5 og & 1: SS I SR THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL ——— PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT MEYERSDALE, PA. K. Cleaver, Editor. AAA AAR ASAT SA ADDISON. Miss Ora Brook and sister, Mrs. Yr. Brady are both quite ill with the grip. Mr, Lloyd Hileman improving slowly from pneumonia. Mrs. C. R, McMillan of Connells- ville and Mrs. John Peck of Liston- burg were guests on Friday at Mrs. E. R. Grimes at Ridge View, Found Fine Pearl in Oyster. Mrs, BE. R. Grimes found last Friday in a dish of oysters a large genuine pearl of rare beauty and quite valua- ble. Mrs. Ruth Defibaugh, nee Jeffrys, who was married a short time ago is spending at present a few days vis- jting her brothers, C. N. Jeffreys and A. C. Jeffreys and sister-in-law, Mrs. Defenbaugh will locate in Cumber- land where her husband hhs a fine home prepared. He is at present engag- ed in the machine shops, Mrs. Albert Turney is this week visiting friends in Pittsburg and also her sister, Mrs. W. Frederick at Un- and wife are an attack of fontown. Rev. O. Rishel has closed his meet- ings having preached for three comn- secutive weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Augustine of Pittsburg are moving their household goods this week in with their cousin, Miss Ella Augustine. Mr. Augustine has been appointed executor in will of Miss Julia Augustine, deceased, Mr, Russell Stark and family are this week moving into the G. W. Rush farmhouse, where he will farm. Little Girl Falls Breaking Arm Cornelia Ross the 7-year old daugh- ter of R. E. Ross accidentally fell on the icy side walk at the schoolground and broke her arm in two place a few days ago, the fracture being reduced by Dr. Gregg and the little maiden is doing finely, Mr. G. W. Rush, our genial landlord of Hotel Rush, has stocked his ice house full of fine manufactured ice from Meyersdale. i MRS. JEREMIAH FOLK. Mrs, Sara Folk, wife of Jeremiah ¥olk, died on January 18th at the home of her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beachy, in West Salisbury. Deceased was 82 years old and death was due to infirmities of old age. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in St, Paul's Re- formed Church, Rev. Wilson, the pas- tor, officiating. Besides her husband and daughter, she is survived by two adopted chidren, namely, Daniel Folk of Pittsburg, and Mrs. Silas Marteeney of this place, and also by several grandchildren. Mrs, Folk was very well known here where she resided with her husband for many years, but for the ast five years they had made their home with Mr. and Mrs. Peachy. POCAHONTAS. We are having some real spring days in this January weather. Clarence Sipple and Roy Siprle of St. Paul attended the institute last Saturday evening. James Baker was on the sick list a few days last week. Francis Lint made a business trip to Somerset last Saturday, The institute at Pocahontas school last Saturday night was well attend- ed. Clarence Sipple was a welcome cal- ler at the home of John Rembold’s last Sunday. Dr. F. E. Sass of Boswell spent a night of last week with his brother-in- laws, C. B. Kelly at Deal. Austin Freidline spent a few days of last week in Meyersdale. A young lady of this vicinity was very much disappointed last Satur- day night and it was all due to the inclemency of the weather. Henry Baker is now living within the borough limits of Pocahontas. Miss Della Baer is working at pres- ent for John Wright of Salisbury. This town has a great future ahead according to the prophecy of one of the leading citizens. KINGWOOD. John Gerhard has gone to Akron to work in a 1 Warren Dakota is visiting his parents, and Mrs. I. W. Sullivan. The epidemic of measles has about subsided. Daniel Hostetler who had been vis- iting relatives at Kingwood has re- turned to his home in North Dakota. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Sechler attend- rubber i factory. of Mericore, N. Mr_ ed the funeral of Mrs. Sara King Dickey, which was held at Middle creek Church of the Brethren. BERLIN. N. G. Nicholson of near Berlin who had been a keen sufferer with rheum- atism for some time past under spe- cial treatment is improving. Quite a large number of raen from Berlin attended the Board of Trade banquet held in Somerset Thursday evening. Those making up thc crowd were Messrs. Bruce Hauger, Ww. J. Gumbert, A, B. Cober, J. M. Shober. Stuart Pritts, Henry Dickey, H. P. Hay, J. B. Schrock, J. 0, Ream, D. C. White, Frank Groff, Fred Groff, Henry Wilkow, Robert Henderson, William Dwyer, J. Hargnett Garman, Ww. J, Gardill, R. C. Heffley, P. A, Shaffer. J. M. Musser, H, Bunn Philson, Simon Sweitzer, E. C. Saylor, Ralph Landis Frank Collins, J. P, McCabe, Henry Landis, Harvey Landis, J. C. Ream, H. F, Ball, E. L. Knepper, and F. E. Stinely. These men were accompanied to Somerset by the Elie Sheetz Drum Corps, the members being William, John and Andrew McQuade, John Zorn and George Smith. = Mesdames Robert and Lloyd Hen- derson and Miss Sarah Henderson, of Macdonaldton were Berlin visitors on Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Phm Shaffer enter- tained the following people at a 7 o'clock turkey dinner on Frday ev- ening: Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Shaw, the Rev, and Mrs. Snider Stephan and daughters, Katherine, Emma and Minnie Snider and Miss Hattie Mor- rel of Delaplane, Va. Miss Ruth Deeter went to Boswell Wednesday to visit for a week with her sister, Miss Lena Deeter and Mrs. Paul. Hurd > Wm. Shockey, of Waitesville, W, Va., visited for a few days recently with his mother, Mrs. P. T Miller. Mrs. 0. O, Cook and daughter, Ma- ry were recent Pittsburg visitors be- ing entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Cook. Mrs. W. F. Payne of Meyersdale from Wednesday untl Thursday vis- ited with her daughter, Mrs. O, O. Cook. Mrs. Edgar Fogle and daughter Margaret left Thursday for Pittsburg to visit until Monday at the home of Msr, Fogle’s sister, Miss Margaret Woy. C. F. Roy, superintendent of the B. V. Coal Company was a visitor GRANTSVILLE. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller on January 19, a daughter, Mr. John Blocher of Webster, S. D. who has been spending several months with relatives and friends in this section, was {the guest of J. A. Beachy for several days. Mr. Beachy and Mr, Blocher were neighbors in South Dakota. The two little childrenof Will Ba- ker have been in a serious condition from whoopingcough ‘which in the younger has developed into pneumo- nia. Miss Helen Stanton is suffering from ‘pneumonia and at present is under the care of a trained nurse. The girls C. G. Club met at the home of Miss Winifred Bonig on Fri- day evening. Miss Wilda Getty of Tri-Sta'e Business College spent the week-end with her paretn 8. The expansion tank of the heating plant at the Stone House froze one night last week and burst and caus- ed a great deal of damage. Fire in the Behner Home. A fire broke out in the basement of the house of John Behner on Satur- day morning about six o.clock and had made considerable head-way before it was discovered. The village was soon roused and with the aid of buckets the fire was soon under control, although the kitchen and dining room were damaged nearly beyond use. The en- tire house was filled with smoke and Mrs. Sophia Bonig, who has been ill | for some time had to be carried to! a place of safety. Mrs Zebner was | burned about the face and arms and | her hair singed. Mrs. Frank Peterson | has been suffering from the shock and | has been confined to her bed for a few days . Mrs. Peter Yost who was operated | upon at the Maryland University | Hospitl for appendicitis is reported doing nicely. Mrs. BE, B. Durst was taken by her physician to Cumberland for exam- ination and treatment and has return- ed home and is receiving treatment for neuritis. Evelyn, the little daughter of J_ A. Beachy has been ill with whooping- cough. Mr. Peter Nathan has been very sick for some time. business to New York City, Mr. and Mrs. George Carlisle, Myr- tle Calhoun, Bertha Philson, Millard Lowry and Elwood Landis were en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Walker a few evenings ago. WERE GUESTS AT AT RECENT WEDDING, The following guests attended the wedding of J. W. Poorbaugh and Miss Florence Deist at Glencoe, on Jan. 20, a brief account of which was given in last week’s Commercial. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diest, Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Poorbaugh, Glencoe; Mr. R A. Poorbaugh, Ellerslie, Md; Miss Nettie G. Poorbaugh, Miss Mary Poor- baugh, Mr. Wm. Diest, Chas. Diest, Jr., Robert Diest, Miss Ella Diest, Miss Mary and Albert Diest, Glencoe; Mr. E, W. Broeseker, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hay, Mr. Elwood Broeseker, Mr Wm. Broeseker, Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. N. B, Poorbaugh, Mrs. B. F. Bittner, Miss Ruth Bittner, Mrs. Herman Has- gelrode, Mr. and Mrs. E. O, Kroush- aar, Miss Vernon, Lloyd and Merle Kroushaar, Glencoe; Mr, W. I. Mec- Dowell, Steubenville, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. H. T, Meyers, Mr. Herman Kee- fer; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kroushaar, Misses Ruth and Thelma Kroushaar; Mrs Chas. Keidel, Miss kuby Poor- baugh, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bittner, Miss Henrietta Bittner, Glencoe; Mr. and Mrs. W. F Hady, Miss Dorothy Hady, Meyersdale. Rev. A, S. Kresge officiated. Miss Nettie Poorbaugh, a sister of the groom, played and sang “0, Perfect Day,” durng the "ceremony. The hap- py couple left for a trip to Washing- ton, D. C., and other eastern points, ns eem——— UNION VALLEY, guess we had it last week! There will be a teachers’ institute at the Witt school house on Friday night, January 28; all friends of ed- ucation are invited. Simon Keefer and P. W. White at- dended the special services of the the Mt, Lebanon church at which time Rev. A. S. Kresge took for his sermon, The Apostle’s Creed, and | the discourse was very interesting to both young and old, Elsie Schaffer spent Sunday at the home of P. W. White. J. L. Kendall; the superntendent of the Larimer Telephone Company passed through. this place sometime ago dong some repair work on the line . Mr, Kendall says that the line must run from coast to coast. CONFLUENCE | Mr. and Mrs. P. B, Vincent of Fort Talk about zero weather—well, I: Mrs. Milton Kinsinger is suffering from a mastoid abscess. an m—————— SUMMIT TOWNSHIP, James Beal moved from near Mey- ersdale to Summit Mills on last Tuesday. 5 Miss Fannie Miller of Greenville township, spent over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Quinter Gnagey. The Pie Social held at the home of Jonas Klink on last Wednesday ev- ening was enjoyed by all those pres- ent. Mrs Wm Ringer is on the sicklist at present, E. R. Meyers is hauling lumber for Daniel Klink. Mrs. Eliza Christner spent Sunday at the home of H, BE. Hershberger and family. ! The Spelling Bee held at the Sady Hollow school on last Friday evening, was well attended and was was much enjoyedby all. Frank Firl who is employed In Boynton visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Urias Firl over last Sunday. Miss Margaret Sipple and Miss Minnie Swearman of near Glade City spent last Saturday at the home of J A, Opel and family. _ Many people are still suffering with bad colds and the grip. Mr. Ellis, superintendent of the Muncy Lumber Company at Laurel Meadow, returned to his home at Muncy lastweek. ee ct—— VIM. Mrs, P. C, Miller spent several days in Cumberland last week with relatives. Mrs. Eugene Wellen spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Pyle at Coa» Run, Take a Tumble to MASTER Scrap Flop over a nickel and fall in with the best chew on earth— MASTER Scrap! The Scrap with Fruity Flavor pippin, That Fruity Flavor is a a peach and a plum, all pressed together and their ripe, juicy taste soaked into large, choice cigar - cuttings from the world’s biggest cigar factories. No ends and no stems. You've got a date to meet a big, Sanitary Package full of this real Scrap at your dealer's right away. Chew hearty! : WORKMAN ASIEN CONVINCING TESTIMONY Given by Many Meyersdale People Experiences told by Meyersdale people— Those who have had weak kidneys— Who used Doan’s Kdiney Pills— Who found the remedy effective— Such statements prove merit. You might doubt an utter stranger. You must believe Meyersdale peo- ple.. Here's Meyersdale proof. Verify it, Read. Investigate. Be convinced. Yowll find why Meyersdale folks !| believe in Doan’s. W. H. Blume, carpenter, 231 Beach- ley street, Meyersdale, says: “1 was troubled by my kidneys, I couldn't sleep well and sharp pains al through the small of my back. 1] didn’t know what to do. A dpuggist | suggested that I use Doan’s Kdiney | Pills and I did. I want to say that | they are all right. I took about three bokes and am now better than ever. 1 always recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills to my friends and I keep them | on hand. Price boc at all dealers. Don’t sim- ply ask for kidney remedy—sget | Doan’s Kidnye Plils— the same that | | | Props, Buffalo, N. Y. MINE RESCUE Freeman Fike was a sufferer of {1a grippe last week. Miss Orpha Fike who had heen vis- iting in Milford township several weeks came home on Saturday. Rev. D, W. Michael, pastor of the Lutheran church of Meyersdale call- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. 'M, last Friday and baptized their in- | fant child. { Miss Emma Finnegan of Meyers- dale spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Eugene Wellen. We are having fine sugar water weather for this time of the year. Our Merchant Nicholson got in a supply of Lake Herring fish last week. Mrs, Martin Meyer and Mrs. .W W. Nicholson spent Tuesday at the home of R. S. Nicholson at Pleasant | Hill. | Harsh physics react, weaken the Hill, were shopping in town Saturday. | . = o | bow will lead to chronic consti- Ray Show, a student at Masontown | bowels, » ig spending a few days with his par- pation. Doan’s Regulets ADD DDES i ily. 25c box at all stores. nts Mr. and Mrs. Charles Show of easily. 22 { this place | ar : nm R Be s visitor | NY YW Bg 7 h Ri LS : : ig A . wk ww of ic dl. | £8 operate CERTIFICATES GIVEN. Nineteen students in the School of Mines at the Pennsylvania State Coll- ege have been awarded government certifiicates for proficiency in mine rescue work and first aid to injured miners. Special instruction in those branches was given the students by the crew of experts on the U. S, Bur- eau of Mines Rescue Car No. 1 which spent two weeks training Penn State students in the use of apparatus that permitted them to enter mine tunnels filled with poisonous gasses. The senior miners had previously received technical instruction with helmets, pulmotors, and oxygen tanks in their regular school of mine course. Credit for the preliminary. training was allowed by the government. Bach student who derground work in regulation rescue equipment, and fifteen hours in first- aid were granted certificates, Four- teen qualified in both rescue and first aid work, and five in first-aid only: All | was given in the | of the instruction school of mines tunnel which was flooded with the fumes of salphur | dioxide. Mr, Blume had. Foster-Mliburn Co. | spent ten hours in un- | That Hartley unary 29th. A EVERYBODY REMEMBER Red Letter Sale will con- ' tinue until Saturday, Jan- tunity for special bargains. ev... COME IN .... Hartley & Baldwin & Baldwin’s great oppor- A healthy man is a king in his own | | right; an unhealthy man an unhappy | slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On the market 3b years. $1.00 a bot- | tle, | ————————————————— | | FORT HILL. | Lawrence Michaels of Masontown, W. Va. arrived ap Fort Hill on Sun. | | day; he expects to work fr Elmer, | Snyder of Addison township. | Our mail man, Luther Livengood, | was in Somerset on business on Tues- | | day; Lester McClintock is carrying | the mail. | | Miss Nellie Vought is fll with the | | | 1 | grip, | Mrs. Lloyd Bird was a Confluence | | visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. A. B. Eicher who had been | lon the sicklist is improving. | Miss Hazel King from W. Va, ar | rived at Fort Hill on Monday evening | to wait on Mrs. A C. Bicher who has | been confined to her home for some | ‘ time. —ROOFING— I have gought a car load of No. | Galvanized Roofing and will sell at the lowest possible figure and guaran- tee the price till this car is sold, should it drop before March lst, the cus- tomer shall have the benefit. Also the best price on No. | Bangor or Sea Green Slate as cheap as shingles. Spouting, Ridging, Nails and Valleys. Write for Delivered Prices to any Railroad Statiom All Work Guaranteed and Done to Order. J. S. _WENGERD MEYERSDALE, “ze PENN’A. ale wy AA AA I Sf NANI fd NL SNS NA ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! “SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Doan’s Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a box. PER BE. C. K on busines Miss R a week Ww Miss EI recently Mr. and Miss E th Bellew! or over S Mrs. M at the ho coning. Ww, B. his bro Groff, at Miss from Ro visiting 1 Rev A. Reforme: evening. Miss tess to | Tuesday South § Mre. - home | spendin relative! Mr. a Scottdal parents non. Mr, a erset 8 the hor Friedli Mr. @ day att grandn West £ Man: frequel tendin Monda ’Squ ing to tracte grip. The Civic on th day o Mrs mem} day p After fancy Mis week uncle Liver Conn Mr bury gevel bono Mr. Ot of E ious wee! relir M wha for atta vale N WO! mo!
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