VOL. 56—NO 22 HEWS CONDENSED. Applebutter ovor 80 years of age, was enjoyed at venerable Mrs. C. B. Ream's family reunion at Marietta. Koy L. Hickman, aged 21 years, of Reading was electrocuted at the Met ropolitan electric plant in that city Thursday by his foot coming in con tact with a live wire. The explosion of a boiler in the Dil wortli Paper company plant, which is located near New Castle, cost Tony Salarki, an Italian laborer, employed in the plant, his life. M. W. Kifer, aged 60, employed at the Standard steel car pliint at Butler, was crushed to deatli by a trolley car, Thursday evening. He leaves a widow and two children. Inviting his friends to a premature Fourth of July celebrat ion on a vac ant lot near his Philadelphia home, Harry Dhue, aged 15, had two fingers blown off Thursday night by the pre mature explosion of a cannon. Frederick Flinchbaugh, 85 years of age, of Felton, York county, was found dead in his bed Thursday and his relatives are supposed to believe that disappointment over the poor en tertainment furnished by Halley's comet hastened the end. William Parry,an air brake inspect or, aged 20 years,was seized with gid diness while mounting a ladder at the car Bhops of the Reading Railroad company at Palo Alto, and fell, land ing on his head. His skull was fract- j nred and lie sustained other injuries j to such an extent that he died shortly j after the accident. Despondent because his family was broken up by illness, Alfred Crow, of Reading,cut his tnroatfrom ear to ear and was taken to a hospital, where it is thought he will die. Their ladder falling while they were repairing a barn, Samuel Wliitmer and Allen Sissler, of near Marietta, were so badly injured that Sissler is but semi-conscious and Wliitmer may not recover. Alberta, 4-year-old daughter of Al bert L. Guldin, mysteriously disap peared from her home in Reading Sat- j urday night. A searching party was ! organized and the bodv was found in j a creek early Sunday morning. Six hundred representatives of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, of j the Reading system, held their fifth I week Sunday convention in Reading. I Reports show that in five months the j membership has increased from 1,550 | to 2,100. Irate spectators at a circus showing at Rural Valley, Armstrong county, because of the poor performance, clear ed the tent, carried out the lights so as to prevent fire and then cut the outside ropes and let the big tent fall. Mrs. Sarah Rice, of Philadelphia, ! some days ago was taking down lace | curtains at her home, when she scratch- ] ed her knee on a rusty nail. She paid little attention to the injury, but j tetanus developed and she died in one j of the hospitals of that city on Sun day. As a result of the withdrawal, sev eral years ago, of a number of the wealthy members of another church, ! the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal congregation of Pottstown, with which j they then identified themselves, is to , have a new $30,000 structure,built aft- j er plans made by Joseph Huston, of j State Capitol fame. Coming from Russia, a distance of j over 4,000 miles, Michael Arhowich J arrived at Minersville Saturday ex- ' pecting to see his son whom he had not seen for ten years. He collapsed when he was informed that his son j had been killed in the mines ou the ! very day on which he started from j Russia for this country. John Gilfillan, a commercial travel- j er, has complained that it cost him sixty cents to ride from Stroudsburg to Bushkill and that he had to use the ticket the same day for return or pur- j chase a new ono. The road is a branch' of the Delaware Valley Railroad com- ' pany. The matter is to be taken up by the Skate railroad commission. James Toughty, of Pottsville, was tlie owner of a new automobile, and i was coming up one of the streets of i that city which is crossed by a rail road. It is said that a coming locomo- | rive gave warning it was on the track but Toughty apparently thought he j had as much right to the crossing as j the engine. He has another guess, for the auto was struck and demolished and he was badly injured. •Playing with matches in the barn of John K. Culp, at Norristown, his 7- year-old child fired the structure and it was soon burned to the ground, ' Causing a loss of $5,000. The child and live stock were saved. Annie Diamond, aged Hi years, was going from her home at Annville to Harrisburg to see a circus, when she was taken ill and was removed from the car at Hunimelstown. Taken to the office of a physician she died within five minutes. The coroner is investig atiug. THE INVESTMENT JF A LIFE The thirtieth annual commencement ami class day exercises of the Danville high school were held in the Opera House Friday. A large audience was present at both exercises. THE DECORATIONS. The decorations,although less elabo rate than ou some occasions in the past, yet were very tasteful and ap propriate. The stage represented a rustic scene. Just behind the footlights was a row of ferns and flowers. Over head hung a festoon of Japanese lant erns interspersed with the high school pennants. The graduating class,along with the speakers, and the high school faculty, occupied the stage and were seated upon rustic chairs and settees, which comported with the scheme of decora tions. The school board was assigned to a place in the parquet. CLASS DAY. Class day exercises were rendered at 2 :30 o'clock in the afternoon. Follow ing is the program: Music Orcli estra President's Address. H. Lundy Russell Ivy Oration—Justice .. .Daniel Farley Music Orchestra Class History. .Margaret Crossley and Helen Savidge Mantle Oration George Arms Junior Response.. Frank Foulk Music Orchestra | Presentation John West ami Parvin Paules | Censor Marian Gearhart j Class Prophecy.... Isabelle Wetzel ( and Viola Rishel | Music Orchestra Mr. Farley, who appeared on the program for the ivy oration, had been excused to accept a government posi tion. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. The commencement exercises took place Friday eve when probably the ' largest audience assembled. The pro- j gram follows: Music Orchestra I Invocation ...Rev. J. H. Musselnian | Salutatory (Happiness) Edith Rogers Class Oration —The Conservation of onr Natural Resources. James Law Valedictory—The Utopian Am erica J. Wellington Cleaver Music Orchestra Address Rev. G. S. Womer ! Presentation of Diplomas Wm. A. Sechler, President Board of Education Music Orchestra ! THE ADDRESS. The address to the graduating class 1 by the Rev. George S. Womer was bristling full of good points,constitut ing a sound and vigorous appeal to the young. Following is a brief synopsis: ; The old conception of learning was ! a failure. It fitted men for the eternal i life rather than for the duties of this \ world. The new learning began when men began to observe and think. It was the j stirrings of thought that caused men to find themselves anil made them dare | to resist kings and assert the principle of individual liberty. And here it is that the new learning j has been developed into a more per- | feet system than in any other country | on the face of the earth. And yet is it ! not true that the true object, the real purpose'of the new learning has ever yet been positively stated. The educator may say that we are ! trying to develop good, true honest men and yet we have to confess with shame that he is not doing it. We dare . scarcely open a paper for dread of the revelations that may stare us in the face of some new and hideous civic crime. In one city after another and in one state after another, even up to the general govenmentscandal follows scandal—not honest men united in 1 public service but dishonest men unit el in public plunder. The cry has been give us something 1 practical. We Yankees are a shrewd j people and we have learned that ed- i ucation has a commercial value, that men can make more money with their brains than they can with their hands and so we have sacrificed our religions and moral ideals for commercial profit. I come to you tonight to make an appeal that yon will take your young life and all the educatiou you have gained and invest it. If yon are to be 1 a physician let your object be the pub lic health and forgot the fee that is j your due. If you are to be a lawyer, let your object be the maintenance of justice. Invest your life for good, j Someone asked Quintin Hogg if it cost much to build the institute Poly i technic. Oh no; said he: Only a life. It will cost you your life if you do | anything worth while in this world. ! " | The York county farmers got a jolt ; the otherjday when Professor Franklin Menges, before a meeting of the York | and Adams county granges, held at Dover, declared there were 200 farms within a radius of six miles of York that are 100-acre tracts, where no less than 5,000 steers and from 4,000 to 5,- 000 hogs could easily be raised. DANVILLE, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 2,1910 DANVILLE WON MEETON POINTS Danville and Berwick divided hon ors in the third annual track and field meet held in this city under the au j spices of the Danville high school and | the Danville Y. M. C. A. The most | important event of the afternoon, the I mile relay, was won by the crack Ber | wick team. The entire meet was won j on points by Danville, 49 to 40. j The weather man was kind to the j piomoters of the meet and altered the j disagreeable program of.the previous i few days with ideal weather Satur | day. A large crowd gathered to watch J the different events, and the contets ! tants were loudly cheered for their ef j forts. The Catawissa high school which had made a number of entries for the j different events, failed to send their i men, and the Danville and Berwick athletes held the field alone. Berwick had seven men here, all fine athletes, who contested in a manly manner and won their points on merit. Out of the nine events Berwick took four firsts—the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard dash, the one mile run and the relay. The firsts going to Danville were the 120 yard hurdles, the five mile Marathon, shot put, hammer throw, running high jump ami running bioad jump. The event of greatest interest was the mile relay in which five men ran for each school. Here Danville was up against an extremely hard proposi- , tion. Berwick's team are all veterans, trained and tried in a number of pre vious meets won this season. It was Berwick's race from the start each run ner increasing the lead, the last man being between 50 and 75 feet in ad vance of Danville at the finish. This being Berwick's third successive win in the relay the Price cup now re mains permanently in their possession. A pretty event was the high jump in which Woolridge, West and Jacobs, for Danville; and Taylor and Eshle man, for Berwick, entered. Jacobs dropped out at 4 feet 4 inches, West dropjied out at 4 feet 10 inches; Tay lor left it to SVoorlidge and Eslileman at 5 feet. Eslileman went out at 5 feet 4, which Woolridge easily cleared. Woolridge then jumped five feet six inches as an exhibition. In the hammer throw Tom Ryan won first on 119 feet 2 inches and then threw 138 feetl 0 inches as an exhibi tion. The broad jump Woolridge won easilv, his first jump not being equal led. " One of the most interesting happen ings of the day was "Bum" Purpur's Marathon. After the runners in this fatigueing race had made several of the j 25 laps required for the distance,a lit tle bare footed boy started to j follow, setting a swift pace and keep ing right behind the contestants. Lap after lap he reeled off,until he became the center of interest, and each time he passed the grand stand he was greeted with cheers. As the race near ed an end an enterprising rooter pass ed the hat and raised nearly three dollars for the little fellow. When he tiuished with the runners he was rais ed on the shoulders of the crowd and given three cheers. Then grasping his collection tightly he made off home, and the last seen of him he was streak ing it across the cinder tip followed by about a hundred admiring kids. Summary: 100 yard dash—won by Bond, Ber wick ; second, Shumaker, Berwick; third Machamer, Danville. Time, 10 120 yard low bundles—won by Mac hamer, Danville; second, Bower, Ber wick; third, Seybert, Berwick. Time, 15 3-5. • 220 yard dash—won by Bond, Ber- i wick; second, Bower, Berwick; third, Hurley, Danville. Time, 21! sec One mile run—won by Seybert, Ber wick; second, Ricketts, Danville ;j third, Foster, Danville. Time, 5:20. One mile relay—won bv Berwick, Bond, Bower, Shumaker, Seybert, Eshleman; second, Danville, Macham er, Russell, Snyder, Woolridge, Mack ert. Time, 3 :22 4-5. Five mile Marathon —won Ricketts, Danville; second, Murray, Danville; third, Cooper, Danville. Time, 31 :11 4-5. Shot put—won by Ryan, Danville; second, Woolridge, Danville; third, Machamer, Danville. Distance,4o feet. Hammer throw—won by Ryan, Dan ville; second, Woolridge, Danville; third, Eslileman, Berwick. Distance, 13(i feet, 10 inches. Running broad jump—won by Wool ridge, Danville; second, Eslileman, Berwick; third, Bower, Berwick. Dis tance, 20 feet. Running high jump—won by Wool ridge, Danville; second, Eslileman. Berwick; third, Taylor, Berwick. Heighth, 5 feet, 0 inches. | The councils of Wilkes-Barre ami ; Mayor Kniffen are at loggerheads. The mayor recently vetoed some contracts 1 and the councils promptly passed them i over the veto. FORTY SECOND MEMORIAL DAY j The forty-second memorial day, j which was observed throughout the length and breadth of the Republic Monday,in Danville was marked with the usual impressive ceremonies. In j the early morning the veterans laid ; their floral offerings on the graves of ! their departed comrades; in the after : noon there was the usual march to the ) cemetery along with an inspiring ad ! dress at the G. A. R. plot. ; In proceeding to the cemetery the veterans took a trolley car, leaving town about 2:16 o'clock. In the par ade were the sons of veterans, the P. ! O. S. of A., and the commandery of j G. E., the P. O. S. of A. drum 1 corps furnishing music for the march. | For the first time in several years the | school children were not in the par i ade and their absence from the line of | march was especially noticeable. There was a large crowd at the cemetery awaiting the arrival of the j veterans. In addition to the special ! car kept at this end of the line to con vey people backwards and forwards between town and the cemetery, all the regular cars dnring the early part of the afternoon were crowded. The exercises at the G. A. R. plot were very impressive, a feature being the eloquent and patriotic address by the Rev. A. J. Ifey, pastor of the First I Baptist church. The music by the ! male quartette was inspiring, while | the salute by the firing squad and the ' sounding of taps constituted a fitting j conclusion and helped to add to the ! impressiveness of the whole, j The subject of Mr. Irey's address j was, "Some Present National Forces, ■ Conflicts and Issues." It was listened !to with intense interest and made a i deep impression. We have space for ouly a few extracts: i "Not peace but a sword is what I came to bring," declared the Inaugur ! ator of final campaigns; the Challenge |er to final conflicts; the Declarer of | final destinies. Again we hear this j mighty Captain in humanity's conflicts j commanding, "Put up thy sword into its sheath.'' The advent of Jesus Christ into the world has set at each other's throats 1 as never before the forces of good and evil. Final conflicts are to be waged ' in the realms of mind and spirit, where | the armies of the Lord are to fight, I win their victories and earn their ! crowns through the use of other than physical weapons of war. 1 This explains why the human race, j the world over can truly be said to be today in a state of unusual unrest and i struggle, though we listen in vain for j the roar of artillery, ami the clash of sword and sabre. Nor is the conflict | the less real nor the less strenuous, or j the less fatal or the less final, on this I account. Charge and counter charge, j wounds and suffering the shout of the ; victor and the moan of the enemy vanquished are now before our eyes and in our ears, if not indeed in the j very soul of us. There are in the final analysis just ; two camps the world over—those of , God and Satan—of righteousness and 1 unrighteousness—of life anil death. 1 The speaker then dwelt upon the alignment of the forces in the great I battle, which is now on; the ques tions that are up for settlement. In ' cocnlusion he said: "Your example of heroic devotion and your coiftiuued presence with us, help to keep us true in the momentous struggle of today and assure our hearts that the victories yet to be won for our country's good and glory shall be ours, if we press forward with cour -1 age, zeal and self sacrificing devotion. We of the younger generation would I remind you, too, that discharge from this war comes only with our transla- I tion. We ask that you remain true to loftiest ideals that you and we togeth -1 er may settle fully upon the fair brow ' of our beloved country the crown of a character, pre-eminent for national ; righteousness and liberty, the crown ; of which wicked hands are now striv | ing to despoil her." j After returning from the cemetery . the Sons of Veterans, the commandery of the K. G. E. and the drum corps went out on the river bridge where flowers were cast on the water by | children in honor of the naval heroes, the sailors and marines who lost their I lives in battle and went down to wat j ery graves. On the bridge a salute ] was fired and taps were sounded, which j brought the day's exericses to a close. G. A. R. PICNIC I The G. A. R. picnic of the Susque hanna district will be held at Edge wood park, Shamokin, on Thursday, I August 11. On the occasion a special train will be run 011 the P. & R. Rail way at the same rate as former years. Arrangements as above were made lat a meeting of the G. A. R. Picnic association held at the Cameron House, I Lewisburg, on Tuesday. Goodrich ! post, No. 22, G. A. R., of this city, ] was represented at the meeting by W. M. Heddens, president of the associa ' tion, and John H. Hunt, delegate. THIS TIME IT WAS NESGOPEGK MEMORIAL DAY RESULTS. MORNING GAMES. Danville 5, Nescopeck 1. Bloomsburg 3, Benton 1. Shickshinny 4, Berwick 2. Alden D, Nanticoke 8. AFTERNOON GAMES. Danville 8, Nescopeck 5. Bloomsburg 7, Benton 4. Berwick 4, Shickshinny 2. Nanticoke 4, Alden 0. STANDING OF THE CLUBS W. 1,. P.C. I \V. L. P.C. Danville. . so 1.0001 Nanticoke.. ;i i .429 Berwick.... 0 2 .7!50| Nescopeck . 2 5 .286 Bloom.. ... 5 2 .711 I Benton 1 7 .125 Shlck'ny 4 3 .571 I Alden 1 7 .125 fao » N the two-all-around [ program of Memorial -COT day Danville again demonstrated her general y&t base ball superiority, by AL'j defeating Nescopeck in a J brace of contests—there in JR the morning and here in the afternoon— and put another tack in our hold on first jiosition. Shickshinny and Ber wick helped Danville tighten her hold on the top of the column by breaking even. Danville has now rounded out one-fifth of the Susquehanna league season without losing a game. Ben ton, Alden, Shickshinny and Nesco peck have each been defeated twice. Next! MORNING GAME. The morning iiame at Nescopeck was easily won. "Peok" Kowe pitched line ball for Danville, allowing but three hits, one of which was coupled with an error in the first innings and was converted into a tally. After that Nescopeck faced a stone wall and fail ed to score another run. Danville started in the Becond when Wagner scored after his single was followed by a wild pitch, a base on balls and a sacrifice. Again in the fourth. Nipple got life on the short stop's error and Wanger hit over the right field fence for a home run. In the fifth two errors, a sacrifice and Umlauf's hit scored two more. After that Madrea tightened anil prevented further scoring. But the details of this game are j rather superfluous for Secretary Ralph Kisner, ever watchful guardian of the interests of the Danville team, had Nescopeck's goat before the game be gan. Mr. Kisner persuaded the custod ian of that important animal to hire his Nannyship for the morning and lie was lead, life-size and kicking, into the grand stand to sit among the Dan ville rooters during Nescopeck's ob sequies. The score: DANVILLE. AB. R. H. O. A. K. Umlauf, ss 4 0 1 5 2 1 Livengood, 2b ...4 0 0 2 2 0 Niple, lb 4 1 0 11 0 0 Wagner, cf 4 2 2 2 0 0 Hagy, rf It 0 I 2 0 0 Veith, :ib ..2 0 0 0 3 0 Cook, If 4 1 0 0 0 0 Kelly, c 2 1 0 5 4 0 Rowe, } 2 0 0 0 2 0 Totals 29 5 4 27 13 1 NESCOPECK. AH. R. H. O. A. E. Zuber, 2b 4 0 1 3 2 0 Troutman, If 3 11 0 0 0 Patterson, lb 4 0 0 i» 0 0 Smith, rf 3 0 (I 1 0 0 Murray, 3b 3 0 (f* 1 4 0 Tully, bs 4 0 1 2 2 3 Mack, c 3 0 0 10 3 0 Fowler, cf 1 0 0 0 1 0 Madera, p 2 0 0 1 0 1 Totals 27 1 3 27 12 4 Danville 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 o—s Nescopeck 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—l Earned runs—Danville 1. Left on bases—Danville 4, Nescopeck 5. Sacri fice hits—Veith, Kelly, Rowe. Home run—Wagner. Double play—Zuber to Murray. Struck out—bv "Rowe 5, by Madera 10. Bases 011 balls—off Kowe 4, off Madera 2. Stolen bases—Fowler, Murray. Hit. by pitcher—Smith, Mur ray. Wild pitch—Madera. Time of game -I:4. r >. Umpire—Sweeney. AFTERNOON GAME. The afternoon game came nearer to slipping into the lost column than did the morning contest, but Danville,dis playing greater base ball generalship than their opponents managed to score eight runs 011 four hits while Nesco peck with 10 safeties, three of which were for extra liases, counted but five times. Both teams used two pitchers. Ains worth began the work 011 the slab for Danville, but was in the throes of an off day,and although lie was in perfect control of the ball and had tlfem break - ing to suit, the Nescopeck batters just naturally seemed to find whatever 110 sent up. They totaled nine hits off his delivery in the first four innings and scored their five runs. Brannen then relieved Ainsworth, and in the five innings during which he did the tossing, Necospeck made but one safe connection and no counts came after the fourth. Danville scored two in the second and three in the third, so that at the end of the fourth innings the score was tie at sto 5. P. Murray started MAY'S LOW MX RATE The death rate during the month of | May was lower than for any time since the burean of vital statistics was est ablished. Fifteen deaths,four of which occurred at the for the in sane,were reported in this district. In April seventeen deaths along with twenty-four births were reported. The highest death rate in this dis trict since 1900, was noted in March when forty-four deaths, thirteen of I which took place at the hospital for the insane, were reported by the local registrar. Even last summer, during July and August, the number of deaths 1 reported were respectively twenty- I three and twenty-six. In view of these j figures the death rate for May was phenomenally low and might be hard to account for. During the month there were no deaths of contagions diseases. Of the ■ latter there were reported: typhoid fever, three cases; diphtheria, four 1 cases; erysipelas, one case; measles, j three cases; pneumonia, one case. Dur- j ing April no cases wore reported of | either diphtheria or scarlet fever, dis eases which had been lnrking in the ' district for many months previously, j It was thought that both had been ef fectually stamped out, but as shown j by the report for May diphtheria has again made its appearance. The general health, however, is all that could be desired and conditions are favorable for a prolongation of the | low mortality reported for May. MILTON MAN SUICIDES Charles E. Gartman, a well known tobacconist of Milton, and assessor of ' the Third ward of that tcwn, commit- | ted Buicide about tour o'clock Tuesday | afternoon, by shooting himself in the ! right temple. The deed was commit- ; ted on the third pier of the river ! bridge. The Heading call boy was pass ing nearby and heard the shot. He looked back and saw the body of Mr. \ Gartman. He at once gave the alarm. The deceased was a single man who lias resided in Milton for upwards of twenty-five years. He kept a cigar store near the corner of Broadway and Front streets until last month, when he vacated the place to make room for the new building now being erected there. No cause can be assigned for his act. He had his revolver repaired Tuesday morning and about an hour hefore committing the rash act had conversed with several friends in his ! accustomed happy mood. Vernon-Brady. Miss Myrtle Brady and William Ver non, both of this city, were united in matrimony yesterday afternoon. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. Ed ward Ilaughton, at the home of the bride, Montour row, at 2:30 o'clock. Long-'Hogendobler. Frank A. Long and Miss Bertha Hogeudobler, both of this city, were married on Tuesday at the parsonage of the United Evangelical church bv the pastor, Rev. C. I). Moore. to do the twirling for Nescopeck and his relief arrived in the midst of the third innings, but Madera's substitu ! tion did not prevent Danville from scoring three runs in that innings. With Madera in the box what at first promised to be a swat fest was avert ed. While Madera allowed but one hit after the third, sundry passed balls, wild pitches, errors and bases on balls were converted into the three winning runs. One of the largest crowds ever on the Danville field witnessed the after noon game here, there being 1130 paid admissions. The scoOe: DANVILLE. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Umlanf, ss 4 o lo l 0 Livengood, 21)....3 0 0 0 3 0 Nipple, lb 2 2 0 12 0 0 I Wagner, cf 2 1 0 1 0 0 Hagv, rf 4 2 1 2 0 0 Ve ith, 3b I 2 0 3 3 1 Cook, If .1 0 11 0 0 Dooley, c 4 0 0 7 0 0 Brannen. p 2 0 0 0 3 0 Alnsworth, p... a i i i 2 o Totals 2.j 8 4 27 12 1 NESCOPECK. AB. It. H. O. A. E. Zuber, 2b 5 2 3 11 0 Trontmn, 1f... ...3 2 2 0 0 0 Patterson, lb 4 1 2 1J 0 l Smith, if 4 0 2 0 0 0 J. Murray, 8b 3 0 11 11 Tully, ss" 3 0 0 2 2 1 Mack, c ...5 0 0 8 5 0 i Fowler, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 | Madera, p 3 0 0 0 3 0 jP. Murray, |» ... I 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 35 5 10 24 13 3 I Danville 0 2 3 0 1 0 2 0 x—K ! Nescopeck 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 o—s Earned runs—Danville 1, Nescopeck 5. Left on bases—Danville (j, Nesco peck ti. Stolen bases—Hagy 2,Wagner, J. Murray. Sacrifice hits—Wagner, Cook, Troutmau, .1. Murray, Tully. Two base hits —Patterson 2, Trout uian. Three base hit —Umlaof. Hit by pitched ball —Veith. Struck out —by i A ins worth 3, by Brannen 4, by'Madera |O. Bases on balls—oft 1 Murray 0, off } Madera 3. Passed balls—Mack 2. Wild I pitcli—Ainsworth, Murray. Time of vanie—2 hours. Umpire—Sweeney. ESTABLISHED IN 1855 COURT CONVENES MEEK Court for the June term will con vene next Monday,the 6th inst. There will probably be a full week of court. There are only some half a dozen Commonwealth cases, with one person in jail awaiting trial; but it seems to be understood that several important civil 'cases continued from term to term will be tried next week. Among the latter is the case against the Read ing Iron Co., in which Blanche E. Pursel is the substituted plaintiff, and which was carried over from the last term owing to the illness of one of the principal witnesses, W. S. Lawrence, of Mausdale. In granting a continu ance it was made plain that the ease would have to he tried the coming term. In addition to Mr. Lawrence, who lias recovered, there will be an enormous array of witnesses on both sides. The full civil list is as follows: William R. Pursel.surviving admin istrator of Daniel Pursel, deceased, now Blanche E. Pursel, substituted plaintiff, vs. The Reading Iron Com pany. Trespass. Baldy, Davis and Johnson for the plaintiff and Scarlet and Kisner for the defendant. Dennis Bright vs. Franlkin B. Maus, et al. Ejectment. Hinckley for plain tiff and R. S. Ammerman for defend ant. H. B. Mordan vs. County of Mon tour. Trespass. Chrisman for plaintiff and R. S. Ammerman for defendant. Albert H. Deeter vs. County of Montour. Trespass. E. S. Gearhart for* plaintiff and R. S. Ammerman for defendant. John C. Zauer vs. The Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company. Tres pass. E. S. Gearhart for plaintiff and Wolverton for defendant. Kate E, Watson vs. Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company. Tres pass. Baldy and Hinckley for plaintiff and Wolverton for defendant. O. L. Muffley et al. vs. C. Yagle. Appeal. Hinckley for plaintiff and R. S. Ammerman for defendant. Daniel W. Rauk et al. vs. Caroline Meginness et al. Ejectment. E. S. Gearhart for plaintiff and Hinckley for defendant. The two trespass cases instituted by Sophia G. Eckman against the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. and the Cross Creek Coal Co., respectively, continu ed fiom term to term for several years past, it is stated, will also come up for trial next week. HEAVY WHEAT As a result of the abundant rains the country never presented a more flourishing appearance than at present. The corn and oats, it is true, appear somewhat retarded due to the cool weather, but a little later they will regain what has been lost. The grass aud wheat both promise a good crop. The wheat, especially, never present ed a more luxuriant appearance. It is already in heads and advanced well along toward maturity. Owing to the fact that the season opened three weeks earlier than usual it would not be surprising if harvest should come on by the first of July. The wheat fields present a beautiful sight. A drive'of ten miles from Dan ville in any direction reveals the same state of things. Nowhere is there a failure of wheat visible. Reports from other localities are the same. In gen eral the prospects are brighter at this time of the year thau for many sea sons past. The prospects have had a depressing effect on prices. Wheat, which last year sold as high as SI.OO per bushel, has dropped to a'dollar. The latter is the price paid by local dealers. As it the visible sup ply of winter wheat is 20,500,000 bushels greater thanjat this time last year. It is estimated that 100,000,000 bushels of the present crop will be carried over into next year. JUNE WEDDING Blaiue A. James aud Miss Matilda Pritcliard, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Benjamin F. Pritcliard, Pine street, were married yesterday morning at o'clock in Christ (Memorial) church by the rector, Rev. Edward Ilaughton. The ceremony was marked by sim plicity, but a large number of the friends and relatives of the contracting ' parties gathered at the church to wit- I ness the tieing of the knot. The bride [ was given away by her father. Music was rendered during the ceremony by | W. J. Williams. Mr. and Mrs James left at noon yes | terilay for a trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Both the bride and groom are wide ly known and highly esteemed young people of this city. They will reside at Harrisbnrg, Illinois, where the groom recently engaged in the retail mercantile business. i Mrs. Anna Mayser, of Reading, is going to Cleveland, there to see her brother whom |she has not seen for forty-six years.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers