ommercial. AEYERSD ALK, P » THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, iq. VETERANS OF 6. AR HAVE ~NEW QUARTERS The Grand Army Army Post ‘of Meyers- ‘dale has had many removals from one place to another on account of increased ‘rent, which they were un- able to pay, or because of changing the hall tor other purposes, has finally located in the hall of the Municipal ; building, over the carriage room of the fire department, on Olay and Grant streets. The Post will ocenpy this hall jointly with the fire depart ment. ~ At'zs meeting of the Post on last : Thursday a committee was appointed to see that the hall is thoroughly renovated and furnished for Post pur- poses; when this is done it will be the best fitted for the purpose of any hall they have yet occupied. _ The members of the Post sre very poor financially but rich in patriotism and fidelity to the flag. These old soldiers have suffered much and are suffering still on account of service to «our country and deserve well at the hands of our citizens. One by one they are dropping from the ranks. What can we do or rather what will we do to make their last days on earth pleasant and enjoyable? At their last meeting the following officers were elected for the year 1915: Qommander, H. C. McKinley; 8. V. Commander, Hezekiah Crissey; J. V. Oommander, Eli Hare; Quartermas- .ter, M. A. Rutte: ; Chaplain, Rev, W. W. Wagner; Officer of the Day, Samuel Hoifmeyer; Officer of the Guard, Samuel Firl; Sargeant, Augus- tus Rosenberger. The remaining offi- cers, Adjutant, Sargeant Mzjor, Quar- termaster Sargeant and Color Sar- . geant will be app inted at the instal- «| Ella Witt. lation meeting in Januar. HAD BOTH FEET BADLY FROZEN. ‘Wm. T. Mercer, whose home is at Morgantown, W. Va., reached this place on a freight train Monday, with ‘both of his feet frozen so badly they had neariy turned black. He appeal- ed for help to Officer Hare who took charge of him and Dr. Me Millan gave | him the necessary medical attenticn. Officer Hare, : commendably, went around - ai money to pay the tives in Connellsyill is 20 years of age wi SCALP PAYMENTS | START JANL JANUARY 1ST. The Co Commissioners will _ start paying scalp bounties on Jan- nary 1st, 1915, nuder the Act of 1913, Hard and Soft Shell Alionts; Fancy Naples, Mountain Naples and Black Walnuts, Large Brazils, Naple Filberts and Elephant Pecons, also Mixed Nuts, at Holzshu & Weimer." MONSTER 150 FEET LONG CAPTURED. A Specinion. rarely rarely seen in the United States. The monster ‘‘Bar- throlcephalus Latus’’ is on exhibition at the Quaker Show, nightly. The Quaker Herbs removed it from Mr. Tony His, the Quaker doctor, whose herb medicine is spoken of aboye is now giving his free lectures and free shows every night in Gurley’s Picture House in Meyersdale. Large crowds are gathering nightly to enjoy the performance given by the musicians, singing comedians, ariel artist, ete., and judging from the way people are buying their medicines, since he started here his reputation must have preceded him. Noticeabie in the crowd nightly are some of our. rep- resentative citizens and they speak of this Quaker doctor and his medi- cine in the highest praises. ———— The best place to do your Christ- | Largest stock, best Ask for mas buying. quality and lowest prices. our 1915 calendar. ad Habel & Phillips. WITTEMBURG. Mr, Ezra ‘Geiger, a highly respected | farmer of Wittemburg, last week was | a visitor to Pitttsburgh in company Prof. Howard Phillips, he was the guest the city irs. athered enough | CHRISTMAS EXERCISES AT SUMMIT MILLS. The following program will be ren- dered by the Summit Mills Brethren Sunday school, in the Summit Mills Brethren church on Wednesday even- ing, December 23, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. Prelude, “Harp of the Angels”~ Ada Fike. Song by the Chorus, ‘‘Merry Christ- mas.’? 5 *‘Our Welcome,’’ Herbert Miller. Song by the Oborus, ‘Glory to God in the Highest.”’ Scripture Reading, Precious Words —Eight young men. Prayer—Buperintendent John A. Miller. Solo, Rishel. . “Mv Greeting’’—G@Gilbert Lindeman. ‘*A ChristmasStory’’—Harold Engle Exercise, “The Okrist Child’’—S8ix girls. “For the Ohrist Child’s Sake’’— Margaret Miller. : ‘‘Ohristmas Time’’—Dorothy Miller Solo, *‘The Song the Angel's Sing?’ Vesta Klotz “Christmas by Parcel Post’’—Geo. Grew. Exercise, ‘“The Bells’ Nine girls. ‘The Birthday of Jesus’’—Ella Sut- ton, An exercise and drill, ‘“Christ is Born’’—Fourteen girls. The offering, which will be devoted to Missions, will be received at this time | ‘‘Roger’s Wants’}—Allie Miller. Exercise, ‘Christmas’ —Seven boys ‘“A Christmas Wish’”’—Ruth Swear- man. Song by the Chorus, Christmas.”’ ‘‘Story of the Stars’’—Fannie Linde- man. Solo, “Beautiful Herald,”” Sue ‘Bells of “Gathering Homeward’ — **Christmas Joy’’—Ruth Faidley. '*A Real Grandma’’—Harold Engle Exercise, ‘‘8lar Children’’—Twelve girls... E ‘No Room fora King’’—Ella Firl. ~Duet, ‘Sleep, O Sleep’’—Edna Su- mac and Annie Miller. Exercise, | | “signal Lights’ '—Nine boys. Exergise, “New Stars for Jesus’ — Eight young ladies. the Chorus, ‘‘Sing for Joy Exercise and Ensemble, ‘“The Feast of Lights.”? ~ Closing Chorus. hi : sere DEN DEATHS 4 IN A SILO. Fo ke J A 'roverit. Tatal accident Tn Ohio calls attpution to a danger to fariners ‘which. cannot be too widely circu- |1ated. Sineé i875, when the first ‘American silo'was built by Dr. Man- ley Miles, this method of preserving forage for live’ stock has been gener- ally ° adopted. “Although the De ‘ment of Agriculture has frequently called attention to the danger of car- bon dioxid gas accumulating in silos under certain conditions, no fatalities have been reported heretofore. On the morning of September 19, four workmen on the farm of the Athens (Ohio) State Hospital ascended the ladder on the outside of a silo to an open door about twelve feet from the top and jumped down one after another onto the silage, the top of which was about six feet below the door. About five minutes later, two other workmen following them found them unconscious. Although a large force of workmen were immediately summoned, and the bodies of the four men were removed at once through a lower door. the physicians of the hos- pital who were at once on the groand were unable to resuscitate any of the four men. Evidently the carbon dioxid gas had accumulated during the night, filling the silo up to the level of the door and forming a layer of carbon dioxid gas six feet deep. Such accidents says the Journal of the American Medical Association, might easily be repeated on any mod- ern farm. Agricultural journals should call the attention of fhe farm- | ers to this danger and should urge {that silos bs carefully ventilated be- | fore being entered. { sss feeeeesn sn | | Amateur night at the Quaker Show | Saturday night cash prizes. eee fee ne, as well as throughout the } Red Cross seals vt the postoffice LATE RULINGS AT CO. TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, The following cases were heard at court during the past few days. The case of Rock Martin, charged by F. B. Black, with malicious mis- chief, was continued until the next year. Eugene Livengood, HE. Sadlor, Joseph Hipp, George Hoblitzell and William Graves were charged by Gertrude Romesburg, with malicious mischief, bot the case was nol prossed, a settlement having been arrived at. The ‘court granted a continuance until next Friday in the case of M. E.Hannan and Charles Knuff ycharged by County Detective Lester Gt. Wag- ner with violation of the liquor laws. The case has also been continued from the September term of court. W. E. Fatchin, charged by John Raus with aggravated assault and battery was found guilty of simple assault and battery but has not been sentenced. The case of W. B. Duncan, charged by Agnes Groner, with assault and battery, was nol prossed The case first came into court last February and was the outcome of the dispute over the will of the late Charles Vannear of Somerset. . Frederick. R. Anspach paid the costs in the prosecution brought by Charles F. Oamp for carryirg con- cealed weapons after a settlement had been arrived at. In the case of Annie Larimer, charged by Wilda E. Lohr, with ma- licious mischief, the grand jury ig- nored the bill and placed the costs] on the prosecutrix. : The grand jury ignored the bill against Mrs, Lincoln Lohr and others charged by Annie Larimer with ‘ma- licious misclk ief, but in this instance the costs were placed on the county. The ease of Joe. Cappage charged with false pretense, was nol prossed after the principals had agreed. upon a settlement. Similar action was tak- en in the :case of Irvin Bender, charged by Mary O. Heneca, with assault and battery. . A continnance until tho hext: ‘term of court was granted in the ease of Irvin J. Good, charged by Dayid: E. Green, ‘with larceny. : The case of Ohirles Pohen, chnbged by George Holwa with assault and battery was continued until the nexy term of court, The grand jury bas retuined a true bill in the case of Elmer Miller, with assault and battery. - John Harris pleaded guilty to the charge of operating a motor ‘vehicle when intoxicated, = brought suit against him by Oonstable Edward part | Arigman and the court sentenced him to pay a fine of $100 within three months, Oarl Beaty, convicted of assault and - battery, was sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs. George E. Arisman was the prosecutor. A settlement was affected in the suit of E. F. Bittner’s administrator vs. Isaac Jones, the defendant con- fessing judgment for the amount in dispute. The case of Patsy Yorilla, assault and battery, John Hoyman, prose- cutor, was settled. Disposition of the case of Joe. Willis, charged by F. W. Cunningham with a violation of the mining laws, was withheld pending a submission to the court of a statement of facts. John Murray and others charged by George P. Stein, with burglary, succeeded in securing a settlement of their cases. ‘ Settlements were arrived at in the cases of E. M. Kittel, charged by I. E. Keller with larceny and John Good, charged by R. H. Speicher with damaging . the property of a livery stable keeper. Generoso DiLucchio has been found not guilty on a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. How- ever, he was directed to pay two- thirds of the cost while the other third was placed on the prosecutor, Michael Sughero. Settlements w ere effected in the | cases of H y 1 { p the fight against tuberculosis Yc orse stealing POPULAR YOUNG MAN DIES OF Gorge F. Tressler, aged 20 years, son of Washington H. Tressler, of near Deal, died on Friday last at the Frostburg Hospital, as the result of an insignificant injury to one of his hands two weeks ago. Nothing was thought at first of the scratched hand but later blood poisoning deyeloped and although every known means were used the young man’s death re- sulted. He was a splendid young man, active in the Reformed church, be- ing received into membership last April, by Rev. A. 8. Kresge, with 70 others in the charg). The funeral took place Monday, church being filled, in spite of the inclement weath- er, testifying to the worth of the de- ceased. The J. O. U. A. M., to which Mr. Tressler belonged took part in the ceremonies. Rev. Wise, assisted the pastor, Rev. Kresge, who preach- ed from the text ‘‘The Last Enemy we have to Evercome is Death.” The bereaved parents have two sur- viving sons aud five daughters. A WEIL-KNOWN LADY DEAD. ‘Miss Maggie Groff, a highly re- spected and well-known lady died at her residence on Meyers avenue, Wednesday night near 12 o’clock. She was a faithful momber of the Lutheran church and her body will be laid to rest Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock in the Union cemetery. Funeral service will be conducted by her pastor, Rev. D. W, Michael. B. & O. WILL HAVE HEAVIER ENGINES. Much interest has been aroused among railroad men by the appear- ance On. the B. & 0’., main line through Somerset: county of the pon- derous new freight locomotives, num- bered 7,000 and oyer. These engines are equipped with ten drivizg wheels and two trailing wheels and are so heavy that they have broken over 800 rails on the division sinee they were placed in service. Railroad men say the entire division will have to be relaid with heavier rails. 1tis said engines of this’ type may soon be ron into Johnstown over the Som. erset & Cambria. ‘branch. = The use of the heavier engines will make pos- sible - the shipment of coal in much larger units from the Somerset; county field, thus Pegueing the cost ‘of ops eration. ge Gold Medal Flour will aiwiys Sng get it at Habel & Phillips. ad Sr ———————————— 1 pound Fancy Ohocolate Hydrox Cakes for 25 cents, at Bittner’s Gro- cery(special for a short time only.) UNDERGOES OPERATION . AT THE HOSPITAL. Wm. Seggie of Lee’s Hollow, at the end of the state road, who was recently taken to the Allegany hos- pital by Dr. Lichty for a diagnosis will return home in a few days. The X-ray was used and a slight operation performed. undergo imprisonment of from two to three years in Western Penitentiary. Elmer Davis, chargsd by Elia Mil- ler with assault and battery, pleaded guilty and was paroled on payment of the costs. The case of Archibald Miller, a mine superintendent, charged with polluting a stream in the new Cairn- brook section, has been continued until the next term of court, the attorney for Mr. Miller being in at- tendance at court in Cambria county and unable to be present. John Black, charged by Edward Merritt with assault and battery, pleaded guilty and was paroled on payment of the costs. In the case of Harvey Baer, and Daniel Dempsey, charged with lar- ceny, the grand jury ignored the bill as to Dempsey. Baer pleaded guilty and was paroled on payment BLOOD POISON| MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED IN THE COUNTY Harold Arthar Oldham, of Ogle township and Myrtle Ivy Shawley, of New Paris, Bedford county. Stiney Sapinski an Valaria Witkosg, both of Boswell. ' Jobn Dujack of Acosta, and Kate Harmuch, of Boswell. Charles W. Maxwell of Stoyestown and: Lizzie Mae Ogline of Semerset township. Imre Horvath and Lizzie Jacob both of Cairnbrook. NEW TESTAMENTS FOR THE SOLDIERS. ““A Milllon Nickels from a Million Bunday-School Scholars for a Mill- ion Testaments for a Million Soldiers in the hospitals, camps, war-prisong and battlefields of the Great War.” This is the present slogan of the American Section of the World's Sunday School Association, in an appeal just out through the press to Sunday schools of all denominations all over the United States. DEATH'S HARVEST. MICHAEL HURLEY. After a two years’ illness, Michael Hurley, the largest property owner of Connellsville and president of the Meyersdale Brewing Company, Mey ersdale, died Saturday night at his home in Connellsville. He was a na- tive of Ireland, coming to this coun- try in 1864, Though a hotel keeper and brewery president for years it is said he never in his life took a drink. He was married twice, his second wife being Miss Anna Weber, daught- er of Mrs. Anna Weber of this place, who survives with three daughters of the first marriage. His funeral was held Tuesday morning in Connellsyille. W. S. SCHENCK. Ww. 8. Schenck, master carpenter for the Pittsburgh & Connellsville division of the 8. & O. railroad com- pany, was buried at Connellsville on Sunday, when the Rev. Champ Clark ‘Buckner, his pastor, preached the sermon ~The decedent was a native ‘of Virginia and shortly after the dis- astrons fire of 1872, he went to Som- erdet, were he wsrked on the eon- structich = of a number of the best residences, '. Subsequently, he took ‘employment with the railroad com- pany and served faithfully for abeut thirty-five years. Mr. Schenck was married to Miss Sarah Shaffer, daugh- ter of Samuel Shaffer, deceased of Someieer, ; HERMAN L. "BAER. i Herman L. Baer, president of the Somerset; County Bar association and one of its oldest members, died Sat- urday morning at the age of 86 years. Mr, Baer was admitted to the bar in 1856. Herman L. Baer was a brother of George F. Baer, who, at the time of his death last summer, was presi- | . dent of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad and a commanding figure in the financial and railway world. Four children survive as follows: Mrs. G. R. Scull of Somerset, Hermanus IL Baer of New York, who married Miss Mabel McKinley, a niece of President William McKinley, and Reuben and George Baer, both at Healdsburg, Cal. He was an active member of the Somerset Reformed church and was superintendent of the Sunday school for more than 50 years. The funeral took place Monday afternoon. MARY C. PYLE, Mrs. Mary CO. Pyle, widow of the late Hiram Pyle of Milford township, succumbed to an attack of paralysis Monday afternoon aged 69 years. She was a devoted Christian woman. RANDOLPH INKS, Passed away at his home in West Salisbury, Dec. 6th, after weeks of suffering from Bright's disease. His wife and four children survive. CS EE Hauling and draying given prompt attention. H, 8S. Thomas. rere nes memes: We have the largest stock of Christmas candies, nuts, oranges, etc., in town and lowest prices. of the costs. Toth Cosy aded guilty to a | ng midwifery with- | Mary charge of practic enced to| | ad Habel & Phillips. eee. Don’t forget saturday night at the Quaker Show. POSTMASTERS SALARIES TO BE REDUCED President Wilson and his cabinet are trying to reduce the expenses of the government, and just’ now the postmasters of the country are get- ting the attention of Postmaster Gen- eral Burleson, in this respect. The second class postmasters, or better those holding positions in the second class list, for our postmasters are g-nerally very efficient, and Meyers dale’s postmaster is no exception to the well-doing representatives of the postal service, to repeat those in the second class ligt are to be the princi- sive vote of 10 to 5 of the House com- mittee endorsed by Postmaster Glen- eral Burleson prevails in congress. A small percentage stay at $6,000 a few are advanced in $500 amounts to $8,000. Sweeping reductions are to be made ‘ in the postoffice of the second class.” At the present time the postmasters in those offices re= «| ceive salaries ranging from $2,000 to $2,900. Provision now 1s to be made for but two salaries, $2,000 and $2,500. All who are getting over $2,000 and less than $2,500 will receive $2,000; all over $2.500 and less than $3,000 will receive $2,500. The salaries of the postmasters in Pittsburg and Philadelphia will re- main the same. The Pittsburg post- master receives $6,000 and the Phila- delphia postmaster $8,000. If the ac- tion taken ay by the committee should become a law the following reductions in the salaries of postmas- ters in Western Pennsylyania would result: Lal The local postoffice is affected by this move and the salary of postmas- ter Naugle will be reduced from $2,300 to $2,000; at Somerset, the cut is even more as it will be from $2,500 to $2,000; Windber, $2,300 to $2000. AGED LADY FALLS BREAKING AN ARM. On Monday atternoon, while stand. ing on a chair, Mrs. James Kimbal of Meyers avenue, in some way: fell ‘and broke her left arm. Dr. Lichty reduced the fracture. The accident is the more serious as Mrs, Kimbal is about 70 years of age. STANDING OF _ | CONTESTANTS lis niles 5 Ad time advances interest in the contest for the various prizes being offered by Hartley, Clutton Oo., grows day by day. The relative posi- tion of some of the leading contes- tantf changes, The 100,000 stage has been passed by some. The following is the vote in detail up to Wednes- day: No. . Votes. No. Votes. 1 60,140 4 63,780 10 183,540 18 50,245 20 61,260 21 50,000 22 88,585 26 50,000 27 50,000 28 70,760 33 60,625 38 68,650 40 73,855 47 58,395 53 65,590 59 50,000 62 82,635 64 52,665 67 61,380 72 50,400 73 122,945 93 59,775 112 50,000 144 50,000 145 49,350 151 54,560 152 60,810 153 52,045 154 50,000 155 50,000 156 50,000 157 117,840 158 50,580 159 69,555 160 50,000 161 117,000 162° 65,845 163 56,480 164 59,040 165 56,325 166 50,540 167 _ 50,000 168 59,385 169 50,000 170 50,000 171 50,000 172 50,000 173 102,255 174 51,390 175 53,965 176 50,410 177 51,000 178 55,225 179 50,950 messes y You will find the largest and best assortment of Xmas candy at right, ad prices, at Holzshu & Weimer. relia eer Swiss Aluminum ware n finest kind of a Christmas Big assortment, £6 ad Habel & Phillips. einen meetin 8 pal ones that will be cut, if the deci- _ rad de of - wa)
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