i is a lum, heir into ings rest and meet your hew NG— ad of No. 1 1 will sell at and guaran- is sold, should Ist, the cus- enefit. Also 1 Bangor or ip as shingles. and Valleys. Railroad Station Done to Order. GERD PENN’A. EE a ANSI Hi cH! SCRATCH tch, the worse Ointment. For Ing. 60c a box. ale Connellsville Saturday. PERSONAL AND LOCAL E. C. Kyle spent part of last week on business in Pittsburg, Miss Rose McKenzie is spending a week with Maryland friends. Mis Ella Wagner of Cumberland recently visited her relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Miss Evelyn Truxal, a teacher in th Bellevue high school, was a visit- or over Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Margaret Smith spent Sunday at the home of her brother in Lona- coning. W, B. Groff spent Sunday visiting his brother, Postmaster Alex, B. Groff, at Somerset. Miss Alice Friedline has returned from Rockwood where she had been visiting for several days. Rev A. S. Kresge preached in the Reformed church at Garrett, Monday evening. Miss Carrie Donnecker was hos- tess to twelve of her lady friends on Tuesday evening at her home on the South Side Mre. E. J. Boyles returned to her - home in Pittsburg Saturday after spending two weeks here visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Brennen of Scottdale are guests of the 1dtter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shan- non. . Mr, anr Mrs. David Brallier of Som- erset spent Saturday here visiting at the home of the latter's brother, D. A. Friedline of North street. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reich on Thurs- day attended the funeral of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Jeremoah Folk, in West Salisbury. Manasses Bauman of Mance, not a frequent visitor to this burg, was at- tending to business matters here on Monday, ‘Squire W. H. Hay is again attend- ing to his duties ‘following a Pro tracted staying in the house with the grip. There will be a meeting of the Civic League in the Municipal hall on the afternoon of the first Thurs- day of February at 2 p. m. Mrs. W. H, Habel entertained the members of the Dorcas club Thurs- day p. m. at her home on High gtreet After spending a few hours in doing fancy work, luncheon was served. Miss Mary Kerrigan who spent a week here visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Livengood, returned to her home in Mrs. W. A. Younkin of 224 Salis- bury street was hostess at a delicious geven-course dinner on Sunday in ponor of the recent pride and groom Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Younkin, Our venerable citizen, J. H. Lepley of Broadway surrender to the insid- ious attacks of grip for the past two weeks and his adversary has not yet relinquished his hold. Mrs. C. E. Boyer of Meyers Ave, who has been confined to her bed for nearly seven weeks with a severe attack of gastric fever, is slowly con- valescing. Morris Mosholder who has been working in Akron O. for several months , returned here Thursday, but will in a few days ship his household goods to the above place where the family will reside in the future. The members of the K, A, club were entertained by Miss Zura Peck at | her home, Fairview Farm. Those pres- ent were Misses Margaret Hady, Martha Diest, ‘Marie Cruse, Eleanor Lepley and Bess Hady. The Consolidation Coal Company, operatng large mines in Maryland and West Virginia, has increased wages of miners 2 and a half cents per tom, making new rate 68c. Day laborers receive an increase of 10c. Mr. U. M. Housel who was a del- egate to the Laymen’s Congress held at Allentown recently wiil deliver an address in Grace Reformed church White Oak, Sunday morning at 10 a, m. and in St. Mark’s church, Poc- ahontas at 2 p. Mm. ‘ Dr, Lichty said that on Wednes- day he assisted Mr. Wegley to un- joad a car of Oldsmobiles, the reason being that he was anxious to get possession of his new eight cylinder touring car, which shines some when not only alone but when in company with other autos, Fine car. all right! The first increase in pay of the Con solidation Coal Company employees in this section of Somerset county was received last week at Boswell, when the men found more money in their envelopes than they expected. The advance is supposed to be gen- eral in all the mines of this company. John R. Boose, gecretary of the Star Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Somerset, was in town on Monday attending to business matters. This company is growing in favor with the public in general. It has a careful body of officers and a keen board of directors. Brethren Church, Rev. H. 1. Gough- nour, pastor: On Jan. 30, the Women’s League will meet at 9:30 a. m. in con- nection with the Sunday school. There will be church services in the Meyersdale church at 10:30 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m.. All are cordially invit- ed, i I RT Hon. F, B. Black, accompanied by Mrs. Black, were in Harrisburg at PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a meeting of the State Agricultural A AT Commission Board of which Mr. . Att : ola Diao ig 3 member on Tuesday even- *8 sud ing. Following the adjournment of SOMERSET, Pa the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Black left for New York City for a few days, Maurice Mosholder, who has been working at Akron, Ohio for the past few months, returned to this place last week ‘and shipped his household goods on Saturday to Akron where the familiy will make their home. UHL & EALY Attorneys-at-Law SOMERSET, Pa, WILLIAM C. PRICE J Successor to Ww, A. CLARK The father of Mr. Mosholder, Mr, Jo- MEYERSDALE, PA. seph Mosholder who has been mak- Prommpt attention to all calls, ing his home with his son, will ac day or night. Both "Phones DENTISTRY. Modern dentistry eliminates the dread of havng your teeth extracted, crowned or filled. 1 specialize on Crown and Bridge work. I also treat and guarantee to accompany them to that thiving city. Chas. Getz of Mt. Savage, Md, was in Meyersdale on Monday to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Michael Holzshu and to visit with his uncle, Mr. J. J. Holzshu. Mr. Getz claims for ; his town the distinction of having made the first solid iron railroad rail, | as previous to that time, the rails | cure Pyorrhea, Riggs Disease or were hollow underneath in the form loose, springy, bleeding gums when not too far advanced. H E. GETTY PA. J of an inverted capital U, A movement is under way to-or ganize a company to distribute elec- tric current for light and power throughout Central City and adjacent MEYERSDALE, MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES then you with the Your Last Chance Our Clearance Sale will be closed TUESDAY, February 1st. We will close out the balance of our Ladie’s Suits and Coats. Men’s and Boy’s Suits and Over- . coats at the very lowest prices. Come in and convince yourseli, quality and style, This is Also will be satisfied with the and especially low prices. territory. It seems that the big com- panies generating this current do not care to retail it in this section, but prefer to deliver it in bulk. This will be furnished at a low price, so that the local company distributing the same will be assured of a reasonable profit for the service. * For Sale—Victor Typewriter in first class condition. Will sell cheap. J. O. Adams, Blacksmith, Meyersdale. 1-13-3t * STREET COMM]ISSIONER—APP fi | cations will be received for Street Commissioner of Meyersdale, Pa., by Council up to the time of the Februa- ry meeting. : The good roads campaign which the Somerset Board of Trade is promo ting was given a big bost Thursday | night at the fourth annual banquet of ! the association, held in the social room of the Christian church in Som- erset 293 men, representing practic- cally every town and township in the county, were present, and seemed un- animous in favor of Somerset county taking ‘hold of a ‘comprehensive coun- ty road plan and carrying it out with- out waiting for the aid of the State Highway Dpeartment. C. H. DIA, President Wanted—a second hand bureau .or chest of drawers. This office. — — For Sale—A Champion Rock Crush- er 16“X 20” Troat Adjustable. Chain convey eliminator, Steel frame on wheels. in good condition, ready for work; weighs about 2800 ibs. If inter ested, call on or write J. W. Nestor, Burgess, Hooversville, Pa. 1-13 1m . —————————————————— GARRETT Foreword by Correspondent. This is the first letter from our “purg” under the present reporter, The correspondent who has been asked to write these items hopes to make good. It is our desire to prepare a|ing Stoves, Lot of Sooemaker’s tools. newsy letter each week, provided Apply to Chas. Plitt. 12-8t¢ there is any news to report; if there 5 is nothing of interest to report, We|pspaAINS ON ROBES AND BLAN- will try to start something and then : report it. It will be a pleasure to re- KETS at WEISEL'S HARNESS port the doings of our enterprising SHOP, CENTRE ST. town weekly in the columns of the Commercial. The Board of Health vacancies were filled last week, the new mem- bers being —U. S. Shober, N_ J. Judy and Prof. H. B. Speicher, FOR SALE— Coon and foxhound, 4 years old, well trained. Will sell cheap Apply to Henry, S. Maust, R. D. 2, 12-3-3t. . Meyersdale, Pa. FOR SALE—One Pool Table, 2 Heat town, 2 4-room houses. Cheap. Apply at this office. 10—21 tf. House for sale or for rent, centrally Miners Have Resumed Work. .. |jocated—North street. 8 rooms. Apply The mines have resumed work af-| 4+ this office. ter having been closed down for two weeks. The men will receive the raise which they asked. Enterprise No, 3, the mines at Blackfield and the Slope went back the first part of the pres- ent week. It is gratifying to all that this little difference has been adjust- ed. A community is one , not a negh- borhood of two classes, that of labor and capital. Garrett Without Meat. The people who butchered and have meat stored away, have meat to eat while the less fortunate ones have to buy their meat at Meyersdale or Berlin unless they choose to do with- out it; because the Garrett meat mar- ket closed its doors last week, Among the Sick. Mrs, George Weaver who recently underwent an operat on in the W. M. hospital at Cumberland is again confined to her bed. Mrs. Catherine who had been con- uned to her bed with a severe attack of grip and pleurisy is slowly im- proving. Mr, Jacob Pritts is suffering with a severe attack of grip. Tom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack George is in a critical condition. He has an attack of pneumonia. WANTED—Good Blacksmith acquain- ted with mine repairing work. Good wages. Inquire at this office. en. rere ROCKWOOD. W. M. G. Day, assistant cashier of the Farmer's & Merchants’ National | Bank, was taken to the Mercy Hospi- tal, Pittsburg, Thursday morning, for an operation’ for appendicitis. Dr, C. J. Hemminger accompanied him. Harrion Fritz was a Somerset Vis itor, Saturday. Mrs. Edward Miller and Miss Flor- ence Miller are among the la grippe sufferers. Miss Sara Pyle of Somerset is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Schrock. Miss Bessie Sullivan of New Cen- treville was a visitor here, Friday. Miss Mary Jane Wolf is ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Levi Wolf. Dr. Byrd of Meyersdale was a bus- iness visitor here Friday. Miss Alice Friedline of Meyersdale was a recent visitor here. It is reported that prospective buy- ers of coal lands have made examin- ation of the farms of George J. Hay, J. M_ Critchfield, A. D. Newman, E. J. Weimer and others in the vicinity of Rockwood with a view of acquir- ing about 700 acres. The will of Mary Buckman, deceas- sed, late of Rockwood Borough, was probated last week by Register Shaver The testatrix appointed J. R. Haines executor of her estate, and directs Holsopple since the strike. Ile ex him to pay all indebtedness as early pects to move his family in the near | 2% possible, She further directs that future. her estate is to be equally divided be- Local Items. Mr. Jim Cable of Berlin was survey- ing in Garrett Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. Elmer Walker of Holsopple was [Yisiiine friends in Garrett Saturday and Sunday, Miss Rena Kennel is visiting at the home of Mr. W. L. Brant. Mr, Harvey Sturtz is working at Sutp. ©, A. Merrill went to Pinehill tween her two children, Lucy Burn® worth and Edith Baer, the latters |: to resume Liine operations i at Quality mines. interest to be placed in trust with Ww. L. Brant was transacting busi- executor. ness in Somerset Monday and Tues- 8 day, { Mr. B. S. Rush was 2 Connellsville Mrs. Emma Merrill is spending the visitor Tuesday. 5 with friends in Baltimore. Misses Nell and Verda Brant spent Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Bowlby and fam- | Sunday visiting friends in McKees- ily attended the funeral of Mrs. |port, Pa. Bowlby’s brother, Elmer Bittner, at Prof, and Mrs. H. B. Speicher and Frostburg, last Wednesday. family visited friends in Russel Wetmiller returned from ; Sunday. Akron, Ohio, Monday. He has bought | TU. S. Shober and family spent Sun- a property there and expects to move i day visiting Mrs. Shober’s sister, Mrs, | nis family in the near future, Pleasant Weimer at Rockwood. FOR RENT—Near the Centre of “the °F Salisbury | years abroad, in Belgium, WEINSTEIN'S THE LOW PRICE STORE. Next to Post Office, Meyersdale, Pa. RULE ON CREDITORS ET AL— In Re Assigned Estate of S. D. Liv. engood: No. 377, September Term 1807, January 25th. 1916, a petition was presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset County by Charles H. Ealy, Assignee of S. D. Livengood, praying the Court for a rule Boon | creditors and others to show cause why said assignee shuld not grant an option to any one desiring the same, to purchase all ther ight , title, inter- est, claim and demand of the said S. D. Livengood of, in and to the coal and fireclay underlying certain tracts of land situate in Somerset and Sto- nycreek Townships, Somerset Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, containing in the aggregate eleven hundred (1100) a- cres more or less, and known as the “Adams Mines Property,” at and for | a sum of not less than Sixteen Thou-| sand ($16,000,00) Dollars. Said option to extend for a period, not more than ninety (90) days. And also to grant a “$iile to show cause why the said as- ‘gignee should not have power and authority to sell, without previous option, the said interests of the said S. D. Livengood in and to the said tracts of land , and the coal and the fireclay underlying the same, at and for the price of not less than Sixteen Thousad ($16,000.00) Dollars. Whereupon the Court granted | a rule as prayed for upon all credi- | tors and others to appear at Somer- set, on the 14th of February, 1916, at 10 o'clock, A. M_, to show cause why said option or sale should not be made as prayed for. Said rule to be serv- ed by publication in two newspapers by two or more inwertions in each. Attest: P. J. RUPPEL(P. J) JONAS M. COOK, Prothonotary. Jan. 25, 1916 (SEAL) WESTERN ; MARYLAND RAILWAY “The Mason and Dixon Line” THREE WINTER TOURS. low fares to FLORIDA “The Land of Sunshine at exceedingly and Flowers” February 8 & 22 & Mar. 10 For full information, fares, and booklet, apply to Ticket Agent or C. F. Stewart, G. P. A., Baltimore, Md. PRIZES RING FROM FRONT. Made by German Soldier and In Pos- session of Los Angeles Girl. Los Angeles, Cal.—A ring fashioned from aluminum obtained from a pro- jectile, which has for a setting a rep- lica of the German iron cross, is the valued possession of a talented Los Angeles girl. It was made by a German soldier | while at the front in southern Poland. The possessor of the ring is Miss Mary Goodrich Read. who has spenty everal many and other countries, studying. { Miss Read recently returned to pis | country, bringing with her the finger | | ornament. : EVE en STE TSIETS Pm =e TC Beit © en SE = rrr ROOR ROR B EB S0ROROB0BSSB0R0BIBBB0BI BUBBA IAEA CHURNGOLD The Only Re=l BUTTERINE Sold Only at "The Place You Get the Best Meat, Etc.” The Donges Meat Market POOR ROR0R0 x 3, os x x x oe * > % x x - 5 % x x x % x . x ; rererraeaARO ERE OE RE EOBEREO BE CABCBB080 JB0RBCBCANB0BCROBIRE BARE The Home of Quality Groceries ———— EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Susanna Nedrow, late of Jenner Township, County of Som- erset, State of Pensylvania, De- ceased | NOTICE is hereby given that letters Come, give us a trial, you will de- | testamentary on the estate of said clare our groceries the choicest, our decedent have been granted to prices fair. | undersigned. All persons indebted Most obliging you will find us, onx- | said estate are requested to make : jous to please. mediate payment and those hav Ever striving our best, your wants | claims or demands against the same to appease, will present them for settlement te Just received a lot Lake Herring, | the undersigned executor, settlement every pail guaranteed and prices | to be made at the office of Albert B. right. Lowry, Esq., Salisbury, Somerset Co. We sell Heinz’s Pure Cider Vinegar | Pa., on Wednesday, February 9, 1916 Olive Oil. at one o'clock in the afternoon. Special price on Blue Star Peas OSCAR WRIGHT, Executer. this week. ~Aewatt 3 Try our Fancy Lake Shore Mack- erel. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. One lot of Pritchard’s Baking Pow- der at one half price. The sales on our own brand of Pow- der are constantly increasing. These prices will not only save money for you, but please you. Estate of Margaret Wright, late of Greenville .Township, .Somerse t County, State of Pennsylvania, De- ceased. Letters of administration in the a- 'bove named estate, having been issu- 2 gan Boys) a 10¢ 4 to the undersigned, notice is hereby ’ Pe nage for 15 ents . |given to all persons indebted to said A ace C5 i > ag { tat to i one lot of Apricots at 10 cents per 1h. jestate, to make immediate payment, while they last and those having claims against said bs. Good Mince Weal for 25 cents |estate may present them for settle- S. 2 ‘S. ment to the undersigned at the office 6 cakes Faucy Toilet Soap for 25¢. | 6 packages good Washing ondatio Albert B. Lowry, Esq, Salisbury, Yr oo rs |Somerset County, Pennsylvania, on TE fii Sized es tor cents. | Wednesday, February 9th, 1916 at one 5 cakes Lilac Rose Soap for 25 Gente. |o’clock in the afternoon. 1 1b. Java & Mocha Coffee 45 cents. | OSCAR WRIGHT, Administrator 1 lot Plantation, Coffee for 20 cents. 12-23-6t Boswell, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, . F. A. BITTNER, 142 Centre St, | Larimer Township, Somerset Coun- LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN— ty, State of Pennsylvania, Deceased or Borrowed without consent, two United States Flags from the G. A. bove estate having been granted to R. Hall in Meyersdale—The person the undersigned, notice is hereby who has them will please return them | given to all persons indebted to said to the hall or to the Quartermaster, | estate to make immediate payment, M. A. Rutter. We needed them on two | and those having claims against the occasions to drape soldiers’ coffins | same to present them, properly au- but they were minus, The “Qla | thenticated for settlement, on the 10th Boys” admire patriotism but not of | day of March, 1916, at the office of this kind. | the administrator, H. C. McKINLEY ROSS R. SCOTT, Administrator 1-27-6t Commander of the Post. | Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Letters of administration in the a- Somerset, Pa. ‘Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ny 1T Mey rsd le, Pi! Estate of Lloyd Ravenscraft, late of -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers