THE AWFUL LIST I TIIK BODIES OF THE DEAD, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, OF OUK GREAT CALAMITY. Tli'- Most Complete LUt yet Published— Many are Y'et In the Ktilus. and Many Will Never be Found. Fourth Ward Morgue. Andrews, John, John street, at Point. Miderson, John, Sr. texander, Arttla, taken by her mother June 1 i.t am, Dr. 1.. T. and son Charles. Logus, William, (colored porter at Hulbert fl ise.) i.lough, Sophia, wife ot Samuel, i.rlnkey Eliner J., Gautler clerk, killed at Hul b' rt House; taken charge ot by K. of P. and 1) .rted. Burns, John, Portage street, Butler, Charles T., Assistant Treasurer c. I. Co., lost at ilulbert House. Baldwin, George H., machinist, No. 317 Apple alley. Barbour, Carrie S., aged sixteen, Woodvale. Bending, Elizabeth, (widow) and daughter Jessie. Benford, Mrs. Kllzabetli E., Hulberi Rouse, hurled at Grand View. Benford, Lou., Hulbert House, buried In Grand view. Beushorr, J. (J. A, Butler, Sarah. Brown. Mary Emily, daughter of I'eter Brown, of Woodvale, found with little daughter ot .lames M. Shumaker. of Johnstown, In her arms; buried at St. John's. Brown, Lizzie, burled at St. John's. Brown, Peter, Woodvale. Burns, Peter. Woodvale. Beheke, Charles, private s?th N. Y. veterans. Barrett, James or James Lewis. Campbell, Peter, C. B. Cox, J. G„ traveling salesman, killed at Hul- Oert House, body shipped to Posey, Mater & to., Philadelphia. Carlln Jonathan, sent to Philadelphia. Clark, John It., conuemaugli borough. Cummlngs, Amy, burled in Grand view. Carroll, Thomas P., counemaugli borough, aurlcd at St. John's. Christy. Mrs., Butler, I'a. Dlinond, Mi-s Anna. liavls, Maggie Delia, burled In Sandyvale. Davis, Miss Mary. Dlmond, Frauk, portage street. Dlchl Carrie, who was visiting Miss Jennlo Wells lit the Hulbert House; sent to Shlppens burg, Pa. Dunn, Miss Mary. , ..... .. DeEranee. Mrs. H. T., lost at Hulbert House; tiody taken to .Mercer for burial. Dull, W. F. Dillon. James, somerset. Elsaesser, A. Eldrldge, Samuel 8., policeman. Eldrldge, Abram s. Farrell, Mrs.. Woodvale, supposed. FUnn, Mary. Faloou, Miss Annie, No. 545 Pearl streei. Fleegle Miss Anna, of Somerset eounty. Fronhelser, Mrs. Dr. James J. Forbes, Henry, buried In sandyvale. Fadder, E. J., burled lu Grand View. Fitzharrls, Christ, Sr.. Hvlug at St. Charles Hotel, ninety-six years of age; Christ Jr., pro prietor St. Charles; Mrs. Margaret, John, Snllle, Katie: all burled lu Morrellvllie. Fltzhnrrls, Gertie, buried In MorrellvlUe. Flngle, Mis. Mars'. „ „ Fechtner. Miss Tlllle, domestic at No. 259 Main street; burled at Grand View. EYslier, Wolfgang, wire drawer, roomed No. 107 Main street: buried on Prospect. Fleck, Leroy. Gnrd, Andrew. Gardner. John. Gray, Taylor, buried In sundyvale. Greenawalt. ltosa, connemaugh borough. Gageby, Sadie, No. 115 Jackson street Greenawalt, Mary Ellen, buried lu Sandyvale by Martin Greenawalt. Ulpp, Jessie. uellrelgel, Charles, Woodvale. Hellrelgel, Mr. burled Prospect, June tJtli. Hamlltou, Laura and Mary, daughters of Jacob, Bedford street. Haynes, Walter B , No. 001 Horner street. Hlte, Samuel. Howe. Mrs. Thomas and son ltobcrt Garfield, restaurant under llager's block. Howe, Mre. Bridget, mother of County Treas urer Thomas E. Howe llennecamp, Mrs. Uebecca, burled In Grand View. llennecamp, Gscar E„ photographer. No. 71 Vine street, buried In Grand View. Hornlck, John D. llornlck. John P., buried at St. John's. Hoffgard, Conrad, baker, Clinton street. Holmes. Julia, Haller, Miss. Harris, Mrs. Margaret. Maggie. sari)h, Frank and John, family of t'hlef-of-Pollce John T. Har ris. All burled In Grand View. Irwin, Miss Maggie, south Side, burled In Grand Wew. Jones, Mrs. W. W., Pearl street; Eliza and a Miss or Mrs. Jones. Katzeustlne, Mi's. Jacob (Economy clothing Store) and child; lost at Hulbert House. Keltllue, Mrs. Catharine and Mary. Kelper. Mrs. John A ~ buried In Grand View. Klrkbrlde, Mrs. Mahlou (Ida King) and daugh ter Linda; burled at i .rand View. Knee, George D.. No, 512 Portage street. Knox, Mra i homas E.. colored, lilmple, Christ. Lvden, Mary, Merchant's Hotel. Little. A.. Pittsburgh. Llewellyn. Mrs. J. .1. I.ayton, WUUam and David VV.. No. 223 Broad street. Layton. Mrs. Alary aud Miss Ella. Lenlian, Mis. Samuel, burled In (..rand view. I.enhart. Emma, burled In Grand view. Larimer, James, colored. Llngle, Mary, burled In (irand View, Lettenberger, Kll/.a and Ellen. Lewis, James. Lotz, .Mrs. Elizabetb. burled In sandyvale. Long. Samuel, butcher, No. 131 Vine street. Lucknardt, Mrs. Adolph. Ludwlg, llenry and Kate, burled In Grand View. Meredith. Mr. Murphy, M. J., Brunswick Hotel, burled at St. John's. Murphy, Jatues J., l'ark Place. Murphy. Bessie. Murphy. Mrs. Marbourgh, Dr. H. W., Market street. Malzl. .Jacob, butcher, Washington street. Montgomery. Alex, removed to Greensburg. Murray, James and daughter Nellie. Marshall, William. Marshall, C. A., civil engineer, drowned at llulbert House. McAullfTe, Laura. McGulre, Lawrence and Kate McCullough, Laura, burled at St. John's. Mcolnley. James, ex-pollceman, C. B. McKlnstry, Annie, Grand View June 9th. McNally, Pat. t. John's, June 9th. McKlnstry, Mrs., dressmaker. McKeever, Mrs. Mary. Maylen, Joseph. Murray. James, of Haves, Murray & Co., Phil adelphia, killed at, llulbert House; found stand ing erect In debris; body sent. Marshall, William, harness maker; body sent to Indiana. Pa. Matthew, Joseph, burled at St. John's. Nathan, Adolph, dry goods and DOtlcws; body • hipped to Philadelphia. Noary. Mary Ellen. Neary. Kate, St. John's, .June 9th. Nightly. John, owens, Daisy. O'Donnell, Prank. O'connell, Miss, sister of Patrick, Washington Itreet. Penrod, William 11., Oautler street, burled In tftrartyvale. Poland, Walter and Kred, sons of Dr. S. C. Po land,'dent Ist Phillips, Mrs. E. Powell, Howell, No. 141 vine street, and two children. oulnu. Vincent D., son of James, burled at at. John's. Kiddle, John, Sr. Kaub, Norma, daughter of George Haab, Clin ton street, also .John Haul), son of George. Kuuk, Ella, a little child. Klchards. John 8.. burled In Sandyvale. ltlchftrds, Miss Carrie, teacher In the English and Classical school, and her sister Motile, of Ypsllantl, Mich., who was visiting her at the Hulbert House; bodies sent to Ypsllantl. Randolph, George, of Beaver Falls, killed at llulbert House; burled by his father, lilchard Randolph. Rerdal, J. C. Kaab, George. Clinton street, ltuih, John. Hippie, Jackson. Haab. George. Washington street. Richardson, Johnß. Kaab. Amelia. Raub, Miss Lizzie. Snyder, vary. SUck, cyrus. Spoiler, Lee. shumaker. Johns, and little sister, sou and (laughter of James M. schaDel, John. schnabel, Conrad Mrs., supposed. Slick, Nancy A., claimed by Charles Lefller. Shallei Mrs. Joseph ; burled at Sandyvale. | smith, three children of J. L. Smith, Stony crcek street ; lost at llulbert House, where they were taken for safety, stophel, Bertha: hurled at Grand View. Streum, John, of ElsherJcstreuiu, llguor deal ers, Main streeL St. John, Dr. C. B.,oculist, astranger ; lost at Hulbert House ; burled at Grand View. Strouse, Moses. spltts. W. 1... sent to Philadelphia. Spoiler, .Mrs. Tittle, C. I'. Thomas, Lydia. supposed. Thomas. Ed. (gasman). Woodvale. Trawutha. Mis, mother of cl 1 rawalha. Iden tified by A Kellllne, of Prospect. Vlerlng. Mrs Henry. Vlerlng, Henry, aged 14, son of Henry \ lerlug. Valentine, William ; burled at Grand View. Von Alt, Henry. Vlerlng, Miss Lizzie, ltattrnad street. Wells. Miss Jennie; assistant principal of Johnstown High school; lost at the Ilulbert House : claimed by W. 11. ockcr, ot shlppens buig ; body sent. , , Mild, Jacob and wife, Main street, and daugh ter Bertha. _ Weaklaud, John W., Esq., lost at Hulbert House ; buried by Ills partner, T. It. Marshall, of the Marshall-Weakland Company. Williams, Joseph. Werry, Albert, No. 109 chestnut street, woolf, Mrs. Joanna; burled at St. John's. Werberger, WUUam. Wheat, Frank, barieuder. Williams, Henry, ilulbert House porter. Wilson, Charles 11., clerk Hulbert House. Young, Mi's. Andrew ; burled at Grand View. Young. August, of Eldrldge £ Young ; burled at Grand view. Young, Emit, sr., taken by bis wife. Young, Frank, sou or Kmll, taken by bis mother. Zimmerman, Emma, and Mi's. Laura Zimmer man H.vnes, daughters of Jacob Zimmerman, Esq., Bedford street Zimmerman, '1 heodore F. L'NUUiNTIHKII. Woman, 20 to 23, 3 baud rluzs, one with Ini tials " F. M." ear-rings, ring wltn words "Gob't shultz-Dick," band nng on third linger of left hand, name on ring. Man. 35 to 40, possibly a Jew. \\omnn 20 to 25, brown hair, black cloth coat, gold watch and chain, plain gold ring, marked " H. B. to M. S. McD.," supposed to have been on east bound train. W oman, mistaken for Mrs. Ogle. Woman, burned beyond recognition, six bodies burned beyond recognition. Girl 13, burned beyond recognition', black stockings with red Hps. Boy, t> light hair, 70 pounds, bight 8 feet tl, black yellow-check pants and coat, brass but tons- eagle stamped ou them. Man. catholic, light hair, 150 pounds, hlght 5 feet 7 slipping comb In pocket, light barred pants, bunch of keys, 2 pocket knives, some money. . w oman, 30, dark brown hair, blue eyes, 130 pounds hlght 5 feet, buttoned shoes, striped blue and white stockings, earrings (plain gold), saeque while beads, black quilted skirt , 3 light, teetji out, eye-tooth broken out at gum. Bo>, light complexion, weight 75 pounds, hlght abuui 4 feel, blue waist, knee pants. 85, light complexion, " F. P. K." on arm anil clasped hand under same, auburn hair, blue eyes, too pounds, 5 feet, blue shirt, white un derwear, laced shoes, red socks, black pants and vest. , , _ , , Boy, 3 to 4, light complexion, auburn hair, 3 feet 4 gray woolen saeque coat, gauze under wear, button shoes. j , ~ , Boy, 7, auburn balr, dark blue waist, blue woolen coat, knee pants. Boy 13 auburn hair, blue eyes, no pounds, 5 feet 6, black pants, blue shirt. Woman to to 50, light complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, weight 211010 225 pounds, lilght 5 feet ft, plain heavy gold ring 011 third linger of left hand, button shoes. Women. 2 bodies, possibly 3, burned beyond recognition, one wore blue merino stockings, Male red socks, black pants. Body burned beyond recognition, telegraph Instrument' and chairs found with body, hand kerchief In cottln. woman, no years, fair complexion, gray hair, blue eyes, dark colored shoes. Female child, sandy hair, hi .e eyes, 25 pounds, hlght 18 Inches. Woman, 45, black hair, blue eyes, 115 pounds 5 feet ft. red underwear, black dress, plain gold ring on second lln'.'er of left band, pocket-book coat buttons and til cents, pocket-book contain ed ill) bills and one sliver dollar. Farts of live bodies unrecognizable. Woman, uarccoijuizable, badly burned, ring marked " K. J. B.' child, about 2, unrecognizable. Girl red hair, 60 pounds, 4 leet, black stock ings, button shoes. ...... Man dark complexion, brown hair, light eyes, :BO pounds. 5 feet , dark clothes, blue llannel shirt, bare-footed. Woman, badly burned, eyes burned ou', 145 pounds 5 feet 3. brown saeque, high dress, low cm shoes, ring on left hand, second linger, small earrings. Body sex unknown, horribly burned. Boy, 3, brown hair, light eyes, 40 pounds, 2 feet 4, checkered dress. Girl Ift to 13, while, fair complexion, auburn hair light eyes. 128 pounds, 5 feet, brown strliied dress coat, comb with glass beads. Boy 14 to l, brown hair, brown eyes. 70 pound's, 4 teet 9, high button shoes. Man dark hair, 190 pounds, 5 teet 9, large seal ring on right little linger, set gone. Girl brown balr. blue eyes, 75 pounds, 4 feet 3, ear drops with small balls attached, pink bow on hair, brown dress with red pleated Iront and CU (Ur'l 17, from Club House, white, fair com- Dlexlo'n long black hair, brown eyes, 115 pounds. 5 feet 2 barred gingham apron dotted, blue dress, plain, loop ring, set ring on left hand, woman, 45. white, handkerchief, red beads, black hair mixed with gray, 100 pounds, 5 feet ft, plain gold ring ou tlilrd linger of left hand, bunch of keys. Woman, 45, fair complexion, brown lialr, gray eyes, 125 pounds, set pin. calico dress, laced kevs 1113, white-handled knife. Man 40 190 pounds, chin whiskers, dark hair, check shirt, all clothing gone but shirt. Female foot of female,high button shoe, black merino stockings, Wm. K. Endsley's bank biok. Boy, light complexion, auburn hair, weight 75 nounds Flight about 4 feet 3 Inehes, knee pants, blue waist, little black waist, muslin drawers, red undershirt, garters. Male aged 11 years, complexion light, dark hair, dark eyes, weight is pounds, lilght 4 feet, red flannel shirt, black and white striped coat. Female. 17 to 50 years, auburn hair, weight "•'5 pounds, hlght 5 feet 6 Inches, red ami white striped petticoats, red flannel underwear, pocket-book, $8 35. , , . Male, about 14 years, auburn balr, weight 110, hlght 5 feet, gray woolen coat, knee pants, blue waist, white undershirt. Female aged 16 years, complexion fair, au burn hair, hazel eyes, weight 90 pounds, hlght 5 feet ft Inehes, button shoes, plain gold ring on third linger of left band. Male eh Id, about 1 year, light complexion, au burn hair, grey eyes, weight 60 pounds, hlght 3 teet, light muslin dress, button shoes. Female, aged 65 yea is, gray balr, weight 225, nurse with 1200 In gold, breast-pin, black waist, gingham upron, S3O In greenbacks. Female, beyond recognition. Male, burned beyond recognition. Female, übout 37 years, dark balr, dark eyes, weight 100. bight 5 feet 3 Inches, calico dress, square-toed, colored dress. Boy about 3 years, light balr, blue eyes, hlght 3 teet 5 Inches; saved—woolen pantaloons, with waist.. Male, burued beyond recognition, light hair, weight 40, hlght 3 feet 9 Inches, coat, vest. Male burned beyond recognition, head burned off weight about 170, high! 5 feeet 9 Inches, durk lace shoes, revolver and knife. Female, dark hair, hazel eyes, weight ISO pounds, lilght 5 feet 3 Inches, thin ring on third ringer of left hand. Female, blonde hair, weight about 110, hlgbt 4 feet 6 inches, some patche. of quilt on body, one gold ring, wide, wltn two hearts on It. Female, about 16 years, light complexion, light hair blue eyes, weight 1116, hlght 5 feet, blue stockings, blue dress with rubbers on. Badly burned, sex unknown. Male, burned beyond recognition. Female, s years, hlght 3 feet 9, weight 65, but ton shoes, black ribbed stockings, flannel sack, spotted calico dress. Female, aged 4 years, black hair, black eyes, weight 28 pounds, hlgbt 3 feet, marks on stomncU —looks like a born. , Female, 45 to 50 years, brown balr, weight 160, button shoes, blue eyes, old scar on neck. Male, child about 5 years, fair complexion, au burn hair, blue eyes, weight about 70, hlght 3 feet 6 black knee pants, red waist, blue under shirt, short black stockings. Female, about 50. hair gray, weight 100, gold necklace, lilght 5 feet 4. Removed to Miiiviile, First ward, school-house morgue- Male. aged 45 years, weight 180, hlght 5 feet 10. Purse ana key-ring and one small Iron key. Female supposed lo be the body of girl about 7 years old. Male, burned beyond recognition. Male, letters on person addressed to M. J. Murphy. Girl, . Female, " F. G. F.'' on envelope. Four females, two males. Woman, 30. Woman, 30, light hair. Woman, middle age. hair on chin. Woman, elderly, dark hair tlr.gecl with gray. Woman, llulhert House, uiedal, monogram en graved '• J. II G." Woman 45. Woman, 18, Initials on ring " W. II." Woman, 23. Woman, 30. Woman, 40. . Woman, 40. Woman, 30. Girl, 4. Girl, 3. Woman, DO. Boy, 12. woman, 8 ipposed salvation Army, Boy, 8. . Infant. Mun, 25. Female Infant, (1 months. Woman, 45. Woman, aged. Boy.ia Male Infant Woman, young. Girl, 15. Man. as to so, blind right eye. Woman, ao to as. Girl, 4 to 5. Woman, ao to 25. Woman, 3il to .35. Girl. 8. Four women, beyond recognition, Man, 30. womur, middle age. Man, beyond recognition. Girl, 4, and woman beyond recognition, and another, 23. Girl, from Pittsburgh. Salesman from T. 11. Blckerton. Woman, found In Weaver's store, gold watch and chain, breast-pin, hair-pin, diamond ring on third linger with Ave sets, gold ting on third flugerof left hand, garnet set, gold ring on sec ond finger of left hand. pearl set, Imitation dia mond earrings. Man, young, supposed sou of C. Ellsaesser, f lrulture dealer. Woman, 25 to 30. three gold rings placed on body, medium stature, full form, light brown hair. Man, 25, cash 25 cents. Jockey's Japanese Headache Cure, red or dark brown hair. Boy, 13, no valuables, burled Prospect, June 7th. woman, 45, very large, 180 pounds, porous plastei on breast, supposed Mrs. George Uaab, burled Sandyvale. Girl aged about 13 years, medium statue, black lialr, Prospect. I.arge woman, pregnant, brown lialr. Boy, aged 12 years, reddlsli brown hair, rather heavy build, no valuables, scut to Prospect for burial. Little girl, aged about 7 to 9 years. Man, medium stature, weight about HO, dark brown hair, rosary ant scapulars placed on body, Ft John's. Man, aged about 50, weight 150, dark hair turned gray, medium hlght, hunch of keys and spectacles with ease, prospect, Young man, about 5 feet 6ln hlght, striped coat and pant-, prospect. Woman, very much decomposed. Boy, in to 12 years, very much decomposed, haircut short, very dark, collar, gray pants and coat, blue slilrt waist. Prospect, no goods. Mun, face very much dlsltgured, medium size. Jean pants and coat, coarse laced shoes,small piece of green ribbon, pocket knife, black handle on blade, wooden pipe, padlock key and 15 cents cash lu pocket, prospect. Woman, heavy set, age not known, about 5 feet 5, hair brown, 160 pounds. Unknown, one gold ring, medium size, pros pect. Young man, medium weight, light brown lialr. Presbyterian Church Morgue. IIIKNTIKIKD. Benslioff. Arthur, coad. johu, sr. toad, Mrs. coad, Willie. Davis, Delia, liewait, Charles B. hoseusteel, Mrs. J. M. Brludle, Mary Bruliu, Claus, supposed, ilalstead, Phil. Klnuy, Mrs., 35. Girl, Hi, brown hair Girl, light brown hair. Boy, 11. Prof. Gallagher. Hoffman. Ben. Brlnker, .Miss. Hoffman, Minnie. Hoffman, Ella. White, liblee. Strayer, Mrs. J. S. Brlnker, Henry, strayer. Myrtle. Hughes. Emma, ltyun, Ex-Sheriff John, tckdale. James. Jones, Thomas. Roberts. Howard J. Kola ml. Louis Evans, .Mr supposed. Lewis, Mrs. \\ lit, uasper, Stonyereek township. Brlukey. Dr. G c. Both, Mrs Emu C. Hawn, George C. liullerau. .Mary, Mrs daughter of John coad. Young, Mrs Andy. lluium. Geoc, Punxsutawney. Kegg, W E. Meyer, Mary F. Meyer, Elizabeth. o'couuell. capt. Patrick, ltoland. Mrs Louis. Hubert. '1 eny. statler. E. Gulthe>°, daughter of J c Gallher. Gait Iter, Dairy. CNIhKSTIKIKII. Woman, ve.y large, two gold rings, sent to Prospect. Man. dark hair, dark blue shirt, ring on linger, stone set. marked " E 1, 11." Boy, 8, light hair, spring-heel shoes, red flan nel undershirt, calico waist, canton flannel drawers Girl, 11. light hair, red flannel dress, blue waist, skirt, black stockings withered snipes on top. Woman, brown liair, so, about 56 corset, red flannel shirt, muslin drawers, wart on front fin ger of left hand, two linger rings, carved, and ruby breust-pln. vlan, cash $812.50, watch, aged 80. Man, heavy heud of hair, brown eyes, 133 pounds, 5 feet 6. Man, sent to Prospect, woman. 85. two small rings, ear-rings. Boy, small, 13. Woman. Boy. Woman. 35, black cashmere dress, Jersey Jacket, black stockings, buttoned shoes, dark brown hair, starlet underwear, green-colored petticoat, 5 feet , small gold ring, supposed Mis. sablne. Man. 30. 185 pounds, so cents, small key, and blue striped flannel shirt. Man, 30. 100 pounds, three-foot rule In pocket. Man. silver watch and chain, penknife. Man. Woman, age 35. 160 pounds,black skirt, black stockings, suppers. Woman, age 25, 130 pounds, black silk stock ings, calico waist, blue, with white stare, white buttons, small pin. chain, and ring. Boy baby, o months, red and black plaid skirt, had shoes on. Mun, age 45. 180 pounds, brown moustache and whiskers, ihree-blailed knife, horn snuff box, key. Young woman, age 30.150 pounds, blueglgham apron, red and white calico dress, lialr pins In pocket, pin. pleating on waist. Boy, ng" 2 years, red and black barred dress, blue wollen stockings, belt with tin clasp, black and red barred flannel underskirt, buttoned shoes, supposed to be Hoffmann. Boy, atiout B, well dressed, brown corkscrew coat, blue waist, black stockings. Man, 38. 30 cents, very small key, black coat, blue striped flannel shirt, supposed 1) E BccK iey. Man, age 37, weight 165 pounds, rule In pocket. Man, silver watch and chain, two door keys, comb, penknife, poeketbook, small key, leather bell with $82.30 In it. .Man, age 35, weight 160 pounds, bunch of Keys, collar button, $2.60. Ma , darK clothes. Woman, about 110 pounds, dark dress. Boy 13 veare. Catholic, ten cents, round blacx ball, tobacco tubs, small piece of lead pencil, catholic s apulnr. Boy, aged ito 8, 75 pounds, blue waist with crescent figures, short ktiee pants, blacx base and white si Dpes, red woolen stockings, button shoes, white drawers, red undershirt with dark red sleeves, possibly tasen from other shirt, sandy lialr, buttons on underwalst, red and white. Boy. age oto 10. blue waist with white dotted figures, pants blucx base with white stripes; Knee pants, black stockings, long red drawers, blue strings, pieces of leather and tin whistle In pocket, brown necktie with white dots. woman, lao pounds, blue calico dress, very small crescent figures, white and blue barred apron, red and gray stripes on top of stockings, balance black ; has never been a mother, full set teeth, very eveu. Woman, age 18 to 2'.), garnet cashmere waist with large block and gray dress, buttons bronze and leaf shape, buttoned shoes, black stockings, heavy darK hair; has been a mother, Ilmltes Recovered on the Kernvllle Side List of bodies recovered on the South Side; IIIKNTIHIKO BODIBS. Alters, Alva;-, of the firm of Alters at llaumer. Alexander, J. G. Arthur, Mrs. William Baker, Mrs. Nelson, widow. Banttey William. Bryan, William. Bowman, Luther, H years. Bowman, Nellie, 13 years. Brady, John, Ksq Breiman. Mrs Edward, Woodvale. Bryau. William Cope. Miss Ella. ctinz, child of l'l'of. Bernard cunz, years. Craig. J. J. cralg, Mrs J. J. Cooper, otho, colored. coodee (or Ktoeger), worked for 11. Martin, wire mill. Davis, Mrs. Walter. Delaney, Mrs. L. W. Ilyer, Mrs. English, John. Evans, Mrs. M. and 3 children. Evans, Mrs., Vine street. Fink, Mrs. Fisher, John 11., Esq., wife and 3 children, '.o wit: Mrs. Margaret J Fisher, Miss Maggie Fisher, George Fisher, Baby Fisher, and servant girl, name unknown. Fldley, Klvlia, Hooveravllle Forkes. Mrs linchel Gageby, Mrs Hobert H Howe, Thomas J Hamilton, Miss Jessie, Bedford street Ualleruu. Miss May Heffley, Ed, Stoyestown Hlte, Mrs. Larry Howe, Mrs. Gertrude, Railroad street Howard, James llocker, .Mrs. John Humphreys, William Kinney, Mrs. (elderly) Koontz, Mrs Ann Kohle, Mrs Levergood, Mrs. Jane, widow of Jacob Ltclitenberg, Rev., of the German Lutheran Church, and wife. Lovell, Mrs. sallle I.lndle, Mary McClelland, Mrs. George Musscr, Charles Murrell, John's child. Nixon, Mrs. Robert 11. The body of Mrs. Nixon was found near Unluue Rink, and was bu rled on Sunday at Grand View, owen, Moses and 3 children Palmer, Mrs (old lady) Potter, -Mrs, Woodvale Parke, William, his sister and child, and his mot licr, widow of the late Johu Parke. I'lke, Miss Fannie Pike, s liowcu Pike, W W Pike. W IV, Jr Oulnn, Miss Ellen lfatney, .Mrs W R Kalney, Parke Ryan, .Maggie Ream, sdoipli Ream, Mi's., Woodvale Reese, Windsor lleese, Annie Rhodes, Lincoln Rhodes, .Mis. Lincoln Roberts, Mrs. Millard ltoebrlc, (i. (Johnson street Rail Company) swank, Freddie Shumaker, daughter of J. M. (8 years) Smith, Mrs. J. L. Spullne, John, Cambria sp ere. .Mrs. L K. ($5 gold-piece tor breast pin and $2.50 gold-pieces for ear-rings) swank, .Mrs Nell J. and I children. Swank, Jacob swank, Mrs. Jacob, Bedford street stun, Mrs. Wesley, Woodvale voeglitley, .Mrs. White, Mrs. John, and two daughters-Misses Ella and Maggie. Will, Mrs. Elizabeth WesieytutT, Airs. Zimmerman, .Morgan UNKKCOUNIZKO. Woman, about thirty years of age, black lialr, brown eyes, calico dress, one ear-ring —star, with ruby In centre. Woman, very tall, black lialr, calico dress, oak leal breast-pin with three small white sets. Woman, large, about 45 years of age, thought to be Genua u. Woman, small, dark hair, face pitted by smallpox. Boy. about 12 years of age, black hair, brown eyes, knee pants, white waist, with suspenders. Woman, red and brown calico dress, pearl but tons. black stockings, thin gold rings. woman, light gray hair, black calico dress Willi white spots, two pairs of stockings—one pall-block and red, gold ring with octugon cor ners. Woman, young, about 21 years, short light hair, bull calico dress with short bare and dots, new button shoes, engraved gold-band ring,ruby glass ear-rings with Greek cross In centre. Man, large gray side whiskers, dark clothes, paper collar. Man. red moustache, congress gaiters, open faccil silver watch, bunch of keys. Man, black hair, heavy laced shoes—wore an overcoat. Boy, about It) years old, brown hair, black knee pants patched on both knees, new button shoes. Ry, about 12 years old, brown halr, gingham waist, black knee pants, Jersey Jacket . lio.v, about 12 years old, blue calico waist, black coat and pants, button shoes und gums. Boy. about 12 years old, tight hair,black pants, mixed coat, toy pistol lu pocket. Boy, about 7 years old, pleated waist, knee stockings, low shoes. Boy about 7 years old. No description. Girl about it years old, brown hair, calico dress, earrings with white glass sets, cut in two at the waist and only the upper part of the body recovered. Girl about it) years old, short lialr, gingham apron, barred flannel skirts, black ribbed stock ings. gum shoes Baby about 3 years old. pleated dress, red flannel skirt, worsted stockings. Baby about IS months old. Baity about 13 lnontbs old, gingham apron. Woman, band ring, broken, gold, engraved, one pair imterllv ruby earrings, new shoes, two patches or goods Man. 26 years, light hair. I wo nickels and one three cent piece, collar but ton, scarf pin. steel chal it Woman, about 80years old, plain band ling, slipper Woman, middle aged, set false teeth, gold band ring, samples of clothing, blue calico dress, natural gas key, seventy-live cents, gum nipple 0 nman. heavy black hair, blue calico dress, birred flannel skirt, earrings woman, 3d years old, gold ring, set with two holes In It mm, aged 30, small pin with figure , sacred heart Woman, ahout as years, piece ot paper mark ed ••Nannie Kugler. Huntingdon, Pa.. In care ot K it cook," breast pin. collar button with .St'l Woman, about 84 years, very heavy black hair, earrings, hairpin, garnet dress Woman, about 81 years ot age, ring marked ••n O, 1888" Woman, skeleton only, burned at factory Woman, ago 81, black hair, black Jersey Jacket, knit skirl woman, age:#', two gold rings, breakfast shawl, b ue calico dress, black hair Woman, age 88, earrings with white set, neck tie. calico dies*, weight 100 pounds, two rings, o e enrgaved "J Ii" boy, age o years, short pants, glugham apron, dark blue suit Young man, black clothes, short lialr Woman, in years, calico dress, gingham apron, breast pin, two rings with clover leal pearl center lloy, 18 years, short black pants and coat, old buttoned shoes, brown ualr, blue calico dress Chinaman, gold watch, tin cents in pennies, $5.15 In coin, one key Man, about .">0 years, poeketbook containing $8 rat in coin, bunch or keys sacred heart, silver watch and watch chain whh charm Boy, about 5 years, red and black woolen skirt, striped white and blue barred glugham apron, red und white dotted calico dress Two unidentified men and three women were aeut from the South Side Station to the Fourth Ward Morgue,where descriptions of the bodies may be found. Grand View Chapel Morgue. Woman, 85, large, apparently Irish, long au burn hair, dark blue eyes, 5 feet 6,175 pounds, one earring, was Identlfled as aire .Mullen, but afterward said not to be her. Woman, ISO, German, large, 5 feet 7, 180 pounds, brown lialr, gray eyes, hazel features, pocket book, medal, spectacles and school case. Girl, 15, 4 feel 8, 90 pounds, brown lialr, brown eves, nose rather long and straight, mole on left side of chin, no Jewelry. Potter. Mrs. Woman, blue tlgured calico dress, red striped wool petticoat, brown lialr, ears pierced, 2 scapulars, live medals, porous plaster on breast, straw hat with white ribbon Woman, 80, 5 feel 0, dark hair, brown waist, black striped half wool goods, skirt gone, red and black wool |ieltlcoat, red and white merino hose, no Jewelry. Hoy, it, 4 feet 8, light hair, brown coat, brown and black checkered waist, black twilled shirt, and long black wool hose. Boy, 17, seems to be brother of the above, dressed alike only pants same as coat. Woman, so. medium size, dark hair, blue chintz dress with white figures, white hose. Uchtenberg. Mrs ltev. from Adam street. Boy, HI, light lialr, brown red wool pleated wnlst, black twilled pauts, white anil black mixed barred, patch on both knees long black ribbed merino hose, red knit woolen underwear. Female, medium, aged 40, nelght 5 feet .") Inches, weight 150, brown half with tinge of red anda few grav, light brown eyes, features broad, nose slightly snob, kept Jewelry, rings and piece of dress. Female, supposed to be Mrs utt, but none of family came to Identify; Jewelry kept, earring. Female, lnght 5 feet 8 Inches, aged 88. light hair, blue eyes, features rather sharp, dress torn away. Female, silk waist, black cashmere skirt, brown hutr, large scar over right eye. sear on arm, ring. Initials c. 11 to T It; burled under name of C It Both, Boy 12 years, brown hair, white calico waist with black circles, short pants, dark twilled cashmere how, long black, with white stripes. Bon , ii years, bight 4 feet, brown lialr, cbeek gliigiuini apron, two Jackets, skirt, brown wool en hose, long black red knit underclothes, but ton shoes. ~ , . Female hlght 5 feet 8 Inches, black dress, open goods, red skirt, flannel drawers, white and black llaiuicl with patch on each knee, well worn, black wool hose, dark brown lialr. Female, nturk ot rings on three lingers of left hand white anil blue cheek calico dress, large teal ores, brown hair, white and blue ridged hose,black cloth sack. Girl about 7 years of age, only half of body, earrings wltli glass sellings, at police headuuar tera, brown bulr, drab dress with white and black diamonds. , Mlllvllle Itorough Morgue, at School House. IDSNTIFIIP. Abler, Louisa. Abler, Georgia. Blltner, A I>. Balrd, Charles. Bowers, George, Burn, Mrs. Bridges, Emma. Bates, Annie, draft sno First National Bunk, liaclne, Wis. Bertha Knorr, Jackson street. Coleman, Jessy. Creed, David. Dulg, Alex. Ems. wniinm. Emma Knorr. Grever, Ann. Griffiths, Mr. Given, Miss Jane. Given, Benjamin. Harnlsh, Blanche, sent to Dayton, ohto. Harvey D Williams. Heckiuafr, 1 Frances, domestic for John lleudcr son. Johnson, John. Jones, Mrs Alice. John, son of James lteese. Couemaugh street. Klntz, Mary. Lambriskl, John. Lambrlskl. Kate. Layton, Mrs William. Miller. George. Murphy, Mary. Mcclarren, Samuel. McAneny, Miss. Moconaughy, Wallace, blown up to-dav out of wreck at stone bridge; Identified by receipt In hts pocket from W J Rose X Son; only part of tody: large set ring; no clothing. Me 11 ugh, Mrs D A, East Couemaugh. Oswald. Miss. Phillips, John, son of Hobert PlilUlps, aged 13; Second ward, Johnstown. Phillips. Mrs Itoltert, First ward, Johnstown. Ituuh. Elizabeth, ltoland, Band, ltoland, Emma, Thomas, Sylvester. Tobash, child of Mrs. Yarner, Ella. Wagoner, Lizzie. Wolford, A. Welsh, James. Williams, N J. White, Mary p. ONIDKNTIFIKI). Woman, 45, fair complexion, brown lialr, gray eyes, 125 pounds, 5 feet 4, black-set pin, calico dress, red underwear. Woman, 50, UK) pounds, 5 feel 4, gray hair, woman, 110, ISO pounds, 5 feet 8, blue calico dress' slate pencil and door key. Man, 45, 180 pounds, 5 feel 10, puree and one small key. Girl. 7, no description. Man, 40, Uki pounds, black whiskers, white check shirt, all underclothing gone hut shirt. .Man, burned beyond recognition. Boy, ia, black lialr, 85pounds, 4 reel, found In Charles Murr's store. Man, supposed to be Dr. George Wagoner, $57 on person. Woman, 35, dark hair, blue woolen dress, low laced shoes, plain gold band ring on third linger, gold carved ring 011 third Huger of left hand, large key mended with lead. 1 wenty-four children, all unknown. Three women. Girl. Woman. Man. Woman. Girl. Two unrecognizable bodies. Six children. Girl, 12, light hair. Girl, 12, light hair, blue striped waist, high dress button shoos. Man, 40, light hair, black pants, white shirt, blue vest, carved gold ring 011 third linger of left hand, one small key. Womau, supposed to be Mrs. John 11. Clark, 130 pounds, 5 feet tl, gold ring and diled ring on second dnger of left hand. Child, supposed of John B Clark. Woinuii, 35, 135 pounds. 5 feet a, black car drops, two black hair plus, gray skirl with red stripes, bluestoklngs. button shoes, piece of the Holy Mission around her neck and a heart made of cloth (Agnus Del.) Man, black hair, 300 pounds, o feet, blue checked shirt, red underwear, jean pants, work lug shoes, pocketbook containing 11 cents. Boy, black hair, no pounds, 4 feet, dark gray pants with small black strliies, button slices, red shirt with white stripes, pleated coat of same goods us pants. Boy, 3 or 4, supposed child of John B. Clark. Man, 30, sandy hall* audbeard, 5 feet 4, 180 pounds, clothing marked "C It, IStl'J," one ring on third ringer of left hand, black alpaca coat, blue vest and pants, congress gaiters, pocke: brush, knife, pencil, red stockings, tlit.SO In pockets, open-r .ced silver watch, lieadoi >\asli lugton with l.oid s Prayer. Ju( K pin. Woman, 45, woolen dress, ilannel skirt, lyj pounds, 4 feet r> ilale. 18, ilgle complexion, red hair,7pounds. 4 feet 10. Male, light complexion, 4 feer, .'„i pounds, bine waist, light barred knee pants, blue-black rib bed stockings, button shoes, pa, en I heel. Female, 3.1. 115 pounds. ;> (eei 4. blue calico dress, star Ilgure brown skirt, 8 bands on skirt, small coin purse and 8 1 ' cents, plain band ring. .Male, aged l year, calico dress striped blue and white, red flannel skirt. Female, aged 15, light complexion, at) pounds, 5 feel 8, brown dress, black stockings. No. shoes, ear-drops. Female. 88, 140 pounds. 5 feet 7, light complex ion, dark lialr and eyes, black alpaca dress,white underskirt, brown ribbed stockings, no shoes. Female, 85. 135 pounds. 4 feet 10, dark gurnet dress, white stockings, No. 5 shoes, no valuables. Female, 40 140 pounds, 5 feet, lialr dark and very long, blaxh ribbed Jersey, black dress, white and bboffeplpcd skirt, ladj s hunting case geld watch H chain. Female, 10, 3 feces. 75 pounds, light and one gum shoe, ribbed stockings, red flannel underskirt, flannel drawers, brown dress, ear rings. Male. 45, Ugh! complexion, 15U pounds, 5 feet 9, white stockings, pocket-book, gold ring, pocket knife. Female, I years, light complexion, 40 pounds, 3 feet, cardinal Jacket, bat red underclothes, gold ureastpln. ' Male, age is months, light lialr, 80 pounds, 3 feet, wlilte dress and plaited skirt. Male. 15 years, 5 feet, 100 pounds, black lialr, dark blue suit, blue and white striped shirt, red flannel underclothing. Female, it months, white dress (red dotted), white flannel shirt, red woolen stockings. Female, age 18, hlght 4 feet 8, weight 75 pounds, auburn lialr, blue and brown striped skirt, white underclothing. Female, unrecognizable, sandy hair, red flan nel dress. Female, age 11 years, o pounds, bight 4 feet, brown hair, blue-and-wlilte bordered handker chief. purple suit, black-and-white striped flan nel skirt. Male, age 12. hlght 4 teet g Inches, 75 jiounds, brown Imlr. black overcoat, short sack coat, dark knee pants, blue-itnd-white striped shirt, button gaiters, long black stockings. Female, uged 80, hlght 5 feet 6 Inches, 180 pounds, block hair mixed with gray, fair com plexion. black Nvalst, Wack-and-gray striped skirt, red flannel underwear. Canton flannel drawers, heavy knit stockings. Male, age 10 years, 80 pounds, hlght 3 feet 4 indies, brown hair, red calico waist, dark knee pants. Female, age 18 to 20. hlght 5 feet 8 Inches, mo pounds, auburn lialr. green-anil purple striped dress, white underclothing, two pairs stocxlngs, one blacK, other blue; high gum boots, similar to men's. Mule, age 8, 4Jfeet, 80 pounds, buttoned shoes, black stockings, gray woolen eoat, blue calico waist, red and black striped shirt. Male, age 8, 3 feet 9 Inches, 40 pounds, dark broivn hair, white shirt, light twilled cloth dress. Female, age 35, brown hair, button shoes, while underwear, gold ring, cameo setting with rull figure of woman on. Female. 5 feet 8 inches, 180 pounds, brown hair, dark blue dr ss, blue and gray striped skirt, white woolen underwear, wart on left shoulder, scissors, tape, pocket-book containing $7.35, lead pencil and pocket knife. Female, age 5 to 8, 4 feet, 30 pounds, light lialr. purple coat with small black stripes, red and black checkered sxlrt, blue dress, with small stars, buttoned shoes, brown stockings. Female, 5 feet 7V Inches, 140 pounds, purple Skirt with red border, red underwear, two pair stockings, one white cotton, other woolen plain gold ring on flrst ttnger. left hand, gold band ring on third linger, left hand, dress alternate black and red with black flounces, ear-drops with blacK sets, cloth gnllers, blie calico waist. Female, age 25. 5 feet 9 Inches, 180 pounds, black lialr, checkered apron, red dress, red striped stockings, blue Mother lluboard with white spots, red and blues striped Skirt.thlmble. Female, age 55, 5 feet7lnches, 140 pounds, blue calico waist, light calico dress, with dark dia mond spots, brown and white gingham apron, gray skirt, with white stripes. Female, age 18, 4 feet a Inches, dark blue dress with light bine sleeves, gum boots, black stockings, Agnus Del In pocket. Female, age 17, 5 feet, 130 pounds, light com plexion, green cloth dress, blue checkered npron and white apron under, gold ring with red set, luce waist, over top of dress. Female, age 40, 5 feet 10 Inches, 150 pounds, light complexion, brown eyes, striped dress, pfiiln gold ring, black heavy cloth Jacket. Female, age 45, 5 feel 4 Inches, light complex ion, dark hair, dark dross and eoat, gold watch, open face, with shot chain, blank book, , Female, age 35, 5 feet 8 Inches, lso pounds, light brown lialr, two rings on left hand, one with amethyst set and one plain marked " M. J. li." Kemulc, age an, 5 feet 4 Inches, 128 pounds, light complexion, dark brown eyes, pocket-book containing >4358, small plain go! i ring, thimble. Female, 5 feet 4 Inches, IMS pounds, light com plexion, auburn hair, black dress, blue under skirt. barred under-dress, blue and white apron. Female age B mouths, a feet 6 Inches, 28 pounds, light complexion, black and white skirt, white dress. Foot of female, black stocking, Ulgli button shoe. Lett font of female child, black woolen stock ing, high button shoe. Female, age 48. 5 feet 3 Inches, 140 pounds, light complexion,hair gray,ear-drops, of strange pattern, In full pregnancy. Female, age 38. s leel 1 incU, 1 IS pounds, light complexion, dark hair and eyes, right hand de formed. strtped calico dress. Female, age 38, 8 feet 1. lMil pounds, light com plexion, dark linlr, low shoes, dark woolen stockings, dress of woolen goods, small diamond llgure, pocket-book containing ft; 10. Male, age B, 4 feet, BO pounds, light complex ion, blue waist. light barred knee pants, blue hi"ct; ribbed stockings, button shoes, patent, heel. Female, age 30, 8 feet. 4 Inches, lis pounds, blue ealleo dress, slar llgure. brown skirt, two bauds on skirt, small coin purse —2O cents, shoe but toner, plain band rlug. Male, age 1 year, 2 feet s, 40 pounds, calico dress striped blue and white, red flannel skirt. Female, age 18, 8 feet 3 Inches, HO pounds, light complexion, red llunnel dress, burred list and black, black and white barred undercloth ing, black stockings, No sshoes, band ring, fig ured on outside, crescent;pin set with brilliants and star In center, ear-drops. Female, age 22, s feet 7 Inches, 140 pounds, light complexion, dark lialr, black alpaca dress, wliite underskirt, red waist worked, brown rib bed stockings. Female, age 45, 8 feet it Inches, lsil pounds, light complexion, blue-black dress, figured waist, white underclothing. Female, age 30. ."> feet, lto pounds, blue ealleo, dress with while spots, woolen cloth waist, barred, gray and black, white muslin under clothing. large ring. Male, almost burned up. 2 watch keys and 1 door key. small purse, handkerchief. Female, burned beyond recognition, 8 feet, lis pounds, small gold ring. Female, age 28, 5 feet I Inches, 100 pounds, spotted cloth dress, gray arid black striped flan nel skirt, black cloth .lersey, covered buttons, two gold rings Female, age 18. 4 feettin lies, 100 pounds, fair hair, blue und white barred calico dress. Female, age 3D, 5 feet. 1:18 poi nds, dark lialr, plaid cloth dress, t wo gold rings, ear-drops. Male, aged 38, 8 feet !i Inches, striped brown and yellow overalls, striped drawers, large pocket-kn fe, 8 cents. Male, aged io, 5 feet 8 inches, dark hair, blue wool slilri, $4: Female, age 23, s feet 6 Inches, l:iu pounds, black wool milts, black cloth Jacket, gold ring, (llgure of woman on set), one ear drop—other broken. Female, years, 4 feet, hair long and brown, plaid dress, belt with two buckles, high button shoes. Female, 20 years, s feet ii Inches, 130 pounds red and black barred flannel, blue skirt, dress wlili white pearl buttons. woman, s feet 4 Inches, 15u pounds, scapular around neck. Male. 12 years, (4) pounds, I feet 6 Inches, brown lialr, striped waist, brown and white woolen knee pants, 1 willed btuo eloi It. Female, 180 pounds, 5 feet ii Inches, false teeth below. Male, 180 pounds, 5 feet d Inches, black and white barred flannel drawers, door key, tobacco pipe, watch chain. .Male, s feet (I Inches. 180 pounds, red flannel drawers, leather boon,, pipe, pocket kuire. Female, age 17, s feet 3 Inches, 118 pounds, white and black barred flannel skirl, blue and white barred gingham apron, black stockings. Female, age 12, I feet 11 Inches, 78 pounds, black stockings, buttoned shoes. Hones of female, aged 10 years. Female. 8 feet ii Inches, i ll) pounds, dark brown hair, leather shoes with cloth tops, right toot and leg deformed. Bones, sex unknown, age about 18 months. Bones, sex unknown, age about 8 months. Female, 5 feet 0 Inches, 150 pounds, brown hair, dark blue stockings with white soles, but toned shoes with red patent leather lips. Female, age 12, blaex and red barred flannel Skirt, green dress. Female, 200 pounds, black lialr, blue and white slrt|ied skirt, sirlped calico dress. Female, age 11. 3 feet 8 Inches. 50 pounds, but toned shoes, red knit skirt, maroon dress. Female, 5 feet ti Inches, 128 pounds, black and white strlpedsklrt, brown dress with small steel stripes, laced cloth gaiters. I', It. It. Station Mogrue. The morgue at the Pennsylvania ltail roail Station was in the indies' waiting room where the bodies were coffined and prepared foridoiilUieatioti. The unknown were taken to the Peelorville School House, lifter which they wcro interred on tlie hill. .bier. i,ewl. b.e!. neorge. Berkley, Viola. Ulachof, 1 honias. Hloiigh, Kmaimel. Hover, solomen. Bradley, 1 humus. Buchanan, John s Hurkhuri. Mrs Motile. Christy, Mrs, supposed. Christy, Andrew c. Connors. Mrs Alary. Davis, F rank. Davis. Clara. Delbel, Henry. Woodvale. Dhrew, Mi's Mary. Dtller Isaac. Dlller, Mrs Marina. Dlller, llev Monro I'. Din ant, Lola. Downey, Mrs Mary. Downs. Thomas. Downs, Mis Catharine. Duncan, Mrs Dr J C., Ella M. Fugun, Patrick. Pagan Mrs Patrick. Fagan, 2 daugUb is. one 13 years, the other six months, badly burned. Fisher, Noah. Fllzharrlß, Mary, tieddes, Paul, supposed, ceddes, tieorge. urotnley, Lily, ilager. Miss. House, Mollle. Helsel, George, llellrelgel. Miss Lizzie. Heiinekiuup, Samuel h. Illte, Emanuel or Samuel. Howe, Mary A. Hurst, Harry. James, Mollle. James. Mrs John W. Jones, Annie. Jones, Edgar. Jones. Klchartl. Jones, James. Keedy, Mrs Mary. ' Kenna, Mrs Alice, nes Curiaty. Ktlgore, Alex. Leech, Mrs. Leslie, John 8. Lewis, orll. Levergood, Miss Lucy. Lucas, Mrs. Maria, colored. Manafleld, Morgan, Martha. Morgan, Catharine. Murphy, John. Murr, Charles. Myers, John. Myers, Mrs Catharine. McDowell, Mrs Agnes. McDowell, George. i Hugh, John L. McKee, John C. W. Nixon, Kinmu. Oyerbeck, W 11. Owens, Anna Owens. Mrs Mary Ann. Owens, Thomas. Owens, William L. Parsons, Mrs F:va May. Peyton, Campbell reyton, oeorglana Peyton, Julia Peyton, John W. Potter, Joseph, Sr. l'rosser, Miss Bessie ProSser, Fanny. Kodgers, Patrick and wife Hose, Harry G. ltodgcrs. Mrs Mary K. Boss, Joseph, (tlrat man drowned) schultzcldlck.uottUeb s"* schellhanimer, Lawrence schatz, E. Sharkey, Mary Slebert. Henry smith, Hettle H. Spitz, Walter 1,. stophel. Mrs Margaret such. Homer Surany, David Suter. Homer Thoburn, Thomas Thomas, K. W. Tross, .Mrs Margaret Tucker, Llliand J. Vinton, Murgarel, daughter of Mi E -I Vinton, of Jeanueite, 011 a visit here. Wlllbower, Mrs Bertha, died In Prosiiect BOB pltal. Williams. Mrs 1) J Williams, Wilson, Dr JC Young, Wlillam, Co. C. Fourteenth Itcglinont, N. G. P., ugMl 31), talr complexion, hair black, har.el eyes ltio pounds, 5 feet 8, blue military suit, shot himself. Zeller, Miss Hose [Contlnned on third pay. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers