selected for his or her ability in pleasing peop AT LOWER PRICES. i —— A————————— i © gpm ap ts an = | | Have you ever been inside of our new store? Do you know that we do not except Baltimore City when we say we have the finest and most up- | to-date Piano House in Maryland? Can you imagne how we obtained tnis end? I SERVICE and EFFICIENCY have put us at the top. By "Service" we mean that we cannot do too much for a customer. * Our store 1s headquar- | ; ters for all music lovers. Why? Because every member of our force has been | e and showing them every possi- ble courtesy, no matter whether they are purchasing or not. If we were not | "Efficient" we would not hold in the piano world the position we do today. | Our large and reliable business enables us to give BETTER VALUES | Take a Look at These Club Offers. A Few Dollars | i Will Put in Your Home For Christmas a | Player Piano, Upright Piano or Victrola. 1 i fis { 1 oe ———_p go A Co-operative Player Piano Club | By Which You Save $105 And secure a guaranteed Aeolian built player-piano in your home by making a payment of $10.00, and paying $2.50 per week. per week. Our Ask For Full > | parteurars of | Victrola Club These Clubs By which you secure one of these remarkable in- struments on small monthly payments has inter- Stop in the st h S, : pin the stores Dione us Get full particulars at once. or send us your name SO we can A Most Complete Line of Records fl 131 Baltimore Street | C——— — mwas | Our Splendid Combination Offer! | t gd | Three Fine Magazines in Connection pc with The Commercial for $1.85. Not wishing to handle the cheap, trashy magazines, often filled with questionable stories and advertisements unfit for the home and children’s reading, we have made a contract by which our subscribers can obtain superior reading matter for a mere nominal price when combined with The Commercial, their favorite county which is a leader in quality. For only $1.85 per year we will send the following with our paper: a The Nationa] Stockman And Farmer, ay ng iar being the world’s greatet farm paper, Kimballs and we would have you note that it is | Dairy Farmer a weekly farm paper—not monthly as 7 most others. You can’t get this from the publishers for less than $1.00, The Woman’s World, a very superior home paper, : Kimball,s Dairy Farmer, which comes every two weeks; these constituue a Great-Four Combination rarely equal- ed- You can Get McCall’s and Commercial through us for $1.60. We have other very attractive combinations. : 3 Tn : | Gore, Ga., P. A. Morgan had oc- Pains in Back and Hips. » Wheat and Rye Wanted. casion recently to use a liver medi- TE | oT i and says of Foley Cathartic Are an indication of Kidney trouble | 1 j.sire to buy a quantity of wheat by ee roy ined ga warning to build up the weaken- land rye. Will pay $1.05 for wheat | : . d kidneys. make them vigorous, | my system and I felt like a new man ed’ Sijneys. |and $1.00 rye. | —light and free. They are the best A Co-operative Upright Piano Club | By Which You | Save $112.50 And secure a guaranteed Aeolian built | upright piano in your home by making a payment of $10.00 and paying $2.00 ested many. This club limited to 100 members. Sheet music and all mv-iea] merchandise always on hunu ii mail literature. Victrolas $15 to $200 a splendid assortment. sie och ponies. \IORRISON MUSIC COMPANY le LA TREASURES IN ENGLISH HOME | somest fellow of his time. Ome of Specialsin | Used Pianos | and Organs { Chatsworth House, Belonging to the’ Duke of Devonshire, Crowded With Works of Art. i — ; i Chatsworth house, whose literary treasures have been diminished by its present owner, owes its existence to the first duke, a man of extremely pathollo tastes, says the London Chron- whose work is as good, if not better, than Grinling’s, he was himself a su- preme judge of art and architecture. But while he could write odes and compose sonatas, he also loved racing and cockfighting, suppers and masked balls. He lost bets running into thou- sands with equanimity, and was con- sid~=nq hy the ladies to be the hand- these worshipers, when he died sang of him as one Whose awful sweetness challenged our esteem, Our sex’s wonder and our sex’s theme; Whose soft commanding looks our breasts assailed, He came, and saw, and at first sight prevailed. : No duke of Devonshire added so lavishly to the treasures of Chats- worth as William Cavendish, the sixth of the title. In 1812 he bought the li- brary of the bishop of Ely for $10,000. Ten years later he added John Kem- ble’s dramatic collections, for which he gave $2,000. All he did was done magnificently. The great conserva- tory, covering an acre, which after- ward served as a model for the Crys- tal palace, was his work. On his special coronation mission to the czar of Russia he is said to have spent £50,000 more than the govern- ment allowed him, a prodigality which so touched the heart of Nicholas that the monarch afterward paid the duke a visit at his Chiswick villa. Hearing a noise at the kitchen en- trance, the man of the house slipped quietly to the rear door and suddenly opened it. The grocer’s delivery boy was there with a basket containing a FO oO | BUHL & GATESMAN | medicine I have ever taken for con- ney Pills. In 50c and $1.00 sizes. ad Meyersdale, Pa. |gtipation. They keep the stomach Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. ad -————— | sweet, liver active, bowels regular. ————————— mm | | Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. ‘ad Wii. C. Price : W. Ai Clarke Fx ° Ar 1E CU JA a dozen eggs, a pound of butter and MANY PEOPLE |» |* Say— ” “We know we ought to save money”. But do nothing towards that end. . SOME make the start— Regularly deposit a few dollors each v eek or month with us and early find that the problem for them has been solved. Our Spirit of Friendly Helpfulness assists wonderfully ; in the good work. ; io ~ COME IN LET US AID YOU | 1 Eo! Start a Savings Account for Yourself | : with the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE BARK WITH THE CLOCK MEYERSDALLE, -- -- Le PENNA. fcle. He not only employed a carver, FA \ Thelight that saves your eyes and saves tr Poor oil cannot \ give this kind of light, b atl i = FAMILY FAVORITE OIL the best oll made, the oil that gives the st cker, odor, no soot—costs little hat Flyes) Be Stay XI her, DO Get it from your dealer. Itis therein barrels direct from our EEE ol Ul | refineries, ] WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO., Indepsadent Refiners, PITTSBURG, PA. 280 uminan Pi Lubricants, Paraffine Wax. FREE $32. IE aboug Sif haan MILY FAVORITE OIL - BITiNER MACHINE WORKS -:- D H WEISEL ts P, J. COVER & S0N—MNeyersdale Every Farmer with two or more cows needs a A DelLAVAL, THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. * 2 Office 223 Levergood St., SEE J. T. YODER, Johustown, - Pema JOSEPH L. TRESSLER Funeral Director and Embalmer Meyersdale, Somerset Co., Penn’a Residence: 309 North Street Office: 229 Center Street Economy Phone. Both Phones. 5 Boys! - 4 obs % Ni Do you want ' 4 this dandy A Be BICYCLE ,¢7 Men" \ kg /o The McCall Co. > v/ 236 W. 37th Street s z > New York City 5 4 > Dear “Bicycle Man: = le, Y oS 1 tell I This is not a Prize Contest. Every boy / v/ pet we rer Thiuh eride who fills out and mails the corner cou- 4% Ticycles, without money, and pon can carn this high-grade Bicycle ©’ for very listle effort, for very litzle effort during sparc SY Name otoat l time. ASK “The Bicycle Man.” 7 2 Lets Sven ha rn Mail this coupon TO-DAY. 7 2 i some Roquefort cheese. “Gh, it’s you, is it, Billy?” said the ) vife is always afraid when oise here, especially after ri 50 YEARS’ Ready Help EXPERIENCE in time of physical trouble caused by indigestion, biliousness resulting from torpid liver, inactive bowels, is. al- A ways given, quickly, certainly, safely by the most famous of family remedies me | BEECHAM'S DESIGNS : COPYRIGHTS &cC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably RASINROED Communica- tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ecial notice, without charge, in the eh Z ¥ on - o gre : « Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Scientific American. Sold everywhere. In boxes. 10c., 25¢. A handsomely illustrated weekl Largest ci- calation of any sciepting 1 DE ferms. year; four months, $1. Sol 3 y RF sa LA i RETRIAL © 0 : For baby’s croup, Willie's daily MUNN & Co.3818road : grons J Branch Office, 625 F St cuts and bruises, mamma’s sore | ella throat, gra: a’s lameness—Dr. { Ag ad —the household og ; Thomas’ Electric meay. ST 1 Sata 38 58 Bear 85ags 8 881.8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers