HUNDREDS of Satisfied Spectacle Wearers in Somerset County.—My Rec- ‘ord in less than two years time, GLADE CITY CHRISTMAS SERVICE. | The Christmas service of the Glade | City union Sunday school, reorganized | by J. G. Deeds, the mission organ- zer of the Somerset county, Was ScrviCe unuer une new ovrganlza- | Yon and saperintendency of J. W rorrest, on Christinas eve. Foe scaouol pouse was crowded to | were PLYING HIS TRADE CALUMET FORGETS COPPER MINE | DIE IN FIRE PANIC FOOTPAD KILLED WARFARE TO MOURN FOR | | NEW CASTLE MAN, HELD UP ON | LONELY ROAD, DRAWS GUN i - AND SHOOTS ASSAILANT. MAUDLIN MAN GIVES ALARM A IN union Sunday scnools OI neld 1s Oost Unrise- YOUTHFUL VICTIMS. i HARTLEY & BALDWIN, (The Homo of Hart, Sehaffoer & Wary Clothes.) WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR i under wae | Participants in Old Labor Trouble | Blamed for Dynamiting Fan fveriowing, Lue decorauionas House of Coal Mine, and exceeded anylalng 1n | Lion tnat nad ech under- | taken due wusiC was of an | ’ unusual oraer. A. WwW. Bittaer used | she violin w goouu effeco, H. Manka- | wyer used toe cosnel, and Miss Myr- | : Tone | Trampled to Death by Elders—Horror Occurs in Italian Hall as Children | of Miners Line Up to Receive Gifts | from Santa. | profuse, estern Newspaper Union News Service. shat dir New Castle.—Attacked, he says, on | his way home about midnight, Martin | lly | Calumet, Mich., Dec. 26.—Seventy- | Matz, steel Worker, shot and fate y; we CG rSod fifty-six of whom were | WOoURded an unidentified man. The WC S or -S1 V ec | a Ee to death in a | Stranger jumped from some bushes MN panic at a Christmas tree gathering | 2nd A du by fhe Moat Bae a in Italian Hall here, when an intoxi- | ing to Matz story. € repulse . cated man staggered to the door of | stranger, and the latter, repeating a 9. | the little hall and shouted “Fire!” | demand for money, made a second at- | - Three children, two boys and a girl, | tack. Matz drew his revolver and { 2re so badly hurt that they may die. | fired, the bull ing i il- va / - | > e bullet lodging in the assai Wiooui excepuion were Wen Wl Two of them, it is declared, certainly | gered, Une owidfed.ahd Blieen] ony recover. scholars received ,lreass. Oa Feo- | The children. were standing in the | to the authorities. Xuary bil Cie 3cdaoLl Opoued Wil six. | gisles waiting for a signal to move for- ; irs Lug euvctvaiiuiony was a ost suc- | ward and receive their gifts when the | Phish Dynamite Building. ie | fatal cry was uttered. In a fraction sburgh.—The fanhouse o Lhe of a minute nearly all of the 700 per- | Allegheny Coal Co.'s mine at Harwick Cdu suv svvas | SOBs in the ball made a dash for the was wrecked by an explosion of dyna- single exit. The stairway was choked { mite that made every building in the | with dead and dying, while the build- | borough shake and caused the inhab- | sick is out again. “Ci faln2 | ing was fairly rocking with the rush | itants to think for a hile there had! “irs. J, E, Baker, spent Christmas of the throng and the shrieks of the | been a mine explosion. Tee fen} Friendsville, Md | other business as may come before them | terror-stricken people, | whose names as they appear on com- y > | D. L. Miller, Cashier. More than seventy dead have been | mitment papers are John and Richard | Mrs. H. G. Tressler, spent Wednes- | eee a CEE Re | accounted for, and it is estimated that | Doe and John Dinamiter, were arrest- |day at Meyersdale. | | there are many others who were re- | ed charged with placing the dynamite. Mrs. A. C. Miller, spent Monday, at | In the Estate of Mary A. | Meyersdale. | Beachly, Deceased. A Delore. Sle MdaukKaumiyer was oOrgaalst. address 01 weicuile Was ucilyered oy » im, ue dis- | Wricy followed. _Adaresscs,ocivatious aud dialogues To toe numer Of LWelwy, Lodz. DO. L. bickey, Suuday scuouvl suporidicunucul, M. D. GOLDSTEIN, Eyesight Specialist. | ant’s abdomen. Matz gave himself up ALB. 2... FT FT TFT PFD PRES > a > 3» TE a a a . ¢ STTSSS=E rr eTssses rTTTTESSS =e —_— — —— DEAL. Notice to Stockholders. Mrs. John Smith, spent Tuesday | at Meyersdale. Note is hereby given that a meeting of the | Stocknolders of the irst National Mrs. P. W. Suder, who had been | vonfluence. Pa., will’ be held in their banking | Confluence, Pa.. on Tuesday January 13. 1914, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock 'P, M., for the purpose of electi ng a board of direct | ors for the ensuing year and transacting such wud we SVelu UL Due to the many patients who : came to see me, and owing to the lack of time to wait on all who called, I will continue this reas. onable offer on my next visit only— TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, January 13 and 14, 7 From 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., At Collins’ Drug Store MEYERSDALE, PA. Cooouiul culigi prise Bue CulliulUiuuy +s A uC Uiaude aC DEL UL Lue Cuda dasay Bll CVOUUL UL 8 31iliids Culda ww Cho Luc feuds Viliclals Wisu ww fOr Lde gOuU aucluauce auu vue Ci- | RCLUCUU_UIUCK tits up d Jul base SCL VICC. NEW YeAK PAKLY. moved to their homes by parents and | Footprints in the snow, leading from | friends before the authorities could | the fanhouse, were traced to the home | | bor : : i A4eyers| gain control of the throng. jf ‘Dinamiter.” Since Oct. 8, when a| James McKenzie, and son Elmer | ! | I | 1 | Miss Martna Glessner gave a New Year party au ner nome ou Letters of administration have been duly | granted = the Register of Wills upon the : . | estate of Mary A. Beachly, late of the Borough Henry Wetmiller of Berlin spent | of Meyersdale. Somerset County, Pa., deceased. Saturday. aud Sunday here with P. W, | ‘© C. W. Tra : Suder. Calumet, which has been the scene | riot occurred in which one man wos are sick with typhoid fever. | of so much disorder by reason of the | illed ane Several glues injured, | i { fg guards have been zuarding the mines, layilg gallles aud uusle. a udellcl- | copper strike, is almost in a state of ! Yaaumws and mrs. | LeTTOr as the result of the catastrophe. | but they were eluded by the dyna- Mrs, | Every policeman and detective in this | miters in the darkness. 3 ii | region is searching for the man who . 3. 8 givsner uy | gave the false alarm of fire, and if Johnson Goes Forth, youss folks. fol |bhe is caught he probably will be Greenville—“John Johnson come 0S : ere oliows:— | 1 ar ? : Yom, ese we e as Looms = lynehed. eal hires Los 4 | forth,” said Evangelist W. W. Orr as| Corrected Weekly by McKenzie! ~~ ———T————— Misses Emeline Hocking, Mary UH, | ville several hundred miners an he stood before a large audience in a Smith. Notice Orpna Meyers, Florence Just, Mary | their wives looked on, the children % | . Pp { tabernacle here. Rev. Orr was illus PAYING PRICE | Loarad, Leora Collins, Eliz bei. | pressed eagerly toward the stage to trating the action of Gov. Tener in D . | : : | receive Christmas presents. At that : : Butte d | The annual meeting of the saareholders of lrwin, Helen Bolden, Henriecta Hor- | I® J rose % : : | granting pardons to prisoners and im- a ry per pound........... ......... 30-32c | the Second N tional Bank. Meyersdale., Pa ning, Hilda Lichty Mariam Gless- | Instant a man put his head in at the personated Tener standing before an Eggs, per doz { Wil be held in their nanking rooms on Tuesday v “ 1 | January 13, 1914 at 2o0'clock p. m. for tne pur ner. Messrs. Samuel Greer, Samuel oor cf the hall aad yay Pus! ; audience of prisoners. “John Johnson, 10c | pose of elccting Directors to seryn for the en- ® Ory Was taken up by those in come forth,” the evangelist repeated, Meyers, Dick Bauman Charles Fike, | 14-16¢ | BE Year and for the Fupsaution of any other oye > re / - p: : the hall. Every one started for the holding out his hand with the imagin- 65 | 18decz ts-ad AN a Clarence sienl, Frederick Groff, Wm. doors. The weaker were thrown to BT Predor Li 1b Dp oto agin c | Dill, Frank nockiug, John a floor, and those behind tried to 0 29d dtrode along the crowded John Hocking, Berkley Meyers, ana | climb’ over those in front of them. aisle in front of the speaker reaching Paul Schaffner. The alarm was spread outside the out his hand for the “pardon.” The ball by a few persons who had been lad’s name was John Johnson. The pear the door and had escaped un- Incident brought down the house. mee fr cr ~—— | hurt. mm . TE A crowd soon assembled, and She, gholidays wich reletives anu | the work of clearing the hall begun. friends at Frostburg, Md. The principal exit was a narrow stairway at the back of the hall. EXPECT HUERTA _ OFFER | When this had been cleared of the bodies that filled it to the top, and : i .|® quick accounting had been made it ‘That Special envoy. John Lind aw | was found that seventy bodies had steaming north to meet Presi oe) been piled up beside the building. Wilson, has a tentative agreement The dead that were piled up beside avenue, Ww 4 numer vi iricuds. 1'oe evellug was Very piecasdliiy speau lu UUs luda was served. ig H. M. COOK, assisted Kev. and Ty MARKET REPORT. | & WORAEA rittous delay Nov 13-tf Meyersdale, Pa. I will fit your eyes with ‘‘Stev- ens’ S. A. Gold-Filled” Eye Glasses for $2.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Please remember I am doing this to build up a big business, to receive the future recommenda- tion of each and every patient given this reasonable offer which wiil give best results. Come in the morning if possi- ble and you will be sure to get waited on. Office hours 8 A. M. to P. , Stockholders N tice, . The stockholders of the Sand Spring Wat Two (Concrete Form Builders. About | Co.. will meet in the itirectors ne of the . | Citizens National Bank in Meyersdal Ay % SIX weeks work. Apply to, Johns- | on Monday evening January 12ch, “19 ra town Construction Co., Garrett, Pa. BOscar Brode, of suaron, Pa., spent ‘“This ‘Stevens’ ’’ offer is an adver- tising proposition, pure and simple. Your advantage is a superior grade of goods at a spcial low price. My profit is making new acquaintances and se , winning their confidence, PRIVATE SALE Glendale.—Mrs. Josephine Gledzif, 7 30, is dead at her home, and her hus- band, Charles Gledzif, 37, and his . brother Joseph, 26, are under arrest in Look Here for it. connection with the death. The first | authorities knew of the death was| Many a Meyersdale Readér will | when the husband rushed {nto a phys- | Be Interested. OF the world. They occupy the sas ician’s office and announced his wife When people read about the cures | position in the optical trade as ‘“‘Rog- with Huerta, is the belief here. It is|the hall included thirty-seven girls, yas in, The doctor found the wom- made by a medicine endorsed from | V ! ‘ bl R J l | ers’ Bros., 1847,” do in the silver line understood that Huerta has renewed | nineteen boys, thirteen women and | 31's body lying across a bed. Her far away, is it surprising that they | d ld ¢ ed Stdte {land ‘“‘Elgin’”’ or ‘“Waltham?”’ do in fhe his offer to retire after the flrst of the | five men. Excited men and women | body was Covered fom lead to foo wonder if the statements are true? | watch business. hu : : stood about the building, some dazed | With cuts and bruises. : Tr——— year, but with only a few of the ’ But when they read of cases right Consisting of a 5 acre farm, in Sammi: z : by the sudden change from holiday | Mt. Pleasant,—Adjt. Gen. Thomas J. a pes IBD strings that were fastened to his for- | 2¥ IM ad : here at home, positive proof is within | townsnio. Somerset counry, Pa.. known as the : . | festivitie dy, others call | Stewart has ordered Col. Richard ’ | Ds . un 2 a h mer offers eliminated. With this in Vitles to tragedy, others calling aniel Joonson farm, having thereon ereecen o ._ | hysterically for missing children, and | Coulter, Jr., of the Tenth regiment, | bheir reach, for close investigation is | zo0d sized bank barn. dw ling house. mchine | Such a Startling Aunour.cement vicw of Huerta’s withdrawal is | i few even threatening violence to the | N. G. P., to make an invoice of the |an easy matter. Read the Meyers- | rans pou wily I lsessmith | No doubt makes you ask if it is abso- only 2 f int one. rescuers for keeping them back from | property belonging to Company E fol- | dale endorsement of Doan’s Kidney | buildings, : | lately bona fide, and if so, why I do All information on the subject was | the long row of bodies. | lowing the reported disappearance of | Pills. A Lao grits lovey $09 wane: 20d gulsvation it. "The whole story is this: I have withheld at the President's cottage.| There was not much work for the | Capt. J. Lloyd Kalp, 35, two weeks Mrs. C. Merrill, 336 Keystone 8t., | and very proaucuve. Rms fe decided to make this unheard of sac- The time of Lind’s arrival and his | many doctors who hurried to the | 220: In his desk at the company’s Meyersdale, Pa., says: ‘I had nearly route have also been kept a secret. |3céne as soon as the alarm was a por Sound 8 Sore amu all the symptoms of kidney trouble. The President was seemingly in fine spread, for those who were not killed | eut. an - Slmpson ecting trim today and went over the 9-hole y Ei] Stevens’ mountings are the best in Be ~ A spring of never fa‘ling water is on the : m This farm will be sold at private sale. | rifice of gold-filled glasses at $2.00 to Backache, chills, dizzy spells and headaches annoyed me and I got and persons desiring to views the f. and * Tae [arm and | oa the tl] support and patronage of worse as time passed. My ankles | ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE know terws will call on the owner In the first rush were held upright | lieutenant to settle Kalp’s affairs and Fol Course twice before fot safflelent optical business. The lenses are the injured persons were taken to hospi- | had installed in the armory, to Mrs. (swelled und I knew that something : | | : as much care in fitting your eyes. McC : : Tan: t : >? : : A : ji | Motlire carried in his inside coa | commenced using them. The poise] Difficult cases a specialty. Head- | dec Z5iar ADAM D. JOHNSON, = people of Meyersdale and vicini- ind safe by the very force of the | to give half the proceeds of the sale ly exercised, | same I use in my regular lines; every ‘als and a few went home with the as- | Kalp. - must be done. Doan’s Kidney i ed his life when h i Pittsburg, Dec. 31 —The First-Sec | [IKE “FATHER AND SON’ [DEA | PoCket saved his life when he os | were suon relieved and my health | R.D. No. 2, Ga ett, Pa. - a ty, and thus build up an extensive onrush toward the exit. Only three | Of a piano, which Simpson and Kalp one fully guarranteed, and I use just BANK TO RESUME. sistance of friends. Blairsville—A Bible Rev. Robert E. | were so nighly recommended that I ond National Bank will reopen soo if the comptroller of the currency aj - | Many Cities Take Up the Movement proves steps taken yesterday by th stockholders to reorganize and reopei the institution. At the meeting o the stockholders the most importa t land Man. ] ing Rev. McClure from his feet. Cleveland, Dec. 26—Queries re- By virtue | eyeballs, red, S | | aches ¢ in i - shot from ambush by enemies made | jm proyd greatly. Last fall I used | leal Estate | ples oO a hs om because of the minister’s activities | Doan’s Kidney Pills again and they R ’ y ng with the Anti-Saloon league. The bul- | hel a t1 Thi dvi Started by a Cleve- [let pierced the Bible but stopped half | ope “he Promptly. is remedy is Way through, the force almost knock- | the best one I have ever taken for | kidney disorders and I have no ob- Treat, : bale * : uxal, administr, t Harrisburg —A Christmas tree that | jection whatever, to the continued shiny inflamed and watery , det da | eves, failing eyesight, to see or read of an order of issuing from the Or- iste g at a C r eye PRORS Cores or oo tort oe) distance, and other eye troubles Mary A. Beachley | [2T Temote from eye are ofttimes the deceased, the undersigned will off .r at public | direct rosult of an eye strain, which factor necessary to reopening wa | ceived by Secretary Robert E. Lewis, | Michael Hahercic was carrying over | publication ofthe endorsement I have {sale on [it corrected, with the proper glasses, disposea of, the subscribing of $1,000, [of the Cleveland Young Men's Chris- | his shoulder prevented him from see- | given before. | Saturday Janu: rv 10 1914 | would give immediate relief, It is 000 of stock, or more than is require | tian Association, regarding the “Fa. | ing a train as he was crossing the | por sale by all dealers. Price 50 BY Ys ary 19, 1914, [not necesfary for the eye t b6 SOF Hy ther and Son” movement launched | Pennsylvania railroad tracks. The | % ai id- | AT ONE O'CLOCK P, M tars Ye to be gore to reopen the bank It wasannounce: | here, indicate that the idea is taking | train hit and instantly killed him |cents. Don’t simply ask for a Ri rn * Ys to indicate the need of glasses. In is k- ’ + i > en ’ i on the premises, the following a i , real | a .k by a leading member of the stock foot in many cities. | ~Greencastle—Following his usual [ox Ionedy get . Doan’s Xidney ns 5 otowlag described, real | many cases the eye may be perfectly holders’ committee that the bani | Washington, Harrisburg, Charleston, | custom, Landlord William: Barkdell of | © "5 © same that Mrs. ‘Merrill| ,, that certain lot of ground situate in the | N€8l0hY afd glasses may be needed would be readv to resume busines: | Nest Va, Mansfield, Ohio, and other | the National ‘hotel, tredted ay ofl had: Foster-Milburn Co., Props., | Borough of Meyersdale, Somerset County, for the reasons which are only appar- oul ! | Pennsylvania, bounded on the North by Main : within a month. points as far East as Bangor, Me., and | the children of the town Christmas Buffalo, New York. ad | Street, on the Kast by an alley, on the Soatn ent to the skilled refractionest, More than 90 per cent of the stocl |as far West as Denver, have declared | morning with candy, fruits and toys. | TT [Ty Sieger snd of 18 Was: by Sc sliey, was represented at the meeting. Th [their intention of spreading the move- i J | One boy walked 12 miles to be fa- | Quality and low price combined on |_ Said lot of ground fronts 132 feet on Main capital was increased to $4,000,000 an | ent. Civic bodies, and in the case | | | | vored street and eXienus pack of equal width the surplus made $1,000,000. I Harrisburg and ( harleston, city | | = | |all Wool Sweaters—8$1.69 at The Un- | fost 10 Ciny Street, and Is tne same lot of | : executives, ask details fo cerrving ous | Mercersburg —With ap pa re ntl y | derselling Store. | became vested in Mary A. Bess Souvey ances Two additional steps will have t the plan. everything to live for, Frank P. brew, The above real estate has thereon erected | be taken before the bank can do bn Mayor Newton D. Baker, the first | er, cashier of the First National bank, | | rer eave houses, store room, staple an. | ess. It will be necessary to haves of 500 American Mayors asked to Tommie ane DY oaag lis TERMS | . } =a TS ¥ 1 the Pittsburg Clearing House rein- | issue a proclamation urging fathers |'t,ung-nis books were hor a cent’s | ,,ren per cent. down on day of sale and the | state it, for the law is that when a | and Sons to begin the new year with discrepancy. Although 56 years old. | balance upon emu on Sol telivery 07 deed | bank closes or suspends, it mnst make % Tesolve Jo be more Intimate and Mr. Brewer was not married. He was | Dec. 18-4¢ Administrator. | application to the clearing house if | a tho Ie in apparently perfect health. An es. | it wishes to be again included in that | th the Orde ghment, closing | tate which he left shows financial mat- | organization. | | ee 7 Ee ——————— Western Maryland Lines THROUGH SERVICE TO Chicago and Pittsburgh The Chicago Limited leaves Mey- ersdale 4:59 P. M., arriving in CAN YOU BEAT 5:10 oreo na FL, and Chicago THIS ? | | sleepers also leaves 3:59 A. M., | | | | | Examination F ree. During this wonderful offer I wilk be in charge and every patient will 2et a scientific examination and Ses properly adjusted. Remember I am making this offer bo build up my business and cannot [2Fozd to exaggerate, Special prices luring offer Specially ground len- cals and tories. “Tf a s s ters were not responsible for his act. If we can begin the new year with The second step is the organization | the 1 Connellsville.—Coal that had dropped of the bank by election of officers and | our cor through a defective opper on a B. & i rai ype 3 ai and tie & board of directors. Who these will a. fram Sr d the Jo a 35 d up > 3 as SWootyie raffic. 1e crew asked nearby resi- be is a matter concerning which those | sweetn i c Sh asm ar BE ” i ; J he value of ~ eitizenshin | dents to help. They did. In less than haying leading parts in the bank’s|!le value of our citiz nship. . ) 3 ess L ? BE . | Srl 20 minutes the coal was in citizens’ | affairs are keeping silent. It was | “p - | bins and the train was on its way. stated that a stockholders’ meet BJRN FACE T0 FACE ireensburg.—Three Bedford county ing would be called shortly at which | — 4 will appeal the decision of o the officers and directors would be | “Siamese” Girl t thosen. to Be Separated olve that our sons shall be more 'panions and our fathers more our ccmrades it will add both to the ss of our private life and to riving in Pittsburgh 7:20 A. M. Pr. Mat WW. ; Cleveland av 0.554 a [111 756 Mob Water Bag for 48s This price is good till next ON Modern Equipment Observation Parlor Club Car and Coaches — ET enc IN GOING 1 of iS sen y an | £ oi B: I 3 : 2 PE MEYERSDALE, PENNA. vil 1 no vital organs . it an on. They are both vigorous, asylum
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