DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT, i Philp A. Foust, one of Dauville's oldest and best kuown citizens, died la-it Dight at 8:30 o'clock at tlis home of his son, Curry W. Grand street. after an illness of foor days, of pneumonia. Mr. Foust was born in Berks county 76 years ago- He moved to Danville in early life, and becaiuu an employe at Ihe brewery en Frout street, now known as Foust's Germania Brewery. Later he bought the plant and was its proprietor for a number of years After disposing of the brewery he built, in 1858, a hotel opposite the Philadelphia & Heading station kuown as the Hailroad House,and lived there until five years ago when he sold the property to John R. Bennett. The building was soon after razed and oue of the Hue mtrances to Castle Grove now occupies the spot where the hotel once stood. Mr. Fount lived a retired life for the past live years. He was a member of Triuitv Latin ran church for many years. The deceased is survived by his wife and nine children. Hammond Lloyd, Mrs. Emma J. Heller, Philip H , Oomly W., Heister 8., Mrs. Alice Coney, of Portland, Maine. Carry W., Mrs. Clara Godfrey, of Baltimore, Maryland,and Mrs. Elizabeth Buckley. He is also survived by tony-four grand children and two great grand children. Found Frozen in the Snow. Willi.»m Cook, a resident of the Sec ond Ward wa* found lying in the suow at the corner of Pine and Lower Mul berry stret ts late Saturday night, in a partly frozen condition. A young man residing on Lower Mulberry street was ou his way home about 12 o'clock aud as he crossed Pine street he saw an object lying in the snow near the sidewalk. lie •topped for a minute, and was about to move on. when he suddenly discov ered that it was the inert form of a man. He assisted the man to Dr. Stock's offloe, where it was found that Cook's both feet were frozen. The physician worked for several hours, and finally succeeded in restoring the circulation. Except several bruises on the head,the man sustained no other injuries. Had he remained a short time longer expos ed to the bitter cold he would have frozen to death. He Was Old and Weak. Oue of the greatest Philanthropists of New York well known through the world was always an advocato < 112 total abstinence was feeble with age when he got strong again on Speer's Port Wit# and lived for years happy. If you are weak and • debilitated, u e Speer's Port Grape Wine, it will purify your blood, and make you feel young and prolong your life. Veterans Passing Away. Soldiers of"the disappearing army" aa the veterans of the civil war have been termed are dying at the rate of 100 every day from sunrise to sunrise . This pathetic showing is made by the quarterly statement of the Pension Bureau, given out by Commissioner Ware. The mortality among acilder pensioners of all wars aud classes last year was 31,278 deaths,<f which 80,071 were soldiers of the civil war. Com missioner Ware estimates that there are 150,000 to 180,000 soldiers of the civil war who are not on the pension rolls. These he lias designated as "the un known army. " It is said that fully 32,000 civil war veterans, pensioners and non-pension ed died last year. There is one rational way to treat nasal catarrh: the medicine is applied direct to the atfected membraue. The remedy is Ely's Cream Balm. It re stores the inflamed tissues to a healthy state without drying ail the life out of them and it gives back the lost senses of taste and smell. The sufferer who is tired of vain experiments should use Cream Balm. Druggists sell it for 50 cents. Ely Brothers, 58 Warren Street, New York, will mail It. Lincoln Literary Society. The Lincoln Literary Society held a regular meetiug yesterday afternoon In the High School loom,at which the following program was rendered : Song Society Recitation . "The Yankee Girl" Miss Moyer. Essay "Kitty Boy's Christmas" Miss Elsie Moore. Reading.... Mr. Pickens Debati—Question: Resolved, "That a system by which physicians be paid yearly, whether employed by their patrons or not, would be more bene ficial to all parties concerned." Affirmative, Mr. Hartlme and Miss Horton. Negative Misses Vastine and Margaret Hooley. The judges. Mr. Kostenbauder,Miss Hinckley and Mi-s Magill decided in favor of the nega tive. Song Society Recitation " Praying for Shoes" Miss Elsie Bennett Oration. "The Negro in America" Miss Bessie Hooley Declamation .."America's Place in the World's Affairs" Frank Edmondson Party at E;ast Danville. A very pleasant pary was tendered Mia* Mabel Foust, of the Bloomsbnrg Normal School at the home of her par ents, Mr. aud Mrs. Anthony Foust. East Danville, Satnrday evening Those present were: Misses Grace Boone of the Bloomsbnrg Normal School, Irene Hollabaugh, Bl.tnclie Myers. Blanche Goss, Blanche, Anna end Eva Manning; Messrs. Herbert Heudrickson. George Heiss, Edwin C. Fount, Lafayette Foust, Paul Rieck, Frank and Grant Swavze.Howard Van Kirk, Harry Carodisky aud Riiscell Qibbony. Tour Party at Hospital. The Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Tour Party spent Saturday af ternoou at the State Hospital. The male quartet sang in several of the wards 'ANNUAL statement 1 OK THE | Big Oil Ml DtlllllHl OF THE Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1904. BOROUGH. Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1901. DR. To balance due per last statement 14 90 CR By balance due per last settlement 14 90 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1902. DR. To balance due per last statement 677 45 CR. By exonerations dur i ing 1904 4* 44 i By 5 per cent penalty on above s4* 44 exon erated 2 42 i By balance due at set 1 i tlement 626 59 Edward W. Peters.Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1903 DR. To balance due per last statement 2051 81 To 5 per cent, penalty added Jan. 1. 1904 102 59 CR. ITo cash paid to the Boro. Treas. during 1904 1550 00 By exonerations dur j ing 1904 148 62 : By 5 per cent, penalty j on above $ 148.62 ex onerated 7 43 By balance due at set I tlement 448 35 I ! 2154 40 t Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes tor 1904. DR j To total duplicate, Bor- I ough 19029 38 ; Dog 123 00 j CR. By 5 per cent, rebate I paid within 60 days. 756 44 By cash paid to Boro. ! Treas. within 00 days 14408 29 By cash paid to Boro | Treas. within 4 mos. 1100 00 By taxes entered at County Com. office.. 1950 : By balance due at final I settlement 2868 09 ! Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa., Dec. 31st. 1904. i I DR , j Fund for relief of disabled Firemen. 1 To cash received dur ing 1914 from Audit -1 or General of State.. 15164 CR. 112 By S. A. McCoy,Treas. 3 j order No. 1 151 04 1 . Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, 1 j Danville. Pa., December 31st. 1904. BOROUGH FUND CR , By orders paid 40199 58 i By coupons paid 1196 50 5 41396 08 112 DR. Cash on hand Jan. 1 04 6825 07 ■ To J. C. M imemoyer, , | Market License .... 1370 75 iTo Harry 13 Patton, j City Hall Rents 681 00 !To liarry B. Patton, M Pumping out cellars 7150 jTo Harry B. Patton, Milk Licenses 60 00 To Harry B. Patton, ! | batteries . 160 > >To E. S. Miller, sand , j sold 175 T<> E. S. Miller, cobble ' stones sold 8 (X) To E. s.M ller, hauling 50 : To E. S. Milier, street , j refuse 500 | To Ed. W. Peters, 1902 and 1903 taxes 1550 00 i To Ed W. Peters. 1140)4 taxes 15508 29 ; , To County Treasurer, hotel license 807H 00 jTo Justice Oglesbv, fines 120 00) To Justice Dalton.fines 44 00 To Justice Bare, fines 5 00 , ; To William G. Pun-el, ! Theatre license... 23(100 To William G. Pursel. ' | other license 40 50 i To ca-di from sale of t | new bonds 8300 00 To cash from Borough Certificate No. 8 1500 00 ij To cash from A. G. i Harris for broken pipe 150 i To B. Brown, Health Officer 3 75 j To returned taxes from k ! County Comm'rs.. 22 98 ij To American Tel. & , Tel. Co., pole license 222 60 To cash from J. Spotts broken pipe 3 68 j To cash from Hoover ' j Bros , sand 200 1 To cash from Danville Nat. Bank for interest 97 50 jTo cash from Polish Brewing Co. for time « , and materials con t necting on sewer .. 31 40 , To cash from Peter Kel ly, old iron 16 33 To cash from standard Construction Co. for pipe 24 00 i ' Amt. overdrawn Dec,. 31, 'O4 1569 38 BOROUGH EXPENDITURES FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDSHIP C< ». No. 1. r Appropriation $ 150 00 REPAIRS. John L. Russell 3 62 • I). C. Hunt 210 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and , Telegraph Co. 18 00 Miles, Peifer & C 0.... 7 50 COAL. W. A. Shepperson ■ • - 11 50 A C. Amesbury 25 70 , 218 42 I WASHINGTON CO. NO. 2. . Appropriation I 150 00 REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 2 20 Boettinger & Dietz 150 SUPPLIES United Telephom- and Telegraph Co .. .. 18 00 1 Foster Bros r Miles. Peifer & Co. - 7 ?><> COAL. W. A. Shepperson 17 40 , A. C. Amesbury 590 . Frank Boyer 550 1 208 60 CONTINENTAL Co, No. 3. Appropriation I 150 00 REPAIRS 1 Geo. W. Hendricks. 465 Joseph Lechner 93 » SUPPLIES 1 United Telephone ami i Telegraph Co, 18 00 I Foster Bros 80 J. W. Farusworth, Agt 7 50 I COAL. W. A. Shepperson 17 25 Robert J Pegg 11 00 GOODWILL CO. NO. 4. Appropriation $ 150 OX> REPAIRS. j Joseph Lechner. 8 12 William G. 8r0wn.... 1 30 C. E. Lunger 1 OO SUPPLIES. I nited Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Foster Bros 4M J. H Cole 325 J W, Farusworth, Agt 7 50 CO A I*. W. A. Shepperson 17 25 Robert J. Pegg 11 80 Chief Engineer, John Sherwood 52 00 j Executive Board 25 00 j Executive Board, ap priation for badges 00 00 Total File Dept.. $ 988 45 STREETS AND BRIDGES. E. S. Miller. St. Com. $ 000 00 LABOR. Riffle 13 45 John Straub 319 71 John Herman . 50 05 William Lee 03 Clyde Suyder 03 John Fisher 125 John McCall. . . 30 01 Peter Ward .. 03 Henry Joues 3 19 Joseph Kessler 73 David Williams 75 Ralph Wideman 03 Frank Etter 4 38 Ben Smithers 7 51 Eiisha Bell 12 20 Daniei Cashner 5 04 Harrison Paugh ...... 9 69 David Jones 8 82 George Derr 7 51 Charles Foster 7 64 E. Garrett 125 Ed. Aten 03 Silas Wolverton 2 50 Ellis Morgan 3 00 Ed. Wertman 13 80 Jacob Winters 94 I John Albeck 6 10 1 Larry Madden 13 70 Charles C. Miller 3 75 Wash Thomas 6 26 William Byerly 4 38 P. H. McCaffrey 6 25 Henry Cavanaugh .. 9 88 William Jones 3 44 * Patrick Griffin 12 20 Elmer Mowrey 125 Laf. Foust 5 94 Art Gearhart 107 20 John Reppert....... 94 William Moyer, Sr.. . 263 William Childs 2 81 John Bates 1 88 Samuel Sainsbury 18 00 Edward Sainsbury.... 18 50 George Sidler 48 44 William Moyer, Jr.... 03 05 ; Peter Kelly 29 00 George Arms 125 Arthur Arms 1 00 David Groves 41 64 Albert Lloyd 17 81 George Haney 8 75 Charles Mills 3 13 B. F. Cook 1 00 I William Aten 100 James Robinson 6 00 David Snyder 1 88 F. P. Startzel 2 50 Arthur Reifsnyder 31 57 Benjamin Gillaspy • • 27 83 Robert Mi ler 24 00 J' B-pli Cliurm 8 00 Oliver Werts 4 13 Peter Schneider 5 00 John Dugan 125 Patrick Redding 87 19 George Rodenhoffer. . 2 50 Walter Keller 5 03 John J.Smith,lnspect r 184 00 HAULING. James Riffle 475 03 William Miller 5 09 Ellis Ratik 18 08 A F. Hartman 225 Charles Mottern 6 19 J P. Patton 75 SUPPLIES. T. L. Evans Sons, flag stones, etc 22 42 Joseph Lechner, time and materials 9 85 Thomas A. Schott, soft coal 7 9* Robert .T. Petrg, soft coal 1 93 Curry & Yannan, re pairs to engine 12 28 P. M. Kt-rns repairing tools 7 30 S. J. Welliver,sundries 6 71 D. J Rogers, crossing stones, etc 1071 Thomas N. Reifsnyder stakes for surveyor . 23 HK Welliver Hardware Co pipe 9 uti H. R. Moore, Sundries 69 John Keim, brick 60 10 J. 11. Kase, pipe. 17 28 W. J. Rogers, boots... 6 00 Boettinger & Dieiz, re pairing tools 70 ,T. 11. Cole, cement, etc CI 07 Joseph W. Keely, re pairing tools 7 01 Thomas N. Reifsnyder lumber, etc 80 86 SURVEYING. (leorge F. Keefer, Mill Street paving job... 416 00 Geo. F Keefer, Pave ment grades, etc 87 00 George F. Keefer, Mill St culvert plans, etc '2O 00 D. J. Rogers, Mill St. paving 21818 95 I) J Rogers, Mill St culvert 2380 10 27604 71 STREET LIGHTING. Standard Electric Light ) Co 3499 50 POLICE DEPARTMENT. J. C. Mincemoyer,Chief of Police 000 00 ,T. G Voris, Assistant Police 000 00 l2OO 00 SUPPLIES. Petti bone Bros, Mfg, Co., Batteries 0 00 S. A. French. Nippers 1.75 FEEDING PRISONERS. | ,T. I,'. Mincemoyer 11 40 Total Police Dept. . 1219 13 HIGH CONSTABLE. B. B. Brown, salary... 32 00 T< >WN HALL BUILDING REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 1 40 John Hixson 10 73 A C Iloat 4 85 : Frank Sell ram 15 17 I Carl Hilscher 4 89 A. H. Grone 6 94 j Edward C- Yeag» r 3 87 I George Hendricks 2 75 1 Thomas N. Reifsnyder 102 21 1000 HI MLS< ELLANEOFK. j Standard Gas Co , gas 8190 I E. W. Peters, taxes for , 1S»0| 138 94 II L. o;roan, interest 100 00 Sarah McCuen, clean ing 19 00 2*9 14 449 95 COUNCIL CHAMBER A C Amesbury, coal 13 30 Frank Boyer, coal 0 03 11l lll 58 LUCK UP. RKI»AIHS. Joseph Lechner 2 0* Thomas N. Reifsnyder 15 00 SUPPLIES. A. C. Amesbury, coal and wood (i |.i Frank Boy or, c0a1.... x 21 A. Rosenstine, boxes for coal 511 S. J. Welliver, sundries 1 15 J H. Cole, sundries 95 17 2(5 Total Lock Up.... 34 84 PRINTING. Montour American SH r>II G. Ed. Ruat 43 50 Morning News 46 o<t Win. F. Murphy's Hons Co 31 50 Montour Democrat 07 00 Danville Intelligencer. 17 25 Williams Bros 1 00 LEGAL EXPENSES Edwardb. Gearhnrt.. 50 00 TOWN CLOCKS. Edward Lunger wind ing so no St Joseph's Church, winding 30 tin fin no AUDITORS. j Charles G. Cloud 4 no [ TAX COLLECTOR S .COMMISSIONS Edward W Peters— 883 10 STATIONERY. A. H. Grone <; '.it; Mrs. Jennie Persing. Treasurer, interest on Josiah Wolf bequest 7'.' 00 MISCELLANEOUS Harry Ellenbogen. Bor ough Treas., salary. 75 00 Harry Ellen bogeti.Bor ough Treas., State tax on Boro. bonds.. 100 00 Danville Nat'nl Bank, rent for safe deposit box 8 00 i Harry B. Patton, Sec'y of Council, salary. . . 180 Of) Harry B. Patton, Sec'y of Council, issuing Milk Licenses 2 50 Harry B Patton, Sec'y of Council, postage stamps 16 United Telephone and Telegraph Co. 'phone rent 20 00 ! Thos. G. Vincent, Pro- I thonotary, recording J tax bond 200 SPECIAL ELECTION. J Harry B Patton, Sec'y to pay election boards I etc 7,' | Montour vertising 50 00 I Danville Intelligencer, advertising 50 00 j Montour Democrat,ad vertising 50 00 : Henry Kearns, making j list 3rd Ward voters 200 MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT. LABOR ANI> HAULING. | J. H. Brugler 125 ; Samuel Sainsbury 13 95 Charles Foster 12 53 ! Oliver Werts {# i>7 Elisha Bell 15 98 ] W. L. Jones 1 ">0 > F. Hart man ... 5 50 ! Charles Mills 3 00 ! Ellis Rank 1 13 ! G. W. Robison 3 75 j James Robison 3 00 MATERIALS, ETC. ! D. J. Rogers, cinder 72 47 Thomas N. Reifsnyder sand 7 80 Welliver Hardware Co cement 78 77 Heman Prentiss, sand 2 90 I Rumsey Electrical Mfg on account contract. 1000 00 1 *BB 00 SEWER WORK. LABOR AN D HAULING. Samuel Sainsbury 0 00 Thomas James, Sr... 5 25 Edward Sainsbury 0 00 Oliver Werts 0 00 Charles Foster 0(0 Elisha Bell 0 00 Frank Boyer 75 Harry Ellenbogen,Bor ough Treas., orders' for pay rolls on labor and hauling 562 72 SURVEYING George F. Keefer 71 50 MATERIALS, ET< . 0 B. Switzerland and plank 3 24 H. R. Moore, sundries 1 57 W. J. Rogers, boots. . 300 Welliver Hardware Co gum gloves 5 25 H Rupp, tool repairing 1 50 Welliver Hardware Co packing and twine.. 6 75 Trumbower & Werk hener, lumber 4 77 Boettiuger & Dietz. re pairing tools 1 15 J. H. Cole, cement, etc 162 50 H. B. Patton, expenses business trip to Scran ton and Wilkesbarre 517 194 90 865 12 BOARD OF HEALTH. B. B. Brown, Health Officer 30 25 1 r. C. Shultz, Sec'v 25 00 Postage, etc 1 02 J 11. Cole, bucket 35 BOROUGH RECAPITULATI()N. 1904. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Friendship No. 1 218 42 Washington No. 2 ■. 208 60 Continental No. 3 210 78 Goodwill No. 4 218 70 Chief Engineer 52 00 Executive Board 85 00 STREETS AND BRIDGES. E. S. Miller, St. Com.. Otto 00 Labor 1221 15 Hau'ing 509 19 Supplies.,. 3 2 26 Surveying 523 00 D. J. Rogers, Mill St. paving 21818 95 D. J. Rogers, Mill St. culvert 2580 16 276<M 71 Street Lighting 5499 50 POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries 12( 0 00 Supplies • • 7 75 Feeding prisoners 11 40 HIGH CONSTABLE. Salary 82 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING Repairs 16'> Ml Miscellaneous 289 14 Council Chamber. 21 58 Lock Up 84 31 Printing 317 y l Legal Expenses 50 00 Town Clocks 60 00 Auditors 1 00 Tax Collector's Com B*B 16 Stationerv 6 96 Int. on Wolf bequest 72 00 Miscellaneous 410 50 1810 25 Special Election 284 72 Municipal Light Plant 1883 00 Sewer Work 805 12 Board of Health 62 62 Total 40199 58 THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE. PENN A. December 81st. 1904. ASSETS. j Taxes entered at the ( ountv ( ominr's of fice prior to 1904... 14* 14 I 19 '4 taxes entered 19 50 Bal of 1901 taxes due from E. W. Peters.. . 14 90 Bal of 1902 taxes due from E. W, Peters... 026 59 Bill of 1903 taxes due from E W. Petesr.. 448 35 Bal of 1904 taxes due from E W. Peters.. 286* 09 Fire en ~ ine houses fiOOO 00 St. .1111 fire engine. 3000 00 h ire hose 8000 00 Small hose 25 00 Sundry supplies 17000 Ti" Is for street work. 40 00 Town hall building... *OOO 00 Furniture 250 00 Lock-up ■ 100 00 Barn 011 Friend'p lot. 185 00 City Hall rents 149 00 Sewer 13029 94 I Municipal light plant. 1838 00 Mill Street Paving. . 21*1* 95 LIABILITIES. II L Gross, mortgage on Town Hall Bldg.. 2500 00 Three per cent bonds issued Nov. 1, 1900.. 14000 00 Three and one-half per ct. bonds issued Julv Ist, 1903 * 20000 00 Three and one-half per ct I»ond issued Nov. ! Ist, 19 4 8300 00 B< >rough Certificate No. 8 1500 00 Amt. overdrawn Dec. 81st. 19( 4 1569 38 Asset* xceed Liabilities. 14412 14 WATER DEPARTMENT. Fd.varl W. Peters, Re'ceiver of 1901 Water Taxes. DR. To b d nice due per last settlement $ 9.57 CR. By I »lance due at set tlement $ 9.57 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 1902 Water Taxef. DR. To balance due per last stiteiuent, $329.43 CR. By cash ) aid to tlie Borough Treasurer i during 1904 39.19 ' Bv exouerat ions during 1904 21.73 By 5 |« r cent penalty ! on s.bove 21.72 exoner ate I 1.08 ' By b.tlauce due at set tlement. 207.44 329.43 I Edward W. Piters, Receiver of 1903 Water 1 axes. DR. To balanc due per last, (■trttemeiit. . 478.43 To 5 per cent penalty added Jan. Ist, 1904* 23 92 CR. Bv cash paid to the Borough Treasurerdur nig 111. 1 * 410.81 By exonerations during 1904 39.56 By 5 per cent, penally on above 39.56 exonei ated . 1.98 i By balance dee at set tleunnt 50.00 WATER FUND 11:irrv Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer. Danville. p ; »., Dec* tuber 31st, 1904. DR. To cash MI band Jan uary 1-t, 1904, ... 4668.70 To liar v B. Pat toil, Ri'i'i ivet ol water rents, , 11774.31 To Hairy B Patton, corporation cocks . 21.60 To returned taxes from <'o. Co tutor's 15.80 To Ed. W. Petets, li>o2 and 1903 taxes,... 450.00 To Danville National Bank, interest 52.50 To Standard Gas Co., sleeve 2.00 To D L. & \V. R. R. Co , time and mats, a leak at tank 4.00 To Win. 11. Curtis, time and mats, re pairing a leak ... 3.75 To cash fioin P. J. Keeter, use of pump 13.00 To cash from P. J. Ket fer, old pipe ... 1.05 To cash from P. J. Ket fer,old iron sold 4.20 To rash from P. J. Keefer.old sold 7.50 CR. By orders paid. 9894.78 By coupons paid 2317.50 To cash calance on hand Dec. 31st, 1904. 480(5.18 Water Dep't Expenses for 19(14. REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. Jacob Hverly 786.91 Edward Bell 787.98 FIREMEN. (reor.'e Hullihen 564 00 Charles Bryan ... 365 25 Edward Wert man 184 50 P. ,T. Keefer, Superin tendent, salary 000 00 H. B. Patton, Receiver salary 4*o 00 1140 00 3828 04 AUDITORS. D. R. Williams 4 ">0 MISCELLANEOUS. H. B. Patton, postage and box rent 32 00 11 a rrv Ell en bogen. Bor ough t'reas., salary. 75 00 Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas. for State fox on Water Bonds. 324 00 Adams Express Co., Ex pre-siige 1 95 T \.\ RECEIVER'S COMMISSIONS. En ward W Peters.... 35 00 BOROUGH SOLICTOR. Edward's. (Jearhart-. 50 00 Repairs. LA Hi MATERIALS. D. ( Williams 755 Reading Iron Co 8 42 .1 11 k - .... I 40 J. 11 Cole 128 95 Joseph Lechner 75 95 Samuel Sainsbury. ... 12188 Edward Saiusburv 2*> *0 John Hixson ....' 40 40 John Rus-ell 6 00 I'M ward Wert man . 10 50 Harry Mowrer 11 63 ( mi . <V Yunnan.... I' B*9 Curry <.\: Co 6 1" 1 Thomas James, Sr ... 18 60 Oliver Werts 105 75 Rea ing In>n C>. 19 05 Boyer Bros 40 95 Trumbower iV Work lieiser 29 49 Elisha Bell 57 7"> James Robison . 4 50 Charles Foster.. 75 75 John Herman— . 27 75 Frank Anns 1# ( j0 Robert Arms.... 3?5 R G. Miiler 8 75 Joseph Yonng 2 25 George Arms 63 G. W. Rubiflon 2 25 Ellis Rank 7 15 SUPPLIES. A. M. Peters, ice 26 90 United Telephone &: Tel. Co. 'phone rent 24 00 J. B Cleaver, linoleum for office 9 70 O. B. Switzer, cement 8 HO Standard Gas Co., gas. lOH 00 H. Rupp,repairing bar rows 2 00 O. B. Switzer, Hand... 1 22 Cherry Chemical Co.. boiler compound.... 79 90 Garlock Packing Co., packing 36 82 P. H. Foust, Agent. freight on coal 326 15 Henry Divel, tallow... K 04 S. J. Welliver, luach. hammers 1 20 H. R. Moore, sundries. 1* is J. H. Goeser <Sr Co .sal soda 6 76 Rensselaer Mfg Co., hydrants 379 20 W. J. Rogers, boots. 18 50 C. C. Courtn«*v, direc tory 3 00 Atlantic Refining Co., oil 188 19 T. N. Reifsnyder, sand and shingles 7 05 John M. Watts Sons, packing, etc 16 75 Edward Corman, sun dries ft ♦HI Haines. Jones & Cad bury Co., corporation cocks 12 47 Albright Son & Co., steam hose, etc 39 (50 Pittsburg Meter Co.. meters 33 HO Corbin & Goodrich, in specting boilers 10 00 Harrison Bros. & Co. Inc., alum 147 75 Phila. & Reading Coal & Iron Co., coal 305 64 A. C. Amesbnry, coal. 101 97 Mrs. M. T. LeDuc.coal 420 56 F. Q. Hartman, coal.. 63 55 Frank Boyer, coal 62 50 Danville Struct. Tub ing Co., c0a1... ... 2 58 D. Houtz, coal 3 96 STREET WORK. Repairs and Extensions to Mains, Etc. LABOR AND MATERIALS. Curry A: Yannan 38 06 H. Rupp 2 00 Boettinger & Dietz 2 20 Samuel Sain sbury 52 10 Edward Sainsbury 42 38 Grant Gulicks 1 00 Frank Schram 3 67 ! Elmer Himes 4 00 | P. M. Kerns 1 80 | William Himes 14 50 John Herman 8 26 Curry & Co 26 81 Edward Wertman 16 50 Joseph W. Keely 17 14 Joseph Lechner 353 82 Charles Foster 33 23 Thomas James, Sr .... 19 51 Oliver Werts 40 96 James Robison 2 25 ! John Bates 6 00 1 John McCall 16 78 David Groves 5 88 ; Elisha Bell 14 85 Fisher 7 05 Joseph Young 6 90 John Fisher .. 2 55 Edward Rishel 2 55 George Robison 2 55 Charles Mills 1 88 Albert Funk 8 40 George W. Foust 9 90 Robert Miller 6 90 American Car & Foun drv Co 111 84 Jacob Elliott 3 60 John Albeck 4 40 Peter Kelly 4 40 H. Belfield & Co 60 00 | John Keim 27 20 j \\ illiam Mover, 5r.... 11 00 I Arthur Gearhart 3 13 FREIGHT £ DRAY AGE. ' E. S. Haas 50 I Washington Fire Co. 58 05 | Friendship Fire C 0.... 1 63 | F. Q Hartman 12 30 j Frank Boyer 75 66 John Spotts 6 60 Ellis Rank 3 00 John P. Patton 1 00 PRINTING. i Morning News 33 38 j G. Edward Roat 8 00 i Montour Co. Democrat 25 00 RETAINING WALL AT WATER WORKS LABOR AND HAULING. D. Miller 3 75 G. W. Robinson 16 50 Thomas Evans 1 50 Wilbur Gulicks 4 50 Samuel Sainsbury. ... 44 25 Oliver W erts 46 50 Charles Foster 43 50 Elisha Bell 45 00 Frank Arms 8 25 F. Hartman 15 98 E. S. Haas 30 Fisher & Everhart ... 318 55 Ellis Rank 32 63 W. L. Jones 12 75 Patrick Griffin 11 25 Charles Mills 10 50 John Herman 5 25 Hugh Oliver 20 88 James Robison 80 75 Robert Arms 1 88 Joseph Birks 2 70 Gilbert Yoris 3 75 MATERIALS, ETC. Welliver Hardware Co. cement 173 52 Hugh Oliver, stone.... 19 24 Caldwell, Barry and Leonard, stone 19 00 Estate of C. Laubach, stone 5 56 F. Hartman, sand 18 86 Thos. Keifsuyder, sand 3 81 T. J. Rogers, expenses of trip, stone for wall 70 Mrs. M. T. LeDuc, for use of boat 10 00 Total cost 931 64 WATER RECAPITULATION. 1904. Regular Employes 3828 64 Auditors 4 00 Miscellaneous . 432 95 Tax Receiver's Coin 85 00 Borough Solicitor 50 00 Repairs 965 89 Supplies 2424 04 St Work. Materials etc 997 45 Freight & Draynge 158 74 Printing 66 38 Retaining wall at Wat er Works 931 64 9894 73 Water Department.—Assets. All taxes entered at County Commr's of fice prior to 1904 215 87 Bal. of 1901 taxes due from E. W Peters 957 Bal of 19 2 taxes due from E. W. Peters.. 267 44 Bal of 19"3 taxes due from E. W. Peters 50 00 | Water Mains .10001 0(H) Fire Hydrants 123< 0 0o Building, Machinerv, Wells . €BBIB 64 Filtration Plant Com plete 17500 00 Cash balance on hand Dec. 31, 1904 4806 18 LIABILITIES. 3 per cent bonds of the issue of July 1, 1900 . 77000 00 Assets exceeding Liabili ties 121967 70 We the Undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville |having been directed to audit the accounts of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1904. do certify that we have examined the statement and find it to he correct. AMOS VAST INK ) GEORGE F. REIFSNYDER Com JOHN H. GOESER } We the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough of Danville, County of Mon tour and State of Pennsylvania, having examined the above statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Bor ough and Water funds for the year 1904. do certify that we find them true and cor ect. C. G. CLOUD J J F. BARKY Auditors W. H. WOODSIDE ' We the Burge-s and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania do certirv that the above statement of re ceipts and expenditures of the said 15or ough and Water Funds are true exhibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Receiver of Water Rents, according to our know ledge and belief WILLIAM G. PCRSEL. Burgess COUNCILMEN. WM. W. DAVIS, GEO F. REIFSNYDER, .1. II GOESER, AMOS VASTI.VE, A. M DIETRICH, T. J. SWANK, A. E. LLOYD, G. FENSTERMACHER, DAVID GIBSON, JACOB 11. BOYER. JOSEPH M.GIBSON IKB RAILROAD. TIME TABLE In Effect Nov. 29th, 1903. A. M.;A.M. P.M. Scranton(L>&H)lv §i; s v 47 Iw■* X Pittston " " 705 112 I 15 Si 210 563 A. M. P. >l. P M Wllkesbarro... IV A M. §lO 35 2C> it (><• Plym'lh Ferry "5725 I 1" t2s2fe 07 Nanticoke " ;2 J»> .VJ H •>! 6 17 Mocauauu» .... " 742 11 07, ' 2() 937 Wapwatlopen.. " HHI 11 IT! 3 :->L 047 Nescopeck ar *lO 11 20 342 700 AM' \..M. P M ., Pottsvllle l v j "i =ll oo Hazlutnn •' 7oj 2L>:2 45 Tomhickeo " 722 3 o."> 3 05: Fern (ilen " 721 315 3 15, Koclt'Hen .. "I " 5 322 322 Nescopeck . .ar 802 j I nlaw issa 4 00 4 00 1 . \ VI A. HI P.M. P M ~ Nescopee* ... .lv $S IS ill 2t> 342=7 00 Crca?} • S3 11 30 352 708 I.SPY Ferry... ' TO 4: 11 40 14 02 7 2<jj E. Hlnomsburk '• 847 11 50 4 Oti 725 iv 855 11 57 4 13 732 •*OUTH Danville " 'J 14 12 15 431 751 Sunbury ar 935 12 40 455 815 ~ A. M. P. M. I'. M KM. Sunliury Iv 942 SI2 is §5 IS »53 Lewisburg.... ar 10 13 145 54S MIL ion '• LO OS 1 ;;;I 544 10 14| Willlauisport .. " 11 00 141 0 41) 10 00 Lock Haven. .. " 11 61' 220 737 Henovo " A.M. 300 H3O Kane " S 25 ( |P.M. P.M.! Lock Haven. .lv ;12 10 3 15' ' . . Bellefonte 105 141 Tyrone " 210: 000 1 Ptiiltpsburg " 510% 802 (Teartleld.... " 654 i 845 Pittsburg.... " li 55 "I 45 A.M. P.M. P.M. P Mi Sunbury lv 960§ 159 SLU„H 31 llarrisburit ar II 3O J3 15 05010 10 P. M. P. M. P. M. A >1 Philadelphia. . ar $3 17 623|| 92* 423 Kaltimore "$3 11 6<o !' 45 ;> 20 ..... Washington ... "JJ42O[, 716 '.O 55 830 A. M. P. M. Sunbury lv §lO 00 § 2 L") ; LeWigtown Jc. ar II 45 tOS Pittsburg •' 055 §lO 45 A.M. P, M P. M. 1' M Harrisburit.... lv 1145 6 2O||| 720 silo P. .51. A M. A. M. A M Uttsburg ar 055 ;i 160 150 530 P. M.I P M A M A M| lv 7 1" 900 3 001 H 00 .... .A. M A M Psl HanifburK. ... ar 200 425 11 25 310 P.M A Mi Plttshuiir lv 9 '0 ; 8 to .... A.M.! P.M L.ewistown J;. "| 7 3' ; 300 .... Sunbury ar » 2< ? 4 50 .... P. M. A MA M AM Washington... lv lo 40 " 5 10 5C Baltimore '■ 11 00 440 840 11 45 .... Philadelphia..." 11 40 4 2F- 830 11 40.... A. M A MA. M. P M Harrleburg lv 335 755; 11 40 ;3 25 .... Sunbury ar 500 930 lOS 613 .'. P.M. A M A M Pittsburg lv ;I2 45 3 00 ; * 0" Cleartleld.... . 330 Phiilpsburg.. " 425 10 1> •• Tyrone " 701 £S 10 12 25 ... Bellefonte.. " NHI 9 32' 125 .... Lock Haven ar 9 15; 10 30 J 210 ■••• P.M. A M A M PSI Erie lv 535 Kane, '• 545 i•> Henovo " 11 50 ; 040 10 30 J 1 13 ... Lock Haven.... " 12 3K 730 11 25 250 A.M. P M Wiillamsport .. " 2it H 25:12 10 Milton ■' 223 9 i.j 125 4 :: 8 ... Lewiyburg " 905 1 15 4 Sunbury. ar 3 311 945 164 6 22;.... M. A M 1* M P M ; Sunbury lv 45 ;F55 : I*l 525 South Danville' II •I 0 17 221 500 ••• CatftWlisa " 32, 10 25 230 6 0»L-• • • E Bloomsburg. . ' 37 10 43 243 615 •••• Espy Ferry...." 42 flo 47 F6 19 •••• Creasy " 52 10 OFL 200 0 30--*- Nescopeck " 02 tl 05, 305 a4O •••• A M A M P. SI. t'atawissa Iv 10 "IH Nescopeck Iv 828 5505 P M Rock Olen ar 11 '22 •••• Fern Olcn " 851 1128; 532S 705 •••• Tomhlcken " 858 11 38 53*' 728 Hazleton " 010 11 57 5 511, 7 ;;I Pottsvllle " 10 15 150 ti 55 742 AM AMP M * Nescopeck lv : 8 02 11 05 J 3 05 ••• 810 11 20 20 P M •••• Mocanaqufc ..... "I 831 11 32 330■ e4O ■••• Nanticoke .... "i 854 11 54 349 6 P Ml 7 01' Plym'th Ferry" I 902 12 02 357 7 jii .... Wllksbarie ..." 9LO 12 10 405 •••• AM P M P M F ; IF Plttston(DA H) ar ;9 ?« 12 FIL 4 T>6 .... Scrantou " " LO 08 1 oti 52' .... Weekdays. I Daily. 112 Flaic station. Pullman Parlor ARD Sleejunit Cars run OL throuith trains between SUR*»ury, Wiillamsport and trie, between Sunbnry H1,.; Philadelpliia anil Washington and between Pitts burg and the West. F'or lurther information apply to Ticket Agent W. W. ATTERBL'HY, J R. WOOD Cieneral .Manager, Pat's. Trattle Mir GEO. 'V. BOY I), Gen l'assengor Agent. B hi 1 A Hollat)le TIN SHOP ror all kind of Tin Roofing Spoutine and Ceneral JCK Work, Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, fto. PRICES Tllli 1,011 EST! QIiLITY THE BEST! JOHN IIIXSON NfO. 116 E. }'RON T T BT. J J. BROWfi THE EY EL A SPECIALTY Eyes tested, treated, fitted « >TLI S '<NIL artiiicml eyes STlJ'plieti. .Market Street, I3loonisburg, I'a. Hours—lo a 5 p.m. : ' AL STATE.MKST OK THE DIRECTORS OF THE POOR 4»K Danville and Mahoning Poor Dis trict 112 i the Year Ending Jan. i, 1905. J. I'. BARE,Treasurer. . in account with the Directors of the Dan \iilea Mahoning Poor District. DR. To balance due Directors at last settle ' meat IBM tt To cash receive"l Irom L. W. Peters on ' duplicate for 19 >3 45UOU 1 To cash receivi il from K. W Peters on dupl cate 1901 . 4767J81 To cash received from W. K. Dyer on duplicate 1903 128 16 To cash received from E. <>. Wertman on account duplicate i!«>» 5t4 00 To casli received from E. Rosenthal.. 63 00 To cash received from Mrs. (iotner Thomas 80 00 To cash receivi d from J. P. Ban.-,com mittee of sain Pickius 112 40 To cash received from Jos. Tan 9 00 To cash received from J. P. Bare from Hahn estate 24 00 To cash received from John F. Tooiey 82 55 TOI-:I> received from return taxes... 51 SI I o cash receiv»-d from Math. »nnir .. 201 To cash received from P.M. Kerns... 300 To cash recei 1< il from A ten sechlcr est lts 42 To cash received from Phillip Pollock 1000 i'o cash received from Steward for produce sold 421 at 18189 HO , I , I Cit. : By whole amount of orders paid hy the I Treasurer during the year 19 1 4 ... 7770 53 Hal due Directors at present settlement £369 27 Directors <•) Danville and Mahoning l\>or District in Account with the District. DR. To balance due from Treasurer at last settlement J250 44 To balance due from \V. K. Dyer at last settlement for the year 1908 184 92 To balance due from E. W. Peters at last settlement 011 duplicate for the year 1901 2151 To balance due from K. W. Peters at last settlement on duplicate for the 1902 184 88 To amount of duplicate issued E. VV Peters for the Borough of Danville for the year 1903 647 46 I To amount of duplicate issued E. W. Peters for the Borough of Danville for tin- year l»w 6609 25 To Penalty of • per cent on $497 97 dup licate for the year 1904 *4 90 Amount of duplicate issued E.G.Wert -1 man for the Township of Mahon ing for the year 1904 69157 To penalty of •"> per cent on 106 93 dup licate for the year i 904 583 To cash received from KM Rosen thai.. 68 00 'i'o cash rec. from Mrs. (iomer Thomas 80 00 To cash received from J. P. Bare com mittee of sain Pickens 112 40 To cash received from Joseph Law 900 To cash received from J. P. Bare, act. of Hawn estate 24 00 To cash rec. from John F Tooiey 82 55 To cash received from return taxes.... 51 81 To cash received from Mattie Young 200 To cash received from P. M. Keras.. . 300 To cash received from Alen Sechlerest 145 42 To cash received from Phillip Pollock 10 00 cash received from Steward for Pro duce (old 42134 * 9574 80 CR. I By Commission allowed Wm. E. Dyer of 5 per cent 011 «129 66 on dupli ' cate for the year 1903 648 Exhoneration allowed Wm. E. Dyer on duplicate for 1903 5 28 Balance due from K. \V. Peters on du plicate for 1901 21 51 Balance due from E. W.Peters on du plicate for 19*12 184 88 By commission allowed K. W. Peters of 5 per cent on *4T.~6S on duplicate for 19(1! 21 68 Exonerations allowed E. W.Peterson duplicate for the year 1903 41 41 By balance due from E. W. Peters for IMB 134 ST i By abatement allowed K. W. Peters of 5 per cent on $4583 75 on duplicate for year 1!«;4. 229 18 By commission allowed E. W. I'eters of 2 per cent on 4354 78 on dupl Icate 1 for the year 1964 8710 By commission allowed E. W Peters of 5 per cent on 626 31 on duplicate for year 1:104 2781 - By abatement allowed K. G. Wertman , of 5 per cent, on S4OO 43 on duplicate for the year 19"4 20 02 By commission allowed E.G.Wertman I of 3 per een t. on S3SO 41 on duplicate fur the year 1904 11 4t By commission allowed E.G.Wertman of 5 percent, on? 184 21 on duplicate for year 1901 9SI By bal. due from E. G. Wertman on duplicate for year 1904 112 28 By balance due trotn E. W. Peters dupli cate 1904 522 87 By orders paid by Treasurer during the year 7770 58 By balance due Directors at present settlement 369 27 9574 8 Statement of Orders issued during the year !90.}. Paid and outstanding and purposes for which the same were issued. Directors Salaries ♦ 300 00 Steward '225 00 Physicians 158 50 Attorney 55 00 Treasurer 75 00 Clerk 75 00 Auditing and Duplicate 19 0) Transient Paupers 14 05 Justices 500 Miscellaneous Items 18 04 Printers bills 48 00 Kent 79 99 Ex. in the Franklin Twp. case 352 50 Horse hire incurred by Directors in dis charge of their official duties 10 00 Insurance 12 50 81447 58 Outside Relief as Follows: Medicine ♦ 10 15 Coal and Wood L 899 Sh<>es an<l Clothing 5 70 Undertaker 96 50 Paid other district 10 00 Insane at Hospital 2264 75 Search Mortgage— 356 10 General Merchandise. 686 94 *i579 13 For Maintenance of Poor House and Farm. Seeding Grain and Plants ♦ 42 68 Lime ami Manure 329 24 shoes ami shoe Repairing 3295 Blacksmith bills 93 26 House and Farm Hauds 891 07 Farm Implements and Hardware 69 86 General Merchandise 208 11 Clothing 84 60 Meat bill 84 70 Coal 488 55 Improvements and repairs 599 68 Tobacco 28 05 Live stock 58 75 New Furniture 12387 Drug Store bills 13 46 New Wagon 100 00 12748 83 P.M. KERNS, 1 THF.O. HOFFMAN -Directors 11. WI REMAN. * We, the Auditors of the Borough of Danville and Township of Mahoning have examined the above accounts andtind them correct. BEN.I. L. DIEHL, i W. H. WOODBIDK, -Auditors. J tatements of Real Estate and Personal Property on hand at date of Settlement. ' Heal Estate 922500 00 House and Kitchen Furniture '42 82 Hay and Gram 1443 00 Fanning t tonsils 1156 35 I hivt 1 stock 140« 15 I Vegetables 371 00 ! Meat and Dard 117 46 I < 1. iihing ami Material 46 24 1 Fruit. Preserves, fcc 17 00 j \ inegur 25 00 Sauer Kraut * 00 I Lumber 40 00 • Seperator 80 00 Codec 3 00 ♦2795 1 53 Produce Raised. 40 Tons Hav ♦ 480 00 375 hushelsPotatoes 187 50 t> bushes Onions 12 00 Hi 1 bushels of W heat 418 50 86 bushels Rye 3HOO 821 bushels Oats 216 30 2717 bushels Corn ears 679 25 3400 Buodlescom fodder 10200 I I 1 0 Heads( al'hagc 50 00 1034 bushels Beet? 858 80 mollis Butter 206 80 290 Dor l-ggs sf,tw 40 bushels Winter Apples.. • 8 barrels cider ♦2738 89 Slock Raised. 1(H) Chickens 2 Calves 'OOO Il Plus 8000 6\, ,1 calves. 30 00 ♦ 160 00 Paupers admitted during the year 1904 8 Left • Died ♦ Number in House Jan. Ist. 1904 }| Jan. Ist. 1905..... lo I'ramps Relieved during the yeir 1901 Night lodgings furnished Tramps .84 Meals furnished Tramps ...WW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers