VOL. f>G—NO 23 ITEMS CONDENSED. Soma farmers iu Chester county complain of smut iu thoir wheat. Karl Diffemlerfer, a Wrightsville boy, who was recently struck by an automobile, has (lied of his injuries. John Balliuger was blasting stomps with dynamite near Lancaster when he got to close to a slow fuse and lost ( all his teeth. En route from New York to Middle port on a Jersey Central train, Mrs. | William J. Edwards gave birth to a j son as the train reached Taniaqua. j Out of the forty-two young people I who recently took the examination for J teachers' certificates in Bucks coun ty, but five were of the male persuas ion. There are 011 file with the state high way commissioner at Harrisburg, ap plications for the building of 4,702 | miles of Btate road in different parts of j Pennsylvania. Public school children in Lower Merion township, Chester county, were given a holiday on Thursday because of the dedication of the new §OOO,OOO j township high school. At West Chester recently two street venders of ice cream were arrested and fined $25 and costs by a local magist rate on the charge of selling ice cream that was not up to the standard. George Sherrer, age 125 years, an electrician,was electrocuted Thursday j at Bethlehem, when 2,800 volts passed j into his body, while he was doing some j repair work at the residence of O. M.l Schwab, j Eight men were killed and a num- j her wounded when an explosion of dynamite occurred at. the cement rock j quarry of Mill B of the Lehigh Port- i land Cement company, West Coplay, 1 Thursday morning. The cause of the explosion is a mystery. Ephraim Brnbaker, aged 10, was j killed while scuffling with his broth- j er Benjamin, age 12, at their home at j Manheim,Thursday. The younger boy j wanted to assist in hitching up a team but Ids brother objected,seized a whip and an after him. Ephraim trio.l to , get the whip ami in the scuffle was j thrown to the ground. Benjamin's knee struck the stomach of his broth- j er, an artery burst and instant death j followed from internal hemorrhage. Guirney Rupert, of Quakertown,re- j cently fell into a cistern iu a wagon house and met death. His neck was broken. His father went to search for him ami fell on top of the body, es caping injury. Alvin Ebersole, while trying to hive a swarm of bees near Marietta, recent ly, was nearly stung to death. He went to the office Of a physician and fell unconscious. To revive him was not 1 an easy task. The bees escaped. Many State senators and representa tives have declared to the Philadel phia Press their approbation of an in- | vestigation into how the State's mon ey has been expended in connection i with tlie building of the Rittorsville State hospital for the insane. Miss Josephine Dougherty, an act ress of New York, after searching all over the United States and Europe for her father, Samuel T. Dougherty,from whom she has been separated since she was 2 years old, believes that the miss ing man is in Philadelphia and Ik b asked the police to locate him. The new big stationary engines for Mahanoy Plane are being constructed at the Scott works, in Reading. ;Tliey will be finished by the end of Septem ber, it is thought, and when they are installed, the capacity of the plane will be doubled. Other improvements at the plane will be completed about the same time. Captain John V. McAlpin, late of company C, Sixteenth infantry, and Captain Di rby B. Neacley. late of company A, Eighteenth infantry,have been discharged from their offices in the National Guard. They were declar ed "unfit to discharge the duties of their office," because they had failed to settle accounts in a satisfactory manner and the State had recourse to their bondsmen. An old Williauisport resident recent ly informed a representative of one of that town's newspapers that June 2, 1848 it was so cold that the corn in the fields was frozen from the top to the ground, anil that in the orchards under the apple trees tho ground was black with frozen fruit. The freezing did not hurt the corn £much he said, and the farmers who made no attempt to replant reaped a full crop. Those who replanted between the old hills, however, had many stocks for their trouble, but little corn. One of the oldest landmarks in north ern Northampton county is being torn down. It is an old log building at Ackermanville,known for years as the Schimmel house, which was erected in 1787 by Isaac Ackerman. The house subsequently passed into the hands of a family by the name of Schimmel, and is now owned by Floyd Acker man, who will replace it with a more modern structure. EDW. D. (EAGER AWARDED CONTRACT The contract for painting the exter- j ior of City hall was awarded to E. C. j Yeager for $l5O at a regular meeting j of the borough council Thursday night. Three bids were received for the work as per plans and specifications as follows: E. A. Adams—work and fur nishing material, $850; work only 1250. E. C. Yeager—work and furnishing material, $309; using ready-mixed paint $845. Work only, $l5O. B. F. Cook—work and furnishing material, $110; work only, S2OO. On motion of Mr. Marshall the con trast for tho work only was awarded to E. C. Yeager, as the lowest bidder, j the borough to furnish the material. I The subject of removing the Welsh hill school house to a new and safer site, the work to be done by the bor ough council and the school board jointly, was discussed at length. Mr. j Marshall opposed the moving of the building, as, he held, the wash out j could be filled up at a comparatively small cost. Mr. Everliart favored the moving of the school house as the only practical solution of the difficulty. On motion it was ordered that the matter be left in the hands of the committee on streets and bridges with power to act. W. 11. Lyon, contractor of Snnbury, j tho lowest bidder on the East Market j street paving, being present before council was asked for his views on the practicability of blocking up the track of the Sunbury Transit company in order to obviate the necessity of chang ing the rails in paving with the pro posed brick. Mr. Lyons said he re garded the blocking up of the track one and a half inches as required, ' thoroughly practicable, as he had seen the same plan adopted both in Milton 1 and Sunbury with satisfactory results. On motion of Mr. Price it was ord ered that the Danville and Sunbury ' Transit company be granted permis- ! sion to block up its track as required | in order to raise it to the same height [ »s a six-inch rail. Council by making ' this concession hopes that the pave- j ment on East Market street may be ! laid without much more delay. On motion of Mr. Everliart it was j ordered that the slate roof of the Good- • will engine house be repaired. On motion of Mr. Connolley it was 1 ordered that the painting of the new j benches at Memorial park be postpon- j ed until next fall. John Marshall took exception to the chief of police going out of town on business for private individuals. Mr. j Price moved that the chief be dismiss- : ed. He declared that one policeman is sufficient for a town the size of Dan ville. The motion was lost. A communication was received from ! James T. Magill, in which ho tender ed his resignation as water commis sioner. Mr. Magill's resignation was accepted. On motion of Mr. Connolley Fred , Held was elected water commissioner to succeed Mr. Magill. The following members were pres- i eiit: Cleaver, Price, Everliart, Mar- I shall, Curry, Heim, Von Blohn, lies j and Ditez. The following bills were approved for payment : BOROUGH DEPARTMENT. Regular employes. $117.50 Labor and hauling 248.24 Wallace 11. Hoover 3.55 George F. Keefer 55.00 Price & McCloskey 70.00 D. L. & W. R. R. Co 4.41 Peoples' Coal Yard .. 9.94 W. J. Rogers 10.00 W. T. Shepperson 25.74 B. B. Brown.. 8.00 Standard Gas Co 50 Amer. La France Fire Eng. Co. 90.00 Labor in Light department.. . 15.00 WATER DEPARTMENT. Regular employes $153.50 People's Coal Yard 77.514 Friendship Fire Co 9.18 Atlantic Refining Co 28.80 Standard Gas Co 1.00 A. M. Peters .... 2.52 THE MILLER FAMILY The Miller family, sons and (laugh tors of William G. Miller, will hold a family reunion in DeWitt's park to day. Among the survivors are five sons and four daughters as follows: Robert G. Miller of this city; Joseph W. Mill er, Riverside; Levi M. Miller, of Wy oming ; .Tames Miller, of Erie; E. S. Miller,of Danville; Mrs. Sara E. Gib ' son, Cooper township; Mrs. Mary Jane Hall, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Alico Lamers of Richmond, Ky. ; Mrs. Mariah Stiff of Wyoming. Of the sons of William G. Miller, Robert G., Joseph R., Levi M.and William H., the latter deceased, served in the Union army during the civil war. The family held its last reunion five years ago, since which time William Miller has been claimed by death. All the brothers and sisters are pre sent and, along with relatives of the family, will join the reunion iu the park today. DANVILLE, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE i>. 1910 BLOOM IN RAY FOR DANVILLE SATURDAY'S RESULTS. Bloomsburg, 7; Danville, 4. Nanticoke, 12; Berwick, 4. Benton, 2; Nescopeck, 0. Shickshinny, 0; Aden, 0. STANDING OF THE CLUBS W. L. P.O. I w. 1.. r.C. I Danville .. s 1 .889 Nanticoke.. 4 1 .500 | Bloom .6 2 .7501 Nescopeck . 2 fi .250 Berwick 0 a .667 I Heiltiin 2 7 .222 Shirk ny.. 5 :t .6281 Allien 1 8 .111 That curious thing, known in 1 ase hall parlance as "the break," gave Bloomsburg a chance on Saturday to accomplish their dearest desire and beat Danville. Score 7 to 4. Everybody knew that sooner or lat- i ei some team on the circuit would put I the reverse English on the Danville ' team—no team ever played the game j but that had its falls,and was the bet ter for them afteiward. But at the i same time everybody hoped that the j fall would not come when Bloomsburg was the opponent. But there you are j —it is as it is. Danville has a good team —the best in the league—and good teams thrive on an occasional defeat. It was Bloomsburg's day all around ! —even the weather had tho stamp of Bloomsburg salubriousness. The crowd was immense 1509 paid admissions be- ' ing registered. Of these between four and five hundred were from Danville. Every last man and woman of the big crowd was on the ragged edge of ex citement and the cheering was almost continuous, the lusty rooting of the i Danville contingent being not a whit less hearty because the team was loos ing. "The break" left about everything , that could have any effect on the out- ' come of the game in Bloomsbnig's fav- ! or. In the first place Brannen had his off day and was touched for two singles and two doubles beside issuing three passes in the first three innings, which combined with two errors and a pass ed ball, allowed Bloomsburg to score the live runs, which, as it afterward showed, wore sufficient to win After that "Peck" Rowe was usher- i ed into the box, and during the fourth ' innings it looked as if he would fare as bad as Brannen, but in the fiftli he 1 settled down and after that it was the good old brand of steady base ball that we have been use to. As far as Hine was concerned he gave no show of extraordinary strength at any stage. Of the eleven hits which the Danville scorer tallied, eight were I clean and the rest were too hot for the [ Bloomsburg field to handle. This wal- j loping, coupled with lliue's well known tendency to wildness, which resulted in hitting three batters with pitched balls and tho issuing of four passes, kept Danville ruuneis on tho j bases almost constantly, but scores were prevented at critical moments, i when all that was needed to turn the ' tide in Danville's favor was just a pinch of the luck that was showered so copiously on Bloomsburg. Danville scored twice in the first and the local rooters in this innings j were given the only thrills that were to be allowed them during tho game, i Hine was responsible for both scorer. The Bloomsburg pitcher hit Umlanf and Livengood sacrificed him to sec ond Hine then hit Nipple and as Wag ner struck out Nipple and Umlauf ex ecuted a double steal and both scored on Hagy's hit, the latter being caught at second. j After that Danville failed to tally 1 until the seventh, although six men were left on base in the next five in ! nings. In the second the side was re [ tired in order. The third was opened by Brannen and Umlauf both hitting. Now here's j whero that break begins to get in its I work—two on and nono out. Liven ! good then struck out, Brannen's run -1 ner got caught stealing third and Nip ple flied out to second, i The fourth was almost a repetition. Wagner led off with a bingle into centre field,and after Hagy had struck one ho made a still steal of second, Veitli likewise struck out. Cook was given a pass. Kelly then drove his hot grounder to Hagenbuch for what, de veloped to bo the sensation play of the day. The drive should have been good for at least one score and possibly two, but Hagenbuch dove for the ball, caught it, and with rare quickness tng third bag retiring Wagner and the side. In the fiftli nothing worse happened than a base on halls given to Umlauf. Tho sixth, however, was another of the "nearly scored" innings. With one down Hagy let Hine pass him. Veith hit to right field. While Maok ert was getting his base on balls Hagy was caught stealing third, and Kelly popped a fly to Edgar. In the seventh Danville scored its third run. With one down Umlauf drew a pass. Livengood hit to center. Nipple followed with a two bagger into left field that scored Umlauf. Wagner then drove one to second, which was fielded in time to catch Liveugood at the plate. Hagy was Continued on 2nd Page. R. 5. AHERMAN THE NOMINEE R. S. Ammerman won out over Dr. j P. C. Newbaker in the contest for the j nomination for representative the general assembly at the primary elec- I tiou Saturday. For the nomination for | senator iu the general assembly Wil ! liam T. Creasy won out in Montour as ! well as in Columbia county, although during yesterday figures were no i available to show with any degree of 1 certainty who the nominee may be. j Public interest centered in the con tests for representative and for State senator on the Democratic ticket. The I vote polled was probably above the ; average primary vote. The weather ; was fine. AMMERMAN'S MAJORITY Hon. R. S. Ammerman received 009 votes as against Dr. Newbaker's 445, 1 which gives him a majority of 104. In j each of the precincts Mr. Ammerman ran slightly ahead with the exception i of the second anil fourth wards of Dan ville and Valley township, where Dr. ) Newbaker received a majority. The heaviest vote was polled in the third ward, Danville,where Mr. Ammerman received 119 and Dr. Newbaker 88. On the Republican ticket Ralph Kisner had no opposition for the nomi nation for representative in general I assembly. He received 188 votes. CREASY WINS INtMONTOUR i In Montour county for the Demo i cratic nomination for senator in the I general assembly William T. Creasy 1 received 516 votes; Andrew L. Fritz ' 90, and Charles W. Sones 400. Clyde Charles Yetter, the Republican can didate for nomination, received 198 votes. Joseph 11. B. Reese prohibition | candidate, had no opposition. McHENRY'3 VOTE For representative in congress John U. McHenry having no opposition re- j ceived 8-14 votes winning the Demo- i cratic nomination. On the Republi can ticket, which contaiued a blank, iu a few of the districts John G. Mc- Henry was voted for as a candidate < for representative in congress. William Hart as Prohibition candid ! ate for representative in congress re ! ceived the regular vote of that party. THE DELEGATES Thomas G. Vincent.Democrat, John i R. M. Curry, Republican, and Frank- I lin P. Johnson, Prohibitionist, win j out as delegates to the State conven- I tious. As county chairmen the following | were elected : Democratic, Peter J. Mayan; Republican, Alexander Fos ter; Prohibition, Mahlon Wingert. John M. Kelso and William 11. Maug ; er, are elected respectively, secretary i and treasurer of the Prohibition coun- . j ty committee. \ Jacob W. Renn, candidate for nonii- j i nation for congress on the socialist i 1 ticket, in the third ward of Danville | I received two votes, which was the only support occorded that party in Mon ; tour county. BAPTIST CONVENTION The annual Sunday School and B. ! Y. P. U. conventions of the Northuni j berland Baptist association will con i veue at the First Baptist church, of j this city, today and tomorrow. The j district is a large one embracing the i counties of Columbia,Montour, North ! umberland, Lycoming, Union and j Clinton, with a total number of forty j seven churches. Between eighty and ! one hundred delegates are expected. | They will be entertained at the homes j of the local members, j Three sessions will be held each day, i a morning session at 10:30, an after ( noon session at 2:00 and an evening session at 7 :30. Officers will be elect ' od, reports will be made and various ! phases of Bible school and Young Peo ples work discussed. Several iniport i ant addresses will be made. Tho an- I nual conventions in the past have been | most successful and the local organiza | tious have made all arrangements to I make the present a most pleasant and | profitable one. ! All the sessions are open to any who | wish to attend and a cordial iuvita j tion is extended to all. SONES ~1491--CREASY 1454 i With the vote from all districts in 1 it now looks as though Charles W. 1 Sones, of Williauisport, will be the nominee for Stato Senator over Wil liam T. Creasy by a majority of 37 ! votes. The totals, part of which are j official,and part of which are unoffici | al, but considered accurate, are as fol ; lows: | In Lycoming Sones has a majority of 1325 and in Sullivan of 100 votes, j Iu Montour county the official vote ! shows that Mr. Creasy has 519 votes, ' while Sones has 398 votes. This gives [him a majority of 121 votes over Sones |in tho county,a gain of 5 over the uu j official. Columbia county gives Mr. Creasy a total of 1002 votes, while Mr. Sones 1 has 329 votes,giving Mr. Creasy amaj ! ority of 1333 in the county, or 1454 majority in the two counties. OLD OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED The school hoard of the Danville school district held a meeting Monday night anil organized for the year 1910- 11. The following members were pres ent: Sechler, Orth, Sidler, Swarts, Burns, Pursel, Fischer, Gibson, Heiss, Cole. The annual statement of reciepts and expenditures was read by the sec retary and on motion it was accepted anil the officers were instructed to affix thoir signatures, forwarding tho docu ment at once to the department of education at Harrisburg. On motion of Mr. Burns it was ord ered that the annual statement, be printed in the Morning News and the Montour Democrat at last year's price six dollars. On motion of Mr. Sidler it was ord ered that proper officers be instructed to arrest boys who deface the fourth ward school building. The high school report was read be fore the board and on [motion was ac cepted and ordered to be signed and forwarded to Harrisburg. At 8:25 o'clock the school board ad journed sine die. The annual state ment and the high school report were signed by tho proper officers, after which the new board went into ses sion. The retiring members in the first, third and fourth wards were re elected at the last election and thus succeeded themselves at the meeting. Samuel Marks, who succeeds Harry H. Redding, of the second ward, was the only new member admitted to the board. Jacob Fischer was chosen temporary president and J. Newton Pursel temp- ! orary secretary. The certificates of election were read, after which the oath was administered to the direct ors-elect. On motion W. A. Scolder was elect ed permanent president and W. 11. Orth permanent secretary. M. ' 11. Soliraui was elected treasurer and Ralph Kisner, Esq., solicitor. On mo tion of Mr. Pursel the salaries of sec retary, treasurer and solicitor were fixed the same as last year. On motion of Mr. Fischer it was ordered that the tax rate be fixed tho same as last year—Olj mills for school purposes and mill for building pur poses. On motion it was ordered that the schools open on Spetember oth and that the term be one of nine months. On motion it was ordered that the time children be required to attend school be the same as last year—7s per cent, of the time belonged. The following bills were approved for payment: Borough auditors $ (i.OO Standard Gas Co 14.92 William Miller 8.00 C. L. Eggeit 20.00 A. G. Harris 1.70 F. C. Heurie 2.00 Friendship Fire Co 9.50 D. K. Pensyl.. 7.50 11. S. Reppert 7.50 Chas. Mottern 1.25 P. A. Winters 00 J. W. Griffis 3.00 Mrs. Kate Hanck . 9.00 LAIDTOREST Mrs. Henry F. Giove, whose death occurred Monday, was consigned to the grave in Odd Fellows' cemetery yes terday afternoon. The funeral took place from Trinity Methodist Episcop al church at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Charles Cameron Suavely, the pastor, officiat ing. The pall bearers were: David Rod erick, Robert Williams, Ralph Hodge, Edward Gibson, David Gibson and John R. Hughes. Among those from out of town that attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. William Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grove, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kil lian of Sunbury; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Grove, Frank Grove and Mr. and Mrs. William Birt of Berwick; Mr. and Mrs. John Grove of Wilkes Barre; Mrs. Rachel Rucli of Atlantic City; Mr. and Mrs. William Sarba, Mr. and Mrs. William Housel, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, of Williamsport; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Evans and son Wil liam anil Mrs. Albert Beyers, of Mil ton ; Mrs. J. P,. Scott of Northumber land. Blew Nose-Broke Leg. Sylvester Mescrovich, proprietor of the Mt. Carmel House at Mt. Carmel, met with a peculiar accident Tuesday afternoon when he broke his right leg while blowing his nose. Sylvester was sitting on an easy chair on the porch of his home when he decided to re liove the pressure upon his nasal ap pendage, said pressure being resultant from a severe cold. He walked to the curb and as he leaned forward to ac complish the operation he lost his bal ance and fell headlong into the gutter, breakiug the limb near the ankle. He was removed to tho Minors' Hospital yesterday morning to undergo an op eration and to have the fracture re duced. ONE CASE FOR GRAND JURY Court for the June term convened at 10 o'clock Monday morning with President Judge Charles C. Evans and Associates Blee and Welliver on the bench. The grand jury being called Lloyd Bomboy was appointed foreman and Wesley Jackson tipstaff. District At torney Gearharf explained that there was but one case togo before the grand jury. The constables being sworn present ed their returns. The only violation reported was in West Hemlock town ship where the road leading from Crossley's farm buildings to Jersey town was described as in a deplorable condition—badly washed out and al most impassable. The court ordered the district attorney to take the mat ter up with the supervisors. Before discharging the constables Judge Evans explained that at the next term of court they will be obliged to report whether the loose stones have all been picked off the roads in their repsective districts. feThe civil list was gone over, all the cases being continued with the excep tion of the Pursell case. Ralph Heim, who pleaded guilty of malicious mischief to the property of ; a livery stable keeper, was called be -1 fore court. In'answer to a question he | explained that he had been in jail three | weeks following his arrest. He gave | his age as nineteen years. He explain jed how the accident—in which the I buggy and harness wore broken—oc ' curred, admitting that both himself and companion has been drinking. The i liquor was obtained in Sunbury at j some place which he could not locate. Judge Evans in view of the length j of time in which the defendant had | been in jail decided to suspend sent j ence. Heim was ordered to pay the costs and the sum of twenty-five dol ! lars to the livery stable keeper to re i imburse him for his loss. Judge Evans i warned the defendant that he will bo j obliged to fully carry out the order, | otherwise a bench warrant will be is j sued for him and he will be brought j into court to answer for his neglect. | Henry Moulter, Cross street, a na j tive of Germany, who has been in this country since 1893 was {admitted to citizenship yesterday. He very satis > factorily answered all the questions propounded to him, after which the oath of citizenship was administered by Prothonotary Vincent. In the case of Commonwealth vs. Wilfred Hullihen a nol. pros, was al lowed by the court, the defendant to pay the costs. ! The case of Commonwealth \>. Wil liam Gething, the cl.arue being deser tion and non-support, was heard by tho court. Several witnesses were ex j aiiiined, when thp court brought pro ceedings to a close by ordering Mrs. { Gething "togo and live" with her husband, and the latter, the defend ant, to pay the costs. The commonwealth cases being dis j posed of, about three o'clock in the | afternoon the civil list was attached. | Twenty jurors for the Pursell case 1 against the Reading Iron company were called into the box. number, if possible, twelve men will be selected this morning. The trial of the case, however, will not begin un til tomorrow morning. OPINION HANDED DOWN. "In re road in Limestone township Judge Evans handed down an opinion sur exceptions to report of viewers filed June 7, 1909. "Those exceptions refer to the fifth view had to vacate and relay a portion of a certaiu vr.' lie road in Limestone township. The first tlireo views were set aside by opinions of the court. "The fourth set of viewers appoint ed tho same day the report of the third set of viewers was set aside, reported in favor of vacating and relaying a portion of said road. There were no exceptions filed to the report of the fourth set of viewers. "January 22, 1909, eleven days after tho final confirmation of the report the fifth set of re-viewers were appointed, which June 7, 1909, reported against the proposed changes of the said road. "Conusel in requesting the appoint ment of re-viewers, the fifth set, on Jan. 22, 1909, undoubtedly overlooked and lost sight of the fact that a fourth set of viewers had been appointed August 8, 1908, who had qualified and reported and whose report had been confirmed prior to the appointment made January 32, 1909. "The appointment of re-viewers Jan. 22, 1909, upon the petition filed May 25, 1908, to await disposition of exceptions was erroneous. There was no road to review at which their ap pointment was aimed. "The first, third, fourth,fifth, sixth and eighth exceptions are sustained and the rej>ort of tho reviewers filed June 7, 1909, is accordingly set aside, j By the Court, CHARLES C. EVANS, P. J. " ESTABLISHED IN 185 c EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES The case of William K. Pursel, sur viving administrator of Daniel Pursel, deceased, now Blanche E. Pursel, sub» stituted plaintiff,vs. the Reading Iron company, constituting one of the most important civil actions ever institut ed in this county, went on trial yes terday morning before his honor, Judge Evans. Court convened at 10 o'clock. By the time the jurors had filed into the box and £the* attorneys had taken their places the auditorium was pretty well filled with witnesses and others who were present an spectators, attracted by the importance of the case. Iu addition to W. J. Ualdy, of this city, senior counsel, the plaintiff is represented 4 by°Albert W. Johnson and Fred C. Bower, of Lewisburg; A. S. Ashbridge, James Mercer and ,T. War ren Davis, of Philadelphia. At the defendant's table are seated Hon. Grant Herring, of Sunbury ; Jefferson Snyder, of Reading, and Ralph Kis ner, of this city. Collectively the at torneys constitute an imposing array of legal talent, the like of which has very rarely been ;identified with any trial in Montour county. The case was opened by Albert W. Johnson, who spoke briefly but clear ly, outlining the plaintiff's case. In 1862 Daniel Pursel was the owner of a farm of 148 acres in Valley township, which contained largo quantities of iron ore. On June 27,1802, Daniel Pursel and his wife made a deed to Waterman & Beaver, conveying to tlieni the right to mine the iron ore on the farm. In 18<!8 Daniel Pursel died. In letters of administration were granted on his estate to William R. and John G. Pur sel. Iu 1896 John G. Pursel died. In 1908 William R. Pursel died and his daughter Blanche was substituted, who is now the active plaintiff. Ihe deed made by Daniel Pursel and Wife in 1862 conveyed all the ore in the farm—a tract of 148 acres—to Waterman and Beaver. In the contract Waterman & Beaver were to mine at least, 5000 tons of ore each year until the ore became exhausted or the cost of mining became equal to the value of the ore taken out of the ground. Ihe consideration for the ore was the amount- of royalty at the rate of seven ty-five cents per ton. Waterman & Beaver operated the mine until about 1880, when they sold out to the Pennsylvania Iron company, which stepped into the shoes of Water man & Beaver and were bound by the deed which bound the latter. Later the Pennsylvania Iron com pany conveyed the property to tho Montonr Iron A- Steel company,which took tip all the rights arising out of f'.e deed until lsHy, when it made the last payment and ceased mining iron ore. In IS'.ui, the property passed into the bands of the Reading Iron company, the defendant, which in turn stepi ed into the shoes of Waterman & Beaver and, it is hel 1, is liable for all their agrei'im n:... The Reading Iron Co. has ! mined no ore and theie is due the plaintiff under the deed made by j Daniel Pursel and wife to Waterman & Beaver, in IN(>2, 75 cents for 5000 j tons of ore, annually, from 1880 to the ; present time. The plaintiff also holds that the Reading Iron company since j buying the property is exercising the j right of ownership on the Pursel farm and is nsing it today. • The plaintiff offered in evidence the j letters of administration granted to | William R. and John G. Pursel on the j estate of Daniel Pursel; also letters of administration. D. B. N., September I 27, 1000, 011 the estate of Daniel Pur | sel to Blanche Pursel, who gave bond | with sufficient surety. | The plaintiff offered iu evidence the j deed transferring the tract iu 1841 from Daniel Pursel, Sr.. to Daniel [ Pursel, Jr. j It also proposed to offer iu evidence j the original deed set forth iu the j plaintiff's declaration to Waterman & Beaver for the ore, with all the cov enants referred to and on which the case rests—for the purpose of showing the liability of the defendant to pay j royalties agreed upon in deed to Wat j erman & Beaver. j At this point Mr. Herring for the I defendant objected to the admission of | the original deed made to Waterman & Beaver unless the plaintiff agreed to follow it with a subsequent deed made between the heirs of Daniel Pur sel and the Montonr Iron com ( any, I which absolutely modifies and changes j prices, terms. &e. The plaintiff's attorneys replied tha the time had not yet arrived for the admission of any subsequent deed. This being the case Mi. Ileriiug formally objected to the admission of the original deed,which objection was overruled by the court. The deed transferring the property from the Pennsylvania Iron company to the Montour Iron company was ad mitted as evidence and read. Finally the sheriff's deed was ad- Contlnued on 4th Page.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers