Boon, Associate Editor. | k the postofive at Elk Lick, Pa., as “mail mater of the Second class. terior of bis barbershop. Davy” will put in two handsome barber chairs of the. C . LOCAL IND GENERAL, Mrs; Lon Brows is quite sick. Advertising inspires confidence. ‘Billmeyer & Balllet Jost a good horse last week. The small boy is glad that the schools are closed. : What can account for the vg silence cabo Boynton correspondent?’ The Bsh liar will soon be ready for *shig.” Likewise, the snake liar. R jershberger, the genial postmaster avage, was in our city today. : he mother of Hon. Wm. H. Koontz or Tuesday last, aged 88 years. vire BE. B. Fuller, of Grantsville; has sold out and will move to Corinth, W. Va There. is still a bonanza here fora 8 OC. Harley & Co. of Meyersdale, veel our readers this week with a large ad” in Tre Sram, next week Look: for it. flawers that Bloom in the spring In! will soon have something to do th the case. - ; Flin is talking of erecting a barrel c ory te he ran in connection with the + Hicks and W. A, Shoemaker, of ersdale, were the guests of Lloyd Bea y, inst Bunday. e didn’ t know that there was a notary ablic in Salisbury, until this week ee L. C. Boyer's eard. Dickey and Livengood will give Salis: ry thie best Normal school it ever had. They are able instructors, Prof. Dickey, the Principal of our schools, has gone to Rockwood, where’ ¢ wil remain’a few weeks. LW E. McCurdy has’ gone out of the drug ‘business in Meyersdale and ‘will move his stock to Burgetistown. Our Somerset corresp yndent this week. has a few things to say that 'the County. Commissionets should not fail to read. ‘Jolin IL. Johnson and Mrs. Lydia ‘Bpiker were made man and wife, March 81h. in Grantsville, by Rev, J M. ‘Evans, John M. Smith talks of removing to Salisbury, says the Meyersdale. Register. That's night, John, move to 3 live town. : Salisbury Normal school will begin Apri) 18th. All those deriving to attend A first-class school should come to Salis. p bury, Horsemen are delighted with the: bills am STAR office truss out. They all 5 gay they are the hest to be had in the donnty.. S Mrs. Dr. Lichty is on the sick list. She had been very poorly during the eek, but is convalescing, we are in- formed, Cis nid that Geo. Donges will erect a Tew operas Jiouse in Meversdale. The : Ford knows that town needs a good ope: *a house. : He—*How chilly itis tonight. I conld hug a stove. 1 feel so enld.” She--‘Is that 502 Why, I'm so warm [ feel just like a stove.” Sone people in this town have curious sinames, For instance, there is Billmeyer, the Wimberman. and Bill Mier, the son of a gun—smith. Ny. F. Garlitz greets aur readers with ad” this week. Mr. Garlitz is a very : lillen man an deserves the Hberal patronage be enjoys. + C. T. Hay and N." Brandler have had the windows of their business places handsomely lettered, by a journeyman . knight of the brush. g ~The Salisbury Normal school, will begin April 18th, conducted by Profs. “Dickey and Livengood, promises to be “ame of the ‘best in the cotinty. “Tke Salisbury band has reorganized aud. wiil soon occupy fits old place—the best band in ‘the county. The other bands won't be “in it” very Jong. i ue Wm. A. Ohley, a former Salikbury boy, the highest salaried state official of Wont Virginia. He in Sue Treasurer 3 his home in in ratr county, Md. v, where he will sell fertilizer. 1st will come on Friday, this ich greatly annovs the supersti- ple who will have to move on "A Friday flit, a short sit.” which’ cial. In this Issue THE STAR gives its readers the full text of the Baker ballot law, al- so shows a sample ballot. THE Stan is the first paper in the county to do this We lead: others follow. R.B Sheppard went to Cumberland Inst week to visit friends. His newhew, David Sheppard, Jr., of Meyersdale. con- ducted his barber” shop in a very .able manner during R. B.’s absence. The city dads in other boroughs are publishing financial statements or their respective boroughs in their local news- papers. Will Salisbory’s city dads do likewise? They certainly ought tv. If you have chapped hands, face, or rough or red skin. from any cause, use Stewart's Almond Cream. It will please vou and bring quick relief; Only 10 and 25 cents a bottle. Sold by J. L. Barchus. Adam Enos and family, of Hyndman, are all down with typhoid fever. with the exception. of Mrs. Enos, says the Register. Adam Enos is a son of our townsman, David Enos, and we regret to hear such news, Thomas Rees recently returned from Washington, D. C., whers he had been on business. He says his namesake, Tom Reed, is one of the biggest men hoth-in stature and mental calibre that can be found in Washington. It is said that at present rate of ship: ment all the merchantable lumber in Som- erset county will be exhausted in ten years. Oue firm alone has for some tine veen shipping at the rate of $10,000 worth per month.—Democrat. : *‘Ramor has it that one of our capital: ists has gone away to organize an im- ‘provement company to build a hotel and 100 residences in Berlin and add 500 to the population of the burg before apples are ripe.”—Berlin Record. Salisbury has the best orchestra in the county, but the Meversdale Register has it that the orchestra of that place has been asked to furnish the music at the opening of Beachy’s opera house. Looks as though something is wrong. Homer Boyd. an Towa gentleman, who visited friends in these parts all winter. called at our sanctum the other day and ordered THE STAR sent to his address at Liscomb. Iowa. Mr. Boyd will depart #or his western home ina week or two Herman Rausch and family will sell their honsehold effects on. Monday, March 28th, and on April 18th they will emigrate to Spokane, Wash. George Mull will accompany them and if he likes the country will move his family there also. We believe that if Lou Smitli would give Mans Bauchman and Pit 8chweflle: brenner a rest, that the public wonld fall on his neck and weep for joy. Lou, why not talk about the Pocahontas railway and the Greenville school honse burners, just to relieve the monotony ? Owing to'a defective flue, Noah New- man’s house took fire Jast Sunday eve: ning, but it was discovered and the flames extinguished before much damage was done: People should frequently examine their flues, especially in towns like this, where thern are no walter works In the matter of conceit Meyersdale has undisputed claim to’ being the Me: tropolis of the ‘county. But when it 1 comes to money and business, Somerset and Salisbury are far ahead of her, Meyers Mills is a good village; but she can’t come up to the cities of Somerset and Salisbury. A certain’ Scotch editor recently de- parted. so far from the enstoms of his contemporaries as to substitute the head- ings “Hateh,” “Match,” and “Despath” over those departments in hic paper which his contemporaries assorted under the heads of “Births,” *'Marringes” and *‘Deaths.”—Ex. KT ; The editor and associate editor of this paper acknowledge the ‘receipt of a very courteous invitation to attend the annual commencement exercises of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. which took place on Monday evening. We notice among the names of graduates I. M. Rit. ter, of Meyersdale. : Great is Garrett county, Md. John D. Yoder, of that county, informs Tae Stan that he hasten ewes that have, all togeth- '| er, nineteen lambs, one of them being the mother of three. He says the lambs are all living and doing well. Now, who has ten ten sheep that can beat that rec- ord, is what TaE STAR would like to know. ] A writer in the Somerset Herald this week clearly shows np that Meyersdile cannot justly lay claim to being the me- tropolis of the county. While: Meyers: dale has about 100 more people than Somerset, the returns of the assessors and mercantile appraiser show Somer- set to be fir in the lead #8 a business center. Meyversdale not making a good second. : On every horse will be found, on the [inside of each foreleg. a dry, gray wart about the size of a silver dollar, appar: ently of ho possible use. When the Weary overtaxed animal sweating at every pore and covered with foam, can reach down aud rab. with his wet nose this always dry. hard substance, he is’ Sanium, —Ex. D. R Sheppard has remodeled the fn- Intest pattern. some time next month.— |} instantly refreshed with an odor likes oe stand as good. chance. 10 ot t ere us anybody else. : Geo, W. Shaw. who has Yived u years on the Stone House farm, east of Grants: ville, came to Tae Srar office last week to have bills printed for a “public 5 sale, which will take place Tuesday. March 29th. - Mr. Shaw has purchased Samuel Baker's farm, two miles west. of Grants- ville, and will move thereon. We also printed bills for Mr. Baker's sale, which will take place Thursday, March 81st. A close observer of such things puts it this way: “When you pass a farm and see a large barn and a small house, you may know that the mans Boar; when you see a fine house and a dilapidated barn, you may nuderstand that the wom- an has things her own way; and when there is a new house and a good barn, you may take it for granted that the man and woman are equal, and work togeth- erin harmony.” “If yon have ten dations to spend.” said Barnum,” “spend ‘one for the aricle and the other nine in advertising it.” The old man knew a thing or two when it came to advertising. Barnum said fo me some years ago: “I can out-talk any body on earth but the printer. The man who can stick type and talk next morn- ing to thousands of people while talking to one is the only man I'm afraid of. I want him for my friend.” 1f your eye falls on this paragraph, and you are not already a subschiber of Tae 81ar, call and subscribe at ‘once. The full text of the Baker ballot law, which appears in this issue, is alone worth the price 6f the paper. Every vot er should have a copy of the new law and post himself thoroughly on the new system of voting. Otherwise, he stands a chance of Josing his vote. We have Tots of extra copies on hand 1 sell at 5 cents each. 5 sale, in Elk Lick township, last Wednes: day. Atleast that number of packages of “lunch” were given away to thoss who were present. Bach packare was neatly tied and contained one sandwich, a piece of cold beef, and an apple, Coffee was served to all in tin cups. This was a novel, and proved to be a very satisfac- tory way of feeding the crowd. —Somer- get Herald. The Somerset Democrat vouches for | this toothache remedy: Procure a nick: le’s worth of hydrate of chloral; place it in a small vial and pour as much water over it as will dissolve it and no mare. Then, if tuere is any cavity, saturate a small wad of cotton and place it in the tooth, If it touches the gums or lips il will take the skin off.‘ As a rnle the cure is instantaneous. corked and lahel it. in large doses is dangerous. town have that they should get ont of, sons about to establish a new business of any kind inour town. That kind of talk always injures a rown and should not-he! indnlged in by anvone. Alwavs encour- {age those who, desire to add new business enterprises to our community. as that is it prosperons,. If you mnst croak and growl, do so when von are all alone. Elk Lick makes another radical ad: vance. Mr. D. M. Fike, who is a mem- ber of the board of supervisors, informs us they have purchased a stone crusher and mean to begin the maeadamizing of their county roads. Thisis an important step and one we at least urge Snmmit 10 pattern after. Good roads cost money to be sure, but they also add to the value of real estate more than they take out of the purse, besides saving immeasurably in wear and tear of vehicles and horses. —QCommercial. B. F. Johns, a former citizen of Salis- bury, hat who now resides in Chambers: bnrg, writes to his brother R. 8. of ‘this city. that he gonsiders Tax Stan a very shonld have A New. mame. He sugests Port Bherman, in honor of General Sher- man. Mr. Johns is a prominent G. A. R. man, being Commander of his local post, algo. Post Inspector for Franklin and Fulton counties. The editor would be pleased to have Mr. Johns write an occa: sional letter for THE STAR. In speaking of the proposed what will: it-be, week says: “The cable system is too ex- pensive: the trolley system will not serve us in winter; the storage system is yet crude.” ‘Well, well. Lou, that’s too bad. ‘We can hardly wait until ‘the great road is built; it takes you too long to furnish the motor power. Compressed air may do, and you ean doubtless furnish the air, but can you compress it cheap enough? Now don’t try too hard, for yon are liable to explode. What's the matter with horse cars? Duke McFaden, the 12-year-old son of the Brethren minister at Berlin, failed to return home at bed time, Wednesday evening, and his parents concluding that he had gone to spend the vight with one of his playmates, retired. When the lad failed to appear next morning they inati- tuted a search Tor him, and late in. afternoon found lying. in the hay- It is reported that not less than one: thousand people attended J. M. Hav’s Keep the bottle well. Hydrate of chloral There is one habit some people in in and that is their discouraging talk to per-’ the way. to build up the town. and make the Meyersdale Commercial . this 4 bedtime the night before, but of ‘| excuse for cutting such a Strange Sper tf —Somerset Herald, Pants are made for men, and not men : Woman was made for. man, | 7 | not for pants, When a man pants for al woman: and a woman pants for a man, | for pants. they are & pair of pants. Buch pants do, not last long. Pants are like molasses; they are thinner in hot eather and thick- erincold. The man in the moon changes ; his pants during an eclipse. Don't go to the pantry for pants, you may be mistak- en. Men are often miss taken in pants. Such mistakes make breeches of promise. | There has’ bean much discussion whether pants is singular 0 : Seems to us when men wear pants hey are plural, and when they don’t wear any | it’s singulai. Men get on a tear in their pants, and it’s all right; but when | pants get on a tear, it's all wrong. The Ol Well. A litan new cable has been rosstved'a at | the oil well and the drillers will resume operations today. The work will | be pushed to’ complétion as rapidly as possi: ble, and itis expected that & gusher will lie a sure thing. . The persons who took more stock in the venture deserve a great denl of credit for their enterprise und it’ 1s to be lioped that their hvestient will prove valuable to them. A startling Rawor. : 3 A report from Btonyereek vounshin] says that people of that section fare great: jv agitated over developments that have recently been made which go te shaw was com: | that a cold-blooded murder mitted in the mountains east of Shanks: ville, some six vears ago. : suid (hat the matter will be thoroughly fuvestignted by the local anthorities, and if the rumors in circulation can be sub: | stantiated the parties: suspected of the erime will be speedily brought to justice. During the years of 1885-86 ‘a German peddler visited the enstern townships of this coutity every few weeks for the pur: pose of supplying farmers with buttons, 5 thread, handkerchiefs, cheap Jewelry, Hite: ‘Bis visite were so frequent that he soon became well known to the people, and when he suddenly censed to visit them ingniries were at once sent abroad to learn of his whereabouts. He was tracked to the “monntain distillery” one. bleak winter day, where he put up for the night, ‘trace of the peddler was lost. and nothing |. has ever since been sesn or heard of him. * About the time the peddier disappeared an well: knowy resident of Stonycreek, of unsavory reputation, ‘left tor the west. | and a year fallowing a neighbor of hig | = began to peddle thread. buttons, lace, | cheap Jewelry, ete, among he people ‘of that section. No stispicion was ttiched to’ the ue tions of these two men at the time; but a story now told by a young girt of the ‘neighborhood in which they lived has | revived ‘many _suspicioug Circumstances which add 10 its credibility. ~The story told by the girl in effect is that on the morning the old German ped- dler left the distillery on the mountain he had not proceeded more than two or three miles when he was attacked by two men, one of whom slot him, ‘while lis companion cut his throat. They re lieved him of his pack, after which they | dragged bis body some ilistance into the The iragedy was! woods and buried it. witnessed by the girl, who iy responsible for the story. She was only fen years old at the time, and owing to threats that the men made against her life, she was always afraid 10 reveal what she bad seen until a few weeks ago. According to onr informant. the girls story has created a profound sensation, | and is fully credited by those with whom he talked, Tris further 4 le Latrobe res for vo memes a0 carly > purest: Bobs and Shots, o Lalor grades yf flow viz: as Reitz’ S best. 1 now offer to the trade and puto Flv a If your dealer dues not handles or get our Hous for y not persuaded to take any other, but order direct| fron ‘mill and it will be delivered to you free. ae ‘Buckwheat Flour, Cornmeal, ‘Red-dog Medium, R lings, Wheat Bran, Chop of all kinds, Oilmeal, Prat try and Cattle Food, ete, dlvays on hand. Com an {by the: catload. setting out to peddle his wares after break: fust the following morning. Here all | chnage nn: either grade Sour pounds Ruri Jour for bushel good red wheat; ry it. Respectfully, irovetion, ‘Candies; Nuts, € and other things in the grocery line, is at M. H Wagner: 8 grocery, Tous fo uring : H. WAGN ER: ery i catalogne ddress Danie) | ee hn BIL and it is expected that it will | E be fully veriied in the course of a few | § days when an effort will be made to ex: hnme the bones of the murdered vietim.— Somerset Herald. Persons having Chestatit oak, Hemlock and Black Oak Bark tor sale, to address the undersigned, stating quantity | and price, delivered at works of Standard Extract Co. W. T. Buchanan, Nar. Blk Lick, Pa. NV. FF Garlits, ; Expressman and Drayman, does all Kinds of hauling at very low prices. All| kinds of frelght and express goods delivered to and from the Sept. every ganz. Satisfaction guaranteed,’ ] a IC on NOTARY PUBLIC, ELE LICK, 24, —————— Bring your deeds, ‘pension papers; ete; to. me u | for, Acknowledgement and save the trouble o them : aS, kin. prevent RT kers, ehotos Olgare fo h and Tobaceo, Refreshing Drinks, Frosh Oysters} eludi und Quist Suro J Duo v as EE * the pul 0 bya notice even Ireonf hie Srentiny 2 ost * Shas of, any acler youl . WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS. Write for Mustrated Cilrcu our Singers, New Home, | re A ; ge and 1 NEEDLES for any n machin, per dozen, in Stamps, Add a 520 Fourth Avenn ue, WO BUILLE Si KENT treats a : Sd Has the gieal i - eg leaching | k plete ve
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers