ANNUAL STATEMENT! : >K THK Mil ni H DtHini —OF THK Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1903 BOROUGH. Geo. W. Miles, Receiver of 189(5 Borough ami Dog Taxes for Ist and 2d Wards. DR. To balance due per last statement 56 73 CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 4 83 Bv balance due at set tlement 51 88 Edward W Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1901. DR. To balance due per last settlement 159 37 CR. By cash paid to the Borougli i reasurer during ItMUI 144 4; By balance due at set tlement 14 90 Edward \V Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1902. DR To balance due per last statement 1339 48 To 5 per cent penalty added Jan. Ist, 1903 67 97 CR. By cash paid t.> tlie Borough Treasurer during 1903 750 DO By balance due at set tlement 677 45 Edward W Peters, Receiver of Borough , and D'g Taxes for 19l):{. DR. To totaldiipliMle.Bor ougli J-JJt>4 CM Dog. • HS CR. By 5 p< '• int. rebate on taxes paid within «0 days V.922 i By casii paid to the Borough Treasurer within 60 day 1 <>245 05 By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer within 4 months. • ■ • 500 00 By taxes entered at the County Commission ers office 16 50 i By balance due at final settlement 2051 81 Harry Kilciibiaren, Borough Treasurer, "Dtnville l'a Dec :{|st. 1903. i DR. Fund for Relief of disabled Firemen j To cash received dur ing 1903 from the Auditor General of the State 155 01 CR. By S. A. McCoy.Treas urer, order No. | 155 01 Harry Ellenliogen, Borough Treasurer, ' Danyille PH.. Dec. 31st, 1903. BOROUGH FUND. DR. Cash on hand Jany Ist. 1903 112 286 21 To ,T. C. Mincemoyer, Market License .. 1385 50 To Harry B. Patton, City Hall rents .. 66fi 90 To Geo*. W. Miles 1896 j, taxes 9 70 To Ed W. Peters. 1901 j I taxes 144 47 To Ed. W. Peters, 1992 taxes 730 00 To Ed. W. Pet# rs. 1908 taxes - 10745 OS j ( To County Treasurer, Hotel Licenses 3078(H) j, To Justice Oglesby, Fines 52 00 To Justice Bare Fines 'l3 00 To Win. G Pursel, Theatre License . 263 00 To Wm. G. Pursel, Othor Licenses 75 oo ToB. B. Brown, Health Officer 6 00 To Standard Electric Light Co., for pole license 203 40 To United Telephone & Telegraph Co.,pole license 188 40 To Harry B Patton. Milk Licenses 127 70 j! To cash from sale of new bonds 2< >OOO 00 To Keystone Sand Co.. Royalty on saud. 134 87 To H. B. Deen, Street i. refuse .25 To interest on deposit in Danville Nation al Bank 00 00 To E. S. Mi Her, old slate .75 To W. E. Young, bat tery ,4<f To.I R. Bennett, old hose 1 00 ToChas. Moser,oil cups 200 To cash for sand sold :J3 34 CR By orders paid ♦25293 (Mi By couiions paid 310 Oo By old bonds paid No. 1 and 2 200 00 By interest paid on Boro. certificates . 87 50 By Borough certificates paid (Mrs.L. Bloch) Ht(00 00 By Borough certificates paid (Jos. Longen liergeri 5(Ht 00 liy mortgage and inter est paid (Estate of Joseph Hunter)... '3015 11 By cash on hand Dec. Mist. 1903 . . 6825 07 B(>ROU<4H EXPENDITURES BOARD or HEALTH. B B. Brown, Health Officer $ 33 65 Dr. C. Shnltz, Sec y. 25 00 Expressage, etc 1 50 G. A. Rossuian, fluid. . 32 50 J. W Cross ley, watch ing 18 (HI J W Deshay. watch ing 19 25 J. H Cole, oil heater 4 00 Trnmbower A: Werk heiser, lumber, etc .33 H G, Salmon, oil for heater 4.42 James C. Heddens. meals. etc 10 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDSHIP CO. No. 1 Appropriation * 150 00 REPAII;- Joseph Lechner .75 John R Hughes .. M > i Srt'l'l. Ks United Telephone and Telegraph Co ismi Welliver Hardware Co 1 Ho ( Ni \l. Frank Buyer. .. I 2 05 A. C. Amesburv 23 5o 223 90 WASHINGTON C<> NO 2, ppropriation 150 00 REPAIRS. Danville Stove <Xr Mfg. Co .14 I). ('. Williams 200 F. P. Startzel I 24 Boettinger Jfc Dietz 1 50 SUPPLIES United Telephone and Telegraph Co 16 94 CO A 1,. Frank Boyer 42 42 J. H. Yorgy & Co 6 96 221 21 CONTINENTAL CO. NO. 3. Appropriation 150 oo SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co. .... 16 95 J. 11. Cole 1 24 COAL. Frank Boyer 33 15 201 34 GOOD WILL C<>. NO. 4. Appropriation 150 00 REPAIRS. George W. Hendricks. .73 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co ... . 16 95 Jas. Boyd & Bro 450 00 COAL. A. C. Amesburv 2 95 Frank Boyer . 5 90 J. H. Yorgy & Co 5 90 Chief Engineer, Thos Trainor. Jr 52 00 Executive Board 25 00 Total Fire Dept... *1357 90 | STREETS AND BRIDGES. H. B. Deen. St. Com. 200 00 E S Miller. St. Com . . ' 400 00 j LABOR. James Riffle 18 79 John Straub 323 29 Frank Lecliner 2 50 Frank Love 125 Harrison Paugh 15 01 Ben Livzey 125 Harry Marshall 63 E. S. Miller 373 Daniel Cashner 11 85 A. T. Cashner 8 45 Ed. Longer 1 ** John Herman 7 20 Chas. Mottera 1 88 B H. Waite 1« 88 John Dtigan » 50 John W. Freeze 6 88 Peter Snyder 3 75 John Reppert 1 88 Ab. Burger 125 James Long 125 Hurley Moyer 1 23 David Grove 23 61 George Derr 37 19 William Byerly IK 44 John Walleze 3 75 Ed. Rishel 2 50 Ed Wertman 3 13 Lat'. Welliver 125 John Cor man 21 88 William Maiers 4 38 Robert G. Miller 25 01 George Lenhart 30 32 John Albeck 5 25 Rufus Schutt 9 M 8 John McCall 3190 William Childs 3 13 Clyde Snyder 8 75 Uriah Grove 63 Harry Smith s 18 Chas. Foster 2 19 Ben Smithers ........ 1 ss John Bates 125 Tell Heims 125 Elisha Bell 125 Frank Etter 94 HAULING. James Riffle 476 70 Wm. Sheppersnn...... 7 88 Chas. Mottern 7 88 Ellis Rank 7133 Laf. Welliver 14 25 |, Friendship Fire C 0.... 1 00 SUPPLIES. D L. & W. R R. Co., freißht on limestone. 156 07 Wm. Sechler, salt ... 4 oo Geo. Sechler, salt 1 35 J. H. Cole, sundries.. 11 51 Trnmbower & Werk heiser, lumber, etc.. 6 31 Silver Springs Quarry Co., crushed lime stone 152 53 Chulasky Iron & Ce ment Co., cinder ... 11 s S<> Thos. N. Reifsnyder, lumber and work 42 20 Boettinger & Deitz, re pairing tools 40 Keely <lfc Trnmbower, repairing tools 4 *il Wm. S. Kocher, repair ing tools 2 77 SURVEYING. George F. Keefer 98 00 2458 46 STREET LIGHTING. Standard Electric Light Co 5417 35 POLICE DEPARTMENT J. C.Mincemoyer,Chief of Police. 600 00 J. G. Yoris. Assistant Police 600 00 SUPPLIES. Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co., batteries 5 40 H. Ellenliogen & Bro., helmets 12 00 J. H. Cole, sundries. 1 00 FEEDING PRISONERS. J. C. Mincemoyer 13 91 Total Police Dep't 1232 31 HIGH CONSTABLE. B. B. Brown, salary... 32 00 B B. Brown, burying (logs 3 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. REPAIRS. Seidel A: Bausch 81 24 Joseph Lechner ... 930 J. H. Cole 52 15 John Hixson 35 85 Thos. N. Reifsnyder 191 09 Wm. G. Brown 30 A. Rosenstine 1 00 Harry Mowrer 46 50 George Crossley 34 00 George Hendricks * 44 MISCELLANEOUS. Standard Gas Co., gas :50 60 E. W. Peters, taxes for 1903 131 82 H. L. Gross, interest. 100 (X) Joseph Hunter, ii terest 40 00 Sarah McCuen, clean ing 0 oo Ptirsell <Xr Montgomery mats, for cleaning. 2 10 Total Town Hall Bld'g 769 39 COUNCIL CHAMBER. A. C. Amesbury, coal. 9 80 R J Pegg, coal 4 10 A C Roat, repairs to furniture 5 98 ]8 88 LOCK UP REPAIRS. George Hendricks 1 70 Thos. N. Reifsnyder 8 44 Joseph Lechner 1 71 SUPPLIES. A C. Amesbnry, coal 967 Robert J. Pegg, coal. 3 10 •T. H. Yorgy & Co.,coal 2 95 S. .T. Welliver,sundries 1 42 J H Cole, sundries... 225 Total Lock Up...... 31 24 PRINTING. Morning News. .. . 16 50 G. Edward Roat 6 00 Wm. F. Murpln - Sons Co. .. 47 50 100 00 LEGAL EXPENSES EdwardS. Gearhart 30 00 R. S. Animerman 35 00 TOWN CLOCKS. Ed. Lunger, winding.- :!0 00 St. Joseph's Church, winding . 30 00 AUDITORS I) R. Williams 1 oo TAX COLLECTOR'S COMMISSIONS. Edward W Peters ■ 299 62 STATIONERY. Alex. 11. Grone 20 69 20 69 Mrs. Jennie Persing, Treasurer,interest on Josiah Wolf, bequest 72 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Harry Ellenbogeii. Bor ougli Treas., salary. 75 00 Harry Ellenbogeii. Bor ough Treas . state tax on Boro. Bonds.. ss oo Danville Nat'nl Bank rent for safe deposit box 3 00 Harry B. Patton. Sec v of Council, salary. 180 oo Harry B. Patton, Sec y of Council, making 1903 tax duplicate... 12 50 Harry B. Patton, Secy of Council, issuing milk licenses 0 50 Harry B. Patton, Secy of Council, postage stamps 17 75 United Telephone and Telegraph Co., phone rent 26 30 Thomas <l. Vincent. Prot lionota ry. rec< >rd - ing bond 2 00 W. B. Linvilie,making copy Berwick trolley ordinance 3 50 Ed. W. Peters, share for tax b00k5.... .. 3 00 -SEWER JOB LABOR AND HAULIN<. Harry Ellenbogeii,'Bor ough Treas., orders for Pay Rolls on all Labor and Hauling.. 5684 05 SURVEYIN< ■ George F. Keefer... . 23800 Wm. G. Yetter ... 300 MATERIALS, En D. L. &W. Ii R. Co freight oil lumber 30 7<> Edward Corman, bar rels 3 00 J. H. B. Gaskins, wheel barrows 6 oo Hoover Bros., lumber etc 20 02 Creasy & Wells, lum ber* 293 74 Danville Bessemer Co. lumber 332 8:: Thos. N. Reifsnyder, lumber, etc 214 23 S. Bailey & Co. lum ber 23 70 Trnmbower & Werk lieiser. lumber, etc. 15 99 11. Rupp, work and materials 13 55 Ellis Rank, planks 3 00 Reading Iron Co . re fined iron ss 7»; Welliver Hardware Co sewer pipe, etc 3433 09 Danville Structural Tubing Co., coal, etc 15 61 Frank Samuel, coal . ** 99 Joseph Lechner, work and materials 112 73 Wm. J. Rogers. boots. 12 00 O. G. Mellin, repairing tools .... li 70 Jesse Craft,cent, pump 119 70 John Keim, bricks.... 92 80 Curry & Yannan. ma terials and work .... 325 05 John Hixson. work and materials 5 00 H. R. Moore,'materials 11 75 J. H. Cole, cement, etc 195 57 Washington Fire Co., freight and hauling. 15 85 Warren Foundry and Machine Co., iron sewer pipe 746 43 Andrew Schatz, boots. 8 00 Wm. G. Shoop, rubber gloves 2 00 Curry & Peters, steam engine 250 OO Boettinger & Deitz, re pairing tools, etc .. 400 R J. Pegg, coal 1 18 S. J Welliver, pipe. etc 15 26 John F. Tooley, gaso line ... 180 Keely & Trnmbower. repairing tools, etc 26 69 Dr. P. C. Newbaker, services rendered . 4 oo Total cost of sewer 12764 82 BOROUG H R ECAPIT U LAT ION 1903. Board of Health 148 85 148 85 FIRE DEPARTMENT Friendship No. 1 225 90 Washington No. 2 221 21 Continental No. 3 201 34 Good Will No. 4 632 45 Chief Engineer 52 00 Executive Board 25 00 STREETS AND BRIDGES. H. B. Deen. St. Coin.. 200 00 1 E. S. Miller. St Com . 400 00 Labor oso 79 Hauling .... 579 04 Supplies 500 63 Surveying 98 oo Street Lighting 5417 35 POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries 1200 00 Supplies 18 40 Feeding prisoners. 13 91 HIGH CONSTABLE. Salary ... 32 00 Bnrving dogs 3 0o 35 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. Repairs 439 87 Miscellaneous ... 309 52 Couucil CliamlKT. .. is H8 Lock Up :il 24 Printing 100 oo Legal Expenses 85 00 Town Clocks 60 00 Auditors 4 oo Tax Collector's Coin's.. 299 62 Stationery 20 6!) Int. on Wolf bequest . 72 00 Miscellaneous 417 55 Sewer Job 12764 82 23293 06 THE BOROUGH OF DANYILLE. PENNA. December 31st. 190:! ASSETS. Taxes entered at the County Commission ers office prior to'o3 171 12 1903 taxe- entered. . 16 50 Balance of 1896 tii~ fine from George \Y. Miles 51 ss Balance of 1901 taxes due from Edward W Peters 14 9o Balance of 1902 taxes due from Edward \V Peters 67 7 r, Balance of 1903 tax. < due from Edward \V Peters 2051 si Fire Engine Houses 6000 oo Steam Fire Engine— 3000 oo Five Host- :!()00(K) Small Host' '3"> 00 Sundry Supplies ... 175 ()«) Tools for Street Work. H> 00 Town Hall Huildinjx sOOO 00 Furniture 200 00 Lock Up 100 0(1 Barn oil Friendship lot UW 00 City Hall Kent- ... 150 00 Sewer 127(54 82 (of the above amount of Sewer, have on haml in the way of pipe, engine and material* *ISOO 00) Cash balance on hand Dec. :?Ist 100:! . .. H835 07 LIABILITIES H L Gross. mortgage on Town Hall Bldg 2500(H) per cent, ltonds issued Nov Ist, litOO 14000 00 ■)h per cent, bonds issu ed Julv Ist. liKUI 211000 00 Assets exceed Liabilities (>948 55 I WATER DEPARTMENT. (leorge W. Miles, Receiver of 1 s'J'i Wat er Tax for First and Second Wards DR. To bal. due per last statement 3V 48 CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1908 4 H5 Bv bal at settlement :>4 (>H :i<t 4H Edward W. Peters. Receiver of 1«H>1 Water Taxes. DR To balance due per last statement 71 Wl CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 ($2 37 By bal due at settle ment 9 57 71 94 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 1902 Water Taxes. DR. To balance due per last statement «»47 08 To 5 per cent penalty added after Jam* Ist, 1903 ' 32 35 CR, By cash paid to Boro. Treas. during 190:5.. 350 00 Bal. due at settlement 329 43 Edward W. Peters. Receiver of 1903 Water Taxes. DR. To duplicate 3017 4* CR. By 5 percent rebate on taxes paid within 60 days 14<> 72 By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within (>0 days 27*7 77 j By cash paid to Boro. Treas within 4 mow. 200 00 By taxes entered at Co. Coui'rs oftiice I s(i By bal due at tinal set tlement 478 43 Harry EllenlHigen. Borough Treasurer. Danville Pa. Dec. 31, 1903 WATER FUND. DR. To cash on hand Jan 1. 1903 3739 43 To H. B Patton, Rec. of water rents 1175097 To Ed. W. Peters, 1901 taxes (52 37 T<> Ed W. Peters, 1902 taxes 350 oo To Ed. W Peters. 1903 taxes 2987 77 To cash from P. J. Keefer, old pump sold 3 <M) T'> cash from P .T. Keefer, old iron sold. 12 50 To cash for use of pump 12 00 To cash from H. B. Patton, Rec. corpor ation cocks 74 (i<t To cash from H. B. Patton, Rec, barrels hold 1 70 To cash from Pawnee Bill, water 2 IMI To cash from Curry Vannan, tire plug... 32 00 To cash from (Jeorge Hullilien, c0a1... . 3(H) - 190(51 34 CR. By orders paid 7(507 34 By couiKins paid 2554 50 Bv bonds Nos. 18, s(i. 87, 110. 119, 210, 224. 22(5, 22*. 230, 244,2(50, 31(5, 320. 329, 337,339, 360 and 369 (with in terest) paid 4010*0 By old bonds Nos. 215 & 235 paid with in terest to July 1, 1900 to F. N. Bank 220 00 To cash bal on hand Dec. 31st 1903 4668 70 Water Dep't Rxpenses for 1903. REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. Jacob Byerly 773 50 Edward Bell 778 66 Geo. Hullihen fS (50 1560 76 FIREMEN. Geo. Hullihen 564 10 ('has. Bryan .. 555 65 Ed. Wert man 6 75 P. J. Keefer, Supt salary 660 00 H. B. Patton. Receiver salarv .. 480 <>o 1140 00 3827 2(5 AUDITORS Edward Purpur 4 00 MISCELLANEOUS H. P. Patton, [xjstage and box rent 44 50 II B Patton, making 1903 tax duplicate. . 12 50 Harry Ellenbogen Bor ough treas. salary... 75 oo Harry Ellenlwgen, Bor ough treas. f.>r State tax on water bonds.. 332 IMI U. S. Express Co.. Ex. 85 TAX RECEIVER'S COMMISSIONS. Edward W. Peters .. 103 *6 BOROL'GH SOLICITOR. Edward S. (»earhart. . 50 00 Repairs. LABOR .V MATERIALS. Seth L< inner 79 50 Thos. Williams 9 75 Win. Hullihen 35 00 E. A. Adams 12 25 Joseph Lechner 15 55 Curry & Vannan. .. 11 46 1) (' Hunt 75 Ed. Wertman. .. 25 50 David Rank 7 50 Jesse Craft. 7 60 Richard McCormick 3 13 Ben Livzey 2 50 i Chan. (ijiit" 'tis ... 120 Samuel Sainsbury. 3 (Hi Ed. Sainsbuiv. 120 Tell Heim 3 75 ("has. F'inter 3 75 John Herman. . 7 50 H R. Worthington 32 16 E Heim... .... 300 Trumbower& Werk heiser 11* John Ilixson .... 925 TIIOH N Reifsnyder *45 SUPPLIES Atlantic Refining Co oil 135 54 Standard Gas Co }<as 98 20 A. M Peters, ice 22 lo Buffalo Meter ('n. met ers. etc 17 52 (). S. Janney A: Co soda ash I 19 Quaker City Rubber Co, sundries '.'l 64 Rensselaer Mfg, Co hydrants 91 so E. Keeler Co rubber belting .. 775 J. H. Cole, sundries.. . 10 10 J. 11. Goeser & Co, sal soda 1 50 (,'herry (.'hemical (.'<>, boiler compound... 7* 55 C. T. & T. Co, phone rent 21 oo Curry & Vannan waste 26 71 11. R. Moore Sundries 30 65 Harrison Bros. A Co. lnc , alum .... ,".t7 75 Finance Co of Pa. coal 94 7o C. J. Callahan, coal 2*9 31 A. C. Amesburv. coal 33 6(5 Cross & Leftier." coal. . 22 65 Mrs M. T Li I)uc.coal 'ill 20 Rolirbach iV Stannert coal 109 76 Irish Bros., coal 10 84 S. J. Welliver,sundries 2* *1 Ellis Rank, wheelbarw 3 (Mt Danville Struct Tub ing Co.. rubber belt ing 11l Emanuel Price, castor oil . 1 50 Haines Jones & Cad bury Co, cor. cocks 15 9ti F. E. Fitts Mfg Co.. steel barrow 13 00 Jos. Lechner. varnish 75 Ed. Corman. sundries 5 (M> STREET WORK. Repairs and extensions to mains, etc. LABOR \ MATERIALS. Joseph LEchner. .. ♦55 21 Wm. Hullihen 7 > Frank Love I 50 George Lechner 4 50 Wm. Paugh 6** Sani'l Waite 1 25 Emanuel Price 125 Coleman & James .. . 20 Dan 1 MeClow (Mi John Lechner 1 00 Keely & Trumbower. . 1 7o ill 09 FREI'iHT DHAYAOK. I Washington Fire Co.. 47 0" ' P. & R. Railway Co 121 *" Penn a R. R. Co I*6 o J. H. Yorgy & Co 45 8 ; > 1 Ellis Rank 35 8 j Wm. Shepperson 24 2o Samuel Mills (5 PRINTING. Morning News 12 oo Intelligencer 25 oo j G. Ed. Roat I* (Hi STATIONERY Wm. F Murphy's Sons Co 13(H) F. R Miller Blank B'Xik Co :! 75 WATER RECAPITTLATK )X 1903. Regular Employes 3*27 26 Auditors 4 oo Miscellaneous 164 *5 Tax Receiver's Com. 103 8(1 Borough Solicitor 50 00 Repairs 834 23 Supplies." 2202 61 Street work, materials etc 91 09 i Freight & Drayage, .. 467 (59 Printing 55(H) i Stationery 16 75 Water Department.--Assets. All Taxes entered at County Commission era office prior to 1903 231 67 1903 taxes entered .. 1 50 Bal. of 1*9(5 taxes due from Get). W. Miles. 34 6-! Bal. of 1901 taxes dtle from Ed. W. Peters. Bal. of 1902 taxes due from Ed. W. Peters. 329 43 Bal. of 1903 taxes due from Ed. W. Peters 178 13 Water Mains HMKKHMHI Fire Hydrants 12300 oo Building. Machinerv, Wells . 62837 oo Filtration Plant com 17500 00 Cash bal. on hand Dec 31st. 1903 4668 70 LIABILITIES. 3 per cent bonds issue of July Ist, 19<MI ... 77000 00 Assets exceed List Dili ties 121393 99 We. the undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, having been di rected to audit the accounts of the re ceipts and expenditures for the year 1903. do certify that we have examined theabove statement and find it t" be correct. THOS. J. SWANK, J I ALBERT LLOYD, - Com. GEORGE F. REIFSNYDER. We, the undersigned. Auditors of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, having ex amined the above statement of the re ceipts and expenditures of the Borough and Water funds for the year 1903 do certify that we find them true and cor rect. CHARLES G. CLOUD i All( , itlir . D.R.WILLIAMS yAuuitoi* We, the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville. County of Montour and State of Penn sylvatiia, do certify that the above statement of receipts and expenditures of the said Borough and Water Funds are true exhibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Receiver of Water Rents, according to our knowledge and belief. WM. (T. PURSE 1.. Burgess ( OUNCILMEN. GEO. REIFSNYDER. J. 11. GOESER. WM. DAVIS, D. A. MONTGOMERY AMOS VASTINK. JAS. DOUGHERTY, T. J. SWANK, ALBERT LLOYD THOS. WELLIVER, DAVID GIBSON, I G. FENSTER.MACHER, JOS. GIBSON. INSURANCE CO.'S LIBERAL DONATION John W. Farnsworth, the Liverpool aud London and Globe Insurance Com pany's agent in Danville has received the following letter from the New Yoik office of the company: BALTIMORE CONFLAGRATION. NEW YORK, February, 9th., 1904. To Our Agents—Since our letter ot yesterday we have received the fol lowing inesMagu from the Head Office in Liverpool: "Draw lor Baltimore loss and give ten thousand dollars for relief of suit erers and convey our de»p sympathy. " We have authorized our adjusters to pay for losses immediately on adjust incut, and, when necessary,l l advance 50 per cent ol claims when satisfied as to approximate loss. The United States Branch has al ways kept a heavy cash reserve for im mediate use, aud we have on deposit ! at thi< (late |631,000 Yerv traly yours, 11. W EATON. Resident Manager. \l. VI"\TKMK\ I oh' 111 K DIRECTORS OF THE POOR oi Danville and Mahoning Poor lb trict for the Year Knding Jan. I, 1904 I. I*. It \ ItK, Treasurer. InacGount with tin l>irt*<-toi> of tin* IMI villeand M;i hom HJ I'oor I»iin*' in:. To balance due Director- at la-i setth hunt $2700 , To cash received Irom K. W. Peters mi duplicate for ltol 1.;.,, To cash received from K. \V Peters on duplicate line imnu To cash received from K \V Peters mi duplicate for l'.«t; ITlsi,s I'o casli received l'rom Win. K. Dyer 011 duplicate for liHC IT <■'.» To cash received from Wm. K. Dyer on duplicate for exit I'o <-:ish rwcivfil from Mrs. Homer Thomas MI no to cash received from SHIM I'lckins tiiwm I'o cash received from Kli To cash received from Mr>.iC. Tootev . 28 00 To cash received Irom Montour Ij'*liee To cash received from >still«ell I tiO To CHSIi received from 1 ulier liMrici- '.in, cash received from Steward f>r pro duce sold t'.'iytl I'o cash from lulin I- Tuolev & Co I-.74 ♦ < 11. Hy w hole amount of orders psiid|h> the Treasurer durini; the year". sow* n . i'.al due IMrectorsat present settlemenl ?1'250 U IHreelorx •■/ and Mtthoning I'om i„ Af-Mht <rm, Hn IHstrirt. bit. To balance due from Treasurer at last settlement To balance due from \V. K. liver at lasl settlement for the year ItMRI 17 V' To balance due from £. W. Peters at last settlement on duplicate for t lie year I'.nil.. 71 I'o balance flue from K. W IVter* at last settlement on duplicute for 1 lie liHC.' l,.',S(k. I'o amount "I duplicate issued i;. W Peters for the Horouuli ol llanville tor the year liKCt V~s 5s To Penalty of ■'< per cent on "•ilti Kidup licate for the year IWI 30 A mount of duplicate issued iu Win. K. liycrfortlie Township of Miliun ins for the year IlKti 70; (!•_' To cash rec. Irom Mr*, (hmier Thouias mi mi I'o cash received from Sam Pickens on cash received from Kli Rosenthal -I Ul cash received Irom I". Tooley 280n cash received Irom Montour Lodge.. 22 5c lo cash received from Htlllvvell :;i Uf> cash received from other Districts 1 I ■•ash received from Steward lor Pro. duce sold 4!< 1 {*. I'o cash rec. from lolin I". Toole\ Co. 1"> 77 ♦ lO7V> "vs 112 n II > ( allowed Win. K. Dyer of"1 per cent on i l7 Won duplicate for the year 1!KI2 :«i Abatement allowed Uin K. Ityer of •"> per cent on MiiS.looll duplicate for the year I!i03 .. .. J. iu CommtariOß allowed Win. K Dyer of T |HT cent Jill 70 on dupllcale for the year Iwn ii:t| ( •uitnission allowed Win. K. Dyer of per MM Ml 4lo) I«I i.n diplMte l"r the year UHM >«) Italance due from Win. K. D> er on duplicate for the year 1W:; l'lirj l.Noneratioti- allowed K. \V. Peterson duplicate for the year l'.ml I >7 Hy com mission allowed K. W Peters of ."> per cent on 'l6 8 ! on duplicate for year I'.KM J llv balance due from K . Peters for IHOI fflM P.\ commission allowed K. W. Peter* of "> |x-r cent on S I7 ISS 011 dnpllcHte for year IWJ _ ' Hr balance due trom K. W. Peters dupli cate )WS HMM Hy ahttteinent allowed K. \V. Peters of 5 |H-r cent on Sitio i>. on dapdmte for year I!tt> .*1" •" Hy commission allowed h; w. Peters ot per cent on HinN.-o on duplicate for lmu •.«! IH eoinmission allowed K. \V Peter id'.". percent on SH*» SO on duplicate for the year 19fiS !'• Ha lance due tr"iu K. VV. Peters <ui <lu plicate tor ISBB (M 5 i" Hy order- paM bj rreasurei ilwi lag the year '. mik ; «.| Hy balance due Dire-tors at pnaaM settlement l> 1117.V. M Statement ;/ Orders /.«*»»(< durinf/ tin i/iiir I'iiid ttnd i"tt*tftndin{j ">td jiiirp"seH /"/■ irlut h the mime ire re tunned. Directors Salaries t am On Steward Physicians I luim Attorney Treasurer .... T'.uu Clerk 7*i un Aiidltinit and Duplicate ihdo Transient Paupers Id ~>~ Ex. in settlement ol cases 17 II Justice? * Si Hlrillanewiw Item Ittt Printers billl ."»• UT Kent op, llorst hire incurred by Directors in dis c barge of their official dutic* *nn Insurance 17425 4 1 :i ". 7!» Outxidi llehtj "s I'dhiwn: Medicine. t Coal tad Wood 1271$ Shoes and ('lothini( -II! !<• Undertaker....... lo Insane at Hospital 3*>-l 7~> (leneral Merchandise :rj *.!WI :« /*';/ l/'i/nteitiinCi ttf Poor /lint*! mid Farm. Seeding (Ir.iin and Plant- I Jv "Jl Dime and Manure li;7t!7 slioes and slioe Kepairing I" Blaefcwlth bllte WIS Uoaaaaad Fans Hands j Farm Implement# and Hardware '<i«; Flour and Keed 1"J*» ♦»: General Merchandise 'JO7 l/Tothinx I'lOMi Meat bill !'s«>7 Ooal ITT so Improvements and repairs 040 17 Tobacco •> 14". I.lve Stock "m Driitc Store bills 15 7"' Herts and Heddina IW Outstandim; orders at last settlement 1."7 1 >rders issued during the year iwn nni m; Paid by Treasurer during the year P M ;."*<#»« M ! P. M. KKKNS, 1 THKo. HOFFMAN, Directors 11. WIHKMAN » We, the ~rsof the Horcaiuh ol Danville and lovviishipof Mahonim: have examined Ihe above accounts and flnu t hem correct l>. It W 11.1.1 A Ms, 0 11 U (I'D, ~r- I'.KN I I. I>IK1II„ t Stiifentiat* i'f Ihul h'»t<iti aij I'irs iiil Pi'<i/n I'tiJ au hand lit ih'ti nj Si ttlemen t. lieu I Kstate f.'J.'iUO (10 House aim ivitelien Furniture 1.7s t^i Hay and drain 1107 Farming C tens lid i»n, M Ki ve stock .... l-i 1 MI Vegetables 171 on Meal and Kard 154 W Clothinii and Material 17 uu Fruit. Preserves, Ste l»2n Vinenar -4 <«► Flour 11 '-•> Sauer Kraut 0 on Tobacco 10 (HI Coal "1"" Lumber.. Syrup tun Medicine. 2 no ♦-77171 s;, Prmlnri liiiised. 4o Tons Hay + |.">oim .''.d bushelsPotatucs lIJ K) 1.17 bushels of W heat ioll 40 •ilii bushels Oats .. amnm 2056 bushels Corn ears 518 Si -j. bushels Heets K > no IJ bushels Onions 12 On I bushels Onion -els 2(*» 7< 11 Meads Cabbage 2IM IU bushels ol rurnlps (N 1 iS'i lbs Hotter >l. ' SAO Do* 1 - 1251" 1 3450 Ihitnlles Own fodder 1725# ♦ -'UK*. I.', stoel liiiist </. st '.lives + tl Pi«s Uiuo 24 I links 1209 7 1 Chickens mim ♦ JfJ 00 Pauper- .etllkitt* I 1111 r 11 1 11 . ii'llr I!*' * Kelt 6 i Number In llousi lan. l-t. IWKt li •' .lan. Ist. I«M . It I'rnmps Heliev ed during t he ye ir lw - lodiiim;- furnished Tramps I Meals furnished Tramps lii J. J. BROWN, THE EVE A SPECIALTY Kyes tested, treated, fitted with <l;i-v -- ind artificial eyes supjiiieil. Market Street, IMooinsbuic, |'u Hours—lo a 111 to 5 p. iu Surprise Party. A |il< ».-aut surprint* party «u.i tend- j urerl Mi- Jarm-s Count* II y, Mi il -tri- r, Tui'stlas i-veii'titf, jirt-• hi b»-iiig Mr?- 11. Mr- <re«»r>se F«*rry. Mr-. Thouia- Faytu . Mr- William McCloud, Mr- WalNr Difzlt-r, Mri*. Jacob Hiiyfhr, Mr- Thomas Tolly, Mrs. James Grim' -, Mrs. Atioi> Li •luc, Mrs. Fatrirk Finley, Mr- Vitic . at, Mi- Frank H- illy Mr- Jol.ii Deiiui'O, Mr- Mifrlia"! Hurk. . Mr-, .hunts i'oil-man, Mr- William M Donald, Mrc Frank Cochell, Mr- Feti'r Tna-.Mr-. Mark <'mim-lly, Mr-. Mir-hafd Ri'illv, Mi-- - All < IVniif-ii, Jati" K"iliy, ("a-- <>arlJand, Mm ! Gartland, \ 1 i«-«» Fcytou, Nclli« (Jolt man, Mira Firry, Harm t Vili int. Katie Ti- as, Maggie Tress.Mary Mon tague, Jaspir Firry. David Fi-rry, Harry Feyton, William Woll. Thonia- Kyan, Harry Difzler, Edward 14- illy, John Oonuelly, and Jutm - 'Vimu Ht A delii-ioos -upj i r ua- -rv I. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpa-s it. ■ Dr. King's New Discovery A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TIME) TABLE In Effect Nov. 2t'th, 1 \. MA Mr 1 Scnintonf I»JIH)!T «(, .s 4; 141-t > Ptttston •• •• 7 ii*» fit 1", §2 in"l 5; I \ M. A. M P M. P M I Wilkesharre,.. Iv » *> jto 2 \'< ■* >- 1 Plym'th Kerry " : tt»4212 52 fi " Nanticuke •• T C In "HI s ft| fl IT Mocana.iun ..." *lll 1107 lb 9T7 ... Wapwalio)>en.. " -l» 11 hi 3 .1 t47 Netco]*ck ar n |s 11 a> 4.' 71 A M \ .X. p si-i I'm! -ville It $Vi ill V« Hatleton ' 7 115 J I". J I T»mhi>-kea.... " 722 3 <o. Kern Olen " 7it 115 ; I • K<«"k G1en..... •• r 22 • ... ■Vecouiieck . ar * ir .' ...... 1 1 utawlHKH 1 m 41*' \ M A. >1 P. M I* M Neariip««k... .Iv 4 » la .11 »■ 4. 7 I*' 1 Unaty -.v 11 »• 3vj 7 i*< t-H'y Kerry... t■> * II 4> f4 "2 7 1 K. Illnomi'nurh H 4" It » 4 T S-"> 1 t,'atawi:".«a Iv * ">5 ll,'. 4 ; 112 j-j South lianville ' 14 1- l> 4 - Sunhury ar '' 35 I* !' I -V. ,j -, A. M. P. >l. P M KM. Sunhury Iv » 4.' ili 1- s■ I* ...... - Milton •• 1» 1- I • :1 14 Willlanjii«ur! . " 11 l» ' • 1 • ; !» »•> Uiok Haven - II 5 ' T • Keniivo "A.M. - " Kane '• * - .... P. M. P. M l.iH-k ;!-* H> •• • Bellefonte 11 11 • Tyro— 11 C M 1 I I*)i 11 i|>*« »ti rt{ " i irt »IK i "It-artlrid.... 4 * •< >1 i - 4>"» PtttHlmrif.... •» »• M l'i 4"> A. M. P M P M. P M Harri!>t>uric.... ar II *»l 315 <• *• !B *• ...... ~ P. M. P. M. P. M. \ M _ Philailcli-hl*. .ari:i 17 eay ■ ay, Baltimore ' s ill •'u 11 4 5 Wa.'hinnton .. "4t ■» 7 14 to V> . I A M P.M. -iuul'ury Iv 311 j V ' ,Ic. ar H 1 ■ • 1 Pittsburif •• 1 V» ;I'M". A M P. M P. >1 P M Harrifliurv ... Iv 11 45 '•> ,7 _• Ut> P. M \ M. A M A M 1-ituburK ar «• •• 16* I ' , V. M T l» yi.Jk. 31 A u » Pitli-tiurit Iv 7 •' • j< ! .-00 ■A. M A M P M HarruburK.... ar "(. 4 "V.ll 2 P.M A M Plttnt.u;* Iv .... J mi 1/« AM P >1 wn ,J*. *■ 7 ii'i, : J W Sunliury ar w 'J' I 4 *<l ... 1 P. M. A M \ M A M Washington.. Iv 1 40 7 ■ M) .»i Baltimore •• 11 i« 4 n» - 1 11 4-> ... Philadelphia .. 11 4" C 5 9 »»• II »•' .... A M A >1 A M. p 5 llarrlHl.urtf Iv ;) :i"> 755 .: Sunhury ar .I*l v•' I»* iI ■ "** I P.M. A M A M _ PtttMburg .... l\ ia ti «i -i» ( lenrliHu.... . I" ..... !•- I'lulipslniri;.. • I3S I' l It I Tyrone 7 (>• s 10 12 UtrlUTonte.. - hI" " i I-» lak'k Haven ar !* 15 10 :»» 2 1»' ' P. M A M A M P M' Kane '• 84 > IN I Bwufo •• 11 * •• 4" W •*' »1 I Lock Haven.... •• I- is 7 II - A. M P M Wllllanisf" rt .'li • • !- 1 Miiton :a- ■' 1.1 1 4 - l.ewi-I'urt! •• •('■> 1 . 4j: sunhury ar .1 tf 1161 •i" A~M. AM P M PMI Sunhury Iv | t Hit Si 2 W i> -■ South l>anville '' 7 : l 10 17 -I »VI t.'atawlssa 7 H lost SSI • WH' K Bloomstiuor.." 7 7 111 4.1 1. $ • K»py Kerry...." " 4.'tl 47 18 !• 1 'rea*y " 7 1" U J •> *' ?«e:«eo|i«-ck " s if-' 11 05, IN ®4" A M A M P. M. P M I'aUiwis-a I\ In '■« NeiK-olH'Ok Iv Kock <4len ar II 22 7 "> Kern Ulen " - >1 11 -> 7 i Toinhieken " s li > . - T4. ti.iy.leton " !' !'• M 1. iu6 Pottfvllle •• Mlt I «' • • AM AMP M P M Ne-eopeok 1\ 9VJ 11 "6 8 i Wa|>wallo| si II -i Moeunauua.... " » ll I- - •• 7i Nanticoke ...." •> .1 11 M r> 7 P M Plvin ih Kerry ' l !• "2 la a Wilk-barre .'• v|o 14 1" 4 AMPMP M P >1 Plttatoii! |i.vH) ar v '- : v 12 4- » •! - >2l s 112 — l Weikday- l>a ly 112 Klau''at n. Pullman Parlor ard Sleepln* far- run n 1 hrouich train* In-tween s,.r''Ury Willlaai'i rt Biol line, between Sunhnrv ai.! Pliila.lel|«iiia all,l Wa-hmaloii an i Mwwn H IT? Pitt.«- hurif ami the West For lurther information a| i y to 1 ket Atcent.' U. W. ATTFRHt"It V I K. Wt H >ll, Gi'ill Maiiui;< 1 Pa-«. Ti'-'ttie Mr VV M<»> l>. < Pa—l issi ' A '-I'nt rOHK W. FARNSWORTH INSURANCE Lift Firs Atciflem ni Steam Billet Nont«om«>nf Building, Mill Str*«t, Danville. - • Penn'a T A< KA WANNA KAILKOAU " I'!."' -MSBI RG DIVISION wesi A V A M A M. r. V New Vurc v S9«- .... 100 ain P M -erxntou *l7 lit) 112. M Knffalo . iv 11 mi t*B a N M. A * P. Mr. » -• ran!' i ..... . H> i> *M) |u tl U •• . Be!le*ue ...... ...... .MM. Taj ur a 44 Ml 7 . A IN Ui'icawaau *Vi uj 24 n- •V; I >ur>fa .. I, 111 M tlt IV Plttaton ;aai 217 «« siiNtiiifhanna A vc. 701 HI T 2lt 4 it> Went P1ttat0ii........ . 7 (Hi io4l 3t< 79C •• .. ... Ktngaton,. ar 7a4 in ia s#. 7 W Hke»-8»rre„.....,.ar 74* II 10 SVI 74K Wllkra-Barr* .» 71» ii » im 7lu 1 k:ng*ton l\ 724 19M 2Hi 7 Jl' P,yiii.ii ' Ply mouth T 6 11 Ua 2 M 19 XaaUcak*. :4. 11 is :j* 7 c Huokx-k a 7 4!< 12 tl* 4» 7«s .-•tiii'katilniiy >Ol IIM )■ 73a HII'Im Firry *ll (11 M IM ■■ Keai-h Haven 91'.« IIV OB I* Berwu-k ajt it .14 1 44 1 8rutrereek............ r- «; n 5w W iltow Krove t>- M fi >4 Ta 24 1.1 no Kidge 9«> 112.. • 4ia 2s t.-i .... IS II M M Hl'x.tii-l.lirK . - 223 4tt *4l Kuju-rt ISt 12 2B 415 f4s 1 hu» ;«h titrj ta4 2k a a 1 -hi . ,*■ m> IM IS ' mi•• r<»r. x M '.i »T 4 4!'. \ M \ VI i' M P It .Northumliar •• »5 t)• ■» nat •»* I Vhmm ram a a* Il>aovllle T93 .0 1* 211 9tl 4'ataaima.. MSI .Ja Stt Hupen 729 l» 47 :# I B'oomM -ir* 753 Ml; a W •«: Knyj • - i» *• . * i|| * 44 r 4 n> m * "• fftr Berwtek 7)7 l|t« aa# ,i- •. i. Halt 946 fU 12 »IM el ... ■ K' ' » IXMtmkf < « MM 4at Tit Avon'txir. Ita ~3 I!...«• i 47 7 Jt t'ym«>utb Janr.... 917 .... .52 . ; »r «<5 Hi* 491 7» Wi.kea-Barre ... ar >• l« UKI 4 M 74M I Wtltaa Barre *« tltt lit ta ' Klnu-toi: • >? • m I* 718 ; Luzerne « m »l' 299 i-M 7as I'ortjr !■ ort f»W ... . 4*17 ..... Wyoming »*. 12 ■» 412 "at : Wcat Pltlaton »K) 417 *» i -oi-Kiuflmnnit Are »-» 12 14 « m 7lt ■ Plttaton »1» 12 17 111 lil l>tm«a "£< .. I* ti* Laekaaranna. -* J9 ..... 4 .fit (M ! r*ylor .... »e *ta #l7 , Beilfvur ' Scranton ... _ ar 942 la si 4 M ■> M A * p * r. ■ i i* 10 2T> ;iw Ut< A. a ] Biiffa:o .... ar .... 7% T t ft. M P mP 3t 911 ran lon ...It ,#.t# 2.40 5 "S ta PM I' W I' M A W Near York ar tK J* 7B 1 4 *l>ailjr, rl'illy «•*«•»» >*nnrtay fstopa on »t*aal or on »«lie« to tanttiwr a9layiteii|aaltntakeaß paaMflHt mr .New York. Blnxhamton and pnltit* »"it i T. K CLAMU T W LBt ilea. 9gp*rtni(Mlni Haa.P Shoes Shoes 3t3riisi^: Ciieap ! i Bicycle, Cymnaiium and Tonnl® Shoes THE ( KLEFRATED ( arlisle Shop* AN I) THE SIIJIS; Pro«f Kuliliti' A SPECIALTY. A. BCHATZ. 20METEING El! A Reliable TIN SHOP For all kind of Tin Roofing, Spoutlnc and Conorvl Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, fVancoo, Furnaces, etc PRICES MMMVT! QLiLITY TBE BEST! *: JOHN HIXSO.N NO. lli E. FRONT BT. PEGG The Coal Dealer SELLS WOOD -ANTI - COAL —AT -344 Ferry ti'tel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers