MONTOUR AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor. Danville. Pa., Feb. II 1904. T JAPAN WINS ANOTHKk VICTORY LONDON, Feb. 10.—The news from the far east following yesterday's in itial victory by the Japauese,continues to bo most exciting. A dispatch from the Tokio correspondent to the Cen tral News, received this morning,says that three transports in tho Russian volunteer fleet, conveying about 2,000 troops, were captured off Asau,Korea, yesterday by Japanese. TOKIO.Feb. 10.—A Japanese report of a tight between a poitiou of the Japanese fleet and two Rns*ian vessels off Chemulpo, Korea, yesterday after noon, has it that the Russian cruiser Variag was set on tire and disabled, and the torpedo gunboat Karietz was Bunk. The battle lasted four hours. A previous dispatch told of the capture of these two vessels. That dispatch says the Russians surrendered without a shot. LONDON, Feb. 10.—The Japanese legatiou confirms tho report of th> naval battle at Chemulpo.aud the cap ture of two Russian cruisers. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 10.—The czar t!iis morniug issued his official declaration of war on Japan. He says he was anxious to preserve peace and did all in his power to maintain tran quility in the far east. With these aims he declared his readiness to revise the existing treaty between the two empires regarding Korean affairs. Upon Japan's action of breaking off diplomatic relations and attack on the Russiau squadron in Port Arthur, the czar however, says:"After receipt of report we ordered our governor to re ply witli arms.We hereby make known our decision in the firm trust in the help of Almighty,aud in the assurance of unanimous readiness ot our true subjects to stand with us in defense of our fatherland." LONDoN, Feb. 10.—The Japanese embassy has received a dispatch dated the evening of Feb. 8, stating that a Japanese squadron escorting transports to Korea was met ou tho way to Chemulpo by the Russiau gunboat Korietz, as she was leaving port. The Korietz took an offensive attitude against the Japanese transports and fired on the Japanese torpedo boats, which in turn, replied by discharging two torpedoes at the Korietz, which were without effect. The Korietz then returned to her anchorage in the port. Early next morning Adniiral Uriu, commanding the Japanese squadron, formally demanded that the Russian men-of-war leave port, adding that if they did not comply with his demand before noon he would be compelled to attack them in the harbor. The two Rassian men-of-war then left the port about 11 :30, when a battle ensued out- Bide of'the Polynesiau Islands. After about an hour's engagement the Rus sian men-of-war took refuge among the islauds and tDward evening the Russian cruiser Variag sank. About 4 o'clock the Korietz was re ported sunk by her own crew blowing her up. The officers aud men of the two sunken vessels took refuge on the French cruiser Pascal. There were no casualties on the Japanese side. ROME, Feb. 10.—The Chinese min ister here today stated that while China is pledged to a strict neutrality if Japan has honorable victories it may be difficult to keep the Chinese iu hand. PARIS, Feb. 10. — A telegram re ceived here today from Tokio states that the Japanese have landed a larger body of troops at Masampo, Korea. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10,-Minister Griscom lias sent two cablegrams to the state department regarding the en gagement between the Japan and Rus sian fleets. Apparently the news of the engagement at Chemulpo reached Tokio before that of tlit; one at Port Arthur. The first dispatch says that the naval engagement began Tuesday at noon at Chemulpo. Japanese sunk the Korietz aud Variag, the Russian gunboats. A First Class Company. The 'Belle of Virginia" as produc ed by the Bennett & Moulton company at the opera house last evening proved a most pleasing entertainment. The play was a pretty one and was intense ly interesting. If was happily cast and the scenery was most appropriate. Miss Dorothy Lamb, the leading lady of this company lias greatly pleased our theatre goers this week. She is an accomplished actress. Mr. Allen and Mr. Vincent as Union and Confederate officers were exceptionally strong. A complete change of vaudeville acts enhanced the performance greatly. Tonight the company will produce "Shipwrecked," a very strong play. Moser Heirs are Shy. The heirs of Barkhardt Mos'-r lie! 1 a meeting last week in Reading. The meeting was called by H. R. Stroudt, of Chicago,who is the principal work erin the case. The object of the meet ing was to devise means for the pur pose of bringing another ejectment the Schuylkill county courts against the Lehigh Coal and Naviga tion Company to recover the title to 223 acres of coal lauds at and near Tamaqna. The heirs have made sev eral efforts to recover their alleged titles to the lands, but the court on *ome technicalities set the cases aside Only abont eight or ten heirs were present and practically nothing was flwie ou this account. Faimers in the surrounding valleys are registering vigorous kirks against the wholesale manuer in which their fruit troeß are being destroyed by rab bits The deep snow has made it diffi cult for the cotton tails to obtain food causing them to gnaw the bark from the apple trees. Some of the trees have been completely destroyed W. R. Moore, advance representa tive for "Her Only Sin" compauy, was booming his attraction in this city yesterday. May berry Township School. The entertainment given by 11 «• pu pils of Centre School in M tyberrv township. Montour county, Tlmr-lav evening.Feb. 4th w a grand .■ in- ■-- It showed the earnest work ot the pupils and the thorough <1 rill on lli part of their teacher, Miss Margari : J. Robbins. Following is th' pro gram : Song by school "Here wo gather every morning." Salutation Paul Ku> Recitation—"The Lost Mitten" Gertrude Vastiue. Dialogue . John Swank, Robert Kate, John Vouglit, William Cromley and Roy Adams. Tableau . "Confidential Solo—"The Birdies Call". Recitation—"Little Chatter Box" Fietta Adams Recitation—" The Little School" Etiiel Sliultz. Recitation—"Getting Acquaint. !" Paul Dudash Dialogue—"Forbearain o . Annie Crawford, Nora Crawford (the Fairy) and Margaret K i- Recitation—"B or no B, That's the Question" Freeman Miller Song—"Little Girl Don't Cry" First and Secondary (J i ad< - Recitation—"Do Your 15. -f Hal tie Swank A play entitled "Gossip" repres- n( ed by Kathryne Vought, Irene Vouglit Carrie Vought, Velma Adams, S ;l!i> Vought and Matilda Vougiit. Tableau--"Measuring His Generosity Recitation—"The Litth Speaker"' William lv•«» Quartet -"Carve Dat Possum" Matilda, Sallie, Kathryn and lrene lrene Vought Recitation—"l'm Spunky" William Adams. Recitation—"Lament of a Little Girl" Viola Vought. Dialogue—" The Dium" Hiram Adams and Thomas Vouglit. Tableau—"Kneeling in Prayer" Five Little Girls Song—"Grumbling Jones" Recitation—"Her Awful Dream" Ruth Vonglit. Dialogue—" The Story ol' the Peach Pie" Frank Adams and Eleanor Kase Tableau—"The Little Clown". Recitation—"ln the House of too much Trouble". Annie Crawford Solo—"Tom and I". Carrie Vouglit Recital ion—" The Bachelor's Sale" Kathryn Vouglit. Solo—"I Got Mine" Irene Vought Dialogue—"Old Heads on Young Shoulders" Sallie Vought as Mrs. Grimsaw; Matilda Vought, her step-daughter, Polly ; Irene Vought, Polly 's cousin, Michael Dudash ; Mr-. Grimsaw's friend" and Earl Dunn, Polly's brother Joe. Recitation—"Trip to Reading" by Carrie Vought. Song—"Uncle Sam's Wedding. Tableau—"Disdain". About eight dollars and thirly-fiv. cents, the proceeds of the entertain ment will go toward a school library. Protect the Game. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the Penueyl vania Game Commission, makes some good points on game pto tectiou in an article in the State Apri uullural Deimiiuiout'i! tju Hit 111. lie says he would call attention to the I propriety of making the question ot ! game and bird protection an issu in the selection of candidates for consta bles. By Acts of assembly coiiMahh-s are made ex-ofikio fire, game,and fish wardens to enforce laws pertaining to these subjects and to make special re turn, under oath, tocourt. Dr. Kalb fus also calls attention to an Act re quiring all non-residents and non-nut □ ralized foreigners to secure a license before hunting in the state. He urg- s all the people to see that the law- an enforced and help save the biri- Birthday Party, A birthday party was tend red Dorothy Smidlev in honor of her fifth birthday Saturday afternoon ar I >-r home on Mill street. Those pr - nt were Mae Moyer, Eunice Magill,Flor ence Poifer, Mae McWilliams, Anna Ricketts, Rachel Cook, Gencvievt Shatzer, Katheriue George, Coletta Smith, Dorothy Sinidley, Hazel Whi pel, Wilbur Lunger, Thoburn Clean r, John McWilliams, Charles Smidlev, David Perry, Harry George, Robert Lunger, Frank Sinidley, Laura Gi U ing and Jennie Groce. The residents of Berwick are happy. The t'ar <fc Foundry Co. has ju-t land ed a bi>* order that means many months' work aud the suspension will be called oIT. STORY OFJUL-M. Discovered by Dr. David Kennedy - Only Kidney Rtmedy Sold Under Guarantee. Dr. David Kennedy was born in New York City, but at an early ago his family men ed toßoxbury, N.Y. If.- was graduated in J >SCO trom the Ni'W York College of Ph\ -iciaiis and Surgeons. He at om e volunteered as a surgeon and was assigned to the United State- Anny General Hospital in West Phil adelphia, and soon became President of the Examining Board and Consulting Surgeon. After the war, Dr. Kennedy settled in Ron dout. City of Kingston, N. Y., wliere f> r a number of years he enjoyed a large prae. ti' eas an operative surgeon, lie was one of the Presidential Electors of New York State, Mayor of Kingston for fourv.-ir-, and held nmny other professional, bu'sin. ss and political offices. The latest achievement of his life was the discovery of Cal-cura Solvent, « positive euro for all diseases of the kidneysand 1.1 .el der. In speaking of this remarkable remedy, he said: "Cal-curaSolvent is the crowning achievement of my life. It will not dis appoint." \ our druggist will return your money if Oal-cura fails to cure, and The Cal-cura Company, of Kondout, N. V., will pay tho druggist. Cal-cura Solvent cures 9*''£ of all cases of Kidney, Bladder and Liver dis orders. SI.OO a bottle. Only one size. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5 centpacket is enough for u->!al occasions The family bottle (',() cent ■■) contains a supply for a yeai All drr gists sell thwin. tor will pres. Nt s> !(• opera Itoii~i■ 011 : 1 , ' , i- .■ .• . I' , i. of utt ut ion ut i i unthinking ami »• iy . ■•:-r .: i ; ri.ui• ' ' -' . ■ ; sole rea«ou I'-.r suce. '1 h. , attri : : . . ; > constitute bat a minor « .aim to ber i.i i i : , . ■ . : aid are a iitti .. se: . to hei talent % ■ . •*; «•* ■ ' • . t - .-st ■ ■x' ■ ' r ~ - \ ■ - 'Jx- • , ? . ■- i ML; itj.••' - ■■ •" H • • •. "v I; , • » ; ! v'! --- v v $ A !§? , t ■ V • ' ' v £rr ii a--' ! . ! IS. . Ib«b> m % § i- % i penned, in a t :>»• line nr two. * < h ir : follows: ' Gil 1v- tii a tain •! . sive qualify of ni-iiu.. r, and a striking personality, wliii i t >r want of a bet ter term, we call magnet i.-m, Mi.-- i (lie speetato When a iI to Hi - i> a feminine urap' in > vi y mo rem nt an . ' . .! ' Jon . ! •• i.i variety, ami ai-o i voice el e>trmo !' . i.. r1: of every ernorin, ,n l.• ntroll dby an intel! geji ain h •••1er.•.«.(• are face to fa < w li . vo ir s\ .nan who must be r ckoae I wi:'i in the fat-ore history cf our ti.i t r TO OUSB A COLD IN ONE DAY if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves'* is on car'; ! .'/hen Johnny t m At .;h H .n 1 ■, ' foity years ago from "Manning Through G ." to "When lmi;y . Come-' Marchin : Hon;' " toother u llti : : . n , i [ , • ... . opera When .!• it . < ;n« ■ Marching : . ' ■ ; ' O; era Ilea.-. . 1 and the huuirr of a b char acter in v. lieii ilte n. i.sie plays a ' •' 1 i: li which is said to bo one of !he most I • comic opera ! r-< me y< us v. :l! li the same a- that wbi !i •rj •. -I a tour ; York '! h a'r . New "> •> thedlM'iised ]><» i ■ .on «>f tn< , ; r. oic , Htltutior.alremrtii-s. . ■■niiv.l lv ■ ■ - - - 1 . ~ of llj© l'-U> ' .icl •; i"I . /, Is t r>iiiil.-ii!i ... U . ."HI I - ! : restored t" s> n . t j ■ be tit ir<o dl I«! •r; n.iw,... oat ufliti are : "... case or nearness rioisecl by eat urrli i hat can • i: ill si t ■ ■ far circular*, free. 1 : city enjuve | a sb i_-h r 1> t .lt ;-■ : . : entertained ;.t the horn o!' L< ■. i Bey - i. ■ <I. a Lizzie, Charm, ireu <'ouk, Minnie Girton, Dorothy I! ri :i, Chnrm, Miie-rva Han • \jin » Fret s; Mr. and Mr 11 • ■ vJ) '\o:a Forn \ i.. . i i Messrs. Bert Go , Walter Howeu, Charles Marshall, William lindy. Guv Mottern, < 'iiarle- Mi ! ('harm, Edward Snyd ' - ('one li on, H »rry Hey. r, <!!> - M i«,vei and Lother Fornwa ■ •- 1 . i ' ■ ' ■ Leopold of M ton. \ >\ !» VMII take ; 1 ■ \ smith iv eil :i: .hil) , • i!i(>, hav i - i , uif i> «it I! Ai ; >. si ■, i( • M j r . str. r (; .it i ni: ,i -r <■ L>. n\ille i ■ ;'. .. > , • . .1 ~, I'l i la\ e . . : not '..TV ii' ; to ha; > • 1 ■ -- ,|;| : e! 11 ■ I -' . ■ and and i!t> 1 i in-, t thr-1 1: I ? - ; . .: - , V 5 Gi. i Ail Li: S (CILIAN Hair Renewer « ■.' ,nd keeps it soft and flossy. 1 it always restores fifty years. " Senatorial Candidates. I'in [■ uro now tour full-fledged can did it' s foi state senator in Northuin- Inland ci unty While it has been iiown for soiu n:ne that Prof. Lloyd of r-i,il town hip. would likt ly bo in ' ■■ ■■ lie «;i- not formally announc i until tin- week The announce in i! of Ho : l'\ A. Godcharles, of this pin' -,W.h quite unexpected to the pe.inciati-.arid mav cause some unlook ed foi complications in the seoaloriil situatioi Milton Standard. Sleighing Party. \ -I ighing parts from this city wa-i ontertaiued at the homo of Mr. and Mi.-. Willi iiu 11 lack near Kidgeville on 1 'i ll t-'M Those present were "«• 1 si■ s Mie- i'it rinaii, Lizzie 'lnoiu- Katie'! in Fry , Bessie and Edna '■ n i'J- / • Hoffman, Liu ma Garrow, li -so English, ilary Faugh, Lizzie M in.- r, Mi ->i>. Edwin and Mont Gib !, Henry Hla 'k, Charles aud George K ir, F. t\ Raver, A. O. Mauser,and Mr. G. W. Hoko. (Joa ! Mine at St. Louis Fair. 'I hi ; ithra it" coal mine for tho St. ion.. Exposition originated with I. mi- f>. Hammerling, of Wilbesbarre in i he Las be n successful iu incorpor ating the company . The company is incorporated for $200,000, and expect " oa lm -'; i -- of from i*!,(MX) to $lO,- o- o i day. Hit- cumpany has the sole agency tor lb Black Diamond coal mi. l 11ii which are manufactured from co'«l from tlie anthracite coal and !ii> -o will al-o he snld at the mine. Drove to Washingtouville. ii' following party watt entertain ed it thr home i I H"iiry Mowrey.mar Washiiigtouville, Monday night: Mr. mi Mr- Francis Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Wapham, Mis. Royce, Mrs. W. J l , fiol Mrs. Feostermacber. Miss Pearl i'i ;"-I' rmai her. Mrs. S. Johns, Mr-\ K. Evans, Mrs. I'. V. James Miss Aiii Hycrs, Mi-- H. Manning and M t-'t?r Clark Fish r, of this pla e. Heciuihi' of the growing scarcity ot wafer in tie rest rvoirs supplying the l' .'.nits n i ndo ill n< ' ice was served 0 i Ik e> p. - not to allow their hy drant- t< run it night Future viola tions ot this role will rcsnlt in the ".a! r 1 lg shut off at night. It if ijnit '• g neral practice among the j i'! l ' tii ti to keep the faucets open it nigi i during tiie reign of King I'i st 'o prevent the water from freez ing in the pipt s. I ir-; l.ient' naut and As-istant Sur genii i . !•; Druniheller, senior a-si.-t 1 t .-tirgeou ( i the Twelfth Regiment, will I e pioinote lto tlie rank ot cap I »i■ i in the medical depaituieut ot: Dif. mber next, nndt r the sectioi ot the Military ('ode which gives as -i-t .nt -urgeons that rank after fiv» year- of service. Easy Pill a* Eat y ta s * i easy to «ct la ™ 1 that famous little pill DaWltt'a a Lit!'? E 'rly R sers. Th'.s Is due to ■ t' " ' "t t *t ! - tonic tha llvar ln *V : rver grips I nor - tho most delicate B *' • 'i >' ;t tey are so certain In eiu '; that id re who uses them ts if! c iapp:'intcd. Triey cure torpid liver, . ..e„2. jaundice, . :,i a a:id ward off pneu monia and fevers. fREPARBD ONLY BY E. C. DeWITT S, CO., CHICAaO j Don't Forgot tho Nam*. 4 iflisers ii ihv < *<>-h IVICO. ['anles Ac Co. TLORIDA. Tour via Petinsyl vatiia Railroad. IHe m'cii id Jacksonville tour of tin - ■ 011 ,v 11 i!i - Pennsylvania Railroad ai'owiim two weeks in Florida, leave: N'e.v York, Philadelphia, and Wash in^ loll 1 ■ -| lil train Febtuary 1<". Excura ".i tickets, incloding railway t in-:)oi't it ion, Pullman aocommoda tions (one b rth), and meals en rout« II both dip tions while traveling ot: • • -p ' ml train, will ho sold at tlx following rat'.-: New York, (X> Hu Halo, *.">l.2"}; Roeluster, $. r il.(X) Fin ii' », 13; Erie,s*i4.Ss; William rt. siO.Oi, Wilkesharre, laO-SS ; and 1: proportionate rates from othei points. For ticki ts, itineraries, and tall in formation apply to ticket agents, 01 1 1p - (i 0. W. lioyd, General Pas • nger or, Rroad Street Stniion, Philadelphia. REDUCED RATES TO ATLANTA. V a Pent: ylvauia Rrt:!roati, Account Meet' im ! department of Superintendence Nat'ional Educational Association, ('ll aci'c.nnr of the meetinu of the Department of Superintendence, Ha tioi il liducational A.-scciution, to In i" i r Vf'aiit 1. < >a., February tr - . the Pennsylvania Railroad Com jMi.v, will - •1 i round trip ticki ts tc ■ >'i • ; 1.1 "binary 2n to 2?, inclusive, i to leiiirn t ■ racli original start pmi' not h'.rei than February 27, 'ni aii station- on its red 11 1 d Fi ; i I 11 toi mat ion apply • i ticket ngi nt >. Notice. N ' is h i'i by given that an elec •i! w he held hy the stock holders 1 tli ' oi 11 ill Spinning Mills (111- I I'M ii' d). j,i their otlice in the I ■ < mj»i lof Danville, Pa., on Situr •\ . I eii'uai v 27th, u»<»l betw en the II -ot and (!, tor the [inrpose ol 1 ct in 1 l'o.ird ol Directors for the -111 n year ami f< r the iiurposo of ''i' ; K -ucli other business as mnv 'in. before them. FIX .1 MART MAN, Sec'y. I.Ui 2.5.. IHOI. I Over=Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. ■■j'jH The kidneys are your whm 4 blo ° d i ur:fie ' the^fil -I) ,er out ,he was '« cr > ?J'xVl T impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out 112, fi' J-\ii-l W c ' or der, they fail to do (Tr * * \ their work. rT^rWufl I Pains, achesandrheu j LJ[ matism come from ex cess uric acic ' ln '^ e sj blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly ail constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits 112 by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a "!' sample bottle by mail Homo of swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer 8t Co., Binghamton. N. Y. Don't make 110 mistake, hut remem ber the name, Swanp-Root. Dr. Kil tiler's Swamp-Knot, Hiul the addres Binghanitou, N.Y . 011 every Iwttles. HI'S lid! If OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Estate of ('iiri-t iaii:« Wan i-\ Dece t-ed. Iti pursuance of an order of sale issued l.v tlii' Orphans' Court of Mon tour County the unders oil-d exeen r<ir of Christian.i WamU, Deceased, will expo- • to ptililic -ah- on the prem ises in the Third War.! < 112 the Bor ough of Danville on Saturday, February _>oth, 'O4 at 10 o'clock A M.the following dt seiibed real estate. 111 All the ri<jht title ami interest to the said decedent in and to all ! that certain nie--auge, tenement and i lot of land ituate in t!ie Third Ward !of the Borough of Danville in the i County of Montour and State of I Pennsylvania loandel and d'-serihrf. a- follows : Beginning at 11 • • Nort • >-t corner |of said lot at the corner of Church in 1 Bloom Strei ts thence Southwest- | 'var<lly along Church Str< et, ninety, j eight feet three inche to corner of lot ot A .roii Gearh art's i -t tie ; thenc« hy lot of said Gearhart's estate North westw irdly nin t en and nine-tenths 1 feet tn a point thence north west | wardly along other lot ot said tleeed ent ninety feet to Bloom St:e •• thence Southeast wardly along Bloom Str>'et I twenty-five fei-t five inches to tht ! corner of Bloom and Ohur li Stre t the place jof beginning svheii on art erected a lar^e Two Storj Frame Dwelling House and storeroom together with outbuild ings. (2) All the right, title aud inter est cf the sii l df rt>dent in and to al | that certain messauge, tenement and ; lot of land situate in the Third Warr 'of the Borough of Danville in tin County ot Montour a id State of Peon | sylvauia bonumo d aud (escribed a: j follows : Beginning at a point twenty-five feet 5 inches from the corner of Bloon and Church Street thence Southwest wardlv along other lot of stud deced ent herein described as No. 1 ninety feet to line of lot of Aaron Gearhart'i estate thence along line of said Gear hart's estate seventeen and one-tent I feet to a point corner of lot formerly of Annie E Yanßnskirk now propi r ty of said decedent, herein described as No. .'5 thence North thirty-seven degrees East fifty-four and throe tenths feet thence North eighteen de grees East lour feet thence Nortl thirty degrees East twenty-two am: four tenths feet to Bloom street thouct along Bloom Street Southe astwardl.v twenty-four feet six inches to tin place of hginning, whereon are erect ed a i Two Story Frame Dwelling House with the out huil lin^s. i•!) A'l that certain piece or town lot of 1 mil situate in the Third Ward of tin Borough ot Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania bounded an I desciihed a- follows; Beginning at the Southeast cornel |of lnt formerly of William (i Miller on the south side of Bloom Street thence South a--rwardlv along said street South seventy-eight degrees Bast thirty-four feet to < ther lot of said decedent he in devribed as No. *J; thence hy said other lot South thii'tyone degrees West tw > nty two and four-tenth- feet, Soutli eighteeu de grees West four feet. South thirty -ev en degrees West fifty four and thre-- tentli- feet to lot of Aaron Gearhart's estate t hence along lot of said hart's e-tate Northw stwardlv nine teen feet to lot lat" of William <». Miller, tlno e along stid lu-t nn n tioned !oi Northwi -twar llv sixtv. eight feet to the 1 la eof hegiuuillg whereon an erecte I a Two Story Frame Dwelling II ou ne and outbuildings Nos I and 2 can !><• sold separatelv or together as one. Those properties are desirable as dwelling house*; No I especially con tainii g a very large house with desir able store room TEBMS OF S YLE Fifty nt of the purchase niom-v to • paid at the -tril,i<i. down of the imj eru the halanec on ronfirtiia'ion of I the Court. Costs of c-mv- am .ng ■<> be paid hv the |urchas r. JACK 'ls c. MILLER, Ex rutor. 11. M IIINCKIUI Atton., v [REMOVING DEBRIS IN BALTIMORE BALTIMORE, Feb 10. Prominent citizens, mrrcli tins, financier-. t< .. and others interested m the ;»fTi»i i - of ill - city iih t today noon with the major an<l other city officials to discuss ways and mean- for there hat ilitation of commercial Baltimore Measures were taken this morning l>y the niuiiicijial authorities for the wrecking of eightv-fivc netted blocks ill the heart of Baltimore, in order that, with i> ( h ,ir field, building op erations may not lie delayed longer than necessary. The wotk of r> mov ing the debris during the Bight by an army of men under Inspector of Buildings Freston an 1 City Erstineer Kendall. SHERIFFS SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Bv virtue of certain writs of Fieri Facias issued out of the < 'ourt of Ct m j nion Pleas of Montour County, arid t< mo directed, will expose to Pufdic Sale af tl e Court Couse in the Bor ( 'iu«h of Danville,Montour conntv ar.d State of Pennsylvatiia, on Wednesday, i'eb. 17th at 10 o'clock in the fori neon ot the said day, the following described estate, viz: All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate partly in Franklin Township, Columbia couuty. Pennsylvania, and partly iii Mayberry township, Montour county, Penn sylvania, hounded and described a- follows viz: Beginning at a stone on land> of Wellington Cleaver an I running thence by land of said Wi llin^ton Cleaver North, twenty-one degrees west twenty perches to a i sfone, thence by land of the same and Daniel Brohst, north thirty-six degrees west fiftc. n and three tenth perches !to a stone, thence by land of the said Wellington Cleaver, north, forfy-fwo i degrees west, five perches to a stone, thence by the same, north, fifty two and one-half d< grees west, nine and two tenths perches to ast me, thence by the same, north, seveuty-cight de ) prees west four and three tenths per ches to a stone, thence by the same, south, seventy-one degrees west, three and five tenth perches to a stone, thence by the same,south, twenty-fooi degrees west, thirty-three perches to h chestnut tice, thence by the same, north, sixty-six degrees west, thirty nine and eight tenths peiches to u post, thence by the land of May bet rj Gcarhart, north, sixty degrees east, seventy-six perches to a pine stump, i thence by land belonging to the estatt of John Mench (deceased) south,s \fy eight and one fourth degrees east, forty-three and six tenths perches to * , stone, thence by land of Welliugtoi Cleaver, south, seventy and thtet fourth degre s w»• -1 ninef.eii and oik tenth perches ro the place of 1 t ning : Containing thittien ac:»- . on" hundred and forty-seven ji i NOTE On the above descrii e-i • mises are erected a two-story Irani* dwelling house,a two-story fruii; i i , ant house, stable and other out but: i I ings. There is also a spring of iibvei i failing water close to tlie house. Aim a Three Story Frame Floui and Grist Mill with small saw mill and Hydraulic Cider Press. Supplied with powei from a water right that has never fail ed in the severest drought. Tills wat i r riabt i< very valuable. Also the interest of I fa 1 Bern ingei •in any personal, real or mixed prop j erty, rights, claims and credits in th< partnership of Irsael B> ruinger anr Harry S. McClow,trading as Berning er & McClow. I Seized, taken into execution and t( be sold as tlm property of Israel Bern ! tnger. OKOHGE MAIEKS, Sbernl. W M \ O(iLESB V, A 'i 11 r Sheriff's oflioe, Danville, P.-. . .1 > . 30th. F.HM KXKCI'TOB S XOTP 'i Estate of Jacob Ktaser, late of tin Township of Mahoning, in the Coun ty of Montour and State of Penn sylvania, deceased. Notice i< lierbev given that letter testamentary on the above estate bav» been granted to th. undersigned. Al! persons indebted to the said estate art ! tequired to make j ayrnent, and those having claims or rb uiatids ituiisf the i said estate will make known tin < im> | w lthout delay to DH P. C. NEWBAKER, Executor ot Jacob Keas> r, dee. »--d ; J'. O. Address Danville. Fa | ) Ktil»l Kit * MCI It »• •>. To A 1.1. I kkkitoks, I i i. \ r»;i> tMiiniiii: I eu;s. >\s in i ki:i> i n»—S.iln , is h»r,-l.\ «t\ •i,. ! t lint t In-following nimitil |wr«otiN did on II u I uatt-lilti \ed totliiir lianti s, in,. (| H . , m ,t« of their administration tothi'isint, of tlios. | persons, dec*WH.d, nod liuardtan trraanuytr «lio»e names an hereinafter mentioned, i tin oltieeof tin- Ki L' is|, r for the I'rohate ot Will*and icrmntlnitof l^ttrnof \,, Hon, in anil fur flu < otiim ot Montour. and I Iml t lit -ante will In- pres. ntetf tot tte« trplian -1 ' u.ti hi Mmidtij, llit iilml ilm t.l Kt'll')- \ 11., I '.MI I, , • Court In the afternoon. 1908 Dec. .'lO, Account of t'rvu- Dnuty, Ex tcutorof the last Will and It stametif of L\ lia Lorm* r, late of the Borough nf Dan ville, dece i-e !, as liled bv ■I am« - A Wright, Adttnni irator, etc. of the -aid Cvrn- DoutV. Dei eased. I'.HM •laity. J!, First ami Final a< "ttinf of John <J. Piter, Executor of the last Will and Te-t irnt tit itf Heb c. a Rrittam. late of Derrv Township, Montour < 'onnt v, tit cea»t d Jany. 2!l, Last ami Final t • tint ot Matthew L. Sheep, Exe uf or uf the last Will and Testa mi nt of Nath mil I Prift tin, late of Derrv Township, Montour Conntv, deceased W M L. SIDLER. K. gi-tt i Begi«ti«r's « mice. Danville, Fa , Janv 23. 1904. To Cure a Cold in One Day LrJz, 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine "ablets. /J/ cm every I Seven Million boxes sold in past 1 2 months. This bO». 2Sc. I RECEIVER S SALE - < Valuable Real Estate Of the firm of S. Bailey Sc Co. By virtue of an Order of the I'oort of Common Pleas of MuMnsr i • un'y granted (i» him for such purpose, the undersigned, a.- the K«rci»t r i : tl ■ -aiii firm of S Bailey & Company * it expose to. public sab . <treed and dH ( harped troin all li«-n- and *r, c.mbr anees whatsoever) at the Montr ur County Court House iu the Borough of tiie <'ounty of Montour and State of Pennsylvania 00, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY MB, 1901 at two o'clock in the aft» rn< n < 112 tl.- said day all »>f the follow lug ril ed real estate of the said firm of -* Bailey & Company, to wit: LOT NO. I. All that certain ; • < and parcel of land in J.ibertjr T> wn ship, Moutour Coontv and Sr if- 112 t Pennsylvania, bound* d and d>*» ir • i as follows, viz: Beginning at » inhlic road at a stone corner of 1 md of (»■ <rp» Boudman ninety-eight | r« t »•- r< a stone, thence south eighty ta * Hi gr •- West twenty-fonr and thre. ten pi rein - along land 'if Hugh M W , iains to a -tone, thence Si nth four grets Wert nlong land « 112 .1 Poy. : ninety two and > 1 x-t«-ntli-» p< relit - !<• a Htone in the above m> nri< n- d publi road, tin-in <• along -aid public r ad South eighty-six degrees Ea*r twenty three and Bix-tmths |<erche» to tin place of hegiiiuing contaiimig four teen acres anil tive p. rrli(>« i ! land, with the appurtenances I.OT NO. i. All that certain pn • • j ir eel and tract of land -ituate m Valley Township in the County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, bound- <1 aud described as follows: vi/ B>gi:i ning at a stone corner in line of lan i of Charles Ploch and William Por-t 1. thence alone the -ami respectively South eighty-four and one-fourth d giees West eighty-si* and twit nt perches to a stone, thence by land of Heading Iron Company eighfet n a* three-fourth degrees East one pet< h rn a stone thence hy land of Jan- Chorm and John Bi-hop, respectively. No rn eighty-two and one-fourth degn- - h *-• thirty-four perches to a stone, them> by land of Samuel Uething Norrti eighty-four and ooe-f< nrth degre.- Ea-t eight and pe-cl •■- ti a stone, th> new by the -am S uti twenty-five and one half degrees La-' fifteen and one-tenth perche- to alitor • thence by th< -am** South eighty t- nt and one-fourth d»grfes W»-r suret nnd three-tenths perches to a «roi. thence bv lands of Jane ('barn and Jn Bishop, respectively. S ath g'ify two aud out fourth degret - West thirty-four pt relies to a -tone in lm of land of the Reading Iron Compart? thence by the -»id Siurh eighteen ari three-fourths degrees Ka-t, eighr- -t. ami tive tenths perches to a sfon- in ne of land formerly of Stephen K- id now of Arthur Stetler. theme hy Mm -ame South eighly-one and in I* 11 degrees East twenty perche- to 1 rm eriy a black oak now a stone, them by laud of Thomas CJething Nortl eighty-six and one-half degre- * Ee l thirty-nine and eight-tenths j rein * ti a stone a corner of laud < t Mary E Cash net. then >• by the -.itu- S uti eighty degrees East sixteen ami -ix tenths pt rches to a stone corner iu Jim of lands of William Gethings an 1 W 1 li ini Moore test e> -n • by tl same North oue aud three fourth* grees La.-t forty two and twt vent perches to the stone corner fir-t abo* mentioned the place of beg.:.n:-g.- ' taming fourteen a r» s an I -ixtv n.r perches Aith the appartenan I.OT N*> 3. All that < err tin n - -»upt- and toi»n lot of lan I -if; %r ir the Boioigh of Kiterside iu tl e Ci tin • v t.f Northumberlaud and »t Pennsylvania, lioumh d. mtikitl li «i'fibed as follows: tow r «»n tn> I-; .-t .-ide of Afenui "tn • ti mi »t the IWiM ot lot A » '..-t.f fifty feet Southvvar lly fr« :n K;ft> j Street,thence in an Eaatwardly i r tiou along >ai<l lot "A" one hnadre-l and seventy -ix i !>«' feet t an ai v, thence Southwardly iiloug said alley fifty (501 feet lo corner of h : "C thence We-rwardly by lot ' C «r --hundred and seventy-sii tt7>' fet > t i said Aveoue "F", tto ti>-e Northward ly along said Avritae ' K" tiftv feet to the plait of beginning, j rev id t*d and excepted neverthele--, that 112 the purpose of uniformity no dwelling hour- or oth»r baildinsrs shall h*»er*ct t-d set up or hoilt vxnbin twenty feef of the froi) l line ot Avenue ' K of the -aid townlot ot I * rt*l hereinal ov. desi ribeil It being M markt d ' K iu Section thirfv t:I0» on the | 'ot «112 said Horoagh ot Hiverside. LOT N'» I A I those two rir' NIl lots or pie «« of around aaaih* red "J" and"K" tn blo«-k number *;gh" in the Boroogti of Riverside in th« ('ounty NorthuiiiU-rland and Stat-- of Pei'tisylvnnia, wit tfie »[ ; on> n r L« >T NO. • All tiiCS» two certain lots or pieces of gn un<i numbered " L"' and •• N" in Mo k MMtffeHV eight ?v» the Hor« ugh «112 Hiver«ide in tl • t'ona tv of Northum' r-ijin.l « n ,| Sta»> • t Pennsylvania w:th the apj>i.rt>n am t s. LOT N»» »'• AH that n rtain air - »uge or ti iieinetit < r traet of land ite iu the Town- ip Hei»vei in the <"ounty c-f l olum' la aud Srat» of Pennsylvania, bounded and de*crib*d. a* follow*, to wit Reg :nning at a -tone corner in lim nf Ueorge Mi *r Hosth'eight and one half degrees Fa*r tortv rihls to itther laud* of ►rei erici I'ri-n-e now Hannah C-'-use. th«»(»c> South *oveot% nint d» -U -t fortv lour js-rches ti a rutnet th» n<e |»y !») d of Hot ace >S\*. I• . Til e -• T Nortl thirteen degrt t - W» si forty |»*rch» s to in oak'fhitict tv 1«f dif \ lain Miller N'i rth "evctify nitie dt gre> - East «i atv tie jtercbes to the plttce of beginning ontaiiiiug tight• en a res nit re or h>« . ■Ait t atw. >r riio. fi four j., . <,. . • ua - . - *•" Ifgrn • ' .IM Jtht v W>-il»r hi rijjt • < * if Ka*t !»»'Y»-nr r -ftfu ; ■■■ , ~i tint >i»k th*-9w« (>v ~n«t ,t <», i, Hi in r d' ■ p • »*vi>otv-tbr»— >■ > v nfv nin< to th jta .. 112 _iaataa •it t;»itimfr ifcirtr two wwf -<iw liwnftrnl .mi r wrnti • , lowail't- Wirt) ftw- »112 mr N * ■ , • '« " • R) I , A : s-- - - s b«Bl»df ) Mi<i ft«rit •»»! 4. • «.. fr, A ' - . r .-• ]qt ' ' . , • 112 p|.-» an»l tur< -Math* »•! 1 til it» r, pshlii' rwl. V.l • . Ift •• • an PMC, Hfinlli t«r<*i»" uti't .* < si KT W**4 r|.-«.-n It. *r;<i .sj •« a .■ ->nt4 Nad. th- «< -r.»f ■! Of -ant Mcl'llf* Jit rtf * gr»» - W»-»f fitvlhi ; ftt truth* t«» ■ ji -r, Fors w ' K.»»t lift* ? r |•ft l • •lom-. flwlirt h» lat t* »if "»!• !igU* and M 112 MoT' r, a*( : igt »n«i a half fit?*-* yrr»-h«'« tn 1 #t«lMt, tS l.r.t 1 • ' '1- g • • Ka-f - » 1 12. < i containing thir? v . n m<i ru tißDdri <i am) ih-rit ■ j r<' -tr< r H« it t> • - wit} ' appnrtrnMi''-* LOT SO. .*il ' is r* aT. i otln-r uiiiH-rsU 1 .nj e i r thai i*» rtno | i«*r«- » ; , and m Coftil* rftat* of pi*Btt-T' .-#i • * " l»r IT by Jl i r Fn at* 1 ,-bn-rl o<w! 112) imi<! N»t a- *. B<-a itirig a t»fnn»- c*>r • I;*n ■- of VV|!<ii«ai «> rl n it 'if : <l»>gr •* - A.-r -n u 1.«•». tcntiiK - 10 a - ': ■ v oth»-r 1-mi'N < r t;,- » 1. ,r' r« Jli-rt •Mgtify il jtr* A", ■ • j mH <u. tmth* | • ■.» Mmnhw ? lilt* twnt An it it 1 it « . V.• -i t»-»-n yrrrl"** »o a • ■ • tit:. t» » | , «n;t North •g> tv-f* >, • -timet fr r-gitr* V> .■ • ,112 lf r ~ r m>i I tri a .t r. afh oe aiKl OB*' >;* K k- r (W- 3ft uin»* an>l fit»- t- Mlh . 'o m *t»t: lt»rTK-»* hr latnf <»[• v »ir«»'ii»—•» m'i ha<l w* or of H- ttr E*»*r - Nortli « v. . n d»fw and #frv -w raiuuif-t llk>t ili.rt' -fS.t la', rhtrr -Bt»' or»- hor-lrt if • 1 fti»* pla< - if t 'it k>M| IflfD Rftfit u - if jm l with tl 112 !»j TCRM3 0I iwl kiowß on t> •> «a r»a* - Lfc. R»-ifiT#r of-ii Si n r S> '1 v Dantille. P*.. Jan. • .'n . HUM H-f if. ft N i tmrn-hta tmrn-hta H r«* "#i Pa., iWrmn'tt X' »««-•• w h»T' T .< A)imint!*trafi n n tH»- *h ■.«{*» (mt • i N*b <rai»t<wl »«» ih» *v L ,%il m§air»*»l to patnt-n* !t«i -Jsc —• havtusr .-Jiiinit* tr tlritiafitU m-" *h w:!l mate* te» -r wifhonr ,lr!»v t'» •: • w v- Tir».\ of Mi For. Ofc-f . of Slont 112! *aßi 1 o. • Soti<-«« mt - g a * »t ritarv ■ n II •• •: 1 - « t « few«-n grant t In • pMMHBt hf«"l IM IW wm) «r> mjairwi to ritwkt pwrantl tmf ' ■- tiaviiig iaiait » r >»• mm ..■ •- * wiiii will ma*!' fe»< i * »r- Wlt!iOßt iktllT lii KOt*.% Jl Alf -Fi * ! j WM IDA M 981 III.rK v t - i ' r*«M n EDII \ K[» 9 OB v N • «• mm* A GOOD TNINC GIVE IT A PUSH i \ ■ r twf M« »Y KK IH %ft - I think that *t~r* mmt 'km few- a t«M» ft h- -r—- t nun -* tfk 'iglii to bat*-a <»f M >rer * Wht*- f.imir.-"-* with a trail «# an ) >•!! 112 *war? "i 1 •train*"} h*» «iNai t »l»'r MMI Tfmr ti»-fk «ra<* *w. 4h*a t» all ?hw >«tn w»nM h. H \\ . ■ , W • | fm h an*! in a Vw >tor» h* *al> a» ah a*ii" *»,•! t|i'i«** ni.t w ant -f lif.. |t wi<riM lite» twaxti- RMfniMf Tiw J A f*A RTH %?*T ■f •? a Mover I »ro>. » mrt a*»i«rs ~ Pa. mW Kt>r «a!> "»T all »!*•»*. r*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers