I Receipts and Expenditures of Montour County, Penn'a.i For the Year Ending January 2nd, A, B„ 1905. - rATEMENT SHOWING THE TAX ACCOUNTS OF THi: SKVKKAL C< (I.I.KCK >liS FOR THE YEAR 1904. j COUNTY TAX. STATE TAX. jj 000 DISTRICTS. COLUKTOB& , T T .U'r»m ani-mnt^alamv. Tl|X w ainoum.Batance. Tax menu jw.ricomjamoimt Bal. JeS'd "x.l;!> retum'd !ii _ ,-tM. Que r»on'. I-"L i f 71 0 "r" "i Q ~J oni rji «7» 11 fit ofil io r » ni . r » 25 - 1 99 96 79 66 60 1 ! 1 #7l 60 36 Anthony Township... *\ 1 ! t?r i? /] ??» 4 «'», u;,?s,:::: ®«te:nr.:u=rd«| ' i'-Vi 1 ' sS "88 i 9 iS Sigß =aaatr:== || || tl Si II " »|~n ss .J Islfe: yßs ..1111:::.. k.jmrnuH p «*«<* »*' *«s *gfl "M I 1::::: 1 »!» "<> ■■■■■ v"n'v rry • k?p. ApptaS&v::.:;:.y/.:r:i:| »•*» f*"" «► »J « <<j 1 fgg 2 || 'a gJ'Tss Washingtonvllle c. 1., cmmi.s I%W 6 a «U 163 -] .•; ■ * - g M 72 11 22 su 40' 4»j 12 3" » 28 Wvst Hemlock Township TM. \\ nteixteen «J9O •**>< 6 73. v ♦ ' w« • 10 /112 1 Total tax account lor l-m j>15129 28 f»2*J S7: 15 98 867 25jUfcl5l> 1 2157 55 226> 17| 109 9® 5® ®J '"'ij B '|j *. 135 9H I .ixit! n-c.T.v.t ti.r t-ri'.r •• li I _■ J " _ j| 1 -|awL*l"" II .' I 454 UO Total taxe» received during thy year A. I>. I'AM I4U>l t,s ; _ _J| - i.fi 3, r > OiitstamfiiiK taxes in iav«,r of countj - !»„ ' I '. 1.. 1*... i 111.11 ;14 35 K-itimatofl exonerationsand eomatiwamoa xauu- '** j* *" I —— Jjj — Actual amount of outstandinac taxes in fiivorol coonty .. ■■■:■:: : •••• =============== ======== " - ~ collector of Umcntone TMnMUp tot county lax, . . A. J. STEINHAN, TREASURER. INACCOI N I WITH MONTOUR COUNTY. DK TO ( ASH RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES? BY DISBURSEMENTS AS FOLLOWS: CR. (."ountv Tax received for iyo4 $12376 13 Amount pai<l 011 County orders during year 1904, as per the below County Tax received for prior years 1655 55 classified account of Expenditures $19294 98 State Tax received for 1904 2100 19 Amount paid Commonwealth for State lax lor 1904, lor State Tax received for prior years 73 88 which there was no order issued & 2265 1, Dog Tax received for 1904 92 Treasurers commission on same 22 65 Dog Tax received for prior vears 135 98 j 2242 52 County Tax received tor 1904, on unseated lands and collectors re- TREASURER'S COMMISSION VIZ: turns oo i o Reimbursement of State Tax lor 1904, on account 1181 89 2$ per centum on disbursement of. . .. • $19294 9* Hotel Licenses for 1904, County's portion 912 00 County's portion of Hotel licenses commission on Commonwealth costs, fines and Jury funds 8 00 same having been allowed in 1 reasurers License ac- Commissioners of Northumberland County (on account) for one count 912 00 half expenditures on Danville River Bridge and Ferry 646 66 r~ Reimbursement of State for Extinction of Forest fire 9 1903-04. .. 42 62 818382 98 4.>« 5< First National Bank, Danville 2500 00 hjmtlg ot - A j steinman, Treas., Jau 2, 1905.. 1024 32 Robert M. Blue 2221 Fred M. Owen, Automobile License 3 00. •23021 3»| 23021 39 A. J STEINMAN. TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH LICENSES RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR A. D. 1904. . u ~™"S SE ■ r :ii«:::::::::::::::::: w *.-». >; IS By amount Hotel Licenses, paid to Anthony Township 57 00 By araoumt Hotel Licenses, paid to Derry Township 114 00 By amount Hotel Licenses, paid to Liberty lownship 57 10 Bv amount Hotel Licenses, paid to Valley Township 114 0.) 9629 82 "CLASSIFIED ACCOUNTS OF EXPENDITURES COURT EXPENSES AND COMMONWEALTH COSTS. FERRY EXPENSES. Cirand Jurors $312 56 Hoover Brothers, buildiug buat and material 8 509 K6 Traverse Jurors Constables making quarterly returns and tipstaves 173 8* Hugh 11. Vastine, placing jx>les on land 30 00 George J. Vanderslice, Court Stenographer 457 34 jjj c o | et cable, rope, bolts, &c 1^ E. K. Hale, Court Crier and Janitor 1 00 K jj Bell, pole tt lumber. 529.40, W. 11. Ammerraan John Reppert, Janitor 97 50 pole, 39 40 Ralph Kisner, District Attorney 5H 00 Henry J. Jones, Ferryman * months at 45.00 360 00 Thomas G. Vincent, Clerk of the Courts and Prothonotary J2* 1( Elliott M. Yeager, Ferryman, 8 months at 45.00 360 00 George Maiers, Sheriff 37 00 Curry & Vannan, repairs and material •• 39 82 •Justices .J. 11. Kase, material, oil etc '^q Constables 36 6.» Standard Electric Light Co., tighting cable light, etc. ... 62 98 Witnesses. 68 1 6 t rn Chas. W. ('i»oke, overseering work at terry '0 00 GEORGE MAIERS. SHERIFF. Boarding Prisoner.., id Turnkey 269 35 *o>-N. 8.-Nor.hd Co. liable (or « ferry e.pen**. Drawing and Notifying Jurors 139 00 COURT HOUSE EXPENDITURES. Washing for Prisoners *<■» Reports to Board of Public Charities 20 00 Stationery and blank books fy '■>' Proclamation, General Election 2 75 | County printing and advertising H,,!, ?!; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, AUDITORS, Ac. Water rent and water repairs 26 63 Heury Cooper, Commissioner 126 days at $3.50 441 00 General repairs and supplies J7 L George M. Leighow, Commissioner 106 days at 81.50. .. . 371 00 Expressage and postage. Chas W. Cook, Commissioner 113 days at 83.50 395 50 Sundry persons, cleaning Court House £ Horace C. Blue, Commissioners Clerk 600 00 (Telephone rent Win, Kase West, County Solicitor 93 6X J. W. Lore, clock for Court House » o County Auditors and Clerk 74 84 j A. M. Peters, icd ••••• moo ,Jurv Commissioners 80 Friendship Fire Company, sprinkling Traveling expenses necessarily incurred by Commissioners Fire Insurance on Court House-• • , in discharge of official duties 756 _ ! West Disinfecting Company, disinfectants nl2 92 1 ELECTION EXPENSES. JAIL EXPENDITURES. Spring Electiou 4.1 U 202 15 1 General Election 538 28 Coal 38 20 Montour County Democrat, for official and specimen ballots Gas ' _ 1 for Spring and General Election 60 00 Water rent and water repairs ; * Election blanks and supplies 43 50 Clothing; bedding etc 2 * 0 ASSESSORS PAY. i General repairs and supplies jj' Annual Assessment 282 00 I Telephone service ••• •• State Tai Aa.eM.ment »» 00 ' Weet DM.,feeling Company, d.sinfectant. _J w4 32 Registry of Voters 308 00 , Registry oli births and death 59 1.. MISCELLANEOUS. Registry of School Children 1.34 uo BRIDGE AND ROAD EXPENSES. Interest on County Bonds 399 00 Road Viewers and Survey. H4 50 State Tax on county i„dej,,edm« lor 1903 ••••• « Nels-.n A Buchanan Co, Iron Bridge in Anthony Twp.. . 278 00 from .tt.emen,: 287 05 Bridge in L. Sheep, fnew) 367 86 j Support of convicts in E S. Penitentiary 675 ~ bl, ~,,1 Material lor bridge. 219 24 Import of.nmate ,n State db2 00 Brvlge repair. 277 68 | Support of cnvict, ,„ llowe of Refuge Iter- N. B. —Northumberland O.untv liable lor one-half Rules of Court seventy-five copies <• expeuws on Joint Bridge a. Schuyler. ' Amount patd lor sheep k.lled by dog. « 1 " J Currv and Vannan, G. A. R. Markers ° y ' DANVILLE RIVER BRIDGE EXPENSES. inJL* on short loans and discounts 104 03 H. R. Leonard, Civil Engineer, services in prepar- William L. Sidler, certifying mortgages etc "JJ ing plans and specifications 4047 00 Thos. G. Vincent, certifying judgments etc Paid direct by Commissioners of North'd County.. 2023 50 Inquisition on body of Harry Creglow 41 0^ zuz.s Fire Extinguishers t . Win, Kase West, Solicitor, Professional service and Subscription to Bloomsburg Sentinel L expenses 20 Albert E. Sholes, directory _ . . To be paid bv Commissioners of North'd Co 207 10 John W. Bruder, cremo lights 'Z ' 201 10 Brightley's Digest .......... - • Five Bridge \ iewers 44. b Dues to County Commissioners Convention Advertising for bills j 4 61 Burial of Soldiers E. K. Hale, watchman 20 <»•> \Y r . Kase West, auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Reg- Electric Light r*' ister and Recorder and Sheriff, for the year 1904-••• ' General repairs Ac 130 58 ~ tf Total amount of orders issued in 1904 !uool um i jyM, B.—Northumberland Co. liable for one-halt expenditures on River 'p () j a | a j,j oHn t () f orders redeemed in 1904 1*294 9 j Bridge. - FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS AN ) LIABILITIES OF ITONTOUR COUNTY. TZ bo- .--:•;:-•••» 9200 00 £'7.7.7.':.'7:777: '* mM 1 To amount due Commonwealth for taxes on County indebtedness Hy oUtstan(linK c millty taxes for 1903 280 14 _ ' it,-- V , |t, i n •li |» o*>oo 00 By outstanding Dog taxes for 1903 31 .><• To amount due F.« Nauonal Bank, I>anv,lle. I » 2500 00 lor ,«,o 231 25 ; To a,nount.ue Robert M Blue 100 00 t„r 1902 64 05 To estimated outstanding n < amount due from Commonwealth, bal. reimbursement State tax 500 00 By amount due from Commissioners of Northumberland County ... 1009 02 By amount of cash in hands of County Treasurer 1024 32 Liabilities in excess of Assets '' ' 13236 80 A. J HTEINMW TREASURE El, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS FOR TAXES ARISING tROM I NSEATEI) LANDS AND COLLECTORS RETURNS. i , i ~H n Ir . n-r \ mount pud l.y Treasurer to tli. s-v Balam •• still .due the Several DU i,n sim>- ' ral l»isiri< l- tncts, Including balance oa hand frtim prior veara. I,,BTR,CTS - g|g I 7 r I II £jj?|£ I£l * ( "T| |l?i I' f\ | | T.l fl)| I 3 t I. 5 3 ? ; I - 3! % ? r T ' 5 2 Ti ? 5 2. ;I : T * : '_i 5 T :I: • I : !l "' • • j • : Anthony Township, 1 1 11 I • • I•••••■ ••••;;! ! i I! ! i i tIM ?3?l Icl Gooper Township l< 26 • ®j| ©1 01 . ! | ; i 1 » «lY ' S in'*i w't'ii Danville Borough, ... <• w • 1 * 105.. 2.. 40 *V"ii 43u Deny Township 16 4» 3 ; \ «l 12 i , 17 t 4 6 ii ,5 31 i.tty riy Township. 1183 20 OS 16 01 . ■ 1 SMI 00 » ."II! "!!!*"•••• ! 3514647 4 M "*-*!* Mahoning rownship ■ ■ • M 5 04| i •>« ! i i ... ...■ t ••••• Mayberry Townsliii'. i :l * ■>■> ~K j a VaiWtbwMhip. 501J 17 .{id! -'■> 1-, I". : I ! | fa Wi st Hemlock Township •> Ti. 416 83j. | ljj Jsl| '»* j I • 1 j 51 j 891 80 j ! Total' ~~ ;. UTO 29 llj ~I o. I! Ttt'l 73: ljwT »l w| 1 I \_ 69 51 We, the nndeisigned Commissioners «.t Montour County. Pa., do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of receipts and <•» said year en <* in 8T Jauuary 2nd, A. D., 1901 is true and com-, tiu the beet. loir know and 1..-lief, in uit no- whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal of office this 12th <la> of January „ ER Commissioners GEOKGE M. LEKiBOW t of ° nerS Attest IiORACEC. BLUE, Clerk. CHARLES W. COOK, j Montour County, TO Til ¥ iio\i»R\Hl 1 THK Hill l ~OK 1 111- ' 111 lil' <>l < OMMOX IM EAS t»K IHE COI'NTY OF MONTOtK-We the nndersigned Auditors of Montour County. State of Pennsvivania, after ha* .... dnlv oualifi< d accomine to the law r* si. etfully report tl at we have audited the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners o< said < ounty, and that the foregoing is a true and eutect stote mentoVlhe'a.ne u,;.i tind a L lan'e due thesai lon the ni da of January V. O . IW6. by v J. (Weinman, Trew trer, of ren Hundred and twenty-foor Dollars and thirty-two cents (tUMAt), also a balance due the several di-tr:ets ol 1 wo Hundred and Thirty-two Kmlarsaud Thirty-six cents tiil 3 ). In witness whereof we have hereu tos,-t our hand and st-aif- this 9th day ol January, l'Ji>i. BENJ. L. DIEHI., [SEAI.I ) I itKANT 'i'-I.ICK. [SEAI.I >Cot:.NTY At'DITOKS. Attest HORACE C. BLUE, CLERK. EDWARD FURFUR, [seall ) CAUCUSES HELD ih Turssaips The following nominations Ituvo been uiade tliroouliout the comity for the coming spring election, Tuei-fhty, Keb rary 21. ANTHONY TOWNSHIP. Citizens party. Justice of the Peac<>, William O. Flora ; St-liool Directors, P. tcr A Risbel and Levi Forttler; .IUIIKH of Election, B E. Stea<l, Inspector of Eltctiou, Jacob Hold ren ; Supei visors, Jacob Diehl and John A. Ellis; Poor Overseer, James Probst: Constalile, William Mills; Auditor, William Al beck, Township clt rk, KoM''oe Mnl r. ANTHONY TOWNSHIP Demo cratic; Justice of the Peace, William 0. Flora; Judge of Election, William J. Mohr ;Inspector of Election, Ulysses R. Adams; School Fortuer, Jacob Kreamer; Supervisors, Howard C. Welliver, John A. Ellis; Constable, Amos Alb'ck; Poor Direct or, Joseph Kahn-; Auditor, William Albeck. COOPKK TOWNSHlP—Republican. Judge of Election, John Krutn; In spector of Election, W. R. Wert man; Supervisor, Charles H. Rishel: Sch v I Alonzo Alonzo Mauser (2 yrs), Will iam Black (3 yrs) and John F. Mau.-cr (3 yrs); Poor Director, I W. Kruui; Auditor. Alonzo Mauser. COOPER TOWNSHlP— Democratic. Judge ot Election, Charles Wettman; Inspector of Election, James Baylor; Supervisors, Alfred Blecher and David Krum ; School Directors, 11. B. Fonst (8 years, ) I. H. Weaver C 5 years), and Alonzo Mauser (2 years), Poor Direct or, Charles Fry: Constable, Philip Boyer ; Auditor, Harvey Ketser DER R Y TO WNS HI P. —Repu bl ican. Judge of Election, F. L. Courson ; lit spector of Election,H. C. Rishel; Sup ervisors, P. M. Cotuer, William Me- Quay; School Directors, W. L. an? tier and Edward Bogait ; Poor Director,O. W. Roat ; Auditor, J. F. Patter-ou; Constable, C. H. Springer. DhRRY TOWNSHIP. D mocratic Judge of Election, Cbarl> s Miller; It!-' spector of Election, John Moser; Sup ervisor. P. M. Cotnvr and William McQoay; School Directors. H. E. Bogart and George J. Cotuer; Poor Director,li. Whipple; Constable, Will iam S. Bogart; „Audi tor, Q< orge W. Herr. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP.-Republi can. Judge of Election, John K. S|sr tig er ; Inspector of Election, A. D. Cl« - well; Supervisors, Charles F. Stall aud J. H. Diehl; School Director, j Charles P. Bogart and Samuel Wag ner;„Poor Director, James Foresman ; Constable, C. H. Diehl; Auditor, W O. Ford. LIBERTY |TOWNSHIP. - Demo-j cratic. Judge of Election, Stewart ! Carry; Inspector ot Election, William Startler; Supervisors, William H. Tay lor and Benjamin F. Ware; School Di rectors, Luther Cromley and William Bobbins; Poor Director, Satnuel Y Corry; Constable, William S. Bogart ; j Auditor, C. 0. Billmeyer. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP. Repub | lican. Justice of the Peace, D. W. Rank ; Judge of Election, Charles A Lohr; Inspector of Election, Calvin W. Derr; Supervisors, Sylvester Umsttad and E. W Balliett; School Directors, Levi D. Geiger and William Lindner ; | Poor Director, David Cooper; Consta ble, John D. Lilley, Auditor, Charles A. Wagner, LI M ESTON E TOWNSHI P. -De mo cratic, Justice of the Peace, Ambrose Miller; Judge of Election, George Van Nor«trand ; Inspector of Election, J. W. Dean; Supervisors, Cyrus Cole man aud John M. Smith ; School Di rectors, David Foust and J. N. Herr; Constable, Charles L. Gouger; Audit or. G. O. Wagner. MAHONING TOWNSHIP. —R< pub lican. Judge of Election, Thomas Quigg ; Inspector of Election, Martin L. Bloom. Supervisors, E L. White and William Hartzel; School Direct ors, Howard Fry ling aud Edward Wel liver, Poor Director. Henry Wneman ; Auiitor, M. P. Scott. MAHONING TOWNSHIP. —Demo - cratio. Judge of Election, Michael Breckbill; Inspector of Election, Alon zo Krum; Supervisors, Georgo Hetid rickson and Joseph Diehl; School Di rectors, Alfred Baylor and William 11. Maust; Poor Director,.! matlian Rudy; Constable, Charles H. Rudy; Auditor, i Samuel Krunim MA YBERRY TOWNSHIP. -Rej u!>- ; lican. Judge of Election, William C Kase ; Inspector of Elfction, J E. An miller ; Supervisors, J. W Vastine atul C A. Sliultz; School Dire-tors, C J Cleaver, G. W. Faux a» d J W. Vas tine; Poor Diiector G. W Faux Con stable, William E. Bird; Auditor, C. W. lick toan M MERRY TOWNSHIP—D mo ciatie .ludpo of Election. Norman Brofee ; Inspector of Election, Rufus Bird; SuperviKors, P. S. Cromley an I IR. E. Bird ; School Directors, Isaiah Vougbt,Rufns Bird and C. J Cleaver; Poor Director, Peter 11. Vougbt; Con stable. P. S. Cromley. Auditor, C. W. : Eckman. VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Republi can. Justice of the Peace, P. E. Maus i Judg« of Kleotiou, Jess* Conway, In spector of Election, Clarence Bennett; ; I Supervisors, John A. Merroll and Ed-j ward Robeits; School Directors, Ray-| j tiiottd Puisel and Richard Rogers ; Poor | I Director, Joseph Churm; Constable, . George Bennett; Auditors, Alfred Bo- j gart and Peter Yotks. V A LLE Y TOWN SHIP. -Democi atic. Judge 112 112 Election, Levi Beyer; In spector of Election, Norman Kitchen; i Supervisors, D. R. P. Cliilds and An i drew J. Steiuman; School Directors, H. A. Sidlcr and B F. Bennett; Poor Director, Henry Wiutersteen; Audit ors, John B. McMahan aud S. H. Win tersteen ; Constable, G. W. Bennett. WAS HIN GTON VILLE BOKOUG H H« publican. Judge of Election, Ralph B. Seidel; Inspector of Election, Geotge B. Moser; Council, Frank Umstead. Fred Seidel and John Deily ; School i Director, Burgess Heacock; Auditor, i John Heberling ;High Constable, Adam A. Smith. WASHINGTONVILLE BOROUGH Democratic. Justice of the Peace, H. E. Cotner; Judge of Election, C. W. Seidel; Inspector of Election. H. 1 S. Moser; Council, A. L. Heddens, Gtorge W Miller and B. S. Dieffen bacher; School Director, J. Sidney HofTa; Poor Directors, Charles W. ; Derr and Fred Yerg ; High Constable, I Chris Heckendorn; Constable, G. B. Diehl; Auditors, C. M. Heddens aud Jesse Kelly. ;; WEST HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP.-- Republican. Judge of Election, Albert Haitman. Inspector of Election, Will ; iam Guthiug; School Directors,Thom ; as G< thing, A. D. Crossley and Jacob Umstead ; Supervisors, H. E. Sandel and Jacob Welliver; Poor Director, Frank Crossley; Assessor,C. J. Deigli miller ; Constable, H. E. Cromley; Au ditor, C. F. Styer. WEST HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP.— ! Democratic. Judge of Election, J. W. Audc; Inspector of Election, C. J. sliultz ; Supervisors, W. B Moore and S. B. Flick ; School Directors, W. B. Billmeyer, C. C. Sterling and W. E. Moore; Poor Dite''tor, J. H. Tanner; Asses-or, C. J. Deighmiller; Consta ble, Montgomery Gearhart; Auditor, McKelvy Stein. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately be. II ill iking aud trying to sell imita tions of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and other medicines, thereby defrauding the | üblic. This is to warn you to be ware of such people, who seek to profit, through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully runny d sensK, for over 35 years. A sure protection, to you,is our name on the wrapper. Look for it.on all Dr. King's or Buck ten's remedies, as all j others are mere imitations. H E 1 BUCKLEN & CO , Chicago. 111., aud Win Isnr, Canada. Sold by Paules & Co Death of Andrew Russell. Andrew Ru-sell, a life-long resident of D inville.diei Monday nightjat y .30 | o'cl ck at his home, Church and Bloom j stn ets, of a complication of diseases. Mi. Russell was a man widely known throughout this section of the ' suite He was a staunch D mocrat aud was at one time the nominee for SheiifT of Montour couuty. He was born September loth, 1850, and resid ed in Danville all bis life. Early iu his career he entered the employ of Henrie's undertaking establishment, and later became identified with the Montour Iron aud Steel Company as shipping clerk. This position he held until he was appointed Street Com missioner twenty years ago, occupying that office for thirteen years. Soon af ter his resignation he opened a restau ! rant, continuing in this business uutil one year ago when ho retired. He was a member of Lotus Conclave, No. 127, Order of Heptasophs, aud of ' Montour Lodge. No 10i», I. O. O. F. The deceased is survived by his wife and six childreu,Mrs. John Y. Hender son,* 112 Williatuspoit; Mrs. Alex. Fos ! rer, Mrs. Reese Edmondson, William, Frank and Miss Martha Russell; his aged mother, Mis Henrietta Russell, of Williatiisport, also a sister, Mrs. J. W. Stout, of Williamsport. and two brothers, Robert Russell, of Williams , port and Rev. James O. Russell, ot i )n> "iita. New York. i Ayers Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. ' "I lia.t a very bail much for tlirp« yearr Then I tried AVer's cherry I'ectoral Mysore ' lungs were soon healed and my cougb dropped • W 'W VTA si. Hvr>E, Uuthrle Centre. I». 25e.,50e gt IKI. J < AVKKOO., for ■■ Old Coughs ' One Ayer's Pill at bedtime insures - a natural action next morning. , PENSIONS FOR 1 j THE TEACHERS 1 Before the present legislature fin ishes work au act will be introduced pecsiouiug school teachers who have served continuously for thirty years. The provisions are as follows: Providing for the retirement ot teachers in the pubile schools of this commonwealth. Section 1. Be it enacted by the sen ate aud house of representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from aud after the passage of this act,public school teaoh ers who have taught in the public or common schools of this commonwealth for a period of thirty consecutive years shall be retired upon reaching the ape of sixty years, upon a pension equal to one-half the salary received by such teacher during the last year of his or her actual teaching. Sec. 3. Before any teacher shall be entitled to a pension under this act, it shall be necessary for the boaids of controllers or directors, under which the said teacher has been emnloyed for the period of thirty consecutive years, to certify, under the seal of the said boards,that such teacher has taught iu the public schools of their respective districts. Said certificate shall state the num ber of years taught, in each district. And thirty years consecutive teaching in several districts of this common wealth shall be takeu aud held to be equal to thirty years' consecutive teaching iu any one district. Such cretificatc or certificates shall be for warded to the state superintendent of public instruction and thereupon such teacher shall be entitled to the said pension. Sec. 3. Where any teacher has taught for thirty cousecutive years, but has not reached the age of sixty years, and such teachdr desires to be retired or the board of controllers or directors desires to retire such teacher, upon furnishing the certificate or certifi cates as provided in section two, the state superintendent of public instruc tion shall appoint a commission consist ing of one director or controller of the district iu which such teacher is em ployed at the time of making such ap plication, one teacher iu the public schools, and one physician who may or may not be a resident of such school district, to examine said teacher. And if the said commission shall report to the state superintendent of public instruction that it would be for the interest of the schools of su di district that said teacher shall be retired,there upon the state superintendent shall re tire the faid school teacher upon a as required by section one of this act. Sec 4. If any teacher retired under the provisions of this act shall be re employed by any school district, then such pension shall cease,provided that after such re-employment ceases, the said pension may be restored. Seo. 5. All pensions provided for by this act shall be paid out of the state treasury upon warrant drawn upon the state treasurer. The act is to be submitted for the appioval of the state convention of school directors which convenes in Harrisburg this week If it is then approved It will be introduced at the present session of the legislature. The addition tefeired to above was an ad ded section providing that when a leave of absence was granted a teacher for sickness he or she should he con sidered as having taught during that period. Grave Trouble Foreseen It ueeds but little foresight, to tell, that when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble is ahead, unless you take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs John A. Young, of Clay, N. Y.,did. She says: "I had ueuralgia of the liver aud stom ach, my heart was weakened, and I could not eat. I was very bad for a ! long time, but in Electric Bitters, I : fouud just what I needed, for they I quickly relieved and cured me " Best medicine for weak women Sold un der guarantee by Paules & Co., drug gists. at 50c a bottle. g A Sleighing Party. A party ot young girls enjoyed a sleigh ride to Mausdale oa Saturday afternoon, where they were entertain ed at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Wintersteeu. Among those present were: Mrs. Walter Swank, chaperon ; Marion Camp, Mai Bent, Margaret Kimbel, Alice McCloughan, M«ry Walker, Olive Ro»t, Irene Herman, Viola Ri-hel, Edna Foiist, Lizzie Thomas, Ethel Haring, Mabel Thom son, Ethel Roat. Thurza Bayubam, Pearl Chambers, Helen Chesnut. Helen Swayze, Edna Roat, Elsie Fett«rman and Emily Thompson. Among the af ternoou enjoyments were a solo by | Helen Chesnut and a duet by Mae | Brent and Marion Camp. That Tickling in the Throat. Oue minute after taking One Minute Cough Cure that tickling in the throat is gone. It acts iu the throat—not in ' k the stomach. Harmless—good lor chil dren. Sold by Paules & Co. 'STATE SABBATH ! SCHOOL WOEIERS Tlie mass meeting under the auspices of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Tour Pirty, at the Piue Street Lutheran chiin It Sunday afteraoon, was one of the most interesting ser vices that has been held iu this city i:i a long time There was a large con gregation in attendance. Every seat was occupied, and many were unable to get iuto the church. The Tour Party consists of six peo ple, fonr of whom constitute a quar tette of flue singers. They are: Irvln G. Van Dyke, first tenor; Hugh Cork, sceond tenor; W. F. Lamles.first baas; George F. Sawle, second bass; W. L Erdinan, D. D., Bible instructor and Miss Ermina 0. Lincoln, primary worker. There itinerary will cover forty-five counties of Pennsylvania, with an institute of four sessions lu each county. The exercises Sunday consisted of singing by the quartette, interspersed with selections from the "Tour Party Songs of Praise," by the church choir, consisting of twenty well cultivated voices. Following sev eral selections by the choir, and con gregation, Secretary Laumaster led in prayer. Kev. Mr. Sherman, rastorof the First Baptist clurch, read the les son. Before the quartette rendered lta first song, Mr. Landes said: "I trust that you will not expect too mucli of us. You will get nothing classical; nothing but plain gospel songs. Two weeks ago some of the members of this quartette were stiang ers. We had never met,much less sang together. Consequently our inter course tias been brief. Then we are handicapped in another manner. We are all suffering with severe colds. Duting the early stages of the present cold enap, our voices became frozen. Three of us have become pretty near ly thawed out, but the vocal chords of the fourth are rather too frigidly in clined for ?ood singing." Notwithstanding his statement and the fact that He members of the quar tette were iu the condition lie repre sented them to be, they sang with much sweetness, rauge and power. Hugh Cork, the second tenor singer, gave an interesting talk on Sunday Schools and the duties involving upon Sunday School teachers. Of the vast number of Sunday School scholar* iu Pennsylvania, l»'ss than one-third of them weie not within the pale of the church. What a great tiling it would be could every Sunday School scholar iu the Stite b* started out to work for Christ. There should be more in the church, and that there are not shows something radically wrong somewhere. | One reason i 9 that we do not hate enough. A Christian's doty is to hate. ;1 have until rec ntlv always prayed that hate would bj driven from my heart and ouly love ba allowed to re main. I have quit that, and am now praying for power to hate somethings. Why do I say this? Let me tell yon: "During the dark days of slavery, a youug man visittd Kentucky. While there he saw a slave tied to a post and his master cruelly beating him. The sceue so enraged the young man and filled him with such a hatred toward slavery that he said: 'lf I ever get the opportunity I will strike a harder blow at slavery than that mast* er is striking that poor colored man and revenge him.' When Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation pro clamation that young man had his re* venge. Sin is tying us up tighter than ever that black man was tied, and the cords aro cutting into our souls deeper than the iasli did into his flesh. As Abraham Lincoln hated slavery so should every Chris* tian hate sin. Let no opportun ity go by to strike a blow at it." The speaker then urged the neces sity of personal work. Speak to your friends of Christianity. Ask them to come out for Chiist. There are too many people in all congregations ho have no personal knowledge of Christ. They are on the churoh roll, but for another purpose than that of working for the Master. reserved Popularity. To cure Constipation and Liver trou bles by gently moving the bowels and ' acting as a tonic to the liver.take Lit* ' tie Karly Risers. These Famous Lit tle Pills are mild, pleasant and harm : e-s, hut effective and sure. Their un t iverFal use for many years is a strong ; guarantee of their popularity and use i fulne-s. Sold by Paules & Co. Hurlinßartie Friday Night. The Bnrlingame Bisket Ball team of Williamspott will play a return date , in this city on Friday evening The , first game btweon Bmlingame and Danville, which was played January , 11th, was one of the best games wit nessed on the Armory floor this sea so ii, although it ended in a defeat for the local team. The score was 22-19. p To Cure a Gold in One Day. t Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE n Tablets. All druggists refund money - if it fails t» cure. E. W. Grove's aigua ture is on each box. 35c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers