in the Borough of Salisbury. the lots of ground |! late the property of raid C. G. Stutzman, including the lot known asthe “Steel Pasture,” containing some seven acres, which will be laid out in building lots with suitable and convenient stregts. ¢ | This is an extellent opportunity to se- cure a good building site in the best busi- [s "ness town in Somerset county. A rea- :“: sonable credit will be given. adi 1. C. Lowry, ei . Executor. 1 Are You Going to be Married? Of course you are, for God has said that it is not § for man to live alone. . We wish to add . that you to commit matrimony A The busiest men are the train men on he Salisbury hranch, hauling coal from he Elk Lick region. John Hooyer spent the past week in Somerset with friends. Mr. Jerre Rihnhart spent several days ast week at Paw Paw, W. Va. : The oil well drillers are again here and at work. A. L. Maust, teacher of the Lichty school, had the school photographed. The scholars are all anxious to see how hey look in a frame, Lloyd Fike savs it would not pay to boil sugar if it were not for whata fel. ow could eat. March 28, 1802, State Line. C. J. Folk traded horses with Joel Kin- PrLowsoy. singer, for what is known as the Folk tallion, oe ig Nate Keim and Miss Lydia’ Stevannus were united in wedlock, Sunday evening last, at the bride's home. by Rev. Gelnet. Another little run of sugar water, last week. Farmers having apples for sale are. now busy hauling them to the railroad. Last week another car of apples was loaded for Gnagey & Hershberger, of Pittsburgh, and today C. J. Yoder will |IUNDERTRKERS, The amount necessary to carry on this elevator and milling business successfully on the proposed plan would be a capital of $15,000. Of this amount about one- half would be necessary to procure the mill and erect the elevator and storage building with the necessary improve- ments. The balance wonld be used to buy stock and carry on the business. Over half of the $15,000 is already se- cured, and the enterprise should have the earnest support of our business men and farmers in soliciting and securing the balance. : y S. Lowry & Son, At SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also have A FINE HEARSE, and ell funerals entrusted to us will receive prompt attention Bh 9" WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. John J. Livengood, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, SALISBURY, PA. [ : All classes of work turned out in a neat and THE RACKET STORE, is headquarters for all kinds of Notions, Novel: ties, Tinware, Queensware, Glassware, Toys and useful Household Articles of all kinds. many of which can not be obtained at any other kindof a store, it 1s made up of good, clean goods. Prices very low. Joe Dively Stand, Salisbury. Pa., Come and examine my stock; you will find that M. J. GLOTFELTY. Chestnut Wood. ered at the works of the Standard Extract Co., Wanted! $2.60 per cord, deliv- West Salisbury, Pa. W.T. BUCHANAN, Manager. substantial manner and at reasonable prices, If you are not aware of this, we ean soon convince you if you give us your wor) $000.00. ro, hort are ctate ve, wires Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New If you want good steak, go acoept a substinte. not sell them STEWART'S HEADACHE POWDERS For Nervous or Sick Headache from any canse. They contain Sods and Charcoal. Used by thousands of persons because harmless and unlike any others which are narcotics, to be avoided. druggist does gend 10c. or 2b¢. in stamps to F. G. Stewart & Co., 868 Dearborn st., Chicago. i Do not If your Yor sale by J. L. Barchus, Salisbury, Pa., and Eichnor Drug Co., Meyersdale, Pa. LOOK carry in stock the finest in gans? | have the best and ‘Walker Boots and Shoes. Shirts, etc. ' Thanking you Read, Ponder, Reflect and Act, Act Quickly. Come and SHEE whether you can’t buy goods cheaper here than elsewhere in the county. BARGAINS in every department. Do you need a pair of fine shoes? I ‘town. Do you need a pair Bro- cheapest in town. Does your wife need a fine dress? It can be bought here very low. oo You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased to sub- mit my prices. I keep a full line of such goods as belong to a first-class general merchandise store. 3 Clothing, MEN'S CLOTHING! _I desire to close out my stock of Men's clothing. Great bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons. “The early bird catches the worm.” I would announce to my patrons and prospective patrons that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebrated I also carry a lire of the Fame ous Sweet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants. Overalls, Blouses, for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of same, I remain very respectfully J. L. BARCHUS, Salisbury, Pa. drive your faded and weather-worn vehicles, among them *‘Pillsbury’s Best,” the best flonr and Royal. Any kind of a vehicle built to order, on short notice and at pairing of all kinds neatly and promptly done. We alto do general blacksmithing. Bring in your old buggies, carriages, etc., and have them painted and made to look as well as wish : Toa when you can have them painted at a small coat. Give us your trade. We guarantee to please you in both workmanship and prices. Thanking you for past patronage, and solieiting a continuance of the same, we are oy Jer. J. Livengood & Son, Salisbury, Elk Lick P. 0O., Pa. GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. and upwards, Address: H. W. ALLEGER, WASHINGTON, N.J. BUSINESS Established Tn 1857] Jer. J. Livengood & Son, ~MANUFACTURERS OF— Carriages, Buggies, Pha- etons, Spring Wagons, Mleighs, Ete. rock bottom prices. very respectfully Mrs. S. A. Lichliter GRAIN, FLOUR And FEED. CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR,” FLAXSEED MEA ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock. All Grades of Flour, L, in short al} Kinds of in the world, “Vienna,” “Irish Patent,” “Sea Foam’ Oat Meal and Lima Beaus, I also handle All Grades of Sugar, including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes, These good load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods deliv: an aaipally beught 1a ear: ered to my regular customers. Store in E 3 Seer TF YE 982 BR 304 5 Q- Sta § ggmgeey
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers